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School Council Constitution &


June 2013
A Brief History of Tiger Jeet Singh Public School

Ground Breaking (taken from an article in the Milton Canadian Champion, November 6, 2009)

A new public elementary school is officially under construction following the Halton District
School Boards ground-breaking ceremony Wednesday (November 3, 2009). The yet-to-be-
named school will be located in the area of Yates Drive and Thompson Road.

First Day of School (taken from www. Newsroom on October 30, 2010)

The Kindergarten to Grade 7 School opened its doors on September 7, 2010 to approximately
775 students. In following years, the school will include Grade 8 and will have French Immersion
programming at all grade levels.

Official Grand Opening (taken from Newsroom on October 30, 2010)

Shouting TJS, TJS, TJS, students at Tiger Jeet Singh Public School officially celebrated the
opening of their new school on October 22- and Tiger Jeet Singh himself celebrated along with
Celebrations began on the school playground with two special events. Roger Hadfield, father of
Colonel Chris Hadfield, flew his bi-plane over the school, which was followed by a presentation
by a Bhangra dance group in front of an excited crowd of onlookers.
Students, staff and guests proceeded to the schools gymnasium for the formal opening
ceremonies, which were hosted by students and included a performance by the school choir.
Tiger Jeet Singh provided an inspirational message for students, urging them to stay healthy
and to stay in school.

Biography of Name Sake (taken from Newsroom on October 30, 2010)

The name Tiger Jeet Singh was chosen by trustees of the Halton District School Board as the
official name for the school in recognition of his past and continuing philanthropic and
humanitarian work in Canada and India. As a humanitarian, Tiger has served as Miltons
economic development ambassador to South-East Asia since the early 1990s. He is a
recognized leader in Canadas Southeast Asian community.
Further, whether in Canada, the United States, Japan, India or elsewhere, Tigers humanitarian
outreach is typically directed toward parents and their children- and his message to them is a
simple and relevant one: Stay away from drugs. Stay Tiger-fit.

A. Introduction.. 1
B. Preamble... 1
C. Name.. 1
D. Definitions............... 1
E. Mission Statement. 1
F Operating Norms ... 1
G. Purpose. 2
H. Membership. 2-3

1. Parent /Guardian.. 2
2. Community Representative... 2
3. Principal. 2
4. Teacher Representative 3
5. Non-Teaching Staff Representative. 3

I. Committees...... 3
J. Member Responsibilities.. 3
K. Executive Roles and Responsibilities.. 4-5

1. The Principal............................. 4
2. Chair or Co-Chairs............. 4-5
3. Vice-Chair .............. 5
4. Treasurer.... 5
5. Secretary.... 5

L. Elections... 6

Preparing for an election .... 6

Nomination and election process. 6
Executive election process......... 6
New Council Notice.. 6

M. Term of Office.. 6
N. Removal of a Council Member.... 6
0. Vacancies. 7
P. Meetings... 7
Q. Decision Making Process. 7
R. Conflict of Interest..... 8
S. Conflict Resolution.... 8
T. Rules of Order. 8-9
U. Fundraising.. 9
V. Amendments..... 9
W. Annual Report... 9
A. Introduction

School Councils are established in each school to encourage and facilitate the involvement of parents,
guardians, staff, and community members in providing quality education for all students. Research has
shown that the involvement of parents and guardians in their childrens education has a positive impact
on improved student learning and helps to create a sense of community in the school. The support of the
community has also proven to be an enhancement to the positive learning environment. By working
together as partners, we can encourage greater academic achievement and prepare our students for
success as responsible individuals.

B. Preamble

New regulations were created that confirm the advisory role of the school council under the Ministry of
Education Regulation 612/00 and respective board policy. In collaboration with the broader community,
the councils role is to provide input and advice with regard to school goals and to enhance learning
opportunities for the benefit of all students in the school.

The Tiger Jeet Singh Public School Council, hereafter known as TJS, will operate within the parameters
of the Education Act, Ontario Regulation 612/00 and Halton District School Board (hereinafter known as
the HDSB) policies and agreements.

C. Name

The organizations name is Tiger Jeet Singh School Council.

D. Definitions

The following standard definitions will be used throughout this document:

HDSB or Board hereinafter used to refer to the Halton District School Board
TJSSC hereinafter used to refer to Tiger Jeet Singh School Council
School from the Ethics section forward used to refer to Tiger Jeet Singh Public School.

