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Document Identification

Resp. Dept: Project – Migration Division: Asia Pacific

Version: 1.5
Filename: 37261919.doc
Abstract: Business Process Mapping for Accounting

TMIB Business Process in BSCS8 for


All rights reserved. No part of this document may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or
transmitted, in any form, or by any means, electronic or mechanical, photocopying, recording, or
otherwise, without the prior written consent of Atos Origin.

© Copyright Atos Origin 2004. All rights reserved.

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Change History

Vers. Date Author Remarks, Modifications

1.0 12-09-2004 Sthiru Creation
1.1 21-10-2004 Goh Reformat
1.2 25-10-2004 Rachel Ong Revise after interview with credit control team
1.3 26-10-2004 Rachel Ong Revise after walkthrough with user group
1.4 27-10-2004 Rachel Ong Revise after walkthrough with user group
1.5 03-11-2004 Goh Include additional signatory from finance
Update based on user feedback

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Table of Contents

1 INTRODUCTION..........................................................................................................................................4

2 OBJECTIVES...............................................................................................................................................5

3 ASSUMPTIONS...........................................................................................................................................6

4 TERMINOLOGY & ACRONYMS............................................................................................................7

4.1 BSCS 8.0................................................................................................................................................7
4.2 V-NU......................................................................................................................................................8
5 BUSINESS PROCESS.................................................................................................................................9
5.1 Overall Collection Handling...................................................................................................................9
5.1.1 Current Process...............................................................................................................................9
5.1.2 Propose Process..............................................................................................................................9
5.2 New Registration Fee...........................................................................................................................10
5.2.1 Current process.............................................................................................................................10
5.2.2 Propose Process............................................................................................................................10
5.3 Scheme Migration................................................................................................................................10
5.3.1 Current process.............................................................................................................................10
5.3.2 Propose process............................................................................................................................11
5.4 Annual Fee............................................................................................................................................12
5.5 Account Barring...................................................................................................................................12
5.5.1 Current Process.............................................................................................................................12
5.5.2 Proposed Process..........................................................................................................................14
5.6 Hassan & Co.........................................................................................................................................14
5.6.1 Current Process.............................................................................................................................14
5.6.2 Propose Process............................................................................................................................14
5.7 Payment Mode......................................................................................................................................14
5.7.1 Current Process.............................................................................................................................14
5.7.2 Propose Process............................................................................................................................14
5.8 Special Package....................................................................................................................................15
5.8.1 Current Process.............................................................................................................................15
5.8.2 Propose Process............................................................................................................................15
5.9 Minimum Commitment........................................................................................................................15
5.9.1 Current Process.............................................................................................................................15
5.9.2 Propose Process............................................................................................................................15
5.10 Deposit Refund.....................................................................................................................................15
5.10.1 Current Process.............................................................................................................................15
5.10.2 Propose Process............................................................................................................................16
5.11 Value Added Tax..................................................................................................................................16
5.11.1 Current Process.............................................................................................................................16
5.11.2 Propose Process............................................................................................................................16
5.12 GL Account Mapping...........................................................................................................................16
5.12.1 Current Process.............................................................................................................................16
5.12.2 New Proposed...............................................................................................................................16
5.13 Posting to AccPac.................................................................................................................................17
5.13.1 Current process.............................................................................................................................17
5.13.2 Propose Process............................................................................................................................17
6 REFERENCE DOCUMENT.....................................................................................................................18

7 Acknowledgement........................................................................................................................................20

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The purpose of this document is to explain the future TMIB business process on
financial activities when using BSCS8.

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The objectives will be:

 To ensure that TMIB understanding the future business process on Account

receivable when using BSCS8.

 To ensure that TMIB understanding the future business process on General

Legal when using BSCS8.

