Journal 2 Sped

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Journal for Thursday, March 9th, 2017

I arrived around the same time as the day before, everything was going about the
same until the teachers had to meet with someone from the state about disability. They
had me going from class room to classroom to watch over the students while they were
in the meeting since Mr. J, the principal, could still see the class I was in there to watch
point sheets and make sure they were on task. One of the kids in the enrichment class,
NG, made a reference to the bloods and the crypts, which, according to school policy, is
an automatic office referral and suspension. I got the teacher from the room next door
and told her what had happened and she had me write exactly what I hard on the back
and initial it then to send him to the office with his point sheet. I called the office before
sending him so they would know to watch the hall cameras and let them know why I
was sending him.
After all the teachers met with the man from the state, I took BR all of his
materials from the day since he was in ISS and worked with him one on one all day. We
started with his reading then moved on to math. His math work consisted of one adding
integers sheet, two multiplication, and two division sheets. We started on the integers
sheet then when we got to the multiplication and division he got aggravated and started
to have a meltdown. He kept saying that he wanted to go to a special ed. class room,
that he didnt belong there, and that they never made him do anything besides plusses
and minuses. I let him cool down then I went to Mrs. M and told her about his work and
asked if it was okay I went to the math teacher and discussed with her on getting
something closer to his level. She told me to go ahead and so I went to Mrs. Cs class
and she gave me a book filled with laminated work sheets, she told me to substitute the
pages with four from it. I chose three adding and subtracting with two to three digit
numbers and three pages on introduction to multiplication by grouping. I told BR if he
got two pages done of his adding and subtracting from lunch I would take away one of
his multiplication sheets but his answers had to be correct. He powered through two of
the sheets and said he had fun, he watched me closely while I graded the two pages
and when he had one wrong he would beg me to redo it. When he gave me the
corrected pages back I let him put the sheet back that I said I would take away, he told
me had never been so excited to open a math book before. Since there was still fifteen
minutes till lunch I told him if he got his last adding sheet done and correct that I
wouldnt make him do all the evens on the next two pages. He not only finished the last
sheet of addition, three-digit addition, in ten minutes but he got them all correct. Then
after lunch we finished the multiplication sheets and moved on to science where we
talked about different kinds of energy. We would talk about the different ones then he
would draw an example, he already knew some on the list so he went ahead and drew
At the end of the day his case worker came to pick him up and I got to meet her,
she asked about my involvement with him and I told her. She let me sit with him while
they talked about some of the other kids picking on him at the school and at the Boys
and Girls Club. They also talked about when he gets to go home and how he has to
stay at the school longer due to the reason he was in ISS.

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