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(no release date y
Thanks to aibo_ac7 @ff-reunion & alex_fr @GameFAQs

If any of you have Google account and willingly to help with improving this sprea
If you don't have Google account, you could help out by doing

question to peoples here.

If you don't mind, please keep the GameFAQs to
Thank you so much to everyone helping on this spre

Table of Contents
FRONT You are in FRONT sheet right now
LOG Contains changelogs of the entire Spreadsheet
Menu Start menu, save crystal menu, character's stats and magic's stats
Basic Some basic information about terminologies within the game (READ
Missions Information about Story Missions and Combat Exercises
Free Time List of Moogle Classes, Events, and Small Talks you could take durin
Sub-Event List of Sub-Events
Requests Contains NPC Request translations and information
Special Orders (S.O.) Information about Special Orders
Cid's Trial Information about Cid's Trial on Final Chapter
Abilities (Characters) Information about Character Abilities
Ace's Cards Information about how Ace's Deck System works
Magics Information about Magics
Summons Information about Summons, their Abilities and how to obtain them
Status Effects Information about Status Effects.
Items Information about Items
Weapons Information about Weapons
Accessories Information about Accessories
Regular Shops List of Shops in Orience
Special Shops List of Shops with unlockable contents
LV99 Stats Table of all characters' level 99 status along with summons'
Chocobos Information about Chocobos and how to obtain them
Maps List of Areas in Orience, no map yet
Characters List of Characters and how to unlock their entries in Crystalium
Enemies Information about Enemies
Random Treasures List of the contents of random treasures
Tips & Tricks Tips & Tricks
Multiplay Information about Multiplayer
Members Site Information about Members Site
Cheats A list of some of the cheats for the game using the cwcheat plugin
CREDITS List of translators, editors, and several links are located here.
IZATION CONFIRMED! (no release date yet)
o_ac7 @ff-reunion & alex_fr @GameFAQs for the info

willingly to help with improving this spreadsheet. Just inform us atGameFAQs

ogle account, you could help out by doing the editing here:

question to peoples here.

nd, please keep the GameFAQs topic bumped
so much to everyone helping on this spreadsheet.

Table of Contents
ht now
entire Spreadsheet
enu, character's stats and magic's stats
out terminologies within the game (READ THIS FIRST)
ssions and Combat Exercises
nts, and Small Talks you could take during Free Time

slations and information

al on Final Chapter
er Abilities
's Deck System works

ns, their Abilities and how to obtain them



le contents
l 99 status along with summons'
s and how to obtain them
map yet
to unlock their entries in Crystalium

om treasures

s Site
for the game using the cwcheat plugin
and several links are located here.
### 6:54 AM - Added "LOG" sheet
- Updated Weapons
- Updated Abilities

- Updated Summons

1:02 PM - Added Summons sheet

1:38 PM - Started Special Order
2:17 PM - Updated Summons

9:15 PM - Updated Magic

### 4:00 AM - Updated Summons

11:30 AM - Updated Items

- Updated Accessories
- Updated Enemies

11:54 AM - Updated Accessories

- Updated Summons
11:37 PM - Updated Summons

- Updated Abilites

1-Nov-2011 2:37 AM - Updated Request

7:37 AM - Updated Accessories

- Updated Weapons
9:47 AM - Updated Abilites

- Updated Summons
10:50 AM - Updated Abilites

10:55 AM - Updated Abilities

12:00 PM - Updated Abilities

- Updated Summons
3:43 PM sheet
5:32 PM - Updated Magics
- Updated Summons
2-Nov-2011 3:22 AM - Updated Summons
4:27 AM - Updated Summons
4:51 AM - Updated Summons
5:19 AM - Updated Summons
5:56 AM - Updated Summons
8:14 AM Sheet
- Updated Chocobos
- Updated Items

9:14 AM Sheet
- Update Enemies
4:12 PM - Update S.O.
5:09 PM - Updated Items
- Updated Accessories
3-Nov-2011 5:00 PM - Updated Items
4-Nov-2011 3:00 AM - Updated Items

- Updated S.O.
5-Nov-2011 12:38 PM - Updated S.O.
### 4:28 PM - Updated FRONT
- Added Basic sheet
- Added Shop sheet
### 7:01 AM sheet
### 1:58 AM sheet
6:04 PM - Updated Missions
### 6:01 PM - Updated Abilities
- Updated Weapons
9:01 PM sheet
### 3:59 AM - Added Cid's Trial sheet
6:36 AM - Updated Accessories
- Updated Items
- Updated Weapons
### 12:08 PM - Updated Missions
- Updated Accessories
7-Dec-2011 2:29 AM - Updated Members Site
- Updated Items

### -Copied Spreadsheet

June-2014 updates
10-Jul-2014 -Locked spreadsheet

- Added the name & translation for all weapons that could be bought in Setome Town []
- Added Cinque's Full Swing Charge & Enhanced Full Swing
- Added Seven's Speed Up, Twin Magic, -Ra Magic Cancel
- Added Sice's Poison Wall and Poison Wall AG reduction
- Added Golem class: Ogre's ability & description
- Added Odin class: Odin's ability & description
- Put all the summons together in one list
I missed (a lot probably)
- Added Ifrit class: Calamity's ability & description
- Added Golem, Gigas, Troll, Ogre, Ifrit, Firebrand, Calamity, Shiva, & Shankara's location
- Moved Invisibility and Avoid into Defensive magic.
- Added Golem class: Troll's ability & description
- Added Bahamut, Mame-Golem, & Odin's location
- Added some missing Items, as well as Phantomas without translation (+re-order)
- Added Silver Brace and Fire Magic Advanced accessories
- Added Trained Coeurl, Assault Soldier.
- Suppressed Grand Horn, Arhiman, Vertigo (all are in the same entries as Dual Horn, Evil Eye and Bat
- Added Fire Bracelet, Ice Bracelet, Lightning Bracelet, Guard Talisman, & Guard Armor
- Added Diabolos & Astaroth's location
- Added Rubicante's location
- Added Bahamut class: Bahamut's ability & description
- Added Diabolos class: Balberit's ability & description
- Added Ifrit class: Ifrit's Blazing Bullet Power Increase ability
- Added Ifrit class: Rubicante's ability
- Added Ace's TC Power Increase & Enhanced TC
- Added Nine's Hi-Jump Power Increase
- Added Jack's Enhanced Concentration (no description yet)
- Added Machina's DS Power Increase
- Added Ace's Trap Card Extension and Trap Card AG Reduction
- Added some request's rewards & details
- Added Celestia's request
- Added a lot of accessories
- Added a lot of weapons
- Added Ace's -GA Magic Cancel
Consumption Reduction, Dissonant Sonata, Sen Guard, Increase Sen Effect, Sen's AG Consumption Re
- Added Trey's -RA Magic Cancel
- Added Cater's -RA Magic Cancel, Fire Bullet Power Increase
- Added Bahamut Class: Bahamut's ability & description
- Added Sice's Magic Cancel First, Second, Third Style, Dark Zone, DZ Effecf Extension, DZ's AG Consu
- Added Seven's Stun Finisher
- Added Eight's -RA & -GA Magic Cancel, Bakuretsu-ken Guard, Sacrifice Punch
- Added King Magazine's Increase EX, Seven's Magic Cancel and Rem's Magic Cancel Type 0
Lancer, Strike Lancer, SL Power Increase
+ AG Consumption Reduction
Consumption Reduction
Consumption Reduction, Never Give Up + Time Increase
- Added King's Twin Magic and some phantoma
Reduction, DS's AG Consumption Reduction, Darkside + Enhanced + Target Increase
- Added Rem's -RA & -GA Magic Cancel, BD's AG Consumption Reduction, DS Power Increase
- Added Bahamut Class: Bahamut Kai's ability & description

- Added some magic

- Added Diabolos Class: Diabolos, Balberit, Astaroth's ability & description
- Added Golem Class: Golem, Gigas, Troll, Ogre, Titan, Mame-Golem's ability & description
- Added Ifrit Class: Ifrit, Firebrand, Rubicante, Vulcan, Calamity, Ignis' ability & description
- Added Odin Class: Odin, Grimnil's ability & description
- Added Shiva Class: Shiva, Shankara, Mame-Shiva's ability & description
- Added Bahamut class: Bahamut Kai's location

- Added some Chocobos list

- Made categories for items
- Added some items

- Added some Enemies list

- Added the S.O. for the first 2 combat missions + one weapon for Ace
- Added Presents
- Added some accessories, added locations for items up to Togua, changed bracelet to bracer for item
- Added the requests for chapter 5 part 2
- Fixed all the definitions for the Magic Cancel moves. Also added in missing skills regarding Magic Ca
- Added Valuables and (Pyroxene?). Also added price and some additional information here and th
- Added definitions and translated names for pyroxene section
- Missions table created
- Chapter 3 and 4 added + missing ones in chapter 2 (and an explanation on how to recognise reward
- Added Chapter 5-7's S.O (there are some missing)
- Added Table of Contents, updated lots of other things as well.

- Added Rewards + Operation Levels for each mission & combat exercises
- Fixed some abilities' requirement
- Fixed some locations

- Sorted the accessories, added Sell Price

- Fixed some things, added "Costumes" category, added Ceremonial Dress' locations
- Fixed the Buy Price, added Sell Price
- Added S Rank Reward
- Added some locations
- Added new Item Exchange list
- Added Pyroxene's locations

-The old maintainer has been out of contact for months, so I've copied it so it can be updated now tha
that was previously missing
-Locked the spreadsheet from anonymous edits due to vandalism
! ! An event with 2 hours duration in free time will occurs
? ? Tips and tutorial on the game
PIC The person with this icon is the PIC of something. Example: Airship, Training Aren
Inevitable This icon often appears on the Rubrum's map. It means you must go to the locatio
Shop You could buy and sell things
Write History Book in Crystarium, Rubrum
Request Person with this icon have request for you to do. You could only take one request
Duty You could do combat exercise by talking to the person with this icon on their head
Record This icon appears in every Save Relic (the red crystal thingy)
Finish decrease your free time duration.

Combat Exercise
you complete them. Once completed, you can replay them in the Mission menu on the Title screen.

but their battle time is limited and you can only use them in missions. If the Eidolon dies, you can't us

Trinity Attack
character. Those combination moves don't deal as much damage as summons, but can be used multi

Suzaku Magic
can only be used in mission. The more you charge Suzaku Magic, the stronger it is, but it takes a long

Special Orders

Moogle Lessons
You can take classes from Mogurin at Class-0's room. Doing that gives you tons of EXP or increase you

Kill Sight/Break Sight

attacking, while dodging, stunned, etc), if you attack the enemy when this circle appears, you'll do m

Strength of a Thousand []
When Strength of a Thousand activated [A+A+B = S Rank])

Sixth Arms Research Institute []

By clearing missions / combat exercises, you could add Accessories & Weapons in Research Institute s

Impossible Difficulty
To unlock "Impossible" difficulty for each mission, you must cleared each mission on "Hard" difficulty

Free time duration

exercice. Request doesn't take hours, except if you need to exit academy (thus you pay 6 hours to lea
Chapter Part Duration
2 1 6h Note: Moggle lessons should be pri
2 2 12h Events and Requests gives en
2 3 1d12h NB : 1d=12h Small talks just give items
3 1 3d12h Emina and Kazusa Sub-event
3 2 3d12h Completing missions unlock I
4 1 12h time.
4 2 8h
5 1 4d12h
5 2 4d12h
7 1 7d12h
7 2 5d12h
Airship, Training Arena, Sleep Training, etc
must go to the location with this icon

only take one request at a time

this icon on their head

on the Title screen.

olon dies, you can't use it for the rest of the mission.

but can be used multiple times.

t is, but it takes a long charging time. Can be used multiple time.

of EXP or increase your Magic Power. Prioritize lessons for optimal stats.

e appears, you'll do massive damage. This is different from Critical Attack.

in Research Institute shop's list. Check "Special Shop" sheet for more information

n on "Hard" difficulty

you pay 6 hours to leave). Here is the free time duration at each chapter :

lessons should be prioritized as it gives good bonus

and Requests gives entry in Crystallium upon completion (along with items)
alks just give items
and Kazusa Sub-events should be kept for 2nd playthrough (need lots of time)
eting missions unlock Items in shops, Summons or Magics and Towns access
Defense Power
Flame Magic Power
Cold Magic Power
Lightning Magic Power
Defense Magic Power
Combat Time

BOM Bomb [Communication]
MIS Missile -----
RF Rifle -----
ROK Rocket -----
SHG Shotgun -----

Information -----
Item -----
Member -----
Controls Config]
Reserve Formation -----
Equipment -----
----- Character Growth -----
----- Item Growth -----
----- Summon Growth ----- 1
----- Suzaku Growth ----- 2
Alto Crystarium
Save ON
Load ----- RON

ALTOCRYSTARIUM ----- [Directional Button]
Power ----- [OX]
Recovery Rate
MP MP Efficiency [Config]
Casting Time -----
Distance -----
Homing Performance -----
Endurance Power -----









section is for)
Check the undergoing request
Discontinue undergoing mission
Practical exercises
World Map
Return to Magic Academy
Return to Title Menu
Magic Academy's Support
Intruder Display
Online Name Display
Normal Attack
Defense Magic
Command 1
Command 2
On while pressing R
ON ROFF pressing R
Sub Command Operation
ectional Button] Button]
Determined by [OX]
Data Install
Auto Sort
Manual Sort
Auto Sort
Manual Sort
Auto Sort
Manual Sort
Auto Sort
Manual Sort
Auto Sort
Manual Sort

Operation A Rank Phanto
Level Time ma / Death
General Info: Missions
S Rank To get S Rank in a mission, you must get all "A" from 3 categories or just get two
1. Clear Time: How fast you clear the mission. The faster
2a. Phantoma Absorbed (Normal
How many Phantoma you absorbed during
2b. Missions Completed (RTS
Number of completedMoogle-assigned Mi
3. Death Count: How many of your character died during th
S Rank Reward Aside from giving good statistics in Mission List, you also get a reward. You will o
More testing needs to be done to find out how the rewards work.
Reward By clearing missions / combat exercises on certain difficulty, you get a reward
Aria Unlocks Item to be sold in Aria / Adjutant's
Magic Unlocks Magic
Shop Unlocks Accessory / Weapon to be sold in
Summon Unlocks Summon
You can get two different rewards depending on how - By your own power
Battle of Judecca
you finish the mission: - Using Bahamut-0

Hard All enemies gain 30 levels

Impossible All enemies gain 50 levels and auto-Fury s

The Liberation Conflict - 0:07:40 40 0
Cadet's First Battle 12 0:05:50 48 0
Operation Reconquista 13 0:20:00 9 0
The Battle of Togoreth 13 0:25:00 90 0

Behind Enemy Lines 34 0:12:00 120 0

Iscah Infiltration 17 0:15:00 102 0
Magitek Factory
22 0:30:00 65 1
Ambush in the Fog 37 0:10:00 70 0
Keziah Diversionary
35 0:03:20 11 0
A United Front with
36 0:12:00 110 0
Retaking Limbo Fortress 36 0:21:00 8 0
The Battle of the Grotto 37 0:05:00 30 0
Escape from the Capital 23 0:25:00 90 0

Under the Armistice 38 0:07:00 50 0

Reclaiming Eibon 23 0:23:00 11 0
The Battle of Judecca 29 0:35:00 70 0

42 0:24:00 100 0
The Taking of Meroe 38 0:24:00 140 0
March to the Border 38 0:21:00 10 0
Destroy the Landing
40 0:05:00 7 0
Colonel Faith's Uprising 41 0:15:00 40 0

Battle on the Big Bridge 32 0:25:00 108 0

The Last Line of Defense 43 0:23:00 45 0
The Last Day of the
34 0:35:00 9 0
The Invasion of Ingram 36 0:01:00 0 0

Machina's Battle 36 0:15:00 20 0

Withdrawal from
45 0:30:00 110 0
Operation Dragonslayer 45 0:21:00 12 0

Caught By Suprise 46 0:05:00 14 0
Deep in the Jungle 47 0:06:00 25 0
For Imperial Eyes Only 46 0:07:00 16 0

Reconnaissance Rescue 46 0:21:00 108 0

The Battle of Yezel 48 0:30:00 14 0
Prisoners of War 37 0:03:00 11 0
Exile from the Empire 49 0:05:00 15 0
The Last Imperial Base 49 0:17:20 107 0
Amiter's Suppression 51 0:02:30 18 0
Into the Dragon's Nest 51 0:30:00 135 0
NG+ Chapter 7 &
A Light in the Darkness ??? 0:04:00 0 5
The Lulusath Invasion - 0:45:00 68 24
Empire Escape Mission ? ? ? ?
Battle of Judecca ? ? ? ?

Big Bridge Rush Mission ? ? ? ?

Enemy's Line
? ? ? ?
Breakthrough Mission
Normal Hard Impossible S Rank (Normal)

m 3 categories or just get two "A" if you play solo for the entire mission:
clear the mission. The faster the better
antoma you absorbed during the mission. The higher the number the better
mpletedMoogle-assigned Missions, such as "Destroy the Fort'spaling" and "Rush the city"
your character died during the mission. The fewer the better
also get a reward. You will only get one of the reward listed each time you S-Ranked a mission.
ewards work.
difficulty, you get a reward
o be sold in Aria / Adjutant's shop in the Class Zero Classroom

sory / Weapon to be sold in theSixth Arms Research Institute's Shop

- By your own power
- Using Bahamut-0

ain 30 levels
ain 50 levels and auto-Fury status; Rank can not be boosted to Sfrom solo completion

Story Missions
Chapter 1
- - - Iron Bangle
Chapter 2
ShopDiamond Thunder Magic
MagicFire SHG ShopMythril Ring
Ring 201
AriaRemedy - - Silver Bangle
SummonShiva ShopDeflector ShopMaster Armor Silver Ring
NG+Chapter 2
SummonShankara Mythril Gauntlet
ShopTopaz Shield ShopYoshiyuki
Gold Hourglass x1 Gold Anklet
Chapter 3
SummonGolem MagicRaise Fire Magic 202
MagicFire ROK AriaMega Potion Gold Ring
NG+Chapter 3
SummonOgre ShopMarvelous
MagicTornado Talisman
Gold Hourglass x1 Cheer
Chapter 3 - Combat Exercises []
Battle Gear EX
MagicBio ShopGale Bracelet ShopLance of Kain
ShopTerra ShopAssassin Megalixir
Support Magic
Bracelet Daggers Gold Bangle
Impact Shield
SummonGigas - -
Ember-Frost Ring
Mythril Ring
MagicBlizzard MIS ShopLotic Bracelet ShopNirvana
Blitz-Flare Ring
Chapter 4
MagicThunder ROK ShopTurbo Ether ShopGuard Barrier Warrior Gauntlet
of 4
Silver Hourglass
Succor SummonGrimnir ShopWild Cards
Jolt Absorber
Chapter 5
Crystal Ball
MagicBlizzard SHG - -
ShopMoon ShopPlatinum ShopMythril Combat Outfit A1
Thunder Magic
Bracelet Bangle Bangle
MagicFire MIS ShopShock Armor AriaDry Ether 302
NG+Chapter 5
SummonBahamut Circlet
ShopHigh Armor ShopMaster Whip
Gold Hourglass x1 Soul of Fire
Chapter 5 - Combat Exercises []
SummonMini- Soul of Ice
MagicFire RF2 ShopLamia's Flute
Shiva Strength Booster
Soul of Thunder
SummonCalamity - -
Mythril Gauntlet
ShopCrystal Ball ShopCirclet ShopTiara Ballistics Guard
SummonTroll MagicMeteor Bullet Shield
Chapter 6
SummonOdin SummonIgnis AriaElixir Soul of Ice
NG+Chapter 6
Inferno Armlet
BOM2 ShopOpal Shield ShopValkyries
Aurora Armlet
Chapter 7
Inferno Armlet
AriaHi-Potion - -
ShopImpact Armor Crystal
Aurora Ball
MagicFire BOM2 ShopGuard Shield
II Gold Bangle
NG+Chapter 7
MagicThunder ShopBlitz-Flare
ShopDreadnought Megalixir
BOM2 Ring
Chapter 7 - Combat Exercises [] Gold Bangle
MagicBlizzard RF2 ShopArtemis' Bow Platinum Bangle
SummonDiabolos - - BallisticsGuard
Verity of Succor
ShopMythril ShopDiamond ShopCrystal Platinum Bangle
Gauntlet Gauntlet Gauntlet Weapons (ATK
ShopRed Beret ShopMagic Mitre ShopMagic Master Weapons (ATK
ShopSoul of ShopInferno ShopBelias' Mythril Bracer
Thunder Armlet Armlet Fire Tome
ShopSoul of Fire ShopRuby Shield ShopMirage Sword Soul of Ice
SummonMini- Grand Bangle
- -
Golem ShopAurora ShopMateus' GoldBP
Dense Ring
ShopSoul of Ice
Armlet ShopDiamond
Armlet Shock Shield
Support Tome
ShopGold Bangle
ShopVerity of Bracer ShopEdicts
Bangle of Guard Emblem
Shockproof Robe
ShopCombat Ring
Succor ShopCelestial ShopRamuh's
Succor Bullet Shield
MagicAloud Soul of Ice
Armlet Armlet Verity of Ice
SummonAstaroth MagicHoly
Shield Verity of Thunder
Chapter 7 & Cycle 3+ Any Chapter - The Darkness of Suzaku
C Rank B Rank A Rank
Crystal Fragments
Royal Crown Diamond Bracer Crystal Bracer
Soul of Thamasa
Final Chapter
Gold Hourglass x3
- - Edicts of Fire
Adds Natsubi
"The True
Demo Version
? - - ?
? - - ?
? - - ?
? - - ?
S Rank
S Rank (Hard)

- -
Ice Tome Platinum Bracer
Thunder Tome Star Bracelet
- -
Diamond Ring
Crystal Ring
Storm Mask Rain Mask
Platinum Bracer
Ice Tome
Crystal Gauntlet
Mythril Bracer Diamond Bangle

Moon Bracelet Magic Master

Mythril Bracer Diamond Bracer
Moon Ball
Bracelet Hypno Crown
Magic Master
Light Shield
- -
Eidicts of Ice
Mist Mask
Fire Tome Light Bracelet

Bullet Shield Gold Hourglass x5

- -
Gold Anklet
Mist Mask Moon Bracelet
Blizzard Mask
Holy Bracelet
Topaz Shield
Eidicts of Succor
- -
Gauntlet Light Shield
Crystal Ball
Ramuh's Armlet
Armor Blitz-Flare Ring
Topaz Shield Desert Mask
Blitz-Flare Ring
Star Bracelet
- -
Opal Shield
? Mythril Bracer

Jolt Absorber Magic Mitre

- -
Phoenix Pinion Weapons (ATK
Circlet 35~43)
Mythril Ring 35~43)
Mythril Bracer
Edicts ofBracer
Diamond Ice
Verity of
Edicts of Thunder
- -
Rune Ring
Healing Grimoire
Shock Armor Freezeproof Robe
Red Beret Gold Hairpin
Deflector Adamant Gauntlet
Mythril Bracer Gold Hairpin

- -

- -

- -
- -
- -
- -
To make S.O. available, you need to talk to the person in the Magic Department (the one with the blu

General Info about Special Orders:

1. When you receive a S.O., you are presented with 2 (3, in multiplay) choices:

----- Pass to the next player (only in multiplay)

----- Reject
In multiplayer, if you are the last player who get the S.O. (other players pass), then you can't refuse i
2. Once the S.O. starts, you'll get a free buff to assist you in it, and a timer will appear on the top left
3. If you fail the SO, the character you're controlling dies. However, there are two ways to avoid this
----- Run to another sector of the map (not always possible).
----- Dodge the giant glyph that surrounds and kills your character. Doable, but difficult, depending on

an elixir. S.O.'s that reward the player feature the goal of the mission (e.g. "Defeat 3 Imperial Soldiers

Chapter 2

[4] 4

[9] (after
[1] the
breaking (after stopping the
[4] (after stopping the


Chapter 3
[26] (once
Colossus is out)

Room [2-5-6-7-8?] (If there is
Room [2-5-6-7-8?] (if there is only
flans fighting the Marduk?)
[1] 1
[3] 2
[5] 3
[9] 1
[10] 61
[11] 67
[13] 2
[14] 71
[15] 105

[18] 9

[3] 17
[5] 21
[6] 24
[10] 31

[5, 8, 12] 9, 7, 4
[7] 8
[14] 1
[16] 2

[2] 2
[5] 5
[7] 7
[11] 4

Chapter 4
[4] 0709
[5] 0711
[6] 0714
[9] 0723
[10] 0724
[11] 0725
[12] 0726
[14] 0726 S.O. #1
[14] 0726 S.O. #2
[14] 0726 S.O. #3
[14] 0726 S.O. #4
[15] 0728
[17] 0730
Room 19

Note: Akkad might not be worth the trouble first playthrough. I'd recommend coming back to the miss
Note on Room 14 and 15. To get to 14, finish 12 then go to 13 and hit the red switch that opens the d
spawned and a new path is open (To 15). To get to 15 just take the newly opened path in 14.

[2] 3348
[4] 3350

[7] A13 2F
[9] A13 2F (Stairs down after
the Snow Giant)
[11] A13

[10] A13
[13] A13

[14] 3352

[16] 3361

[2] 2
[8] 5
[10] 2

Chapter 5

[3] 1
[4] 2
[6] 4

[3] 3
[11] 3F
[13] 4F
[21] 6F

[2] 2
[4] 7
[6, 7, 8] 2, 4, 8


Chapter 6



[2] 1
[3] 2
[4] 1
[5] 2
[9] 1
[10] 2
[11] 1


Chapter 7


[2] 1
[4] 2701
[6] 2551
[8] 2655
[13] 2449

[1] 1
[3] 9
[6] 4
[12] 8

[4] 1

[2] 368
[3] 352
[5] 344
[9] 231
[12] 218
[19] 249
[21] 249
[1] 1
[2] 2
[3] 3
[4] 4
[5] 5

[22] 9F

8-Armed Gilgamesh

Special Order Time
ou need to talk to the person in the Magic Department (the one with the blue kanji above him) and answer with

al Orders:
O., you are presented with 2 (3, in multiplay) choices:

er (only in multiplay)

he last player who get the S.O. (other players pass), then you can't refuse it. The S.O. has then a green color.
ou'll get a free buff to assist you in it, and a timer will appear on the top left of the screen
haracter you're controlling dies. However, there are two ways to avoid this
of the map (not always possible).
h that surrounds and kills your character. Doable, but difficult, depending on the character. Timing required.

d the player feature the goal of the mission (e.g. "Defeat 3 Imperial Soldiers with kill sight") in YELLOW, as oppo

Chapter 2

The Cadets' First Battle[]
Defeat the enemy's ambush 5 min
Destroy enemy's defense line from the front 5 min
Destroy the fuel tank [] (the orange object behind the boss) 5 min

The Battle of Togoreth[]
Defeat the leader 3 min
Defeat the leader (He is on top of the wall, need a long-range
3 min
minute or so Moglin will display a timer for when your allies outside will
1 min
finish destroying
Defeat 3 Empire'sthe Fort's []
Soldiers paling; after
(waitthis timer to
for them is over halfway
spawn, don't down,
kill the
1 min
leader) 1 min
Protect Suzaku's Soldiers []
Defeat 2 Warriors [] with Kill Sight 1 min
1 min
Kill Golem (the summoning wall must be destroed before this SO will
2 min
Defeat 7 enemies with Kill Sight (need a long-range attack/magic) 2 min
Defeat 3 Empire's Soldiers [] with Kill Sight 2 min
Defeat 3 Warriors [] 1:30 min
Steal a combat items from a surrendered soldier 2 min
Defeat 3 enemies 1 min
NG+Behind EnemyLines[]
Defeat the Colossus [] 2 min
Defeat the Miasma Horn [] 2 min
Defeat the enemy's leader 1 min
Defeat 3 enemies at high altitude 3 min
Defeat 2nd Leutenant Ozma (Axeman) 5 min

Chapter 3

Iscah Infiltration []
Don't use magic 1 min
Find the object on the ground 2 min
Defeat Empire's Soldiers [] on high place (Balcony) 2 min
Investigate the weak point of the Colossus (Lightning-attributed
5 min
Magitek FactorySabotage[]
Sneak in without being seen 10 min
Defeat the Marduk [] 40 min
Defeat 5 Flame Flans [] with Kill Sight 5 min
Get to [2] without being seen 5 min
Gain control of the situation before the alarm is sounded 2 min
Get to [4] without being seen 5 min
Gain control of the situation before the alarm is sounded 2 min
Get to [6] without being seen 5 min
Gain control of the situation before the alarm is sounded 2 min
Defeat the leader with Kill Sight 5 min
Proceed without taking any damage 5 min
Defeat an Assault Soldier [] with Kill Sight 5 min
Defeat 7 enemies 10 min
Obtain 3 Phantomas 10 min
Defeat 4 Assault Soldiers [] 10 min
Defeat 3 Martinets [] 10 min
Defeat the minimum amount of Colossus [] (kill the pilot
10 min
Defeat 3 enemies with Kill Sight 10 min
Defeat Brionac [] quickly 5 min
Hit Nimbus [] 30 times 3 min
NG+Ambush in the Fog[]
Do not let the enemy see you 5 min
Do not let the enemy see you 5 min
Defeat Enhanced Soldier [] 2 min
Defeat all enemies within 3 minutes 3 min
Combat ExerciseA United Front with Soryu[]
Deactivate the Magic canceller (examine and stay in the circle until the
3 min
sound stops)
Defeat Assault Soldiers [] 1 min
Defeat the commander 3 min
Let ally defeat enemy (you failed the moment you kill one. best to take it
5 min
once there is only one enemy and let the bombs or allies do the rest)
Combat ExerciseThe Battle of the Grotto[]
Defeat Enhanced Soldier [] 2 min
Destroy the Automatic Turret [] 1 min
Defeat enemy leader quickly 1 min
Examine monster's weakness (Cold-attributed attack/magic) 3 min

Chapter 4

Escape from the Capital[]
Obtain 2 Guest Lists [] (Located on the counter towards the
2 min
exit) 2 min
Defeat Commander Evans []
Obtain 3 Phantomas 2 min
Defeat Warship [] 5 min
Break Sight Colossus [] 3 times 4 min
Recover 3 items (search through the area) 4 min
Observe Outsider Akkad [] 1 min
Obtain 3 Phantomas 2 min
Defeat an Empire Soldier [] with Kill Sight 2 min
Defeat Liutenant McKean [] 5 min
Hit Outsider Akkad [] with Magic 3 times 5 min
Hit Outsider Akkad [] with Break Sight 3 times 5 min
Defeat Outsider Akkad [] within the given time 99:59 min
Pick up the 3 items laying around on the map 4 min
Pick up the 3 items laying around on the map 2 min
Defeat 3 Empire Soldiers [] 2 min

worth the trouble first playthrough. I'd recommend coming back to the mission and beating him either later or
To get to 14, finish 12 then go to 13 and hit the red switch that opens the door. Then proceed back to room 12 a
is open (To 15). To get to 15 just take the newly opened path in 14.
Defeat 2 Empire Soldiers [] with Kill Sight 2 min
Do not take any damage 1 min
Defeat Vajra [] 7 min
Break Sight on Snow Giant [] 2 times 2 min
Kill the 2 Snow Giants [] 1 min 30
Break Sight on Behemoth [] 2 times 2 min
Defeat Behemoth [] 30 sec
Recover 2 items (search through the area) 4 min
Obtains 3 Phantomas 2 min
Repel Vajra [] 7 min
Deal damage using tank's explosion 1 min
Pick up the 2 items laying around on the map (in the cars, after defeating
3 min
Take down 2 missiles (S.O. will appear only when said-missiles are fired) 8 min
Attack 30 times 3 min
NG+Underthe Armistice[]
Defeat Evil Eye [] within time limit 1 min
Clear the area with the main character 3 min
Obtain Phantoma from Tonberry 1 min
Do not let anyone become victim 5 min

Chapter 5

The Battle of Judecca []
Defeat 15 Pterosaurs [] 1:30 min
Defeat Zuiun [] with Kill Sight 2 min
Defeat 20Pterosaurs [] 1:30 min
Do not take any damage 1 min
Defeat 1Volcanic Ooze [] with Magic 1 min
Defeat 2 Soryu Lancers [] with Kill Sight 2 min
Defeat Mikazuchi [] 4 min
Retrieve items scattered from the Airship wreck 1 min
Retrieve items scattered from the Airship wreck 1 min
Retrieve items scattered from the Airship wreck 1 min
Defeat Sanzashi [] without defeating the Wyvern [] 2 min
Investigate the interior 3 min
Investigate the interior 3 min
Investigate the interior 3 min
Avoid defeating the enemy 1 min
Defeat5 Seiryuu Defilers[] 4 min
Do not take any damage 2 min
Defeat Shinryu Celestia [] 5 min
NG+OperationEastern Wind []
Avoid using magic 1 min
Deal massive damage to the Tempest Drake 1 min
Defeat the Pterosaur [] 2 min
Obtain Soryu Army's Confidential Data [] 2 min
Defeat all the Red Balloons [] 1 min
Combat ExerciseThe Taking of Meroe[]
Support your comrade, let him kill 3 soldiers () 5 min
Defeat 3 Empire Soldiers () 1 min
Deactivate the bomb (examine and stay in the circle until the sound 5 min
Combat ExerciseColonel Faith's Uprising []
Break Sight on Colonel Faith [] 1 min
Hide & wait for Colonel Faith [] 10 min
Defeat 20 Empire Army's Refugess [] 3 min

Chapter 6

Battle on the Big Bridge[]
Do not take any damage 1 min
Do not let anyone become victim 2 min
Defeat 4 Empire's Soldiers [] in Kill Sight 1 min
Defeat 3 Warriors [] 1:30 min
Defeat 2 Colossus [] 2 min
Defeat 5 enemies with Kill Sight
Defeat Major Ernst [] 1 min
Defeat 1 Helldiver [] 1 min
Defeat 3 Assault Soldiers [] in Kill Sight 1 min
Defeat 1 Helldiver [] with support attack 1 min
Defeat Commander Erich [] 1:30 min
Defeat 3 Colossus [] 2 min
Defeat 2 Assault Soldiers [] in Kill Sight 1 min
Defeat 2 enemies in Kill Sight 1 min
Obtain Card Key [] 1 min
Obtain Memory Tag [] 1 min
NG+The Last Line of Defense[]
Protect allies 5 min
Protect allies 2 min
Protect allies 2 min
Protect allies 5 min
Protect allies 5 min

Chapter 7

The Invasion of Ingram[]
Land 30 hits in less than 5 minutes 5 min
Use a fire-based attack within 15 seconds 15 sec
Use an ice-based attack within 15 seconds 15 sec
Use a thunder-based attack within 15 seconds 15 sec
Avoid using magic for 5 minutes 5 min
NG+Machina's Battle []
Defeat Suzaku's Soldier [] 3 min
Defeat Golem [] 3 min
Defeat Adad [] 3 min
Absorb Phantoma 1 min
Beat Golem [] while taking 2000 or less damage 5 min
Combat ExerciseWithdrawal from Roshana []
Defeat the Pterosaur [] 1 min
Deal 5000 or more damage in a single attack 1 min
Defeat 50 enemies 3 min
Deal more than 30,000 damage 3 min
Do not let anyone pass 3 min
Kill 3 Dragons 5 min
Combat ExerciseReconnaissance Rescue []
Defeat Snow Giant [] 2 min
Defeat all enemies within 5 minutes 5 min
Deal 5000 or more damage to Snow Giant [] 2 min
Endure Until the Time Limit 1 Min
Combat ExerciseThe Last ImperialBase []
Gain control of the area quickly 2 min
Deal 9999 damage to Colossus [ ] in a single attack 1 min
Defeat Outsider [] 2 min
Defeat enemy using Fuel Tank [] 2 min
Do not receive any attack 2 min
Heal injury in recovery point 5 min
Defeat all enemies within 5 minutes 5 min
Combat ExerciseAmiter's Suppression []
Defeatthe Greater Behemoth[] 3 min
Defeat the Yeti [] 3 min
Defeat the Pterosaur [] 2 min
Defeat the Tempest Drake [] 3 min
Defeat the Pteranodon [] 2 min
Combat ExerciseInto the Dragon's Nest []
Defeat all dragons 5 min

8-Armed Gilgamesh

Deal 30000 damage or more within 5 minutes 5 min

Do not use magic 5 min
Hit with flame-attributed attack within 15 seconds 15 sec
Hit with ice-attributed attack within 15 seconds 15 sec
Hit with lightning-attributed attack within 15 seconds 15 sec
Buf Reward
ve him) and answer with the first choice.

has then a green color.


cter. Timing required.

ght") in YELLOW, as opposed to RED text! Also, when you

30 sec "Protect" [Item] Elixir

30 sec "Quick" [Acc] Iron Ring
15 sec "Endure" [Item] Megalixir

1:30 min "Aura" [Item] Elixir

30 sec
[Acc] Fire Magic 201
30 sec "Protect" [Magic] Fire ROK2
30 sec
[Acc] Feather Hat
30 sec "Protect" [Ace's Wpn] Luminous Cards
30 sec "Protect" [Item] Megalixir
1 min "Invincible" [Acc] Mithril Gauntlet
15 sec "0 MP
[Acc] BP Armor
15 sec "0 MP
[Item] Megalixir
45 sec "Aura" [Item] Elixir
45 sec
[Acc] Fire Drake Armlet
45 sec
[Acc] Impact Armor I
30 sec
[Acc] Iron Gauntlet

30 sec
[Deuce's Wpn] Flame Flute
30 sec "0 MP
[Magic] Quake
30 sec "Invisible" [Acc] Soul of Ice
30 sec "0 MP
[Acc] Soul of Fire
30 sec "Haste" [Acc] Soul of Thunder
30 sec "Protect" [Acc] Fire Magic 301
1 min "Protect" [Item] Elixir
30 sec "0 MP
[Item] Phoenix Pinion
30 sec "0 MP
[Item] Megalixir

30 sec "Haste" [Magic] Blizzard ROK

45 sec "Protect" [Acc] Diamond Bangle
45 sec "Protect" [Item] Elixir
30 sec "0 MP
[Item] Phoenix Down
45 sec "Invisible" [Seven's Wpn] Sleipnir's Tail
45 sec "Regen" [Item] Elixir
45 sec "Trance" [Item] Phoenix Down
45 sec "Protect" [Item] Elixir
45 sec "Aura" [Item] Phoenix Pinion
45 sec "Trance" [Trey's Wpn]Thorn Bow
45 sec "0 MP
[Acc] Silver Gauntlet
45 sec "Protect" [Item] Elixir
30 sec "Aura" [Acc] Thunder Magic 202
30 sec "Quick" [Acc] Ice Magic 202
30 sec "Endure" [Acc] Fire Magic 202
45 sec "Regen" [Acc] Gold Ring
45 sec "Invisible" [King's Wpn] Magnatus
30 sec "Haste" [Acc] Combat Outfit A1
30 sec "Protect" [Summon] Rubicante
1 min "0 MP
[Item] Tiz's Prayer

30 sec "Aura" [Item] Elixir

30 sec "Aura" [Magic] Invisible
30 sec "Endure" [Rem's Wpn] Flame Dagger
30 sec "Regen" [Sice's Wpn] Lamia's Scythe
30 sec "Protect" [Acc] Celestial Armlet
30 sec "Haste" [Acc] Guard Emblem
30 sec "Aura" [Ace's Wpn] Platinum Cards
30 sec "Endure" [Acc] Inferno Armlet
"Invincible" [Acc] Mythril Gauntlet
30 sec "Endure" [Acc] Gold Bangle
30 sec "Aura" [Acc] Mythril Ring
Cost" [Item] Phoenix Pinion
45 sec "Haste" [Item] Elixir
45 sec "Protect" [Acc] Strength Booster
45 sec "Haste" [Item] Elixir
1 min "0 MP
[Magic] Blizzard ROK2
45 sec "Protect" [Machina's Wpn] Rune Rapiers
45 sec "Haste" [Item] Elixir
45 sec "Regen" [Deuce's Wpn] Platinum Flute
30 sec
[Item] Phoenix Down
30 sec "Aura" [Item] Elixir
1 min "Aura" [Item] Last Elixir
1 min "Haste" [Item] Phoenix Pinion
1 min "Invincible" [Cinque's Wpn] Buster Hammer
1 min "Haste" [Acc] Ribbon
1 min "0 MP
[Acc] Bolt Drake Armlet
45 sec "Haste" [Rem's Wpn] Rune Daggers
1 min "Protect" [Acc] Ice Drake Armlet

eating him either later or on another playthrough.

roceed back to room 12 and new enemies will have

30 sec "Protect" [Acc] Fire Drake Armlet

1 min "Haste" [Acc] Silver Ring
1 min "Endure" [Acc] Soul of Thunder
45 sec "Endure" [Acc] Gold Bracer
30 sec "Aura" [Magic] Thunder ROK2
30 sec "Protect" [Acc] Fire Magic 302
1 min "Aura" [Acc] Feather Hat
30 sec
[Queen's Wpn] Rune Saber
1 min "Haste" [Acc] Support Magic 202
1 min "Quick" [Item] Elixir
1 min "Quick" [Acc] ImpactArmor I
1 min "Regen" [Item] Elixir
1 min "Haste" [Acc] Silver Gauntlet
1 min "Quick" [Acc] Silver Bangle

