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Space Essay

Today I will be Talking about the Space Program{NASA} and how it works. I will be

writing about the universe, some of our great astronauts, current developments, and

futuristic inquires. Come on and learn with me on this adventure. Also we be talking about

events that happened in the past that might have made NASA great or worse.

In 1957, Sputnik I was launched. Sputnik 1 was the first artificial Earth satellite.

The Soviet Union launched it into an elliptical low Earth orbit on October 4,1957. It was a

58 cm diameter polished metal sphere, with four external radio antennas to broadcast radio

pulses. May 5, 1961 the first American astronaut was in Space[Alan Shepard].May 25,

1961 John F. Kennedy[JFK] announce his goal of landing a man on the moon. July 20, 1969

Neil Armstrong complete JFKs goal of landing a man on the moon. 1974, the U.S. mariner

10 spacecraft repeatedly orbited the planet Mercury photographing.

1977, Voyager 1 and 2 were launched. They flew past a couple of planets such as

[Jupiter, Saturn, and Uranus]. April 12, 1981 the space shuttle the first true aerospace

manned winged vehicle was launched. Took its flight into the orbit from NASA's Kennedy

Space Center in Florida.1990, the Hubble deep field telescope was launched.1993, Magellan

spacecraft with the use of radar was able to view the Venusian landscape. 1997, NASA has

landed several rovers on mars which discovered water and methane- both indicators of life

on that planet.1998, The international space station was established opened up a whole new
universe of research possibilities and joint missions with other countries. 2012, Curiosity

lands on Mars.

Back in January scientists have found 2 planets potentially as big as Earth. lurking

beyond Pluto in our solar system. Pluto not a planet anymore but that would be nice if

there could be a chance of life on these planets. To travel through the solar system and


Hunt, Gordon. "The 10 Biggest Developments in Space Exploration in the past Year." Silicon

Republic. N.p., 29 Oct. 2015. Web. 02 May 2017.


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