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Gcooka Mbara Nginyo:

rugri wa Mwandko wa Gtene

Back to the Beginning: Deciphering the Ancient Writing.


Njoki W. Osotsi

Gkinyithia Nginyi:

Tracing our Steps and Remembering What Happened.

Akhenaten (Lange, Kurt and Max

Hirmer, 1968: 186).

Gky Pig-tail Coiffure (Cagnolo, C.

1933: 102-103).

Some young lads prefer to bind the back

part of their hair into a narrow compact
bundle like a cabbage stalk or pig-tail...
and two more bundles of hair to their
temples. (Cagnolo, 1933: 99).

Toute ces langues Bantu parlees aujourdhui en Afrique centrale, orientale et australe ont
de profondes affinities linguistique qui sont dordre genetique. . Les mots de base sont
partout les meme. [Obenga, 1980: 30].

mdt: speech, words, talk, legal plea, written word, content of letter, matter, affair.
-ndeto: affair, matter; word, utterance; news.

mdwty: talker, speaker, politician.

-mteti: one who makes representations.

Mdw-ntrw: word of God, sacred writing.

-ndeto theru: matter, affair, utterance that is holy, pure.

Kwr kur; the clue is offered by the phonetic determinative [old man with a walking stick].
The problem is to find a language in which kwr can represent a word for old, chieftain, or
great; Burchardt, 139, is inclined to agree to a comparison of Hebrew great, but Sidney Smith
does not think this possible, as indeed it is not. Consequently, one is wholly at a loss to locate
this place name .Ssw-kwr Sesw-Kur, doubtless a compound place-name containing the well-
known abbreviation of the name Ramsses (Gardiner, 1947: 209).

-kuru / kulu / kr, an old person in many African languages.

kr / ukulu: old age. [Gky].
mkr: elder [Gky].
mukulu / umsaakulu / omsaakhulu, elder [Luhya languages].
kwaro: ancestor or grandfather, [Dholuo].
kuur: reincarnate, [Kalenjin].
-kulu: older, adult, important, chief, [Luganda].
koro [Malinke of Hamana], (Laye, Camara, 1980: 30).
mochokoro: great-grand child. [Kalenjin].
ker: traditional leader, person of high office. [Dholuo].
ckrk: great-great-grandparent / grand-child; remote / great ancestor. [Gky].

Ssw-kwr Sesw-Kur:
Siekuru: name of a location in Kitui, Kenya.
(See i3kwr below).

Mdw-ntrw: Ndeto Theru

a/3 i/ y a/c w b p f m n r h h h h z s q k g t t d d

3: tread a place.
agarara: go over the top of, surmount; go beyond the bounds of; transgress.

3t: striking power of God.

ata: split, crack open; cut out (leather, hide).

3tt: power, force, strength. (see ti3 below).

atia: strike something hard, split off, force apart.

3t: moment, instant, time in general; spend a while, r: utterance, speech, intent.
at: (interjection) I say, listen to me, listen to this; (used to introduce direct speech) this, thus,
suffixed with rr (it is like this, atrr) to indicate the subject is to proceed.

33: mound of ruins. (see i33).

aa / aa-a: interjection expressing deep disapproval, disgust, irritation;
aana: expression of disapproval; refusal to believe often accompanied by gesture of erect
forefinger in the face of person addressed.

3is: viscera.
wei: short section of lower intestine of sheep or goat (used in divining, regarded as perquisite of
man who cleans the pen.

3yt: blanch.
itheea: goat, cow, ram of light, faded, red or fawn colour.

3cw: container for papyri.

mraa: pot, tankard (especially of beer).
bilauri: tumbler, glass, schooner (Ksw.).

3cbt: oppression. (see i3btw below).

aba / abai: interj. expression of disapproval of an action, or warning.

3w: long, of space, of time; length of space, of time.

mraa (see above), for length.
rara: take time to inspect, scrutinize; survey, examine carefully.
raaya: length, distance, height; far off, far away.

3wy: extend the arm; present an offering; announce someone; arouse oneself.

ara: accept / take a gift from a visitor while still at the doorstep; unload presents from
someones hands or back.

3wy: arouse oneself, masturbate. (NB: Ras creation myth).

ka: 1. groin; 2. origin.
aula: better, superior.
auladi: male children [Ksw.].
aura: 1. marry. 2. Pair animals for breeding. 3. grafting of plants. [Hausa].

3w-drt: lay hands on. (see dr).

ara-njara: relieve, unload the hands.

3wt-c: gifts.
zawadi: present, gift. (Ksw).

3w: death.
ku / gku: death.

3wt: long knife.

raa: two-edged knife used for skinning and cutting up meat. kahi ka raa, meat knife,
butchers knife.

3b: tarry, stay; avoid; cease.

amba: delay, linger, avoid, stay (for a while).

3bw: cessation.
ambka: become undone.

3bw: brand slaves or cattle; scorch the skin.

mbuurio: scarification, cicatrisation (made by thorn, razor and juice of plant).

3bw-nhsy (see nhsy-Nubian / black).

Abunuasi, the branded slave.

3bi: desire, wish for.

batka: be seized by desire or need, be in need of.

3b3b: be delighted.
ababa: inter. well, well!

3by: panther.
mbiti / hiti: hyena. hiti / mbiti: 1. hyena. 2. any unspecified carnivorous animal.
fisi, hyena.
bakaya, animal of the hyena family which likes to live near water.

3bw: elephant; ivory.

njogu: elephant.
nzovu: elephant.
bu: description of a heavy, dull thud.
nd: (nzo, njo) protector.

3bw: loc. Elephantine (capital, 1st Nome, UE).

( 3bw marked the southern border of Ancient Egypt, and was a defensive site just before the first
cataract of the Nile).
rbu / mbu: war-cry; yell, loud cry, cry of alarm (at approach of enemy).
Kambu: city, location near Nairobi which marked the southern boundary of Gky / Maasai.
(NB. fabled war-cry place).

3bh: unite; mix, m, into (of compounding drugs); join a God; link; mingle, m, with; be merged,

n, in; engage in battle.

boka: dip a lump of bread, banana into stew; boka ngima, eat vegetables with mealie mash.
bokanria, eat two or more substances, at the same time, together, (see buurania below).

3bd: month.
ihinda, space of time, time.
hnd: time, period, moment. hnd o hnd, from time to time.
hindara, be belated or overdue.

3bw, Abydos / Abdju - 3bdw. (capital, 8th Nome, UE).

Abuja, capital city of Nigeria.

3pd, duck; bird in general.

mbaata: turkey, goose, duck.
bata: duck. [Ksw].

3pd: rush forward.

panda, climb, ascend, mount; rise; get upon. [Ksw].

3mm: seize, grasp; attack, r, someone.

mimiira: squeeze out dry; squash.
mimiiria, squeeze, pinch out, wring.

3mmw: gripings.
mmimiiro: a wringing, pinching.

3ms, falsehood; (see iwms).

macau / cau, lie, falsehood, garrulity, empty words.
mathaara / ithaara, lie, untruth, falsehood.

3ms, a club or mace.

mthgi, staff (dyed black for a member of the senior grade of elders, left plain for the

lower grade).

3r: drive away, hr, from; oppress the poor.

arahra: arouse from rest or idleness; take or send back to work after midday rest.
rutrra: evict, expel, drive away from.

3ryt: staff.
mraigi, stick torn up by the roots and roughly trimmed to form a cudgel.
rthaanju, staff, stick, wand.

3hw: misery, trouble, pain; injury; illness.

hoerereka, (of an old or sickly person) become weak gradually, be wasted away.
mhwerereko, a wasting away.
hooha, wilt away.
hooro, trouble, bother.

3hd: quiver, palpitate; be weak.

hindigana: be muddled in thought; be torpid, paralyzed, inhibited; be stunned.

3h: kind of bread.

mgate, bread.
mkate, bread [Ksw.].

3ht: field, arable land; earth, mould.

mgnda: cultivated ground, garden, field of crops.

3ht: Inundation season.

mwaka: season, year. khu, 1. season of the year when gardens show green with young shoots.
2. September-December, season when the ground is pregnant. (is heavy with millet crop).

3h: papyrus thicket. (see mhyt).

gita: 1. (of dense tree foliage) become covered, closed, matted, be bushy, dense; closely packed,
form a canopy. 2. thatch, roof in, cover, fix top of structure. (marura - papyrus, are used for

3h-bit: loc. Chemmis.

Chambiti: name of locations in Mranga and Western Kenya.

3h: spirit.
gakai: little God, an idol.

3h, spirit state;

gaka: an old woman.

3h, be, become a spirit; glorious, splendid, beneficial, profitable.

kua: die; crack, break.

kua tha, sympathize with somebody in a practical way, help somebody who is in difficulty.
(see ol-akui below).

3hiw: the departed.

aku: the departed.
ol-akui / il-akuyia / il-akuyiak, grandfather, ancestor, ancestry. [Maasai].

3hw: power of God; masterly over work.

kngti: forcefulness, ability.
ngngti: a forceful personality; able, influential man, man of power and leadership; authority
on procedure (e.g. in ituka ceremony).
nguvu: force, strength, power; authority, supremacy; impetus, pressure, solidarity. [Ksw.].

3ht: uraeus-serpent.
gko: cobra.
muonge: water snake.
mknga: eel / river serpent.
knga: stave off (disaster, etc.). knga ita, repel forces, enemy.

3ht: eye of God.

ngongu: person or animal with a wall- or blind eye. mnd w ngongu, one eyed person.
gkongu / gakongu, person blind in one eye (NB: the bad eye of Herw).
ua-ngongu: to see, to eye. [Maasai].

3ht: flame.
akana: light up, be lighted; (of lights) be on, shine. (see ht, fire).

3hyt: still-room.
giuco: 1. recess, corner, projection beyond the circular house, annexe. 2.
innermost part of something, hidden corner, secret recess.
kbaca: corner, compartment, annex; space under eaves of house used as temporary store.
kabaca: nook in a house; annex, small compartment, leading off a room.
ikidiooli: smaller house. (Ullogooli).

3ht: horizon, where the sun rises and sets.

ngiki-in, rgiki, rkiriri: horizon; skyline, edge of plain.

3hw / ihw: sunlight, sunshine.

kengeka: (of sun) shine out.
kengi: brilliance, scintillation; glint, corruscation, splendour.
kenya / ngekenya: dawn, get light.

3h3h: grow green, of trees and plants.

mkenga: clear green glass beads.

3h3h: stars.

ngengi: shinning, glinting particle.
kenga: gleam, glitter; sparkle, shine, be bright, twinkle.

3hc: scratch, scrape; carve, engrave.

kara: scratch, make a mark.
karara: scratch with a point, cut lightly with the tip of something; make an incision; cut, in, on,
across, round; slit, score.

3hct: scratch, scar.

mkarara: 1. a long scratch, a line made by scratching; 2. a stripe, band of colour.
rkarara / ngarara: light cut, incision, score, scratch.
mkararai, quill of a feather.


3s: bald-headed vulture.

igucu / ngucu: kite, raven, crow.
acka: be mellow, crisp; be dry, cracked.

3st: Isis.
Osatia, Osita, girls names. [Olunyore].

3sb / 3zb: fierce, glowing, of radiance.

cimba, lion.
cambaha, be brave, aggressive, right.
njaamba, fierce character, hero; redoubtable warrior.
simba: lion. [Ksw].
sibili: lion cub. [Ksw].

3sbyw, flames.
cambrra, attack (physically or in words).
njaambio, slander, slandering of one person by another.
?njambya, plume, ostrich feather worn as decoration at dances.

3sh, sickle.
gcg, (of people, trees, etc.) ring, circle.
cigrra, encircle; be round (about).
gcengi, name given to anything that snips off something, a cutter.

3sh / 3zh: reap.

cenga, cut off with a small quick stroke, cut through, sever.
mcengo, a smooth rod for threshing millet or beans.


3k: perish; come to grief.

kua: die. kua ngoro, be desperately discouraged.

3kw: ruin; misfortune.

nyakkwo: lose ones good fortune.
?mknd: (of one defeated in the game) prisoner, serf.

3khw / ikhw: battle-axe.

kngkng: description of the ringing sound of a metal tool or hard stone, e.g. smiths
hammer on the anvil, hammer driving in a nail, knife or axe on hard wood.
ikanga / nganga, a bar of iron or steel hammered or rolled from a slab. (see ikhw).

3k: be bent, of elbow.

gocoka: be bent, bowed.
goerera, be bent downward.

3kr: earth God Aker; the earth itself; earth Gods.

akr: the ancestors; those older than us.
ngr / kra: grow old, reach maturity, be fully grown. no Maag ngr, only God is old.

3yt: blanch.
see itheea above.

3tyt: nurse.

3t: nurse.
tomoiya: nurse, give strengthening food to (a sick person or animal).
thuthuuana: smooth over, bring into harmony.

3twt: bed.
gthuuma: piece of hide used as a mattress by old men.







3dw: aggressor.
ndoi / toi: as above.
adui: enemy, foe; opponent in games. [Ksw.].

3bd: decay.
butha: rot, decay, go bad, be rotten.
tuka: tuka .
tuuta: (of crops) turn yellow .

3dt, prepare a sleeping place.

tandka: spread out; spread over.
tandkania: make up a bed anyhow, spread out haphazardly.
gtanda: bed. tandika kitanda, make a bed.
tandiko: bedding, mattress. [Ksw.].
anda: flatten out.

/i; / /y

i: reeds. isw: reeds.

ithaanj: papyrus reeds. Waithaanj:mansname,theoneofreeds.

i: I, me, my.
i: I, me, self. (i-ngthi if I go).

i: utterance; interjection oh! Say?
: utterance; interjection oh my! Really?

i3t: back of man or animal.

ngata, first cervical vertebra, atlas.

i3t: middle of the river, or of lake.

mwa: 1. swift current, deep channel in a river. 2. arm, branch, between islets; islet in a stream.

i3t, mound, smoke of mound; ruin. (see i33 below).

kara: dunghill, midden, place where household refuse is dumped.

i3t: office; function.

mwyaato: display of self importance.

i3tyw: office-holders.
eyaati: over-confident, showy, people. wyaati: pride, self-will --as in the following song of the
N ndekwo ndyaate Let me be proud,
Na ndyngrrie And be ostentatious,
Ni kririkana On remembering
Kr hnd gooka A time will come
Rkainwo nd nymba Itll be danced as Im indoors
Thikririe nyng Listening to the pot
r riko knogona Boiling on the fire
Rendi! r wa gcac! Girl! You are a show-off!
Na rng, And again!
r wa gcac You are a show-off! - (see s for gcac).

i3tt: milk or cream.

gtete: long, narrow, gourd, used for holding milk, gruel, beer, etc. iria ra gtete, sour milk.

i3i: adore. i3w: adoration.

a / ia: utterance usually in song or by a mother/grandmother to show love of a child.

i33: mounds of rubble.

see kara above.

i33yt: rod.
waai: a carved ornamental rod, a piece of carving.

i3c:call,summon.(see c;i3).

i3wi: be aged; attain old age; old age.