30 sec "Endure" [Item] Megalixir

30 sec "Haste" [Cater's Wpn] Rune Trigger
30 sec "Quick" [Acc] High Armor
30 sec "Aura" [Acc] Mateus' Armlet

30 sec "Protect" [Eight's Wpn] Killer Knuckles

15 sec
[Item] Elixir
30 sec "Protect" [Acc] Gold Ring
30 sec "Regen" [Acc] High Armor
30 sec "Trance" [Item] Megalixir
30 sec "Quick" [Item] Dragon Ore
30 sec "Endure" [Summon] Vulcan
15 sec
[Item] Elixir
30 sec "Trance" [Item] Phoenix Down
30 sec "Trance" [Item] Megalixir
30 sec "Quick" [Sice's Wpn] Reaper's Scythe
30 sec "Aura" [Acc] Impact Armor I
30 sec "Aura" [Item] Elixir
30 sec "Aura" [Item] Elixir
15 sec "Invisible" [Magic] Blizzard MIS2
30 sec "Trance" [Cater's Wpn] True Magic Gun
1 min "Aura" [Acc] Crystal Ball
1 min "Aura" [Trey's Wpn] Poison Bow

1 min "Protect" [Acc] Aurora Armlet

45 sec "Aura" [Summon] Baalberith
30 sec "Regen" [Seven's Wpn] Flame Lash
30 sec "Haste" [Item] Megalixir
30 sec "Regen" [Item] Elixir
30 sec "Haste" [Acc] Gold Bangle
Cost" [Acc] Gold Ring
30 sec "Endure" [Item] Megalixir
Cost" [Acc] Impact Armor II
"Invincible" [Item] Megalixir
1 min "Trance" [Eight's Wpn] Diamond Fist

30 sec "Protect" [Item] Elixir

30 sec "Aura" [Magic] Fire MIS2
30 sec "Protect" [Item] Elixir
30 sec "Protect" [Jack's Wpn] Mukademaru
1 min "Invincible" [Magic] Thunder MIS2
[Acc] Topaz Shield
30 sec "Aura" [Item] Elixir
45 sec "0 MP
[Acc] Inferno Armlet
30 sec "Protect" [Item] Elixir
15 sec "Protect" [Acc] Thunder Magic 302
30 sec "Aura" [Nine's Wpn] Lanze Reiter
1 min "Aura" [Item] Phoenix Pinion
30 sec "Protect" [Item] Elixir
1 min "Invincible" [Item] Elixir
1 min "Invincible" [Item] Megalixir
1 min "Invincible" [Acc] Ice Magic 302

1 min "Invincible" [Acc] Lotic Bracelet

1 min "Endure" [Acc]Gale Bracelet
1 min "Regen" [Acc] Gold Anklet
30 sec "Quick" [Acc]Terra Bracelet
30 sec "Protect" [Jack's Wpn] Onikiri

30 sec "Endure" [Acc] Ribbon

15 sec "0 MP
[Acc] Inferno Armlet
15 sec "0 MP
[Acc] Aurora Armlet
15 sec "0 MP
[Acc] Celestial Armlet
30 sec "Aura" [Nine's Wpn] Flame Spear

30 sec "Aura" [Acc] Red Beret

30 sec "Aura" [Summon] Titan
30 sec "Aura" [Machina's Wpn] Lvateinn
30 sec "Invisible" [Acc] Heavy BP Armor
1 min "Endure" [Acc] Soul of Succor
45 sec "Trance" [Cinque's Wpn] Flame Mace
30 sec "Aura" [Acc] Ribbon
1 min "Regen" [Acc] Holy Bracelet
1 min "Haste" [Acc] Star Bracelet
1 min "Regen" [Acc] Cold-Spark Ring
45 sec "Protect" [Acc] High Armor
45 sec "Aura" [Acc] Shock Shield
30 sec "Protect" [Acc] Gold Anklet
45 sec "Aura" [Queen's Wpn] Flame Saber
[Item] Phoenix Pinion
30 sec "Haste" [Item] Megalixir
1 min "Aura" [Acc] Ribbon
1 min "Protect" [King's Wpn] Judgment
30 sec "0 MP
[Item] Megalixir
1 min "Trance" [Acc] Ribbon
30 sec "Protect" [Item] Phoenix Pinion
30 sec "Protect" [Acc] Light Bracelet
30 sec "Aura" [Acc] Star Bracelet
30 sec "Endure" [Acc] Aurora Armlet
30 sec "Quick" [Acc] Mythril Ring
30 sec "Protect" [Magic] Death
30 sec "Trance" [Acc] Inferno Armlet
30 sec "Aura" [Acc] Hypno Crown

30 sec "Aura" [Acc] Ribbon

30 sec "Aura" [Acc] Shock Killer
15 sec "0 MP
[Acc] Fire Book
15 sec "0 MP
[Acc] Freeze Book
15 sec "0 MP
[Acc]Electric Book
Events / Small Talks Location
Chapter 1
No Free Time
Chapter 2 - 1st Free T
Events Terrace []
Cemetery []
Small Talks Magic Department []
Chapter 2 - 2nd Free T
Moogle Classes Introduction to Battle
Introduction to Defense Magic
Combat Application: Primer
Support Magicology: Advanced I
Events Fountain Plaza []
Sixth Arms Research Institute []
Student Lounge []
Crystarium []
Terrace []
Terrace []
Small Talks Front Gate
Fountain Plaza []
Fountain Plaza []
Entrance []
Airship Dock []
Terrace []
Terrace []
Sixth Arms Research Institute []
Backyard []
Chapter 2 - 3rd Free T
Moogle Classes Introduction to Magic
Introduction to Flame Magic
Introduction to Cold Magic
Introduction to Lightning Magic
Magic Application: Primer
Fire Magicology: Intermediate II
Ice Magicology: Intermediate II
Thunder Magicology: Intermediate II
Events Class 0's Classroom [0 ]
Magic Department []
Salon []
Small Talks Student Lounge []
Student Lounge []
Military Command: 2nd Division []
Entrance []
Fountain Plaza []
Airship Dock []
Chapter 3 - 1st Free T
Moogle Classes Combat Basics: Beginner
Magic Basics: Beginner
Support Magicology: Beginner I
Stamina Knowledge: Primer
Combat Application: Beginner
Magic Application: Beginner
Support Magicology: Advanced II
Stamina Knowledge: Intermediate I
Events Sixth Arms Research Institute []
Crystarium []
Arecia's Room []
Backyard []
Terrace []
Terrace []
Salon []
Small Talks Backyard []
Military Command: 2nd Division []
Military Command: 2nd Division []
Crystarium []
Salon []
Salon []
Fountain Plaza []
Airship Dock []
Front Gate []
Chapter 3 - 2nd Free T
Moogle Classes Support Magicology: Beginner II
Fire Magicology: Beginner I
Ice Magicology: Beginner I
Thunder Magicology: Beginner I
Support Magicology: Expert I
Fire Magicology: Advanced I
Ice Magicology: Advanced I
Thunder Magicology: Advanced II
Events Terrace []
Backyard []
Student Lounge []
Sixth Arms Research Institute []
Military Command: 2nd Division []
Small Talks Backyard []
Student Lounge []
Magic Department []
Kazusa's Laboratory []
Salon []
Fountain Plaza []
Airship Dock []
Front Gate []
Chapter 4 - 1st Free T
Events Hotel Armada: Guest Room [ ]
Hotel Armada: Guest Room [ ]
Hotel Armada: Guest Room [ ]
Front of Hotel Armada []
District 0709 [0709]
District 0711 [0711]
District 0711 [0711]
Small Talks District 0709 [0709]
District 0709 [0709]
District 0711 [0711]
District 0714 [0714]
District 0714 [0714]
Chapter 4 - 2nd Free T
Events Ruins of Lorica, Abandoned House [ ]
Ruins of Lorica, Abandoned House [ ]
Ruins of Lorica, Abandoned House [ ]
Ruins of Lorica, Abandoned House [ ]
Chapter 5 - 1st Free T
Moogle Classes Combat Basics: Intermediate
Magic Basics: Intermediate
Stamina Knowledge: Beginner I
Magic Knowledge: Beginner I
Combat Application: Intermediate
Magic Application: Intermediate
Stamina Knowledge: Intermediate II
Magic Knowledge: Intermediate I
Events Student Lounge []
Crystarium []
Military Command: 2nd Division []
Small Talks Backyard []
Salon []
Student Lounge []
Student Lounge []
Airship Dock []
Airship Dock []
Chapter 5 - 2nd Free T
Moogle Classes Fire Magicology: Begineer II
Ice Magicology: Begineer II
Thunder Magicology: Begineer II
Support Magicology: Intermediate I
Fire Magicology: Advanced II
Ice Magicology: Advanced II
Thunder Magicology: Advanced II
Support Magicology: Expert II
Events Cemetery []
Front Gate []
Terrace []
Small Talks Salon []
Student Lounge []
Crystarium []
Fountain Plaza []
Fountain Plaza []
Airship Dock []
Airship Dock []
Military Command: 2nd Division []
Terrace []
Chapter 6
No Free Time

Chapter 7 - 1st Free T

Moogle Classes Combat Basics: Advanced
Magic Basics: Advanced
Stamina Knowledge: Begineer II
Magic Knowledge: Begineer II
Combat Application: Advanced
Magic Application: Advanced
Stamina Knowledge: Advanced
Magic Knowledge: Intermediate II
Events Class 0's Classroom [0 ]
Cemetery []
Military Command: 2nd Division []
Kazusa's Laboratory []
Kazusa's Laboratory []
Kazusa's Laboratory []
Sixth Arms Research Institute []
Corridor []
Small Talks Backyard []
Terrace []
Salon []
Airship Dock []
Front Gate []
Alto Crystarium []
Military Command: 2nd Division []
Crystarium []
Chapter 7 - 2nd Free T
Moogle Classes Support Magicology: Intermediate II
Fire Magicology: Intermediate I
Ice Magicology: Intermediate I
Thunder Magicology: Intermediate I
Studies of Defense Magic: Expert Grade 2
Studies of Flame Magic: Expert Grade
Studies of Cold Magic: Expert Grade
Studies of Lightning Magic: Expert Grade
Events Corridor []
Class 0's Classroom [0 ]
Student Lounge []
Cemetery []
Small Talks Class 0's Classroom [0 ]
Backyard []
Sixth Arms Research Institute []
Airship Dock []
Salon []
Student Lounge []
Chapter 8
Events Class 0's Classroom [0 ]
Military Command: 2nd Division []
Military Command: 2nd Division []
Crystarium []
Crystarium []
Small Talks Military Command:2nd Division []
ses Reward
Talk to Item Received
Chapter 1
No Free Time
Chapter 2 - 1st Free Time
Machina / Rem Hi-Potion
Machina / Rem X-Potion
Arecia [] Hi-Potion
Chapter 2 - 2nd Free Time
Mega Ether, EXP+2000
Support MAG +2
Attack +3
Support MAG +2
Celestia [] Dry Ether
Kazusa [] Ether
Carla [] Beautiful Fur
Machina Dry Ether
Emina [] Dry Ether
Machina / Rem Mega Potion
Enra Hi-Potion
Azuma [] Elixir
Rem Ether
Class 8 Moogle Mega Potion
Suzaku Citizen [] Hi-Potion
Tokito [] Hi-Potion
Class 3 Moogle Mega Potion
King Ether
Chapter 2 - 3rd Free Time Glasses
All Magic +1
Fire MAG +1
Ice MAG+1
Thunder MAG +1
All Magic +1
Fire MAG+2
Ice MAG+2
Thunder MAG+2
Machina Ether
Arecia [] Hi-Potion
Naghi [] Ether
Koharu [] Mega Potion
Suzaku Soldier [] Hi-Potion
Sice Ether
Class 5 Moogle Hi-Potion
Class 1 Moogle Hi-Potion
Class 10 Moogle Hi-Potion
Chapter 3 - 1st Free Time
All Magic +1
Support MAG+2
Max HP +20
Attack +3
All Magic +1
Support MAG+3
Max HP +60
Mutsuki [] Mega Remedies
Quon [] Dry Ether
Arecia [] Mega Ether
Bench Elixir
Emina [] Hi-Potion
Emina [] Ether
Kazusa [] Ether
Cater Ether
Trey Mega Potion
Suzaku Soldier [] Hi-Potion
Tachibana [] Hi-Potion
Carla [] -
Akagi [] Hi-Potion
Adjutant [] Glass Pendant
Class 4 Moogle Hi-Potion
Class 6 Moogle Hi-Potion
Chapter 3 - 2nd Free Time
MagicFire BOM
MagicBlizzard RF
MagicThunder BOM
Support MAG+3
Fire MAG+3
Ice MAG+3
Thunder MAG+3
Machina Hi-Potion
Bench Phoenix Pinion
Carla [] Mega Ether
Cinque X-Potion
Queen X-Potion
Nine Mega Potion
Jack Mega Potion
Quon [] Ether
Kazusa [] Mega Ether
Class 7 Moogle Ether
Nadeshiko [] Ether
Kiyo [] Elixir
Asato [] Hi-Potion
Chapter 4 - 1st Free Time
Trey X-Potion
Sice Hi-Potion
Rem Elixir
Aria [] Hi-Potion
Pietto [] Hi-Potion
Jack Hi-Potion
Cater Hi-Potion
Imperial Soldier [] Ether
Imperial Soldier [] Hi-Potion
Imperial Soldier [] Ether
Imperial Soldier [] Hi-Potion
Eight Mega Potion
Chapter 4 - 2nd Free Time
Cater Mega Potion
Deuce Hi-Potion
Cinque Turbo Ether
Queen Hi-Potion
Chapter 5 - 1st Free Time
EXP +40000
All Magic +1
Max HP +50
Max MP +10
Attack +5
All Magic +1
Max HP +80
Max MP +30
Carla [] Hi-Potion
Quon [] Ether
Cadetmaster[] Elixir
Cinque Mega Potion
Deuce Mega Potion
Class 12 Moogle Hi-Potion
Enra [] Ether
Adjutant Mega Potion
Ryou [] Elixir
Ryid [] Ether
Chapter 5 - 2nd Free Time
Fire MAG+1
Ice MAG+1
Thunder MAG+1
Support MAG+1
Fire MAG+3
Ice MAG+3
Thunder MAG+3
Support MAG+3
Kurasame [] Phoenix Pinion
Caetuna [] X-Potion
Kurasame [] X-Potion
Carla [] -
Adjutant [] X-Potion
Hiiragi [] Ether
Yano [] Hi-Potion
Suzaku Soldier [] Ether
Adjutant [] Mega Potion
Mutsuki [] Hi-Potion
Class 2 Moogle Hi-Potion
Kurasame [] X-Potion
Chapter 6
No Free Time

Chapter 7 - 1st Free Time

EXP +100000
All Magic +1
Max HP +50
Max MP +20
Attack +5
All Magic +1
Max HP +100
Max MP +50
Rem Phoenix Pinion
Kurasame [] Phoenix Pinion
Seven BOM Magic Power +10
Kazusa [] Ether
Kazusa []
Kazusa [] Ether
Ryid [] Attack +3
Naghi [] 10 AP
Machina Mega Potion
Tokito [] X-Potion
Carla [] -
Izumo [] Elixir
Yamato [] Elixir
Queen Mega Potion
Shijima [] Elixir
Class 9 Moogle X-Potion
Chapter 7 - 2nd Free Time
Support MAG+2
Fire MAG+2
Ice MAG+2
Thunder MAG+2
Support MAG+5
Fire MAG+5
Ice MAG+5
Thunder MAG+5
Quon [] All Magic +5
Deuce X-Potion
Carla [] Ember-FrostRing
Rem Megalixir
Tonberry [] Ether
Ace Mega Potion
Class 11 Moogle Mega Ether
Hiruhata [] Mega Ether
Seven Mega Potion
Carla [] 222000 Gil
Chapter 8
Sice Mega Ether
Ryid [] Megalixir
Mutsuki [] Megalixir
Quon [] Megalixir
Carla [] Megalixir
Adjutant Elixir

Play as either Machina or Rem

See "Mog's Classes" Section for details

Only available with 8+ hours free time
Only available with 8+ hours free time

Play as Ace

Play as Rem
Play as Ace
May require not starting Kazusa's sub-
Give her 1000 Gils
Allows you to get an Accessory later

Play as Rem
Play as Ace
May require not starting Kazusa's sub-



Play as Machina
AddsAira, Afterto the Crimson Codex

Give her 10000 Gil
AddsQator's Regretto the Crimson
AddsQator's Compassionto the
- Codex
Must complete his request first
After doing Mutsuki request
After getting the "Eyeball Speciment"
from Naghi
After delivering Kurasame's Tag to Naghi
After doing his request
Give her 100000 Gil

After receiving Gil

Before going out (Refer to Sub-Event)
Before going out (Refer to Sub-Event)
Before going out (Refer to Sub-Event)
Before going out (Refer to Sub-Event)
Before going out. AddsAria's Endto
the Crimson Codex
All Sub-Events (Except for Emina & Kazusa and Aki & Fuyu)
Be warned about missable cutscenes. May not be done in first playthrough, as explained below (READ
102 first).
2nd Free Time Student Lounge Carla
Ch 2
3rd Free Time Salon Naghi
Arms Institute Mutsuki
1st Free Time Crystarium Quon
Salon Carla
Ch 3
Arms Institute Cinque
2nd Free Time Magic Department Quon
Student Lounge Carla
Airship Dock Ryid
Crystarium Naghi
1st Free Time Crystarium Quon
Ch 5 Magic Department Arecia
Student Lounge Carla
Airship Dock Mutsuki
2nd Free Time
Salon Carla
Arms Institute Mutsuki
Arms Institute Ryid
Arms Institute Ryid
1st Free Time Corridor Naghi
Magic Department Quon
Ch 7
Military Command Seven
Salon Carla
Corridor Quon
2nd Free Time Student Lounge Carla
Student Lounge Carla

Emina's Sub-event
First availabe on Ch 2 - 2nd Free Time. Emina appears on Terrace when the clock shows [
1 Talk to Emina
2 Talk to Magic Department Staff in Magic Department
3 Talk to Emina
4 Learn Vanish / Sukeru[] from Magic Department Staff
5 Give at least 3 presents to Emina
Learn Vanishra / Sukerura [] from Magic Department Staff (note: you can't g
7 scenes
Give at after
least that)
5 more presents to Emina
8 Complete Kazusa's sub-event
Learn Vanishga / Sukeruga [] from Magic Department Staff (note: you can't g
scenes after that) if you wants to see Sukeruga scenes
10 Give more presents
11 Talk to Emina
12 Talk to Magic Department Staff (1st choice: you didn't see anything; 2nd one: you sa
13 Talk to Emina
note: you can use the same presents fo
Present Lists
Scene Name Shop
1 Potted Plant Rokol
Tea Set Mi-Go
2 House Plant Toguagh
Famous Artist's
3 Wooden Coeurl Toguagh
Blue Bouquet Corsi
4 Cameo Figurines Rokol
Tapestry Meroe
Popular Novel Corsi
5 Hand Mirror Mi-Go
Quill Pen Meroe
Perfume Set Mi-Go
Jewelry Box Meroe
7 Chandelier Toguagh
Music Box Rokol
Rukonea Doll Toguagh

Kazusa's Sub-event

First availabe on Ch 2 - 2nd Free Time. Kazusa appears in his Lab when the clock shows X days, 6 Hou
1 Speak to Kazusa at Arms Institute
2 Talk to him again
3 You can now enter his lab for Scene 1-7
4 At Chapter 7, talk to Kazusa
(you may finish recruit Naghi by talking to him in
Talk to Naghi in the Naval Operation, he'll give you an
6 Go back to Kazusa, talk to him to give it to him
7 Find Naghi in Crystarium and complete his event (Find Kurasame's Tag - near Meroe
8 Talk to Kazusa in his lab
9 You can get Scene 8-15 instead of 1-7 now
10 Examine the Yellow Capsule in his lab

To get scene: Talk with:

1 Cater
2 Cinque or Sice
3 Deuce or Seven
4 Nine or Jack
5 Ace or King
6 Trey or Rem
7 Eight or Machina
8 Sice
9 Cinque or King
10 Ace or Machina
11 Nine
12 Deuce or Jack
13 Trey or Eight
14 Cater or Queen
15 Seven or Rem (This isn't called Event 15, but it occurs at the same time as 8-14)

Recruits of Class Zero

The following NPCs have Sub-Events that will allow the player to recruit them into Class Zero (Story-w
they can only be seen on first playthrough. If you complete their Sub-Events at chapter 7 during the fi
Naghi's Sub-event
Ch 2 3rd Free Time Salon Naghi
Ch 5 1st Free Time Crystarium Naghi
Ch 7 1st Free Time Corridor Naghi

Carla's Sub-event
Ch 2 2nd Free Time Refreshing Room Carla
1st Free Time Salon Carla
Ch 3
2nd Free Time Refreshing Room Carla
1st Free Time Refreshing Room Carla
Ch 5
2nd Free Time Salon Carla
1st Free Time Salon Carla
Ch 7 2nd Free Time Refreshing Room Carla
2nd Free Time Refreshing Room Carla

Quon's Sub-event
1st Free Time Crystarium Quon
Ch 3
2nd Free Time Magic Department Quon
1st Free Time Crystarium Quon
Ch 5
1st Free Time Magic Department Arecia
1st Free Time Magic Department Quon
Ch 7
2nd Free Time Corridor Quon

Mutsuki's Sub-event
Ch 3 1st Free Time Arms Institute Mutsuki
Ch 5 2nd Free Time Airship Landing Place Mutsuki
Arms Institute Mutsuki
Ch 7 1st Free Time
Naval Operation Seven

Ryid's Sub-event
Ch 3 2nd Free Time Arms Institute Cinque
Ch 5 1st Free Time Airship Landing Place Ryid
Arms Institute Ryid
Ch 7 1st Free Time
Arms Institute Ryid

Other Events
Fountain Square Aki
1st Free Time
Ch 2 Entrance Aki
3rd Free Time Entrance Aki
1st Free Time Terrace Aki, Fuyu
Ch 3
2nd Free Time Crystarium Aki, Fuyu
1st Free Time Chocobo Ranch Aki
Ch 5 2nd Free Time Student Lounge Aki, Fuyu
Mission Day Front Gate Aki, Fuyu
1st Free Time Terrace Aki, Fuyu
Ch 7 2nd Free Time Salon Aki, Fuyu
Mission Day 2 Fountain Square Aki
Final Ch ? Entrance Fuyu
Talk to them every time they appear to receive a Tiara or 40,000 gil in the final chapter.
aythrough, as explained below (READ description in row
Small Talk, Give 1000 Gil
Small Talk
Small Talk
Request: Find a proof of Cactuar
Request: Defeat 30 enemies with Blizzard BOM
Small Talk
Small Talk, Give 10000 Gil
Request: Obtain 1 Dark Matter
Request: Obtain Genbu Soldier's Note
Event (After Request)
Request: Obtain 1 Jewel Ring
Small Talk, Give 100000 Gil
Small Talk, Get Money
Small Talk (after get money)

when the clock shows [62] ( is any


rtment Staff
Department Staff (note: you can't get more Sukeru

c Department Staff (note: you can't get more Sukerura

ga scenes

didn't see anything; 2nd one: you saw it)

te: you can use the same presents for Vanish, Vanishra and

when the clock shows X days, 6 Hours ~ X days, 2 Hours

nt (Find Kurasame's Tag - near Meroe)

t it occurs at the same time as 8-14)

recruit them into Class Zero (Story-wise).

Sub-Events at chapter 7 during the first playthrough, you
Request: Find a proof of Cactuar

Event, Give 1000 Gil
Event, Give 10000 Gil
Event, Give 100000 Gil
Event, Get Money
Event, Get Accessory

Request: Defeat 30 enemies with Blizzard BOM
Request: Obtain 1 Jewel Ring

Request: Obtain 1 Dark Matter

Request: Obtain Genbu Soldier's Memoir
gil in the final chapter.
Client Client's Locations Request
Chapter 2
Sixth Arms Inside Rubrum

Guild Staff Research 1
Magic 1
Magic Bureau Clerk Institute
Suzaku Officer Command:2nd 2
Student Bureau
Salon 100SPP
Clerk Bureau
Front Gate 3
9 Class 9 Cadet Crystarium 1

Enra Fountain Plaza
Tokito Student Lounge

Outside Rubrum
Amane McTighe 3
Takano Corsi 10
Kouki Aqvi
Chapter 3 - 1st Free
Sixth Arms Inside Rubrum

Guild Staff Research 3
Magic 3
Magic Bureau Clerk Institute
Suzaku Officer Command: 2nd 6
Student Bureau
Salon 500SPP
Clerk Bureau
Front Gate 3
9 Class 9 Cadet Crystarium
Military 1

Kurasame Command: 2nd

Arecia Division
Corridor RF3

Provost Crystarium

Outside Rubrum
Nenji Keziah 4
Moto Mi-Go 10
Chapter 3 - 2nd Free
Sixth Arms Inside Rubrum

Guild Staff Research 5
Magic 1
Magic Bureau Clerk Institute
Suzaku Officer Command: 2nd 15
Student Bureau
Salon 700SPP
Commissar Front Gate 10

9 Class 9 Cadet Crystarium 3

Enra Refreshing Room

Outside Rubrum
Aoba Iscah 2
Nana Rokol 6
Chapter 4
Yuuzuki 0714 District 0714

Celestia 0714 District 0714 0
Chapter 5 - 1st Free
Sixth Arms Inside Rubrum

Guild Staff Research 7
Magic 7
Magic Bureau Clerk Institute
Suzaku Officer Command: 2nd 6
Student Bureau
Salon 2000SPP
Clerk Bureau 1
Front Gate

Naghi Crystarium

Enra Fountain Plaza
Magic BOM30

Outside Rubrum
Shigeto Meroe 1
Chapter 5 - 2nd Free
Sixth Arms Inside Rubrum
Arms Institute
Research 2
Guild Captain Magic 10
Magic Bureau Clerk Institute
Suzaku Officer Command: 2nd 2

9 Class 9 Cadet Division
Crystarium 3
Logistics Bureau
Front Gate 3
Clerk Bureau
Salon 2500SPP
Clerk SP5
Kurasame Terrace

Tokito Fountain Plaza
Outside Rubrum
Issei Toguagh
Chapter 7 - 1st Free
Sixth Arms Inside Rubrum

Guild Captain Research 10
Magic 15
Magic Bureau Clerk Institute
Suzaku Officer Command: 2nd 10

Cadetmaster Division
Salon 3000SPP
Logistics Bureau
Front Gate 3
Naghi Crystarium
Class 0 SP7

Tonberry 0 Sixth Arms
Ryid Research
Sixth Arms

Mutsuki Institute
Research 1
Quon Institute

Outside Rubrum
Yatsude Cetme 20
Subaru Roshana 15

Yukisato Rama
Sakuya Bazz
Okita Yezel 8
Chapter 7 - 2nd Free
Sixth Arms Inside Rubrum

Guild Captain Research 1
Magic 1
Magic Bureau Clerk Institute
Commandant Command: 2nd 6

Cadetmaster Division
Salon 3000SPP
Logistics Bureau 5
Front Gate
9 Class 9's Cadet Crystarium
Military 10

Khaliah Command: 2nd

Provost Division

Outside Rubrum
Ametsuchi Shakara 10
Akari Rilochy 10
Otokusa Amiter 99
Demo Version
Magic Department Magic 10


Male Aqvi

Request Reward
Chapter 2
Inside Rubrum
Obtain 1 Beautiful Fur [] Iron Bangle
Bring 1 Red Phantoma [
Iron Ring
Defeat 2 Vertigo [] Ice Magic 102
Give 100 SPP Megalixir
Obtain 3 Potions Ether
Defeat 1 Striker [] Fire Magic 102
Meet up with Rem Phoenix Down
Obtain Swimwear Thunder Magic 102
Outside Rubrum
Defeat 3 Lesser Coeurls [
Silver Bracer
Defeat 10 Aqua Flans [] [HP] Growth Agent
Obtain a BlazingFragment Iron Ring
Chapter 3 - 1st Free Time
Inside Rubrum
Obtain 3 Saps [] Shock Shell
Obtain 3 Green Phantoma [
Silver Ring
Defeat 6 Topaz Grenades[] Verity of Succor
Give 500 SPP Thunder Magic 202
Obtain 3 Ethers X-Potion x5
Capture 1 prisoner [] Bullet Shield
Request reinforcements. Have people
10,000 EXP
join your game 3 times.
Defeat 3 enemies with Fire RF All Magic +3
Recover Suzaku'sEntire History Tricorne Hat
Outside Rubrum
Defeat 4 Flame Bombs [] Inferno Bracelet x3
Defeat 10 Hundlegs [] Support Magic 302
Chapter 3 - 2nd Free Time
Inside Rubrum
Obtain5 Thin Wings [] Shock Shield
Obtain 1 Purple Phantoma [
Unlocks Suzaku Magic
Defeat 15 Imperial Soldiers [] DefenseRing
Give 700 SPP Gold Ring
Obtain 10 Elixirs Megalixir x5
Capture 3 prisoners [] BallisticsGuard
Rem-Only Quest - Give Me Rem's
Crystal Fragments
Outside Rubrum
Defeat 2 Imperial Army Leaders Guard Emblem
Defeat 6 Evil Eyes [] [MP] Growth Agent
Chapter 4
Train Class Zero's power to the max Dragon King's Jewel
Increase Class Zero's allies Gem of Dawn
Chapter 5 - 1st Free Time
Inside Rubrum
Obtain7 Blazing Fragments [] Celestial Armlet
Obtain 7 Cyan Phantoma [
Crystal Fragments
Defeat 6 Bombs [] X-Potion x5
Give 2000 SPP Megalixir x3
Obtain 1 Phoenix Down Mythril Gauntlet
Find a proof
Rem-Only of Cactuar
Quest - In the operation "The Bullet Shield
Taking of Meroe" have Rem achieve the Gold Bangle
highest score
Defeat 30 enemies with Blizzard BOM Jewel Ring x12
Outside Rubrum
Defeat 1 Behemoth [] Edicts of Fire
Chapter 5 - 2nd Free Time
Inside Rubrum
Give 2 Beast Meats [] Gold Bangle
Give 10 Sepia Phantoma [
Crystal Fragments
Defeat 2 Strikers [] Elixir x10
Capture 3 prisoners [] DefenseRing
Give 3 Mega Potions Platinum Gauntlet
Give 2500 SPP Phoenix Down x5
Request reinforcements. Have people
Shock Shield
join your game 5 times.
Give 1 Diamond Ore Lucky Charm
Outside Rubrum
Defeat 1 Soryu Lancer Diamond Shield
Chapter 7 - 1st Free Time
Inside Rubrum
Obtain 10 Tortoise Shells [] Diamond Gauntlet
Obtain 15 Mauve Phantoma [
Thunder MIS
Defeat 10 Ankheads [] Megalixir x3
Give 3000 SPP Phoenix Pinion x5
Give 3 Mega Remedies X-Potion x10
Obtain Kurasame's Memory Tag X-Potion
Request reinforcements. Have people
Shock Armor
join your
Obtain gameSoldier's
Genbu 7 times.Memoir [
Crystal Gauntlet
Obtain 1 Dark Matter Diamond Ring
Obtain 1 Jewel Ring Suzaku Army Cap
Outside Rubrum
Defeat 20 Empire Soldiers [
Jolt Absorber
Defeat 15 Mandragoras [] Gold Anklet
Defeat 2 Marduks [] in
Crystal Fragments
Roshana Province
Defeat Iron Giant [] Growth Egg
Defeat 8 Float Eyes [] Gold Bangle
Chapter 7 - 2nd Free Time
Inside Rubrum
Obtain 1 Dark Soul [] Soul of Thamasa
Obtain 1 Pearl Phantoma [
Crystal Fragments
Defeat 6 Sandworms [] Diamond Bangle
Give 3000 SPP Crystal Ball
Give 5 Megalixirs Unwavering Ring
Capture 10 prisoners [] Bullet Shield
Reach SP Rank "~Commander" or
Dress Uniform
moreinformation about previous
(50000+ SPP)
Gold Anklet
seagull calendar
Outside Rubrum
Defeat 10 Bombs [] Inferno Armlet
Defeat 10 Flame Flans [] Mythril Gauntlet
Defeat 99 Lesser Lopros [
Grand Bangle
Demo Version
Obtain 10 Red Phantoma [ Sice's Summer
] Uniform
Obtain Flan's Body Fluid ?

Kill the Coeurl inCorsi Cave [] to

make the Lesser Coeurls surrender
Forest in Rubrum Area []
Rubrum Area []
Change your lead character into Rem
Buy Feminine Swimsuitin Corsi []

Corsi Cave []
Plain in Rubrum Area []
Corsi Cave []

Defeat monsters in Togoreth Area []

to acceptCombat Exercise -A United Front
with Soryu- to get access
- to North Togoreth
surrender. You need to accept Combat Exercise
-A United Front with Soryu- to get access to
Multiplay only
Do Mock Combat at the Arena to save free time
Corsi Cave []- first treasure at the
Northern Corridor []
Plains in Central Togoreth Region []
(south of the bridge to Keziah)

Defeat monsters in Iscah Area []

The soldiers could be found everywhere,
including in the Arena's Mock Combat.
make the soldiers surrender. Must be done
before completing Combat Exercise -Retaking

Iscah Area []
Iscah Area []
NG+Talk to Yuuzuki with a party member
NG+ Talkstatis255
whoseattack to Celestia with Naghi,
(Weapon and Carla,
Quon, Mutsuki, and Ryid's sub-events

Defeat monsters in Rubrum Area []

Juhanla Area [] (you access it by
going through Northern Corridor, westof Mi-Go)
Cactuar can be found in Terrace, Chocobo
Ranch, AirshipofLanding
The Taking Meroe-Place,
with and
alone (solo,
with the
Use no backup; complete
Arena's Mock before
Combat accepting
to save Free a
Bethnel's Grotto

Defeat Behemoths in Bethnel's Grotto [

Forest in Eibon Region []
leader first to make the soldiers surrender. You
must do this before completing Combat
Multiplay only, available after seeing his event
Bethnel's Grotto[]

Innsmouth Coast []

Defeat Adamantaimai in Innsmouth Coast [

] Bush
Ruins of Lorica[]
Near Bethnel's Grotto []
Multiplay only
Ultima Bomb Ground Zero []
Roshana Province [] -> Dropped by
Get fromArecia; request "Defeat 30 Enemies
with Blizzard BOM"

Roshana Province []
location Province []
the airship has been obtained
from the Silent Yard. Alternatively, the orange
Yezel Region []

Reach the5th floor in theTower of Agito [

Berith Desert []
the leader first to make the soldiers surrender.
You must do this before turn this region into
"Lost History Book", Found in Silent Key

Rilochy Province []
Rilochy Province []
Dragon King's Sanctuary []

Abilities AP
Speed Up 2
Twin Magic 6
-ra Magic Cancel 15
-ga Magic Cancel 30

Triple Evasion 2
----- Infinite Evasion 3
EvasionGuard 5
Libra M
EvasionCancel M
Melee Attack 3
----- Lv.2 Melee Attack Lv.2 4
Magic Cancel S-1 8

Charge Hit M
----- Lv.2 ChargeHit. 2 4
Normal Attack EX 3
Magic Cancel S-2 10

Shuffle Deck M
Attack Deck 8
Support Deck 6
Life Deck 4
Spirit Deck 6
Trap Card 8
----- TC TC Time Extension 6
----- TCAG TC AGReduction 10
Laser Cannon 8
----- CL Enhanced LC 5
----- CL LC Time Extension 6
----- CLAG LC AG Reduction 8
Tri-Laser 12
----- TLAG TL AG Reduction 14
Teleport Card 6
----- TPPower Up 8
----- Enhanced TP 8
----- AG TP AGReduction 8
l'Cie Form 13
Speed Up 4
Twin Magic 8
-ra Magic Cancel 15
-ga Magic Cancel 30

Triple Evasion 3
----- Infinite Evasion 4
Evasion Guard 8
Libra M
Melee Attack M
----- Lv.2 Melee Attack Lv.2 8
----- Magic Cancel 8
Sonic Field M
----- Sonic Field EX 6
Performance EX 10
----- Performance EX2 18
Concerto M
----- Con Guard 14

Con AGReduction 18

ff Concerto ff 6
----- CffAG Cff's AG Reduction 4
Black Requiem 4
----- Req Req Guard 4
----- Req Req Power Increase 6
----- ReqAG Req's AG Reduction 6
Dissonant Sonata 3
----- Son Son Guard 4
----- Son Increase Son's Effect 3
----- SonAG Son's AG Reduction 4
White Serenade 6
----- SER SER Guard 4
----- SER SER Improved Recovery 6
----- SERAG SER's AG Reduction 6
Crescendo 3
----- Enhanced Crescendo 4
l'Cie Form 13
Speed Up 3
Twin Magic 4
-ra Magic Cancel 8
-ga Magic Cancel 48

Triple Evasion 1
----- Infinite Evasion 6
----- Evasion Guard 3
Libra M
Charge Shot M
----- Lv.4 Charge Lv.4 2
----- Lv.5 Charge Lv.5 8
----- Lv.MAX Charge Lv.MAX 12
----- Magic Cancel 18
Arrow Shower M
----- AS AS Power Increase 6
----- AS AS AG Reduction 8
Freeze Shot 2
----- FS FS Time Increase 10
----- FSAG FS AG Reduction 12
Burst Area 2
Grand Delta 14
Dynamite Arrow 4
----- AD DA Power Increase 6
----- ADAG DA AG Reduction 8
Snipe Mode 1
----- SM SM's AG Reduction 6
Hit & Shield 2
----- HS HS Power Increase 5
----- HS HS Time Increase 5
----- HS HS AG Reduction 6
Concentration 1
----- C Effect Up 6
----- C Time Ext 8
l'Cie Form 13
Speed Up 2
Twin Magic 4
-ra Magic Cancel 12
-ga Magic Cancel 28

Triple Evasion 2
----- Infinite Evasion 3
Evasion Guard 5
Libra M
Action Cancel M
Charge Shot M
----- Magic Cancel 6
----- Enhanced Charge 12
Blast Bullet M
----- Enhanced BB 8
Normal Shot EX 8
Elemental Bullet M
----- EB Power Up 16
----- Ice Bullet 8
----- EnhancedIB 16
----- Thunder Bullet 8
----- TB Power UP 16
Mine Bullet 6
----- MB Power UP 8
----- MB AG Reduction 12
Weakening Bullet 2
----- WB Effect Up 3
----- WB AG Reduction 4
Stop Bullet 2
----- SB Time Ext 2
----- SB AG Reduction 5
Snipe Mode 8
----- SMAG SM's AG Reduction 10
Poison Bullet 3
----- PB Time Ext 4
----- AG PB AG Reduction 4
l'Cie Form 13
Speed Up 2
Twin Magic 28
-ra Magic Cancel 30
-ga Magic Cancel 42

Triple Evasion 2
----- Infinite Evasion 3
Evasion Guard 5
Libra M
Charge Hit 2
----- Lv.2 Charge Lv.2 4
----- Lv.3
----- Charge Lv.3 6

Magic Cancel S-1 12

Magic Cancel S-2 30

Earthquake M
----- EQ EQ Effect Up 3
----- EQ EQ Effect EX 3
----- EQ EQ Guard 5
Earth Impulse 3
----- EI EI Effect Up 5
Full Swing 2
----- FS Charge 2
FS Charge EX 3

----- Enhanced FS 5
Battle Cry 2
----- BC Effect Up 3
----- AG BCAG Reduction 5
Hurricane Mace 2
----- MH Enhanced HM 3
Cyclone Mace 3
----- MS CMGuard 5
Revenge Blast 2
----- RB Enhanced RB 4
l'Cie Form 13
Speed Up 2
Twin Magic 5
-ra Magic Cancel 15
-ga Magic Cancel 30

Triple Evasion 2
----- Infinite Evasion 3
Evasion Guard 5
Libra M
Normal Attack EX 2
----- Normal Attack EX2 2
----- Normal Attack EX3 6
Magic Cancel S-1 10
Mobile Attack M
Magic Cancel S-2 6
Magic Cancel S-3 8

Absorb Malice M
----- Enhanced AM 12
----- Enhanced AM II 14
----- Absorb Malice EX 16
Dark Nebula M
----- DN Add Effect 3
----- DNs AG Reduction 5
Dark Zone 5
----- DZ DZ AddEffect 6
----- DZAG DZ AG Reduction 8
Dark Nemesis 10
Poison Gloom 4
----- PW PG AG Reduction 6
Psycho Vortex 3
----- PV PV Power Up 5
----- PV PV Time Ext 6
----- PV PV AG Reduction 8
Black Hole 6
----- BHAG BH AG Reduction 8
l'Cie Form 13
Speed Up 4
Twin Magic 5
-ra magic cancel 15
-ga Magic Cancel 30

Triple Evasion 4
----- Infinite Evasion 6
Evasion Guard 8
Libra M
Magic Cancel 8
FrontalBlow M
----- Lv.2 Frontal Blow Lv.2 5
----- Lv.3 Frontal Blow Lv.3 6
Wide Attack M
----- Lv.2 Wide Attack Lv.2 6
----- Lv.3 Wide Attack Lv.3 8
Stun Finisher 4
Catch M
CA Effect Ext 3
CA AG Reduction 5