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 The assumption is that, this document is prepared based on discussion session
with TMIB staff on the current TMIB business process with VNU system. Then
Atos map the business process into BSCS 8, which assume is agreed by the

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4.1 BSCS 8.0

BSCS accounting module that use to maintains and supervises payment

transactions. Accounts Receivables can perform various types of cash entries from
customers or details and to monitor the status of invoices.


A BSCS contract defines a subscription and services available to a subscriber on

the network.


A BSCS module that managing the individual subscribers, as well as large account
customers. In Customer Administration, Service Packages are assigned to
contracts. Tickler messages are used to track and trace all Customer
Administration procedures.


Any form of Credit or Charges that entered manually by the Customer

Administration (CA) user. A customer may receive a credit or charge on his next bill
as the result of a complaint.


A BSCS online module which supports the definition and management of all objects
relevant for pricing and rating, such as time objects, zone objects and service
objects. Product center module is for rate plan configuration and creation.


A Rate Plan contains a combination of services and their prices as well as taxation
and accounting information. Rate Plans are defined in the Product center module.


Service package is a group of services. It is one of the central elements of a Rate



Anything - directly or indirectly related to the use of a telecommunications network -

that a network provider offers to customers, and that can be rated according to the
rules specified in the customer's rate plan, and that can be billed to the customer.


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The person who signs a contract agreeing to receive and pay for the services

4.2 V-NU

A customer that belong to a large company or organization in VNU system.

Corporate account has a group member under the structure. This is define as Large
account in BSCS


Independent subscribers that not are belong to any organization or hierarchy. This
is define as flat subscriber in BSCS

Telephone number, which is, defines as directory number for BSCS.

Sets of services that offer to the subscriber on a network that is define as Rate plan
in BSCS.


Groups of services that offer in a scheme that is define as service package in


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5.1 Overall Collection Handling
5.1.1 Current Process
In TMIB, CSR generate all charge in VNU system. Customers make the
payment to the nearer bank counter. The bank will send a hardcopy report or an
input file to TMIB within a month. This input file will later process by back-end
system for bill payment update. Other transaction will be key into the system
manually by Credit control department. However, charges like connection fee,
royalty fee, license fee, SIM fee and VAT sum together as a single charge in

5.1.2 Propose Process

Similar as current process, CSR generate charges by issuing OCC,
subscription fee, access and other from customer care module. At end of each
day some of the bank will provide an input file to TMIB for payment upload.
This file should be process by BSCS PIH as advance payment. For hardcopy
reports Collection department enter into AR as advance payment.

For the details of payment uploading and PIH file format, refer to “FSP TMIB 02
PIH v1-1.doc”.


Input file
Credit control
• Connection fee
• SIM change fee
• Mobile number
change fee Upload payment
CSR • Regional change fee
• Ownership change
• Reconnection fee
• Royalty fee (Annual) BSCS
• License fee (Annual)
• Market transfer fee
• Scheme change fee

4.1: Collection process

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5.2 New Registration Fee
5.2.1 Current process
VNU generate a fix list of charges for a new registration fee. However, in
customers’ bill it is printed as “Adjustment” for new registration fee. The charges
for new registration are connection fee, SIM fee, Royalty fee, License fee,
Security deposit and VAT.

5.2.2 Propose Process

All registration related one-time fees will be configured as subscription fees in
BSCS. While creating a new contract, an invoice - Contract-based bill will be
printed automatically. CSR may use this print out to replace the current invoice.
All charges and deposit will be reflected into the subscriber immediately.
However, security deposit is not printed in the “Contract-based bill”. It is printed
as separate sheet. All printed items will NOT be display again on the month-end
bill. In other word, Connection fee, SIM fee, Royalty Fee and License fee will
NOT printed in the subscriber month-end bill.

