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Appreciation Essay

Before my sophomore year, I was bubbled in a world that had little change or objection

to many beliefs my family and I held. However, as I started my second year of highschool, I gre

very close to one of my teachers: Mr. Dibblee. Growing up we were told to think how you want

to and dont let anyone tell you how to think. Knowing that, I grew up very headstrong and right

in my beliefs--also very conservative. That all changed when I started Mr. Dibblees class. He

was the first person to really make me challenge my way of thinking. Why did I believe in this?

What about the other side of the story or situation? Who is affected by this? What does it infringe

on? My mind began to expand on certain topics of interest, and in general, opened up a lot based

on my thinking process. Mr. Dibblee is an enigmatic person who possesses some innate and

peculiar charm, you really cant help but like him. The way he pushes you to grow is wonderful

in itself as well. Instead of arguing and simply not agreeing on certain things, he turns it into a

more philosophical and perplexing conversation stereotypically asking, but why?. In addition,

Dibblee is just a good person. My sophomore year I was experiencing a surplus of problems in

my home life and he was a confidant with whom I could freely talk to about my situation. If I

hadnt met Mr. Dibblee my life would be very, very, different. For one, the way of thinking I

have now would be different making me a completely different person. I wouldnt have had the

mentor or friend that I do now and that is most important to me.

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