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37 Duke Street, London W1U 1LN


CTH Level 5 Advanced Diploma

Unit: Food and Beverage Management (FB Mgt)

Series: January 2013

Time: 3 hours

You are allowed 10 minutes to read through this paper before the examination

Please read ALL questions very carefully.

Make sure that your name, CTH membership number, module name and
centre name are clearly marked on each page of the answer sheet and any other
material you hand in.

This examination paper contains two sections.

Section A is 40% of the examination grade, and Section B is 60% of the

examination grade.

You must answer all questions in Section A.

You must answer any THREE questions in Section B.

Copyright CTH 2013

Food and Beverage Management

Compulsory Section A

Read the following information and answer the following questions. This section
carries a total of 40 marks.

Case Study

You have successfully passed your induction within a large multi-national hotel
group and have now been appointed as deputy manager within the Queens
Hotel. This city centre hotel, in the north of England is not as profitable as it could
be and the current manager is relying on you to bring in some fresh ideas to
increase profitability.

The hotel currently is awarded a three star rating and the manager is looking to
achieve four stars in the coming year.

There is an 80 cover restaurant, small coffee shop facility and a large, busy bar
area which also serves snacks throughout the day and evening.

Question 1

1.1 Identify with reasons five key personnel you would talk with in order to gain
a clear understanding of actions needed in order to increase profitability.

(5 Marks)

1.2 Describe the information you would need to have in order to support the
staff team to maximise their profits in each area.

(5 Marks)

1.3 Design a ten point training plan to ensure that all members of staff are
aware of their individual responsibility in making the Queens Hotel

(10 Marks)

1.4 Describe five ways in which you can successfully involve your customers in
the decision-making process of improvements within the food and beverage

(10 Marks)

Copyright CTH 2013 2 January 2013

Food and Beverage Management

1.5 Explain five market research actions you could personally carry out in order
to compare the Queens Hotels offering with competitors in the area.

(10 Marks)

Compulsory Section A Total Marks: 40

Copyright CTH 2013 3 January 2013

Food and Beverage Management

Section B

Answer any 3 questions in this section. Each question carries a total of 20 marks.

Question 2

2.1 Identify eight key factors you would need to consider when planning the
menu for a hospitality event.

(8 Marks)

2.2 Explain the aspects in the wine production process that will affect the main
characteristic of the wine once bottled.

(6 Marks)

2.3 Describe suitable storage conditions for wine once it has been bottled.

(6 Marks)

Question 2 Total Marks: 20

Copyright CTH 2013 4 January 2013

Food and Beverage Management

Question 3

3.1 Describe the aim of the HACCP system and identify and explain the key
stages in a HACCP plan.

(10 Marks)

3.2 Identify five reasons why a guest may not wish to drink alcohol on the hotel

(5 Marks)

3.3 Describe the hotels legal commitment to their customers with regard to
alcohol licensing.

(5 Marks)

Question 3 Total Marks: 20

Copyright CTH 2013 5 January 2013

Food and Beverage Management

Question 4

4.1 Explain what is meant by effective workflow within a hotel kitchen. Give
examples to illustrate your answer.

(5 Marks)

4.2 Identify and discuss five key aspects which need to be considered when
purchasing new food production equipment.

(5 Marks)

4.3 Three of the key aspects to consider when organising the staff service team
for a busy lunchtime period are:

the customer experience is positive

the staff are organised
profitability is maximised

Discuss the steps you would take to ensure these aspects are addressed
when organising the staff service team.

(10 Marks)

Question 4 Total Marks: 20

Copyright CTH 2013 6 January 2013

Food and Beverage Management

Question 5

5.1 Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of two different ways of

purchasing meat and poultry for a restaurant kitchen.

(4 Marks)

5.2 Identify four checks you would make when meat and poultry are delivered
to a kitchen by a supplier.

(4 Marks)

5.3 Describe how to calculate the average customer spend in a restaurant you
are managing.

(4 Marks)

5.4 If your customer average spending power (ASP) is lower than your
competitors, state seven ways in which you can still increase your
restaurant profitability.

(8 Marks)

Question 5 Total Marks: 20

Copyright CTH 2013 7 January 2013

Food and Beverage Management

Question 6

6.1 Describe an effective kitchen hygiene cleaning system which includes

floors, ceilings, doors and windows.

(8 Marks)

6.2 As the bar manager of a privately owned city-centre bar, describe how you

a) purchase beers and lagers

b) store beers and lagers
c) produce your beer/lager drinks menu with pricing

(12 Marks)

Question 6 Total Marks: 20

Copyright CTH 2013 8 January 2013

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