Overhead Strike 2
----- HS OHS Power Up 4
Elemental Whip 4
-----EW EW Fire Up 12
-----EW EW Add Ice 4
-----EW EW Ice Up 12
-----EW EW Add Thunder 4
-----EW EW Thunder Up 12
Bondage Whip 3
----- BW BW Time Ext 6
----- BW BW AG Reduction 10
Drain Whip 4
----- DW DW Power Up 10
Aspir Whip 6
----- AW AW Power Up 12
l'Cie Form 13
Speed Up 2
Twin Magic 12
-ra Magic Cancel 24
-ga Magic Cancel 48

Triple Evasion 2
----- Infinite Evasion 3
Evasion Guard 5
Libra M
Special Evasion M
Back Attack M
Magic Cancel S-1 10
Down Counter 2
Backhand Blow 3
Magic Cancel S-2 30

Gale Form M
----- GaleEX 2
----- GaleEX2 4
Raging Fire Form 2
----- Raging FireEX 2
----- Raging FireEX2 4
Thunderclap Form 2
----- ThunderclapEX 2
----- ThunderclapEX2 4
Raging Fist 4
----- RF Power Up 6
----- RF Guard 8
Go-All-Out 10
Lightspeed Fist 6
----- LightspeedEX 8
----- LightspeedEX2 6
Last Stand 3
----- AG LS AG Reduction 5
Phantom Rush 3
----- AG PRAG Reduction 5
l'Cie Form 13
Speed Up 4
Twin Magic 14
-ra Magic Cancel 18
-ga Magic Cancel 32

Triple Evasion 2
----- Infinite Evasion 3
Evasion Guard 5
Libra M
Magic Cancel S-1 12
Wide Attack M
Wide Attack Lv.2 4
Magic Cancel S-2 22
Wide Attack Lv.3

Mobile Attack 6
----- Mobile Attack Lv.2 6
Jump M
Jump Power Up 4

----- Enhanced J 4
J AG Reduction 5

Safety Guard 4
----- SG SG AGReduction 5
Spiral Lance 4
----- SL SL AG Reduction 6
HighJump 8
----- HJ HJ Power Up 8
----- HJ HJ Power EX 10
Lance Throw 4
Lance Throw EX 6

Lance Strike 5
----- SL SL Power Increase 7
Roar 3
----- RoarTime Ext 4
----- AG Roar AGReduction 6
l'Cie Form 13
Speed Up 7
Twin Magic 10
-ra Magic Cancel 20
-ga Magic Cancel 38

Triple Evasion 4
----- Infinite Evasion 6
Evasion Guard 4
Libra M
First Blood M
Magic Cancel 12
Normal Attack EX 6
Concentration M
----- Concentration EX 4
Foresight M
----- FS Power Up 4
----- Enhanced FS 6

FSAGReduction 5

Sanguine Snowfall 5
----- SS Power Up 6
----- SS Power EX 8
----- AG SS AG Reduction 4
Flurry 4
----- Enhanced GL 6
----- AG GLAG Reduction 4
Last Rites 8
----- AG LR AG Reduction 6
Flash Break 5
----- FBEffect Up 6
----- FBPower Up 8
----- AG FB AGReduction 5
Clear Tranquil 6
----- CTPower Up 6
----- CT AddEffect 8
----- AG CTAG Reduction 6
l'Cie Form 13
Speed Up 2
Twin Magic 5
-ra Magic Cancel 12
-ga Magic Cancel 28

Triple Evasion 2
----- Infinite Evasion 3
Evasion Guard 5
Libra M
Magic Cancel S-1 6
Rush Attack M
Rush Attack Lv.2 4

Parry Attack M
Parry Attack Lv.2 6
Magic Cancel S-2 6

Cross Judge M
----- Enhanced CJ 8
----- CJ Power Up 2
----- CJ CJ Regen Rate Up 3
----- CJ AG Reduction 3
Energy Share 2
----- ES Enhanced ES 4
----- ES ES Guard 4
Dash 3
----- AG Dash AG Reduction 4
Energy Combo 8
----- EC EC Power Up 10
----- EC Enhanced EC 12
----- ECAG EC AG Reduction 12
Energy Bomb 10
----- EB EB Power Up 12
----- EB Enhanced EB 14
Reflect Guard 10
----- RG RG Power Up 12
----- RGAG RG AG Reduction 14
l'Cie Form 13
Speed Up 2
Twin Magic 6
-ra Magic Cancel 16
-ga Magic Cancel 30

Triple Evasion 2
----- Infinite Evasion 3
Evasion Guard 5
Libra M
Marksmanship M
Reload M
----- R Marksmanship 3
Kick Attack M
----- G Marksmanship 3
----- Magic Cancel 16
Ammunition Up 8
Ammunition EX 14

Powered Bullet M
----- Lv.1 Charge 3
----- Lv.2 Charge Lv.2 4
----- Lv.3 Charge Lv.3 6
----- PB Enhanced PB 8
----- PBAG PB AG Reduction 8
Magazine Bomb 4
----- MB MB Power Up 6
----- MBAG MB AG Reduction 8
Endless Waltz 3
----- EWAG EW AG Reduction 6
Quick Draw 4
----- QD Enhanced QD 6
----- QDAG QDAGReduction 8
Snipe Mode 4
----- SMAG SM AG Reduction 8
Never Give Up 8
----- NG NGU Time Increase 10
----- NGAG NGU AG Reduction 8
l'Cie Form 13
Speed Up 2
Twin Magic 5
-ra Magic Cancel 15
-ga Magic Cancel 30

Triple Evasion 2
----- Infinite Evasion 3
Evasion Guard 5
Libra M
Magic Cancel S-1 8
Magic Cancel S-2 8
Normal Attack EX 3
Spin Drive M
----- SD SD Power Up 3
----- SD SD Power EX 4
----- SD Enhanced SD 5
----- SD Enhanced SD II 6
----- SDAG SD AG Reduction 8
Assault Mode 4
----- AM AM Power Up 6
----- AM AM Guard 4
----- AMAG AM AG Reduction 8
Stun Blade 16
----- SB SB Power Up 6
----- SBAG SB AG Reduction 8
Sword Field 4
----- SFAG SF AG Reduction 6
Drain Sword 16
----- DS DS Power Up 6
----- DSAG DS AG Reduction 8
Darkside 5
----- Darkside EX 8

Darkside Target Up 10
l'Cie Form 13
Speed Up 3
Twin Magic M
-ra Magic Cancel 12
-ga Magic Cancel 26

Triple Evasion 3
----- Infinite Evasion 4
Evasion Guard 5
Libra M
Weak Finisher 4
Magic Cancel S-1 8

Strong Finisher 6
Magic Cancel S-2 8

Magic Cancel S-3 8

Magic Cancel S-0 18
Aspir Venom 3
----- AV AV Range Ext 4
----- AV AV Time Ext 6
Convert 3
----- CO CO AG Reduction 8
Don't Die 3
----- SN DDAGReduction 6
Magic Satellite 6
----- MS MS Power Increase 8
----- MS MS Speed Increase 10
----- MSAG MS AGReduction 8
Aspir Field 6
----- AF AF Power Increase 8
----- AFAG AF AG Reduction 8
Boomerang Dagger 8
----- BDAG BD AG Reduction 8
Dagger Shot 8
----- DS DS Power Up 10
l'Cie Form 13
Description Req
Increases character's movement speed Lv.11
Enables two magic spells to be equipped concurrently Lv.16
Cast -ra class spells when cancelling with magic Magic Cancel S-2
Cast -ga class spells when cancelling with magic Lv.39
Allows you to evade three succesive times Lv.12
Allows you to dodge without end Triple Evasion
Increase the period of invicibility while evading Lv.19
View the foe's status by locking on -
Cancels current ability -
Normal Attack
Enables a close-range attack with up on [Analog + ],
Adds a combo to finish Melee Attack Melee Attack
Melee Attack
Allows you to cancel with magic after melee attack
Charge an attack by holding down on [Analog + holding ] -
Melee Attack
Increases the number of cards fired when charging Charge Hit.
Adds a combo finisher to normal attacks -
Allows you to cancel with magic after a normal attack Magic Cancel S-1
Draw various cards that invoke various battle effects -
Draw cards, invoking various effects. High chance of attack cards -
Draw cards, invoking various effects. High chance of support cards -
Draw cards, invoking various effects. High chance of HP Regen -
Draw cards, invoking various effects. High chance of MP Regen -
Place a card on the ground. Detonates when tripped Lv.10
Extend Trap Card's effective time Trap Card
Reduce Trap Card's AG cost Trap Card
Fire a photon laser in front of you Lv.13
Increase Laser Cannon's critical hit rate Laser Cannon
Extend Laser Cannon's effective time Enhanced LC
LC Time
Reduce Laser Cannon's AG cost
Fires 3 small laser beams LC AGReduction
Reduce Tri-Laser's AG cost Tri-Laser
Teleport to thrown card's position. Activates on foe contact. Lv.14
Increases attack damage of the moment of reappearance Teleport Card
Increase critical rate of the moment of reappearance Teleport Card
Reduce Teleport Card's AG cost Teleport Card
Use 500 times in
Increases character's movement speed Lv.25
Enables two magic spells to be equipped concurrently Lv.15
Cast -ra class spells when cancelling with magic Magic Cancel
Cast -ga class spells when cancelling with magic Lv.60
Allows you to evade three succesive times Lv.13
Allows you to dodge without end Triple Evasion
Increase the period of invicibility while evading Lv.20
View the foe's status by locking on -
By pressing [Analog + ], play a 360 melee attack -
Increase the strength of melee attack Lv.27
Melee Attack
Can "Magic Cancel" by the end of her Melee Attack
Summon a massive ball of energy that explodes on your target Lv.2
[Analog + ]. The ball of energy moves very slowly
- Lv.30
Increases the strength of Deuce's normal attacks Lv.15
Increases the strength of Deuce's normal attacks; more than
Performance EX
Enhanced Performance
the effects of Protect and Aura, as well as attack the target that you -
While Deuce is performing Concerto, she will not flinch when she is
Reduce Concertos AG cost Concerto
Switches the priority of being attacked to one of your allies instead
of yourself
Reduce White Concerto ffs AG cost Concerto ff
Massive explosions of energy are emitted every few seconds from
as longisasperforming Blackbutton
the command Requiem, she ability
for this will notisflinch
held when
Black Requiem
she is hit
Increase Black Requiem's attack power Black Requiem
Reduce Black Requiem's AG cost Black Requiem
A song that delivers high damage with stun value to surrounding
While Deuce is performing Dissonant Sonata, she will not flinch
enemies Dissonant
when she is hit Dissonant
Increase the Stun value of Dissonant Sonata
Reduce Dissonant Sonata's AG cost
Heal all allies' HP Lv.23
Remove flinching during White Serenade White Serenade
Increase recovery rate of White Serenade White Serenade
Reduce White Serenades AG cost White Serenade
A song that increases the power of regular attacks Lv.28
Increase the possible power-up level of Crescendo Crescendo
Use 500 times in
Increases character's movement speed Lv.14
Enables two magic spells to be equipped concurrently Lv.20
Cast -ra class spells when cancelling with magic Magic Cancel
Cast -ga class spells when cancelling with magic Lv.50
Allows you to evade three succesive times Lv.8
Allows you to dodge without end Triple Evasion
Increase the period of invicibility while evading Lv.18
View the foe's status by locking on -
Holding to do a charge shot, can't be canceled.Can charge up to
Lv 3
Increase Charge Shot's attack power & speed Lv.11
Increase more Charge Shot's attack power & speed Charge Lv.4
Increase even more Charge Shot's attack power & speed Charge Lv.5
Can "Magic Cancel" after firing a MAX Lv. Charge Shot Charge Lv.MAX
Simultaneous attack with multiple arrows from the sky -
Increase Arrow Shower's attack power Arrow Shower
Reduce Arrow Showers AG cost Arrow Shower
Multiple arrows with the Stop effect fall from the sky. Lv.15
Increase the duration of Freeze Shot Freeze Shot
Reduce Freeze Shots AG cost Freeze Shot
Place a magic spot. Enemies inside will have HP drained, and Kill
Place a magic spot.
Sight chances Enemies inside will have HP heavily drained,
Burst Area
and Kill Sight chances increase
Implant explosive on enemy, it will explode after certain time Lv.12
Increase Arrow Dynamite's attack power Dynamite Arrow
Reduce Arrow Dynamites AG cost Dynamite Arrow
Aim at a far-away enemy Lv.14
Reduce the amount of AG used with Snipe Mode Snipe Mode
Dealing direct damage and letting out fire-attributed wall by the
same time
Increase the power of Hit & Shield Hit & Shield
Increase the duration of Hit & Shield Hit & Shield
Reduce the amount of AG used with Hit & Shield Hit & Shield
By using this skill, Trey's attack increases for a period of time Lv.19
Increase the effect of Seishin Toitsu Concentration
Increase the duration of Seishin Toitsu Concentration
Use 500 times in
Increases character's movement speed Lv.10
Enables two magic spells to be equipped concurrently Lv.19
Cast -ra class spells when cancelling with magic Magic Cancel
Cast -ga class spells when cancelling with magic Lv.45
Allows you to evade three succesive times Lv.12
Allows you to dodge without end Triple Evasion
Increase the period of invicibility while evading Lv.26
View the foe's status by locking on -
By canceling action, could do normal attack or avoid -
By not firing the gun, the shot is charged -
Can "Magic Cancel" after firing a MAX Lv. Charge Shot Lv.28
Reduce the time needed in Charge Shot Normal Shot EX
By pressing [Analog + ], could fire exploding bullet -
Increase Exploding Bullet's stun value Lv.14
Increase the attack power when doing normal shoot Lv.25
Mixing attribute to the bullet(default is fire Bullet) -
Increase Fire Bullet's attack power Lv.15
Fires a blizzard bullet ( + O/) Lv.13
Increase Freezing Bullet's critical hit chance Ice Bullet
Fires a lightning-attribute bullet at the target ( + O/) Lv.13
Increase Lightning Bullet's attack power Thunder Bullet
Fire mine-trap bullet Lv.20
Increase Mine Bullet's attack power Mine Bullet
Reduce Mine Bullets AG cost Mine Bullet
By pressing [Analog O/], could fire a bullet to reduce enemy's
defense Weakening
Increase the effect of Weakening Bullet
Decrease the amount of AG used by Weakening Bullet
Fires a bullet at the target that inflict the Stop effect (O/) Lv.10
Increase the duration of Stop Bullet Stop Bullet
Decrease the amount of AG used by Stop Bullet Stop Bullet
Manually aim to hit the enemy Lv.13
Reduce Snipe Modes AG cost Snipe Mode
Fire poison bullet (Hold O/) Lv.12
Increase the duration of Poison Bullet's effect Poison Bullet
Reduce Poison Bullets AG cost Poison Bullet
Use 500 times in
Increases character's movement speed Lv.16
Enables two magic spells to be equipped concurrently Lv.29
Cast -ra class spells when cancelling with magic Magic Cancel S-1
Cast -ga class spells when cancelling with magic Lv.72
Allows you to evade three succesive times Lv.15
Allows you to dodge without end Triple Evasion
Increase the period of invicibility while evading Lv.9
View the foe's status by locking on -
By holding [Analog + ] for a long time, could do charge attack,
but cannot be cancelled
Increase the level of Charge Attack Charge Hit
Increase the level of Charge Attack more Charge Lv.2
Can "Magic Cancel" after a MAX Lv. Charge Attack Lv.55
Can "Magic Cancel" after 2 normal attacks Magic Cancel S-1
Attacking the ground, dealing high damage with stun value to the
surrounding enemies
Increase the Stun value of Earthquake Earthquake
Increase the Stun value of Earthquake more than Increase EQ's
EQ Effect Up
While using Earthquake you will no longer flinch if hit. EQ Effect EX
Attacking the ground, dealing high damage with stun value to the
enemies in straight line
Increase Stun value of Earth Impulse Earth Impulse
By pushing the button for a long time, could increase the attack
Increase Full Swing's charging capacities Full Swing
Increase Full Swing's charging capacities more FS Charge
Increase Full Swing's critical rate FS Charge EX
A shout that increases the strength of Cinque's next attack Lv.17
Increases the effect of Shout Battle Cry
Decrease the amount of AG used by Shout Battle Cry
Spinning attack, knockback the enemy, can move while doing it Lv.9
Increase the critical rate of Mace Hurricane Hurricane Mace
A spinning attack with low power, but is very effective at knocking
While using Mace Cyclone, you no longer make the damage motion
back enemies.
Cyclone Mace
if hit.
The lower the HP, the higher the attack damage Lv.11
Increase the critical rate of Revenge Blast Revenge Blast
Use 500 times in
Increases character's movement speed Lv.8
Enables two magic spells to be equipped concurrently Lv.20
Cast -ra class spells when cancelling with magic Magic Cancel S-1
Cast -ga class spells when cancelling with magic Lv.58
Allows you to evade three succesive times Enhanced AM
Allows you to dodge without end Triple Evasion
Increase the period of invicibility while evading Infinite Evasion
View the foe's status by locking on -
Increases the maximum amount of attacks that can be performed in
Increases the maximum amount of attacks that can be performed in
normal attack
Enhanced AM
Increases the maximum
normal attack more amount of attacks that can be performed in Normal Attack
normal attack even more NormalEX2 Attack
Can "Magic Cancel" after the end of her normal attacks
By pressing [Analog /// + ], could do movement attack -
Can "Magic Cancel" after doing a foward Movement Attack Absorb Malice EX
Can "Magic Cancel" after doing a backward Movement Attack Magic Cancel S-2
When defeating an enemy, Sice's attack will increase by absorbing
Increase the amount of Malice absorbed Lv.14
Lv 22 +
Increase the amount of Malice absorbed more
Lv 28 +AM
Reduces the amount of Malice lost when damage is taken.
Collect malice when defeating enemy, skill that attacks enemy in Enhanced AM II
the strike line ahead
Adds the stop effect to Dark Nebula Dark Nebula
Reduce Dark Nebulas AG cost Dark Nebula
Technique to attack surroundings by using accumulated hatred from
Enhanced AM II
Able to absorb HP using Dark Zone Dark Zone
Reduce Dark Zone's AG cost Dark Zone
Attack the enemy by using accumulated hatred from enemies. This
Absorb MaliceEX
technique have Death chance
Creates a wall of mist that poisons targets that come in contact. Enhanced AM
Reduce Poison Wall's AG cost Poison Gloom
Create a tornado that follows the locked-on target Lv.11
Increase Psycho Vortex's attack power Psycho Vortex
Extend the duration of Psycho Vortex Psycho Vortex
Reduce Psycho Vortexs AG cost Psycho Vortex
A skill to gather enemy in one place Enhanced AM
Reduce Black Holes AG cost Black Hole
Use 500 times in
Increases character's movement speed Lv.28
Enables two magic spells to be equipped concurrently Lv.28
Cast -ra class spells when cancelling with magic Magic Cancel
Cast -ga class spells when cancelling with magic Lv.55
Allows you to evade three succesive times Lv.15
Allows you to dodge without end Triple Evasion
Increase the period of invicibility while evading Infinite Evasion
View the foe's status by locking on -
Can "Magic Cancel" after the end of her normal attacks Lv.30
By pressing [Analog + ], Seven performs a long range attack -
Increase the maximum number of hits of her Forward Attack Lv.25
Increase the maximum number of hits of her Forward Attack more Frontal BlowLv.2
By pressing [Analog + ], Seven performs a wide range attack -
Increase the maximum number of hits of her Wide Attack Frontal BlowLv.3
Increase the maximum number of hits of her Wide Attack more Wide Attack Lv.2
Deal great damage to stunned enemy Wide Attack Lv.3
Technique to capture the enemy. You could go closer to enemy while
During Catch, by pressing [Analog + O/], Seven will send a jolt
using this.
of electricity towards the target with stun value.
Reduce Catchs AG cost Catch
Launches the whip in the air attacking the enemy from above Lv.15
Increase the power of Head Strike Overhead Strike
A Fire-Attributed attack. Lv.10
Increase the fire power of Elemental Whip Elemental Whip
By pressing [Analog +O/], Elemental Whip becomes an iced
Elemental Whip
based attack
Increase the ice power of Elemental Whip EW Add Ice
By pressing [Analog +O/], Elemental Whip becomes a thunder
Elemental Whip
based attack
Increase the thunder power of Elemental Whip EW Add Thunder
Strikes the ground, unleashing massive spikes that inflicts the Stop
effect on all enemies within the radius of the spikes
Increase the stop duration of Bondage Whip Bondage Whip
Reduce the amount of AG used by Bondage Whip Bondage Whip
An attack that absorbs the Enemy's HP Lv.19
Increase the strength of Drain Whip Drain Whip
An attack that absorbs the Enemy's MP Lv.24
Increase the strength of Aspir Whip Aspir Whip
Use 500 times in
Increases character's movement speed Lv 17
Enables two magic spells to be equipped concurrently Lv 50
Cast -ra class spells when cancelling with magic Magic Cancel S-2
Cast -ga class spells when cancelling with magic Lv 80
Allows you to evade three succesive times Speed Up
Allows you to dodge without end Triple Evasion
Increase the period of invicibility while evading Infinite Evasion
View the foe's status by locking on -
By pressing [Analog / + ], could do special evasion to the left or
Increase the percentage of chance of doing critical hits when hitting
from behind
Can "Magic Cancel" after the end of his normal attacks Lv.40
When down, by pressing at the right timing, could do counter
By pressing [Analog + ], high chances of inflicting stun Raging FireEX2
Can "Magic Cancel" after a Backfist Attack Lv.43
Without consuming AG, could do attack using combination of [O/]
+ Analog [//]
Area attack (Jump-like) with [Analog + O/] Gale Form
Increase the rapid punching's attack power in Shippu no Kata Gale Form
Without consuming AG, could do attack using combination of [O/]
Down Counter
+ Analog [//]
Static multi-hit pillar of fire [Analog + O/] Raging Fire Form
Charging tackle [Analog + O/] Raging FireEX
Without consuming AG, could do attack using combination of [O/]
Speed Up
Meditates, regenerating HP [Analog + O/], the initial shock wave
+ Analog [//] Thunderclap
damages sliding
and kick [Analog
knocks back + O/]and
enemies to connect to multiple
heals 50% damagehitdealt. Thunderclap
Technique that[Hold
lightning kick deal O/]
powerful attack by slowly approaching the Form
Raging Fire EX2
Increase Exploding Fist's attack power Raging Fist
While Eight is performing Exploding Fist, he will not flinch when he is
RF Power Up
A technique that deal a great damage to the enemy while leaving
Lv 30
yourself in 1 HP
The power was low but have very quick attack Evasion Guard
When using Fist of Light, teleport closer to opponet Lightspeed Fist
Extends the teleport range Lightspeed EX
Technique that give you Haste & Aura effect, but you are in Kill Sight RF Guard
Reduce Last Stands AG cost Last Stand
Technique that able to avoid all enemy attack while running Evasion Guard
Reduce Phantom Rushs AG cost Phantom Rush
Use 500 times in
Increases character's movement speed Lv 8
Enables two magic spells to be equipped concurrently SG AG Reduction
Cast -ra class spells when cancelling with magic Magic Cancel S-2
Cast -ga class spells when cancelling with magic Lv 46
Allows you to evade three succesive times Safety Guard
Allows you to dodge without end Triple Evasion
Increase the period of invicibility while evading Infinite Evasion
View the foe's status by locking on -
Can "Magic Cancel" after his normal attacks but before the final
Twin Magic
By pressing [Analog + ], could attack in wide range -
Increase the number of attack in Range Attack SL AG Reduction
Can "Magic Cancel" after he lands from his Range Attack Wide Attack Lv.2
Increase the number of attack in Range Attack more Wide Attack Lv.2
By pressing [Analog + ], could attack while moving Wide Attack Lv.3
Increase the number of attack in Movement Attack Mobile Attack
Attacking skill by jumping closely to enemy -
Increase Jump's attack power Jump
Increase Jumps critical chance Jump
Reduce Jumps AG cost Jump
Creates a barrier and regenerates HP while expending AP Speed Up
Reduce the amount of AG used by Safety Guard Safety Guard
Pull enemies while doing continuous damage, can move while
Lv 13
Reduce Spiral Lances AG cost Spiral Lance
Mobile Attack
Jump into the sky, dealing great damage to the enemy
Increase Hi-Jump's attack power High Jump
HJ Power
Increase Hi-Jump's attack power more
Range Attack
Attack by throwing spear, effective for penetrating enemy
Increase Throw Lancer's critical rate Lance Throw
Mobile Attack
Throws a spear at the target
Increase Strike Lancer's attack power Strike Lancer
Skill that gives Stop effect to the enemy SL AG Reduction
Increase duration of Houkou Roar
Reduce Houkous AG cost Roar
Use 500 times in
Increases character's movement speed Evasion Guard
Enables two magic spells to be equipped concurrently Magic Cancel
Cast -ra class spells when cancelling with magic Twin Magic
Cast -ga class spells when cancelling with magic -ra Magic Cancel
Allows you to evade three succesive times FSAG Reduction
Allows you to dodge without end GLAGReduction
Increase the period of invicibility while evading -ga Magic Cancel
View the foe's status by locking on -
Increases the critical chance for the first hit when attacking an
enemy from behind with normal attack
Can "Magic Cancel" after the end of his normal attacks SS AG Reduction
Increases the maximum amount of attacks that can be performed in
Triple Evasion
normal attack
Power up sword [Analog + ] -
Increase Concentration's effect FB AG Reduction
Melee counter-attack -
Increase Mikiri's attack power Foresight
Increase Mikiri's critical chance FS Power Up
Reduce Mikiris AG cost Enhanced FS
Deal large damage to enemy by consuming own HP CTAG Reduction
Increase Kousuisetsu's attack power
Increase Kousuisetsu's attack power more SS Power Up
Reduce Kousuisetsus AG cost SS Power EX
Normal Attack
Multiple slash attack
Increase Raikou Sekka's critical rate Flurry
Reduce Raikou Sekkas AG cost Enhanced GL
Quickly attack enemy in Kill Sight
Reduce Hikiwatashis AG cost Last Rights
A technique that reduce enemy's defense Infinite Evasion
Increase Issen Toppa's "reduce defense" effect Flash Break
Increase Issen Toppa's attack power FB Effect Up
Reduce Issen Toppas AG cost FBPower Up
A strong counter attack LRAG Reduction
Increase Meikyou Shisui's attack power Clear Tranquil
Add Kill Sight effect to Meikyou Shisui CTPower Up
Reduce Meikyou Shisuis AG cost CTAdd Effect
Use 500 times in
Increases character's movement speed Rush Attack Lv.2
CJ Regen Rate
Enables two magic spells to be equipped concurrently
Cast -ra class spells when cancelling with magic Magic Cancel S-2
Cast -ga class spells when cancelling with magic Lv.31
Allows you to evade three succesive times Speed Up
Allows you to dodge without end Triple Evasion
Increase the period of invicibility while evading Infinite Evasion
View the foe's status by locking on -
Can "Magic Cancel" after the end of her normal attacks Parry Attack Lv.2
By pressing [Analog + ], attacking by rushing forward -
Increase the amount of attack in Rush Attack Lv.11
By pressing [Analog + ], could attack followed by jumping
After doing Retreat Attack, by putting analog back to neutral
Rush Attack Lv.2
position, it could let out magic bullet
Can "Magic Cancel" after a Retreat Attack Magic Cancel S-1
By stretching a crossed light around, this skill absorbs HP from
enemies and recovers any allies that touch it
Increase Cross Judges rotational speed Cross Judge
Increase Cross Judge's attack power Cross Judge
Increase Cross Judge's recovery rate Cross Judge
Reduce Cross Judges AG cost Cross Judge
By consuming HP instead of AG, recover MP in the area Twin Magic
Better conversion rate of Energy Share's HP & MP Energy Share
Even if you take damage, Energy Share will continue Energy Share
Moving in lightning speed towards enemy Infinite Evasion
Reduce Dashs AG cost Dash
Release balls of energy that can split apart and hurl them at your
Increase Energy Combos attack power Energy Combo
Increase Energy Combos critical rate Energy Combo
Reduce Energy Combos AG cost Energy Combo
By consuming HP instead of AG, damaging magic casting enemy Enhanced EC
Increase Energy Bomb's attack power Energy Bomb
Increase Energy Bomb's critical rate EB Power Up
Counter attack and disable enemy's attack. Sometime can make Kill
Enhanced EB
Sight for a short time
Increase Reflect Guards attack power Reflect Guard
Reduce Reflect Guards AG cost Reflect Guard
Use 500 times in
Increases character's movement speed Lv.9
Enables two magic spells to be equipped concurrently Lv.28
Cast -ra class spells when cancelling with magic Magic Cancel
Cast -ga class spells when cancelling with magic Lv.90
Allows you to evade three succesive times Lv.13
Allows you to dodge without end Lv.16
Increase the period of invicibility while evading Lv.24
View the foe's status by locking on -
In closer range, the power becomes stronger. In a bad weather, the
power becomes weaker
By pressing [Analog + ], reload the magazine -
Could still shoot while reloading Lv.17
By pressing [Analog + ], could do melee attack -
Could shoot followed by melee attack Lv.11
Can "Magic Cancel" after a Kick Attack Lv.80
Increase the number of bullet to reload from 12 to 18 Lv.18
Increase the number of bullet to reload from 18 to 24 Lv.27
Dealing powerful damage to close enemy -
By pressing button for a long time, Powered Bullets attack power
could be increased
Increase possible charge level for Powered Bullet Lv.11
Can increase the charge level of Powered Bullet to the max Lv.13
Increase the critical rate of Powered Bullet Lv.15
Reduce Powered Bullets AG cost Lv.22
Throw a magazine, which will explode (press O/) and damaging
the enemies
Increase Magazine Bomb's attack power Lv.18
Reduce Magazine Bombs AG cost Lv.25
Fire consecutively with the 2 hands Lv.12
Reduce Endless Waltzs AG cost Lv.19
Counter by attacking faster than enemy Lv.16
Increase stored knife's attack power in Quick Draw Lv.21
Reduce Quick Draws AG cost Lv.26
Skill to aim the enemy from far Lv.20
Reduce Snipe Modes AG cost Lv.24
Technique that possible to cancel death Lv.29
Increase Never Give Up's Aura duration Lv.33
Reduce Never Give Ups AG cost Lv.45
Use 500 times in
Increases character's movement speed SD Power Up
Normal Attack
Enables two magic spells to be equipped concurrently
Cast -ra class spells when cancelling with magic Magic Cancel S-1
Cast -ga class spells when cancelling with magic -ra Magic Cancel
Allows you to evade three succesive times Speed Up
Allows you to dodge without end Triple Evasion
Increase the period of invicibility while evading Infinite Evasion
View the foe's status by locking on -
Allows you to cancel with magic at theend of anormal attack Twin Magic
Allows you to cancel with magic during a normal attack Magic Cancel S-1
Darkside Target
Increase the number of normal attack
Drains AG to continuously damage the foe -
Increase Spin Drives attack damage Spin Drive
Further Increase Spin Drives attack damage SD Power Up
Unleash a kick to finish the skill SD Power EX
Increase the kick's critical rate Enhanced SD
Reduce Spin Drives AG cost Enhanced SD II
Replenish all HP and make all attacks Rush Blade. Cancels upon
Enhanced SD
Increase Rush Blade's attackdamageduring Assault Mode Assault Mode
Receiving damage will no longer stop Assault Mode Assault Mode
Reduce Assault Modes AG cost Assault Mode
A highly stunning attack SD Power EX
Increase the efficacy of Stun Blade's stun Stun Blade
Reduce Stun Blades AG cost SB Power Up
A both offensive and defensive skill by spinning sword around self SB AG Reduction
Reduce Sword Fields AG consumption Sword Field
Attack to drain HP SD Power EX
Increase Drain Sword's attack damage Drain Sword
Reduce Drain Swords AG cost DS Power Up
HP absorbing technique with stun value, that continuously penetrate
DS AG Reduction
enemy around
Increase Darkside's critical rate Darkside
Increase the number of Darkside's target Darkside EX
Use 500 times in
Increases character's movement speed Lv.27
Enables two magic spells to be equipped concurrently -
Cast -ra class spells when cancelling with magic Magic Cancel S-0
Cast -ga class spells when cancelling with magic -ra Magic Cancel
Allows you to evade three succesive times Lv.11
Allows you to dodge without end Triple Evasion
Increase the period of invicibility while evading Infinite Evasion
View the foe's status by locking on -
Enable a quick finishing strike with down on [Analog + ] Lv.9
Lv.17 + Weak
Allows you to cancel with magic after Weak Finisher
Emable a mighty finishing strike with up on [Analog + ] Lv.19
Lv.24 + Strong
Allows you to cancel with magic after Strong Finisher
Allows you to cancel with magic after the end of the normal combo Lv.21
Allows you to cancel with magic after the first normal attack Lv.28
Fire an energy ball that can hit multiple times, draining MP Lv.14
IncreaseAspir Venom's range Aspir Venom
Increase Aspir Venom's effective time AP Range Ext
Use AG to replenish the MP of yourself and allies Lv.9
Reduce Convert's AG Cost Convert
Cast Reraise on all allies. Lasts for a very short time Lv.15
Reduce Don't Die's AG Cost Don't Die
Attack with a magic beam from the sky Lv.25
Increase Magic Satellite's attack damage Magic Satellite
Increase Magic Satellite's casting speed Magic Satellite
Reduce Magic Satellites AG cost Magic Satellite
Create an MP sucking area AV Time Ext
Increase the strength of Aspir Field Aspir Field
Reduce Aspir Field's AG cost Aspir Field
Attacking by throwing your weapon Lv.29
Reduce Boomerang Dagger's AG cost
Attack by throwing your weapon. Short range, but high attack Dagger
Increase Dagger Shot's attack damage Dagger Shot
Use 500 times in

Read "Tips & Tricks" sheet for details
Read "Tips & Tricks" sheet for details
Read "Tips & Tricks" sheet for details
Read "Tips & Tricks" sheet for details
Press to activate ability
Could be triggered multiple times even when first laser
still active
Press to manually activate ability
Only usable in multiplayer

Read "Tips & Tricks" sheet for details
Read "Tips & Tricks" sheet for details
Tap [Analog + ] to perform this move. This move is
NOT the same as the [] move.
Tap and hold [Analog + ] to perform this move
Read "Tips & Tricks" sheet for details
NOT the same as the [] move. (However, playing it will
Deuce may move while she is using Concerto
Inflicts a moderate amount of damage
Not really a song, just push to activate. Hit multiple times
to level up quicker. Sorta like a charge attack for her
normal attack.
Only usable in multiplayer

Read "Tips & Tricks" sheet for details
Read "Tips & Tricks" sheet for details
Read "Tips & Tricks" sheet for details
To use the wall, hold O/
Only usable in multiplayer

Read "Tips & Tricks" sheet for details
Read "Tips & Tricks" sheet for details
Good for bi-passing slow reload skills
Read "Tips & Tricks" sheet for details

Slow reload, moves relatively slow, but is homing and
decently powered.
Fast reload and moves fast. it's weak, but it has a freeze
Slow reload, hits rapidly, but weak and short range. Has
a Shock chance.
Hold the button to explode the mine after it has been
Only usable in multiplayer

Read "Tips & Tricks" sheet for details
Read "Tips & Tricks" sheet for details
Read "Tips & Tricks" sheet for details
Read "Tips & Tricks" sheet for details
Only usable in multiplayer

Read "Tips & Tricks" sheet for details
Read "Tips & Tricks" sheet for details
Read "Tips & Tricks" sheet for details
Read "Tips & Tricks" sheet for details
Read "Tips & Tricks" sheet for details
The redder in colour your Scythe is, the more Hatred is
More than Enhanced AM
Only usable in multiplayer

The number of attack is more than Forward Attack Lv.2
The number of attack is more than Wide Attack Lv.2

the target, press [O/] again when being pulled to do a

This skill can be used multiple times as long as the whip
is attached to the target.
Works on most enemies, including those that do not
flinch when they are attacked
Only usable in multiplayer


Jumping side kick [Analog / + O/] or rapid punching
[O/] or sliding kick [Analog + O/]
multiple hit-break dancing kick attack [Analog / +
super armor palm strike [Analog /+O/, can be done
Only usable in multiplayer

Doubles as a shield
Hold button to charge and while moving analog stick to
The strength of the spear is high
Only usable in multiplayer

Read "Tips & Tricks" sheet for details
Can do a 3-hit combo (press exactly when a slash
ends.Or just hold for easy mode comboing)
Only usable in multiplayer

Read "Tips & Tricks" sheet for details
Read "Tips & Tricks" sheet for details
Read "Tips & Tricks" sheet for details
Read "Tips & Tricks" sheet for details
Only usable in multiplayer

Read "Tips & Tricks" sheet for details
Read "Tips & Tricks" sheet for details
Read "Tips & Tricks" sheet for details
Always dodges killing blows when active
Only usable in multiplayer

Read "Tips & Tricks" sheet for details
Read "Tips & Tricks" sheet for details
Read "Tips & Tricks" sheet for details
Read "Tips & Tricks" sheet for details
Expends AG continuously, but could still increase AG by
Only usable in multiplayer

Read "Tips & Tricks" sheet for details
Read "Tips & Tricks" sheet for details
Read "Tips & Tricks" sheet for details
Read "Tips & Tricks" sheet for details
Read "Tips & Tricks" sheet for details
Read "Tips & Tricks" sheet for details
target with a kill sight on. If this ability kills the target,
their body will disintergrate, leaving you unable to
The deaths are still counted on the Mission Result!

Only usable in multiplayer

Magic Equip Req.

RF Fire RF 50 / 60 / 70
RF2 Fire RF2 55 / 65 / 75
Fire SHG 60 / 70 / 80
SHG2 Fire SHG2 65 / 75 / 85
Fire ROK 60 / 70 / 80
ROK2 Fire ROK2 70 / 85 / 100
MIS Fire MIS 60 / 70 / 80
MIS2 Fire MIS2 50 / 65 / 80
Fire BOM 55 / 65 / 75
BOM2 Fire BOM2 60 / 75 / 90
Kill Fire 60
2 Kill Fire 2 65

RF Blizzard RF 50 / 60 / 70
RF2 Blizzard RF2 55 / 65 / 75
Blizzard SHG 60 / 70 / 80
SHG2 Blizzard SHG2 60 / 70 / 80
Blizzard ROK 60 / 70 / 80
ROK2 Blizzard ROK2 70 / 85 / 100
MIS Blizzard MIS 60 / 70 / 80
MIS2 Blizzard MIS2 50 / 65 / 80
Blizzard BOM 55 / 65 / 75
BOM2 BOM2 60 / 75 / 90
Ratio Blizzard 60
2 2 65

RF Thunder RF 50 / 60 / 70
Thunder SHG 60 / 70 / 80
SHG2 Thunder SHG2 65 / 75 / 85
Thunder ROK 60 / 70 / 80
ROK2 Thunder ROK2 70 / 85 / 100
MIS Thunder MIS 60 / 70 / 80
MIS2 Thunder MIS2 50 / 65 / 80
Thunder BOM 55 / 65 / 75
BOM2 BOM2 60 / 75 / 90
Hell Thunder 60
2 2 65

Cure 50 / 60 / 70
Protect 60
80/ /70 / 80
100 /
Invisible 120
Esuna 10 / 30 / 50
Raise 75
Wall 55
Avoid 10
Holy 95

Ultima 100
2 Ultima 2 80
3 Ultima 3 120
Full Cure 55
2 Full Cure 2 90
Full Magic 60
2 Full Magic 2 100
Reraise 70
2 Reraise 2 115
Boost 55
2 Boost 2 85
Death 75
Meteor 85
Holy 95
Bio 10
Quake 80
Tornado 70
Aloud 70


RF Fires elemental projectiles (2 at -ra, 3 at -ga)

RF2 -ga)
SHG increase damage
SHG2 damage
ROK except when cancelling)
ROK2 except when cancelling)
MIS Fires a homing elemental projectile, higher levels increase damage (very slow)
MIS2 Fires a homing elemental projectile, higher levels increase damage (very slow)
BOM Area-of-effect elemental spell, higher levels increase damage
BOM2 range
How To obtain
[FLAME] Explanation:
Initial In order to equip a spell, a chara
Ch 5 Combat Exercise -The Taking of Meroe
Ch 2 Mission -The Cadets' First Battle
Use Fire SHG 300 times and complete a mission
Ch 2 Mission -Magitek Factory Sabotage
Ch 5 Mission-The Battle of Judecca Equipping Magic:
die~ Fire RF (50 / 60 / 70)
Ch 3.2 or 5.2- Moglin's Lesson In order to equip Fire RF, your c
Ch 7 Mission -The Invasion of Ingram In order to charge* Fire RF once
SP Class "Devil", multiplayer only; inflicts Kill Sight To charge* it twice, your charac
SP Class "Devil" and SP Rank "King" or higher
[COLD] Example:
Ch 3.2 or 5.2 - Moglin's Lesson Fire RF (50 / 60 / 70) + Characte
Ch 7 Combat Exercise -Withdrawal from Roshana - This character can equip Fire R
Ch 5 Mission -Reclaiming Eibon - This character can charge up F
Use Blizzard SHG 300 times and complete a mission - This character's Fire RF can't b
Warship~ Magic Cancel
Ch 3 Combat Exercise -The Battle of the Grotto middle or at the end of the a
enemies~ Cancel will release the spell i
NG+Ch 6 Mission -The Last Line of Defense Note for hard mode mission
damage to targets by the name given in the list
SP Class "Square Enix" andSP Rank "King" or higher when it prompts you upon co
Ch 2 Event, 3rd free-time,learned onceAlto Crystarium is accessed Alto Crystarium:
Initial EX Upgrades give a huge boost
Use Thunder SHG 300 times and complete a mission This also triangle
Pressing can givewhile
you the choic
Ch 4 Mission-Escape from the Capital Upgrade)
Giants~ (If you ever played 3rd Birthday
Ch 7 Request -Bring 15 Mauve Phantoma to the Magic Department
Ch 6 Mission -Battle on the Big Bridge- SO ~Defeat 2 Colossi~ Alto Crystarium Magic Attrib
Ch 3.2 or 5.2 - Moglin's Lesson
NG+Ch 7 Mission-Machina's Battle
SP Class "Type Zero", multiplayer only; inflicts Status Effects MP
SP Class "Type Zero" and SP Rank "King" or higher
Ch 3 Mission -Iscah Infiltration- given by Kurasame at start
Ch 3.2 or 5.2 - Moglin's Lesson
Ch 3Mission -Iscah Infiltration(Hard difficulty)
Class 1 Moogle - after 10+ hours playtime

Obtain 500000 SPP A Wide-ranged magic spell (h
SP Class "Master", multiplayer only Guest Magic: Attack a wide r
SP Class "Master" and SP Rank "King" or higher Guest Magic: Attack a wide r
SP Class "Healer", multiplayer only Guest Magic: Full HP restora
SP Class "Healer" and SP Rank "King" or higher host only)
SP Class "Soldier", multiplayer only Guest Magic: Grants 0 MP Co
SP Class "Soldier" and SP Rank "King" or higher Guest Magic: Grants 0 MP Co
SP Class "Guardian", multiplayer only Guest Magic: Revives upon d
SP Class "Guardian" and SP Rank "King" or higher Guest Magic: Fully restores H
SP Class "Professor", multiplayer only Guest Magic: Grant Protect,
SP Class "Professor" and SP Rank "King" or higher Guest Magic: Grant Invincibl
Tempest Drake~ Inflict Kill-Sight status
difficulty) Drop a meteor from the sky,
difficulty) Shoot a projectile that damag
Ch 3 Combat Exercise -Keziah Diversionary Tactics Inflict poison status
Shouki~ Cast an area-of-effect earth-e
NG+Ch 3 Mission-Ambush in the Fog(Hard difficulty) Materialize a mighty wind-ele
Ch 7 Combat Exercise -Amiter's Supression Shoot a projectile in front of y


projectiles (2 at -ra, 3 at -ga)

lemental projectile, higher levels increase damage (very slow)
lemental projectile, higher levels increase damage (very slow)
emental spell, higher levels increase damage
Magic Tips & Tricks

to equip a spell, a character must have the minimum required amount of magic power.
Flame Magic Power
Blizzard Magic Power
Lightning Magic Power
Defense Magic Power

ing Magic: -GA.

