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Mazyck 1

Heaven Mazyck

Mrs. DeBock

English 4 Honors

24 March 2017

Essential Question: How are micronutrients important when dieting?

Working Thesis: Micronutrient deficiency is not beneficial when dieting.

Refined Thesis: When trying to diet, cutting out micronutrients and macronutrients will

negatively affect the development to the body and not help reach the goal.

Service Research Annotated Bibliography

Calton, Jayson B. "Prevalence of Micronutrient Deficiency in Popular Diet Plans." Journal of


International Society of Sports Nutrition, 2010. EBSCOhost

Background Research has shown micronutrient deficiency to be scientifically linked to a

higher risk of overweight/obesity and other dangerous and debilitating diseases. A deficiency in a

diet is not good because the body lacks certain nutrients it needs in order to function correctly.

There are 27 necessary micronutrients that should be gotten from a meal. Popular diet plans lack

the necessary micronutrients because they cut out bad foods but do not replace the good that

you would have gotten out of that food. This article will be useful in my paper because it

discusses the 27 important micronutrients that the body should take in and why popular diets are

bad when certain nutrients are cut out.

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Challem, Jack. "About Amino Acids." Natural Foods Merchandiser, vol. 37, no. 3,

May/Jun2016, pp. 32-33.


The article discusses the functions of amino acids in the body, focusing on the benefits of

amino acid dietary supplements. Usually people think that amino acids only build proteins but

that is not true, they have many important roles in the body. This article includes the role of

amino acids in prevention of muscle loss in old age, amino acid supplements for mood

improvement and stress and anxiety reduction, and immune boosting effects. This relates to my

paper because it gives facts about amino acids and gives reasons why you should be consuming

them, even if it is with supplements.

Deka, Mrigen Kr., et al. "Dietary Pattern and Nutritional Deficiencies among Urban

Adolescents." Journal of Family Medicine & Primary Care, vol. 4, no. 3, Jul-Sep2015, p.

364. EBSCOhost, doi:10.4103/2249-4863.161319.

Teens are very vulnerable when it comes to their bodies and nutrition. precise estimates

of their dietary intake, dietary practices as well as nutritional deficiencies have been the least

data by measuring the amount of nutrition deficiency in their diets. This article will be helpful in

my paper because it provides information that determines what is deficient and what is not. This

article gives results from a study that was taken from teens and it collected

"Dietary Supplement." Funk & Wagnalls New World Encyclopedia, 2016, p. 1p. 1. EBSCOhost

Dietary supplement is any product taken in addition to a normal balanced diet that is not a

food or a drug. Dietary supplements are common for dieters or people that think they are not

getting enough nutrients in their diets. Many kinds of supplements, such as vitamins, provide

substances that are necessary to maintain good health. Most people, however, get enough of
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these substances in a balanced diet. Most dietary supplements are safe when taken according to

directions, but some can be dangerous. This article relates to my paper because I will be

discussing the important roles supplements play when try to stay healthy

Irwin, Toni. "Nutrition during Adolescence." Nutridate, vol. 6, no. 4, Sept. 1995, p. 1.


Adolescence is one of life's most critical periods of growth and maturation. For this

reason, they should be getting the correct amount of nutrition and should not be neglecting their

bodies of any important benefits. These problems occur in both male and female teenagers. Teens

grow quickly and their body composition alters dramatically during this time. The teenage

growth spurt itself needs to be fuelled by energy and nutrients to achieve full potential. This will

be used in my paper to help explain why receiving the correct amount of nutrients is important

for the body for everyone, not only adults.

Keiley, Lynn. "Overfed and Undernourished: Nutrient Deficiency in Our Modern Diet." Mother

Earth News, no. 258, 2013, p. 55. EBSCOhost

The article focuses on the deficiency of nutrients in modern diet in the U.S. It is stated

that many people get enough of some essential nutrients. Humans get a surplus of the amount of

calories they need daily but still do not reach the goal of the nutrients they are supposed to have.

This is considered a paradox in modern culture. Because of this, America is referred to as

overfed and undernourished. This article is relevant to my paper because it talks about all the

different ways meals don't supply the body with important nutrients even if the meal is thought to

be beneficial. It gives facts on how many people eat right, but are not getting enough of what

they need.

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