E. Mission Statement

Tiger Jeet Singh School Council values our school culture of inclusiveness, equity and rich diversity
as we create an engaging, positive learning environment for our children. The Council is committed to
open communication with parents and community members and facilitating their involvement in our

F. Operating Norms

As members, we agree to:

a. Cultivate a positive, welcoming spirit
b. Remain open to new ideas
c. Always assume positive intent
d. Encourage and demonstrate active listening
e. Encourage and support all parents to participate
f. Encourage a collaborative group atmosphere
g. Remain focused on tasks
h. Wherever possible, reports will be circulated in advance of the scheduled meeting
i. Make every effort to start and end meetings on time
j. Follow a times agenda for each meeting

In addition, members are expected to:

Represent Tiger Jeet Singh Public School positively in our community
Attend all council meetings, notifying the Chair in advance when it is not possible
Take an active part in the activities of the council
G. Purpose of the Constitution and By-Laws

The Tiger Jeet Singh School Council Constitution and By-Laws supports the advocacy role of the council
according to Ontario Regulation 612/00 and Halton District School Board Administrative Procedure
governing school councils.

Purpose of the School Council

Through the active participation of parents, guardians and community members dedicated to improving
student achievement, and enhancing the accountability of the education system to parents, the Council
can make recommendations to the Principal, or the Board, on any matter. The Board and Principal may
seek the views of Council on matters that affect student learning. The Board and Principal must report
back to Council the results of Councils recommendations.

H. Membership

The composition of the TJSSC will be consistent with the Education Act and Regulations. Members of the
TJSSC will include representatives from each of the following five (5) categories:

1. Parent/Guardian
There shall be a minimum of 6 parent/guardian representatives who will be elected according to the
inclusions in the Elections Section. The number of parent/guardian members specified for TJSSC shall
ensure that parent/guardian members constitute a majority of the total members of TJSSC.

A person is qualified to be a parent/guardian member of the school council if he or she is a

parent/guardian of a student enrolled in the school.

HDSB employees are eligible to run for TJSSC as parent/guardian representatives if they are
parent/guardian(s) of a student enrolled in the school, provided they do not work at the school.
Employees must disclose their employment with HDSB on their nomination form prior to the election.

Five (5) executives of TJSSC shall be elected from the successful parent incumbents to the new FSC
during the election held at the beginning of the school year.

One (1) Chair

Two (2) Co-Vice-Chairs
One (1) Secretary
One (1) Treasurer

TJSSC shall have up to 5 executive members. A Chair and Co-Vice Chairs must be parent/guardian
members of TJS and shall be elected by the voting members of TJS.
Should there be more than one nomination for a position; nominees shall be allowed to make a short (1-2
minute presentation) regarding their candidacy for the position. The executive election will be by ballot
voting only.

2. Community Representative

TJSSC may appoint one (1) Community Representative as a voting member of TJSSC.

A person can be appointed a community representative only if,

a) He or she is knowledgeable about the community
b) He or she does not have a child/children attending the school

3. Principal
The Principal of the school will be designated a non-voting member of TJSSC and participate in all
meetings. Alternatively, the Vice-Principal of the school can attend or be designated by the Principal to
act on behalf of the Principal at TJSSC meetings.
4. Teacher Representative

The teacher representative will be designated a voting member of TJSSC. One or more teachers must
attend all council meetings. However, they may job-share this position, on a rotational basis. One (1)
teacher may be nominated to be the main contact.

5. Non-Teaching Staff Representative

The Principal will select one (1) non-teaching staff representative as a voting member of TJSSC. Non-
teaching staff includes Secretaries, Educational Assistants, and Caretakers. He/she will attend all TJSSC
meetings and the election of the new TJSSC.

I. Committees:

Committees of council will be established on an ad hoc basis.

J. Member Responsibilities

1. Tiger Jeet Singh School Council

TJSSC shall:

A. Consult with parents/guardians of students enrolled in the school about matters under
consideration by TJSSC
B. Develop an election procedure to fill vacancies
C. Detail conflict of interest resolution requirements
D. Provide input to the Principal to consider who will, in turn, advise council to the action taken in
E. Consult with the Board on matters the Board solicits from the school council as specified by
Ontario Regulation 612/00 or as deemed appropriate by the Board
F. With the assistance of Tiger Jeet Singh Public School office staff, keep minutes of meetings and
records of financial transactions available at the school for a period of four (4) years for
examination, without charge, by the staff and parents/guardians of students at Tiger Jeet Singh
Public School
G. Produce annual written reports of the previous year of TJSSC activities, including financial
activities to be submitted to the Principal and HDSB by September 30th

