Handwritingwithouttears Lessonplan Letterk

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TCNJ Lesson Plan

Handwriting Without Tears- Letter K

Student Name: Britney Boyajian School Name: Hopewell Elementary

Grade Level: Pre- K Host Teachers Name: Mrs. Cohen

Guiding and/or Essential Questions:

- What are some K words?

- What does the sound K make?
- How is the letter K properly written?

Pre-lesson Assignments and/or Student Prior Knowledge

This is the first time students are going to be practicing writing the letter K. All students know
and understand how Handwriting Without Tears works and have done the letters L, T, I, E, F, H,
J, U, C, O, Q, G, S, D, P and B previously.


Standard 1.4.2- Create two-and three-dimensional works of art while exploring color, line,
shape, form, texture, and space.

Standard 2.4- Children develop competence and confidence in activities that require gross and
fine motor skills.

RF.PK.1.D- Begin to demonstrate understanding of basic features of print.

d) Recognize and name many upper and lower case letters of the alphabet.

L.PK.1.A- Begin to understand the conventions of standard English grammar when speaking
during interactions and activities.
a) Print many alphabet letters.

L.PK.2.C- Begin to understand the simple conventions of standard English grammar during
reading and writing experiences throughout the day.
c) Attempt to write a letter or letters by using scribble-writing, letter-like forms,letter-
strings, and invented spelling during writing activities throughout the day.

Learning Objectives and Assessments:

Learning Objectives Assessment

Students will be to properly trace the letter K. Teacher will observe that students are tracing
the letter K correctly.

Students will orally identify all letters of the Teacher will listen for students to recite the
alphabet. alphabet accurately.

Students will orally identify what sound the Teacher will ask the student what sound the
letter K makes. letter K makes and will assess for correct


- Handwriting Without Tears blocks

- Handwriting Without Tears student booklet (10)
- Handwriting Without Tears letter K laminated mat (3)
- Markers
- Crayons

Plan for set-up/distribution/cleanup of materials:

Once students are seated at their seats, I will introduce our letter of the week. After all students
understand that we will be writing the letter K, I will hand each student a laminated letter K mat
where they will then receive blocks that I will hand out to them in order to model how the letter
K looks. After completion of making the K with the wooden blocks, I will then ask them to pass
them back to me then collect their mats. After all mats and blocks and collected, I will then hand
each student their Handwriting Without Tears booklet with a marker. After completing the
alphabet and writing/tracing the letter K I will ask the students to close their books and markers
and pass them back to me.

Step by Step Plan:

1. Lesson Beginning- Once students have sat down at my center, I will then ask
them, what is our letter of the week? Which they will respond K! Lastly, I will ask
them what sound the letter K makes.
2. I will then hand out the laminated K mat to each student, reminding them that we
always start our letters at the top. I will ask students to use their pointer finger to trace the
K on the mat. I will again remind them to start the K at the top, which on the mat is a
green dot.
3. After students have properly traced the letter K with their pointer finger, I will
then question the group, what kind of blocks do we need to make the letter K? Students
may respond saying that we need a straight block down. I will then ask students if the
block should be a big or little line. Students will look at their map and see that it is a big
line down and inform me so I am able to give each student one big line, where they will
place it accordingly. After the big line is placed, I will then ask them what block comes
next. By looking down at the map, students know that they need a little line that comes
out of the middle of the big line that was just placed down. And repeat until both little
lines are placed down to make the K. While going through this part of the lesson I will
explain, first there is a big line down. Then we jump to the other corner, little line slides
to the middle and the little line slides to the bottom.
4. After collecting the materials from the K mat I will hand each student their own
My First School Book booklet and instruct them to open to the alphabet page. Once
each student is opened to the alphabet page I will ask them to place their pointer finger on
the letter A and ask them to touch each letter and sign the alphabet with me. After
completing the alphabet song I will ask students to find the letter K on the alphabet page.
Once the letter K has been found by all of the students, I will ask them to turn to the page
that corresponds with the letter K. While students are looking for the correct page I will
ask them if they know of any words that start with the letter K.
5. Once all students have found the proper page, I will model on the whiteboard,
next to me, how to properly write the letter K using the Handwriting Without Tears
vocabulary, first there is a big line down. Then we jump to the other corner, little line
slides to the middle and the little line slides to the bottom.
6. After I have finished modeling how to properly write the letter K, I will then hand
them a marker and trace the letter K in their booklet. Reminding them to use birdy
fingers and repeating that when are drawing the letter K to, draw a big line down. Then
jump to the other corner, little line slides to the middle and the little line slides to the
bottom. I will also remind them to only lift their marker off of the paper once.
7. Closure- After students have successfully traced all of the Ks in their handbook,
I will then give them some crayons and have them color in the pictures that relate to K.

Key Questions:

- What is our letter of the week?

- What sound does the letter K make?
- Where do we start our letters?
- What blocks do we need to make the uppercase K?
- What words do we know that start with the letter K?

Timing: 10 Minutes

Intro- 1 minute
Laminated K mat- 2 minutes
Alphabet- 2 minute
Workbook Activities- 4 minutes
Closing- 1 minute

Transitions are rarely a problem for this group of students. Students know and understand that
once they hear Mrs. Sharons timer go off that they clean up the center they are working at, and
go to the next center. If a student is getting distracted during the transition process, Miss. Jade
and other teachers will be there in order to make sure they get to the next center properly and in a
timely manner.

Classroom Management:

Classroom management is not a problem for this group of children. They follow directs very well
and understand proper classroom etiquette. I will monitor students to make sure they are not
fooling around while transitioning to different centers, during my center and bringing them back
to the task at hand when they become off task.


Ella will have a teacher with her during my center to keep her on task and in her seat for the
entire center. When Ella gets to the page where students are expected to trace the letter K
properly, I will be giving her crayons to color the page. Mrs. Sharon explained to me that
handwriting is not a concern for Ella this year, because of her age, but it will be focused on next
year.. Other students who are struggling while at this center will be redirected to the task at hand
and since I will be working with small groups, I will be able to individually scaffold students that
need extra attention.

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