50 / 60 / 70)
to equip Fire RF, your character needs at least 50 Flame Magic Power.
to charge* Fire RF once, your character need at least 60 Flame Magic Power.
ge* it twice, your character need at least 70 Flame Magic Power.

50 / 60 / 70) + Character with 63 Flame Magic Power

haracter can equip Fire RF because his/her Flame Magic Power is more than 50
haracter can charge up Fire RF once because his/her Flame Magic Power is more than 60
haracter's Fire RF can't be charged twice since his/her Flame Magic Power is less than 70

or at the end of the attack (the magic cancel skill tells you which one). If done correctly, Magic
will release the spell instantly.

or hard mode missions:

name given in the list, then chose the lower option. that's hard mode. Now just complete it and save
prompts you upon completion.

ades give a huge boost to a single stat without downgrading other, but require 1 Pearl Phantoma
go triangle
can givewhile
you the choicean
selecting of upgrade,
doing a EX Upgrade,
the upgradewhile expending
values extra Phantoma.
will be re-rolled (this give you chance for EX
ever played 3rd Birthday, is exactly like the DNA chip upgrade)

ystarium Magic Attributes

Recovery Rate
MP Efficiency
Casting Time
Homing Performance
Endurance Power

-ranged magic spell (hits basically the whole room)
Magic: Attack a wide range with a chance to inflict stun
Magic: Attack a wide range with a chance to inflict stop
Magic: Full HP restoration and dispells status ailments (targets the host only)
Magic: Grants 0 MP Cost (targets the host only)
Magic: Grants 0 MP Cost, Quick, and Trance (targets the host only)
Magic: Revives upon death (targets the host only)
Magic: Fully restores HP and MP and grant Reraise (targets the host only)
Magic: Grant Protect, Aura, and Invisible statuses (targets the host only)
Magic: Grant Invincible status (targets the host only)
ill-Sight status
meteor from the sky, dealing wide-ranged damage (hits up to 5 times)
a projectile that damages enemies (has a homing effect)
oison status
n area-of-effect earth-element spell around you
alize a mighty wind-element tornado
a projectile in front of you that covers a wide range
Class Abilities AP

Libra M
HP HP Up 4
----- HP HP EX 6
----- HP HP EX2 8
Summon Time Up 10
Rush M
----- Rush Power Up 2
----- Rush Power EX 6
----- Rush Power EX2 8
----- Enhanced Rush 4
Shockwave M
----- SW Power Up 4
----- SW Power EX 6
Mega Flare M
----- MF MF Power Up 4
----- MF MF Power EX 6
----- MF MF Power EX2 8
----- MFMP MF MP Cost Down 4
----- MFMP MF MP Cost EX 6
----- MFMP MF MP Cost EX2 8

Ch 5 Combat Exercise -
Libra M
HP HP Up 3
----- HP HP EX 4
MP MP Up 2
Summon Time Up 8
----- Summon Time EX 11
Rush M
Shockwave M
Giga Flare
----- GF GF Power Up 2
----- GF GF Power EX 2
----- GF GF Power EX2 2
----- GF GF Power EX3 2
----- GF GF Power EX4 3
----- GF GF Power EX5 3
----- GF GF Power EX6 4
----- GF GF Power EX7 4
----- GF Enhanced GF 2
----- GF Enhanced GF II 3
----- GF Enhanced GF III 3

NOT Obtainable. Exclusive to Ch 5 Mission -

Tera Flare M
Grand Buster M
Ch 7 Combat Exerecise -
Libra M
HP HP Up 6
----- HP HP EX 8
MP MP Up 4
Summon Time Up 8
----- Summon Time EX 10
Movement Speed Up 8
----- Movement Speed EX 10
Mobile ATK M
----- Mobile ATK Up 4
----- Mobile ATKEX 6
Black Blow M
----- KI BBPower Up 3
----- KI BBPower EX 3
----- KI BBPower EX2 5
----- KI Enhanced BB 6
----- KI BBAdd Stop 6
Aphotic Wall M
Lv 2 Aphotic Wall Lv.2 2
Lv 3 Aphotic Wall Lv.3 4
Gravity Ball M

NG+Ch 5 Mission -OperationEastern Wind

Libra M
HP HP Up 3
----- HP HP EX 4
Mobile ATK M
----- Mobile ATK Up 2
----- Mobile ATK EX 3
Movement Speed Up 6
----- Movement Speed EX 8
Summon Time Up 10
Dark Strike M
----- YI DSPower Up 2
----- YI DS Power EX 4
----- YI DSPoison Up 2
----- YI DSPoison EX 3
----- YI DSPoison EX2 4
----- YI DS Poison EX3 6
----- YI DS Time Ext 2
----- YI DSTime Ext II 3
----- YI DS Time Ext III 4

Libra M
Auto Endure M
HP HP Up 1
----- HP HP EX 2
Movement Speed Up 2
----- Movement Speed EX 3
Summon Time Up 4
----- Summon Time EX 6
Summon Time EX2 8
Summon Time EX3 10

Mobile ATK M
----- Mobile ATKUp 2
----- Mobile ATKEX 3
Black Blow M
Graviton M
----- G G Power Up 2
----- G G Power EX 2
----- G G Power EX2 3
----- G G Power EX3 3
----- G G Speed Up 3
----- G G Speed EX 3

Libra M
HP HP Up 4
----- HP HP EX 6
----- HP HP EX2 6
----- HP HP EX3 8
----- HP HP EX4 8
----- HP HP EX5 10
Summon Time Up 8
Mobile ATK M
----- Mobile ATK Up 6
Megaton Punch M
Road Roller M
----- RR Power Up 4
----- RR Power EX 4
----- RR Power EX2 6
----- RR Power EX3 6
----- RR Power EX4 8
Burst Mode M
----- BM Power Up 4
----- BM Power EX 6
----- BM Power EX2 8

Libra M
HP HP Up 3
----- HP HP EX 4
----- HP HP EX2 5
----- HP HP EX3 6
Movement Speed Up 6
----- Movement Speed EX 8
Movement Speed EX2 10

Summon Time Up 8
----- Summon Time EX 8

Summon Time EX2 10
Summon Time EX3 10

Mobile ATK M
----- Mobile ATK Up 4
----- Mobile ATK EX 6
Megaton Punch M
----- MP MP Power Up 4
Road Roller M
----- RR Power Up 6
Burst Mode M
----- BM Power Up 6

Libra M
Auto Regen M
HP HP Up 4
----- HP HP EX 5
----- HP HP EX2 6
Movement Speed Up 7
----- Movement Speed EX 8
Summon Time Up 8
----- Summon Time EX 9
Mobile ATK M
----- Mobile ATK Up 4
----- Mobile ATK EX 4
----- Mobile ATK EX2 7
Road Roller M
----- RR Power Up 4
----- RR Power EX 4
----- RR Power EX2 5
Burst Mode M
----- BM Power Up 3
----- BM Power EX 3
----- BM Power EX2 3

Libra M
Auto Action M
HP HP Up 4
----- HP HP EX 4
----- HP HP EX2 6
----- HP HP EX3 6
MP MP Up 4
Movement Speed Up 6
----- Movement Speed EX 8
Bullet Protection 2
Summon Time Up 4
----- Increase Summon EX 6
Mobile ATK M
Megaton Punch M
----- MP MP Power Up 4
----- MP MP Power EX 4
----- MP MP Power EX2 6
Road Roller M
----- RR Power Up 3
----- RR Power EX 4
----- RR Power EX2 6

Libra M
HP HP Up 1
----- HP HP Up+ 2
MP MP Up 3
----- MP MP Up+ 4
Movement Speed Up 6
----- Movement Speed EX 6
Mobile ATK M
----- Mobile ATK Up 3
----- Mobile ATK EX 4
----- Mobile ATK EX2 6
Summon Time Up 6
Megaton Punch M
----- MP MP Power Up 3
----- MP MP Power EX 4
Road Roller M
----- RR Power Up 4
----- RR Power EX 6
Burst Mode M
----- BM Power Up 3
----- BM Power EX 3

Libra M
HP HP Up 2
Summon Time Up 3
----- Summon Time EX 5
Mobile ATK M
Megaton Punch M
----- MP MP Power Up 2
----- MP MP Power EX 2
----- MP MP Power EX2 2
----- MP MP Power EX3 2
----- MP MP Power EX4 2
----- MP MP Power EX5 3
----- MP MP Power EX6 3
----- MP MP Power EX7 3
----- MP Enhanced MP 2
----- MP Enhanced MP II 2
----- MPMP MP MP Cost Down 2
----- MPMP MP MP Cost EX 3
----- MPMP MP MP Cost EX2 3
Ch 2 Mission -The Battle of Togoreth
Libra M
HP HP Up 6
----- HP HP EX 6
MP MP Up 4
----- MP Auto MP Regen Up 4
Defense Power Up 8
Attack Power Up 8
Summon Time Up 8
----- Summon Time EX 5
Fire Protection 6
Burning Strike M
----- BSPower Up 6
----- Enhanced BS 8
----- Enhanced BS II 6
----- Enhanced BS III 8
Fireball M
----- FB Power Up 6
----- FBFire Up 6
----- FBFire EX 8
Eruption M

Libra M
HP HP Up 4
----- HP HP EX 6
MP MP Up 3
Summon Time Up 6
----- Summon Time EX 4

Summon Time EX2 8

Fire Protection 4
Burning Strike M
----- BS Power Up 6
----- BS Power EX 8
Fireball M
----- FBPower Up 4
----- FBPower EX 4
Eruption M
----- ER Power Up 4
----- ER Power EX 4
----- ER Power EX2 6
----- ER Power EX3 6
----- MP ER MP Cost Down 4

Ch 3 Mission -
Libra M
Auto Regen M
MP MP Up 6
----- MP MP EX 4
----- MP Auto MP Regen Up 4
Fire Protection 5
Burning Strike M
----- BS Power Up 4
----- BS Power EX 6
Eruption M
----- ER Power Up 6
----- ER Power EX 6
----- ER Power EX2 8
----- ER Power EX3 6
----- Enhanced ER 4
----- Enhanced ER II 6
----- MP ER MP Cost Down 4
----- MP ER MP Cost EX 4
----- MP ER MPCost EX2 4

Ch 5 Mission -
Libra M
Auto Action 3
HP HP Up 3
----- HP HP EX 4
----- HP HP EX2 6
Attack Power Up 6
Summon Time Up 6
----- Summon Time EX 8

Summon Time EX2 10

Fire Protection 4
Burning Strike M
----- Enhanced BS 3
----- Enhanced BS II 4
----- BS Power Up 5
----- BS Power EX 6
Fireball M
----- FBPower Up ?
----- FBPower EX ?
Eruption M
----- ER Power Up 4
----- ER Power EX 6

Libra M
HP HP Up 2
----- HP HP EX 2
----- HP HP EX2 2
----- HP HP EX3 3
----- HP HP EX4 3
----- HP HP EX5 3
----- HP HP EX6 4
Heat Fist M
----- HF HF Power Up 3
----- HF HF Power EX 3
----- HF HF Power EX2 4
----- HF HF Power EX3 4
----- HF HF Power EX4 5
----- HF HF Power EX5 5
----- HF HF Power EX6 6
----- HF HF Power EX7 8
----- HF HF Dash 8

Ch 6 Mission -
Libra M
HP HP Up 2
MP MP Up 2
----- MP Auto MP Regen Up 2
Summon Time Up 3
----- Summon Time EX 4
Fire Protection 4
Fire Bomb M
----- FB FB Power Up 2
----- FB Enhanced FB 2
----- FB Enhanced FB II 3
----- FBMP FB MP Reduction 2
Hellfire M
----- JK HFPower Increase 2
----- JK Enhanced HF 2
----- JK EnhancedHF II 3
----- JK HFFire Up 2
----- JK HFFire EX 3
----- JK EnhancedHF Fire 4

Libra M
HP HP Up 4
----- HP HP EX 4
----- HP HP EX2 6
----- HP HP EX3 6
Movement Speed Up 4
Summon Time Up 6
----- Summon Time EX 8
Summon Time EX2 8
Summon Time EX3 10

Mobile ATK M
Leap M
Full Moon Slash M
----- FMS Power Up 4
----- FMS Power EX 6
----- Enhanced FMS 6
FMS Death Rate Up 8

Jinba Ittai M
----- JI JI Power Up 4
----- JI JI Power EX 6
Zantetsuken M
----- Zan Stage Up 6

Libra M
Movement Speed Up 2
Attack Power Up 3
Summon Time Up 3
Mobile ATK M
Leap M
Full Moon Slash M
----- FMS Power Up 1
----- FMS Power EX 2
----- FMS Power EX2 2
Jinba Ittai M
----- JI JI Power Up 1
----- JI JI Power EX 2
----- JI JI Power EX2 2
True Zantetsuken M
----- SZ TZ Stage Up 1
----- SZ TZ Stage EX 2
----- SZ TZ Stage EX2 2
----- SZ TZ Stage EX3 3
----- SZ TZ Time Down 2
----- SZ TZ Time EX 3
----- SZ TZ Time EX2 4

Libra M
HP HP Up 8
----- HP HP EX 10
MP MP Up 4
Movement Speed Up 6
Summon Time Up 6
----- Summon Time EX 8
Summon Time EX2 10

Icicle Dance M
----- ID ID Power Up 4
----- ID ID Power EX 6
----- ID Enhanced ID 6
----- ID Enhanced ID II 8
Diamond Dust M
----- DD DD Amount Up 4
----- DD DD Amount EX 6
Frozen World M
----- IS FWTime Ext 4
----- IS FWTime Ext II 6
----- IS FWTime Ext III 8

Libra M
HP HP Up 10
Summon TimeUp 6
----- Summon Time EX 6
Crystal Dust M
----- CD CD Power Up 4
----- CD CD Power EX 8
----- CD Enhanced CD 5
----- CD Enhanced CD II 8
----- CD CD Freeze Up 4
----- CD CD Freeze EX 6
----- CD CD Freeze EX2 8
----- CD CD Freeze EX3 8
Frozen World M
----- IS IS Time Ext. 4
----- IS IS Time Ext. II 5
----- IS IS Time Ext. III 5
----- IS IS Time Ext. IV 6
----- IS IS Time Ext. V 6

Ch 5Combat Exercise-
Libra M
HP HP Up 12
----- HP HP EX 14
MP MP Up 10
----- MP MP EX 14
Movement Speed Up 12
----- Movement Speed EX 16
Icicle Dance M
Crystal Dust M
----- CD CD Power Up 8
----- CD CD Power EX 10
----- CD CD Power EX2 12
----- CD CD Power EX3 14
----- CD CD Power EX4 16
----- CD Enhanced CD 10
----- CD Enhanced CD II 16
----- CD CD Freeze Up 8
----- CD CD Freeze EX 18
----- CD CD Frequency Up 16
Bahamut []
NG+Ch 5 Mission -Operation Eastern Wind
View the foe's status by locking on
Increase HP by 500
Increase HP by 500
Increase HP by 500
Increase summon time by 10 seconds
Tackle the foe
Increase Rush's attack damage
Further Increase Rush's attack damage
Greatly increase Rush's attack damage
Increase Rush's critical rate
A self-focused area-of-effect attack
Increase Shockwave's attack damage
Further increase Shockwave's attack damage
Fire a continious photon beam,Mega Flare, by holding the input
Increase Mega Flare's attack damage
Further increase Mega Flare's attack damage
Greatly increase Mega Flare's attack damage
Reduce Mega Flare's MP cost
Further reduce Mega Flare's MP cost
Greatly reduce Mega Flare's MP cost
Neo Bahamut []
Ch 5 Combat Exercise -Colonel Faith's Uprising(Hard difficulty)
View the foe's status by locking on
Increase HP by 500
Increase HP by 500
Increase MP by 100
Increase summon time by 5 seconds
Increase summon time by 10 seconds
Tackle the foe
A self-focused area-of-effect attack
Fire a continious photon beam,Giga Flare, by holding the input
Increase Giga Flare's attack damage
Further Increase Giga Flare's attack power
Greatly increase Giga Flare's attack power
Vastly increase Giga Flare's attack power
Significantly increase Giga Flare's attack power
Immensely increase Giga Flare's attack power
MaximizeGiga Flare's attack power
IncreaseGiga Flare's attack power beyond its limits
Increase Giga Flare's critical rate
Further increase Giga Flare's critical rate
Increase Giga Flare's criticalrate to its max
Bahamut Zero []
NOT Obtainable. Exclusive to Ch 5 Mission -The Battle of Judecca
Diablos []
Ch 7 Combat Exerecise -OperationDragonslayer
View the foe's status by locking on
Increase HP by 500
Increase HP by 500
Increase MP by 100
Increase summon time by 10 seconds
Increase summon time by 10 seconds
Increase movement speed
Increase movement speed more
Damage contacted foes and drain their HP while moving
Increase Mobile ATK's attack damage
Further increase Mobile ATK's attack damage
Attack foes
Increase Black Blow's attack damage
Further increase Black Blow's attack damage
Increase Black Blow's attack damage even more
Increase Black Blow's critical rate
Add theStop statuseffect to Black Blow
Create a barrier to deflect foe projectiles
Incrase Aphotic Wall's endurance
Further increase Aphotic Wall's endurance
Attack with a gravity ball; power increases as you hold the input
Baalberith []
erationEastern Wind- SO ~Deal massive damage (3500+) to the Tempest Drake []
View the foe's status by locking on
Increase HP by 500
Increase HP by 500
Deal damage to foes contacted while moving
Increase Mobile ATK's attack damage
Increase Mobile ATK's attack damage more
Increase movement speed
Increase movement speed more
Increase summon time by 10 seconds
Attack, inflicting poison
Increase Dark Strike's attack damage
Increase Dark Strike's attack damage more
Increase Dark Strike's rate of poisoninfliction by 10%
Increase Dark Strike'srate of poisoninfliction by 20%
Increase Dark Strike's rate of poisoninfliction by 30%
Increase Dark Strike's rate of poisoninfliction by 40%
Increase Dark Strike's effective time by 10 seconds
Increase Dark Strike's effective time by 10 seconds
Increase Dark Strike's effective time by 10 seconds
Astaroth []
Ch 7 Combat Exercise -Into the Dragon's Nest
View the foe's status by locking on
Grants constant Endure status
Increase HP by 500
Increase HP by 500
Increase movement speed
Increase movement speed more
Increase summon time by 10 seconds
Increase summon time by 10 seconds
Increase summon time by 10 seconds
Increase summon time by 10 seconds
Deal damage to foes contacted while moving
Increase Mobile ATK's attack damage
Increase Mobile ATK's attackdamage more
Attack foes
Attack with a gravity ball that damages allies as you hold the input
Increase Graviton's attack damage
Increase Graviton's attack damage more
Increase Graviton's attack damage even more
Increase Graviton's attack damage even moreagain
Increase Graviton's speed
Further incrase Graviton's speed
Golem []
Ch 3 Mission-Iscah Infiltration
View the foe's status by locking on
Increase HP by 500
Increase HP by 500
Increase HP by 500
Increase HP by 500
Increase HP by 500
Increase HP by 500
Increase summon time by 10 seconds
Deal damage to foes contacted while moving
Increase Mobile ATK's attack damage
Shoot both arms to attack foes
Attack foeswhile moving
Increase Road Roller's attack damage
Increase Road Roller's attack damage more
Increase Road Roller's attack damage even more
Increase Road Roller's attack damage even more again
Increase Road Roller's attack damage even further
Automatically attack foes while in an invincible state
Increase attack damage while in Bust Mode
Increase attack damage while in Bust Mode more
Increase attack damage while in Bust Mode even more
Gigas []
Ch 3 Combat Exercise -Retaking Limbo Fortress
View the foe's status by locking on
Increase HP by 500
Increase HP by 500
Increase HP by 500
Increase HP by 500
Increase movement speed
Increase movement speed more
Increase movement speed even more
Increase summon time by 10 seconds
Increase summon time by 10 seconds
Increase summon time by 10 seconds
Increase summon time by 10 seconds
Deal damage to foes contacted while moving
Increase Mobile ATK's attack damage
Increase Mobile ATK's attack damage more
Shoot both arms to attack foes
Increase Megaton Punch's attack damage
Attack foes while moving
Increase Road Roller's attack damage
Automatically attack foes while in an invincible state
Increase attack damage while in Bust Mode
Troll []
Ch 5 Combat Exercise -Colonel Faith's Uprising
View the foe's status by locking on
Grants constant Regen status
Increase HP by 500
Increase HP by 500
Increase HP by 500
Increase movement speed
Increase movement speed more
Increase summon time by 10 seconds
Increase summon time by 10 seconds
Deal damage to foes contacted while moving
Increase Mobile ATK's attack damage
Increase Mobile ATK's attack damage more
Increase Mobile ATK's attack damage even more
Attack foes while moving
Increase Road Roller's attack damage
Increase Road Roller's attack damage more
Increase Road Roller's attack damage even more
Automatically attack foes while in an invincible state
Increase attack damage while in Bust Mode
Increase attack damage while in Bust Mode more
Increase attack damage while in Bust Mode even more
Ogre []
NG+ Ch 3 Mission -Ambush in the Fog
View the foe's status by locking on
Attack automatically when not given command
Increase HP by 500
Increase HP by 500
Increase HP by 500
Increase HP by 500
Increase MP by 100
Increase movement speed
Increase movement speed more
Protection against bullet damage
Increase summon time by 10 seconds
Increase summon time by 10 seconds
Deal damage to foes contacted while moving
Shoot both arms to attack foes
Increase Megaton Punch's attack power
Increase Megaton Punch's attack power more
Increase Megaton Punch's attack power even more
Attack foes while moving
Increase Road Roller's attack damage
Increase Road Roller's attack damage more
Increase Road Roller's attack damage even more
Titan []
NG+Ch 7 Mission -Machina's Battle
View the foe's status by locking on
Increase HP by 500
Increase HP by 500
Increase MP by 100
Increase MP by 100
Increase movement speed
Increase movement speed more
Deal damage to foes contacted while moving
Increase Mobile ATK's attack damage
Increase Mobile ATK's attack damage more
Increase Mobile ATK's attack damage even more
Increase summon time by 10 seconds
Shoot both arms to attack foes
Increase Megaton Punch's attack damage
Increase Megaton Punch's attack damage more
Attack foes while moving
Increase Road Roller's attack damage
Increase Road Roller's attack damage more
Automatically attack foes while in an invincible state
Increase attack damage while in Bust Mode
Increase attack damage while in Bust Mode more
Mini-Golem []
Ch 7 Combat Exercise -The Battle of Yezel
View the foe's status by locking on
Increase HP by 500
Increase summon time by 10 seconds
Increase summon time by 10 seconds
Deal damage to foes contacted while moving
Shoot both arms to attack foes
Increase Megaton Punch's attack damage
Increase Megaton Punch's attack damage more
Increase Megaton Punch's attack damage even more
Increase Megaton Punch's attack damage even more again
Increase Megaton Punch's attack damage yet again
Increase Megaton Punch's attack damage even further
Increase Megaton Punch's attack damage even further again
Increase Megaton Punch's attack damage even further still
Increase Megaton Punch's critical rate
Increase Megaton Punch's critical rate more
Reduce Megaton Punch's MP cost
Reduce Megaton Punch's MP cost more
Reduce Megaton Punch's MP cost even more
Ifrit []
The Battle of Togoreth- talk to Koharu in the room before the second Summoning Wall
View the foe's status by locking on
Increase HP by 500
Increase HP by 500
Increase MP by 100
Increase automatic MP regeneration
Increase DEF by 50
Increase ATK by 10
Increase summon time by 10 seconds
Increase summon time by 10 seconds
Immune to fire-attributed attack
A fire-element melee attack
Increase Burning Strike's ATK power
Increase Burning Strike's critical rate
Increase Burning Strike's critical rate more
Increase Burning Strike's critical rate even more
Shoot a fire-element projective at foes
Incrase Fireball's ATK power
Increase Fireball's rate of Burninfliction by 50%
Increase Fireball's rate of Burn infliction by 50%
Damage foes by erecting pillars of fire
Firebrand []
Ch 3 Combat Exercise -A United Front with Soryu
View the foe's status by locking on
Increase HP by 500
Increase HP by 500
Increase MP by 100
Increase summon time by 10 seconds
Increase summon time by 10 seconds
Increase summon time by 10 seconds
Immune to fire-attributed attack
A fire-element melee attack
Increase Burning Strike's ATK power
Increase Burning Strike's ATK power more
Shoot a fire-element projective at foes
Incrase Fireball's ATK power
Incrase Fireball's ATK power more
Damage foes by erecting pillars of fire
Increase Eruption'sATK power
Increase Eruption's ATK power more
Increase Eruption's ATK power even more
Increase Eruption's ATK power even more again
Decrease Eruption's MP cost
Rubicante []
Ch 3 Mission -Magitek Factory Sabotage- SOQuickly defeat Brionac~
View the foe's status by locking on
Grants constant Regen status
Increase MP by 100
Increase MP by 100
Increase automatic MP regeneration
Increase ATK by 10
Immune to fire-attributed attack
A fire-element melee attack
Increase Burning Strike's ATK power
Increase Burning Strike's ATK power more
Damage foes by erecting pillars of fire
Increase Eruption's ATK power
Increase Eruption's ATK power more
Increase Eruption's ATK power even more
Increase Eruption's ATK power even more again
Increase Eruption's critical rate
Increase Eruption's critical rate more
Decrease Eruption's MP cost
Decrease Eruption's MP cost more
Decrease Eruption's MP cost even more
Vulcan []
Ch 5 Mission -The Battle of Judecca- SO Defeat Mikazuchi
View the foe's status by locking on
Attacks automatically when not commanded
Increase HP by 500
Increase HP by 500
Increase HP by 500
IncreaseATK by 10
Increase summon time by 10 seconds
Increase summon time by 10 seconds
Increase summon time by 10 seconds
Nullfies all damage from fire-element attacks
A fire-element melee attack
Increase Burning Strike's critical rate
Increase Burning Strike's critical rate more
Increase Burning Strike's ATK power
Increase Burning Strike's ATK power more
Shoot a fire-element projective at foes
Incrase Fireball's ATK power
Incrase Fireball's ATK power more
Damage foes by erecting pillars of fire
Increase Eruption's ATK power
Increase Eruption's ATK power more
Calamity []
Ch 5 Combat Exercise -March to the Border
View the foe's status by locking on
Increase HP by 500
Increase HP by 500
Increase HP by 500
Increase HP by 500
Increase HP by 500
Increase HP by 500
Increase HP by 500
Direct fire-attributed attack
Increase Heat Fist's ATK power
Increase Heat Fist's ATK power more
Increase Heat Fist's ATK power even more
Increase Heat Fist's ATK power even more again
Increase Heat Fist's ATK power yet again
Increase Heat Fist's ATK power even further
Increase Heat Fist's ATK power even further again
Increase Heat Fist's ATK power even further still
Dash when attacking with Heat Fist
Ignis []
Ch 6 Mission -Battle on the Big Bridge(Hard difficulty)
View the foe's status by locking on
Increase HP by 500
Increase MP by 100
Increases MP Regeneration Rate
Increase summon time by 10 seconds
Increase summon time by 10 seconds
Nullifies all damage from fire-element attacks
Shoot a fire-element projectile at foes
Increase Flame Bomb's ATK power
Increase Flame Bomb's critical rate
Increase Flame Bomb's critical rate more
Decrease Flame Bomb's MP cost
Damage foes by erecting pillars of fire
Increase Hellfire's ATK power
Increase Hellfire's critical rate
Increase Hellfire's critical rate more
Increase Hellfire's rate of Burn infliction by 30%
Increase Hellfire's rate of Burn infliction by 30%
Extend Hellfire's Burn status' effective time by 10 seconds
Odin []
Ch 6 Mission -Battle on the Big Bridge
View the foe's status by locking on
Increase HP by 500
Increase HP by 500
Increase HP by 500
Increase HP by 500
Increase movement speed
Increase summon time by 10 seconds
Increase summon time by 10 seconds
Increase summon time by 10 seconds
Increase summon time by 10 seconds
Deal damage to foes contacted when moving
Make your beloved horse Sleipnir leap to evade attacks
Produce a shockwave that sometimes causes instant death
Increase Engetsuzan's attack power
Increase Engetsuzan's attack power more
Increase Engetsuzan's critical rate
Increase Engetsuzan's Death chance by 10%
Move automatically to nearby foes and melee attack
Increase Supreme Rider's attack power
Increases Supreme Rider's attack power more
Causes instant death
Increases Zantetsuken's charge level
Grimnir []
NG+Ch 4 Mission -Under the Armistice(Hard difficulty)
View the foe's status by locking on
Increase movement speed
Increase ATK by 10
Increase summon time by 10 seconds
Deal damage to foes contacted while moving
Make your beloved horse Sleipnir leap to evade attacks
Produce a shockwave that sometimes causes instant death
Increase Engetsuzan's attack power
Increase Engetsuzan's attack power more
Increase Engetsuzan's attack power even more
Move automatically to nearby foes and melee attack
Increase Supreme Rider's attack power
Increase Supreme Rider's attack power more
Increase Supreme Rider's attack power even more
Causes instant death to foes
Increase Shin Zantetsuken's charging level
Increase Shin Zantetsuken's charging level more
Increase Shin Zantetsuken's charging level even more
Increase Shin Zantetsuken's charging level even more again
Reduce Shin Zantetsuken's charging time
Reduce Shin Zantetsuken's charging time more
Reduce Shin Zantetsuken's charging time even more
Shiva []
Ch 2 Mission -The Battle of Togoreth
View the foe's status by locking on
Increase HP by 500
Increase HP by 500
Increase MP by 100
Increase movement speed
Increase summon time by 10 seconds
Increase summon time by 10 seconds
Increase summon time by 10 seconds
Deal area-of-effect ice-elemental damage to foes in the vicinity
Increase Icicle Dances attack power
Increase Icicle Dances attack power more
Increase Icicle Dances critical rate
Increase Icicle Dances critical rate more
Consecutively attack by inputting commands at a specific time
Increase Diamond Dusts max comboto 20
Increase Diamond Dusts max combo to 30
Freezes foes in the vicinity
Extend Frozen Worlds effective time by 5 seconds
Extend Frozen Worlds effective time by 5 seconds
Extend Frozen Worlds effective time by 5 seconds
Shankara []
NG+ Ch 2 Mission -Behind Enemy Lines
View the foe's status by locking on
Increase HP by 500
Increase summon time by 10 seconds
Increase summon time by 10 seconds
Consecutively attack by inputting commands at a specific time
Increase Crystal Dust's attack damage
Increase Crystal Dust's attack damage more
Increase Crystal Dust's critical rate
Increase Crystal Dust's critical rate more
Increase Crystal Dust's rate of Freezeinfliction by3%
Increase Crystal Dust's rate of Freezeinfliction by2%
Increase Crystal Dust's rate of Freezeinfliction by3%
Increase Crystal Dust's rate of Freezeinfliction by7%
Freezes foes in the vicinity
Extend Frozen Worlds effective time by 5 seconds
Extend Frozen Worlds effective time by 5 seconds
Extend Frozen Worlds effective time by 5 seconds
Extend Frozen Worlds effective time by 5 seconds
Extend Frozen Worlds effective time by 5 seconds
Mini-Shiva []
Ch 5Combat Exercise-The Taking of Meroe(Hard difficulty)
View the foe's status by locking on
Increase HP by 500
Increase HP by 500
Increase MP by 100
Increase MP by 100
Increase movement speed
Increase movement speed more
Deal area-of-effect ice-elemental damage to foes in the vicinity
Attack by inputting commands at a specific time; ice elemental
Increase Crystal Dust's attack damage
Increase Crystal Dust's attack damage more
Increase Crystal Dust's attack damage even more
Increase Crystal Dust's attack damage even more again
Increase Crystal Dust's attack damage yet again
Increase Crystal Dust's critical rate
Increase Crystal Dust's critical rate more
Increase Crystal Dust's rate of Freezeinfliction by 5%
Increase Crystal Dust's rate of Freezeinfliction by5%
Increaes Crystal Dust's max combo to 99

MF Power EX
Enhanced Rush
SW Power EX
MF Power Up
MF MP Cost EX2
MF MP Cost Down
Rush Power EX
SW Power EX
Rush Power EX2
Summon Time Up
Rush Power Up

GF Power Up
GF Power EX6
GF Power EX4
GF Power EX
GF Power EX3
Summon Time Up
Enhanced GF
Summon Time EX
Enhanced GF II
GF Power EX2
GF Power EX5
GF Power EX7

Summon Time Up
Mobile ATKUp
Mobile ATK EX
BBPower Up
Enhanced BB
Aphotic Wall Lv.2
Aphotic Wall Lv.3
Summon Time EX
BBPower EX
BB Power EX2
Movement Speed Up
Movement Speed EX

DSPoison Up
Movement Speed Up
DSPoison EX
DS Power EX
DSPower Up
Summon Time Up
DSPoison EX2
Movement Speed Up
DS Time Ext
DSTime Ext II
DSTime Ext III
Mobile ATKUp
Mobile ATKEX

Summon Time Up
G Speed EX
Movement Attack Up
Summon Time EX
G Power Up
G Speed Up
G Power EX2
G Power EX
Summon Time EX
Movement Attack EX
Summon Time EX3
Movement Speed Up
Movement Speed EX

RR Power EX
RR Power EX2
RR Power EX3
RR Power EX4
BM Power Up
Summon Time Up
BM Power EX
RR Power Up
Mobile ATK Up
RR Power EX3

Summon Time Up
RR Power Up
BM Power Up
Movement Speed EX2
Mobile ATK Up
MP Power Up
Summon Time EX2
Movement Speed Up
Mobile ATK EX
Summon Time EX
Mobile ATK EX

Movement Speed Up
Summon Time EX
BM Power Up
BM Power EX
Summon Time Up
Movement Speed EX
Movement Attack Up
Movement Attack EX
Movement Attack EX2
RR Power Up
RR Power EX
RR Power EX2

Summon Time Up
MP Power EX
MP Power EX2
MP Power Up
Movement Speed EX
Movement Speed Up
RR Power Up
RR Power EX
RR Power EX2
Bullet Protection
Summon Time EX

Movement Speed Up
Movement Speed EX
BM Power Up
BM Power EX
Movement Attack Up
Movement Attack EX2
RR Power Up
RR Power EX
MP Power Up
MP Power Up
MP Power EX

MP Power EX
MP Power EX4
MP Power EX6
MP MP Cost Down
Enhanced MP
Summon Time Up
MP MP Cost EX2
Summon Time EX
MP Power EX2
MP Power EX7
MP Power Up
MP Power EX3
MP Power EX5

EnhancedBS III
Summon Time EX
Attack Power Up
FB FireUp
Attack Power Up
BS Power Up
Enhanced BS
Summon Time Up
Burning Strike
FBPower Up
Auto MP Regen Up
FB Fire EX
Fire Protection
Enhanced BS II

ER Power Up
BS Power EX
BS Power Up
BS Power Up
BS Power EX2
ERPower EX3
ERMP Cost Down
Fire Protection
BS Power EX
Summon Time Up
Summon Time EX
ER Power EX

BS Power Up
ER Power Up
ER Power EX
ER MP Cost EX2
BS Power EX
Auto MP Regen Up
Fire Protection
ER MP Cost Down
ER Power EX2
Enhanced ER
ER Power EX3
Enhanced ER EX

Summon Time Up
Summon Time EX2
Enhanced BS
BS Power EX
ER Power EX
Enhanced BS II
ER Power Up
FBPower EX
FBPower Up
Summon Time EX
FBPower Up
Fire Protection

HF Power Up
HF Power EX
HF Power EX2
HF Power EX3
HF Power EX4
HF Power EX5
HF Power EX6
HF Power EX7

FB Power Up
Fire Protection
HFFire Up
FB MP Reduction
HFPower Up
Enhanced HF
Enhanced HF II
Enhanced FB
Summon Time Up
HF Fire EX
Auto MP Regen Up
Summon Time EX
Enhanced FB II

JI Power Up
Enhanced FMS
Summon Time EX2
Movement Speed Up
FMS Power EX
Summon Time EX
Summon Time EX2
FMS Power Up
JI Power EX
Summon Time Up
Summon Time EX3
FMS Death Rate Up
JI Power Up
JI Power EX2
JI Power Up
SZ Time Reduction
SZ Time Reduction EX
SZ Stage EX2
FMS Power Up
FMS Power EX
FMS Power EX2
Summon Time Up
Movement Speed Up
Attack Power Up
SZ Stage EX
SZ Stage EX3

Movement Speed Up
Summon Time Up
Summon Time EX
Enhanced ID
FWTime Ext II
FWTime Ext EX
DD Amount Up
DD Amount EX
FWTime Ext
ID Power Up
ID Power EX
Enhanced ID EX

Summon Time EX
CD Freeze EX2
IS Time Ext. EX3
CD Freeze EX
CD Freeze Up
IS Time Ext. EX2
IS Time Ext.
IS Time Ext. EX
Enhanced CD EX
CD Power Up
Enhanced CD
CD Freeze EX
Summon Time Up
CD Freeze EX3

Enhanced CD
CD Freeze Up
CD Power EX2
CD Frequency Up
Movement Speed Up
CD Frequency Up
CD Power EX
CD Power EX3
CD Power Up
CD Power EX4
Enhanced CD EX
Magic Barrier
MP0 0 MP Cost
Combat Inability
Kill Sight
Doubles physical attack damage
Doubles magic attack damage
Halves damage taken, immune to critical hits, grants Endure
HP recovers gradually over time
Increases movement speed
Unable to move or act
Halves magic casting time
Will not be targeted by enemies; taking damage ends effect
Creates a wall to withstand enemy projectiles
Automatically revives a character upon death
Unable to move or act, receive 2x damage
HP decreases over time
Unable to move or at for a moment
HP decreases over time
Can't be flinched
Enemies only,renders Suzaku magic ineffective
Inflicts Shock damage with flinchingover time
Unable to use Magic, Summons, andMP-consuming techniques
Immune to damage
MP Cost for all spells and skills temporarily reduced to 0
Grants Aura, Endure,and Haste
Unable to take action
Character will die from one hit; simulates "Kill Sight" or "Break Sight" on enemies
Consumable Ite





Dry Ether

Turbo Ether
Mega Ether
Mega Remedy



Field Provisions
Combat Provisions
Complete Recovery Set
Reinforcing Agent
Combat Support Agent
Iron Ore
Copper Ore
Silver Ore
Gold Ore
Dragon Ore
Phoenix Down