The members of the TJSSC are accountable to the parent/guardians they represent and MUST:

a) Promote the best interest of the students and the school community
TJSSC members MUST: (contd)
b) Maintain a school-wide perspective
c) Regularly attend TJSSC meetings
d) Be willing to participate in information and training programs
e) Act as a link between the TJSSC and the community
f) Encourage the participation of all parents/guardians within the school community
g) Participate on sub-committees and assist with tasks of TJSSC
h) Establish bylaws and procedures which should be reviewed annually by all members
K. Executive Roles and Responsibilities

1. The Principal

The principal of the school will:

A) Communicate

1. Notify each member of TJSSC any materials that are received by the Principal from the
Ministry of Education or HDSB for TJSSC consideration
2. Help TJSSC communicate with the school community
3. Give written notices of dates, times and locations of TJSSC meetings to every parent/guardian
at Tiger Jeet Singh Public School
4. Ensure that copies of the minutes of TJSSC meetings are kept at the school and accessible to
all parent/guardian(s)
5. Forward a copy of the TJSSC Annual Report to the Superintendent of Schools at HDSB
6. Give written notice to every parent/guardian regarding the date, time, and location of the
TJSSC election at least fourteen (14) days prior to the election date
7. Ensure that the TJSSC Constitution is readily available to the school community
8. Review all documentation from TJSSC prior to distribution

B) Consult

1. Facilitate the establishment of TJSSC and assist in its operation

2. Seek input from TJSSC in areas for which it has been assigned responsibility, including but not
limited to:
I. School policies and guidelines on school Code of Conduct, appropriate dress
code for staff and students
II. School Improvement Plan
3. Consider recommendations made by TJSSC
4. Advise TJSSC of the action taken in response to any recommendations including the rationale
for such decisions
5. Act as a resource and assist in obtaining information on laws, regulations, and policies
6. Advise TJSSC when they are not in compliance with HDSB policies and procedures
7. Review and sign all financial reports in a timely fashion

C) Support

1. Attend all TJSSC meetings unless unable to do so due to illness, other priority commitment or
cause beyond his/her control
2. Support and promote TJSSC activities
3. Encourage the participation of parents/guardians and others in the school community
4. Is one (1) of the required signing authorities on the TJSSC bank account along with a
parent/guardian executive

The Principal will not have a vote at TJSSC meetings.

The Principal may delegate any of his or her powers or duties as a member of TJSSC to the Vice-
Principal or designate of the school.

2. Chair or Co-Chairs

A chair/co-chair must be a parent/guardian member of TJSSC who will:

a) Call TJSSC meetings

b) Prepare the Agenda for meetings in consultation with the Principal, ensuring the Agenda is issued
at least one week prior to the meeting
c) Chair the meeting
d) Ensure that the minutes of the meeting are recorded, maintained and accessible
e) Communicate with the Principal
f) Facilitate collaborative decision-making within a democratic framework
g) Ensure the community is regularly informed regarding the TJSSC meetings through the monthly
School Newsletter
h) Manage incoming and outgoing correspondence, ensuring appropriate communication to TJSSC
and provide copies to the Secretary for record keeping
i) Consult with senior HDSB staff and trustees as required
j) Ensure TJSSC fundraising practices meet HDSB policies
k) Ensure TJSSC Constitution is reviewed annually with all council members
l) Co-ordinate the day-to-day activities of TJSSC
m) Prepare an annual report on the activities of TJSSC
n) In times of membership absence, make arrangements or assume the responsibility of absent
members of the TJSSC
o) Review and sign all financial reports in a timely fashion

3. Co-Vice-Chair

TJSSC shall have a Vice-Chair only when one Chair is elected. The Vice-Chair will:

a) Attend and participate in TJSSC meetings

b) Chair the meeting in the absence of the chair
c) Assume other TJSSC positions as appropriate and, as required, in times of absence of those
members of TJSSC

4. Secretary

To attend, record and distribute minutes of all school council meetings

To ensure that the school community is notified of council meeting dates
To be responsible for receiving, sharing and responding to correspondence under the direction of
the Chair
Post meeting minutes on the website

5. Treasurer

To attend all school council meetings

To maintain financial records
To present monthly financial statements at council meetings
Receipts for expenditures will be submitted within 30 days
To work closely with any accountants appointed by the school council to verify and audit annual
financial statements
To prepare in consultation with a school council approved accountant if necessary, year-end
financial statements as required by the Halton District School Board and/or the Ontario Ministry of

Teaching and Non-Teaching Representatives

Both positions are voting members of council and are chosen by the school staff

Community Representative:
A person may be appointed a community representative only if,
o He/she is knowledgeable about the community
o Does not have a child/children attending the school
o Is not employed at the school (Reg 612/00, s.8(5a)
L. Parent nomination process

Preparing for an election

Preparing for an Election

An election committee is formed during the June meeting to assist the Principal with the election process.