5.3 Scheme Migration

5.3.1 Current process
Currently, VNU involved two actions for scheme migration. First, is to refund all
fees and deposit from the old scheme. Second, recharge all fees and deposit
from the new scheme.
See the below example, if subscriber request to migrate from scheme 125 to
127. A total of Tk 5325 will be refund to the subscriber and Tk 8835 is charged
into the subscriber account. Problem on this business process is if a higher
charge scheme migrates to a lower charge scheme. The extra changes will be
refunded and it may cause a loss to the company. For example, a subscriber
migrated from scheme 127 to scheme 125. Basically this subscriber has been
enjoying free charges on scheme 127 from the time of subscription.

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Scheme Scheme 125 Scheme 126 Scheme 127


Deposit 2500 2500 5000

Connection 1000 1100 1500

SIM 500 600 260

Royalty 1000 1000 1000

License 100 100 100

VAT 225 540 975

Total 5325 5840 8835

5.3.2 Propose process

TMIB may want to consider do NOT perform any kind of re-fund for one-time
charges when new rate plan charge is lower then the old rate plan. Additional
charges can issue via OCC.
If new rate plan deposit is higher then the original rate plan, user may make the
deposit request on the different in Customer administration module. On the
other hand, if the new rate plan deposit is lower, TMIB offer three options to the
1. Refund
2. Keep as additional deposit for higher credit limit
3. Use the extra amount to off set current outstanding

For example,
If subscriber update from scheme 125 to 127. CSR will refund Tk 5325 through
OCC. Re-issue all charges in OCC. And make the additional deposit request.

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5.4 Annual Fee
There are two types of annual fee Royalty fee and License fee. For every new
subscription, system will perform the initial annual fee will be performed
automatically. For the subsequence year, this fee should be recurring by a
back-end process. Refer to “FSP TMIB 12 Annual Fees v1-1.doc” for detail.

5.5 Account Barring

5.5.1 Current Process
There are two categories of classes: one is auto credit control class and the
other is manual credit control class. The credit limit check of a subscriber is
depends on which class he is in.
Manual credit control is by the way of reports, which comprise two reports:
4. Credit status report exceeding 100% for all class
5. Credit status report exceeding 100% only for manual controlled class

Using this reports Aktel will decide to take action manually against those
subscribers. No system intervention involved. ACCS is developed as a GUI tool
for the credit administration department to execute certain operation pertaining
to the subscribers credit limit.

The actions are briefed below:

Subscribers are defaulted to a credit limit for example Tk 1000, but the
subscribers can increase their credit limit by paying more deposit, let say if the
subscriber pay Tk 5000 deposit, then his total credit limit will be Tk 6000.

ACCS mainly has 6 steps:

1. Produce list of subscriber who reached 80% of their credit limit and need
to be sent an alert SMS.
2. Product list of subscribers who reached 100% credit limit and need to
continue with other actions
Once reach 100% limit, impose barring outgoing and BTTB incoming
3. 7 days after the 100% credit limit reached, impose both way barring.
4. 14 days after 100% credit limit reached, Dunning Letter 1 sent
5. 30 days after 100% credit limit reached, Dunning Letter 2 sent
6. 90 days after 100% credit limit reached, Permanently deactivate the

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ACCS is executed from a front end screen by the credit control department,
whereby the first step in ACCS is to produce a list whereby this list contained
the subscribers who has reached 80% of their credit limit, and those who have
reached 100% of their credit limit. This list will be inserted into a table, which
has the set of actions (1 – 7) and the action date calculated base on the days
mentioned above (the number of days are configurable).
For the 80% list, ACCS will write to another table the alert SMS message
to be sent and the mobile number of the subscriber and the SMSC
number, another application “Message Alert” will read this table and send
the SMS to the subscribers.
For 100% list, the subscriber will have the subsequent actions to be take which
is (step 2 – 7)
ACCS has the front-end screen for execution of each actions, once the action
button is clicked then only the action will be executed.
Action buttons available are:
 Barring outgoing and BTTB incoming
 Both Way Barring
 Dunning Letter 1
 Dunning Letter 2
 Permanent Deactivation