Phoenix Pinion

Combat Item
Hard Scale
Thick Skin
Blazing Fragment
Lightning Frament
Thin Feather
Fighting Spirit Bristle
Bug Fluid
Beautiful Fur
Flan Fluid
Bomb Soul
Tortoise Shell
Dragon Fang
Cactus Thorn
Life Lantern
Beast Meat
Beast Horn
Red Phantoma
Magenta Phantoma
Crimson Phantoma
Blue Phantoma
Cyan Phantoma
Smalt Phantoma
Cobalt Phantoma
Zenith Phantoma
Yellow Phantoma
Sepia Phantoma
Amber Phantoma
Golden Phantoma
Green Phantoma
Viridian Phantoma
Purple Phantoma
Mauve Phantoma
Peony Phantoma
Cerulean Phantoma
Lavender Phantoma
White Phantoma
Moon Phantoma
Gysahl Greens
Karakka Greens
Tantal Greens
Pahsana Greens
Curiel Greens

Mimett Greens
Reagen Greens

Sylkis Greens


Eyeball Specimen
Hand Mirror
Quill Pen
Blue Bouquet
Cameo Figurines
Tea Set
Famous Artist's

Perfume Set
Music Box
Jewelry Box
Rukonea Doll
Potted Plant
Wooden Coeurl
Ruby Necklace
Red Bouquet
Enamel Bag
Makeup Set
Picture Frame
Bath Set
Pearl Hairpin
Feminine Swimsuit
Lucky Charm
Diamond Ore
Glass Pendant
l'Cie Pyroxene
Mizua's Pyroxene

Kayahara's Pyroxene
Yuu's Pyroxene
Ruriha's Pyroxene
Yuka's Pyroxene
Shamhart's Pyroxene
Maona's Pyroxene
Kanna's Pyroxene
Suzusu's Pyroxene
Eme's Pyroxene
Izayoi's Pyroxene
Seish's Pyroxene
Ygu's Pyroxene
Karigane's Pyroxene
Yuzuriha's Pyroxene
Hakuro's Pyroxene
Arowa's Pyroxene
Eruragaru's Pyroxene
Kaimanu's Pyroxene
Urshanabi's Pyroxene
Satori's Pyroxene
Yugino's Pyroxene
Shiduri's Pyroxene
Nimrod's Pyroxene
Kogetsu's Pyroxene
Ansar's Pyroxene
Tagisu's Pyroxene
Enlil's Pyroxene
Ziasudra's Pyroxene
Shirotae's Pyroxene
Vela's Pyroxene
Teo's Pyroxene
Rinoi's Pyroxene
Ichou's Pyroxene
Riine's Pyroxene
Yuruku's Pyroxene
Kiyosaki's Pyroxene
Tokoyami's Pyroxene
Armada's Pyroxene
Caetuna's Pyroxene
Qunmi's Pyroxene
Rem's Pyroxene
Machina's Pyroxene
Teleport Stone
Gold Hourglass
Silver Hourglass
Key Card
Entrusted Letter
Suzaku's Complete

Alliance's War Strategy
Genbu Soldier's

Jewel of Iscah
Kurasame's Tag
Lost History Book
Letter to Nazuna
Cactaur Flower
Dark Matter
Dark Soul

HP HPGrowth Agent
MP MPGrowth Agent



Fire MagicStim

Ice MagicStim

Thunder MagicStim

Support MagicStim

Crystal Fragments

Power Unit
White Tiger
Black Tiger
Golden Tiger
Tiz's Prayer
Imperial 155mm RCLR

Magitek Armor Claw



Guest Registry
Imperial Soldier ID
Ingram Rail Service

Release Key
91st TransDiv Roster
SM Production Chart
Slip of Imported Goods
H07 H07's Maintenance
Imperial Infantry

Sealed Magic Revival


Magic Proliferation

RF Enhancement
Border Troop Battle
Soryu Army Verification
Mako Stone
Dragon Bone
Soryu Helmet
Soryu Armor
Summoner's Permit
ID ID Card
Cargo Key, Type-A
Cargo Key, Type-B
Cargo Key, Type-2A
HE Deployment Plans
Cargo Key, Type-2B
Cargo Key, Type-C
Imperial Key Card
Phoenix Blood
Ace's Summer Uniform
Deuce's Summer Uniform
Trey's Summer Uniform
Cater's Summer Uniform
Cinque's Summer

Sice's Summer Uniform
Seven's Summer Uniform
Eight's Summer Uniform
Nine's Summer Uniform
Jack's Summer Uniform
Queen's Summer Uniform
King's Summer Uniform
Machina's Summer

Rem's Summer Uniform
Dress Uniform
Description Buy Price Sell Price
Consumable Items
Restores 50% of one party member's HP 100 10
Fully restores one party member's HP 80
160 SP

Restores 50% of every party member's HP 1500 150

Fully restores every party member's HP 5000 500

Restores 50% of one party member's MP 2000 200

Fully restores one party member's MP 5000 500

Restores 50% of every party member's MP 8000 800

Fully restores every party member's MP 10000 1000
Recovers the status ailments of one party member 50 5
Recovers the status ailments of every party member 400 SP 200

Restores all HP and MP to one party member 10000 1000

Restores all HP and MP to every party member 4000 SP 2000

Imperial military item. 50% HP to one party member - 100

Imperial military item. 50% HP andAurato one party
- 200
Imperial military item. Full HP andAurato one party member - 400
Imperial military item.Aurato one party member - 800
Imperial military item.Aurato every party member - 1200
Soryu military item. 25% andRegento one party member - 200
Soryu military item. 50% andRegento one party member - 500
Soryu military item. Full HP andRegento one party member - 800
Soryu military item. Full HP/MP, clears negative status - 1500
Soryu military item. Full HP/MP andInvincibleto one member - 2000
Revives a single party member - 300

Grants Reraise toone party member 2000
Combat Items
A very hard scale; grants Protect - 400
A durable skin; grants Endure - 300
Contains the power of fire; grants Aura - 200
Contains the power of ice; grants Protect - 200
Contains the power of lightning; grants Quick - 200
A feather with magic power; grants 0 MP Cost - 200
Contains a monster's fighting spirit; grants Aura - 300
A sap rich in nutrients; grants Regen - 200
Venomous insect's body fluid; heals all status ailments - 200
A very beautiful fur; grants Aura and Protect - 320
Fluid filled with magic; grants Trance and Quick for a short
- 200
Packed with Bomb's heart; grants Aura and Trance - 300
A very hard shield; grants Protect and Regen - 1000
A wild dragon's sharp fang; grants Quick and 0 MP Cost - 600
Cactaur's pride thorn; grants Quick - 800
A lantern that controls life and death; grants Reraise - 500
Meat full of vitality, recovers all HP & MP; grants Trance - 700
A horn with curious powers, recovers all HP & MP; grants 0
- 1000
MP Cost
Contains the essence of a red-hot ember 1000 100
Contains the essence of a flame 2000 200
Contains the essence of a blaze 3000 300
Contains the essence of an inferno - 500
Contains the essence of the sun - 800
Contains the essence of a single snowflake 1000 100
Contains the essence of a fierce squall 2000 200
Contains the essence of a glacier 3000 300
Contains the essence of an avalanche - 500
Contains the essence of absolute zero - 800
Contains the essence of a spark 1000 100
Contains the essence of electricty 2000 200
Contains the essence of thunder 3000 300
Contains the essence of lightning - 500
Contains the essence of a thunderstorm - 800
Contains the essence of restorative magic 1000 100
Contains the essence of esuna 2000 200
Contains the essence of salvation 3000 300
Contains the essense of a miracle - 500
Contains the essence of a resurrection - 800
Contains the essence of an arcane magic 5000 500
Contains the essence of a strong arcane magic - 1000
Contains the essence of a very strong arcane magic - 1500
Contains the essence of an intense arcane magic - 3000
Contains the essence of the ultimate arcane magic - 4800
Contains a black hole's essence; does not affect enhancement - 10
Contains a white hole's essence; affects enhancement! - 500
Contains an intense power from the void; very rare! - 1000
Contains a strong will; very rare! - 100
Boosts the odds of hatching unique chocobo bRyids 100 10
Greatly boosts the odds of hatching unique chocobo bRyids 1000 100
Greens that boost the father's influence on the hatchling 100 10
Greens that boost the mother's influence on the hatchling 100 10
Greens that boost the number of chocobos hatched - 100

Greens that boost the chance of hatching a good chocobo - 200

Greens that greatly boost the chance of hatching a good
- 300
Greens that vastly boost the chance of hatching a good chocobo - 500

Greens that can vastly boost the number of chocobos

- 500

An eyeball to be delivered to Kazusa - -
A trashy romance novel series that has reached 23
1000 100
The perfect mirror to fix a woman's make-up 2000 200
Your hands won't get tired even after using this for a long
8000 800
A bouquet with a lot of blue flowers 1000 100
A cameo on which the Suzaku emblem stands out 5000 500
An elegant red tapestry 8000 800
Cute tea pot and tea cup set 2000 200
Attractive plant that grows easily 8000 800
A painting depicting a trio present for the artist's visit to
15000 1500
Academyperfume set; No.6 Captivate and No.9 Under
3000 300
the Moonlight
When you open the lid, a little girl doll begins to dance 5000 500
A box with space for rings, necklaces and jewelry 12000 1200
A doll with a keen eye and large ears as its charm point 8000 800
Apotted cactaurplant that rarely blooms 5000 500
A smooth carved wooden statue, an essential item for the
10000 1000
Gorgeous lighting design 15000 1500
A necklace with boldly-cut ruby 2000 200
A bouquet packed with roses 1000 100
A party bag made from enamel 6000 600
A set of eyeshadow, foundation, a brush, and a mirror 3000 300
A picture frame with asapphire border 3000 300
A luxuriously decorated cake with a modest taste 4000 400
A set of body soap and a sponge 6000 600
An aroma that's highly tranquilizing 6000 600
Pearl-studded barette 10000 1000
An expensive, cute, pale-pink swimsuit 1500 150
A small bag with a pressed flower in it - -
Ore used in engagement rings as a sign of an eternal bond - -
A ball pendant with small floral markings painted on it - -
l'Cie Pyroxenes
A l'Cie Pyroxene obtained in McTighe - -
A l'Cie
l'Cie Pyroxene
Pyroxene obtained
obtained in
in Corsi
Aqvi -- --
A l'Cie Pyroxene obtained in Keziah - -
A l'Cie Pyroxene obtained in Mi-Go - -
A l'Cie Pyroxene obtained in Iscah - -
A l'Cie Pyroxene obtained in Rokol - -
A l'Cie Pyroxene obtained in Toguagh - -
A l'Cie Pyroxene obtained in Meroe - -
A l'Cie Pyroxene obtained in Cetme - -
A l'Cie Pyroxene obtained in Roshana - -
A l'Cie Pyroxene obtained in Rama - -
A l'Cie Pyroxene obtained in Bazz - -
A l'Cie Pyroxene obtained in Shakara - -
A l'Cie Pyroxene obtained in Rilochy - -
A l'Cie Pyroxene obtained in Amitre - -
A l'Cie Pyroxene obtained in Yezel - -
A l'Cie Pyroxene obtained in Ultima Bomb Ground Zero - -
A l'Cie Pyroxene obtainedat Mt.Juhanla - -
A l'Cie Pyroxene obtained in the Bethnel's Grotto - -
A l'Cie Pyroxene obtained in the Silent Key - -
A l'Cie Pyroxene obtained in the Magic Academy - -
A l'Cie Pyroxene obtained in the Berith Desert - -
A l'Cie Pyroxene obtained in theDemon Canyon - -
A l'Cie Pyroxene obtained at the Innsmouth Coast - -
A l'Cie Pyroxene obtained in the Abandoned House - -
A l'Cie Pyroxene obtained in the Agito Tower - -
A l'Cie Pyroxene obtained in the Northern Canyon - -
A l'Cie Pyroxene obtained in the Juhanla Region - -
A l'Cie Pyroxene obtained in the Mahamayuri Kingdom - -
A l'Cie Pyroxene obtained in the Yezel Region - -
A l'Cie Pyroxene obtained in the Cetme Region - -
A l'Cie Pyroxene obtained in the Iscah Region - -
A l'Cie Pyroxene obtained in the Rilochy Province - -
A l'Cie Pyroxene obtained in the West Nesher District - -
A l'Cie Pyroxene obtained in the East Nesher District - -
A l'Cie Pyroxene obtained in the Eibon Region - -
A l'Cie Pyroxene obtained in the Roshana Province - -
A l'Cie Pyroxene obtained in the Innsmouth Region - -
A l'Cie Pyroxene obtained in the Meroe Region - -
A l'Cie Pyroxene obtained in the Ruins of Lorica - -
A l'Cie Pyroxene obtained in Pandemonium - -
A l'Cie Pyroxene obtained inPandemonium - -
Travel to the World Map (not usable during missions) 2000 200
An hourglass that rewinds time in the Magic Academy by 2
- 500
An hourglass that rewinds time in the Magic Academy by1
- 300
A special tag issues to all Suzaku citizens at birth - -
Akey card that can open a locked door - -
A letter taht was entrusted to you by a dying soldier - -
A book detailing the history of Suzaku - -
Describes the wartime operation plans of the Genbu Army - -
Chronicles the Imperial Army's invasion to the Ultima
- -
A gem displayed in Iscah's bazaar. Can't be bought with
- -
Kurasame's Memory Tag - -
A log book left in airship, written by captain Setzer - -
A book describing the military use of the airship - -
A letter sent to Nazuna in Aqvi by a Suzaku Soldier - -
A Cactuar's flower; blooms very rarely - -
Matter containing the power of darkness; only dropped by
- 10
An evil demon's chaotic soul - -

Increases HP by 100 when used in character enhancement - 1

Increases MP by 100 when used in character enhancement - 1

Increases ATK by 1 when used in character enhancement - 1

Increases DEF by 1 when used in character enhancement - 1

Increases Fire MAG by 1 when used in character

- 1

IncreasesIce MAG by 1 when used in character

- 1

IncreasesThunder MAG by 1 when used in character

- 1

IncreasesSupport MAG by 1 when used in character

- 1

Crystal fragments that can upgrade the

- 1
A power unit for Magitek Armor. Can be sold for a decent
- 1000
Popular whiskey from the Empire. Can be sold for a
- 1000
decent price whiskey from the Empire. Can be sold for a
- 5000
good pricewhiskey from the Empire. Can be sold for a high
- 10000
An item given to class 0 by Tiz. Just carrying it grants a
- -
An RCLReffect
special found on the battlefield; unusable, but you can
300 30
A claw
pose found
with it on the battlefield; unusable, but
1000 100
A ruined heavy steel machine; unusable, but
20000 2000
A ruined steel aircraft; unusable, but you can fold its wings 100000 10000
A ruined special steel machine; unusable, but you can sit
1000000 100000
in the cockpit
A registry of hotel guests - -
An identification card held by an imperial soldier - -
A transit-line diagram of the Imperial City train - -
The key to open a locked gate - -
An organized table of an Imperial Army transport unit - -
Charts that relate to an unknown Magitek Armor Factory - -
A document that contains the details of imported goods - -
Magic armor service manual - -
An Imperial Infantry combat manual - -
A tome of magic bound to the annals of history - -
Research on enhacing magic by utilizing Phantoma - -
Research on enhacing RF-type magic by utilizing
- -
Research on enhacing BOM-type magic by utilizing
- -
Research on enhacing SHG-type magic by utilizing
- -
Research on enhacing ROK-type magic by utilizing
- -
A mandate given by the Imperial Army to its units - -
A set of documents written by a Soryu unit deployed to
- -
the border
A Soryu Army identification document - -
Crystallized magic that can detonate upon installation - -
An ancient bone that appears to have been gnawed on
- -
A helmet similar to those used by Soryu; equipped with
- -
sharp fangs
Armor similar to that used by Soryu; has visible scratches - -
Grants temporary use of Eidolons during wartime
- -
A key card that allows technicians to enter and leave the
- -
A ring that was dropped near a corpse - -
A key capable of opening an Imperial vehicle's cargo bed - -
A key capable of opening an Imperial vehicle's cargo bed - -
A key capable of opening an Imperial vehicle's cargo bed - -
A document detailing the deploiyment plan for an infantry
- -
machine gun
A key capable of opening an Imperial vehicle's cargo bed - -
A key capable of opening an Imperial vehicle's cargo bed - -
A key card that opens an Imperial gate - -
An ancient enhancement item from the Magic Academy - -
One of Ace's alternate uniforms, obtained as a special reward - -
One of Deuce's alternate uniforms, obtained as a special reward - -
One of Trey's alternate uniforms, obtained as a special reward - -
One of Cater's alternate uniforms, obtained as a special reward - -
One of Cinque's alternate uniforms, obtained as a special reward - -
One of Sice's alternate uniforms, obtained as a special reward - -
One of Seven's alternate uniforms, obtained as a special reward - -
One of Eight's alternate uniforms, obtained as a special reward - -
One of Nine's alternate uniforms, obtained as a special reward - -
One of Jack's alternate uniforms, obtained as a special reward - -
One of Queen's alternate uniforms, obtained as a special reward - -
One of King's alternate uniforms, obtained as a special reward - -
One of Machina's alternate uniforms, obtained as a special
- -
One of Rem's alternate uniforms, obtained as a special reward - -
Class 0's formal wear, obtained as a special reward - -

ShopClass Zero - Initial

Class 8 Moogle - Trade 1-9 Memory Tags
ShopClass Zero - unlocked via Ch7 Mission -The Last
Day ofShop-
the Kingdom
SPP Initial
ShopClass Zero - unlocked via Ch3 Mission -Magitek
Factory Sabotage(Hard
Class 8 Moogle difficulty)
- Trade 10-19 Memory Tags
Free Time - Events/Small Talks
SPP Shop- Obtain 40,000 SP
SE Members Site- 1 Item Exchange Ticket for 6
Class 8 Moogle - Trade 20-39 Memory Tags
Free Time - Events/Small Talks
ShopClass Zero
Free Time - Events/Small Talks
ShopClass Zero - unlocked via Ch4 Mission -Escape
from the Capital(Hard
Free Time event difficulty)
ShopClass Zero - unlocked via Ch5 Mission -The Battle
of Judecca(Impossible
Free Time -Small Talks difficulty)using Bahamut Zero
SE Members Zero
Site- 1 Item Exchange
via Ch 2 Ticket for 3
ShopClass - unlocked Mission -Operation
Free Time - Events
SPP Shop- Obtain 3000 SPP
ShopClass Zero - unlocked via Ch 5 Mission -Battle on
SEBig Bridge(Impossible
Members Site-3 Itemdifficulty)
Exchange Tickets for 3
Class 8 Moogle - Trade 60-79 Memory Tags
Free Time - Events
SPP Shop- Obtain 1,500,000 SPP

Capture Imperial Soldiers or Magitek Armor

Capture SoryuLancersor monsters

Random Item pickups in NG+ Ch 5 Mission - Operation
Eastern Wind
Dragon's Nest
Random Item pickups in NG+ Ch 5 Mission - Operation
Class 8 Moogle - Trade 80-98 Memory Tags
SE Members Site- 1 Item Exchange Ticket for 3
SPP Shop- Obtain 200,000 SPP
Class 8 Moogle - Trade 99 Memory Tags
SE Members Site- 2 Item Exchange Tickets for 3
Random treasure in the sewers in Ch 3 Misison - Magitek
Factory Sabotage
Drop: Dual Horn family
Drop: Bomb, Flame Flan
Drop: Ice Bomb, Aqua Flan
Drop: Bolt Bomb, Lightning Flan
Drop: Evil Eye family, Marduk family
Drop: Snow Giant family
Drop: Capparwire family
Drop: Hundlegs family
Capture Coeurls
Drop: Flan family
Drop: Bomb family
Drop: Adamantaimai family
Drop: Dragon family
Drop: Cactuar family
Drop: Tonberry
SE Members Site-2 Item Exchange Ticket for 3
Drop: Behemoth, Lesser Lopros, Marlboro, Sandworm,
Landworm, Glasya Labolas
Drop: Behemoth, Grand Horn, Marduk, Mushussu

ShopCorsi [], Toguagh []

ShopRilcohy []
ShopDemon's Gorge
SE Members Site- 1 Item Exchange Ticket for 40
Drop: High level enemies killed with Fire magic
ShopCorsi [], Toguagh []
ShopRilochy []
ShopDemon's Gorge
SE Members Site- 1 Item Exchange Ticket for 40
Drop: High level enemies killed with Ice magic
ShopCorsi [], Toguagh []
ShopRilochy []
ShopDemon's Gorge
SE Members Site- 1 Item Exchange Ticket for 40
Drop: High level enemies killed with Thunder magic
ShopToguagh []
ShopRilochy []
ShopDemon's Gorge
SE Members Site- 1 Item Exchange Ticket for 40
Drop: High level enemies killed via Kill Sight
ShopToguagh []
SE Members Site- 1 Item Exchange Ticket for 40
Drop: Enemies killed with elemental magic (10-15%)
(Lavender can be dropped by lvl 80+ Great Malboro and
Space Malboro)
Drop - Enemies killed with physical attacks
SE Members Site- 1 Item Exchange Ticket for 6
Drop - Notorious Monsters(Grand Horn, Adamantoise, Great
Malboro, Cactaur...)
Drop - Tonogiri (Ch 7 Mission - The Last Day of the Kingdom)

ShopKeziah []
ShopMeroe []
ShopMi-Go []
Random treasure in CorsiCave []
SE Members Site- 1 Item Exchange Ticket for 15
Random treasure in Corsi Cave []
SE Members Site- 1 Item Exchange Ticket for 15
Random treasure in Innsmouth Coast, Bethnel's Grotto

SE Members Site- 1 Item Exchange Ticket for 15

Random treasure - Innsmouth Coast, Demon's Gorge
SE Members Site- 1 Item Exchange Ticket for 15
Ruins of Lorica -Abandoned House
Random treasure - Innsmouth Coast
Use a character for Intrusions 30 times
SE Members Site- 1 Item Exchange Ticket for 15

Ch 7 - Kazusa's sub-event
ShopCorsi []
ShopMi-Go []
ShopMeroe []
ShopCorsi []
ShopRokol []
ShopMeroe []
ShopMi-Go []
ShopToguagh []
ShopMeroe []
ShopMi-Go []
ShopRokol []
ShopMeroe []
ShopToguagh []
ShopRokol []
ShopToguagh []
ShopToguagh []
ShopCorsi []
ShopCorsi []
ShopRokol []
ShopMi-Go []
ShopMi-Go []
ShopRokol []
ShopMeroe []
ShopMeroe []
ShopToguagh []
ShopCorsi []
Ch 5 - Request - Give 1 Diamond Ore
Bethnel's Grotto
Ch 32,-after
1st Free TimeMission
clearing - Small -Operation
Talk with Adjutant in Fountain
Reconquista, go to
Ch 2, after clearing
Aqvi. Mission
Talk to the-The Cadets'
girl under First twice,
the tree Battle,andtalk
to McTighe's
then talk to mayor
one of and
the 3 then to
childrens all the McTighe
nearby. Talk
Ch 2, after clearing Mission -Operation Reconquista,found residences.
to the girl
again, and then inchasesheher to talk
on the ground Corsi her again. After to that, go
until the
Tanned last where can't name;speak some
to the town's entrance and talk to the soldier to receive a
Ch 5,then pursue the
afterMission children, will
-Magitek go down
Factory from thego
Sabotage, stair, and
to Rokol
Blue Clothes
letter. Give the letter to the girl, Nazuna, and she will give you
, talk to the soldier Atra (the big guy) and
and talk to a Rokol People who want to know athen to the
the pyroxene
, andAnd then
talk talkpainter
to the to all Suzaku's
.People to learnare
The answers the6
Ch 7, onTalk
theback to the
Rokol People
in Meroe to get the pyroxene
Ch 7, 1st free time, fly to Cetme . It is found on
Ch 7, clear Subaru 's request, talk to Suzaku Civil
stairs in Cetme
Officer, and then talk to Suzaku Soldier. It is found near the
Check kanjis for One, Two or Three in what he says, it corresponds
to the number of the answer. You just have to enter town, check
Bazu , around stairs
town and come back to her, still answering first choice. Then
Donate 10 times to the woman in Rilochy
Clear Otokusa'srequest, get it from Tonberry
will give you a gold bangle and a key. Talk to the Suzaku
(weather must be Foggy)
Citizen (the man with a red vest) who is standing across from
Ultima Bomb Ground Zero,second-to-last last room
Juhanla Volcano, northeast-most room
Bethnel's Grotto , last room
Silent Key, northern-most room
There's a chance of being dropped by cactuar in either
Terrace/Chocobo Ranch/Airship Landing Place
Ch 7, Berith Desert, southeast corner
Ch 7, Demon Canyon, second-to-last room
Ch 5, the bush in Innsmouth Coast
Ch 4, Ruins of Lorica - Abandoned House , near Save
Relic Tower , near the relic in the 3rd stairwell
(after Glasya Labolas)
Ch 7, Northern Canyon, godown the western crevasse
From Northern Corridor, cross the bridge and head right, near
Ch river Kingdom region, at the
Yezel Region
end of the road , center-north-most area, on the
Ch 7, Cetme District , it could be found in the
end part
theof the huge crevasse
climb stairs on the wall part in south
Ch 7, 2nd free time, onthe penninsula south of Rilochy

northwest end (coming out from the cave entrance to the

E. Nesher
Cetme District
District, ,
take fromuntil
a right and continue Gberu
you Base
get close
pass Tip of the closest bridge, it's on the right
Northern Eibon Region
Roshana Province , near the path to Eibon
You need
Region a chocobo to travel by the islands, you'll find it at

the very northeast
Ch 7, near Bethnel's Grotto
Ch 5, leaving the abandoned house, go to north to find it on
the ground
Final chapter, can be found in last dungeon
Final chapter, can be found in last dungeon
ShopAqvi [], McTighe [], Meroe [],
Mi-Go [],
S/A Rank Rokol
Intrusion []
bonus (NG+ only)
B/C Rank Intrusion bonus (NG+ only)
Various Missions
Ch 6 Mission -Battle on the Big Bridge
Ch 7 Combat Exercise - Withdrawal from Roshana
CorsiCave entrance
Ultima Bomb Ground Zero
Ch 7, Iscah
Ch 7, Near the entrance outside of Bethnel's Grotto
Silent Key
Drop: Academy Cactuar (Ch 5)
Drop: Malborov (Roshana Province)
Agito Tower 5th floor
Trade 40 PeonyPhantoma in Bazz
Capture Imperial Soldiers (rare)
SE Members Site- 2 Item Exchange Tickets for 3
Trade 40 Jade Phantoma in Amiter
SE Members Site- 2 Item Exchange Tickets for 3
Trade 40Rouge Phantoma in Genbu Crevasse
Capture Imperial Soldiers (very rare)
SE Members Site- 2 Item Exchange Tickets for 3
Trade 40 Smalt Phantoma in Bethnel's Grotto
Capture Imperial Soldiers (very rare)
SE Members Site- 2 Item Exchange Tickets for 3
Trade 40 Magenta Phantoma in Iscah
Capture Dragons (unconfirmed)
SE Members Site- 2 Item Exchange Tickets for 3
Trade 40 Cyan Phantoma in Isuka
Capture Soryu Lancers/monsters (unconfirmed)
SE Members Site- 2 Item Exchange Tickets for 3
Trade 40 Sepia Phantoma in Iscah
CaptureDragons (unconfirmed)
SE Members Site- 2 Item Exchange Tickets for 3
Trade 40 Emerald Phantoma in Iscah
CaptureSoryu Lancers/monsters (unconfirmed)
SE Members Site- 2 Item Exchange Tickets for 3
Use acharacter for Intrusions 50 and 150 times
Various Requests
one), Academy Cactaur, Notorious Cactaur (once in each
CaptureMagitek Armor

Capture Imperial Soldiers []

Ch 3 Mission -Magitek Factory Sabotage- SO ~Hit Nimbus
30 times~

BazaarIscah []

Ch 4 Mission -Escape from the Capital[]

Ch.4 Mission -Escape from the Capital

NG+Ch 2 Mission -Behind Enemy Lines

Ch 7 Combat Exercise -For Imperial Eyes Only

NG+ Ch 5 Mission - Operation East Wind
Ch 7 Combat Exercise -Operation Dragonslayer
Ch 3 Mission -Iscah Infiltration

Ch 5 Mission -The Battleof Judecca[]

Ch 2 Mission -The Battle of Togoreth

Ch 3 Mission -Magitek Factory Sabotage[
Ch 3 Mission -Iscah Infiltration[]

Ch 4 Mission -Escape from the Capital[]

Ch 7 Combat Exercise -Prisoners of War

Ch 7 Combat Exercise -Reconnaissance Rescue
Final ChMission -The Lulusath Invasion(choose to become
a l'Cie)

SE Members Site- 10 Item Exchange Tickets each

Import from Demo

Ch 7, 2nd free time - Request ~Reach SP Rank "Commander"

SE Members Site- Have two people with unregistered
or higher~
Player Codes download the [ZeroShiki] Demothrough your
Weapon Name ATK Additional Efect
Cards 3 -
Silver Cards 5 -
Magic Cards 8 -
Mystery Cards 9 MP +10%
Luminous Cards 10 -
Imperial Tarot 12 -
Dragon Cards 15 -
Armored Cards 24 DEF +30
Mythril Cards 32 All MAG +10
Platinum Cards 38
Death's Cards 43 adds Death
Master's Cards 48 -

Magician's Cards 52 All MAG +10

Hanafuda 58 EXP x2

Wild Cards 62 -

Final Trump 68 adds Death

Flute 3 -
Silver Flute 5 MP +20%

Baroque Flute 8 MP +30%

Life Flute 8 HP +20%

Platinum Flute 9 -
Military Flute 12 MP +50%
Dragon Flute 14 MP +40%
Meister's Flute 24 DEF +30
Mythril Flute 31 All MAG +10
Flame Flute 37 Fire MAG +15
Ice Flute 42 Ice MAG +15
Thunder Flute 45 Thunder MAG +15

Healing Flute 51 Support MAG+20

Angelic Flute 54 EXP x2

Lamia's Flute 59 -

God Horn 63 AllMAG +60

Longbow 3 -
Silver Bow 5 -

Hunting Bow 8 -

Windslasher 10 -
Thorn Bow 11 -
Power Bow 12 -
Elven Bow 15 -
Platinum Bow 24 -
Mythril Bow 33 All MAG +10
Poison Bow 38 adds Poison
Reaper's Bow 42 adds Death
Rune Bow 47 MP +30%
Chiron's Bow 52 -
Blessed Bow 55 EXP x2

Artemis' Bow 62 -

Yoichi Bow 69 adds Death

Magic Pistol 3 -
Magic Pistol+ 5 -
Heavy Magic Gun 8 -
Heavy Magic Gun+ 9 All MAG +1
True Magic Gun 10 -
Riot 12 -
Dragon Pistol 15 -
Furious 25 -
Mythril Pistol 33 All MAG +15
Rune Trigger 41 MP +50%
True Magic Gun+ 45 -
Missing Score 52 -
Glorious 55 All MAG +30
Tanegashima 62 EXP x2

Marvelous Cheer 67 -

Type-0 Magic Gun 71 -

Mace 3 -

Crush Mace 5 -

Shock Hammer 8 -

Earthbreaker 10 -

Buster Hammer 11 -

Battle Mace 12 -

Ogre Hammer 16 -

War Mace 25 -
Mythril Mace 38 All MAG +10
Flame Mace 43 adds Burn, Fire MAG +15
Ice Mace 48 adds Freeze, Ice MAG +15
Thunder Mace 54 adds Shock, Thunder MAG +15

Gigas Hammer 50 -

Giant Mallet 64 EXP x2

Seraphim Mace 69 -

Mjolnir 74 -
Scythe 3 -
Silver Scythe 5 MP +10%
War Scythe 8 -
Platinum Scythe 9 -
Reaper's Scythe 9 adds Death
Steel Scythe 12 -
Dragon Fang Scythe 15 -
Chronos' Scythe 24 -
Mythril Scythe 34 All MAG +10
Lamia's Scythe 38 MP +20%
Poison Scythe 43 adds Poison

Persephone's Scythe 48 adds Death

Nightmare 53 -
Tinkerbell 58 EXP x2

Nirvana 63 -

Tezcatlipoca 68 -
Whip 3 -

Silver Whip 5 -

Sword Whip 8 -

Platinum Whip 9 -

Sleipnir's Tail 10 -

Chain Whip 12 -

Dragon Tail 15 -
Steel Whip Sword 22 -

Mythril Whip 34 All MAG +10

Flame Lash 38 adds Burn, Fire MAG +15

Ice Lash 43 adds Freeze, Ice MAG +15

Thunder Lash 48 adds Shock, Thunder MAG +15

Thorn Whip 52
Reginleiv 57 EXP x2

Master Whip 61 -

Brnnhilde 66 -
Knuckles 3 -

Silver Knuckles 5 -

Killer Knuckles 7 adds Death

Heavy Knuckles 8 -

Platinum Knuckles 10 -

Iron Fist 12 -

Red Gloves 16 -

Metal Knuckles 26 -

Mythril Gloves 34 All MAG +10

Diamond Knuckles 42 -

Adamant Knuckles 48 -

Godhand 53 -

Master Fist 58 -

Gold Fingers 64 EXP x2

Kaiser Knuckles 70 -

Demon Fist 75 -
Lance 3 -
Heavy Lance 5 -
Javelin 8 -
RadiantLance 10 -

Lanze Reiter 11 -

Harpoon 12 -
Dragonhorn 16 -

Holy Lance 26 -

Mythril Lance 37 All MAG +10

Flame Lance 42 adds Burn, Fire MAG +15
Ice Spear 47 adds Freeze, Ice MAG +15
Thunder Spear 53 adds Shock, Thunder MAG +15

Venus Gospel 56 -

Highwind 63 EXP x2

Kain's Lance 69 -

Longinus 74 -
Tachi [Long Katana] 3 -
[Chrysanthemum, shaped like 5 -
the number 1 ()]
Nagamitsu 8 -
Mukademaru [Round
8 adds Poison
Murasame [Village Rain] 10 -
Imperial Blade 12 -
Dragonslayer 15 -
Kotetsu 26 -

Mythril Blade 36 All Magic + 15

Onikiri [Demon Slayer] 42 -

Tengoku [Heaven] 47 adds Death
Furinkazan [Wind, Forest, Fire,
53 -
and Mountain]
Muramasa 58 MP +20%

63 EXP x2
Bushido Blade
Yoshiyuki 68 HP +30%

Genji Blade 75 -
Long Sword 3 -
Flamberge 5 -
Claymore 8 -
Rune Saber 8 MP +20%
Shamshir 10 -
Imperial Saber 12 -

Ancient Sword 15 -

Warspite 26 -

Mythril Saber 35 All MAG +10

Flame Saber 41 Fire MAG +20

Ice Saber 46 Ice MAG+20

Thunder Saber 52 Thunder MAG +20

Master Sword 57 Support MAG+20

Save The Queen 63 EXP x2

Mirage Sword 68 -

Astral Sword 73 -

Handguns 3 -
Twin Magnums 5 -
Outsiders 8 -

Twinmag Tusks 9 -

Magnatus 10 -

Hardbreakers 12 -

Dragoons 14 -
Blast Guns 24 -

Mythril Bursts 33 All MAG +10

Judge and Jury 38 -

Executioners 42 adds Death
ST Hi-Blow STs 47 -
Dominators 51 -
Peacemakers 55 EXP x2

Valkyries 60 adds Death

Quicksilvers 64 -

Bolt Rapiers 3 -

Silver Rapiers 5 -

Gear Rapiers 8 -

Platinum Rapiers 10 -

Rune Rapiers 11 MP +20%

Machine Rapiers 12 -
Dragon Swords 15 -
Drill Rapiers 26 -

Mythril Rapiers 36 All MAG +10

Lvateinns 41 MP +50%
Flametongues 46 Fire MAG +30
Icebrands 50 Ice MAG+30

Thunder Rapiers 54 Thunder MAG+30

Durandall 61 EXP x2

Dreadnought 65 -

Excaliburs 75 -
Daggers 3 -
Silver Daggers 5 MP +10%

Dancing Daggers 6 -

Ogrenix 9 -
Rune Daggers 10 MP +30%

Butterfly Edge 11 -

Main Gauche 14 -

Survival Edge 23 HP +30%

Mythril Daggers 32 All MAG +10

Flame Daggers 35 Fire MAG +20

Ice Daggers 41 Ice MAG+20
Thunder Daggers 46 Thunder MAG+20
Healing Daggers 50 Support MAG+30

Zorlin Shape 54 EXP x2

Assassin's Daggers 59 adds Death

Orichalcum 63 -
Buy Price Sell Price
- 80
1200 120
1600 SPP 800
1600 160
- 180
2000 200
2400 240
6500 650
9000 900
- 1800
10000 SPP 5000
- 2700
35000 3500
20000 SPP 10000

60000 6000

- 1
- 80
1200 120
1600 SPP 800
1600 160
- 180
2000 200
2400 240
6500 650
9000 900
- 1800
10000 SPP 5000
- 2700
35000 3500
20000 SPP 10000

60000 6000

- 1
- 80
1200 120
1600 SPP 800
1600 160
- 180
2000 200
2400 240
6500 650
9000 900
- 1800
10000 SPP 5000
- 2700
35000 3500
20000 SPP 10000

60000 6000

- 1
- 80
1200 120
1600 SPP 800
1600 160
- 180
2000 200
2400 240
6500 650
9000 900
- 1800
10000 SPP 5000
- 2700
35000 3500
20000 SPP 10000

60000 6000

- 1
- 80
1200 120
1600 SPP 800
1600 160
- 180
2000 200
2400 240
6500 650
9000 900
- 1800
10000 SPP 5000
- 2700
35000 3500
20000 SPP 10000

60000 6000

- 1
- 80
1200 120
1600 SPP 800
1600 160
- 180
2000 200
2400 240
6500 650
9000 900
- 1800
10000 SPP 5000
- 2700
35000 3500
20000 SPP 10000

60000 6000

- 1
- 80
1200 120
1600 SPP 800
1600 160
- 180
2000 200
2400 240
6500 650
9000 900
- 1800
10000 SPP 5000
- 2700
35000 3500
20000 SPP 10000

60000 6000

- 1
- 80
1200 120
- 180
1600 SPP 800
1600 160
2000 200
2400 240
6500 650
9000 900
- 1800
10000 SPP 5000
- 2700
35000 3500
20000 SPP 10000

60000 6000

- 1
- 80
1200 120
1600 SPP 800
1600 160
- 180
2000 200
2400 240
6500 650
9000 900
- 1800
10000 SPP 5000
- 2700
35000 3500
20000 SPP 10000

60000 6000

- 1
- 80
1200 120
1600 SPP 800
- 180
1600 160
2000 200
2400 240
6500 650
9000 900
- 1800
10000 SPP 5000
- 2700
35000 3500
20000 SPP 10000

60000 6000

- 1
- 80
1200 120
1600 SPP 800
- 180
1600 160
2000 200
2400 240
6500 650
9000 900
- 1800
10000 SPP 5000
- 2700
35000 3500
20000 SPP 10000

60000 6000

- 1
- 80
1200 120
1600 SPP 800
1600 160
- 180
2000 200
2400 240
6500 650
9000 900
- 1800
10000 SPP 5000
- 2700
35000 3500
20000 SPP 10000

60000 6000

- 1
- 80
1200 120
1600 SPP 800
1600 160
- 180
2000 200
2400 240
6500 650
9000 900
- 1800
10000 SPP 5000
- 2700
35000 3500
20000 SPP 10000

60000 6000

- 1
- 80
1200 120
1600 SPP 800
1600 160
- 180
2000 200
2400 240
6500 650
9000 900
- 1800
10000 SPP 5000
- 2700
35000 3500
20000 SPP 10000

60000 6000

- 1

Initial Equipment
ShopSixth Arms Research Institute
SPP Shop - Use Aceinmultiplay once
ShopRokol []
Ch 2 Mission -The Battle of Togoreth- SO ~Protect the Suzaku Soldiers~
ShopCetme []
ShopRoshana []
ShopBazz []
ShopAmiter []
Ch 3 Combat Exercise -A United Front with Soryu- SO ~Defeat the
SPP Shop-Use Ace in multiplay 200 times
Random treasure in Bethnel's Grotto []
ShopSixth Arms Research Institute - use Ace 200 times
SPP Shop- unlocked via SE Members Site - 1 Item Exchange Ticket
SE Members Site- 5 Item Exchange Tickets
ShopSixth Arms Research Institute - unlocked viaNG+Ch 4 Mission -
Under the Armistice(Impossible difficulty)
SE Members Site- 10 Item Exchange Tickets
3rd playthrough or more Defeat 8-Arms Gilgamesh with Ace
SE Members Site- 15 Item Exchange Tickets

Initial Equipment
ShopSixth Arms Research Institute
SPP Shop-Use Deuce in multiplay once
ShopRokol []
Ch 4 Mission -Escape from the Capital- SO ~Observe Outsider Akkad~
ShopCetme []
ShopRoshana []
ShopBazz []
ShopAmitre []
NG+Ch 2 Mission -Behind Enemy Lines- SO ~Defeat theColossus~
SPP Shop- UseDeuce in multiplay 200 times
Random treasure in Bethnel's Grotto []
ShopSixth Arms Research Institute - use Deuce 200 times
SPP Shop- unlocked via SE Members Site - 1 Item Exchange Ticket
ShopSixth Arms Research Institute - unlocked via Ch 5 Combat
Exercise-The Taking10
SE Members Site- of Item
Meroe(Impossible difficulty)
Exchange Tickets
3rd playthrough or more Defeat 8-Arms Gilgamesh with Deuce
SE Members Site- 15 Item Exchange Tickets

