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Identify and Evaluate Marketing Opportunities

Assessment Activity 4
1. You are the marketing manager of an organisation which is seeking new market opportunities to
realise these goals to:
a. Increases sales by 10% in the next 12 months
b. Penetrate a new market segment
c. Broaden its product mix

3. Evaluate the likely impact of this opportunity on current business and customer base, using these
a. Knock out factors
b. Return on investment
c. Ethical principles

Assessment Activity 5
The major risk of any new market opportunity is that it is an illusion rather than a real opportunity.
Thorough research, careful planning and test marketing should expose this risk, so that whenever an
organisation does target a new market it knows that it is able to supply a real market with something
it needs. There is also a risk that the market is already saturated, but proper research should reveal
this too.

Entry into new markets imposes a risk to resources because there is a lag between commencing
activity and getting a financial return. Organisations must assess the risks to their finances,
customer service, infrastructure and personnel to ensure that they have the resources to pursue the
opportunity during the period when there is not return.

Cash flow is always affected by entry into a new market, and must be predicted before a compaign
starts and then monitored carefully throughout the campaign to ensure that the organisation has the
financial resources to absorb the inevitable period of negative cash flow.

These factors are assessed to determine the viability of a marketing opportunity. Decisions on
whether or not to take the opportunity are based on the data collected and the predictions based on
them. If the opportunity is taken then these factors are monitored closely to ensure that the
predictions were accurate, and to alter the campaign or even abandon the opportunity if necessary.

Your supervisor has asked for your help in the marketing department. You have been assigned three

1. Briefly describe the organisation in terms of:

a. Current products
b. Current market segments
c. Three potential new marketing opportunities whoch have been identified by the marketing

2.Analyse the external factors which could determine the financial viability of each of the offers.

Write a report which summarises your analyses and assesses the financial viability of each
Assessment Activity 6
Your organisation has identified a new marketing opportunity and you have been asked to determine
probable return on investment and potential competitors.

1. What factors must you consider?

2. Calculate the probable return on investment for the marketing opportunity which you identified
in questions one. Use representative values when calculating ROI.

Asessment Activity 7
You have identified three new marketing opportunities for your organisation and the board has
asked you for a report which shows how you would describe and rank these marketing opportunities
in terms of their viability and likely contribution to the business.

1. Briefly describe the organisation and its current markets.

2. Present your report in a table which compares the three opportunities according to the criteria
which show their viability and contribution to the business.

New markets can make an organisation subject to legislation which had not previously applied to its
activities. An organisation which decided to sell its products to the consumer market, after having
sold exclusively to the business market would find itself subject to the consumer protection laws. It
would need to document its responsibilities in detail and ensure all relavant personnel understood
the new responsibilities. It could also need to redesign its invoices, warranties, and general
stationery to comply with the new regulations.

New markets could be subject to new regulations or licence requirements. A furniture shop entering
the electrical goods markets would be subject to regulations covering these products, while it might
need a second-hand dealers's licence if it changed from selling only new goods to also selling
second-hand goods.

An organisation would need detailed, accurate documentation of the expected financial impact of
the new market. This would include cash forecasts, profit estimates, cost analyses and predictions of
return on investment. Most organisations would take professional advice on these predictions.

The organisation could also have to prepare documentation for its bankers if it needed to borrow
money to enter the new market. It could also have to change the way it managed its finances if the
new market needed different financial arrangements from the old one. A stationery store which had
previously only sold in the consumer market would need to develop a system of monthly accounts
if it entered the business market.

Assessment Activity 8
Your client has identified a viable marketing opportunity and has asked you to identify and
document changes needed to current operations to take advantages of this opportunity.

1.Create a brief that you received from your client, giving background information on their
organisation and describing the opportunity (ie create a scenario)
2. Write your report, showing the criteria you have considered and the changes required in each

Assessment Activity 9
1. What factors does an organisation need to consider to ensure that organisational changes to
service an increased or different customer base include provision for continued quality of service to
existing customers?
2. Your organisation has increased its market by 50% by targeting a new surburb and by introducing
deliveries to all customers who spend over %200 in one order. How can they ensure that they will
maintain their current standard of service to their current customers and to their new ones?

Assessment Activity 10

1. What resource requirements must be estimated before an organisation enters a new market?
2.Your manufacturing organisation is deciding whether to expand by introducing a new product to
your existing markets, or to enter the market in a new city with your existing products. Compare the
estimated resource requirements for each potential market.

Assessment Activity 11

1. Who are the key stakeholders in any organisation and what information do they need to ensure
that proposed changes to current operations will be viable?
2. Your organisation has decided to enter a new market. Draft a memo to the key stakeholders,
describing the new market and show evidence that it is viable in terms of financial estimates,
physical requirements and its effects on the organisation's current markets.

Assessment Activity 12

1. What changes can be needed when an organisation takes advantage of new marketing
2. Your organisation has committed to developing a new product for its existing markets and to
entering a new market for its existing products. You have been directed to document the changes
needed for one of these markets. Draft the memo which you would issue in response.

Assessnent Tool 2
1. How would the Competition and Consumer Act and jurisdictional fair trading Acts affect
opportunities to enter one market in which you are interested?
2. What are the provisions of the code of practice for one market or marketing method of your
3. What is the definition of a market and of a market segment?
4. How does legislationprotect consumers from online marketing?
5. What is the marketing approach and how is it different from selling?
6. What are the advantages and disadvantages to an organisation of having a broad marketing mix?
7. How can marketers ensure that their marketing complies with anti-discrimination legislation
when they target minoriity market segments?
8. How do ethical principles affect decisions about marketing opportunities?

Assessment Tool 3

Section 1
You are the marketing manager for an organisation. Briefly describe the organisation, its products or
services and its current markets. Identify two opportunities to enter new market, with current or new
products and two opportunities to introduce new products to your current markets.

Analyse and document these opportunities in terms of:

their potential contribution to your organisation's business
their fit with your organisation's goals and capabilities
likely impact on your current business and customers
external influences on the financial viability of each opportunity
probable return on investment
changes needed to current operations
changes needed to maintain current quality of customer service
resources required to make the necessary changes

Communicate your findings and recommendations to the key stakeholders in your organisation.

Section 2
Choose an industry and give detailed explanations of the legislation and codes of ethics which apply
to its marketing activities. Present your findings as a report which lists all the sources of your

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