The Principal sends a written notice of school council election to all families including date, time and
location at least 14 days before the date of the election. The election must be held within the first 30 days
after the first day of school in September. The first council meeting of the new council will be held on a
date determined by the Principal but not less than thirty-five (35) days after the date of the election.

The Principal oversees the election with support from the election committee. A Parent Nomination Form
will be sent to all parents in the school. The nomination form clearly states that nomination forms from
parents interested in being a member of the council will be received in the Main Office by a date at least
five (5) days prior to the election.

To ensure that the interests of all members of council are represented in a balanced manner, the following
guidelines will apply:
a. Board employees can be elected as a parent member of their childs school as long as they are
not employed at the school and declare their employment status
b. Board employees may hold the position of teaching or non-teaching representative on council

Election of Council Executive Positions

Executive positions will be filled in the following order at the first meeting of the new council: Co-Chairs,
Treasurer and Secretary.
The Principal conducts the election process for the co-chair positions. The co-chairs conduct the election
process for the treasurer and secretary.

All candidates interested in the executive position must be present at the first meeting.

A member of council who was not successful for one position may run for any other position.

Should more parent candidates show an interest in an executive position, a vote by secret ballot will take

M. Term of Office

A school council member shall serve a term of one (1) year beginning October and ending in September.
A council member in the role of Treasurer, upon being elected for subsequent one (1) year terms, may
hold this office for a maximum of three (3) consecutive terms.

A member may seek additional terms on council by completing the Parent Nomination Form for the year
in which he/she wishes to serve and participate in the election process.

N. Removal of a Member of Council

If the council perceives the conduct of one of the members is such that the council has lost confidence in
that person, the following guidelines to remove that member will apply:
a. Failure of the member to conduct himself/herself in a manner appropriate to the mission of the
council and the Board Code of Conduct as decided by the council
b. Failure of the member to fulfill respective assigned duties
c. Any parent member absent for three meetings

O. Vacancies

Vacancies may occur when:

a. A position is not filled after the election process
b. Resignation of a member
c. Removal of a member
d. A parent member becomes an employee of the school

A vacancy on council may:

a. Be left vacant as long as the majority of voting members are parents
b. The term of office remaining is less than six (6) months
c. Does not prevent the council from exercising its authority, subject to a
d. Be filled by the next person on the elections list with the most votes. The Principal keeps these

P. Meetings

The council shall meet a minimum of four (4) times during the school year with the dates, times and
locations of meetings published to the school community. The Council will normally meet on the first
Monday of the month.

The first meeting of the new council is determined by the Principal and will take place within thirty-five (35)
days of the election.
All council meetings are open to the public and no individual shall be excluded from the meeting except
for disruptive behaviour.

A meeting of the council cannot be held unless a quorum is present and the majority of members present
are parent members. A quorum is a simple majority with parent members having the greater number of

Decisions made at the meeting will be by consensus, where possible. Should a vote be held, a member
has the right to vote or abstain.

Agenda items will be established by the co-chairs and the principal and published at least two (2) days
before the meeting.

The meetings will be conducted according to Roberts Rules of Order.

Q. Decision Making Process

It is expected that the majority of decisions by council will be made by consensus with the understanding
that consensus means all members agree to publicly support the decision while a member may privately

Any voting member may make motions.

In order to vote on any motion, there must be a quorum present, a simple majority where the parent
members are in the majority of council members present.
Motions will be considered to be carried by simple majority.

A council member can call for a recorded vote at any time and this will show in the minutes.
Motions to amend the constitution may be presented at any meeting, to be voted on at the following
meeting. There must be a quorum in order to hold a vote. A constitutional amendment must have the
support of 2/3 of those eligible to vote.

R. Conflict of Interest

Each school council member shall avoid situations that could result in inconsistency between the overall
goals and visions of the school council and a personal or vested interest.

A conflict of interest may be actual, perceived or potential.

Any time a school council does business with the potential for monetary gain/loss with any person,
agency or company, that member shall declare a conflict of interest and shall not discuss or vote on any
resolution relating to the matter.

No member of the school council shall accept favours or receive economic benefits from any individuals,
organizations or entities known to be seeking business contacts with the school or school council.