Initial Equipment
ShopSixth Arms Research Institute
SPP Shop- UseTrey in multiplay once
ShopRokol []
Ch 3 Mission -Magitek Factory Sabotage- SO ~Defeat the leader with Kill
ShopCetme []
ShopRoshana []
ShopBazz []
ShopAmitre []
Ch 5Mission -The Battle of Judecca- SO ~Defeat Shinryuu Celestia~
SPP Shop-UseTrey in multiplay 200 times
Random treasure in Bethnel's Grotto []
ShopSixth Arms Research Institute - use Trey 200 times
SPP Shop- unlocked via SE Members Site - 1 Item Exchange Ticket
SE Members Site- 5 Item Exchange Tickets
ShopSixth Arms Research Institute - unlocked via Ch 7 Combat Exercise -
SE Members from Roshana(Impossible
Site- 10 Item Exchange difficulty)
3rd playthrough or more Defeat 8-Arms Gilgamesh with Trey
SE Members Site- 15 Item Exchange Tickets

Initial Equipment
ShopSixth Arms Research Institute
SPP Shop- UseCater in multiplay once
ShopRokol []
Ch 5 Mission -The Battle of Judecca- SO ~Defeat 5 Seiryu Defilers~
ShopCetme []
ShopRoshana []
ShopBazz []
ShopAmitre []
NG+Ch 4 Mission -Under the Armistice- SO ~Clear the Area~
SPP Shop- Use Cater in multiplay 200 times
Random treasure in Bethnel's Grotto []
ShopSixth Arms Research Institute - use Cater 200 times
SPP Shop- unlocked via SE Members Site - 1 Item Exchange Ticket
SE Members Site- 5 Item Exchange Tickets
ShopSixth Arms Research Institute - unlocked viaNG+Ch 3 Mission -
Ambush in the Site-
SE Members Fog(Impossible difficulty) Tickets
10 Item Exchange
3rd playthrough or more Defeat 8-Arms Gilgamesh with Cater
SE Members Site- 15 Item Exchange Tickets

Initial Equipment
ShopSixth Arms Research Institute
SPP Shop- UseCinque in multiplay once
ShopRokol []
Ch 4 Mission -Escape from the Capital- SO ~Break Sight Outsider Akkad 3
ShopCetme []
ShopRoshana []
ShopBazz []
ShopAmitre []
Ch 7Combat Exercise-Withdrawal from Roshanna- SO ~Defeatthe
SPP Shop- Use Cinque in multiplay 200 times
Random treasure in Bethnel's Grotto []
ShopSixth Arms Research Institute - use Cinque 200 times
SPP Shop- unlocked via SE Members Site - 1 Item Exchange Ticket
SE Members Site- 5 Item Exchange Tickets
ShopSixth Arms Research Institute - unlocked via Ch.3 Mission -Magitek
Factory Sabotage(Impossible"
SE Members Site- 10 Itemdifficulty)
Exchange Tickets
3rd playthrough or more Defeat 8-Arms Gilgamesh with Cinque
SE Members Site- 15 Item Exchange Tickets
Initial Equipment
ShopSixth Arms Research Institute
SPP Shop-UseSice in multiplay once
ShopRokol []
Ch 5 Mission-The Battle of Judecca- SO ~Defeat Sanzashi without defeating
the Wyvern~
ShopCetme []
ShopRoshana []
ShopBazz []
ShopAmitre []
NG+Ch 3 Mission -Abmush in the Fog- SO ~Defeat all enemies within 3
SPP Shop-UseSice in multiplay 200 times
Random treasure in Bethnel's Grotto []
ShopSixth Arms Research Institute - use Sice 200 times
SPP Shop- unlocked via SE Members Site - 1 Item Exchange Ticket
SE Members Site- 5 Item Exchange Tickets
ShopSixth Arms Research Institute - unlocked via Ch 3 Combat Exercise -
The Battleof the
SE Members Grotto(Impossible
Site- difficulty)
10 Item Exchange Tickets
3rd playthrough or more Defeat 8-Arms Gilgamesh with Sice
SE Members Site- 15 Item Exchange Tickets

Initial Equipment
ShopSixth Arms Research Institute
SPP Shop-UseSeven in multiplay once
ShopRokol []
Ch3 Mission -Magitek Factory Sabotage- SO~Gain control of the lab before
the alarm is sounded~
ShopCetme []
ShopRoshana []
ShopBazz []
ShopAmitre []
NG+Ch 5 Mission -OperationEastern Wind- SO ~Defeat Yokury~
SPP Shop-UseSeven in multiplay 200 times
Random treasure in Bethnel's Grotto []
ShopSixth Arms Research Institute - use Seven 200 times
SPP Shop- unlocked via SE Members Site - 1 Item Exchange Ticket
SE Members Site- 5 Item Exchange Tickets
ShopSixth Arms Research Institute - unlocked viaNG+Ch 5 Mission -
SE Members Site- Wind(Impossible
10 Item Exchange difficulty)
3rd playthrough or more Defeat 8-Arms Gilgamesh with Seven
SE Members Site- 15 Item Exchange Tickets

Initial Equipment
ShopSixth Arms Research Institute
Ch 5 Mission -The Battle of Judecca- SO~Defeat 15 Pterosaurs~
SPP Shop-UseEight in multiplay once
ShopRokol []
ShopCetme []
ShopRoshana []
ShopBazz []
ShopAmitre []
Ch 5 Combat Exercise -Colonel Faith's Uprising- SO ~Defeat 20 Imperial
SPP Shop-UseEight in multiplay 200 times
Random treasure in Bethnel's Grotto []
ShopSixth Arms Research Institute - use Eight 200 times
SPP Shop- unlocked via SE Members Site - 1 Item Exchange Ticket
SE Members Site- 5 Item Exchange Tickets
ShopSixth Arms Research Institute - unlocked via Ch 2 Mission -Iscah
SE Members Site- difficulty)
10 Item Exchange Tickets
3rd playthrough or more Defeat 8-Arms Gilgamesh with Eight
SE Members Site- 15 Item Exchange Tickets

Initial Equipment
ShopSixth Arms Research Institute
SPP Shop-UseNine in multiplay once
ShopRokol []
Ch 6 Mission-Battle on the Big Bridge- SO ~Defeat Commander Erich~
ShopCetme []
ShopRoshana []
ShopBazz []
ShopAmitre []
Ch 7 Mission -The Invasion of Ingram- SO~Do not use magic for 5
SPP Shop-UseNine in multiplay 200 times
Random treasure in Bethnel's Grotto []
ShopSixth Arms Research Institute - use Nine 200 times
SPP Shop- unlocked via SE Members Site - 1 Item Exchange Ticket
SE Members Site- 5 Item Exchange Tickets
ShopSixth Arms Research Institute - unlocked via Ch 3 Combat Exercise -
Keziah Diversionary
SE Members Site-Tactics(Impossible
10 Item Exchange difficulty)
3rd playthrough or more Defeat 8-Arms Gilgamesh with Nine
SE Members Site- 15 Item Exchange Tickets

Initial Equipment
ShopSixth Arms Research Institute
SPP Shop-UseJack in multiplay once
Ch 6 Mission -Battle on the Big Bridge- SO ~Defeat 3 Warriors~
ShopRokol []
ShopCetme []
ShopRoshana []
ShopBazz []
ShopAmitre []
NG+Ch 6 Mission -Behind Enemy Lines- SO~Protect your allies~
SPP Shop-UseJack in multiplay 200 times
Random treasure in Bethnel's Grotto []
ShopSixth Arms Research Institute - use Jack 200 times
SPP Shop- unlocked via SE Members Site - 1 Item Exchange Ticket
SE Members Site- 5 Item Exchange Tickets
ShopSixth Arms Research Institute - unlocked viaNG+ Ch 2 Mission -
Behind Enemy Site-
SE Members Lines(Impossible difficulty)Tickets
10 Item Exchange
3rd playthrough or more Defeat 8-Arms Gilgamesh with Jack
SE Members Site- 15 Item Exchange Tickets

Initial Equipment
ShopSixth Arms Research Institute
SPP Shop-UseQueen in multiplay once
Ch 4 Mission -Escape from the Capital- SO~Recover 2 items~
ShopRokol []
ShopCetme []
ShopRoshana []
ShopBazz []
ShopAmitre []
Ch 7 Combat Exercise -Reconnaissance Rescue- SO ~Deal 5000+ damage
to Snow Giant~
SPP Shop-UseQueen in multiplay 200 times
Random treasure in Bethnel's Grotto []
ShopSixth Arms Research Institute - use Queen 200 times
SPP Shop- unlocked via SE Members Site - 1 Item Exchange Ticket
SE Members Site- 5 Item Exchange Tickets
ShopSixth Arms Research Institute - unlocked via Ch 7 Combat Exercise -
Reconnaissance Rescue(Impossible
SE Members Site- difficulty)
10 Item Exchange Tickets
3rd playthrough or more Defeat 8-Arms Gilgamesh with Queen
SE Members Site- 15 Item Exchange Tickets

Initial Equipment
ShopSixth Arms Research Institute
SPP Shop-UseKing in multiplay once
ShopRokol []
Ch 3 Mission -Magitek Factory Sabotage- SO ~Defeat the minimum amount
of Colossus~
ShopCetme []
ShopRoshana []
ShopBazz []
ShopAmitre []
Ch 7 Combat Exercise -The Last ImperialBase- SO ~Defeat Outsider~
SPP Shop-UseKing in multiplay 200 times
Random treasure in Bethnel's Grotto []
ShopSixth Arms Research Institute - use King 200 times
SPP Shop- unlocked via SE Members Site - 1 Item Exchange Ticket
SE Members Site- 5 Item Exchange Tickets
ShopSixth Arms Research Institute - unlocked viaNG+Ch 6 Mission -
The Last of Defense(Impossible
SE Members difficulty)Tickets
Site- 10 Item Exchange
3rd playthrough or more Defeat 8-Arms Gilgamesh with King
SE Members Site- 15 Item Exchange Tickets

Initial Equipment
ShopSixth Arms Research Institute
SPP Shop-UseMachina in multiplay once
ShopRokol []
Ch 4 Mission -Escape from the Capital- SO ~Break Sight Colossus3 times~
ShopCetme []
ShopRoshana []
ShopBazz []
ShopAmitre []
NG+Ch 7 Mission -Machina's Battle- SO ~Defeat Adad~
SPP Shop-UseMachina in multiplay 200 times
Random treasure in Bethnel's Grotto []
ShopSixth Arms Research Institute - use Machina 200 times
SPP Shop- unlocked via SE Members Site - 1 Item Exchange Ticket
SE Members Site- 5 Item Exchange Tickets
ShopSixth Arms Research Institute - unlocked viaNG+Ch 7 Mission -
SE MembersBattle(Impossible
Site- 10 Itemdifficulty)
Exchange Tickets
3rd playthrough or more Defeat 8-Arms Gilgamesh with Machina
SE Members Site- 15 Item Exchange Tickets

Initial Equipment
ShopSixth Arms Research Institute
SPP Shop-UseRem in multiplay once
ShopRokol []
Ch 4 Mission -Escape from the Capital- SO ~Find 3 items in the area~
ShopCetme []
ShopRoshana []
ShopBazz []
ShopAmitre []
NG+ Ch 3 Mission -Ambush in the Fog- SO~Defeat Enhanced Soldier~
SPP Shop-UseRem in multiplay 200 times
Random treasure in Bethnel's Grotto []
ShopSixth Arms Research Institute - use Rem 200 times
SPP Shop- unlocked via SE Members Site - 1 Item Exchange Ticket
SE Members Site- 5 Item Exchange Tickets
ShopSixth Arms Research Institute - unlocked via Ch 3 Combat Exercise -A
United Front with Soryu(Impossible difficulty)
SE Members Site-10 Item Exchange Tickets
3rd playthrough or more Defeat 8-Arms Gilgamesh with Rem
SE Members Site- 15 Item Exchange Tickets
The accessories here are listed in the same order as the In-Game Auto-Sort

Bronze Bangle
Iron Bangle

Silver Bangle


Gold Bangle

Platinum Bangle

Mythril Bangle

Diamond Bangle

Grand Bangle

Silver Bracer
Gold Bracer
Battle Gear EX
Platinum Bracer
Mythril Bracer
Diamond Bracer

Crystal Bracer

Adamant Shell

Mythril Armor
Copper Ring
Iron Ring
Silver Ring
Gold Ring
Dragon Ring
Mythril Ring

Diamond Ring

Rune Ring

Crystal Ring

Crystal Ball


Hypno Crown

Royal Crown

Black Belt
Power Vest
Iron Gauntlet
Silver Gauntlet
Warrior Gauntlet

Mythril Gauntlet


Crystal Gauntlet

Aegis Gauntlet

Mythril Helm
Defense Ring

Battle Ring
Protect Ring

Armor Gappa


Onion Armor

Fire Magic 101

Fire Magic 102
Fire Magic 201
Fire Magic 202
Fire Magic 301
Fire Magic 302
Soul of Fire
Verity of Fire
Edicts of Fire
Apostle of Fire
Fire Tome
Infernal Grimoire
Ice Magic 101
Ice Magic 102
Ice Magic 201
Ice Magic 202
Ice Magic 301
Ice Magic 302
Soul of Ice
Verity of Ice
Edicts of Ice
Apostle of Ice
Ice Tome
Glacial Grimoire
Thunder Magic

Thunder Magic

Thunder Magic

Thunder Magic

Thunder Magic

Thunder Magic

Soul of Thunder
Verity of Thunder
Edicts of Thunder
Apostle of

Thunder Tome

Support Magic

Support Magic

Support Magic

Support Magic

Support Magic

Support Magic

Soul of Succor
Verity of Succor
Edicts of Succor
Apostle of Succor
Support Tome


Feather Hat
Tricorne Hat

Suzaku Army Cap

Red Cap

Red Beret

Magic Mitre

Magic Master

Gold Hairpin

Soul of Thamasa

Robe of Light
Attribute King
Lilith's Rod
Bulletproof Vest
Bullet Guard
BP Armor
Behemoth Scales
Ballistics Guard

Bullet Shield

Heavy BP Armor
Dense BP Armor
H2 BP ArmorH2
Hardened Shield
Magic Shield
Light Shield
Zircon Shield
Topaz Shield
Ruby Shield
Diamond Shield
Opal Shield
Shock Shell
Impact Guard
I Impact Armor I
Impact Shield
Shock Armor

Impact Armor II
Impact Armor II

Jolt Absorber
Impact Barrier
H2 Jolt Absorber H2
H5 Jolt Absorber H5
Guard Talisman
Pierce Guard
Guard Emblem
Guard Shield
Guard Barrier
H2 Pierce GuardH2
Guard Armor
Anti-Cut Armor
Shield Armor
High Armor
Master Armor
Fire Bracelet
Flame Bracelet
Blaze Bracelet
Fire Drake


Inferno Armlet

Belias' Armlet
Ice Bracelet
Cold Bracelet
Freeze Bracelet
Ice Drake Armlet
Aurora Armlet
Mateus' Armlet
Lightning Bracelet
Thunder Bracelet
Bolt Drake Armlet
Celestial Armlet
Ramuh's Armlet

Moon Bracelet
Star Bracelet
Light Bracelet
Holy Bracelet

Iron Duke

Jewel Ring
Aria's Charm
I Power ArmorI

Power ArmorII

Imperial Helmet

I Case Hardener
I Life BoosterI

LifeBooster II

Fireproof Robe

White Cape

Star Pendant

Hermes' Shoes

Safety Bit

Angel's Earrings
Combat Outfit A1
Combat Outfit B2

Gold Anklet


Super Ribbon

Mist Mask

Blizzard Mask

Snow Goggles

Desert Mask

Heat Mask

Storm Mask
Storm Mask

Rain Mask

Growth Egg

Mog's Amulet

God's Rulebook

Arcane Score
Encyclopedia of


Mage's Backpack

Moogle Doll

Witch's Perfume

Maiden's Leggings

Bodhi Scriptures

Meteor Buckle


Janus Glasses

Order Suit

Leader's Robe

Engagement Ring
SP SP Bracelet
SP SP Breast Plate
SP SP Robe
SP SP Shield
SP SP Cloak
SP SP Armor
SP SP Helmet
SP SP Crystal
Pulse's Ring
Lindzei's Gauntlet
Etro's Bracelet
Mwynn's Charm
Dragon God


Black Hood


Marshal Nei

Marshal d'Avout

Power Spot
Gem of Dawn
Genji Armor

Genji Helm
Icy BladeHilt
Proof of Agito
Life Bracelet
Stealth Robe
Description Buy Price Sell Price
he accessories here are listed in the same order as the In-Game Auto-Sort

HP +10%. A simple ornamental wristlet 500 50

HP +20%. A standard wristlet offering protection in battle 1000 100

HP +30% 2000 200

HP +40% 4000 400

HP +50% 5000 500

HP +60% 6000 600

HP +70% 8000 800

HP +80% 10000 1000

HP +100% - 2000

HP/MP+10% 1000 100

HP/MP+20% 3000 300
HP/MP+30% 6000 600
HP/MP+40% 10000 1000
HP/MP+50% - 1500
HP/MP+80% - 4000

HP/MP+100% - 8000

HP +50%, DEF +50 - 1000

HP +50%, prevents Burn, Freeze,& Shock 60000 SPP 30000

MP +10%. A simple, unadorned ring 500 50
MP +20%. A common ring that helps casters to maintain focus 1000 100
MP +30% 2000 200
MP +40% - 400
MP +50% 5000 500
MP +60% 6000 600

MP +70% 8000 800

MP +80% - 1000

MP +100% - 2000
MP +10%, All MAG +2 1000 100
MP +20%, All MAG +4 2200 220
MP +20%, All MAG +8 - 380
MP +30%, All MAG +10 12000 1200

MP +40%, All MAG +15 20000 2000

MP +60%, All MAG +20 30000 3000

MP +80%, All MAG +30 - 4000

MP +100%, All MAG +40 - 5000

A sign of the wearer's mastery of battle. ATK +5 1000 SPP 500

ATK +20 8000 SPP 4000
Gloves with extended cuffs to cover the forearms. DEF +10 500 50
A sturdy wooden shield used to block melee attacks. DEF +15 1000 100
DEF +20 2000 200
DEF +25 - 400
DEF +30 5000 500
DEF +35 6000 600
DEF +40 8000 800
DEF +50 10000 1000

DEF +60 15000 1500

DEF +80 - 1
DEF +100, grants Endure - 1
DEF +10, prevents Burn 1600 SPP 800
DEF +30, Bullet DEF +10% 7000 700

DEF +30, Bullet DEF +30% 15000 1500

DEF +30,Impact DEF +30% - 3000
DEF +40, Impact DEF/Bullet DEF +40% - 6000
Cuts Intrusion Time, DEF +50, grants Protect* 50000
Cuts Intrusion Time, DEF +70, grants Trance 50000
Cuts Intrusion Time, DEF +70, grants Aura 50000

Fire MAG +2, MP -10%. A beginner's guide to magic 800 80

Fire MAG +4, MP -12% 1500 150
Fire MAG +6, MP -14% 2500 250
Fire MAG +8, MP -18% 3500 350
Fire MAG +10, MP -24% 5000 500
Fire MAG +13, MP -28% 7000 700
Fire MAG +16, MP -32% 10000 1000
Fire MAG +20, MP -36% - 1500
Fire MAG +30, MP -40% - 2000
Fire MAG +50, MP -40% - 3000
Fire MAG +20, MP -10%, prevents Burn 12000 1200
Fire MAG +40, MP -30%, prevents Burn - 2000
Ice MAG +2, MP -10%. A beginner's guide to magic 800 80
Ice MAG +4, MP -12% 1500 150
Ice MAG +6, MP -14% 2500 250
Ice MAG +8, MP -18% 3500 350
Ice MAG +10, MP -24% 5000 500
Ice MAG +13, MP -28% 7000 700
Ice MAG +16, MP -32% 10000 1000
Ice MAG +20, MP -36% - 1500
Ice MAG +30, MP -40% - 2000
Ice MAG +50, MP -40% - 3000
Ice MAG +20, MP -10%, prevents Freeze 12000 1200
Ice MAG +40, MP -30%, prevents Freeze - 2000
Thunder MAG +2, MP -10%. A beginner's guide to magic 800 80
Thunder MAG +4, MP -12% 1500 150
Thunder MAG +6, MP -14% 2500 250
Thunder MAG +8, MP -18% 3500 350
Thunder MAG +10, MP -24% 5000 500
Thunder MAG +13, MP -28% 7000 700
Thunder MAG +16, MP -32% 10000 1000
Thunder MAG +20, MP -36% - 1500
Thunder MAG +30, MP -40% - 2000
Thunder MAG +50, MP -40% - 3000
Thunder MAG +20, MP -10%, prevents Shock 12000 1200
Thunder MAG +40, MP -30%, prevents Shock - 2000
Support MAG +2, MP -10% 800 80
Support MAG +4, MP -12% 1500 150
Support MAG +6, MP -14% 2500 250
Support MAG +8, MP -18% 3500 350
Support MAG +10, MP -24% 5000 500
Support MAG +13, MP -28% 7000 700
Support MAG +16, MP -32% 10000 1000
Thunder MAG +20, MP -36% 15000 1500
Support MAG +30, MP -40% 20000 2000
Support MAG +50, MP -40% - 3000
Support MAG +20, MP -10%, prevents Silence 12000 1200
Support MAG +40, MP -30%, prevents Silence - 2000

A fashionable cap, adorned with a chocobo feather. All MAG +4 2000 SPP 1000
All MAG +8 4000 SPP 2000

All MAG +12 10000 SPP 5000

All MAG +18 16000 SPP 8000

All MAG +26 10000
20000 SPP

All MAG +38 120000 12000

All MAG +60 160000 16000

All MAG +80 - 1

All MAG +100 - 1

All MAG +15, MP +50% 40000 SPP 20000

All MAG +30, All MAG DEF+30% - 1000
All MAG +30, MP +100% 50000
Bullet DEF +5% 1000 100
Bullet DEF+10% 2000 200
Bullet DEF+15% 3000 300
Bullet DEF+20% - 500
Bullet DEF+25% - 800
Bullet DEF+30% - 1200
Bullet DEF+35% - 1500
Bullet DEF+40% - 2000
Bullet DEF +15%, HP +20% 6000 600
Bullet DEF +30%, HP +50% 40000 4000
Bullet DEF/Impact DEF+5% - 300
Bullet DEF/Impact DEF +10% - 800
Bullet DEF/Impact DEF +20% - 1600
Bullet DEF/Impact DEF +25% 20000 2000
Bullet DEF/Impact DEF +30% 40000 4000
Bullet DEF/Impact DEF +35% 80000 8000
Bullet DEF/Impact DEF +40% 200000 20000
Bullet DEF/Impact DEF/Cut DEF/Pierce DEF+30% 60000 6000
Impact DEF +5% 1000 100
Impact DEF +10% 2000 200
Impact DEF +15% - 300
Impact DEF +20% - 500
Impact DEF +25% 8000 800

Impact DEF +30% 12000 1200

Impact DEF +30% 12000 1200
Impact DEF +35% - 1500
Impact DEF +40% - 2000
Impact DEF +15%, HP +20% 6000 600
Impact DEF +30%, HP +50% - 4000
Pierce DEF+30% 1500 150
Pierce DEF+35% 2000 200
Pierce DEF+40% - 400
Pierce DEF+45% 8000 800
Pierce DEF+48% 12000 1200
Pierce DEF+30%, HP+20% 2500 250
Cut DEF+30% 1500 150
Cut DEF+35% 2000 200
Cut DEF+40% - 400
Cut DEF+45% 8000 800
Cut DEF+48% 12000 1200
Cut DEF+30%, HP+20% 6000 600

Fire DEF +10% 1000 100

Fire DEF +15% 2000 200
Fire DEF +20% 3000 300
Fire DEF +25% 4000 400

Fire DEF +30%, prevents Burn 8000 800

Fire DEF +40%, prevents Burn 12000 1200

IceDEF +10% 1000 100
IceDEF +15% 2000 200
IceDEF +20% 3000 300
IceDEF +25% 4000 400
Ice DEF +30%, prevents Freeze 8000 800
Ice DEF +40%, prevents Freeze 12000 1200
ThunderDEF +10% 1000 100
ThunderDEF +15% 2000 200
ThunderDEF +20% 3000 300
ThunderDEF +25% 4000 400
ThunderDEF +30%, prevents Shock 8000 800
ThunderDEF +40%, prevents Shock 12000 1200
WaterDEF +45% 8000 800
EarthDEF +45% 8000 800
Wind DEF +45% 8000 800
FireDEF/Ice DEF +25%, prevents Burn & Freeze 12000 1200
Fire DEF/Thunder DEF +25%, prevents Burn & Shock 12000 1200
Ice DEF/Thunder Def +25%, prevents Freeze & Shock - 1200
Fire DEF/Thunder Def/Ice DEF +20%, prevents Burn, Freeze, & Shock 20000 2000
All MAG DEF +15%, HP +10% - 2000
All MAG DEF +20%, HP +30% - 3000
All MAG DEF +30%, HP+40% - 1
All MAG DEF +25%,DEF +20 - 1500
A present from Arecia that boosts all Magic by 7 - -
A charm made for Aria by the MB. Prevents Burn, Freeze, & Shock - -
Armor found on the battlefield.Grants Aura, breaks easily 15000 1500
Armor found on the battlefield; Grants Aura, breaks very easily 40000 4000
Helmet found on the battlefield; Doesn't have much meaning (+1
1500 150
Equipment found on the battlefield; Grants Protect, breaks easily 40000 4000
Equipment found on the battlefield, HP +50%, breaks easily (Auto
10000 1000
Equipment found on the battlefield, HP +100%, very breakable
30000 3000
(Auto Regen)
Prevents Freeze 4000 400

Prevents Burn 4000 400

Prevents Shock 4000 400

Prevents Silence 4000 400

Prevents Poison 4000 400

Prevents Stop 4000 400

Prevents Death - 500
Prevents Kill Sight - 1800
Prevents Poison & Silence 12000 1200
Prevents Stop & Freeze 12000 1200

Prevents Burn, Freeze & Shock 12000 1200

Prevents all status ailments - 1

Prevents Death & all status ailments - -

Nulls "Fog" weather effects - 100

Nulls "Snowstorm" weather effects - 100

Nulls "Snow" weather effects - 100

Nulls "Sandstorm" weather effects - 100

Nulls "Heatwave" weather effects - 100

Nulls "Heavy Rain" weather effects - 100

Nulls "Heavy Rain" weather effects - 100

Nulls "Rain" weather effects - 100

2x EXP - 1

4x EXP - 1

Ace exclusive,All MAG +30, grants Endure - -

Deuce exclusive.MP+50%, grants Regen - -

Trey exclusive. ATK +30, nulls all weather effects - -

Cater exclusive.All MAG+50, Impact DEF +40% - -

Cinque exclusive.ATK/DEF +50 - -

Sice exclusive. Adds Death, Burn, & Poison to attacks - -

Seven exclusive. DEF +40, grants Regen - -

Eight exclusive, ATK +80, all MAG -40, grants Endure - -

Nine exclusive. HP+60%, grants Endure - -

Jack exclusive. ATK +80, DEF -50, grants Regen - -

Queen exclusive. Prevents Burn, Freeze,& Shock,grants a special effect - -

King exclusive.HP+50%, nulls all weather effects - -

Machina exclusive. DEF +30, nulls all weather effects - -

Rem exclusive. All MAG +30, grants Regen - -

All MAG +10 - -
All MAG +15, HP/MP+20% - -
Cuts Intrusion Time, All MAG +20, HP/MP +20%, grants Protect - -
Cuts Intrusion Time, All MAG +30, HP/MP +50, grants Protect - -
Cuts Intrusion Time, boosts Parameters, grants various effects (SP Effect
- -
Lv.1 Intrusion
Cuts - All MAG Time,
+40, HP/MP
boosts +50%, grantsgrants
Parameters, Protect & Regen)
various effects (SP Effect
Cuts - -
Lv.2 Intrusion
- All MAG Time, boosts +50%,
+50, HP/MP Parameters,
grantsgrants various
Protect, effects
Regen, Aura,(SP Effect
& Trance)
Lv. 3 Intrusion
Cuts - All MAG Time,
+60, HP/MP
boosts +50%, grantsgrants
Parameters, Protect, Regen,
various Aura,(SP
effects Trance, &
Effect - -
0 MP -Cost)
Lv.4 ATK/DEF +100, All MAG +70, All MAG DEF +30%, HP/MP +50%, - -
grants Protect,
NoEXP, grants Regen, Aura,
0 MP Cost, Trance, 0 MP Cost, prevents all status effects)
breakable 300000 30000
No EXP, ATK +100, breakable 500000 50000
No EXP, All MAG +100, MP +100%, grants Quick, breakable 800000 80000
No EXP, ATK +100, HP +100%, grants Aura, breakable 1000000 100000
Nulls all weather - -

HP+20%. ATK/DEF +20,Bullet DEF+25% - 1500

All MAG DEF +10%, grants Quick - 1000

HP/MP +120%, All MAG DEF +40% - -

Cuts Intrusion Time, All MAG -100, grants Aura & Regen - 20000
Cuts Intrusion Time, All MAG +99, ATK -99, grants Trance* & Quick - 1000
Cuts Intrusion Time, All MAG DEF +40%, grants 0 MP Cost - 1000
All MAG +100, grants Quick - -
All MAG DEF +40%, DEF +50 - -
Prevents Burn, Freeze, Shock, Silence, Poison,& Stop, nulls all
- -
weather effects
Kurasame's ice-tinged hilt. Boosts Ice DEF (+45%), Ice MAG (+60), and
MP (+50%) (Bullet / Impact / Cut DEF +10%, Fire DEF +20%, prevents 100000 10000
all weather effects; grants Aura, Protect, 0 MP Cost, Trance, - -
Grants permanent Reraise - -
Grants permanentInvisible - -

ShopMcTighe []
ShopSixth Arms Research Institute - Initial
Ch 2 - Request - Give 1 Red Phantoma
ShopIscah []
Ch 4Mission -Escape from the Capital- SO ~Attack Vajra 30
ShopCetme []
Ch 4 Mission -Escape from the Capital- SO ~Defeat
ShopSixth Arms Research Institute - unlocked via Ch 7
Commander Evans~
Ch 3 Combat Exercise
Combat Exercise -Exile-The
fromBattle of the Grotto- SO
the Empire
Ch 5 Combat Exercise
~Destroy the Turret~ -The Taking of Meroe- SO ~Support
your Ally~
of Meroe
Ch7- Request - Defeat8 Float Eyes
Mission -The Battle of Judecca(Hard difficulty) without using
Mission -The Battle of Judecca(Impossible difficulty) without
Combat Exercise -ExileFactory
from the Empire(Impossible
Ch 3Mission -Magitek Sabotage- SO ~Defeat the
Ch 7 - Request -Defeat6 Sandworms
Ch 7 - Request - Defeat 99 Lesser Lopros
Darkness of Suzaku - C Rank Reward
SE Members Site- Obtain 14 Extra Stamps
ShopKeziah []
ShopMi-Go []
ShopBazz []
Ch 7Combat Exercise -Prisoners of War(Defeat the
ShopSixth Arms Research Institute - unlocked via Ch 7 -
Comander's Collosus)
Exile from the Empire(Hard difficulty)
Ch7 Combat Exercise-Amiter's Supression- SO ~Defeat
S Rank
Yokuryu~ Reward - Ch 3 - Keziah Diversionary Tactics (Impossible
Darkness of Suzaku - B Rank Reward
Darkness of Suzaku - B, A Rank Reward
SE Members Site- 10 Item Exchange Tickets
Ultima Bomb Ground Zero (one-time chest, rare)
SE Members Site- 10 Item Exchange Tickets
SPP Shop- Obtain 400,000 SPP
SE Members Site-5 Item Exchange Tickets
ShopMcTighe []
ShopSixth Arms Research Institute - Initial
ShopIscah []
S Rank Reward - Various Missions; SO Rewards - Various
ShopRoshana []
ShopSixth Arms Research Institute - unlocked via Ch.2
Mission -The Cadets'
Ch 7 - Silent Key - SecondFirstEngine
Battle(Hard difficulty)
Room (rare)
ShopSixth Arms Research Institute - unlocked via Ch.2
Mission -The Cadets'
Ch 7 - Request - ObtainFirst Battle(Impossible
1 Dark Matter difficulty)
S Rank Reward - Keziah Diversionary Tactics (Impossible),
Operation Eastern Wind (Hard)
Darkness of Suzaku - B Rank Reward
Darkness of Suzaku - B Rank Reward
SE Members Site- Obtain 12 Extra Stamps
ShopKeziah []
ShopMi-Go []
Random treasure in Corsi Cave

Combat Exercise -Destroy the Landing Party

Corsi Cave (one-time chest)
Combat Exercise -Destroy the Landing Party(Hard difficulty)
Corsi Cave (one-time chest, rare)
Random treasure in Bethnel's Grotto
Random treasure in Bethnel's Grotto
Ch 7 Combat Exercise -Into the Dragon's Nest- SO ~Defeat
1 Moogle - 70+ hours playtime
Random treasure in Agito Tower - 2nd Floor
Darkness of Suzaku - C Rank Reward
SE Members Site- 10 Item Exchange Tickets
SPP Shop- Initial
SPP Shop- Obtain 150,000 SPP
ShopMcTighe []
ShopSixth Arms Research Institute - Initial
ShopIscah []
Ch 3 Mission -Magitek Factory Sabotage- SO ~Proceed w/out
taking dmg~
ShopCetme []
Mission -The Invasion of Lulusath
Combat Exercise -Caught by Suprise
Combat Exercise -Caught by Suprise(Hard difficulty)
Ch 7 - Request - Obtain 10 Tortoise Shells
Combat Exercise -Caught by Suprise(Impossible difficulty)
Ch 7 - Request - Obtain Genbu Soldier's Memoir
S Rank Reward - Ch 7 - The Last Imperial Base (Impossible
Agito Tower 2nd floor
SE Members Site- Obtain 16 Extra Stamps
SPP Shop- Obtain 10,000 SPP
ShopBazz []
Ch 5 - Request - Take 3 Prisoners
Combat Exercise -The Last Imperial Base(Hard difficulty)
Ch 7 - Silent Key - Third Engine Room (rare)
Random treasure at the Innsmouth Coast
Ch 7 - Request - Give 5 Megalixirs
SPP Shop- Obtain 800,000 SPP
SE Members Site-8 Item Exchange Tickets
SPP Shop- Obtain 20 Extra Stamps on the Members site
SE Members Site- 10 Item Exchange Tickets
SPP Shop- Obtain 22 Extra Stamps on the Members site
SE Members Site- 10 Item Exchange Tickets

ShopAqvi []
ShopKeziah []
ShopMi-Go []
ShopIscah []
ShopMeroe []
ShopShakara []
Combat Exercise -Reconnaissance Rescue
Random Treasure - Demon's Gorge (one-time chest)
S Rank Reward - various missions
S Rank Reward - various missions
Agito Tower 1st floor
ShopShakara []
Cycle 3+ Gilgamesh - SO ~Hit with Fire Element attack~
ShopAqvi []
ShopKeziah []
ShopMi-Go []
ShopIscah []
ShopMeroe []
exile die)
ShopShakara []
Combat Exercise -Prisoners of War
Random Treasure - Demon's Gorge (one-time chest)
S Rank Reward - various missions
S Rank Reward - various missions
Agito Tower 1st floor
ShopShakara []
Cycle 3+ Gilgamesh - SO ~Hit with Ice Element attack~
ShopAqvi []
ShopKeziah []
ShopMi-Go []
ShopIscah []
ShopMeroe []
ShopShakara []
Combat Exercise -For Imperial Eyes Only
Random Treasure - Demon's Gorge (one-time chest)
S Rank Reward - various missions
S Rank Reward - various missions
Agito Tower 1st floor
ShopShakara []
Cycle 3+ Gilgamesh - SO ~Hit with Thunder Element
ShopAqvi []
ShopKeziah []
ShopMi-Go []
ShopIscah []
ShopMeroe []
ShopShakara []
4 Mission -Under the Armistice
Combat Exercise -The Last Imperial Base
Agito Tower 1st floor
ShopShakara []
S Rank Reward - A United Front with Soryu (Hard difficulty)

SPP Shop- Initial

Ch 2 Mission -The Battle of Togoreth- SO ~Defeat 3 Imperial
Ch4 Mission -Escape from the Capital- SO ~Defeat the
SPP Shop- Obtain 1000 SPP
Ch 3 - Request - Recover Suzaku's Complete History
SPP Shop- Obtain 5000 SPP
Class 8 Moogle - Trade 40-59 Memory Tags
SPP Shop- Obtain 20,000 SPP
Bethnel's Grotto - Random Treasure
Combat Exercise -Deep in the Jungle
SPP Shop- Obtain100000 SPP
Combat Exercise -Deep in the Jungle(Hard difficulty)
Class 1 Moogle- 100+ hours playtime
Random treasure in Bethnel's Grotto
Combat Exercise -Deep in the Jungle(Impossible difficulty)
Darkness of Suzaku - C Rank Reward
Tower of Agito 4th floor
Darkness of Suzaku - B, A Rank Reward
Ch 7 - Request - Obtain 1 Dark Soul
Class 1 Moogle - after 200+ hours playtime
Darkness of Suzaku - S Rank Reward
SE Members Site- Obtain24 Extra Stamps
SPP Shop- Obtain 300,000 SPP
SE Members Site- 3 Item Exchange Tickets
Juhanla Volcano (one-time chest, rare)
SPP Shop- Obtain 600,000 SPP
ShopMcTighe []
ShopIscah []
ShopCetme []
S Rank Reward - Ch 2 Mission - Operation Reconquista
Ch 7 - Silent Key - First Engine Room (rare)
S Rank Reward - Various missions
Ch 7 - Request - Take 10 prisoners
NG+Ch 7 Mission -Machina's Battle- SO ~Absorb
ShopYezel []
Mission -The Battle of Togoreth(Hard difficulty)

S Rank Reward - Various missions

ShopCetme []
2 Mission -Behind Enemy Lines(Hard difficulty)
Ultima Bomb Ground Zero (one-time chest)
Combat Exercise -Reconnaissance Rescue(Hard difficulty)
Combat Exercise -Into the Dragon's Nest(Hard difficulty)
Ch5 - Request - Defeat 1 Soryu Lancer
ShopMcTighe []
ShopIscah []

Random Treasure - Innsmouth Coast

Bahamut Zero
Ch 7 - Request - Request reinforcements x7
Mission -The Invasion of Ingram
Random treasure at Ultima Bomb Ground Zero[]
Ch 7 - Request - Defeat 20 Imperial Soldiers

ShopYezel []
Random treasure at Ultima Bomb Ground Zero[]
Ultima Bomb Ground Zero (one-time chest)
ShopIscah []
ShopCetme []
Random Treasure - Innsmouth Coast
Ch.7Mission -The Invasion of Ingram(Hard difficulty)
Mission -Escape from the Capital(Impossible difficulty)
ShopYezel []
ShopIscah []
ShopCetme []

Mission -The Battle of Togoreth(Impossible difficulty)
ShopYezel []

ShopKeziah []
ShopMi-Go []
ShopMeroe []
ShopShakara []
Random treasure in Juhanla Volcano
Combat Exercise -For Imperial Eyes Only(Hard difficulty)
Random treasure in Juhanla Volcano
Juhanla Volcano (one-time chest, common)
ShopKeziah []
ShopMi-Go []
ShopMeroe []
ShopShakara []
Combat Exercise -Prisoners of War(Hard difficulty)
Combat Exercise -Prisoners of War(Impossible difficulty)
ShopKeziah []
ShopMi-Go []
ShopMeroe []
ShopShakara []
Combat Exercise -Amiter's Supression(Hard difficulty)
Combat Exercise -Amiter's Supression(Impossible difficulty)
ShopSixth Arms Research Institute - unlocked via Ch.3 Combat
Exercise -TheArms Research
Battle Institute - unlocked
of the Grotto(Hard via Ch.3 Combat
ShopSixth Arms Research
Exercise -A United Front withInstitute-
Soryu(Hard unlocked via Ch.3 Combat
ShopSixth ArmsDiversionary
Exercise -Keziah Research Institute - unlocked
Tactics(Hard via Ch.7 Combat
ShopSixth Arms Research
Exercise -Withdrawal Institute - unlocked
from Roshana(Hard viaNG+Ch7
Ch 7 Combat
Mission Exercise
-Machina's -Withdrawal
Battle(Hard from Roshana- SO - ~Do
not let anyoneArms Research Institute - unlocked via Ch.5 Mission -
The Battle of Judeccawithout using Bahamut Zero
S Rank Reinforcement bonus
S Rank Reward - Ch 4 - Escape from the Capital (Impossible
Agito Tower 5th floor
Bethnel's Grotto (one-time chest, rare)
Ch 5 - Request - Defeat 30 enemies with Blizzard BOM
Ch 4 - Free Time- Aria gives it to you if you have a Glass
Pendant (obtained during Ch.3 small talk)

BazaarIscah []

