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Marcia Hatch

Wijitha Bandara

RELS 2300

23 Jan 2017

A controversial but needed topic in the majority life of a human being, religion brings a

mix of feelings, beliefs and way of life. Many lives are changed daily, as people begin to

include religion and their practices into their lives. People will change friends, habits, beliefs,

values, all in the name of religion. It has been said that people who belongs to a religion have a

better physical and mental health. There is a more positive in belonging to a religion than not.

Scholars everywhere have a different perspective about religion, looking at it with their

own eyes, many of them trying to define religion as well as to give a reason why it exist or where

it comes from. I would like to explore three specific perspective when it comes to religion,

materialist, functional and Faith.

My understand of materialist is that unless it is touchtable, there is no true religion, but

only imaginations of a desperate mind. According with philosopher Ludwig Feuerbach, people

would worship a god created by their own needs and weakness, a way to be saved by this

imaginary yet powerful being. On the other hand Karl Marx, think that people were being

manipulated. Because their poverty people were been more vulnerable to those who wanted to

make money at their cost. To him, religion was a bogus idea, not a real one.

The functionalist aspect is more about what makes sense to a human being. In all the

aspects of life, in the society, biology, medical, psychology and spirituality, the functional aspect

calls for a prove of some sort. Speaking of society, when Emile Durkheim said that religion

keeps us together, it made a lot of sense to me, in other words, good citizens with good qualities,

makes a great society. The biological aspect suggests that religion is genetically inherited, with

the possibility to have a more fine race, As John Bowker said it's a matter of common survival.

With a positive view on the medical side, religion was proven to be an essential part in the health

of a human being. Studies have showed how people can be cured by a simple practice, living

longer than before. Psychology and spirituality almost goes hand to hand, with religion working

in the mind and soul of an individual.

The faith perspective is a more abroad subject, with the believing in things not seen or

proven, but felt, experienced. There is no ordinary in faith. There is no doubt in faith. There is no

prove in faith. But, miracles, extreme devotion, certainty and motivation. Joachim Wach said that

in the spiritual aspect, religion is very predictable. When a person believes and have faith they

act upon that belief that feeling, to make it real to them.

In conclusion, there is so much positive and beauty in being part of a religion. The history

part of it is fascinating, the experiences and studies of it, compelling and somewhat convincing.

Anyone should try to understand the pros and cons of being part of a religion. Most of them just

brings the best of a human being.

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