?kra: grow old, reach maturity, be fully grown.

i3wt: old age.
heti / kr: old age.

i3w: old man.

mkr: old person.
kggta: old man or woman whose family has grown up and left them to look after themselves.

i3yt: old woman.

kheti: woman past child-bearing. heta: double, fold, oneself up; shrink, back, away; avoid,
dodge (by drawing back), withdraw, retreat, draw back (as a snail when touched).

i3wt: herds. (see cwt below).

hi, livestock, possessions in form of stock; flocks and herds.

i3by: left-hand, east, eastern, the left side of.

baba: run at a trot.

i3bt: the East.

bta / mbta: war, warfare.
vita: war. [Ksw]. (NB: Merus Left-hand of the Mgwe).
bir: hit, beat, fight. [Kalenjin].

i3bty, east, eastern; left-hand, the East.

mbati / mbatari:: a needy person, a supplicant.
(NB: Traditionally the left hand is imbued with negativity in most African communities).

i3btyw: Easterners.
bati: one in need, one after something.
biitina: pursue a feud, make a case against somebody from spite, jealousy, ill will; provoke a

i3b: the east wind.

buruuta: whirl (wind-mill, a bull-roarer, etc); revolve, swing round; throw (with vigour); toss,

i3bt: the East. m i3btt, in the east of.

bata, see above.

i3btt: snare.
emba: (of a pit) make indistinct, cover up (with branches, shrubs, leaves, etc.) in order to catch
animals or people.
mwembe, synonym for the prohibited Mthrg song in the 1920s to mislead the colonial
authorities and traitors. (see srh n / mthrg below).
remba / nyemba, plant with hairy leaves and stalk eaten by goats.

i3m: bind sacrifice.
amkra: receive (from another), accept, take what is offered.
amkria, take up, join in, respond to, answer (a cry of alarm, etc.).

i3m: offer.
mwamkanro: reciprocity, mutual giving and receiving.

i3rw: rushes.
irura: papyrus. ruru: lushness, greenness, freshness, dampness, damp spot.
mraria: plant that grows in swamps along with reeds.
mrera: Fever-tree (acasia xanthophlea) with light green to golden smooth bark, generally
found near water.
rerera: skim off anything floating on liquids.

i3rr: be dim of eye, be weak of heart.

irra / mairria: go out of sight, disappear.
kiria: dark spot. kiria ka ngoro, nausea; feeling of disgust or loathing.

i3rrt: vine.
mrrwe: 1. liana. 2. pricky shrub (Toddalia asiatica).
mrerema: creeping plant (difficult to stop from spreading, used in rituals).
rrura: 1. evergreen plant (Adiantum spp); 2. Asparagus fern (Asparagus africanus); 3. Smilax
(Asparagus medeoloides).

i3hw: sunshine; radiance; as God, earlier form of 3hw, sunshine.

kengi: brilliance, scintillation; glint, coruscation, splendour; luster.
kengeka, 1. (of sun) shine out. 2. rejoice greatly, be happy, glad. 3. laugh.

i3s: bald.
gcinj: patch, bare patch; blotch on the body; splash-mark on a leg.

i3:call,summon.(see c,i3c).

i3k: leap.
karamba: jump, start in angry surprise or alarm as when something falls on one from above.

i3kt: leeks; vegetation in general.

gtngr: onions, leeks.
kitunguu: onion, leeks.

i3kw: the aged.

akr: the aged, the seniors.
kr: condition of being aged or of mature years; old age. (from -kra, grow old).

i3kwr: the great aged ones.

ckrk: great-great-grandparent / grand-child; remote / great ancestor.
mochokoro: great-grand child. [Kalenjin].

i3kw: stone-quarry.
komonga, rap repeatedly, knock with heavy blunt instrument (such as a round stone); dress a
ngomongo: hard round stone especially one used for pounding, breaking up or roughening a
grind-stone to make it fit for use.

i3kb: mourning; wailing.

rbu / mbu: yell, loud cry; war-cry, cry of alarm (at approach of enemy).
kabu, dim. of above.

i3t: be injured; be distorted; missing, r, from; a state of fever.

gath: extreme emaciation causing coccyx to be prominent and calloused.
wath: weakness, disability.

i3tw: shambles.
thutha: smash; break into fragments; crash by downward pressure.
thethera: smash into pieces.

i3tyw: mutilation.
teehra: tear.
teehranga: tear up, into pieces.

i3d: boy. (see id below).

gtaamr, small boy attached for duty to a group of lads preparing for initiation.

i3d / idw: pestilence.

ndwari: severe sickness.
indwaasi: severe sickness. [Olunyore].

i3dr(w): herd(s). (see idr, below).

ndru (sing. rru): flock, herds; large extensive flocks.

i3dt: dew; pouring rain in thunderstorm; pestilence; affliction; influence.

nditik: debris brought by a river or washed down by rain-water; trouble and tribulation.

i3dt: tract of land.

kanda: valley; downward side of a slope.
mwanda : fold in a hill-side; shallow valley without permanent water.
nditikwa: dense thicket; thick forest.

ii: come (of persons, of things), return. ii hr(i): come near.

ira / iyra: come get something (from me).
ira (har ni), come get from me.

ta: call, call by name; name.

ii: come, of persons, of things, of old age; return.

ii: interjection, used to announce arrival.

iyt: mishap; trouble; harm; wrong, which is done.

iya-: interjection, alas!
iya-! iya wakwa-! (expression of pain, e.g. when one is being beaten) ough! woe is me!
kiya: mbura na kiya! come what may; come rain (gain) or trouble.
[NB: -ic = trouble, stop!].

ii: old neg. part.

ii / ihii: (rare), negation, no!. h: interjection, emphatic or mild expression of dissent.

ic: tomb.
iya: get possession of, take away; steal (from), rob (of), steal upon.
kia:: chill of early morning, intense cold.
kiya: calamity, troubles. mbura na kiya, come rain or shine, come what may.
i : cruel, merciless, harsh, severe.

ic: ascend, n, to; arise, of royal dignity.

kwiya: excuse oneself and slip away.

ici: wash; wash out an inscription.

eria: bathe, wash oneself;
eria: wash, clean (clothes, baby, plates, etc.) with water.

icw: washing; breakfast (mouth-wash).

oga: bathe oneself; take a bath or shower.

icw: breakfast.
-gagra: have breakfast, take a morning meal.
nyua: drink, imbibe, absorb.
nywa: drink, gulp, absorb. [Ksw].
migago, breakfast, first meal of the day. [Dholuo].

iccw: cover up an inscription.

hunya, cover up smoothly.
hunyra, scrape free of hair; peel off (the layer of dry lamb-skin on which hair
grows, etc.); make dull, dry, rough.
huumba, cover, muffle up, envelop, cover up entirely.

icb: bowl. (see ccb).

mbakri: basin, bowl.
kabth: bottom part of a calabash, cut off and used as a cup.
mbth ya knyua, cup.

icb: heap up corn with a pitchfork.
mba: heap, pile up (something) on to.
kmbwa: pile, heap, cluster.

icb: be united hnc with, assemble (of persons), join someone; unite limbs, bones of deceased;
present to.
mbrra, (of a crowd, etc.) crowd around, attack (somebody or something); flock after;
heap, pile at, beside, upon; swarm on to.
mbanra: 1. alight together; 2. (of two or more persons) side together against one person;
unite over a task and do it, lift a heavy object together.

icf: wring out clothes; squeeze out grape juice.

hiha: squeeze liquid from something by twisting; wring clothes.

icn: baboon.
ngonina: baboon.
nyani: baboon. [Ksw].

icnw: 1. greeting; 2. woe.

-anyu: 1. your, yours. 2. wanyu, used in greetings;
wanyu mongo, salutation between full members of a family;
wanyu wakini; greeting to somebody of your age-group;
wanyu maama, greeting used by nephew and niece to maternal uncle who replies with the same
words; wanyu baaba, greeting to a paternal uncle.
waanyua : common greeting between males (used by a man addressing anyone belonging to his
fathers age-group and vice-versa.
anyit: honour, awe, respect. [Maasai].

icrt: uraeus.
mairuti: warriors feather-cape.
ol mairutie: a cape made of vulture-feathers. [Maasai].

icrt: abode of God.

igr: sky; above, high.

ich: moon, as satellite; as God.

kmakia: name given to full moon when it is rising.
kmakia-thinwa, full moon rising red, the one which / who frightens the baboon i.e. Dhwty)
= mweri waiganana na Ria.
akana: light up; (of lights) shine.
waka, blaze, shine brightly. [Ksw.].
yakha / okhwaakha, [Olluyia/Olunyore], yaka, [Ullogooli].
(mweri wina rhia rniini / rnene: the moon with a big/small horn: when the moon is in its
first / last quarter).

iw: is, are.
: alt. stem of verb to be. --: self (object infix). -: 1. who? whom? 2. (as a prefix to verbs),
who is/are.

iw: hump-back.
iguku / nguku: hump (of cows and human beings).

iww / iw: come, return.

y /iy: a womans response when called loudly (from a short distance) meaning, I am
coming, or I hear you.

iw: come (of persons and living creatures, of things, of time, of future events, of abstracts e.g.
truth, satiety, trouble, weakness); return. Idiomatic uses, Welcome to me!, come in peace!,
arrive safely! , no fault of mine come out!, never was any fault found in me! it is
finished, at end of text, arising man.
iy / y: 1. strong voice; ta mnd na iy, cal somebody by name loudly while he is still far
away; ka na iy, come quickly, at once (before the echo fades). 2. used by old men to announce
approach. 3. power (primarily of voice), vitality, gaiety.
ii-: welcome; come to us.
ii-wi, welcome! [Diop 192].
iykia: take up, receive, lift; take into the hands, accept, catch.
i: the idiomatic meanings of i / iy are best expressed in Gky childrens popular welcome
song for their grandmothers, aunts, and most older relatives, on seeing them approach the gate
(to the childrens home):
Cc wit, Hurrah grandmother!
I, i, i! Welcome to me!
Na huuny wake- Rough, dry skin et all
I, i, i! Arrive safely!

iw: island.
mwa: islet in stream.

iw: lament.
iy: a wailing expression.
wi-wi / i-i: excamation of sympathy or dismay.

iw: dog.
gui: ferocious dog, ugly-looking dog.
ngui: dog.
ol-kuikui: dog. [Maasai].

iw: wrong-doing; injustice.

iy: a wailing expression.
/i yy-!, woe unto me; used to express feelings of helplessness (as in, oh my!, poor
thing!, poor me!).

iw3: ox; long-horned cattle.
mongo: 1. cow with large upstanding horns, bought with bull or ox. 2. drinking-horn.
kmongo: ox or bull with upstanding horns.
moongo, cow used in a ceremony. [Kalenjin].

iw3: beef.
aiwa / aywa / waya / waywa: sacrum of animal.
ra / rwa: strip, shred of meat; fatty tissue between lean meat and outer skin.

iw3yt: female representative, substitute.

wamwar / nyamwar: member of family named after member of mothers family; young
female friend taken into family but treated as of lower status because an incomer, not a genuine
member of the family.
?wakri: 1. my co-wife; my bossom friend. 2. name used by girl for her sponsor, (during
circumcision, who becomes her substitute mother).

iwyt: wrongdoing.
whia: sin, wrong-doing, harm.

iwyt: house; sanctuary; quarter of town; public places.

mwywo: shelter (from rain or sun).
a / ywa: take shelter (especially from rain or sun), sit in the shade (on a hot day).

iwiw: dog.
gui: ferocious dog, ugly-looking dog.
kgui: large dog.

iwcw: thigh of man.

ka: 1. groin. 2. origin.
muutha, limb or part of a limb from joint to joint.

iwc: inherit; inherit from someone; succeed someone; act as heir=perform his funerally duties.
gaya: inherit, receive a legacy by inheritance.
igai: bequest, share, inheritance; portion allotted by father to son or other relative; property left
by deceased man to specific persons.
gawiwa, inherit. [Ksw].

iwcw: heir.
mgawiwa: inheritor; heir. [Ksw.].
mgai / mgaro: recipient, inheritor.

iwct: inheritance, heritage.

rgai: allotted portion, bequest.
gai: right to inheritance, bequest, division of property among heirs.

iwc: reward.
cha: ingratiate oneself with, give a reward so as to gain favor.
chana: give gifts to one another, others, so as to gain favor.
wanguti: salutation between those who have given or received a club as a gift.

iwcyt: troops.
ita: troop, band, of warriors gathered on the warpath.

iwcw: ring.
gch: ring, hook (of metal); ringed ornament, necklets, armlets, etc.

iwbt: crumb of bread.

uumbuth, 1. sediment in remaining dregs; 2. dust falling from ceiling; refuse, rubbish, litter.
tumbutha: 1. break up into fragments; powder.

iwf: flesh of man; meat.

ngabu, a greeting used by men who have shared an ox hump at a feast.
mnofu: lean meat. [Ksw].
ikhaafu: cattle. [Lubukusu].

iwms / 3ms: misstatement.

muutha: make an allegation against, slander.

iwn: complexion; colour; nature, disposition.

nti: personal characteristics, manner, distinguishing features; custom, idiosyncrasy.

iwn: pillar (of the family, etc.).

ni: heart of a tree, pith, core.

iwnyt: pillared hall.

ruuno / nyuno: corner post of house.

iwnt: bow.
ta: 1. bow; 2. personal possessions or property.

Iwnt: location, Denderah.

Yaoude: capital city of Cameroon.