When the actions are executed, ACCS will check the action date, which are
equal or less than the system date and proceed the actions for that list. For
Barring, ACCS will write a request in the provisioning table for the specific
actions. For the Dunning Letter, ACCS will print a letter by itself, For permanent
deactivation, ACCS will update all subscriber information table as deactivated
and write a request in provisioning table.
To support automatic unbarring when a payment is made, an insert trigger is
attached to the payment table. When payment record is inserted into payment
table, the trigger will check the total outstanding (current + unbilled) with credit
limit, if the total outstanding is less than credit limit, the subscriber will be
removed from action list table in real time. A copy of the records in action list
will be backed to history table.

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5.5.2 Proposed Process
Account barring is following the current process. A customize back-end
application handling barring process. For detail, refer to “FSP TMIB 09 ACCS
v1-0.doc” and “TMIB Business Process – CA v1.4.doc”.

5.6 Hassan & Co

5.6.1 Current Process
Hassan & Co sharing certain percentage of airtime revenue with TMIB. For
instance, a total airtime charges of all subscribers under Hassan & Co is
Tk.50000, then TMIB only charge Hassan & Co Tk 25,000 only. This
adjustment is done manually by the accounting department in foreign
accounting system and not related to VNU billing system.

5.6.2 Propose Process

There are 20 groups of large account created Hasson & co. Each large account
is the only payment responsible. For the bill payment, the revenue that shares
with Hassan & co should be enters as an adjustment. For instance, the total
charge for Hassan & co is Tk 50,000. Tk 15,000 is Hassan & co airtime
revenue. Credit control will enter a Tk 35,000 as Hassan & co bill payment, and
Tk 15,000 adjustment in AR OR submit a PIH format input file for adjustment.

5.7 Payment Mode

5.7.1 Current Process
All the payments are treated as cash payment since the payment are received
from Bank as payment voucher once the monetary value is accepted from the
subscribers. If a cheque is issued, until it is converted into money then only the
bank gives the payment voucher to finance department. Therefore, TMIB treats
all payment as cash receipt.

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5.7.2 Propose Process
BSCS will continue the same process or make full use of the electronic
payment interface to automate this process. The payment posting can be done
either via AR module, or via PIH batch process. The PIH input file has to be
prepared by either TMIB or the bank itself. However, the agreement with
bank/collection agencies needs to be in place. Currently, Atos provide one
format of exchange file. All payments will be posted into one Cash GL account,
instead of each GL account for each collector. This is due to the constraint of
PIH, whereby PIH post all payment into default cash GL account. Still, a report
will be prepared everyday showing the total amount collected by each collection

5.8 Special Package

5.8.1 Current Process
There is a special package whereby the airtime charges are zeroed but the
charges would be keep track by the finance department for their reporting

5.8.2 Propose Process

A 100% discount on airtime charges promotion package will be attached to the
specific rate plan. Therefore, who ever subscribers applicable for the package
will get the 100% discount on air charge which will be zero charge. In the bill,
the discounted call charge will be shown. TMIB can access the record via
Customer Administration module, which will show the breakdown of call charge
and discount given. As such, TMIB will have to actual call charges book into
usage GL account and the discount given booked into promotion (discount) GL

5.9 Minimum Commitment

5.9.1 Current Process
Another package in VNU is the minimum commitment whereby the subscriber
has to pay the committed airtime charges if not, additional charges would be
levy to come up to the committed charges, if the airtime charges are more then
committed charge then the actual amount would be charged.

5.9.2 Propose Process

The same process would be implemented and followed in BSCS. This can
accomplish with Minimum Commitment promotion in BSCS.

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5.10 Deposit Refund
5.10.1 Current Process
When a subscriber, terminate his subscription, then his outstanding will be set
off by the deposit that he already paid.

