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CoreLogic, 555 12th Street, Oakland, CA 94607

555 12th Street, Oakland, CA 94607

CoreLogic, 555 12th Street, Oakland, CA 94607

Table Of Contents

1. Project Specifications 3

2. Statistics 4

3. Hauling Method 6

4. Materials Usage 7

5. Facilities & Tickets 14

6. Messages & History 27

CoreLogic, 555 12th Street, Oakland, CA 94607

Project Name CoreLogic

Address 555 12th Street, Oakland, CA 94607 Plan Status: Created
Name Project Manager
Permit/APN # B1503863 - 23000 Sq. Ft. - 09/15/15 Approved

Tract Number GH260-838-9867 Tickets Uploaded (11)

Start Date 10/29/15
Submitted for Final
End Date 12/31/15
Construction Type Tenant Improvement Completed
Building Type Commercial
Project Value $1
Square Ft. 23,000
Description Tenant Improvement
Tracking # GH260-838-9867
Property ID

Name Position Email Phone Cell

1. Andrew Gardner APM 415-217-5095-24 925-979-8309

2. Michael Findley Senior Project Manager 415-217-5095-15

CoreLogic, 555 12th Street, Oakland, CA 94607

Project Performance

Estimated Project Diversion Rate Current Project Diversion Rate

93.86% 93.09%
Your Estimated Diversion Actual Recycling Totals
Reused, Recycled, and Disposed Reused, Recycled, and Disposed
Disposed % : 6.14 Disposed % : 6.91

Sal/Rec % : 93.86 Sal/Rec % : 93.1

Estimated Tons % of project Actual Tons % of project

Recycled 24.78 56.69 Recycled 20.41 tons 43.85

Reused 16.25 37.18 Reused 22.92 tons 49.25

Disposed 2.68 6.14 Disposed 3.21 tons 6.91

Diversion Requirements

Diversion Rate Required by City Diversion Rate Required for Project/Company

65.00% 80.00%
City Required Diversion Company/Project Required Diversion
Reused, Recycled, and Disposed Reused, Recycled, and Disposed

Disposed % : 20

Disposed % : 35

Sal/Rec % : 65

Sal/Rec % : 80

The City Diversion Requirements is 65.00% The Company/Project Diversion Requirements is 80.00%
which means that your project must which means that your project must
Reuse and or Recycle at least 65.00% Reuse and or Recycle at least 80.00%
of all construction debris from your project. of all construction debris from your project.
to meet the City's recycling requirements. to meet the Company/Project recycling requirements.

Inerts Diverted

Inerts Diversion Rate Non-Inerts Diversion Rate

Non-Inerts Diversion Rate

Reused, Recycled, and Disposed
Disposed % : 6.91

Sal/Rec % : 93.09

Project Waste Averages

Typical project range for Commercial/Tenant Improvement is 2 to 6 lbs per sq. ft. Median is 4.7 lbs per sq.

CoreLogic, 555 12th Street, Oakland, CA 94607
Estimated Actual

Low Low

Median Median

High High

Your Project Your Project

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Your Project High Median Low Your Project High Median Low

CoreLogic, 555 12th Street, Oakland, CA 94607

Self Haul Guidelines

The following parties may haul materials without obtaining a non-exclusive franchise from the City: • Reuse Facilities collecting salvaged materials donated by the property owner
or contractor; • The property owner or full-time employee of the owner using the owner’s equipment to transport materials; • A construction contractor performing construction work
at the service address, whose collection and transport of the C&D debris is incidental to the service being performed, provided that such contractor uses a fixed-body vehicle for
the collection and transportation of the C&D debris, and such contractor collects and transports the materials at no additional or separate fee using contractor’s employees and
contractor’s equipment. “Incidental to the service being performed” shall mean that the material requiring collection and transportation is generated by the activity of the contractor
performing the hauling; Parties who haul C&D debris in violation of the terms of Ordinance #13315 may be subject to City enforcement actions as detailed in the Ordinance.