Iwnw: location, Heliopolis;

(Pillar/ Foundation). The sun-temple area, Iwnw, was written by hieroglyph representing a
column,. [Hart: 133]. Itum-Ra was referred to as Lord of Iwnw [ibd. 40].
Iwnw (city in the sun) was center for learning and study, especially astronomy; mostly centered
on the role of the sun God Re in regards to creation; was capital of the 13th nome, on the outskirts
of present-day Cairo.
ruuno / nyuno: corner post of house.

ni: heart of a tree, pith, core.

iwnn: sanctuary.
uunkro: place to disperse, fly to, for refuge from attack.
unana: (of a crowd of people) run into, away, en mass.
unkania, take people to safety very early.
unkanra, run to somebody elses home for safety.
nia: take refuge in flight; betake oneself off unobserved, by a backway.
unkra, run to, immigrate to, for safety.

iwr: conceive a child; become pregnant.

iyra: be, become full, be plentiful; be filled with, be full of, [B. 193]; (coll.) be pregnant.
iyro: be filled with, be full of.

iwrt: beans; (due to bloating?)

iyra: be, become full; be plentiful.
miyro, flood, spate. miyro wa r, overflowing of a river.

iwh: to load.
ihra: dish up; remove food from pot to storage container.
ihria, go visit with expectation of being given (loaded with) food.
khu: season of the year when gardens show green with shoots (are heavy / loaded with millet
ihu: conception, pregnancy, foetus.

iwh: moisten, waterfield-plots, flood land, inject a liquid remedy.

ihga: get wet or drenched.
-ihgu: be wet.

iwhw: inundation. (see siwr).

ihgu / ig: wetness.
okwuuha: to make a place wet. [Ullogooli].
yuuwa: make a place wet. [Luhya].

iwsw: balance.
gthimi: meaure, anything used for weighing or measuring.
thimi / gthimo, measurement.

iw: gruel.
cr, gruel,porridgemadefromgroundmillet.

iwgrt / igrt: realm of the dead.

igr: 1. sky; heavens. 2. up; above; high.

iwti: who is not; iwty: who not; which . not.

y ti: this one is not;

yo .. ti: that, which .. is not.

iwtn: ground, floor.

tn: on the ground.
tnka, (imper.) sit on the bare earth.
tini/chini, downstairs, under, below; down, on the ground/floor, in a lower place. [Ksw.].
juu na chini, everywhere i.e. U & L Egypt. [Ksw].
tini, prep; tini ya, down, below, beneath, under;
tini ya nti, underground. [Ksw.].

iwd: separate.
ndigano, (of persons) separation, parting.
tigithania, separate.

iwdt: separation.
ndigano / tigano: (of persons) separation, parting, leaving.

ib: heart; seat of thoughts and emotions; mind, understanding, intelligence.

ihu / ibu: (of humans) stomach. ma ihu, be hard-hearted, pitiless.

ib: kid.
mbri: goat; herd of sheep and goats.
kabri / koori: kid goat.
mbuzi: goat. [Ksw].

ib: thirsty man.

kabbti: copious drinker. (see supa / ipa).

ibt: thirst.
bbta: drink greedily; take a long draught; drink a great quantity of.

ib: think, suppose.

hebu: hey! listen! well then! [Ksw].

ibw: refuge.
boma / mboma, see below.

ib3: dance.
rwmbo: song, dance.
ipaa: to be dancing. [Maasai].
ibin / ibinwa: dance. [Kalenjin].
imba: sing, chant. [Ksw].

ib3w: Barbary sheep.

mbuuri: female goat or sheep with thick, matted hair.
kbuuri, 1. name given to he-goat or ram with thick matted hair; 2. hairy person.

mabuuri, shagginess; long, shaggy wool or hair.

ibr: ladanum.
see mibara below.

ibw: refuge, shelter.

mboma: cattle enclosure; government administrative centre; zareba.
boma: 1. animal enclosure; 2. fort, fortress, stockade, bulwark. 3. government offices; 4. water
barrage; 5. dyke. [Ksw].

ibw: tent of purification.

buwa: recover in health or condition, be benefited, gain, prosper after a period of adversity.
poa: recover, get well, be cured. [Ksw].

ibw: spirits.
rbg / mbg: mental derangement caused by departed spirits; craziness.
kabg / tbg: spirits causing mental derangement.
ibg: (pl. augment), spirits.

ibwy: halliards of ship. (i.e. ropes for rigging).

ibi: ibi ra ndoogo, cloud, column, of smoke.
bka: march steadly on, travel a long distance.
kbk: the shaft of an arrow without an arrow-head.
kabk: name given to somebody who travels a long distance.
mboothi: dense smoke; cloud of smoke, dust or ashes.

ibnw: alum (?)

mbanya / hinya: be finely ground, pulverized; be weak, be reduced by illness; (of a matter) be
fully understood.
hinya: be self-sufficing;
hinyrra: be obdurate, harden up;
hinyrria: press hard against, into; suppress.

ibr: ladanum; perfume.

mibara: vagabond, town-loafer; rough hooligan. (see mhni).
barrra: take excessive care of oneself.

ibr: stallion.
mbarathi: horse. [NB: in Fary Lannese film].
farasi: horse [Ksw].

ibh: tooth; tusk. (see drt below).

mbk: njara mbk, awkwardness, clumsiness in the use of ones hands (arms bent not
straightened out for strenuous work in the fields). (see njara).
?ibaha: tooth. [Luhya].

ibh: stream, m, with liquid; be suffused, hr, with blood.
boboka: gush out, be forcibly ejected (from a pipe, tap, etc.).
bobo-bobo, expression of rapid rush, rain pouring down, blood gushing from slaughtered
animals throat, etc.
bubukania: (of a river) flow in a torrent, grow rapidly.

ibhw: libationer.
mbg: fruit of mbg tree, used in divination.
rbg / kbg: diviners counter.
Wambg: a diviner.

ibs: headdress of king.

bica: cover, put out of sight.
a-pising: [Maasai].
biso: [Dholuo].
ficha / ficho: [Ksw.].

ibt, bird-trap.
imba: 1. camouflage pitfall or game pit; 2. cover over with soil.
kmba: 1. anything constructed, a hutch trap for serval cat or leopard; 2. enclosed nest of
Weaver bird, etc.
mbo: (of a bird) place to settle.
umbka: hide, keep out of view;
umbkanra kih: set a secret trap for a persons capture.

ip: count, reckon up; make reckoning, ip hnc, reckon with; assess dues; pay; allot; detail
someone for work; exact, r, from; claim, m-c, from; examine persons; revise schedules; set in
order; muster; assemble.
rha / rba: make payments.
lipa: pay, compensate. [Ksw].

ipt: census.
baara: take stock of; scrutinize, attend to; examine on all sides; compare, contrast; judge,
mbaaro: appraisal, scrutiny.

ipw: payments, (see db3w).

malipo: payments [Ksw].
irhi/marhi: payments.

ipt: grain measure of 4 hk3t.

mburungo / kaburungo: a partially filled bag or sack folded over and tried to make a
small load; a parcel of grain or beans convenient for carrying on a journey or for
presenting as a fee to a medicine-man.
kbango / ibango, pile of produce (for sale); market, place where things are exposed for sale.
banga: arrage, pile, display; set out goods for sale in the market.

Ipt-swt: temple of Karnak.
rbt / mbt, horde, rabble. munda mbt, follow one another in single file.
thtua: truce, peace.

ipt: name and festival of the 12th month, (see 3ht).

khu, 1. season of the year when gardens show green with young shoots, March-May.
2. September-December, season when the ground is pregnant. (is heavy with millet crop).
[NB: ibu=ihu].

ipt: harem. ipt rsw, 1. the Southern Harem, temple of Luxor; 2. secret chamber of temple.
1. bicania: conceal, gloss over, hush up.
ficho: hiding-place, concealment. [Ksw.].
bica: to hide. [Lulogooli].
2. karaithio: dawn, morning, twilight.
raithia: become a loose woman.

ip3: private office.

ibi: screen, hedge, anything screening or partly concealing an object;
ribi / ribi, njibi/ njibi, (see db3 below).
binafsi: ones own self.

ipdw: furniture. (see ht).

indo / knd: things, belongings, property, possessions.
iviindu: things. [Ullogooli];
vitu,: things. [Ksw].

ifd, quadruple.
ifdt: a four, quartet.
iband inya: four sides.

ifd: rectangular.
kbanda: rectangular shed, rest-house built of rough materials.
kibanda, shed, rest-house [Ksw].

ifd: cloth.
bendera / kbeebero: flag.
mabuto: outer covering; outer coverings that have been removed.
(k)bat: 1. collar of womans dress; 2. womans neck ornament (made of leather and decorated
with beads, put on over the head, hanging with the broader decorated part lying on the chest).

ifd: flee; travel by horse.

bubuuta: rush madly about, stampede; walk, fly, move, blindly causing commotion; wander
butu: like a flash, in an instant, in the twinkling of an eye.

im: there, therein, therewith, therefrom.
-imo: it is therein, inside; therewith [Ksw].

im: form, shape; side.

mmbre: form, shape, nature.

im: moan.
mcaayo: moan, groan, whimper; moaning, groaning.

imw: grief. (see ir imw below).

irim: mythical, lurking monster, ogre; creator of grief.

imt(y): foster-child.
mtnga: (of a person) one left solitary, desolate (through death or loss of possessions).

imyt: pigment.
mwr: colouration of the skin.
mwr mwe, uniform colour;
mbri ya mwr, a piebald goat;
mnd wa mwr mtheri, a black man who is neither very light nor very dark.

ym: sea.
maa: water;
maji: water. [Ksw.].
amaadzi: water. [Ullogooli].

imy: who, which is in; in which is.

imo / yumo: who, which is in.

imy-ib: favorite.
mihwa: nephew / niece.
umwiifwa: nephew / niece. [Lulogooli].
muhibu: beloved one, lover, sweetheart, darling [Ksw].

imy-wrt: starboard of ship; west sideof locality; the West. [NB: The side on which the ship is
steered -the steering oar used to be affixed to the right side of the ship].
muorooto: direction, aim, proposal; to point at something. kara ka muoroto, index finger.
[NB: One points at something using the right-hand index finger. The right hand of Ancient Egypt
was the western-side of the Nile].

imt-wrt: mt-wa-ro (variation of above).

mt: piece of wood; shaft, handle; stick, post.
ro: right-hand side. guoko kwa ro, on the right side.

imy-wt: name of Anubis-fetish.

mt: herbs, herbal medicine - (Inpw /Anubis prepares the dead for their next life).

(mt) kamt: magic stick.
mtirima: staff, stick, walking-stick; staff used for support by a sick or feeble person; nyita
mnd mtirima, be a sick persons support or stay.

imy-b3h: who is in the Presence; who existed afore-time, of God; ancestor.

Mmbi: 1. name for God. 2. potter, maker, moulder (usually a woman in case of clay pots).
3. name of the mythical mother of the Gky people whose 9+1 daughters gave names to the
Gky clans. 4. a womans name.
muumba / mwumbaji: creator; God. [Ksw].
umba: 1. create, shape, fashion. 2. make pottery. [Ksw.].

imt-pr: will, testament.

matabaarro / gatabaarro: settlement, decision. kra horo gatabaarro, bring a matter to a
mtabaarre: arrangement, organization.

imyw-mw: aquatic animals.

mongy / mngy: layer of fish or frog spawn on surface of water; any transparent covering
on water.
kngy: fish.
maa: water.

imy-r: overseer. imy-r k3t: overseer of works.

miira: squash; squeeze (fruit) out dry; grate down (sugar-cane, etc.) by hand.

imi-r mc:general(ofthearmy).

imy-hnt: chamberlain.
mkondi / mkondi: rogue, rascal.
nda / ikanda: man of might and courage; hard muscular type of man.
makandothi / kandothi: strong man.
makandi / kandi / kandoi: mighty man.
makindi / ikindi: strong type of man.

imy-ht: following after, of time; who are in attendance on; member of the bodyguard (?);
those of later times, posterity; he who will come after.
gta (mkaagta): stay, remain, spend time at; remain with, get, have, possess, be; continue to
be, have; persevere, go on doing or being.
-kaa-, 1. indicates the future tense with reference to events taking place after today; 2. the
present consecutive tense.

imy-st-c: acolyte; helpers.

mthauthia: one who makes ready;
thauthia ih, prepare boys for circumcision on the morrow.

imy-s3: attendant.
mtharri: assistant, deputy, second in command.

imyw-t3: snakes.
nyam-ya-th: snake.
matahuuha / itahuuha: puff-adder.
itaaraara: rock python.
ndatara: any poisonous snake.
ndarabuubwa: short, broad snake, puff-adder.
ndar: long poisonous snake of dark colour (found in the plains or open country).
ndura: spitting snake, cobra.
in-tarai: python. [Maasai].

imi: give! place! cause!

ma: give me;
miya: give me. [Dholuo].

imiwti: between; among.

gatagat: middle, between, in between; gatagat-in ka, in the middle of, amongst.

im3t: female ibex; female of any wild animal.

mariethe: female goat with long matted hair.
nyamariethe: cow with long woolly hair.
mwat: ewe that has not yet lambed.
marumb: ewe of grey colour.

im3 / i3m: a tree.

moori: young banana tree, sucker.
mooria: beat (in a game played by two people each looking for a rare plant on his side of the
road or path).

im3 / i3m: kind, gentle; well-disposed, charmed, r, with.

kmore / imore: simple, good-hearted pleasing; be gracious; be delighted, person; mild, gentle,
guileless, submissive, person.
more: be ignorant, nave. [Dholuo].

im3t: charm, kindliness, graciousness; favor toward.
more: gentleness, good-heartedness.
more: be ignorant, nave. [Dholuo].

im(3)w: brilliance, splendour.

maaga / meega: (in ritual sense) cleanness, holiness; freedom from ceremonial defilement;
absence of any condition, event or influence which might stultify a rite; any clean sacrificial rite,
free from ceremonial defilement.

im(3)w: tent, hut.

kmaamo: sleeping place of persons; lair, place where an animal has slept.
maama: 1. lie down, go to sleep. 2. maternal uncle.
imaameesyek: maternal uncles. [Kalenjin].
maabadi: place of worship (church, mosque). [ksw].
Imamu / Imam: priest? [Ksw.].

im3m: tent.
maamo: place to lie down in.

im3h: spinal cord.

mkurumuthu: spinal furrow.

im3hy: honor, veneration; the blessed state of the deceased.

mkumie: the honored, praised, venerated.
mgaathe: praised, respected.
mgane: one well-esteemed.

im3hw: the revered one, of the blessed dead; of the aged living.
Maag: a name for God. no Maag ngr, only God is old.

imw: ship.
meeri: ship.
macuwa: boat, rowing-boat, canoe.

imn: Amun.
Imana: God [Kinyarwanda].
(ka)imana: completely, truly; thira kaimana, be entirely finished (i.e. the accuracy of Imana).
Imani /Amani: God; peace. [Ksw.].
iman: truth. [Tugen / Kalenjin].