ShopRokol []
Random treasure in Bethnel's Grotto
ShopRokol []
Random treasure in Bethnel's Grotto
ShopRokol []
Random treasure in Bethnel's Grotto
ShopRokol []
Random treasure in Bethnel's Grotto
ShopRokol []
Random treasure in Bethnel's Grotto
ShopRokol []
Random treasure in Bethnel's Grotto
S Rank Reward - NG+ Ch 6 Mission - The Last Line of Defense
S Rank Reward - Ch 7 - The Empire's Last Base (Impossible
SE Members Site- 5 Item Exchange Tickets
ShopYezel []
ShopYezel []
ShopYezel []
Ch 7 - Requests -FindLost History Book& Defeat 15
Use a character for Intrusions 150 times
Class 1 Moogle - after 30+ hours playtime
Ch 4 Mission -Escape from the Capital- SO ~Defeat Outsider
Various SOs - Ch 7 Missions & Combat Exercises, Cycle 3
Class 1 Moogle - after 500+ hours playtime
SE Members Site- obtain 18 Extra Stamps
Random treasure in Bethnel's Grotto []
Have Sice or Machina join the game 200 times
SE Members Site- 3 Item Exchange Tickets
Random treasure in Bethnel's Grotto []
Have Deuce or Queen join the game 200 times
SE Members Site- 3 Item Exchange Tickets
Random treasure in Bethnel's Grotto []
Have Rem or ??? join the game 200 times
SE Members Site- 3 Item Exchange Tickets
Random treasure in Bethnel's Grotto []
Have Ace or King join the game 200 times
SE Members Site- 3 Item Exchange Tickets
Random treasure in Bethnel's Grotto []
Have Eight or Nine join the game 200 times
SE Members Site- 3 Item Exchange Tickets
Random treasure in Bethnel's Grotto []
Have Cater or Cinque join the game 200 times
SE Members Site- 3 Item Exchange Tickets
Random treasure in Bethnel's Grotto []
Have ??? or ??? join the game 200 times
SE Members Site- 3 Item Exchange Tickets
Import from Demo
A Rank Reinforcement bonus (rare)
Class 1 Moogle - after 50+ hours playtime
Ch 7 Request- Defeat an Iron Giant in the Silent Key
Agito Tower 3rd floor
S Rank Reinforcement bonus (rare)
SE Members Site- Obtain 10 Extra Stamps
referral link
NG+Bring Ace in multiplay 1000 times
SE Members Site- 5 Item Exchange Tickets
NG+Bring Deuce in multiplay 1000 times
SE Members Site- 5 Item Exchange Tickets
NG+Bring Trey in multiplay 1000 times
SE Members Site- 5 Item Exchange Tickets
NG+Bring Cater in multiplay 1000 times
SE Members Site- 5 Item Exchange Tickets
NG+Bring Cinque in multiplay 1000 times
SE Members Site- 5 Item Exchange Tickets
NG+Bring Sice in multiplay 1000 times
SE Members Site- 5 Item Exchange Tickets
NG+Bring Seven in multiplay 1000 times
SE Members Site- 5 Item Exchange Tickets
NG+Bring Eight in multiplay 1000 times
SE Members Site- 5 Item Exchange Tickets
NG+Bring Nine in multiplay 1000 times
SE Members Site- 5 Item Exchange Tickets
NG+Bring Jack in multiplay 1000 times
SE Members Site- 5 Item Exchange Tickets
NG+Ch 2, 2nd free time - Talk to Queen in Backyard.
SE Members Site- 5 Item Exchange Tickets
NG+Bring King in multiplay 1000 times
SE Members Site- 5 Item Exchange Tickets
NG+Bring Machina in multiplay 1000 times
SE Members Site- 5 Item Exchange Tickets
NG+Bring Rem in multiplay 1000 times
SE Members Site- 5 Item Exchange Tickets
SP Rank "Knight"
SP Rank "Leader"
SP Rank "Commander"
SP Rank "General"
SP Rank "Marshall"
SP Rank "King"
SP Rank "Emperor"
SP Rank "God"

NG+ Ch 7 - After giving Atra all l'Cie Pyroxenes, he will open

a shop in the Iscah Bazaar
NG+ Ch 7 - After giving Atra all l'Cie Pyroxenes, he will open
a shop in the Iscah Bazaar

NG+ Ch 4 - Request - MaxoneClass Zero member's ATK

Ch 7 - Silent Key - Fourth Engine Room
SE Members Site- 10 Item Exchange Tickets
Demon Gorge (one-time chest, rare)
S Rank Reinforcement bonus (rare)
SE Members Site- Have Obtainthree people
26 Extra with unregistered
Player Codes download the [ZeroShiki] Demothrough your
Agito Tower 3rd floor (rare)
Agito Tower 4th floor (rare)
Agito Tower 5th floor (rare)
SE Members Site- 15 Item Exchange Tickets
NG+Ch 4 - Request - Increase Class Zero's allies
NG+Ch 7 Mission -Machina's Battle(Defeat Gilgamesh
10 times)
SE Members Site - 10 Item Exchange Tickets
NG+Ch 7 Mission -Machina's Battle(Defeat Gilgamesh
10 timeson Impossible difficulty)
SE Members Site- 20 Item Exchange Tickets
BazaarIscah []
that there are none in the player's inventorybefore reaching
Ch 1 - Breaks in an event
Cannot be acquired without cheating
Aqvi [] - Shop Amitre [] - Shop
Fire Magic 101 800 Mythril Cards 9000
Ice Magic 101 800 Mythril Flute 9000
Thunder Magic 101 800 Mythril Bow 9000
Support Magic 101 800 Mythril Pistol 9000
Teleport Stone 2000 Mythril Mace 9000
Mythril Scythe 9000
Mythril Whip 9000
Mythril Glove 9000
Mythril Lance 9000
Mythril Blade 9000
Mythril Sword 9000
Mythril Blast 9000
Mythril Rapiers 9000
Mythril Daggers 9000

Iscah [] - Shop (Pre- Iscah [] - Shop (Post-

Reconstruction) Reconstruction)
Bronze Bangle 500 Silver Bangle 2000
Copper Ring 500 Silver Ring 2000
Gauntlet 500 Iron Gauntlet 2000
Bulletproof Vest 1000 Fire Magic 202 3500
Shock Shell 1000 Ice Magic 202 3500
Teleport Stone 2000 Thunder Magic 202 3500
Support Magic 202 3500
Bullet Guard 2000
Guard Talisman 1500
ImpactGuard 2000
Guard Armor 1500

Corsi [] - Valuable Shop Corsi [] - Phantoma Shop

Popular Novel 1000 Red Phantoma 1000
Red Bouquet 1000 Blue Phantoma 1000
Blue Bouquet 1000 Yellow Phantoma 1000
Feminine Swimsuit 1500
Ruby Necklace 2000

Meroe [] - Shop Mi-Go [] - Shop

Fire Magic 301 5000 Gold Bracer 3000
Ice Magic 301 5000 Amulet 2200
Thunder Magic 301 5000 Fire Magic 201 2500
Support Magic 301 5000 Ice Magic 201 2500
Blaze Bracelet 3000 Thunder Magic 201 2500
Freeze Bracelet 3000 Support Magic 201 2500
Thunder Bracelet 3000 Flame Bracelet 2500
Teleport Stone 2000 Cold Bracelet 2500
Krakka Greens 1000 Blitz Bracelet 2000
Teleport Stone 2000
Tantal Greens 100
Pahsana Greens 100

Rokol [] - Shop Roshana [] - Shop

Mystery Cards 1600 Dragon Card 2400
Life Flute 1600 Dragon Flute 2400
Windslasher 1600 Elfen Bow 2400
Heavy Magic Gun+ 1600 Dragon Pistol 2400
Earthbreaker 1600 Ogre Hammer 2400
Dragon Fang's
Platinum Scythe 1600 2400
Platinum Whip 1600 Dragon Tail 2400
Platinum Knuckles 1600 Red Glove 2400
RadiantLance 1600 Dragon's Horn Spear 2400
Murasame 1600 Ry Goroshi 2400
Shamshir 1600 Ancient Sword 2400
Twinmag Tusks 1600 Dragoon 2400
Platinum Rapiers 1600 Ryuujinken 2400
Orgenix 1600 Main Gauche 2400
Freezeproof Robe 4000 Dragon Ring 5000
Fireproof Robe 4000
Shockproof Robe 4000
White Cape 4000
Hermes' Shoes 4000
Star Pendant 4000
Teleport Stone 2000

Toguagh [] - Phantoma Shop Toguagh [] - Valuable Shop

Red Phantoma 1000 House Plant 8000
Blue Phantoma 1000 Rukonea Doll 8000
Yellow Phantoma 1000 Wooden Coeurl 10000
Green Phantoma 1000 Pearl Hairpin 10000
Purple Phantoma 5000 Chandelier 15000
Yezel [] - Shop Bazu [] - Shop
BP ArmorH2 6000 Armor-plated 6500
Guard ArmorH2 2500 Meister's Flute 6500
Jolt Absorber H2 6000 Platinum Bow 6500
Anti-CutArmor H2 6000 Furious 6500
Gold Anklet 12000 War Mace 6500
Combat Outfit A1 12000 Chronos Scythe 6500
Combat Outfit B2 12000 Steel Whip Sword 6500
Metal Fist 6500
Holy Lance 6500
Kotetsu 6500
Warspite 6500
Blast Gun 6500
Drill Rapiers 6500
Survival Edge 6500
Enhanced Combat
Defense Ring 7000

Iscah [] - Bazaar (Ch 7 only) Keziah[] - Shop

All items normally sold in Iscah plus: Silver Bracer 1000
Imperial Helmet 1500 Earrings 1000
Life Booster I 10000 Fire Magic 102 1500
Power Armor II 40000 Ice Magic 102 1500
Life Booster II 30000 Thunder Magic 102 1500
Power Armor I 15000 Support Magic 102 1500
Case Hardener 40000 Fire Bracelet 1000
Icey Blade Hilt 100000 Ice Bracelet 1000
Imperial 155mm
300 LightningBracelet 1000
1000 Gysahl Greens 100
HSM Colossus 20000
SA Helldiver 100000
SSM Balmung 1000000
Atra's Bazaar
Pulse's Ring 300000
Lindzei's Gauntlet 500000
Etro's Bracelet 800000
Mwynn's Charm 1000000

McTighe [] - Shop Meroe [] - Valuable Shop

Bronze Bangle 500 Bath Set 6000
Copper Ring 500 Aroma 6000
Gauntlet 500 Tapestry 8000
Bulletproof Vest 1000 Quill Pen 8000
Shock Shell 1000 Jewelry Box 12000
Famous Artist's
Teleport Stone 2000 15000
Rilochy [] - Phantoma Shop Rokol [] - Valuable Shop
Magenta Phantoma 2000 Cake 4000
Cyan Phantoma 2000 Potted Plant 5000
Sepia Phantoma 2000 Music Box 5000
Emerald Phantoma 2000 Cameo Figurines 5000
Enamel Bag 6000

Cetme [] - Shop Shakara [] - Shop

ImperialTarot 2000 Fire Magic 302 7000
MilitaryFlute 2000 Ice Magic 302 7000
Power Bow 2000 Thunder Magic 302 7000
Riot 2000 Support Magic 302 7000
Battle Mace 2000 Fire Drake Armlet 4000
Steel Scythe 2000 Ice Drake Bracelet 4000
Chain Whip 2000 Thunder Drake Armlet 4000
Iron Fist 2000 Fire Tome 12000
Harpoon 2000 Ice Tome 12000
Imperial Blade 2000 Thunder Tome 12000
Imperial Saber 2000 Support Tome 12000
Hardbreakers 2000
Machine Rapiers 2000
Butterfly Edge 2000
Strength Booster 4000
Warrior Gauntlet 5000
BP Armor 3000
Pierce Guard 2000
Impact Armor I 3000
Anti-Cut Armor 2000
Zircon Shield 20000

Demon's Gorge - Phantoma Shop Mi-Go [] - Valuable Shop

CrimsonPhantoma 3000 Hand Mirror 2000
Smalt Phantoma 3000 Tea Set 2000
OchrePhantoma 3000 Picture Frame 3000
Jade Phantoma 3000 Makeup Set 3000
Perfume Set 3000
Class Zero's Shop
Mega Potion
Dry Ether
Mega Ether

Sixth Arms Research Institute's Shop

Silver Cards
Magician Cards
Wild Cards
Silver Flute
Healing Flute
Lamia's Flute
Silver Bow
Cheiron's Bow
Artemis Bow
Magic Gun+
Marvelous Cheer
Crash Mace
Gigas Hammer
Seraphim Hammer
Silver Scythe
Silver Whip
Thorns Whip
Master Whip
Silver Knuckles
Master Fist
Kaiser Knuckles
Heavy Lance
Venus Gospel
Lance of Kain
Master Sword
Mirage Sword
Twin Magnums
Silver Rapiers
Thunder Rapiers
Silver Daggers
Healing Daggers
Assassin Daggers
Iron Bangle
Gold Bangle
Platinum Bangle
Mythril Bangle
Diamond Bangle
Platinum Bracer
Iron Ring
Mythril Ring
Diamond Ring
Crystal Ball
Platinum Gauntlet
Mythril Gauntlet
Diamond Gauntlet
Crystal Gauntlet
Combat Ring
Soul of Fire
Soul of Ice
Soul of Thunder
Soul of Succor
Verity of Succor
Edicts of Succor
Red Beret
Magic Mitre
Magic Master
Guard Shield
Guard Barrier
Shock Armor
II Impact Armor II
High Armor
Master Armor
Topaz Shield
Opal Shield
Ruby Shield
Diamond Shield
Inferno Armlet
Belias' Armlet
Aurora Armlet
Mateus' Armlet
Celestial Armlet
Ramuh's Armlet
Moon Bracelet

SPP Shop
Mega Ether
Mega Remedy
Phoenix Pinion
Magic Cards
Death's Cards
Baroque Flute
Ice Flute
Angelic Flute
Hunting Bow
Reaper's Bow
Blessed Bow
Heavy Magic Gun
True Magic Gun+
Shock Hammer
Ice Mace
Giant Mallet
War Scythe
Poison Scythe
Sword Whip
Ice Beauty
Heavy Knuckles
Adamant Knuckles
Gold Fingers
Ice Spear
Bushido Blade
Ice Saber
Save the Queen
Gear Rapiers
Flame Tank
Dancing Daggers
Ice Daggers
Zorlin Shape
Feather Hat
Tricorne Hat
Suzaku Army Cap
Red Cap
Red Beret
Black Belt
Power Vest
Mythril Helm
Robe of Light
Lilith's Rod
Mythril Armor
Armor Gappa
Onion Armor
How to Unlock
Class Zero's Shop
Start of Ch 2
Ch 7 Mission -The LastDay of theKingdom
Ch 3Mission -Magitek Factory Sabotage(Hard difficulty)
Start of Ch 2
Ch 5 Mission -The Battle of Judecca(Impossible difficulty) - using Bahamut Zero
Ch 4 Mission -Escape from the Capital (Hard difficulty)
Ch 2Mission -Operation Reconquista
Ch 6 Mission -Battle on the Big Bridge(Impossible difficulty)

Sixth Arms Research Institute's Shop

Start of Ch 2
Bring Ace in missions 200 times
NG+Ch 4 Mission -Escape from the Capital(Impossible difficulty)
Start of Ch 2
Bring Deuce in missions 200 times
Ch 5 Combat Exercise -The Taking of Meroe(Impossible difficulty)
Start of Ch 2
Bring Trey in missions 200 times
Ch7 Combat Exercise -Withdrawal from Roshana(Impossible difficulty)
Start of Ch 2
Bring Cater in missions 200 times
NG+Ch3 Mission -Ambush in the Fog(Impossible difficulty)
Start of Ch 2
Bring Cinque in missions 200 times
Ch 3 Mission -Magitek Factory Sabotage(Impossible difficulty)
Start of Ch 2
Bring Sice in missions 200 times
Ch 3Combat Exercise -The Battle in the Grotto(Impossible difficulty)
Start of Ch 2
Bring Seven in missions 200 times
NG+Ch 5 Mission-OperationEastern Wind(Impossible difficulty)
Start of Ch 2
Bring Eight in missions 200 times
Ch 2Mission -Iscah Infiltration(Impossible difficulty)
Start of Ch 2
Bring Nine in missions 200 times
Ch 3Combat Exercise -Keziah Diversionary Tactics(Impossible difficulty)
Start of Ch 2
Bring Jack in missions 200 times
NG+Ch2 Mission -Behind Enemy Lines(Impossible difficulty)
Start of Ch 2
Bring Queen in missions 200 times
Ch7 Combat Exercise -Reconnaissance Rescue(Impossible difficulty)
Start of Ch 2
Bring King in missions 200 times
NG+Ch6 Mission -The Last Line of Defense(Impossible difficulty)
Start of Ch 2
Bring Machina in missions 200 times
NG+Ch7 Mission -Machina's Battle(Impossible difficulty)
Start of Ch 2
Bring Rem in missions 200 times
Ch 3Combat Exercise -A United Front with Soryu(Impossible difficulty)
Start of Ch 2
Ch7Combat Exercise-Exile from the Empire
Ch 5 Mission -The Battle of Judecca(Hard difficulty)
Ch 5 Mission -The Battle of Judecca(Impossible difficulty)
Ch 7 Combat Exercise -Exile from the Empire(Impossible difficulty)
Ch 7 Combat Exercise -Exile from the Empire(Hard difficulty)
Start of Ch 2
Ch 2Mission -The Cadets' First Battle(Hard difficulty)
Ch 2 Mission -The Cadets' First Battle(Impossible difficulty)
Ch5 Combat Exercise -Destroy the Landing Party
Ch5 Combat Exercise -Destroy the Landing Party(Hard difficulty)
Ch5 Combat Exercise -Destroy the Landing Party(Impossible difficulty)
Start of Ch 2
Final Ch Mission -The Lulusath Invasion
Ch 7 Combat Exercise -Caughtby Suprise
Ch 7 Combat Exercise -Caught by Suprise(Hard difficulty)
Ch 7 Combat Exercise -Caught by Suprise(Impossible difficulty)
Ch 7 Combat Exercise -The Last ImperialBase(Hard difficulty)
Ch 7 Combat Exercise -Reconnaissance Rescue
Ch 7 Combat Exercise -POW Rescue Mission
Ch 7 Combat Exercise -For Imperial Eyes Only
NG+Ch 4Mission -Under the Armistice
Ch 7 Combat Exercise -The Last Imperial Base
Ch 7 Combat Exercise -The Last Imperial Base(Impossible difficulty)
Ch 7 Combat Exercise -Deep in the Jungle
Ch 7 Combat Exercise -Deep in the Jungle(Hard difficulty)
Ch 7 Combat Exercise -Deep in the Jungle(Impossible difficulty)
Ch 2Mission -The Battleof Togoreth(Hard difficulty)
Ch 7Mission -The Invasion of Ingram(Hard difficulty)
Ch 4Mission -Escape from the Capital(Impossible difficulty)
Ch 5 Mission -The Battle of Judecca(Hard difficulty) - using Bahamut Zero
Ch 7 Mission -The Invasion of Ingram(Impossible difficulty)
NG+Ch 5 Mission -OperationEastern Wind(Hard difficulty)
Ch 2Mission -The Battle of Togoreth(Impossible difficulty)
NG+Ch 2Mission -Behind Enemy Lines(Hard difficulty)
NG+Ch 6 Mission -The Last Line of Defense(Hard difficulty)
Ch 7 Combat Exercise -Reconnaissance Rescue(Hard difficulty)
Ch 7 Combat Exercise -Into the Dragon's Nest(Hard difficulty)
Ch 7 Combat Exercise -For Imperial Eyes Only(Hard difficulty)
Ch 7 Combat Exercise -For Imperial Eyes Only(Impossible difficulty)
Ch 7 Combat Exercise -Prisoners of War(Hard difficulty)
Ch 7 Combat Exercise -Prisoners of War(Impossible difficulty)
Ch 7 Combat Exercise -Amiter's Suppression(Hard difficulty)
Ch 7 Combat Exercise -Amiter's Suppression(Impossible difficulty)
Ch 3Combat Exercise -The Battle of the Grotto(Hard difficulty)
Ch 3 Combat Exercise-A United Front with Soryu(Hard difficulty)
Ch 3Combat Exercise -Keziah Diversionay Tactics(Hard diffficulty)
Ch 7 Combat Exercise -Withdrawal from Roshana(Hard difficulty)
NG+Ch7 Mission -Machina's Battle(Hard difficulty)
Ch 5 Mission -The Battle of Judecca

SPP Shop
Start of Ch 2
Acquire 40000 SPP
Start of Ch 2
Acquire 80000 SPP
Acquire 1500000 SPP
Acquire 3000 SPP
Acquire 200000 SPP
Bring Ace in multiplay once
Bring Ace in multiplay 200 times
SE Member Site - 1 Item Exchange Ticket
Bring Deuce in multiplay once
Bring Deuce in multiplay 200 times
SE Member Site - 1 Item Exchange Ticket
Bring Trey in multiplay once
Bring Trey in multiplay 200 times
SE Member Site - 1 Item Exchange Ticket
Bring Cater in multiplay once
Bring Cater in multiplay 200 times
SE Member Site - 1 Item Exchange Ticket
Bring Cinque in multiplay once
Bring Cinque in multiplay 200 times
SE Member Site - 1 Item Exchange Ticket
Bring Sice in multiplay once
Bring Sice in multiplay 200 times
SE Member Site - 1 Item Exchange Ticket
Bring Seven in multiplay once
Bring Seven in multiplay 200 times
SE Member Site - 1 Item Exchange Ticket
Bring Eight in multiplay once
Bring Eight in multiplay 200 times
SE Member Site - 1 Item Exchange Ticket
Bring Nine in multiplay once
Bring Nine in multiplay 200 times
SE Member Site - 1 Item Exchange Ticket
Bring Jack in multiplay once
Bring Jack in multiplay 200 times
SE Member Site - 1 Item Exchange Ticket
Bring Queen in multiplay once
Bring Queen in multiplay 200 times
SE Member Site - 1 Item Exchange Ticket
Bring King in multiplay once
Bring King in multiplay 200 times
SE Member Site - 1 Item Exchange Ticket
Bring Machina in multiplay once
Bring Machina in multiplay 200 times
SE Member Site - 1 Item Exchange Ticket
Bring Rem in multiplay once
Bring Rem in multiplay 200 times
SE Member Site - 1 Item Exchange Ticket
Start of Ch 2
Acquire 1000 SPP
Acquire 5000 SPP
Acquire 20000 SPP
Acquire 100000 SPP
Start of Ch 2
Acquire 150000 SPP
Acquire 10000 SPP
Acquire 300000 SPP
Acquire 600000 SPP
Acquire 400000 SPP
Acquire 800000 SPP
Collect 20 Extra Stamps on the Members Site
Collect 22 Extra Stamps on the Members Site
Buy Price



Rubrum's Map Information
Student Lounge
0 Class Zero's Classroom
Alto Crystarium
Chocobo Ranch
Front Gate

Unlocking Places
Northern Corridor
Genbu Crevasse
Demon's Canyon
Agito Tower

Orience World Map

Northern Canyon
Berith Desert
Ruins of Lorica

Juhanla Region

North Togoreth Region

Mahamayuri Kingdom
Meroe Region

Iscah Region

Togoreth Region

West Nesher District

East Nesher District
Rubrum Region

Eibon Region

Roshana Province

The Vail Wastes

Dragon God's Sanctuary

ubrum's Map Information Naval General Operation Staff 2nd
Sixth Arms Research Institute
Magic Department
Arecia's Room
Fountain Plaza
Airship Landing Place
Kazusa's Laboratory

Unlocking Places
Ch 2Mission -The Cadets' First Battle
Ch 2Mission -Operation Reconquista
Ch 2Mission -Operation Reconquista
Ch 2Mission -Operation Reconquista
Ch 3Mission -Iscah Infiltration
Ch 3 Combat Exercise -Keziah Diversionary Tactics
Ch 3Combat Exercise -A United Front with Soryu
Ch 3Combat Exercise -Retaking Fort Limbo
Ch 5
Ch 5 Combat Exercise -The Taking of Meroe
Ch 5 Mission -Reclaiming Eibon
Ch 5 Mission -Reclaiming Eibon
ExerciseOperation Dragonslayer
ExerciseOperation Dragonslayer
Ch 7 Combat Exercise -For Imperial Eyes Only
Ch 7 Mission -The Last Day of the Kingdom
Ch 7 Mission -The Last Day of the Kingdom
Battle of Yezel
Ch 7 Combat Exercise -Prisoners of War
Ch 7 Combat Exercise -Amiter's Suppression
Get Airship
Get Airship

Orience World Map

Demon's Canyon

Genbu Crevasse
Ultima Bomb Ground Zero
Ruins of Lorica -Abandoned House
Juhanla Volcano
Northern Corridor
Northern Corridor

Arwen Air Base
Morina Base
Bethnel's Grotto
Gberu Base
Magic Academy
Agito Tower
Silent Yard
Innsmouth Coast
Name Page
Ace 3
Director Khalia
Arecia 3
Cadetmaster 2
Provost 2
Zhuyu 2
Caetuna 2
Aria 2
0 Class 0 Moogle
13 Class 1 ~ 3 Moogle 1
46 Class 4 ~ 6 Moogle 1
79 Class 7 ~ 9 Moogle 1
1012j Class 10 ~ 12 Moogle 1
Suzaku Tonberry
Suzaku Cactuar 1
Izana 2
Aki 1
Tachinami 1
Kasumi 1
Tokito 1
Cid 2
Qator 2
Mysterious l'Cie
Concordian King 2
Tonogiri 1
Gilgamesh 2
Enkidu 1
The Masked Man
Soryu Dragon 2
Suzaku l'Cie Mizua 1
Suzaku l'Cie Kayahara 1
Suzaku l'Cie Yuu 1
Soryu l'Cie Ruriha 1
Suzaku l'Cie Yuka 1
Soryu l'Cie Shamhat 1
Suzaku l'Cie Maona 1
Suzaku l'Cie Kanna 1
Suzaku l'Cie Suzusu 1
Byakko l'Cie Eme 1
Soryu l'Cie Izayoi 1
Soryu l'Cie Seishuu 1
Byakko l'Cie Yuugu 1
Soryu l'Cie Karigane 1
Soryu l'Cie Yuzuriha 1
Soryu l'Cie Hakurou 1
Byakko l'Cie Arowa 1
Genbu l'Cie Urlugal 1
Genbu l'Cie Kaimanu 1
Genbu l'Cie Urshanabi 1
Suzaku l'Cie Satori 1
Suzaku l'Cie Yugino 1
Genbu l'Cie Siduri 1
Genbu l'Cie Nimrud 1
Soryu l'Cie Kogetsu 1
Genbu l'Cie Ansar 1
Suzaku l'Cie Tagisu 1
Genbu l'Cie Enlil 1
Genbu l'Cie Ziasudra 1
Soryu l'Cie Shirotae 1
Byakko l'Cie Vela 1
Byakko l'Cie Teo 1
Suzaku l'Cie Rinoi 1
Soryu l'Cie Ichou 1
Byakko l'Cie Riine 1
Byakko l'Cie Yuruku 1
Suzaku l'Cie Kiyosaki 1
Soryu l'Cie Tokoyami 1
Byakko l'Cie Armada 1
How to Obtain
Ch 2
Ch 2
Ch 2
Ch 2, 1st Free Time - Talk to Machina or Rem with Rem or
Clear Game
Return Machina's Pyroxene to Atra
Ch 2
Ch 2
Ch 2
Ch 3, 1st free time, go to Arecia's Room with Rem
Return Rem's Pyroxene to Atra
Ch 5 Event - [A Reason to Live]
Available from beginning
Available from beginning
Ch 3 Event, 1st free time - [Ace's Missing Memories]
Clear ch 6
NG+Clear Ch 3
Available from beginning
Available from beginning
Ch.4 Mission - [Escape from the Capital]
NG+Clear Ch 3
Available from beginning
Available from beginning
Final Chapter
NG+Clear Ch 3
Available from beginning
Available from beginning
Ch 7 Event- [Deja Vu All Over Again]
NG+Clear Ch 2
Available from beginning
Available from beginning
Final Chapter
NG+Clear Ch 4
Available from beginning
Available from beginning
Ch 4 - [After the Fight] event
NG+Clear Ch 5
Available from beginning
Available from beginning
Final Chapter Event- [Gathering Information]
Ch 5 Event - [A Reason to Live]
Available from beginning
Available from beginning
Ch 7 Event- []
Ch 5 Event - [Regicide]
Available from beginning
Available from beginning
Ch 5 Event- [The Nagging Captain]
NG+Clear Ch 7
Available from beginning
Available from beginning
Final Chapter - [Gathering Information]
3rd playthrough Clear Ch 2
Available from beginning
Available from beginning
Ch 4 Event - [After the Fight]
Ch 7 Combat Exercise -Roshana Evacuation Campaign
Available from beginning
Available from beginning
Ch 4 Event - [Cid's Lap Dog]
NG+Clear Ch 2
Ch 2
Ch 2
Clear Game
Clear Game
Ch 2
Ch 2
Clear Game
NG+Ch 7 Event- []
Clear 2nd playthrough
Ch 2
Ch 7 - [Kazusa's Delivery]
Ch 2
Ch 7
Ch 2
At the beginning of Ch 5
Ch 7
Ch 2
Ch 2
Ch 5 Event - [Machina and Parliament]
Ch 2
At the beginning of Ch 5
Ch 2, 3rd free time
Ch 7
Clear Game
At the end of Ch 3
Ch 7
Return Caetuna's Pyroxene to Atra
Ch 2, 3rd free time - Talk to Naghi
When he joined class 0
Ch 2, 2nd free time - Talk to Carla
When she joined class 0
Ch 3, 1st free time - Talk to Mutsuki
When she joined class 0
Ch 3, 1st free time
When he joined class 0
Ch 3, 2nd free time - Talk to Cinque
When he joined class 0
Ch 2, 2nd free time - Talk to Emina
Final Ch - After get all Emina's Event
Ch 2, 2nd free time - Talk to Kazusa
Ch 7
Ch 2
Ch 4 Event - [Aria's True Colors]
Final Chapter Event - [Aria's End]
Ch 2
Ch 7
Ch 2
Ch 2
Ch 2
Ch 2
Ch 2
Clear request in Amiter
See a cactuar in Rubrum
Ch 2
Ch 3 Event, 1st free time - [Ace's Missing Memories]
Ch 5 Event - [A Reason to Live]
Ch 2
Ch 2
Ch 3 - Talk to Kasumi
Ch 2, 3rd free time - Talk to Tokito
Ch 2
Ch 2
Clear Game
Ch 2
Ch 7
Clear Game
Ch 3, 1st free time
Clear Game
Ch 2
Ch 3
Clear Game
Return Qun'mi's Pyroxene to Atra
Ch 6
NG+Ch 7 Mission -Machina's Fight
At the beginning of ch 4
At the beginning of ch 4
At the beginning of ch 4
Clear Game
At the beginning of Ch 5
Ch 7 Mission -The Kingdom's Last Day
Ch 5 Event - [Regicide]
Ch 2, 2nd free time - Meet Celestia in Fountain Plaza
Ch.4 Mission -Escape from the Capital
Ch.4 Mission -Escape from the Capital
Clear Game
Ch 5 Event- [A Reason to Live]
Ch 5 Event- [Regicide]
Ch 7 Mission -The Kingdom's Last Day
Ch 6
Ch 6
NG+Ch 7 Mission -Machina's Fight
NG+Ch 7 Mission -Machina's Fight
NG+Ch 7 Mission -Machina's Fight
Clear 2nd playthrough
NG+Ch 7 Mission -Machina's Fight
Clear 2nd playthrough
Clear Game
Clear 2nd playthrough
Ch 5
Clear Game
Clear Game
Return Mizua's Pyroxene to Atra
Return Kayahara's Pyroxene to Atra
Return Yuu's Pyroxene to Atra
Return Ruriha's Pyroxene to Atra
Return Yuka's Pyroxene to Atra
Return Shamhart's Pyroxene to Atra
Return Maona's Pyroxene to Atra
Return Kanna's Pyroxene to Atra
Return Suzusu's Pyroxene to Atra
Return Eme's Pyroxene to Atra
Return Izayoi's Pyroxene to Atra
Return Seish's Pyroxene to Atra
Return Ygu's Pyroxene to Atra
Return Karigane's Pyroxene to Atra
Return Yuzuriha's Pyroxene to Atra
Return Hakuro's Pyroxene to Atra
Return Arowa's Pyroxene to Atra
Return Eruragaru's Pyroxene to Atra
Return Kaimanu's Pyroxene to Atra
Return Urshanabi's Pyroxene to Atra
Return Satori's Pyroxene to Atra
Return Yugino's Pyroxene to Atra
Return Shiduri's Pyroxene to Atra
Return Nimrod's Pyroxene to Atra
Return Kougetsu's Pyroxene to Atra
Return Ansar's Pyroxene to Atra
Return Tagisu's Pyroxene to Atra
Return Enriru's Pyroxene to Atra
Return Jiusudora's Pyroxene to Atra
Return Shirotae's Pyroxene to Atra
Return Vera's Pyroxene to Atra
Return Teo's Pyroxene to Atra
Return Rinoi's Pyroxene to Atra
Return Ichou's Pyroxene to Atra
Return Rne's Pyroxene to Atra
Return Yuruku's Pyroxene to Atra
Return Kiyosaki's Pyroxene to Atra
Return Tokoyami's Pyroxene to Atra
Return Armada's Pyroxene to Atra
World Map
Enhanced Soldier
Heavy Machine Gun

Imperial Rocketeer Everywhere
Assault Soldier
Long-ranged Sniper
Military Coeurl
Airborne Trooper
Eibon Region, Rubrum
Region, Cetme District
Rubrum Region, Cetme
District, W. Nesher District
Transport Striker
Colossus E. Nesher District
Gabriel Mk. II
Soryu Lancer
Tempest Drake
Astral Drake
Shinryu Celestia
Seiryu Defilers
Summoning Wall
Region, Rubrum Region,
Ruined Vail Land, Cetme
Ankheg ofLorica, Rshana
Eibon Region, Innsmouth
Region,ofLorica, Rshana
Meroe Region
Province,Province, Juhanla
Ruined Vail Land
Fire Flan
District, Meroe Region,
Ice Flan
RilochyRegion, Rilochy
Province, Ruined
Lightning Flan
Eibon Region, Innsmouth
Aqua Flan
Region, Rubrum Region
Evil Eye Lorica, Meroe Region,
Bat Eye Berith Desert
Blind Eye Canyon, W. Nesher
Floating Eye Region, Roshana Province,
North Canyon, North
Togoreth Region,Rilochy
Ice Bomb Province, Cetme
Bolt Bomb Province, Rshana
District, Meroe Region,
Dual Horn
Yezel District, W. Nesher
Snow Giant
Wendigo Cetme District, W. Nesher
Lesser Coeurl Region, Cetme District, W.
Coeurl Corsi Cave, Agito Tower
Rilochy Province, Roshana
Juhanla Volcano, Agito
Bethnel's Grotto, East
Nesheru District
King Behemoth Canyon, Ruined Vail Land,
Rilochy Province, Roshana
North Togoreth
Province, Demon'sRegion,
Great Malboro
Demon's Gorge
Space Malboro Agito Tower (Peak)
Adamantoise North Togoreth Region
Adamantaimai Innsmouth Coast Bush
Sandworm Berith Desert
Landworm Berith Desert
Ruined Vail Land, Silent
Iron Giant
Wolframiter Silent Key
Berith Desert, Ruins of
Lorica,Desert, Ruins of
Cetme District
Berith Desert, Roshana
Flowering Cactuar
Tonberry Agito Tower
Darkness of Suzaku Above Orience (NG+)
[1] LulusathWarrior 1
[2] Lulusath Warrior 2
l'Cie Arbiter of
Ruined Vail Land, W.
Nesher District
Kukurukan North Canyon
Kusaidama [Smelly

Ruined Vail Land, Cetme
Vertigo Rubrum Region
Lesser Prosas
Brigadier General

Colonel Faith
Dragon's Egg
Insmarin Innsmouth Region
Cetme District, W. Nesher
Glasya Labolas
Ruins ofLorica,
District, Innsmouth
Agito Tower
Region, North Canyon
Inferno Juhanla Region
North Togoreth Region,
Lesser Lopros
Cetme District, W. Nesher
Sasquatch Yezel District
Topaz Grenade Meroe Region
Imperial Army
E. Nesher District
Bueru Eibon Region
Location Defense
Drop Pierc Impac Bulle
Mission Cut Fire
Combat Provisions, Complete e t t
### ### ### ### ###
Recovery Set, Reinforcing
### ### ### ### ###
Agent, Combat Support
Agent, White Tiger, Black
### ### ### ### ###
Tiger, Gold Tiger, HP Growth
### ### ### ### ###
Agent, Attack Stim, Defense
### ### ### ### ###
NG+ Ch 3 - Ambush in the Stim
Fog -
### ### ### ### ###
Beautiful Fur ### ### ### ### ###
Same as Imperial Soldiers ### ### ### ### ###
- ### ### ### ### ###
Provisions, Complete
Recovery Set, Reinforcing ### ### ### ### ###
Agent, Combat Support
Agent, White Tiger, Black
Tiger, Gold Tiger, HP Growth ### ### ### ### ###
Agent, Attack Stim, Defense ### ### ### ### ###
Ch 7 - The Last Imperial
Ch 2 - The Battle of
Ch 7 - The Invasion of
Ch 4 - Escape from the
Ch 1 - The Liberation
Ch 6 - Battle on the Big
### ### ### ### ###
Ch 3 - Magitek Fatory
### ### ### ### ###
### ### ### ### ###

Ore, Ice Magic Stim, Defense ### ### ### ### ###
Dragon Fang, Beast Horn ### ### ### ### ###
[Capture Items - Iron Ore, ### ### ### ### ###
Copper Ore, Silver Ore, Fire ### ### ### ### ###
Magic Stim, Thunder Magic
Ch 5 - The Battle of
### ### ### ### ###
Ch 2 - The Battle of
### ### ### ### ###
Bug Fluid
### ### ### ### ###
### ### ### ### ###
### ### ### ### ###
Flan Fluid, Blazing Fragment ### ### ### ###
Flan Fluid, Ice Fragment ### ### ### ###
Flan Fluid, Lightning
### ### ### ### ###
Flan Fluid ### ### ### ### ###
### ### ### ### ###
### ### ### ### ###
Thin Feather
### ### ### ### ###
Thin Feather
### ### ### ### ###
Bomb Soul, Blazing Fragment ### ### ### ### ###
Bomb Soul, Ice Fragment ### ### ### ### ###
Bomb Soul, Thunder
### ### ### ###
Thick Skin
### ### ### ### ###
Fighting Spirit Bristle
### ### ### ### ###
Beautiful Fur
- ### ### ### ### ###
### ### ### ### ###
Thin Feather, Beast Horn
### ### ### ### ###
Beast Meat, Beast Horn
### ### ### ### ###
Beast Meat ### ### ### ### ###
Beast Meat, Lavender
### ### ### ### ###
Tortoise Shell
### ### ### ### ###
Beast Meat
### ### ### ### ###
Hi-Potion, Mega Potion, X ### ### ### ### ###
Ch 8 - The Lulusath
Potion, Megalixir
Cactus Thorn
Cactus Thorn, Lavender
NG+ Ch 4 - Under the Phantoma
Life Lantern ### ### ### ### ###
NG+ - A Light in the
Varies by Mission Rank ### ### ### ### ###
Ch 8 - The Lulusath ### ### ### ### ###
Invasion ### ### ### ### ###

### ### ### ### ###

### ### ### ### ###
### ### ### ### ###
### ### ### ### ###
### ### ### ### ###
### ### ### ### ###
### ### ### ### ###
### ### ### 40 ###
### ### ### ### ###
### ### ### ### ###
### ### ### ### ###
### ### ### ### ###
### ### ### ### ###
### ### ### ### ###
### ### ### ### ###
### ### ### ### ###
### ### ### ### ###
Ch 7- Into the Dragon's
- ### ### ### ### ###
Ch 6 - Battle on the Big
### ### ### ### ###
### ### ### ### ###
### ### ### ### ###

Surrender Items
Light Eart
Cold Wind
ning h
### ### ### ###
### ### ### ###

### ### ### ###

### ### ### ###
### ### ### ###

### ### ### ###

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Name Traits
An ordinary chocobo, commonly found across
Chocobo Soldier A chocobo who won't go down without a fight

Chocobo Charger A chocobo with high ATK

Assault Chocobo A chocobo with very high ATK

A chocobo with exceptional ATK

Speedy Chocobo A feeble chocobo with dashing speed

Turbo Chocobo A feeble chocobo with turbo speed

Mach Chocobo A brave chocobo with mach speed

Swift Chocobo A brave chocbo with superb speed

A delicate chocobo with the ability to evade

Nimble Chocobo
some attacks
Dodging A delicate chocobo with the ability to evade
Chocobo most attacks
A brave chocobo with the ability to evade
Cagey Chocobo