CoreLogic, 555 12th Street, Oakland, CA 94607

Materials Usage

Mixed C & D : 20.09

Deconstructed & Reuse Items : 22.92

Metal : 3.53

Estimated Actual
Displayed In Tons
Disposed : 0
Recycled : 0

Reused : 12.5

reused % of project recycled % of project disposed % of project

Estimated 12.50 100% 0.00 0% 0.00 0%

Actual 0.00 0% 0.00 0% 0.00 0%

CoreLogic, 555 12th Street, Oakland, CA 94607

Estimated Actual
Displayed In tons
Disposed : 0
Recycled : 0

Reused : 22.92

reused % of project recycled % of project disposed % of project

Estimated 0.00 0% 0.00 0% 0.00 0%

Actual 22.92 100% 0.00 0% 0.00 0%

CoreLogic, 555 12th Street, Oakland, CA 94607

Estimated Actual
Displayed In Tons
Disposed : 0 Reused : 0

Recycled : 23.25

reused % of project recycled % of project disposed % of project

Estimated 0.00 0% 23.25 100% 0.00 0%

Actual 0.00 0% 0.00 0% 0.00 0%

Facility Address Phone

Davis Street Transfer Station Waste Management (map) 2615 Davis Street, San Leandro, CA 94577 510-638-2303

CoreLogic, 555 12th Street, Oakland, CA 94607

Estimated Actual
Displayed In Tons Displayed In tons
Disposed : 0 Disposed : 0 Reused : 0

Recycled : 1.21

Reused : 3.75

Recycled : 3.53

reused % of project recycled % of project disposed % of project

Estimated 3.75 76% 1.21 25% 0.00 0%

Actual 0.00 0% 3.53 100% 0.00 0%

Facility Address Phone

Pleasant Paper Recycling (map) 1320 Galaxy Way, Concord, CA 94520

CoreLogic, 555 12th Street, Oakland, CA 94607

Estimated Actual
Displayed In Tons Displayed In tons
Disposed : 0 Reused : 0 Reused : 0
Disposed : 3.21

Recycled : 16.88
Recycled : 2

reused % of project recycled % of project disposed % of project

Estimated 0.00 0% 2.00 100% 0.00 0%

Actual 0.00 0% 16.88 84% 3.21 16%

Facility Address Phone

Davis Street Transfer Station Waste Management (map) 2615 Davis Street, San Leandro, CA 94577 510-638-2303

CoreLogic, 555 12th Street, Oakland, CA 94607

Estimated Actual
Displayed In Tons
Disposed : 0 Reused : 0

Recycled : 1

reused % of project recycled % of project disposed % of project

Estimated 0.00 0% 1.00 100% 0.00 0%

Actual 0.00 0% 0.00 0% 0.00 0%

CoreLogic, 555 12th Street, Oakland, CA 94607

Material Facilities selected for this material

1. Ceiling Tiles (12.50 tons reused, Reuse Usage: Reuse OnSite)

2. Drywall - Clean/Unpainted Davis Street Transfer Station Waste Management (23.25 tons recycled)

Pleasant Paper Recycling (3.75 tons reused, 1.21 tons recycled, Reuse Usage:
3. Metal
Reuse OnSite)

4. Mixed C & D Davis Street Transfer Station Waste Management (2.00 tons recycled)

5. Wood - Treated/Painted (1.00 tons recycled)

Material Facilities actually used

1. Metal Pleasant Paper Recycling

2. Mixed C & D Davis Street Transfer Station Waste Management

3. Deconstructed & Reuse Items

CoreLogic, 555 12th Street, Oakland, CA 94607

Facilities Usage
Separated by Facility/Reuse Option

Reuse OnSite : 10.53

Davis Street Transfer...tion Waste Management : 20.09

Donated : 12.39

Pleasant Paper Recycling : 3.53

CoreLogic, 555 12th Street, Oakland, CA 94607

Material Submitted By Ticket Weight Diversion % Recycled Applied % Date View

1. Mixed C & D VYN 3258915 2.34 84 1.97 100 10/22/15 View

CoreLogic, 555 12th Street, Oakland, CA 94607
2. Material Submitted By Ticket Weight Diversion % Recycled Applied % Date View