Imn-rc: God the creator Imn-Ra

Imanyara: a mans name [Meru].
Imani /Amani: God; peace.

imn: secret, hidden; conceal, hide.

imana: with-hold from, deny what has been asked for, refuse to give something to.
Okwiimana: with-hold, deny someone something. [Ullogooli].

imnt: secret; secret place, (burial place of the dead).

tmonooni: remains of crops in abandoned field.

imnty: right(-hand); right side; the west / right-hand side.

Imenti: location & people of one of the nine ethnic groups of the Meru people.

Imntiw: the people of Imenti, (people of the western-side of the Nile).

Imenti: as above.

Khenti-Amentiu: Lord of the Westerners (Osiris)

Kamench / Kamenj / Kmenj: common male names.

imr: be deaf.
muura: crop ears.
-muure: cropped. [NB: to be deaf is to have no ears].

imht: netherworld.
emakoombe (mmbafu): place of the dead. [Luhya].

ims: ims ib, kindly disposed, pleasant, n, to.

matha: great compassion; tender, humane feelings;
gtha: soft-heartedness; quality of being easily moved to pity or tears.

imdr, rampart.
manjarara / njarara: a rocky place.
njirigo / ririgo: stockade, fence.

in: (preposition) by.

in: (prep.) by, near to, among, into; nymba-in, by the house.

ini: 1. bring, fetch, carry off, bring away; bring about. 2. remove something bad; overcome
trouble; 3. reach, attain a place; 4. buy; 5. appoint; 6. use.
nyiita: 1. catch, hold, take hold, grasp, acquire, receive; arrest, capture. 2. be firm, tight, fast.
ta nyiita!: take! hold.

in m mh: carry off captive.

nyamga / nyabga / nginyra, sandals.
in-amughe: sandals. [Maasai].

inw: produce of region, tribute of subject lands; gifts from palace.

keny: a piece of something; fragment, piece broken off, scrap of something.
inua: lift, heave, hoist, lever, revamp, raise.
inuka: get up, stand. [Tuki 110b].

in: utterance, said (mostly by old people) when one has stumbled and
recovered; or when a tiresome task has been accomplished;
in!, there you are!. [Benson 187].
yanw: porter, [Diop 180b].

inyt: refrain of a song.

nyuga: chant a solo
nyugra: sing in praise of an individual or well-known person.
knyugo: taunt, jibe

inw, matting.
nyiitania: make fast, fix together; make thick, join together, make hold one another.
knyiitio: reef-knot, tight knot.

inw, pattern, model.

nyaraata: smooth by chipping, whittling (tomber with a smoothing plane, etc.).

int: the bulti-fish.

nyenga: kind of large scaleless flat fish. [tuki 249a].
inyeni: fish. [Luhya].

ini, delay; hold oneself aloof, r, from.

nyiita: becalm, trap, oneself. nyiita kanua, say little or nothing.

in, eyebrows. (see inh below).

kngoromone: eyelid.

int: valley.
kanda: valley; downward side of slope;
mwanda: shallow valley without permanent water; hollow depression; fold in a hillside;

inc / inct, chin.

kni: (of teeth) gum.

inb, wall.
nymba / rmba: 1. low mound, ridge of ploughed furrow. 2. low ridge to prevent rain-water
entering house door.

inbt, fence, stockade.

nyambo: amba nyambo, plant sharpened sticks for defence.
nyimbo: camouflaged pitfalls (covered over with soil).

inb3, be dumb.
buubu: dumb.

inp: decay.

butha: rot, decay, go bad; be rotten.

inpw: royal child.

mnyaamb: a fierce person; lion.
nabongo: the only one, the king [Olwanga, Luhya].
e-naibosho: oneness, unity. [Maasai].

Inpw: Anubis (God of cemeteries and embalming).

mbwe: brown jackal.
ikibwe: jackal [Ullogooli].
imbwa: dog. [Luhya].
im-bariak: jackal, fox. [Maasai].
a-barie: look after with care. [Maasai].
mbweha: jackal. [Ksw.].

inm, skin of man.

nyamuna: a skin disease.

innk, thyme (?); water-mint.

?mnyenyenga: wide-spreading climber resembling wild grape vine, found near water on stony

inr: stone, rock, slab, block of material.

inooro: whetstone.

inry, shudder.
inria: make tremble, quiver, shake vigorously, (inia).

inh: eyebrows.
kngoromone: 1. eyelid. 2. slug, snail.
rkobe / ngobe: eyelid.

inh, 1. surround, enclose. 2. rim a vessel with gold.

nganatha: cattle enclosure, kraal.

insy: bright red linen.

thrga: red ochre (mixed with oil for anointing hair, neck, shoulders, etc.).
thaarigi: blood.
o-sarge: blood, [Maasai].

ink: unite the Two lands; collect, gather together; embrace, come together, of persons.
ingha: increase, be numerous; be added, multiplied.
ngana: (of people) assemble; gather, come together.
ungana: unite, be united, be joined.
unganisha: connect, merge, join, amalgamate. [tuki 344b].
ongeza: add, increase, augment. [tuki 253a].

ink: belonging to me. (see nnk).
-angu: mine, my; possessive adjectival root for the first person singular (yangu, wangu,
changu, etc). [Ksw].

inty: hinder, linger.

tunyeera: linger, put off time.

intnt, hold back, restrain.

tindima: 1. (of goats, etc. standing massed at a barrier, water behind a dam) stop short, come to a
standstill; (of a donkey) pull up with a jerk and refuse to budge. 2. be morose, perplexed, at a
loss, look dull.

int: fetter (v).

thaya: swathe; tie, truss, bind up.

intt: fetter (n).

thaithia: make truss, swathe; assist tie, bind up.

indw: misery, pestilence, (see idw, variation below).

ind: (in a circumcision ritual song), the initiate; the circumcision period..

ir: as to, if.

ili: in order that, in order to; so as, so that [Ksw].

iry: therefore, thereto.

ir / r: being ; in order that; relating to.

iry: (adjective) relating to.

ir /mar: the one who is / the ones who are; mwaga ir, the one who is destitute. (see ir

iry-ct: hall-keeper.
kiria: a dark shandow or shape (as of an object seen in the dark, a thorn under the skin, etc.).
kiria ka mnd, a mere shadow of a man.

iry-cr: door-keeper.
riaria: pace to and fro, up and down.
riara: na riara, quickly!
kariaria: leafless, euphorbia with thin twigs and branches (used for hedging).

iry-pdt: bowman.
ir-njit, the one who is njit i.e. a killer. (see pdt / njit).

iry-rdwy: one in attendance.

mrndo: wooden lance, (lit. the one of the wooden lance).

linda: defend, protect, guard, be on sentry duty; shield; keep watch;
patrol. [ksw].

iry-h3t: pilot.
erekeria: lead, take, in a certain direction; make face, point towards.
ereka: 1. face towards, incline, be moving, towards. 2. aim something at, direct something at or
erekania: lay evenly, side by side, in the same direction; adjust, relate.
mwerekera: direction, course, drift, trend; right in line, straight ahead.
elekeza: 1. direct, show the way; 2. instruct somebody. [tuki 65b].

iry-hmw, helmsman.
mngum / nyamngum: (in myths and tales) sea or river monster.
ngumi: conceit.
ngumi: fist. kupiga ngumi, to beat with the fist, [Ksw].
ngome: defence. [ksw].

iry-ht: overseer, administrator.

?mrgamrri: 1. one who watches over, stands over, others as they work;
2. one who takes charge of, superintends, manages, looks after somebody or something;
a substitute for somebody else, who acts on behalf of somebody over something.
katibu: secretary, amanuensis. [ksw].

iry-s3: keeper of cattle-pens.

irithia: pasturage, grazing; grazing space, rights.
mrithia: shepherd, herdsman.
lisha: feed, nourish, maintain, support [Ksw].
krica / irica: knot made in rope to prevent loop from slipping or becoming tight (for tying the

iri: companion.
miri/miru: companion, partner, fellow; any concomitant; co-wife.

irt: duty of someone; use; purpose of something.

iruta / rruta: 1. a handing-out, subscription, customary payment, contribution, levy; tribute paid
to ones own or senior age-group; levy by local district or clan. 2. iruta ra wra, a spell of work.

irit: eye.
riitho: eye.
rit: look with squinty eye. [Kalenjin].

iri: create, beget human beings, construct concrete things; do, act (with objective of good and
justice); take action; achieve; succeed; cultivate crops.
ir m s:putintowriting,(i.e. do mathaathi);(see s/z).
ir: the good things of life; sustenance, fortune, substance; children/wife/husband; property
(achieved only through good actions). see thaathi.

ir: doer (of good).
ir: kraathimo ka maa, kiumante mtugo mega ya ciko cia mnd iria ahereirwo nda ya
nyina n Ngai; na ongerera ciko ciake akona krathimo ku, na ngumo o njega o na igai ra
mand mothe mega.[Itotia, pp. x].

ir imw: beget, create grief.

irim: mythical, lurking monster, ogre.
krim: idiot, fool; dumb, unintelligent, ignorant, untaught person;
rim: stupidity, ignorance;
mrim: sickness, disease.
linani: (in folklore) ogre. [Luhya].
ir: (who) begets / causes grief;
nny: be weary, inert; drag (of foot), dribble (of fluid).

iri: multiply; square; take action, achieve a result or purpose; perform a miracle.
-r: two; -gr; two; twr: two (small).

iri n: act for, on behalf of.

mwendwo n ir na irri, one loved for his actions, and is consequently blessed in substance and
in heirs to inherit it;
irri: those who participate in a mans estate; beneficiaries, heirs.
mimwo-n-ir: one whose actions make him/her destitute of property (including possessions
and descendants); one in grief / has been denied by his actions / ir.

irr: (evil-)doer.
irra: 1. lay somebody low (with a weapon); 2. kill somebody by witchcraft.

iri r: act against someone or something.

irra, as above.

(ri / rf / irf: sometimes variable for person).

nyariib: (in songs) girl.
rafiki: friend, comrade. [Ksw.].

irw: shape, form, nature.

-ir: black, dark-coloured. maguta ma mir, pure oil.
-ir: blackness, darkness of colour, duskiness.

irw: cattle tax.

ir: interjection, when one is thrown off balance and narrowly escapes falling. (see in).

iryt: milch-cow.
iria / iriiya: milk.

irty: tax-corn.

iraata: span of hand, pace. thima na maraata, measure in spans, paces.
ratili: weigh, measure; read accurately. [tuki 277b].

i3rrt: (variation) vine.

mrerema: creeping plant (difficult to stop from spreading, used in rituals).

irp: wine.
mreebi: a drunkard.
reeba: idle strolling about.
mlevi: a drunkard.
lewa: be drunk. [Ksw.].

irtyw, blue; colour; a blue mineral.

mrutuutu: bluestone (used as a caustic for sores especially in livestock).

irtyw, blue-dyed linen.

mrutuutu, as above.

irtt: milk.
iria: milk.
gtete: gourd for sour milk.
irtt: milk [Wolof].
ruuthi: small side-entrance into cattle-enclosure through which calves pass.

yhy: oho!
yh: (interjection) no! Oh no!

ihw, camp.
khuurko: resting place (e.g. on a journey).

ihb, dancing ritual. (see hb-sd).

see hubania-thaat ritual below.

ihhy: rejoicing.
haa h h: rejoicing refrains in traditional songs.

ih: bull. (see hww).

gki: bull with piebald markings, white patch on black or black on white.
ihuunwa / euunwa: bull. [Lulogooli / Olunyore].

iht: bull.
ngi: cow with piebald markings, white patch on black or black on white.
iki / maki: cattle of thic colour.

ih, ah! Interjection expressing relief.

ka!: interjection (expressing surprise or delight) why! really!

ih3 / ch3, fight.
ga: try ones hand at;
gania: tease, provoke, incite (a bull to make it fight with another).
akia: light a fire.
akrria: stoke up a fire, keep up a fire for somebody.
akanwo n ngoro: become incensed with indignation.

ihy, sistrum-player, especially of son of Hathor.

gcengeca: sistrum.
knanda: musical instrument.
knbi: harp.

ihw: stable. hry-ihw, stable-master.

kiug: stable, cattle enclosure.
ikigo: stable. [Lulogooli].

ihw: weakness.
kgoi / igoi: a faint-hearted, poor-spirited, timorous person; somebody weak in body and mind..

ihms, attendant.
ngumutha: (colloquial) one who is subservient to the powerful and rich.
kumutha: scrub, scrape (with brush or pumice-stone), rub hard; polish (with anything).
ngumuth: self-conceit, showing-off, boasting of ones superior condition, swank.

ihtt: land-tax.
igooti: tax.
kodi: tax.

ih: then, therefore; interj. what?

k: interjection, what?

ihi, make to flourish.

gtithia: cause to possess, persevere, spend time at doing what one is doing.

ihmt: bank of river.

ngurumo-in: bank of river or stream, river bank.
mkmkm: furrow, rut, corrugation.

ihm, extinguish, annul.

goma: come to the end, become finalized; settle permanently; obstruct.
komia: put to sleep; cause to delay in doing something.
koma: cease, desist, stop. [Ksw.].
komesha: make cease, make stop [Ksw].
kwamisha: impede, bring to a halt, cause to jam; put in difficulty. [Ksw.].

ihmw: ignorant ones.
kgm: initiate who goes home to heal after circumcision and does not complete the initiation
rites; one circumcised as a child and subsequently initiated in the ordinary way.
ngm: ill-favored, ill-looking, unprepossessing person; disagreeable person.
gumegume: worthless person. [Ksw.].
gumu: complicated, difficult; abstruce, miser. [Ksw.].

ihhw: twilight, dusk.

kingimana: become completely dark.

is / iz: go!
tha: Go on! Yes! response interjected by the listeners after each clause, sentence or passage
in the recital of folk-stories.

ist / izt, boundary-stone, landmark.

gthuki (ka mhaka): a boundary mark whether consisting of a tree-stump or not.

is / iz: tomb; council chamber; workshop.

