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Israel Basabe

English 4.1/Per. 6

May 1

Appreciation Paper

Im appreciated by my mom's friends named David, here wife Lurdes and their

daughters. David is a pastor of a church. They have helped me when I need help. They have gave

me advice about life problems, to see who are my real friends. They have told me thing that I

shouldn't do. They have watched after me. They want me to do the right thing. There daughter

have knew that I was with the wrong crowd. They told me that it was okay, but that I had to

watch to what they are doing and to not do bad thing that they were doing. They took care of me

and my brothers like if we were family.

Another Person that I appreciate is another of my moms friend her name is Maricela.

She had also gave me some advice of life. She has a son named Victor he has gave me advice,he

told me to finish high school and to go to college.He told me this because he didnt wanted me to

go through life as he is going through.All of because he didnt went to college.

Another person that I appreciate is my mother. Even though she get me in trouble for not

doing no activities to get out of the house and to learn new skills. She wants me to have a better

life than she has she doesnt want me and my brother to go through the hard work that she gave

us. She want us to give our future children to have a better life too.

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