Mixed C & D VYN 3260104 6.95 84 5.84 100 10/23/15 View

CoreLogic, 555 12th Street, Oakland, CA 94607
3. Material Submitted By Ticket Weight Diversion % Recycled Applied % Date View

Mixed C & D VYN 3262822 2.30 84 1.93 100 10/27/15 View

CoreLogic, 555 12th Street, Oakland, CA 94607
4. Material Submitted By Ticket Weight Diversion % Recycled Applied % Date View

Mixed C & D VYN 3262402 7.64 84 6.42 100 10/27/15 View

CoreLogic, 555 12th Street, Oakland, CA 94607
5. Material Submitted By Ticket Weight Diversion % Recycled Applied % Date View

Mixed C & D VYN 3268178 0.86 84 0.72 100 11/03/15 View

Material Submitted By Ticket Weight Diversion % Recycled Applied % Date View

1. Metal VYN 74361 0.70 100 0.70 100 10/26/15 View

CoreLogic, 555 12th Street, Oakland, CA 94607
Material Submitted By Ticket Weight Diversion % Recycled Applied % Date View

Metal VYN 74405 0.35 100 0.35 100 10/27/15 View

CoreLogic, 555 12th Street, Oakland, CA 94607
2. Material Submitted By Ticket Weight Diversion % Recycled Applied % Date View

CoreLogic, 555 12th Street, Oakland, CA 94607
3. Material Submitted By Ticket Weight Diversion % Recycled Applied % Date View

Metal VYN 74540 2.48 100 2.48 100 11/03/15 View

CoreLogic, 555 12th Street, Oakland, CA 94607
Material Submitted By Ticket Weight Diversion % Recycled Applied % Date View

CoreLogic, 555 12th Street, Oakland, CA 94607

Material Submitted By Ticket Weight Rec Date

1. Deconstructed & Reuse Items VYN 11102015 12.39 12.39 11/10/15

Description: Carpet Tiles were sent to Habitat for reuse.

Inventory: Other

CoreLogic, 555 12th Street, Oakland, CA 94607

Material Submitted By Ticket Weight Rec Date

1. Deconstructed & Reuse Items VYN 7.43 7.43 11/11/15

Description: Ceiling tiles were stacked onsite and will be reused on new buildout.
Inventory: Ceiling Tiles

2. Deconstructed & Reuse Items VYN 3.10 3.10 11/11/15

Description: Ceiling Grid was reused for new buildout.

Inventory: Other

CoreLogic, 555 12th Street, Oakland, CA 94607

Facility Materials to be taken to this facility

1. Davis Street Transfer Station Waste Management Drywall - Clean/Unpainted, Mixed C & D

2. Pleasant Paper Recycling Metal

Facility Materials taken to this facility

1. Davis Street Transfer Station Waste Management Mixed C & D

2. Pleasant Paper Recycling Metal

CoreLogic, 555 12th Street, Oakland, CA 94607

At this time, there are no messages for this project.

At this time, there are no notes for this project.

Plan Status: Completed

Permit Number: B1503863
B1503863 - 23000 Sq. Ft. - 09/15/15

Date Start: 10/29/15

Date Submitted for Approval: 11/05/15 21:19:02

Created and/or Submitted by: Michael Findley , Project Manager

Date Approved: 11/06/15 01:09:19

Approved by: Patrick Hayes , Recycling Specialist

Date Submitted for Final: 02/05/16 02:08:45

Submitted by: Project Manager

Date of Final Approval: 02/06/16 00:22:27

Approved by: Patrick Hayes , Recycling Specialist


Contractor has read and agreed to the City's Terms and Conditions on 11/05/15 Read More

2. Hi Patrick -- this is Vivienne Nishimura @ Venegas preparing this PCWMP for Peacock Construction. They are reusing ceiling grid & tiles onsite. We are separating out
metal in the walls for recycle and sending carpet tiles to ReUse or Habitat IF they will accept them. There is a glut of carpet tiles at these facilities and they are turning away
carpet tiles unless they are in very good condition and a neutral color that can be used in residential applications. Thanks. by on

3. ACCELA Workflow - Verified by on 02/06/16

Special Inspection Hold & General Hold - Verified by on 02/06/16



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