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Practice Script

Good morning Causey!!! And welcome to tiger tales. Today is _________. I'm
________and I'm _______. We hope everyone had a great weekend and is ready
to learn! Up next we're excited to have ____ saying the pledge for us.

***Pause for pledge***

Thank you ! And welcome back guys!!!!

Can you believe it's already January 5th?!?!? Well with the second semester
starting TODAY, we have some important reminders to start your year off on the
right foot for success:

Reminder 1:
Be sure to have that id badge attached to your COLLAR at all times. If not, you risk
loosing a ticket. If you misplaced your badge over the holiday break, stop by the
library with your $5 to purchase a new one.

Reminder 2:
For all of you that are excited to have new phones and other devices for Christmas,
PLEASE remember to always turn them completely OFF before entering school in
the morning. Also be reminded to keep your devices in a SAFE place to avoid
having them taken.....or stolen
If it's NOT yours DON'T touch it!!!!!

Reminder 3:
Now that 3rd quarter has begun, EVERYONE's AR goal has been set back to
zero. Be sure you are continuously reading books OR eBooks on your device to
make your reading goals. Also don't forget that our famous author, Watt Key, will
be here January 20th for any student that has read and tested on one of his

In weather news, did you know the temps are expected to be BELOW freezing later
on in the week?!?!?
All students need to bundle up in their warmest coats and come straight into the
building when they hear the overhead announcement. And don't forget that Ms.
Seibert in the front office has Causey jackets and sweatshirt for sale.....just not
during morning homeroom.

Attention all afterschool tutoring students: Tutoring begins again starting on

Thursday NOT today.

Who's excited to see our next Causey Tiger Basketball game?!?!? WE

The tigers play at Clark on January 7th. And again on January 11th at North Mobile.

Attention all softball players: Coach Snow needs to see you during morning
homeroom TODAY.

Also happening on January 11th, report cards will be distributed during MORNING
homeroom. We also want to remind you to tell your parents that the first
semester awards assembly will take place Friday the 15th in the gym.

Last for today, we want everyone to start off their year with some words of

How many of you have heard of Robert Browning? He was a great English poet
who lived in the 19th century. Despite many failures along the way, he kept writing
and eventually became a successful poet. He didn't let his failures stop
him. Instead, he kept aiming for new success and new possibilities.

So during this first week of 2016, take the time to think about what you are aiming
for in life. Determine short-term and long-term goals for yourself and create new
possibilities by setting new goals.

For Tiger Tales, I'm _______ and I'm ___________ have a great 2016

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