thiko: place of burial;
ithika: burial;
gthiko / gthikano / mathiko: burial funeral ceremony,
thika: bury; cover up with earth or other material;
thikra: be buried in grief; sit and moan alone, disconsolate (with head bowed on arms); be
doubled up with pain and worry.
mathiko: burial (of a dead person), funeral.
amasika: tears, funerals [Luhya].

ist / izt, palace.

mthingirima: a solid, elongated block.
thingira: mans house in a compound.
o-sinkira: special large house built for the e-unoto ceremony [Maasai].

ist: so!, although, while. ist si, so!

gith / ith: indeed, is that so? (kumbe, na kumbe; alafu, kwa vile).

ist (izwt): crew of ship; company of soldiers; gang of workmen.

gthuuthio: company, companionship; keeping together; traveling together.

is: be light of weight, in fig, sense; lie light. is ib, light-minded.

ither: joking; horse-play.

ist: lightness, fig. of tongue.

ththa: keep up a continuous stream of talk, speak to, address repeatedly; cite praises of

i3s: bald.

gcinj: bare patch; blotch on the body.

is: old, ancient.

mzee: old person, respected person; honorific name for a man; parent, especially father. [Ksw.].
ithe: father;
ise-father [Luhya].

isw: ancient ones.

gaickr / goickr / tickr: little grand-child.
ck / mck: mutual term of address between children and great-grandparents.
ck: condition of great-grandparent or great-grandchild.
mochokoro: great-grand child. [Kalenjin].

iswt: ancient times.

ckrk: great-great-grandparent / great-great-grandchild; remote ancestor.
ckra: take part in religious worship.

isywt, old clothes, rags.

mcunjuur / mcunjuur: a long piece of something broken off and hanging down, a tatter.
icuunj: pieces, parts, portions, sections.

isw: reeds. (see s3dbelow).

ithaanj: reeds.

isw: reward; m-isw, r-isw in return, as payment for. (see krs below).
ithra: bring about a customary reciprocal process; yield produce; part with something valuable
(thereby causing the recipient to be under an obligation); 2. (of one who tends a dying person
expecting to have a share of his possessions) do something in expectation of getting something in

iswt(y): representative, of king as representative of sun-god.

mcuth / mcuth: tail of animal (with or without tuft, fairly long); something hanging at back
of something else; tassel of cap, appendage. hitha icuth (lit. hide the tail), recoil in fear.

isbt: throne; stool. (see sp3t / sp3tyw).

thaba / thabara: deploy,putpeopleintoappropriategroupsatacommunalfeast.
thabania: deploy an army; put a house, householdinorder;arrange,manage,organize.

isp / izp: hew, cut.

thambura: strip leaves or twigs off a branch or sapling;
thamburi: a small branch cut off with twigs left on.

ispt, quiver for arrows.

cabaa: good shot, aim (in shooting); shooting practice range. ruta cabaa, learn to shoot well;

ratha cabaa, fire at a target.
shabaha: target, aim, objective; ability to aim at a target. [Ksw.].

ispr: whip.
caba: strike. caba iboko, beat with a cane.
chapa: beat, whip, hit, strike, [Ksw].
cahra / camra / cathra: strike with a whip; strike smartly especially with a whip or switch.

isft (izft): wrong, wrong-doing, falsehood.

thaahu: ceremonial uncleanness incurred by violationoftribalcode;stateofpsychosomatic
chafu: dirty, filthy; impure, obscene, bad.
chafua: pollute; spoil, make disorder.
dhambi: sin; crime, offence; foul.
tabu: distress, difficult circumstances, misery.
safisha: purify, clean, refine. [Ksw].






thgr: food, merchandise, brought from a distance to relieve distress in time od dearth; act of
searching for food or merchandise in time of dearth.







ikr: (of persons) trustworthy, excellent; skillful; pleasing of speech; well-to-do; superior in rank.
ikaru / gkaru: majesty, splendor, greatness, importance.

ikr, trustworthy man; wiseacre.

Mkaru / Gkaru: proper names.
Ukiru; Ngilu; Nkiru: proper names.
gor: excellent [Wolof].
Gor Mahia? [Dholuo].
Ngoro: proper name.

ikhw: battle-axe.
knga: stave off. knga ita, th, repel forces, enemy.

ikdw, builder.
kanda: hit hard; make paste, knead dough.
mkandko: loud noise of any kind, crash, roar.
nganda / rganda: anything hard, e.g. iron.
ngandakando: a striking; a crunching of something hard in the mouth.
?kganda, 1. blacksmiths or wire-drawers shed or working house; forge; 2. factory, workshop.

ikw, stone-quarry.
ngomongo: breaking up or roughening a grind-stone to make it fit for use; hard round stone
especially one used for pounding.

komonga: knock with a heavy blunt instrument (such as a round stone); dress a grinding-stone.
kngkng: description of the ringing sound of a metal tool or hard stone.

iky, quarryman.
mkomongi: one who pounds and breaks up stones.

ikm, shield.
ngo: shield, battle shield.
gako: dim. small shield.

iknw: hoe.
konya: pull up, pull out, uproot; pluck.

ikkw, councillors.
gkngng / ngngng: person of importance, man of influence.
ngngti: a forceful personality; able, influential man, man of power and leadership; authority
on procedure (e.g. in ituka ceremony).
gkang: a strong man; a person of importance; somebody to be reckoned with.

igp, clouds; be overcast; soar cloudwards.

thimba: (of weather) look dull, cloudy, misty.

igrt, see grw, gr, below.

kira, ngiru, -kiru, see below.

igrt: realm of the dead.

igr: 1. sky; 2. heaven; 3. above, high; ambata igr, ascend into heaven (upon death).
Ikulu, State House.

it: barley; corn in general. (NB: 3h: bread).

itaha: rounded portion of food for a serving, (i.e. corn-bread).

it(i): father.
ithe: father.

iti ntr- gods father, a title.

ithe mtheru: the holy father.

iti.k: his father.

ithe wake: his father.

ity: sovereign.
Wait: (of it), a common name.

Itm(w): Atum. the original source of all matter, along with his descendants (Sw, Tfnt, Geb,
Nut, Isirit, Ist, Seth, Nebt-Hwt and Ists son Herw) form the Psdt (the Nine + One).

tma: cause to happen. gwtma: do something on ones own initiative; gtmi, cause, reason,
?tmba, isolate, set apart; -tmba; sit oneself down alone; sit apart from others;
?itmb, group, knot of people.
?gtmb, knoll, eminence, hill-top, crest of ridge.

Itm-Re: the evening sun.

tumana: become pitch dark (of evening, night);
ria: the sun: (Ituma+Ria).

itmw: suffocation.
ita (mnd): strangle, choke (a person).
ita mito: defeat absolutely in battle.

itn, sun; disk of sun, (see variation itn below).

1. taanra: (of sun) warm up, break through clouds and warm up the country.
taanka: 1. (of weather) warm up and clear up; brighten up after foggy cold weather. 2. cheer
revive people.
2. githaananwa / githaanano: the time of the year when the Pleids shine, the time of shooting
stars, (when weeding has to be done round growing plants, usually in Npovember).

itnw, opponent; itnw pdwt, opposer of bows, especially of Khnum, (see jitu below).
mtuunyani: one who takes things from others unfairly, illegally; swindler, robber.
rtuunyo / nduunyo: robbery.

itnw, secret, mystery.

?itengeenge: a matter of wonderment, surprise, consternation.

itrt: row of men, of shrines at jubilee; chapel.

itri: meeting ground for assemblies; high place for sacrifice; terrain, locality, row of men or
women getting initiated in a circumcision ritual.

itrw: river; the river.

mtaro: natural watercourse, spring, rivulet; irrigation trench; channel.
[NB: r: river; thi r, go to the river/get circumcised].

itrw, seasons; k3t itrw: seasonal work, (see k3t / kazi below).
?mtuur: a water-furrow; mill-lade, (seasons of irrigation?).
Ituur: name of a location in Gatnd.
?gtuur: old sweet-potatoes garden where vines still grow but not many potatoes are found,
(seasonal farm?).

ith: drag, draw the bow, pull out eye, draw off blood, draw out inflammation.
1. tuuka: strike, smack, heavily; buffet.
2. tenga: remove, take away from, out of. tengana: part from each other (with bad feelings).

tenge: disorder, chaos. [Ksw.].
3. itiiha / itiihia: cut, wound.
tiihia: scratch, cut, wound; cause to bleed.

ith: fortress.
gtengetenge: something extensive, broad, and flat; anything squat in shape.
teng: something widespread;
-tengo: protruding; prominent;
itengeenge: a matter of wonderment, surprise, consternation.

itt: fly up.

thngtha: sway, totter, be heavy; shake; (of mist) whirl about; be agitated; toss about; (of trees,
foliage in wind) sway to and fro.

itt: fly up.

thngthia / thngtia: wave to and fro; sift; shake backwards and forwards; winnow; shuffle,
agitate with shuffling motion;
mthngtho: shivering, shaking, palsy; a vast moving mass.
tukutiko: tremor, tremorous movement; nervous excitement. [tuki 326a].

iti: take for use; take possession of; take, conduct, n, to; take away, carry off; rob; remove
oneself; arrest offenders; conquer; spend, pass time; excel; move, use ones arm.
thengia: remove, take out of way; thengia moko, hands off (me);
-thengia: remove oneself from;
thengania: remove somebody away;
thengangia: move something away quickly.

itw: thief.
th: enemy, adversary;
th: enmity, hatred; state of feud, animosity;
mit: robber who attacks travelers.

it3: thief.
maitha: hostile people, enemies; strangers; strange people;
mmaitha: an enemy; a valiant, strong man;
maitha a ciana: a race of diminutive people (Gumba, defined as mean, stingy people) who
preceded Gky people in present-day Gkyland.
mgumba: one of the Gumba people.
migumba: barren; an old woman who never had a child. [Dholuo].

id, boy.
gtaamr: small boy attached for duty to a group of lads preparing for initiation.

idyt: girl.
en-ditto: girl [Maasai];
toto: child. [Ksw].

idi, be deaf.
gtaigua: a deaf person; heedless, disobedient, obstinate, willful person.

id, cense.
taraarka: (of smell) spread strongly, pungently, sweetly.

idt, censing, incense-burning; sweet savour; fragrance; influence.

mtaraarko: strong smell, odour.

idt, wrath.
tkya: be stiff, rigid, with anger; be very angry.
matkya: wrath, anger, fury; steely anger;
tarakana: smart with anger, be incensed.
tutuma: boil up with anger, swell up, bubble up. [ksw].

id, bull.
ndeegwa: 1. bull. 2. a common male name.
gtr: piebald ox or ram.

idt, cow.
itr: piebald cow or she-goat, black and white or red and white in colour; cattle.

idt: womb, vulva, uterus.

nda: abdomen, womb, stomach, belly; pregnancy.
inda: abdomen, womb. [Olluyia / Olunyore / Ullogooli].

id3, smooth a new made pot.

tenderia: make smooth, slippery; polish; daub (walls, etc.).

idw, pestilence. (see variation, indw, above).

ind: (of circumcision initiate) misery.

idb: river bank, riparian land; shore of flood.

indiba: be brim-full; (of receptacle, space, etc.) be crammed full.
indiva: weeds crowding crops [Luhya].
Ndiba: a common mans name.

idmi, red linen.

rtaam / ndaam: strip of cloth;
mtaam: long strip of cloth.
?damiri: be exterminated, be annihilated. [Ksw].

idn, lay out enclosures.

tandaiya: spread, lay, out.

idr, herd of cattle; of elephants, etc. (see i3dr(w), k3 idr).
ndru: (sing. rru), flock, herds; large extensive flocks.

idr, stitch; stitching.

tiriha: bind edge (of a cloth, dress, bag, shield, etc.); put border on (a leather cloak); cast off (in
knitting); finish off a string bag (by turning in ends).
ndiriho / rtiriho: sewn border, edging, hem, binding; edge bound with bast to give strength
(round the mouth or rim of a bag, basket, tray, shield, etc.).
darizi: embroidery; incision marks; [Ksw].
tarizi, embroider, weave a border; roll thread on a spindle. [Ksw].

idr, withhold, m, from.

?ndrc: act forbidden to women, e.g. killing a sheep.
?mtr: person bereft of children, left desolate, stripped of possessions.

idryt, punishment.
ituruku / maturuku, 1. thrashing, punishment, meted out to scoundrels. 2. mark from blow,

idhw: the Delta marshes.

gtaka: a miry place; a quagmire.
ndaka: mud; mad for plastering.
itako: butt, base of something; buttock, behind, rump. [Ksw].
Idakho / itakho: place in Western Kenya. [Luhya].
bitakho: the idakho people / the people of the Delta marshes region. [Luhya].

idrt, hall in tomb.

njororobe / mcororobe: a long and tapering structure or object; something long, narrow, e.g. a
piece of land, an armlet, etc.
?njiriwa: clamp; trap. [Ksw].

, c: 1. arm; hand.
ania: hold out your hands; prepare something in readiness to receive.
ananria: hold out hands together.
anrria: hold out something to catch something falling.
mwani: greeting between women one of whom has a son married to the others daughter.

2. region, province.
wanko: 1. place where beehive is (or can be hung) or placed; 2. place where clothes can
be spread to dry.

3. condition, state.
anakana: appear youthful; become rejuvenated; (of a patched garment) be renovated; (of
animals coat) be renewed; adorn oneself with war or fighting gear;

mwana: child, baby, young human being.
mwano / mwana: (of a beer addict) craving.
mwango: restlessness, roving.

4. item, piece; c n cnh: means of subsistence

mwanga: cassava manioc (Yucca root).
maangorera: scrapings from the pot, unpalatable remnants of gruel diluted with water.
maana: 1. larva of bee in honey-comb; 2. part of comb containing larvae.
ranga: trophy of war.
muogo: cassava. [Dholuo].

5. track, trace.
ania: (used mainly in the imperative & subj. forms) leave, go, make way, move away
mwano: 1. bottle-shaped gourd in which a diviner keeps his counters; 2. a gcaand gourd.
anrra: announce, proclaim.
anrra khikanio: put up the banns.