S. Conflict Resolution

As the council may deal with internal conflict and other difficult matters, the following actions should be
taken as best practice:

a. Be proactive. Positive interpersonal relationships are critical to an effective organization. Most

issues can be resolved if brought forward and addressed early during the meeting.
b. Gather as much information about the situation as possible.
c. If the conflict is between two members, the co-chairs and/or principal should encourage dialogue
between the parties, privately, to determine their differences and act as a facilitator to help resolve
the issue.
d. If the conflict involves a number of council members, then the issue is placed on the agenda and
sufficient time given for council members to discuss their viewpoints in an effort to reach
e. Speakers will be allowed to speak for a limited time without interruption as determined by the co-
chairs. Speakers to an issue will maintain a calm and respectful tone at all times.
f. If all attempts at resolving the conflict have been exhausted without success, the co-chairs shall
request the intervention of the Principal or other senior administrator of the board, e.g.
Superintendent, to facilitate a resolution to the conflict.

T. Rules of Order

The following rules have been adopted from the Robert Rules of Order and are consistent with those of
formal procedures recommended as standard practice. The rules contained in Robert Rules of Order,
1995 (USA) shall govern the conduct of the meetings of council, in all cases where they are applicable
and are not inconsistent with any bylaws or special rules which council may adopt from time to time.

The Rules for Order shall be:

1. Obtain the floor (the right to speak). An individual must be recognized by the chair/co-chair
before obtaining the floor to make a motion.

2. Once an individual has the floor, he/she may make a formal proposal or motion. His/her beginning
statement should begin with I move All motions must be recorded and submitted to the
council. Motion form(s) will be submitted to the secretary.

3. Another individual must second the motion, by saying, I second the motion. This indicates that
he/she agrees that the proposal should be discussed.
4. Once the motion is made and seconded, the chair/co-chair states the question so everyone is
clear on what is being proposed. From this point, until the motion has been voted on, all
discussion must focus on the question.

5. If a person in attendance wishes to discuss the motion, the chair opens the debate. Each person
may speak to the question twice (2X), but no one may speak the second time until everyone has
had a chance to speak once (if requested).

6. Before the motion is stated by the chair/co-chair, members may suggest modification to the
motion; the mover can modify as he/she pleases, or withdraw the motion without the consent of
the seconder; if the mover modifies, the seconder can withdraw the second. A new seconder is
then required.

7. When the discussion is complete, the chair/co-chair asks the council if they are ready for the
motion. After stating the proposed motion, the chair/co-chair proceeds with a vote. The vote may
be conducted by a show of hands, by standing or by ballot. Proxy voting will not be allowed at
any time.

8. The required votes needed to pass the motion will be the majority (e.g. fifty percent plus one
(50%+1). In case of a tie, the motion is not lost. It may be put forward for further discussion at the
next council meeting.

U. Fundraising

The key to successful fundraising is to have a clearly defined purpose for the funds raised. The purpose
must be aligned with the goal areas of the School Improvement Plan (or similar action plan as renamed in
the future) which is designed for the continuous improvement of student learning. The School
Improvement Plan is one of the most important school documents as it guides the school strategic
planning process and all monies raised and expended must be aligned with the plan.

Fundraising for a purpose may target schoolyard activities, curriculum needs, library, teaching, and field
trip resources, to name a few possible areas directly connected to the School Improvement Plan. Other
purposeful fund raising activities may be designed to rally the school community around a specific pillar
area in the Plan.

All fundraising activities that involve the sale of food and beverages on school premises must comply with
the School Food and Beverage policy (PPM150) Nutrition Standards effective September 1, 2011. a school may have 10 food
events where they are exempt from the legislation PPM 150.

V. Amendments

This constitution may be amended by approval of council members present at a regular council meeting.
A request for such an amendment should be identified at a regular council meeting for council members
to consider, providing it is within the guidelines of Regulation 612/00. At the following council meeting, a
motion can be made to accept the change(s) to the constitution.

A majority vote of two-thirds (2/3) to accept the amendment is required from the parent members in order
to make the change in the constitution. Should a consensus not be reached at this time, changes may be
suggested to the motion for council to consider at the following monthly meeting.

This constitution will be reviewed by council every two (2) years and updated if necessary by a sub-
committee of the council.

W. Annual Report
A written Annual Report addressing the activities and financial statements of the council shall be given to
the Principal by August 31st to coincide with the school year fiscal end. The Financial Report will be sent
to the board office, Business Services Department and made available to the members of the school

Motion to accept this revised constitution passed:

date __________________________

Signed: Co-Chairs ____________________________


Principal ______________________________________________________

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