5.10.2 Propose Process

In BSCS, this can be achieved with the online module Account Receivable. The
deposits have to be converted into advance cash using Accounts Receivable
module. After converting to advance cash entry, it can be used to set off the
outstanding invoice using Account Receivable or it will be automatically settle
the oldest invoice by billing process (BCH).
Very often, some service providers submit call charge after subscriber bill run. It
is advisable to refund security deposit after 90 days of termination.

5.11 Value Added Tax

5.11.1 Current Process
TMIB has implemented a fix 15% tax on all revenue. Some of this VAT has not
been reflected under the right GL and account. Therefore, finance department
has to manually identify the tax and revenue currently. For instance, SIM
change fee is Tk. 2000, and VAT is Tk. 300. TMIB is charging Tk. 2300 as SIM
change fee.

5.11.2 Propose Process

All revenues are subject to 15% government tax. BSCS will compute the tax on
every bill run. Therefore all fees and charges should NOT include tax amount.
For instance, SIM change fee is Tk. 2000, and VAT is Tk. 300. Propose to
charge on Tk 2000 when customer request for a SIM change. Tax Tk 300
should be charge as another item.

5.12 GL Account Mapping

5.12.1 Current Process
Currently there is no GL accounts concept in VNU billing system. Finance
department, will prepare a report based on the billing control report from VNU to
segregate the revenue into different GL account in their accounting system.
Finance department has segregated their revenue base on components like,
Airtime Aktel, BTTB, etc….

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5.12.2 New Proposed
BSCS allows the users to define GL account for revenue, asset, liability and
expenses. It depends how TMIB would like to segregate the revenue and
expenses component. Each component will be identified as a GL account code,
which TMIB has to provide to the integration team for the configuration purpose.
Once the GL accounts are configured, then the posting will allocate the cost
and revenue to each configured GL accounts. For example, revenue can be
segregated to the level of how much access fee, subscription fee, and usage
charge for a service. Currently the GL codes contain 8 characters of
alphanumeric. For example: R001S001
R - revenue account
001 - service code (telephony)
S - Subscription
001 - revenue

For GL code structure, refer to “TMIB

After each bill-cycle run, an interface program will provide the information for
each GL code by bill group, which will be used by ACCPAC for normalization.

5.13 Posting to AccPac

5.13.1 Current process
TMIB uses AccPac for account consolidation. All revenue and collection are
keying manually by finance department.

5.13.2 Propose Process

Finance department should do a daily posting from AR to GL. TMIB will
generate a collection report and a revenue file. Revenue file will be uploaded
into AccPac by a new interface. For collection, finance department will enter
into AccPac manually. Any amendment after the posting should issue as an
adjustment transaction in AR module.

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 FSP TMIB 02 PIH v1-1.doc

 FSP TMIB 12 Annual Fees v1-1.doc

 FSP TMIB 09 ACCS v1-0.doc

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This is to acknowledge that Atos Origin and TMIB have read and understood the
contents of this document. This document will be used as a reference document to
determine the scope of activities for Atos Origin to perform for Accounting Data
Migration. Upon agreement between Atos Origin & TMIB on this document, the
document will be incorporated into the final version of the TMIB Concept Document

Any changes to this document after the signature date will need to be discussed,
and approved by both Atos Origin & TMIB.

Rachel Ong Zurlani Harun

Atos Origin TM International,Bangladesh

Application Architect General Manager, IS/IT

Goh Chear Kuang M.Hamdan A.Hamid

Atos Origin TM International, Bangladesh

Project Manager Project Manager

Md. Mijanur Rahman

TM International, Bangladesh
Manager, IT

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Dewan Nazmul Hasan

TM International, Bangladesh
Head of CC & FM


Md. Golam Mostafa

TM International, Bangladesh
Manager, Credit Control


Md. Mahamud Hosain

TM International, Bangladesh
Head of Finance


Md. Enamul Haque

TM International, Bangladesh
Manager, Finance


Sendijins Ngadimon
TM International, Bangladesh
Revenue Assurance

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