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Kaitlyn Hopkins, Mattie Solomon, Mary Wight & James Lutz

Professor Anna Szczepaniec-Bialas

20 February 2017
Team Charter

1. Overall, broad team goals for the project

a. This project is very open ended, and therefore allows for numerous team goals. Currently, our
main goals are to learn as much about editing as we can. We want to explore this profession and
get as much information as possible, to allow us to possibly consider this as a career.
b. With all assignments we hope to look at them from different and new perspectives, which will
allow us to turn in a final draft that is new and interesting.
2. Measurable, specific team goals
a. Complete each assignment by or before due date
b. Meet 1-3 days prior to a due date in order to have some face-to-face discussion
3. Each team members personal goals
a. Kaitlyn Hopkins
i. Conduct a productive, informative interview
ii. Learn what makes being an editor for a magazine different than editing other publications (ex:
b. Mattie Solomon
i. Gain information on our report that helps to clear up what an editing job entails
ii. Learn how to take efficient field notes
iii. Improve upon the academic group experience
c. Mary Wight
i. Meet professionals in the editing world and make possible connections
ii. Gain experience for future career prospects
d. James Lutz
i. Learn the type and level of responsibility of editors, especially magazine
4. Individual level of commitment to the project
a. Mattie Solomon: I am willing to put in all the effort and work required for this project.
b. Mary Wight: I expect no grade other than an A on this project and am willing to do everything
necessary to achieve this.
5. Other information about team members that may affect the project
a. Kaitlyn and Mattie do not have cars on campus, making transportation to areas outside of the
university difficult. Mary has a car, but commutes from the Arundel area to and from school,
which makes her unavailable at certain times, as well as working a part-time job Thursday-
Sundays. James commutes from Olney and also takes courses in the mornings at Montgomery
College Germantown.
6. Statement of how the team will resolve impasses
a. In the situations of a team disagreement, hopefully all members can present their points of view,
and a compromise can be reached. In the event of other obstacles, the team will get creative, and
find another way to accomplish the given task. If all else fails, the team will email the professor
as soon as possible for help.
b. An important part of our work will be communication. If any one group member has a question,
comment or concern, all members should be open minded about possible changes or
compromises we can make.
7. Statement of how the team will handle missed deadlines
a. In the event that a deadline is missed, the team will work together to submit the late assignment
as soon as possible.
b. Prior to a deadline, someone in the group should contact everyone and check up on their
progress. If we are all communicating thoroughly, then an event as such should not occur.
8. Statement of what constitutes unacceptable work and how the team will
handle it.
a. All team members not working equally on assignments, work sloppily/lazily completed, and
work that is submitted late are all examples of what constitutes unacceptable work. If something
like these examples happens, we will talk it out as a group, and hopefully resolve the issue. If all
else fails, the team will email the professor for help.
b. Criteria for acceptable work: Rough Drafts have at least 25% of the work completed, final drafts
meet all the rubrics requirements, and final drafts should be in its finishing stages at least 12
hours prior to the due date

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