, c: warrant, certificate; record.

anda: curve in or out (by beating or pressure) register; st c, place of records;
andka: (be curved); write, register.
kando: broad, flat, knife (for writing / cutting out letters, etc.).

c: dyke.
mwanda: fold in a hill-side, shallow valley without permanent water.
kanda: valley; downward side of slope.

c: wooden rod.
kana: small bundle of firewood hung in loops above the wood-pile as reserve.
wai: piece of carving.
mwai: wood-carver.

c / cw: dragoman. imry-r cw: caravan-leader.

rana: stroll, walk about leisurely, walk aimlessly.
mrani: one who goes about, pays visits;
rauni: walk about aimlessly, wander, loiter. [Ksw].

ct: limb, member of body.

kande: shoulder, shoulder-joint.

ct: room, chamber, later, house; slaughter-house.

mwandata: enclosure for sheep and cattle; entrance to such an enclosure; cowshed.

c3: column, pillar.

mwamba: one of the four main rafters of a round house, erected to support the double
ring of sticks at its top into which the upper ends of the closely set rafters are thrust.

mwamba / kamwamba: (coll.) a tough guy.

c3(i): great of size; plentiful, much; rich in possessions.

a: used to indicate something amounts to, or numbers up to so much / so many; mbri n
a inya, the goats number four.
njanja-a: multiple branching, offshoots.
raro / karo: place where stools, bee-barrels, etc., are curved.
awa: sacrum of animal. ngoima ya awa, ram given to mother-in-law by son-in-law as
traditional present.

c3t: a great thing.

bata: importance, impressive size, weight; ritual ceremony.
n-c3t-n, in as much as.
na bata n, and what is important is

c3w: greatly.
kmauwa: something very large and open.

c3y: excess, r, over = math. difference.

gara: 1.divide up, share out, (between); 2. (in mathematics) the division sign.

c3: here; there, yonder.

haaha: here; (ha ha).
hapa: here, this place. [Ksw.]

c3, door.
mraango: 1. door; 2. young mens watch-house in a village.
raanga / raangra: (of guards) keep watch over, guard.

c3-wy-r, the two leaves of the door.

mraango-r: two doors.
tarabe: door of two halves. [Ksw].
tarabe mi-wiri: two doors. [Ksw].

c3t: costly stone; metal.

gtuuto: yellow soap stone.
tawa: metal frying pan. [Ksw].

c3t: carcinomas; inflammations.

gta: a big sore or ulcer.
tauni: bubonic plague. [Ksw].

c3t, linen cloth. (see h3tyw below).

gataani: flax, linen. gtambaya ka gataani, linen cloth.
katani: linen. [Ksw].

c3b: (of things) pleasing, desirable, weight; pleasant.
bata: importance, impressive size, ritual ceremony.

c3bt: food, provisions; offerings.

mbaato: ritual accompanying the giving of hospitality to ones clan and age-grade members, as
well as friends, prior to initiation.

c3pp, Apep, serpent-demon.

pepo: demon, spirit; devil, evil spirit [Ksw.].

c3m, throwstick.
njgma: light throwing club.
mt: piece of wood; shaft, handle; stick, post.

c3m: Asiatic.
amuuma: be restless; ramuuma / maamuuma: restlessness.
amu / ami: paternal uncle. [Ksw].
amu: be proud, glorify self; get honey from bee-hive; [Kalenjin].
amut: grab for yourself, scoop out for yourself. [Kalenjin].

c3g: thrash.
akania: cause to blaze, flare up; cause anger, indignation; severe pain.
njakano: sharp pain.
akua: invade, assault, jump suddenly into something. [Ksw].

c3d: in c3d n sht, fertile soil.

ndaario / gtaario: recently abandoned patch of cultivation covered with weeds only.

c3d: be pale, pallid.

tutuwa: look pale, feel unwell.

c3dt: kind of bread.

indaathi / maandathi: fried round sweet bread.
andazi / maandazi: fried round sweet bread. [Ksw.].
anda: to prepare a dish of various ingredients in various forms. [Ksw.].

cci: jabber.
coocia, make chatter; grumble, murmur; put into an angry uproar; cause to make a lot of

ccw: flutter, of heart.

oyooya, palpitate, throb, beat, twitch, tremble with excitement (a sign of fear or

ccwy, sleep.
?igooce, toro wa igooce, light fitful sleep, an apology for a sleep.

ccb: bowl.
mbth / kabth, bottom part of a calabash, cut off and used as a cup.
mbth ya knyua, cup.
mbege, medium-size half-gourd, calabash dish.
kibuyu: calabash, gourd. [Ksw].

ccb: comb the hair.

ambra: undo weaving (of hair, etc), knitting (of sweater, mat, etc).
chambua: comb hair, wool, cotton. [Ksw].

ccny: camp.
anka: expose; spread, hang outside; anka: display oneself.
anika: expose to the sun or air; spread, hang outside. [Ksw].

ccny: coop up, confine.

mwanya: knd kwa mwanya, prohibited area; mthemba mwanya, a separate kind, a
thing apart; separated from others.

cw: dragoman, (see c, above).

rana: stroll, walk about leisurely, walk aimlessly (see rauni / mrani above).
rauni: walk about aimlessly, wander, loiter. [Ksw].

cwt, crook.
guamba, expert thief.

cwt: small cattle, i.e. sheep and goats; goats only; rarely of (large) cattle; herds in general.
(see wcty, goat, below).
mwat: ewe that has not lambed; well-grown young female sheep; ewe, not yet mature.

cw3i: steal goods.

wooi, stealing, picking up.
iyi / iya, steal from; rob; steal upon; take possession of, take away.

cw3t: robbery;
ici: theft, thieving, stealth.

cw3y: 1. robber; 2. he who is robbed.

miyi / mici: thief/thieves.
mwizi / wezi: thief. [Ksw.].
muuaji: murderer, killer. [Ksw].

cw3y, the robbed.

miye: he who is robbed.
maiyo, things robbed.

cw3-irr.f: brigand.
wairra, a killer.
irra, 1. knock down, lay somebody low (with a weapon); fell (an ox, goat). 2. kill
somebody by witchcraft; destroy utterly.

cw3: look after, care for.

awa: my father.
Hawa: Adams wife (biblical).

cw3: go bad, rot. (see scw3 below).

caka: (of beer, gruel) be well-fermented, well-brewed, mellow, clear.
wooru / ora, rot, become soft and rotten, go bad.

cw3yt: a fermented drink ?

maiyki: homemade spirituous liquor, Nubian gin.
may / mayweek: alcohol, beer. [Kalenjin].
mayaanteet: fermented beer. [Kalenjin].

cwn: be covetous, despoil.

nha: spoil, destroy wantonly; deface, injure; act uncharitable, spiteful, towards
nhu: destructiveness, mischief, covetousness.

cwnw, plunderer.
mnhi, despoiling, violent, robber.

cwn-ib: be rapacious; avarice.

nhi: extravagance, wastefulness; violent, wanton destruction.

cwnt: stave.
mndwa, pig of smelted iron; (narrow strips of wood or narrow iron plates placed edge to edge
to form the sides, covering, or lining of a vessel (as a barrel) or structure).
mundia mndwa, go in a file, procession.
mndrr: train, string, queue of people, etc.
nda, smelt pig iron, mould an axe, etc.

cwg, parch grain.

gumra, make warm and dry; remove mould, dampness, mustiness, by warming.
kausha: dry something. [Ksw.].

cb, horn; bow.

mbra / mbera, horn of rhinoceros.

cb: meal.
mbth: a bit of raw meat or food.

cb, (variation of icb), unite.
mbanra: (of two or more persons) side together against one person; unite over a
task and do it, lift a heavy object together. (see mbrra, above).

cbt: attachment. Good is perished; nn cbt.f, (Peasant B1, 197), there is no attachment to it),
(there is no value attached to it).
bata: need, worth, use; something requiring attention, business affair; importance, impressive
size, weight; ritual ceremony.

cbt: a funerally ritual object.

mbithe / kabithe: ritual loin cloth.

cbt (variation of cbwt), forked staff.

mbanga / hwanga / huanga, forked stick, fork in stick for hanging things on; fork in
tree or pole.
mbogoro, 1. curved stick with one end crooked and the other forked, used for suspending a bee-
hive; ladder of poles, boughs, attached to a tree to facilitate ascent; 2. one who is bow-legged.
en-bokish: door-post, pole; house, home. [Maasai].
upondo: punting pole; pole for vaulting. [Ksw].

cbw, victims.
buuria, loot, plunder.
rbuurio / mbuurio, kick.
kabuuri, grave-yard.

cbw, impurity.
mborea, compost, manure.
mbolea, manure. [Ksw].

cbw-r: breakfast.
ambrra: begin a succession of acts; begin to do something first; begin with, on, at;
ambrria: begin; start off; start up.

cb3, scepter.
mbokoora, walking-stick.
bakora, walking-stick with a crooked handle (with the top bent at right angles to
the stem). [Ksw.].

cb3, command a ship.

mboyani, leader, head of a homestead or village.

cb3: present, n, to; make presentation, n, to; present ones hands in ritual gesture; provide,
m, with.
maambura: ceremonial accompanying certain rites of passage; sacred rituals connected
with the normal events of family life, birth, puberty, initiation, circumcision, marriage,
performed under the direction of senior elders or old women, supplemented at

circumcision rites by mnd mgo wamaambura the selected medicine man; ruta maambura,
perform rituals. oera mwana maambura, (of parents) perform ceremony for a girl at her first

cbc: boast; boastful; exaggeration.

amba: boast, inflate oneself; stretch oneself.
ambarara: stretch oneself out; stand on ones toes so as to appear taller.
kbwa / kbua, ga na kbua, boast; be arrogant.
kifua, ana kifua, he is brave, pushy. [Ksw.].

cbcb: become excited.

babaka: lose calmness, be anxious, worried, fearful, ill at ease; be taken aback, become
abababa: interjection expressing surprise, consternation, or mild annoyance.
abo / ababaita / abaita / aboita! interjection used by women in conjunction with the words
baba (father), ita (the warriors), proper names, and praise names associated with the nine
clans, as a mild form of oath or to express surprise, consternation or indignation.

cbw: lettuce.
mbga / mboga: vegetables.
mboga: 1. vegetables, a source of vegetables; 2. a pumpkin plant (the leaves); mboga wa
mbandoa, a kind of vegetable. [Ksw.].
ibooco: bean leaf (used as spinach); bean plant.

cbwt: staff of office; pitchfork.

kabukrr: staff decorated with colobus-monkey fur provided for a neophyte to throw
over the mgumo tree on the day preceding circumcision.

cbb: use the pitchfork.

buuka: dig vigorously, dig thoroughly.
buukabuuka, cultivate a little or a bit of a piece of land.
bubura, crush to small fragments (especially by striking); crush, break down, break up.

cbb, knock on door.

kobobo / koboro, description of a thud, the sound of solid things colliding, warriors
clashing their shields together in a fight, loads, boxes, cars colliding.

cbhn: frog.
bukia / bukana, make survive, sustain, avert from a crisis.
buka: survive, survive a crisis, pull through. (NB: frog & girls crossing the river story?)


cpi: traverse a waterway; pass hr, by; fly.

bra: bestir oneself, get a move on; run away for dear life, bolt.
brrka: 1. (of propeller, etc.) rotate, revolve, spin. 2. flap and wave about noisily.
kbrrki / mbrrki: propeller.
brrrr, description of twirling, spinning, oscillating from side to side.
abiri: to pass over, to go across (a river, lake or sea); to be ferried over. [Ksw.].
biro, come, coming. [Dholuo].

cpnnt, slug (?).

ndinoho, snail, slug.

cprw: provide, equip; man a vessel; acquire; incur injury.

bra: twirl, spin, roll; stir; bra itim, twirl a spear, sword, club.
abiri: sail, navigate, travel. [Ksw.].

cprw: equipment.
kbri: stick fitted at one end with bones from a section of the vertebral column or with
little paddles of wood (rotated between the palms of the hand, to mix gruel, also to whip
meat soup). (see kbrrki above).

cprw: jewellery.
mbr: star-shaped ornament fashioned from shoulder-blade of animal (worn by young
men in the hair).
mapurenda: epaulette. [Ksw].

cprt: equipment of offering.

mbiir: ornament worn by boys below knee at second-birth ceremony.

cprt, kind of jar.

mbuuri / njuuri, small clay pot without lugs (used for cooking meat or broth).
kbuuri, pot with a large wide mouth.
mbiru, a pot in which drinking water is kept. [Dholuo].
bilauri / bilauli: a tumbler, glass, schooner. [tuki 27a].

cprw: sailors; workmen.

abiria: passenger. [Ksw.].