Stealth Chocobo A brave chocobo with high ATK & high evasion

Chocobo Knight A chocobo with exceptional ATK and high DEF

A chocobo with high ATK, mach speed, & high

Chocobo Ninja

Master Chocobo A chocobo whose strength transcends all others

How to Obtain
General Info
Breed Greens
Togoreth, N.Togoreth, Iscah,
Chocobo Catching and Using
Chocobo + Chocobo None When you talk to the guy in Chocobo Ranch, you'll get 10 female and 10
Chocobo + Chocobo Gysahl Press +X on the world map to ride them.
District,Yezel District, The Vail You move faster and don't get random battles that way.
Soldier + Soldier Gysahl After some time, or when you enter a city, you'll lose the used chocobo.
Charger + Charger Gysahl To catch a chocobo, just search for them on the world map and press O w
Charger + Charger Mimett It's way easier to get near them with a fast character (Cater) or using yo
Ruins of Lorica, Juhanla Region,
Roshana, Rilochy Provinces
Chocobo + Speedy Pahsana Chocobo BRyiding
Speedy + Speedy Gysahl After Chapter 2, you can breed chocobos.Go to the Ranch (
Turbo + Turbo Gysahl Choose the first option and then you need to select the parents.
Mach + Mach Mimett You can also select a vegetable to improve the quality or quantity of the
Berith Desert [] After 6 in-game hours, you'll lose the parents (they'll be "retired") and a
Swift + Swift Mimett Just talk to the same guy and pick the first option again to get your new
Innsmouth Coast, W.Nesher
You can save and reload before checking the newly born chocobo
Nimble + Nimble Any
Northern Canyon Unique Attack
Dodging + Dodging Krakka Each trait also has a unique attack you can do riding the chocobo
Dodging + Charger Mimett
Dodging + Dodging Reagan
Cagey + Cagey Mimett Greens
Swift + Kamikaze Reagan Gysahl Greens Boosts the odds of hatching un
Kamikaze + Krakka Greens Greatly boosts the odds of hat
Kamikaze Tantal Greens Greens that boost the father's
Stealth + Stealth Reagan
Stealth + Kamikaze Pahsana Greens Greens that boost the mother'
Ninja + Ninja Sylkis Greens Greens that boost the chance
Knight + Ninja Sylkis Greens Greens that greatly boost the cha
Sylkis Greens Greens that vastly boost the c
Curiel Greens Greens that boost the number of
Azouph Greens that vastly boost the n

SE Members Site
Item Exchange Tickets

Chocobo Ticket Cost

x15 3
x15 1
Swift (M or F)x15 3
Nimble (M or F)x15 1
Knight (M or F) x9 3
Master (M or F) x3 2
ou'll get 10 female and 10 male Chocobos.

that way.
'll lose the used chocobo.
e world map and press O when touching them.You can lock on them with R.
aracter (Cater) or using your own chocobo.

the Ranch () and talk to the guy near the stables.

elect the parents.
quality or quantity of the sons.
they'll be "retired") and a random number of chocobos will born.
on again to get your new chocobos
he newly born chocobos to get better/more chocobos

n do riding the chocobo during the RTS missions.

the odds of hatching unique chocobo breeds

boosts the odds of hatching unique chocobo breeds
that boost the father's influence on the hatchling
that boost the mother's influence on the hatchling
that boost the chance of hatching a good chocobo
that greatly boost the chance of hatching a good chocobo
that vastly boost the chance of hatching a good chocobo
that boost the number of chocobos hatched
that vastly boost the number of chocobos hatched
Room Poss
One-time Chests Normal Items Rare Items

Corsi Cave
Cosi Cave: Entrance History
Nameless Falls [East] Mimett Greens 2 Mimett Greens
Nameless Falls [North] Megalixir Crystal Ball

Innsmouth Region
Impact Shield Guard Emblem
Innsmouth Coast Elixir Reagan Greens

Bethnel's Grotto
Basin [South] Crystal Ball Circlet
Basin [West] (1)
Basin [West] (2) Elixir Reagan Greens
Basin [West] (3) Diamond Ore
Basin [West] (4)
Basin [West] (5)
Basin [West] (6) Elixir Reagan Greens
Beast's Road
Bed of the Beast (1) Tiara Red Beret
Bed of the Beast (2) Elixir Reagan Greens

Northern Corridor
Cave Road Potion Mega Potion
Corridor Falls Megalixir Shock Armor
Juhanla Volcano
Cave [Northwest] Fire Drake Armlet
Cave [Southeast] 6 Blazing Fragments Inferno Armlet
Dragon's Head [West] Belias' Armlet Attribute King

Genbu Crevasse
Malton Falls 5 Potions 3 X-Potions

Ultima Bomb Ground Zero

Larve Cavern [Southeast] Alliance's War Strategy
Small Hollow [Southeast] 2 Megalixir
Collapsed Road [Northeast] 8 X-Potions 3 Megalixir
Large Cavern [North] Genbu Soldier's Memoir
Collapsed Road [Northwest] 8 X-Potions 2 Megalixir
Large Cavern [West] Topaz Shield Jolt Absorber H5

Silent Key
First Engine Room Freezeproof Robe Platinum Bracer
Second Engine Room Fireproof Robe Gold Ring
Third Engine Room Shockproof Robe Platinum Gauntlet
Fourth Passageway Logbook
Fourth Engine Room Artifact
Fourth Engine Room (Console) Lost History Book
Demon's Gorge
Lunatic Valley Elixir Sylkis Greens
Putrid Habitat Phoenix Pinion Verity of Fire

Agito Tower
Second Passage of Naught Verity of Fire Verity of Ice
Third Passage of Naught Royal Crown Adamant Gauntlet
Fourth Passage of Naught Growth Egg Marshal Nei
Fifth Passage of Naught Gold Hairpin Marshal d'Avout
Sixth Passage of Naught Holy Bracelet Power Spot
Cloister of Volition Dark Soul
Chamber of Demise Proof of Agito
Chamber of Demise (repeat) Grand Bangle Royal Crown

Ch 3 Mission - Magitek Factory Sabotage

Factory Canals: East Cloaca Combat Support Agent Bug Fluid
Warehouse Combat Support
Warehouse Complete Recovery Set
Research Facility: Perhiphery Hi Potion Ether
Engineering Combat Support
Engineering Complete Recovery Set

Ch 3 Combat Exercise - Battle in the Grotto

Subterranian Spring Complete Recovery Set Combat Provisions

NG+Ch 6 Mission - Last Line of Defense

[North] Combat Support Agent

Ch 7 Combat Exercise - Into the Dragon's Nest

Si Racha: The Perch, East
Si Racha: Primaries
Si Racha: Ramulus
Si Racha: The Saddle
Si Racha: Training Roost Silver Ore Gold Ore
Si Racha: Dangerous Heights
Silver Ore Gold Ore

Si Racha: To the Victor

Si Racha: Rotten Wood
Si Racha: The Clutch
Possible Treasures

Amulet 2 Curiel Greens


Protect Ring Phoenix Pinion

Sylkis Greens Azouph Greens

Tricorne Hat Cap Tiara Red Cap

Mace Whip Snow Goggles Red Beret Thunder Mace
Flute Magic Pistol Mist Mask Circlet Thunder Flute

Knuckles Longsword Heat Mask White Cape Godhand

Cards Longbow Blizzard Mask Gauntlet Master's Cards
Scythe Tachi Desert Mask Magic Mitre Scythe
Handguns Daggers Rain Mask Star Pendant Hi-Blow STs
Iron Duke
Lance Bolt Rapiers Storm Mask Hermes Shoes Thunder Spear

Phoenix Pinion

Belias' Armlet

Impact Armor II
Shock Armor Jolt Absorber H2

Shock Armor Warrior Gauntlet

Adamant Shell

Behemoth Scales
Mythril Ring
Battle Ring
Megalixir 2 Sylkis Greens
Verity of Ice Thunder Black Hood

Verity of Thunder Verity of Succor

Gauntlet Soul of Thamasa Ribbon

Flan Fluid Hard Scale Elixir

Combat Reinforcing
Field Provisions White Tiger Power Unit
Provisions Agent

Combat Reinforcing
Field Provisions White Tiger Power Unit
Provisions Agent

Dragon Ore
Dragon Ore
Thunder Lash
Rune Trigger

Thunder Saber
Rune Bow

Information Type Zero multiplayer can be done over the internetthrough two different metho
PSP + Computer Requires - CFW 5.03+, Xlink Kai, WinPCap, PSP Type B drivers,
PSP + PS3 Requires -AdHocParty, should be available on the PlayStation S
level ones; Eidolons will gain Exp while guests kill enemies.
intrusion while using accessories that reduce intrusion time.
they acted as reinforcement.

Rank Rewards
Magic Rank reaches "King",a more powerful version of the spell is learned.
Accessory more power.

SP Class SPMagic Requirements

Guardian Reraise 40
Square Enix Ratio Blizzard playtime 216000) >= 20
Type Zero Hell Thunder (Play time - total intrusion hours in multiplay) >= (total intrus
Devil Kill Fire (Number of (executed break/killsights?)in multiplay total ho
Healer Full Cure (Total uses of recovery magicin multiplay total number of in
Master Ultima 2 multiplay) >= 20
Professor Boost multiplay) >= 20
Soldier Full Magic Requirements for every class are met

SP Rank SPP Required Accessory

Knight 15000 SP Bracelet All MAG +10
Leader 30000 SP Breast Plate All MAG +15, HP/MP +20%
Commander 50000 SP Robe Cuts Intrusion Time, All MAG +20, HP/MP +2
General 100000 SP Shield Cuts Intrusion Time, All MAG +30, HP/MP +5
Marshall 200000 SP Cloak Cuts Intrusion Time, All MAG +40, HP/MP +5
King 300000 SP Armor Cuts Intrusion Time, All MAG +50, HP/MP +5
Emperor 500000 SP Helmet Cuts Intrusion Time, All MAG +60, HP/MP +5
God 1000000 SP Crystal Cuts Intrusion Time, ATK/DEF +100, All MAG

Intrusion Time There is also a +5 second bonus for "Instantly kill[ing] the enemy", though the s

Character Use
Bonus in addition to other bonuses.
Bonus Uses Required De
Weapon 1 Unlocks their third-weakest weapon (ATK +8)for sale in the SP
Megalixir x1 10 Receive a Megalixir
Phoenix Pinion x3 20 Receive 3 Phoenix Pinions
Azouph Greens x3 30 Receive 3 Azouph Greens
Crystal Fragments 50 Receive aCrystal Fragment
x1 100 Receive a Gold Anklet
Gold Anklet x1
Crystal Fragments 150 Receive aCrystal Fragment
x1 200 SPP Shop (10,000 SPP each)
l'Cie Mode 500 Unlocks l'Cie mode for that character (can only be used in mul
Accessories 1000 Receive the character's exclusive accessory
SPP Shop Shop sell for half its cost in SPP)

SPP Required Item Added SPP Cost Efect

- High Potion 160 Fully restores one party member's HP
- Ether 400 Restores 50% of one party member's MP
- Feather Hat 2000 All MAG +4
- Black Belt 1000 ATK +5
1000 Tricorne Hat 4000 All MAG +8
3000 Mega Remedy 400 Recovers the status ailments of every party
5000 Cap 10000 All MAG +12
10000 Mythril Helm 1600 DEF +10, prevents Burn
20000 Red Cap 16000 All MAG +18
40000 X-Potion 1000 Fully restores every party member's HP
80000 Mega Ether 2000 Fully restores every party member's MP
100000 Red Beret 20000 All MAG +26
150000 Power Vest 8000 ATK +20
200000 Phoenix Pinion 4000 Grants Reraise to one party member
300000 Robe of Light 40000 All MAG +15, MP +50%
400000 Mythril Armor 60000 HP +50%, prevents Burn, Freeze, & Shock
500000 MagicUltima -- --
600000 Lilith's Rod 100000 All MAG +30, MP +100%
800000 Armor Gappa 100000 Cuts Intrusion time, DEF +50, grants Trance
1500000 Megalixir 4000 Restores all HP and MP to every party memb
Each x2 Exp Weapons 20,000 each ATK +54~64, x2 Exp
20 Extra Stamps Crystal Mail 100000 Cuts Intrusion Time, DEF +70, grants Trance
22 Extra Stamps Onion Armor 100000 Cuts Intrusion Time, DEF +70, grants Aura

Reinforcement Bonuses
The ranges may not be exact.

Rank Possible Bonuses

S (5001+?) X Potion x4-5 x2-3 Platinum Bangle
S (1151-5000?) X Potion x3 x2-3 Strength Booster
A (701-1150) X Potion x3 x1 Silver Bangle
B (416-700) X Potion x2 x1 Fire Magic 201
C (201-415) X Potion x1-2 x1 Silver Bangle
D (101-200) X Potion x1
E (0-100) Potion x1-3
e internetthrough two different methods
nk Kai, WinPCap, PSP Type B drivers, Wireless USB dongle orUSB2 cable + AdHoctoUSB plugin
ould be available on the PlayStation Store for the PS3
sts kill enemies.
ce intrusion time.

on of the spell is learned.


n hours in multiplay) >= (total intrusion hours in multiplay x10)
eak/killsights?)in multiplay total hours in multiplay 3600) >= 2
agicin multiplay total number of intrusions in multiplay) >= 2

lass are met

G +10
G +15, HP/MP +20%
trusion Time, All MAG +20, HP/MP +20%, grants Protect
trusion Time, All MAG +30, HP/MP +50%, grants Protect
trusion Time, All MAG +40, HP/MP +50%, grants Protect & Regen
trusion Time, All MAG +50, HP/MP +50%, grants Protect, Regen, Aura, & Trance
trusion Time, All MAG +60, HP/MP +50%, grants Protect, Regen, Aura, Trance, & 0 MP Cost
trusion Time, ATK/DEF +100, All MAG +70, HP/MP +50%, grants Protect, Regen, Aura, Trance, & 0 MP Cost

tly kill[ing] the enemy", though the specifics for triggering this bonus are currently unknown.

st weapon (ATK +8)for sale in the SPP Shop (1600 SPP)


at character (can only be used in multiplayer, costs 13 AP)
xclusive accessory
stores one party member's HP
es 50% of one party member's MP
G +4

G +8
rs the status ailments of every party member
G +12
10, prevents Burn
G +18
stores every party member's HP
stores every party member's MP
G +26
Reraise to one party member
G +15, MP +50%
0%, prevents Burn, Freeze, & Shock

G +30, MP +100%
trusion time, DEF +50, grants Trance
es all HP and MP to every party member
4~64, x2 Exp
trusion Time, DEF +70, grants Trance
trusion Time, DEF +70, grants Aura

Possible Bonuses
Mythril RIng Star Bracelet Hypno Crown Mog's Amulet
Gold Bracer Silver Gauntlet Mythril Bracer
Silver Bracer Growth Egg
Support Magic 201 BP Armor
Gold Hourglass x1
AdHoctoUSB plugin

e, & 0 MP Cost
gen, Aura, Trance, & 0 MP Cost

urrently unknown.
Trial ReferralRewards
Refer people to sign up for the Members site and download the ZeroShik
1 Referral Mog's Amulet 2 Referrals Dress Uniform

Extra Stamps Unlocking

Doing each of the things listed below gives you one Extra
Multiplay for 1 hour Captured more than
Multiplay for 5 hours Captured more than
Multiplay for 10 hours Have more than 10 in
Multiplay for 20 hours Have more than 100
Clear FF Type-0 1 time Register Player Code
Clear FF Type-0 3 times Board
Have more than 500 SPP Site's Forum
Have more than 3000 SPP Participated in Final F
Clear Missions 10 times Registered Final Fanta
Clear Missions 30 times Registered Final Fanta
Clear Missions 50 times Register Player Code
Have more than 2 Summons Register Player Code
Have more than 8 Summons Purchase 1 avatar ite

Extra Stamp's Rewards

You get special rewardsas you obtain Extra Stamps
1 Item Exchange Ticket x2 14
2 Gold Bracer 15
3 Item Exchange Ticket x3 16
4 Suzaku Army Cap 17
5 Item Exchange Ticket x5 18
6 Gold Ring 19
7 Item Exchange Ticket x5 20
8 Platinum Bracer 21
9 Tiara 22
10 Mog's Amulet 23
11 Item Exchange Ticket x5 24
12 Crystal Ring 25
13 Item Exchange Ticket x10 26

Item Exchange Ticket

Aside from Extra Stamp, you can get 1 Ticket each day by clicking the button in the
Some days, between 7:00 and 17:00 (GMT+09:00), you can get 3 tickets instead of one. Check the

Item Exchange
You can trade your "Item Exchange Ticket" for the items list
Currently Available (no known expiriation date)
Weapon x1
Genji Helm x1
Genji Armor x1
Power Spot x1
Adamant Shell x1
Artifact x1
Royal Crown x1
Growth Egg x1
Angel Earrings x1
Crystal Bracer x1
Lantern of Life x3
Master Chocobo (M/F) x3
mask x1
X Potion x6
Mega Ether x3
Elixir x3
Phoenix Pinion x3
Phoenix Down x3
Chocobo Knight(M/F) x9
Swift Chocobo (M/F) x15

Until 26 Dec 2011, 3:00PM (GMT+09:00) Gold Finger x1

Bushido Blade x1
Peacemaker x1
Zorlin Shape x1
shop (14 available)
Until 19 Dec 2011, 3:00PM (GMT+09:00) Kurenai Phantoma x20
You Phantoma x20
Robe of Light x1
Angel's Flute x1
Tanegashima x1
Tinkerbell x1
Until 12 Dec 2011, 3:00PM (GMT+09:00) All-Heal Set x10
EXPIRED Ether Turbo x10
Until 5 Dec 2011, 3:00PM (GMT+09:00) Reaper's Card x1
EXPIRED Reaper's Bow x1
Ice Mace x1
Ice Beauty x1
Ice Spear x1
Ice Saber x1
Flame Tank x1
Avoiding Chocobo x5
Until 28 Nov 2011, 3:00PM (GMT+09:00) Mega Potion x5
EXPIRED Mega Remedy x5
Feather Hat x1
Mythril Helm x1
Until 21 Nov 2011, 3:00PM (GMT+09:00) Magenta Phantoma x30
EXPIRED Sepia Phantoma x30
Magic Academy's Card x1
Hunting Bow x1
Shock Hammer x1
Sword Whip x1
Javelin x1
Claymore x1
Gear Rapier x1
No Time Limit Ace's Summer Outfit
Trey's Summer Outfit
Cinque's Summer Outfit
Seven's Summer Outfit
Nine's Summer Outfit
Queen's Summer Outfit
Machina's Summer Outfit

This is Square Enix's FF Type-0 missions. By participating in it, you c
Part 2 Target: Defeat 2,000,000 of Evil Eyes from everyone's upload da
MISSION CLEARED Duration: 21 November 2011 - 5 December 2011
Reward: Mythril Armor x1
Part 1 Target: Collect Data From 10,000 People
MISSION CLEARED Duration: 27 October 2011 - 14 November 2011
Reward: Last Elixir x5
Gold Bangle x1
and download the ZeroShiki trial for bonus items
Dress Uniform 3 Referrals Seidlitz

mps Unlocking
below gives you one Extra Stamp
Captured more than 20 Chocobos
Captured more than 100 Chocobos
Have more than 10 intrusion count
Have more than 100 intrusion count
Register Player Code in Final Fantasy Type-0 Members Site
Site's Forum
Participated in Final Fantasy Type-0 Members Site's Support Circle
Registered Final Fantasy Type-0's Members Point
Registered Final Fantasy Type-0 OST's Members Point
Register Player Code in The 3rd Birthday Members Site
Register Player Code in Dissidia Duodecim FF Members Site
Purchase 1 avatar item

mp's Rewards
as you obtain Extra Stamps
Grand Bangle
Item Exchange Ticket x10
Adamant Gauntlet
Item Exchange Ticket x15
Super Ribbon
Item Exchange Ticket x15
Adds Crystal Mail to SPP Shop Inventory
Item Exchange Ticket x20
Adds Onion Armor to SPP Shop Inventory
Item Exchange Ticket x20
Soul of Thamasa
Item Exchange Ticket x50

hange Ticket
y clicking the button in the "Access Bonus" panel on the right
s instead of one. Check the site homepage to see when this offer is available

ge Ticket" for the items listed below

15 Tickets Each Penultimate Weapon x1 10 Tickets each

20 Tickets Crystal Mail x1 10 Tickets
10 Tickets Onion Armor x1 10 Tickets
15 Tickets Mythril Armor x1 5 Tickets
10 Tickets Armor Gappa x1 8 Tickets
10 Tickets Robe of Light x1 3 Tickets
10 Tickets Each Stat Growth Item x3 2 Tickets each
10 Tickets x15 1 Ticket
5 Tickets x15 1 Ticket
10 Tickets Curiel Greens x15 1 Ticket
2 Tickets Reigen Greens x15 1 Ticket
2 Tickets Sylkis Greens x15 1 Ticket
3 Tickets each Azouph Greens x15 1 Ticket
1 Ticket Accessory x1 5 Tickets each
1 Ticket Each Color x40 1 Ticket each
3 Tickets Phantoma x40 1 Ticket each
2 Tickets Each Color x40 1 Ticket each
1 Ticket Pearl Phantoma x6 1 Ticket
3 Tickets Exp Weapon x1 5 Tickets Each
3 Tickets Inventory (20,000 SP) 1 Ticket Each
3 Tickets Uniform x1 5 Tickets Each

10 Tickets Highwind x1 10 Tickets

10 Tickets Save The Queen x1 10 Tickets
10 Tickets Durandall x1 10 Tickets
10 Tickets
1 Ticket
2 Tickets Smalt Phantoma x20 2 Tickets
2 Tickets Lierre Phantoma x20 2 Tickets
3 Tickets Hanafuda x1 10 Tickets
10 Tickets Blessing Bow x1 10 Tickets
10 Tickets Uchide no Ootsuchi x1 10 Tickets
10 Tickets Reginleiv x1 10 Tickets
2 Tickets Gold Ore x10 2 Tickets
3 Tickets Phoenix Down x10 3 Tickets
3 Tickets Ice Flute x1 3 Tickets
3 Tickets Gun x1 3 Tickets
3 Tickets Poison Scythe x1 3 Tickets
3 Tickets Adamant Knuckle x1 3 Tickets
3 Tickets Tengoku x1 3 Tickets
3 Tickets Death Penalty x1 3 Tickets
3 Tickets Ice Dagger 3 Tickets
2 Tickets Avoiding Chocobo x5 2 Tickets
3 Tickets Mega Ether x5 3 Tickets
5 Tickets Phoenix Pinion x3 5 Tickets
3 Tickets Black Belt x1 3 Tickets
2 Tickets Power Vest/Sash x1 5 Tickets
1 Ticket Cyan Phantoma x30 1 Ticket
1 Ticket Toxa Phantoma x30 1 Ticket
1 Ticket Baroque Flute x1 1 Ticket
1 Ticket Heavy Magic Gun x1 1 Ticket
1 Ticket War Scythe x1 1 Ticket
1 Ticket Heavy Knuckle x1 1 Ticket
1 Ticket Choukou x1 1 Ticket
1 Ticket Outsider x1 1 Ticket
1 Ticket Dancing Dagger x1 1 Ticket
5 Tickets Deuce's Summer Outfit 5 Tickets
5 Tickets Cater's Summer Outfit 5 Tickets
5 Tickets Sice's Summer Outfit 5 Tickets
5 Tickets Eight's Summer Outfit 5 Tickets
5 Tickets Jack's Summer Outfit 5 Tickets
5 Tickets King's Summer Outfit 5 Tickets
5 Tickets Rem's Summer Outfit 5 Tickets

By participating in it, you could get a reward
from everyone's upload data
mber 2011

ber 2011
entire mission:
1. Clear Time: How fast you clear the mission. The faster the better
the number the better
with thespy", "Defeat the leader", etc.
3. Death Count: How many of your characters died during the mission. The fewer the better
amounts of collected Phantoma may also increase the reward money.
On NG+, max gil can be obtained after the Darkness of Suzaku appears. See below in "The Darkness

Gaining Experience while in sleep mode

provided backup in Multiplayer will also appear to give Secret Training, but will only give experience r

Capturing Enemies
If you kill the enemy commander immediately, all the other enemies will surrender. You can get Item

Magic Cancel
spell is released.

Class 1's Moogle

door in the Fountain Plaza.
10 Hours MagicAvoid
30 Hours Ribbon
50 Hours Growth Egg
70 Hours Royal Crown
100 Hours Magic Mitre
200 Hours Soul of Thamasa
500 Hours Super Ribbon

Personal Airship (first playthrough)

to complete the quest, as the reward is a Growth Egg)

8-arms Gilgamesh Locations: (in this order, repeating) *only in 3rd Playthrough or more
1. Outside Genbu Crater (near Crevasse entry)
2. Northeast of Yezel
3. South of Rilochy Area
4. Innsmouth (Southeast on World Map), tip of the plain-type peninsula

Academy's Cactuar Location

Terrace, Chocobo Ranch, Backyard, and Airship Landing Place
The Cactaur drops the following items- Bullet Guard (Ch 2), Yugino's Pyroxine, Tricorne Hat (Ch 3), Ca

Dealing Extra Elemental Skill Damage

If your character has a skill that uses magic elements (Ex. Elemental Bullet, Elemental Whip, etc.), bo

SPP & EXP Grinding

Amulet equipped.

adhesive tape or whatever), and Rem with Convert ability to replenish MP.
Growth Item Traders
You could trade Phantomas for Drug/Medicine to upgrade your stats (choose Item Growth on the save
HP HPGrowth Agent Trade for 40Peony Phantoma in Bazz
MP MPGrowth Agent Trade for 40 Jade Phantoma in Amiter [
AttackStim Trade for 40 Rouge Phantoma in Genbu Cr
DefenseStim Trade for 40 Smalt Phantoma in Bethnel's
Fire MagicStim Trade for 40 Magenta Phantoma in Iscah

Ice MagicStim Trade for 40 Cyan Phantoma in Iscah

Thunder MagicStim Trade for 40 Sepia Phantoma in Iscah

Support MagicStim Trade for 40 Emerald Phantoma in Iscah

MemoryTag ()
Here is what you obtain by exchanging a number ofMemory Tags to the moogle at the entrance :
1~9 Potion
10~19 Mega-Potion
20~39 X-Potion
40~59 Suzaku Army Cap
60~79 Megalixir
80~98 Phoenix Down
99 Phoenix Pinion
must NOT have been completed, as reported below :

Chapter Request Combat Exercise NOT to be cleared

3 1 capture A United Front with Soryu
3 3 captures Retaking Limbo Fortress
5 3 captures March to the Border
7 10 captures The Last Imperial Base

Agito Tower

Level Monster Treasure

1 Tonberry Apostle of Fire/Ice/Thunder/Support
2 Coeurl Royal Crown / Adamant Gauntlet (rare)
3 Glasya Labolas Growth Egg / Marshal Nei (rare)
4 Mushussu Gold Hairpin / Marshall d'Avout (rare)
5 King Behemoth Holy Bracelet / Power Spot (rare)
Last (1st time) Space Malboro Proof of Agito
Last (repeating) Space Malboro Gauntlet

The Darkness of Suzaku

ranking in defeating it.
give gil in increasing amounts with every shot. (the bug is confirmed but the description on how to ex

S Rank Crystal Fragments Megalixir Soul of Thamasa

A Rank Crystal Bracer Gold Hairpin Fragments
B Rank Diamond Bracer Rune Ring Crystal Bracer
C Rank Grand Bangle Magic Master Royal Crown

Farming Purple Phantoma

be obtained from Normal, Hard, and Impossible difficulties respectively.
Malboro confirmed)

Academy Backups
voice actors for various characters or Square-Enix employees. (Tiz's Prayer effect?)

sion. The fewer the better

pears. See below in "The Darkness of Suzaku" section.

ning, but will only give experience rather that AP or stat increases.

es will surrender. You can get Item Upgrades (HP Up, Attack Up, etc.) from them, though these are rare spoils.

n 3rd Playthrough or more

o's Pyroxine, Tricorne Hat (Ch 3), Cactaur Flower (Ch 5), Crystal Fragments (Ch 7)

tal Bullet, Elemental Whip, etc.), boosting your magic stat will actually increase the power of the attack.


nish MP.
ts (choose Item Growth on the save relic)
or 40Peony Phantoma in Bazz
or 40 Jade Phantoma in Amiter []
or 40 Rouge Phantoma in Genbu Crevasse []
or 40 Smalt Phantoma in Bethnel's Grotto []
or 40 Magenta Phantoma in Iscah
or 40 Cyan Phantoma in Iscah
or 40 Sepia Phantoma in Iscah
or 40 Emerald Phantoma in Iscah

to the moogle at the entrance :

NOT to be cleared
ont with Soryu
mbo Fortress
the Border These two needs you to not complete Combat Exercise during first free time to be a
mperial Base complete request at second one. You may complete Combat Exercise afterwards.

until you get what you want.

asure Number of Enemies

e/Thunder/Support time time
mant Gauntlet (rare) time time time
Marshal Nei (rare) Tagisu's Pyroxene time time time
rshall d'Avout (rare) time time time
Power Spot (rare) Dark Soul time time
of Agito One
Gauntlet One

ed but the description on how to exploit it are at this time not yet confirmed)

Crystal Ring Gold Hairpin


's Prayer effect?)

hese are rare spoils.

of the attack.
first free time to be able to
xercise afterwards.
Places What to do
Cid's Trial / Cid's Judgment
In Final Chapter, you need to accomplish this things to proceed through
First Group Defeat all enemies
Second Group Endure for 2 minutes 13 seconds
Left Path Without taking any damage, proceed to the next two doors
Right Path Light all candles, then defeat the Lulusath Warriors
- Collect 7 phantomas (red route is direct)
Left Path Defeat all enemies without using physical attack
Right Path Defeat all enemies (red squares are hurting you)
Left Path Defeat all enemies (Lulusath Warriors only) without using magic attack
Right Path symbol thingy)
Suzaku Protect Suzaku Cadets
Byakko Defeat all enemies without getting killed (your controlled character)
Genbu None
Souryuu Defeat all invisible enemies
- Proceed without getting swallowed (by the red liquid)
t to do
ngs to proceed through the story

magic attack

Color System 1 Card 2 Cards 3 Cards
Red Attack Burst Hi-Burst Mega Burst
Blue HP Recovery HP Charge HP Hi-Charge HP Mega Charge
Yellow MP Recovery MP Charge MP Hi-Charge MP Mega Charge
White Support Short Stop Long Stop Mega Stop

Ace has a number of abilities that require him to stock the card first before using it.
Stocks the
The abilities are: Shuffle Deck card.*
Attack Deck Stocks the card.* The probability of attack system is high
Support Deck Stocks the card.* The probability of support system is high
Life Deck Stocks the card.* The probability of HP recovery system is high
Spirit Deck Stocks the card.* The probability of MP recovery system is high

1. Abilites
Using specific ability, will increase your chance to get the effect you want
2. Colors
Each system has its own colors (check the table above)
3. Numbers
4. Order of Appearance
There are times where the effect will depend on the last card's color

Ex1 1st card 2nd card 3rd card 4th card

Red White White Red
Burst (2 Red Cards)

Ex2 1st card 2nd card 3rd card 4th card

Red White Blue Yellow
Charge (1 Yellow Card)
4 Cards
Giga Burst

system is high depends on the type of the

rt system is high card(s).
overy system is high
covery system is high
Name HP MP Attack Defense
Ace 916 609 154 70
Deuce 757 731 146 66
Trey 996 706 161 80
Cater 877 658 144 72
Cinque 1415 560 166 89
Sice 1295 536 154 84
Seven 1255 621 160 77
Eight 1335 438 162 85
Nine 1474 377 159 90
Jack 1175 414 168 71
Queen 1195 670 156 83
King 1315 390 154 62
Machina 1435 694 165 86
Rem 1116 1291 154 73

Highest 2nd Highest

Ace 916 609 154 70

Deuce 757 731 146 66
Trey 996 706 161 80
Cater 877 658 144 72
Cinque 1415 560 166 89
Sice 1295 536 154 84
Seven 1255 621 160 77
Eight 1335 438 162 85
Nine 1474 377 159 90
Jack 1175 414 168 71
Queen 1195 670 156 83
King 1315 390 154 62
Machina 1435 694 165 86
Rem 1116 1291 154 73

Highest 2nd Highest 3rd Highest

Nine 1474 Rem 1291 Jack 168 Nine 90

Machina 1435 Deuce 731 Cinque 166 Cinque 89
Cinque 1415 Trey 706 Machina 165 Machina 86
Eight 1335 Machina 694 Eight 162 Eight 85
King 1315 Queen 670 Trey 161 Sice 84
Sice 1295 Cater 658 Seven 160 Queen 83
Seven 1255 Seven 621 Nine 159 Trey 80
Queen 1195 Ace 609 Queen 156 Seven 77
Jack 1175 Cinque 560 Ace Rem 73
Rem 1116 Sice 536 Sice Cater 72
Trey 996 Eight 438 King Jack 71
Ace 916 Jack 414 Rem 154 Ace 70
Cater 877 King 390 Deuce 146 Deuce 66
Deuce 757 Nine 377 Cater 144 King 62
Ace 62% 83.31% 91.67% 77.78%
Deuce 51.36% 100.00% 86.90% 73.33%
Trey 68% 96.58% 95.83% 88.89%
Cater 59% 90.01% 85.71% 80.00%
Cinque 96% 76.61% 98.81% 98.89%
Sice 87.86% 73.32% 91.67% 93.33%
Seven 85% 84.95% 95.24% 85.56%
Eight 91% 59.92% 96.43% 94.44%
Nine 100% 51.57% 94.64% 100.00%
Jack 79.72% 56.63% 100.00% 78.89%
Queen 81% 91.66% 92.86% 92.22%
King 89% 53.35% 91.67% 68.89%
Machina 97% 94.94% 98.21% 95.56%
Rem 75.71% 176.61% 91.67% 81.11%

Strengths Weaknesses
Fire Magic Ice Magic Thunder Magic Support Magic Name
99 101 102 103 Ifrit
105 97 90 108 Firebrand
96 108 93 100 Rubicante
102 101 101 101 Vulcan
99 97 92 104 Calamity
97 98 106 102 Ignis
104 110 92 107 Golem
98 105 100 94 Gigas
100 87 85 92 Troll
102 84 94 96 Ogre
101 104 115 105 Titan
89 103 92 89 Mini-Golem
105 107 106 102 Shiva
109 111 116 115 Shankara
Lowest 2nd Lowest Odin
99 101 102 103 Diabolos
105 97 90 108 Baalberith
96 108 93 100 Astaroth
102 101 101 101 Bahamut
99 97 92 104 Neo Bahamut
97 98 106 102
104 110 92 107
98 105 100 94
100 87 85 92
102 84 94 96
101 104 115 105
89 103 92 89
105 107 106 102
109 111 116 115

Lowest 2nd Lowest 3rd Lowest

Rem 109 Rem 111 Rem 116 Rem 115

Deuce Seven 110 Queen 115 Deuce 108
Machina 105 Trey 108 Sice Seven 107
Seven 104 Machina 107 Machina 106 Queen 105
Cater Eight 105 Ace 102 Cinque 104
Jack 102 Queen 104 Cater 101 Ace 103
Queen 101 King 103 Eight 100 Sice
Nine 100 Ace Jack 94 Machina 102
Ace Cater 101 Trey 93 Cater 101
Cinque 99 Sice 98 Cinque Trey 100
Eight 98 Deuce Seven Jack 96
Sice 97 Cinque 97 King 92 Eight 94
Trey 96 Nine 87 Deuce 90 Nine 92
King 89 Jack 84 Nine 85 King 89
90.83% 90.99% 87.93% 89.57%
96.33% 87.39% 77.59% 93.91%
88.07% 97.30% 80.17% 86.96%
93.58% 90.99% 87.07% 87.83%
90.83% 87.39% 79.31% 90.43%
88.99% 88.29% 91.38% 88.70%
95.41% 99.10% 79.31% 93.04%
89.91% 94.59% 86.21% 81.74%
91.74% 78.38% 73.28% 80.00%
93.58% 75.68% 81.03% 83.48%
92.66% 93.69% 99.14% 91.30%
81.65% 92.79% 79.31% 77.39%
96.33% 96.40% 91.38% 88.70%
100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00%
HP MP Attack Defense Fire Magic
3899 621 255 164 229
5660 487 255 214 255
1509 487 255 244 244
4528 536 255 184 249
6289 597 255 214 189
2892 633 219 199 255
6917 487 174 214 139
6540 1950 144 194 139
3647 487 219 184 169
7546 853 209 224 139
8301 609 199 234 149
4150 731 229 149 159
3515 1075 249 154 139
1635 1218 219 174 179
4528 609 254 204 149
3270 682 254 184 194
4529 609 209 224 179
2515 975 179 84 154
3521 731 219 84 144
1886 975 199 54 174
6289 731 255 224 229
7545 1218 255 254 244

Highest 2nd Highest

Ice Magic Thunder Magic Support Magic Duration
169 179 169 35 sec
249 255 249 20 sec
219 234 239 35 sec
209 199 199 25 sec
179 169 249 40 sec
209 229 239 25 sec
109 139 209 60 sec
119 119 149 80 sec
109 129 129 55 sec
159 139 159 30 sec
139 109 139 30 sec
129 139 129 35 sec
219 149 149 40 sec
239 169 189 20 sec
199 169 169 65 sec
169 179 234 30 sec
174 189 229 25 sec
124 179 229 40 sec
154 179 209 35 sec
179 169 229 55 sec
229 229 255 25 sec
239 249 249 15 sec

Lowest 2nd Lowest

Magic" class.

Combat 2000 Exp 10000 Exp 40000 Exp

Magic All MAG +1 All MAG +1 All MAG +1
Fire Magic Fire MAG +1 Fire BOM Fire MAG +1
Ice Magic Ice MAG +1 Ice RF Ice MAG +1
Thunder Magic Thunder MAG +1 Thunder BOM Thunder MAG +1
Support Magic Support MAG +2 Support MAG +2 Esuna
Knowledge Max HP +20 Max HP +50 Max HP +50
Magic Knowledge Max MP +10 Max MP +20 Max MP +30

Combat Time Time Time
Magic Time Time Time
Fire Magic Time Time Time
Ice Magic Time Time Time
Thunder Magic Time Time Time
Support Magic Time Time Time
Knowledge Time Time Time
Magic Knowledge Time Time
100000 Exp ATK +3 ATK +3 ATK +5 ATK +5
All MAG +1 All MAG +1 All MAG +1 All MAG +1 All MAG +1
Fire MAG +2 Fire MAG +2 Fire MAG +3 Fire MAG +3 Fire MAG +5
Ice MAG +2 Ice MAG +2 Ice MAG +3 Ice MAG +3 Ice MAG +5
Thunder MAG +2 Thunder MAG +2 +3 +3 +5
Support MAG +1 Support MAG +2 +2 +3 +3
Max HP +60 Max HP +80 Max HP +100
Max MP +50

Time Time
+3 Support MAG +5
Cheat Code

completely out of the game,restart itand load your save. Codes are not confirmed to work and are j

_S NPJH-50443
_G Final Fantasy Type-0

_C0 16x Base Exp 0x00068100

_C0 Exp Multiplyer 0x00108xx0

_C0 Play as Gilgamesh 0x00000011

_C0 Play as Kurasame 0x0000000F
_C0 Play as ???? (Joker) 0x0000000E
_C0 Play as Tonberry 0x00000010

_C0 Shop Unlock 0x24020001

_C0 Shop Restore 0x30420001

_C0 All Consumables x 50 0x002A0001

_C0 All Accessories x 50 0x00FE0001
_C0 All Phantoma x 50 0x001E0001
_C0 All Weapons x 50 0x00E00001
_C0 All Chocobos x 50 0x00200001

_C0 Infinite Gil 0x000F423F

_C0 All Characters AP 999 0x000E00E0


_C0 Always Forced Kill Sight 0x24140008


_C0 Unlock Complete History 0x24040004


_C0 Unlock AllCostumes 0x908100F2


_C0 All Magic 0x2401FFFF

_C0 All Abilities 0x2407FFFF
_C0 AllEidolons 0x948100EA

_C0 No Random Encounters 0x1000001A


_C0 Break Damage Limit 0x10000003

_C0 Auto 0 MP Cost Status 0x00000000

_C0 Auto Status Modifier 0x0E20044C

0x3C05000y Y=
0x34A5zzzz ZZZZ =
0200 - Protect

_C0 Request x100 (?) 0x00000064

_C0 Request Complete 0x24020001
Restore 0x00001025

_C0 SPP 2m 0x001E8480

_C0 SPP MAX 0x05F5E0FF

_C0 Demo rewards 0x0001D0D6

Rewards 0x0001D0D5

_C0 l'Cie Form 0x00000000


completely 0x00170001
effect 0x0000103C
effect 0x00000004

_C0 Camera Limit Off 0x10000004

are not confirmed to work and are just consolidated from other sources.

Additional Lists -

1 - Quick 2 - Regen 4 - Invisible 8 - Guard(?) F - All
0001 - Burn (?) 0080 - Haste 0100 - Aura
0800 - Magic (?) Cost 2000 - Reraise 4000 - Trance 7BA1 - All
CarlosJAM Translator + Editor
(methynya) (ing.carlosjam)
lelouchzx (Tsuna- Heartless141
nirvash530 (redd530) Decimo) 5orans (crystalsekai)
TheHikoriOne Dunan (Ultimasamune)
shujinkgo randomemail000 maxdarksol

DullahanEX casker_ Acom007
Knightofthewind DragonMaster105 MagiusNecros
Boomer642 kouli calamityflare

Post-Patch CREDITS
tathra kkusagami JohnStrange
Special Thanks
furygods SQUARE ENIX
Tavania (wereswan)
davirost (KaibaFr77)
toynanaka Final Fantasy Type-0 Official Website

nateriver02 Final Fantasy Type-0 Members Site


Tactics Ogre (PSP) Collaborative Data
Japanese FF Type-0 Wiki


Japanese FF Encyclopedia Wiki





0multiplay regardless of distance





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