Cpr, an Asiatic people.

kburi: 1. hairy person; 2. name given to he-goat or ram with thick matted hair.
maburi: shagginess; long, shaggy wool or hair.
buria: loot, plunder.
sabuliit: become hairy. [Kalenjin].
biriir: red-brown-pale person. [Kalenjin].
maburi: band of ostrich feathers worn around the head. [Dholuo].
kiburi: arrogance, conceit. [Ksw].

cp3y, beetle.

mbca, weevil.
mboza: small insect that makes honey and wax. [tuki 192b].

cf3, devour.
babuura, crunch, break up (something hard or brittle) by chewing or grinding.
bbta, drink greedily, take a long draught, drink a great quantity of.

cf3y, encampment.
barara, a line of people standing or sitting abreast, rank, row; ara barara, (of warriors) be in
battle array.

cf3y, sweet clover.

ndabiibi, clover.

cfnc, cover.
kunka, cover, put lid on. kunkania thi, veil ones face, leaving only the eyes visible.
gkunko: lid, cover.
funika: cover, shroud; bury, conceal, cover up. funika maneno, speak ambiguously so as to cover
up something. [Ksw.].
mukoonik / mugooniik, lids, covers. [Kalenjin].

cfnt, royal head-cloth.

afande, 1. respectful or formal address used by a soldier to his/her superior, 2. respectful
or formal answer of a soldier to his/her superiors call, [Ksw.].

cfty, brewer.
kabbti, a copious drinker.
futa / futia: bail water out of a vessel. [Ksw.].

cfd, 1. lead, of roads, r, to; 2. attractive.

kifuasi, accompaniment; even number.
fuata, 1. follow, come after, pursue; 2. imitate, be with someone, be attached to. [Ksw].
fuatwa, (of people, road, law, conduct, etc.) be followed. [Ksw.].

cfdt, chest.
kbwa, chest; any complaint, consumption.
kifua, chest, bosom, breast; chest disease; strong heart, brave. [Ksw.].

cm, 1. swallow; breath in, absorb; 2. know.

meria, 1. swallow. 2. menya, know.
meza, swallow. [Ksw].

cm3t, variation of throw-stick below.

mt: stick in general (see mt below).

cmcm, smear.

maama: a blotch on the skin, birthmark.

cmct: mud, muddy ground, mud-flat.

matooro / mtooro: mud.
matope: mud, muddy grounds. [Ksw.].
amatoi: mud. [Lulogooli].

cmc3t, throw-stick.
mt, 1. stick, piece of wood; shaft, handle; post. 2. tree.
mata: bow. [Ksw].

cmcm: container for bread, etc.

kmee: container of calabash or wood used for carrying snuff, honey, eggs, etc.

cmm: brain.
kmuumu: conglomeration, mass, lump, e.g. of food.
kmumuunga: solid mass, hunk, chunk (e.g. a yam corm, a lump of meat).
kmumuungwa / kmuungumwa: a thing in its entirety, all in one piece; a round lump,
ball of food held in the hand.

cmmt, underworld goddess whose name means devouress of the dead. (Egyptian Gods and
Goddesses: 12).
mita, devour greedily, have a surfeit of something.
mitra, 1. reduce to exhaustion. 2. devour completely, finish the lot.

cnt, nail of finger or toe; claw.

ndwara (rara), finger, toe, nails; claws.

cn: beautiful; bright, of face; pleasing, m, to, of persons; be kind.

anakaha: become youthful in appearance; adorn oneself.

cny: writing-pad.
anda: flatten out, curve in or out (by beating or pressure); [NB: as in papyrus-making and
writing]; (cf. Gcaand below).
andka: caus. get curved.
andika: write, pen, chronicle, inscribe, jot something down. [Ksw.].

cncy: complain.
nuna: sulk, be in a rage, be sullen, be about to burst out in anger.
nuguna / nogona: mutter complainingly, mumble, grumble; moan.
nuna / nunia: sulk, be sullen. [Ksw].
nungunika: grumble, complain. [Ksw].

cncn: chin.
kni: (of teeth) gum.

cnw: loc. Ainu, source of limestone.
mny (mwer), chalk-like earth found in certain localities, sometimes used as whitewash.
Kmny (the place with whitewash earth), name of a location in Kambu district.

cnb: reed stalk for matting.

gcaambi: reed, papyrus; mat.
jamvi, reed mat. [Ksw].

cnbyt: measure for above.

icaambi: papyrus sheet used as screen and for building.

cnh: sandal-strap.
ngaguana: small decorated strap with three rows of beads worn above the elbow.

cnh: live.
anga: be up and about.
ntr cnh, living God.
gathirange: absoluteness, purity; thoroughbred, unadulterated.
mirtu gathirange, virgin girl.

cnh n (i): lives for me.

Angaine: mans name. [Meru].

cnh m: live on, by food.

angima: well, healthy, a greeting response.
ngima, health. [Dholuo].
mwanga: cassava manioc (cassava / yucca root).
muogo, cassava. [Dholuo].

cnh: person.
Mwangi: mans name.

cnhw: the living.

mwangro / mwangrwa: person or thing to which one has resort in time of trouble;
helper, refuge, weapon.
Wang, Wango, Wangh, personal names.

cnh, captive.
ranga, trophy of war.
anga, go from place to place exhibiting trophies from enemy killed in war; qualify as a
warrior by blooding ones spear on an enemy.
gwatka, be seized; be held (in the hand), gripped.

cnh-t3wy: name of Mephis (Mnfr).

ngatrro, exaggeration, spice.
ngata, first cervical vertebra, atlas.

gata, steer (vehicles, wagons, etc.); turn (wheel, something) to one side or the other side.

cnh: swear, oath.

anga: (of doctor) protect (with magic rites).
ngata (ya njogu), first cervical vertebra of elephant used as an oath stone and for pronouncing
anga: practice witchcraft at night. [Ksw].

cnhwy, ears.
?manguure, goats ears cropped to half-length.
nginiini, sheep without ears.

cnh, mirror.
?ngengi, 1. shinning, glinting particle. 2. flake of obsidian.

cnht: eye of Deity.

Ngai, God, source of anything wonderful or inexplicable.

cnht, corn.
ngano, wheat.
ngira, seed-bearing head of sorghum.
en-kano, wheat grain. [Maasai].

cnkt, Anukis. (Goddess of Elephantine - the southern border / at the start of Niles
journey through Egypt). (Cnkt is depicted as a woman wearing on her head a modius
from which stem ostrich feathers.).
Ruunge, God, Deity.
muunge, 1. light-brown silky or hairy substance; maize silk. 2. tuft, crest, plume on a
helmet, etc. 3. personal (male) name.
Munkari, one of the angels believed to interrogate the dead in graves. [Ksw].

cnd: few; scarcity, fewness; be diminished.

ndingo: (of milk, beer, gruel, snuff, etc.) small portion, left over; sip, mouthful.

cnd, an unguent.
knaand, calabash used for storing oil, bottle-shaped gourd; flask of sacred oil
accompanying warriors on a raid.

cdw, jar.
njuuri, small cooking-pot without lugs (used for cooking small amounts of food,
delicacies, etc.).

cndw: dawn.
anjia: start, begin first.
mwanjo: beginning, first.
anza: start, begin, initiate. [Ksw.].

cr: mount up, ascend, extend; penetrate (of wound) n, to the base.
ara: 1. set out in a systematic manner; spread out, make a suspended structure; set out in
a decorative manner; 2. (of sun, moon, light) shine; (of sun) be hot; be perforated; have
openings, so as to let light shine through.
maraara: ladder made of poles or branches tied to trunk of tree by lianas to assist ascent.

crw: proximity.
raru / rwere: side.

crtyw: they who ascend.

raata: raata th, walk with measured tread (as if you were pacing the earth).
raatia, appear at a place;
raatrra, get to a place.
mraato, trail, tracks.

cr: reed pen.

kara: make a mark, scratch;
karara: scratch with a point, cut lightly with the tip of something; make an incision; cut in, on,
around; slit, score.
karamu: pen, pencil.
alama: mark, sign, clue; index. [Ksw.].
kalamu: pen. [Ksw.].
rama: carve, incise, brand (a bee-hive, wooden honey pot, etc); make decorative ridges (on
leather of sword belt, etc); decorate with strips and spots.
ramani: map, plan. [Ksw.].

crt: roll of papyrus.

karatathi: sheet of paper, page.
iratathi: piece of paper.
karatasi: piece of paper, paper. [Ksw.].

crt, jaw.
rthya, jaw, side of face, cheek.

crt, hinder parts of man; hinder quarters of animal.

rcuth, spinal column, backbone, sacrum; (of meat) joint including backbone and loin.

crcr: chin.
kreru: chin.

crf, bag; combine; enclose.

riibi / riithi / ruuthi, small side-entrance into cattle-enclosure through which only
calves can pass; u-shaped guard-house for sheep, open at one end.
o-rripie, guard-house. [Maasai].

crrwt: gate; dwelling, home; leaf of double-door.
raaro: lodging, sleeping place, place in which to spend the night.
arra, settle down (as in a new home), make oneself comfortable.

crk: bent.
krogonyoko, twisting course or shape.
krogonyoka, tortuous, maze-like thing that twists and turns.

crk: don a garment.

riega, ikia nguo rega, throw a garment over the back or to one side, exposing the body

crk, swear.
roga, utter an oath.
gira, 1. impose taboo, bring bad luck. 2. (frequently used in swearing and for emphasis) may
you, it, he, she be cursed!

crk, basket.
rgara / kgara, open wicker basket used for carrying pots and calabashes; large crate.

crky: last day of the month.

rigia: be last, remain behind; be in a certain position relative to others.

ch, rope.
mkaanda, rope, cord.
mhndo, cord of plaited thongs or strings, tether.

ch, palace; temple.

kanitha, house for prayers; temple.
gana, exalt, sing praise of.
ganithia, cause to be praised.

ch, entrap, snare; enclose town with ditch.

kerenga, set a trap; snare (birds).
kara, dig a trench, furrow.
mkaro, ditch, furrow, trench.

ch, wipe off, away dirt.

giria, dust, wipe off, rub off, erase.

cht, farm-land. (see 3ht).

mgnda: cultivated ground, garden, field of crops.

ch3: fight.
kanda, hit somebody hard.
kandrana, punch, strike each other, fight.
knda, (of cattle, bulls) prepare to fight or butt, defy, scowl).

ch3, warrior.
ikanda, man of might and courage; hard muscular type of man.
karau, mighty man of valour, strong man.
kandothi, strong man.
kandi / kandoi, mighty man.

ch3w, arrow; weapons in general.

mgu, arrow.

ch3, fish.
kangy (kngy): fish.

ch3-mw, sounding-pole.
gkng, peg, stake; fencing pole.
kombamoyo: long, thin, straight pole, used as a rafter in constructing the roof of huts, carrying
the cross-pieces and thatch. [Ksw].

chc, then.
anga, perhaps, maybe, I think; expression of an element of doubt. 2. expression of
acceptance of a statement with reservations.

chwty, warrior.
ikindi, strong type of man. (see ikanda / kandi above).

chc, stand; stand up, rise up; raise oneself; arise.

rgama, stand up, arise.

chc m h3w: stand in the neighborhood of.

rgama hau: stand there ...

chc hr: stand by; on ones side.

rgama har: stand by, on the side of

chcw, ceremonial stations of persons; proper positions of things.

?krria, 1. rise up from (ones seat), give a seat to somebody else to sit on; give up ones
chairmanship to somebody else. 2. be on a higher level, be elevated.

chcw, attendance, service.

koombo, servitude, slavery.

chc, heap; portion, allotment; quantity (math); wealth, riches.

kgai / igai, bequest, share, inheritance; portion allotted by father to son or other relative;
property left by deceased man to specified persons.

chc, measure for beer.

gatahi / ndahi, small calabash, shaped like a tumbler, used as a dipper, also by women
for drawing beer; small gourd cup.

chcw, lifetime; period, space of time.

ikirti, 1. space of time, period, interval; distance; interval (in distance); 2. time of life,
age. n a ikirti rmwe, they are contemporaries.

chi, raise up the sky; hang men.

angia, make restless; carry round in triumph.
angra, flee to look for (weapons, hiding place) urgently.
anga, go from place to place exhibiting trophies from enemy killed in war; qualify as a
warrior by blooding ones spear on an enemy.

chi, fly.
angia, make restless; carry round in triumph.
?mkiri, thi na njra ya mkiri, go off into the unknown.
kirigici, description of the sound of metallic ring, e.g. of falling coins. gaamba kirigici,
make a metallic noise.
kirinya, make squeaking noise, grate on the nerves.
kirimana, (of vehicles, etc.) collide.
rkiriri, skyline, horizon.
ngiri, triangular ornament worn in the ear and in the forehead by men.
kirkiir, hasten, hurry up. [Kalenjin].
kirkir, shortcut, to catch up with. [Kalenjin].
kirkiren, shake. [Kalenjin].
kirkir, symbol of courage, strength and bravery. [Kalenjin].
kirkoongtiit, cock. [Kalenjin].
en-kileponore, climbing, rising, ascending. [Maasai].
en-kilanyata, flight, escape. [Maasai].
en-kilanyare, fleeing, escaping. [Maasai].
en-kikurrukur, roar; light thunder; rumble, snoring. [Maasai].
en-kikirikarata, trembling of the earth, earth-quake. [Maasai].
en-kirangirang, tossing. [Maasai].
kirikiri, said of animals, heard but not seen; absolutely. [Dholuo].
kirini, shaking as when one is sick or feeling cold; shivers, chatter of teeth. [Dholuo].
kikiri: struggling, pushing, shoving. [Ksw].
kikuli: horror, fright. [Ksw].
kirimbi: iron saw. [Ksw].
kirimba: cage (of birds, etc.). [Ksw].
angia: make levitate, float, in the sky. [Ksw].

cht, swoop of falcon.

angra: flee.
krka, get up and depart; be uprooted, come out by force.
en-kilanyata, flight, escape. [Maasai].

chmw, twigs.
?ngacak, heap of dry brush wood; fuel consisting of dry sticks as from a clearing.

chm, image.
kama, like, such as; if; about. [Ksw.].

variation of ihmt, river bank.

ngurumo, bank of river or stream, river bank.
mkmkm: furrow, rut.

chh, evaporate; consume.

ngonga, drink copiously, be a copious drinker by habit.
ngk, ugia ngk, gulp; ngk ya cr, a quick gulp of gruel.

ihhw, twilight.
makenga-arithi, twilight.

chi, fly, fly away.

see mkiri above.

chm, voracious spirit.

ngoma, spirit of departed relative which returns and makes various demands especially when
one fails to observe customs or traditions. thnjra ngoma, propitiate the spirits.

chnwty, audience chamber.

konota: sit hunched up, bowed, in silence; sit back and do nothing; sit empty-handed with arms
folded on the chest.
kunyua: call, inform secretely. [Ksw].

c:summon.(see i3).







c3:many,numerous;much,plentiful;often. (seesc3).

ck: enter m, into; hr, on a road; charge, m, into foes.

ka: come, come to a place.
ingia: come in. [Ksw.].

ck pr, come in and go out, come and go.

bariita, dash about, caper about.

ck ib, become intimate; enter face to face; set, of sun; run aground (?) of ship.
kibana, (of a space, vessel, etc.) be, become filled up; be, become entirely enclosed;
knock together, collide.
kibibana: be, become entirely closed up, enclosed; (of blankets) be held close.

ckib: intimate friend.

kibibi: young mistress, lady.
kiberenge, prostitute. [Tuki 135a].

ck-r: one over-familiar in speech.

wakr: 1. my co-wife; 2. mutual name used by those who have partaken of the sacrificial
meat-feast of friendship; bosom friend; 3. name used by girl for her sponsor (for the
circumcision ritual - mtiiri).

ckw: friends.
(and) aku: your people, friends.
(watu) wako: your people, friends. [Ksw].

ckw: loaves, provisions; food; income, revenue.

gakra: something to eat.
chakula: food. [Ksw].
ngaragu: hunger; (lacking-akw).

ck3: precise, accurate.

kaimana: completely; thira kaimana, be entirely finished (the accuracy of Imana).
?iman: truth. [Tugen / Kalenjin].

ck3 ib: 1. straightforward; 2. go straight forward, progress; correct a fault; 3. straightness;
straight-dealing; straight- forwardness; exact sense of speech.
biri, description of absoluteness.

ck3, a rope.
mkaanda, rope, cord.

cgt, a resinous varnish from Syria.

maguta: oil, fat, grease.

cgwt, a preparation of grain.

gumra, make warm and dry; remove mould, dampness, mustiness, by warming.
kgume, millet, soaked in soda and water for a day to swell, then dried in the sun and eated raw,
used as anthelminic.

cth, strain mash, etc.

gtakwe, unpalatable mush of badly prepared or unseasoned food.
gteke, something stodgy or gelatinous, something wet and soft (e.g. mud, dung, etc.); (of food)
any kind that is too thick or too watery; stodgy stodge, ill prepared food, gruel, or porridge;
stodge, thick gruel made from millet and milk.

cd, spool, reel.

njohanio, tying together.
njoherera, one of the billets of firewood tied on top of a load to wedge it tight; an extra, smaller
burden tied on top of the main load.

cdt, offence.
njikanrrio, treachery; the act of blaming, laying fault to.
njiin, rudeness, verbal discourtesy; insinuations, aspersions.

cdt, slaughter, massacre.

njit / mit: swarms of outlaws, robbers who attack travelers; terrorists.

cd, fat, grease.

manjaguca, residue of oil expressed from castor-oil beans by mixing mash with water and
rubbing between palms of hands.

cd, fatten.
njonjo, one liberally smeared with fat; smooth-tongued person, slippery customer.

/w (52-76)

w, not.

wa / waa, expression of surprise, amazement, mockery, derision.

w, they, them, their.

wao, they, them.

W3bwy: He who belongs to Oxyrhyncite Nome.

Wambi: a womans name.

w3t: road, way, journey; walk on a road, follow a line of conduct.

wata: Ndigithia wata! do not try to make trouble for me.
wacha: abandon, discontinue, neglect, come away, desert. [Ksw.].

r-w3t: path, way.

mraato, trail, tracks.
liwata: tread on, trample on something, step on, crush. [Ksw].

w3: far, r, from (of space); (of time) long ago, for a long time past.
wari: breadth, width, expanse; expansion, prosperity.

w3b, root of plant; socket of eye.

ombora, uproot; pull out (roots and all).
rambo / maambo, 1. sharpened stick; 2. hole in a hide in which a peg is put. maitho ma arme
ti maambo, mens eyes are not empty peg holes.
ombwe: emptiness, vacuum. [Ksw].

w3b, cloth (?), description of sail; swaddling clothes.

kabuuti / mbuuti (ya mbura), rain coat; over-coat; great-coat.
kabuti, coat. [Ksw].

w3bt, high-lying agricultural land.

mwambatrro, upward slope, rise in the ground.
mwambato, a rise, rising slope; a rising, going up.

w3bt, body of the Red Crown, contrasted with the curl.

ambarara, be tilted up, be raised at one end or side.
ambatra, go up at, along or through; go or come up higher, move upwards, raise in station, be

w3m, bake.
manda, make smooth; (with ref. to dough, clay, etc) knead, expand, by hammering flat, pat
(chapatis, rissoles) between hands to flatten; squeeze out of shape, pound (in a mortar).

w3rt, draw rope of clapnet.

karamrio, noose spread out to catch prey or an unmanageable cow or ox.

w3h, set down, lay down; apply a remedy, m, in; store up goods; lay aside, discard;

leave aside; overlook, ignore.
iga, put, place, keep; put on one side, set down, put away, establish, place securely.
weka, set down, lay down. [Ksw.].

w3hwt, oblations, (see hwt).

igongoona: sacrifice, blood sacrifice; ritual use of beer, or honey; customary ceremony presided
over by the head of the community, father of family, or medicine-man, directed to the spirits of
the ancestors, sometimes to God (the commonest cause being removal or avoidance of ritual

w3hw: wreath, garland; necklace.

ngnyi, 1. small black seeds of gknyi creeper made into beads for necklaces worn at dances; 2.
manufactured beads of similar appearance used to embellish the divining gourd of a newly
initiated medicine-man, also in certain rituals.
mangoyo, necklace made of beads.
mknng / ngnng, string of dark blue beads.
moonkoosya, necklace (slice of skin). [Kalenjin].

w3ht, processional station.

igomanro, place of meeting. igomanro ra ming, social hall.

w3hyt, temenos (a temple enclosure, a sacred precinct).

mgka, locking bar; bar thrust through branched ends of boughs closing the entrance to
a fenced homestead.
gka, shut a cattle enclosure (by putting poles across).

w3hyt: corn.
gmb / mgmb, short-stemmed, multiple-eared, finger-millet.

w3h, flood.
mgu / kgu: flood-water, torrent caused by sudden rain; silt brought down by a

w3hi, be inundated; be content, of persons, (see hwi, hwyt below).

see mgui / kgu.

w3hy, columned forecourt.

gkng, peg, stake; fencing pole.
kigingi, peg, stake, bollard, flange. [Ksw.]

w3s, a scepter (a thin, straight, hand-held stick of wood, stone or ivory carried by rulers
as a sign of power).
mthgi, staff (dyed black for a member of the senior grade of elders, left plain for the
lower grade).
rthaanju, stick, staff; wand.
rcami / gcamio / njamio, thin wand, thin rod, stick; switch; whip.

w3s: dominion, have dominion.
atha: rule, discipline, have jurisdiction over.
waathani, exercise of of authority, rule, jurisdiction; domination, command, reign over others.
waatho: order, authority, law, jurisdiction; command; regulation.

w3si, be ruined, decayed.

cingira, decline, wane, (of sick person or animal) be at the point of dying.
cingirra, peter out; be sinking, at the point of death; be at an end, annihilated, almost extinct.

w3,behonoured,ofGods;bestrong,honour due to God or king,


w3g, shouting.
gthka, shout out; exclaim loudly, angrily, roughly; bawl.

w3g, a religious festival.

igongoona: sacrifice, blood sacrifice; ritual use of beer, or honey; customary ceremony presided
over by the head of the community, father of family, or medicine-man, directed to the spirits of
the ancestors, sometimes to God (the commonest cause being removal or avoidance of ritual
go: divination, art of a medicine man.

w3tw: conspirators.
gta: a person who speaks his mind, one who calls a spade a spade, one who is
indiscrete and blurts things out; a common male name.

w3d, papyrus plant.

mthaanj, reed plant growing in swamps [origin].

w3d: amulet (in shape of papyriform).

njagua: 1. an arm ornament; 2. carved wooden shield with double pointed top worn in
pre-initiation dancing. 3. cow with long up-standing horns like sugar-cane leaves.
ithaga / mathaga, article of personal adornment, trinket. cna ithaga, kiss a personal ornament,
tie a knot in ones handkerchief to assist the memory; wyoohe mathaga maita (mbaara), put
on accoutrements of war; cuuma mathaga, strip off personal ornaments at time of death; te
mathaga, throw away ring ornaments worn at death purification ceremony.

w3d: green; fresh; raw (of food); hale, sturdy; fortunate, happy.
mcana: young, green, raw.
njth / -th, raw, green, youthful, unripe.
m w3d: successfully, make green; make flourish.
mwth / wth, green, young / youth.
machogo, youngest, last born. [Dholuo].

w3d: fortunate man.

nujumu: fortune, luck. [Ksw].

w3d: a green stone.

njuuru: variety of a deep-green, small and sweet banana.

w3dw: success, happiness.

canjamka: rejoice, be glad in heart; be brisk, bright; be invigorated; take courage.

w3d (pr w3d) (?): an offering.

njara, gift to show appreciation, complimentary gift from a guest or visitor.
(mbar-ya-njara, generous people).

w3dt, bow of ship.

njeli, bow. [Ksw.].

W3dyt, the cobra-Goddess.

that, cobra.
chatu, cobra [Ksw.].

w3dyt, hall of columns.

mthiingirima, a solid, elongated block.
kmthiingirima, solid block.
mthrthr, something tall and lanky; something stretching out a long way.
thiinga, plaster, daub, mud (walls).
thiiha, smooth (a pole, wooden handle, etc.); scrape meat from the bone.

w3d-wr: the (Mediterranean) sea. (the great blue-green).

njuuru: variety of a deep-green, small and sweet banana.
Ajulu: personal name. [Dholuo].
cote dazur?: coastal region off the Mediterranean sea.
-zuri: beautiful, pretty, gorgeous; good. [Ksw].

w3ddt: vegetation.
njanja: off-shoot; cluster of coffee-beans or loquarts, branch or twig laden with berries.
njanja: multiple branching, projection; twigs, small shoots;
njanjara: (of a tree) wide-spreading, well-separated, branches of a tree;
njanjagara: a spreading tree.

wi: I, me.
/ w: answer of a man when called.

wi, mummy case.

i-i / wi-wi, exclamation of sympathy or dismay.
wi, (interjection) woe! alas!

wi3, sacred Bark. (Ras boat trip over-night).

kya, cold, misty, (i.e. the night cold, frost).
mwa, swift current in a river; arm between islets.

win, thrust aside, push away, set aside.

nuuna, place apart by self. nuuna ita, put a force in a hiding-place, in reserve, in a
sitting position, to wait.
nuuna, sit by oneself, apart, alone; sit hunched up.
knuuno, a squatting-place, place where one is kept in waiting.

wc, one; unique, one only.

wa, the one of, the one with (prefix of words descriptive of animals and human

wci: be alone. alone.
woike / woiki / wiki /woika: alone.
ithuiki, we alone.
inyuoike: you alone.
ni nyoiki: I alone.

wcty, sole, single.

wowote (mtu), any (person). [Ksw.].

wct(y), captive.
mgwate, captive.
teka / tekwa: capture / captive. [Ksw].

wcty: goat.
mwat: see above.

wctt: royal Uraeus; name of Uraeus.

gatiitiiira: extremity of animals body, coccyx; (of birds) parsons nose.
tiriki: coccyx.
?(in a childrens song, Njarmi ya Waititi wit-, twanamtua tutu, tutu / the gap between the
middle top incissors, we have made it feel unwell).

wc3: curse.
waa waa!: interjection, surprise, amazement, mockery, derision.

wcb: pure; purify oneself; bathe; cleanse, purify; purification, purity.

batithio, be baptized.
batiza: to baptize. [Ksw.].

wcb: priest.
baatr / mbatithania, priest.
padri, clergyman. [Ksw.].

wcbt, place of embalmment; tomb; kitchen, refectory or the like; offering-slab.
mbrra, grave, resting-place of corpse, buried or unburied; mbrra-in, cemetery.
kbrra, place where more than one corpse has been lain or buried; cemetery.

wcbt, meat offering.

mbagi, meat from the shoulder to leg of both sides of sheep or goat.
wambagi! salutation between those who have shared the ribs at a feast.

wcbw, sacred robe.

?mbithe / kbithe, skin of sheep or sacrificial goat, worn by boys at the Kbiya dance
over the buttocks in place of a serval cat skin.

wcf, bend down horn of bull; subdue nations; be bent, curled up.
bra, twirl, twist, roll. bra njur, curl hair by twisting two strands together at a time (for
decoration); bra itim, rhi, twirl a spear, a sword.

wcn, juniper (?).

mwn, a small tree.
numa, white clover.

wcr: flee.
ra: disappear, run away, escape, abscond; be lost.
rga: jump, run, escape, deny; denounce.

wcr, fugitive.
mri, fugitive, run-away; ill-fated person; solitary, unsociable person.

wcrw: hastiness of speech.

?mwario: manner of speaking.
(mnd) mwaria: a talkative person.

wcrt, desert plateau.

wer: open country, grassland, parkland; uninhabited lands, wilderness, plains.
Karagana, 1. level expanse, plain. 2. name of a location in Embu district, Kenya.

wb3: deflower/rape.
mba: (of men to women) attract, delight, fascinate, captivate, ravish, charm, enchant,
court, make love to, have amorous relations with.
baka, rape. [Ksw.].

wb3, open court of temple.

baraganya: wide open space, dessert, barren land. nymba baraganya, an undivided
house, big unwieldy room.
mbaratha: council, assembly.
baraza: 1. verandah, living/sitting room; parlor for receiving visitors. 2. council. 3. assembly. 4.

college. 5. sitting. [Ksw].

wb3, butler.
baratha, make feel at home, make comfortable.
baratha: make oneself at home, make oneself lavishly comfortable.

wb3yt, maid-servant.
baya, wrap, dress somebody up; dress sprucely.
vaalisha, assist to dress. [Ksw.].

whb: pierce, hole.

hobora: cause to cave in; make sink into the ground.

wbn, rise, shine; glitter, of precious metal; appear, of God or man; overflow; be excessive.
bene / mene, description of a flash of light, the blink of a fire, the shine of an animals
eye in the dark.

wbnw, eastern; the East;

r wbwn, eastward.
bngngi: wanderlust; delinquency; amnesia.
banya, rampage; be in a tearing rage, be frenzied, be in a state of excited pugnacity.
mabanya, furious rage, rampaging, pugnacious frenzy.
mbngngi: 1. one who is not right in his mind, one suffering from loss of memory;
2. vagrant; one seeking to comit a crime.

wpt, horns; top of head; top-knot; head-dress; zenith.

cmb, pate, top of head.
thmb, head-dress of ostrich feathers.
upeo: climax, limit, horizon.
pembe: horn. [Ksw].

wpi: open; open up a district; inaugurate a quarry; part, separate, divide goods; judge
contestants at law.
hingra / bingra: open, unlock;
hingra nymba, open a house ceremonially or otherwise;
hingra gthoomo, beginning a school term.
khiingro, installation (of a medicine-man, priest, etc into office); any inauguration ceremony.
vingua: open. [Kikamba].
bingra: open [KiEmbu].

wpi, cut-off.
hinga / binga, shut, close; hinga njra, close a path (physically or ritually).
hingrria, keep back, block.
hingrrio, blocking, closing up completely.
pinga, block, bar, obstruct; 2. oppose, contradict; 3. bet. [Ksw.].
pingo, barrier, obstruction bar. [Ksw.].

pingili: plant cutting; ring marking a knot or joint in a plant [Ksw].

wpy: decision.
booi(-in): place on one side or other of approach to homestead where a fire was lit
in the evening; the village talking-place.

wpwt: household, crowd.

kboci: crowd of people; public.

wpwt: inventory, schedule.

iboocero: place where things pile up, where a meat feast has just taken place, where
hyenas habitually devour their prey and leaves piles of bones.
kaboocero, repository.

wpwt, message; business mission; behest; task.

bata, something requiring attention, business affair; ritual ceremony.

wp: strew, scatter.

bacania: toss down, throw down with a crash.
baca: go wrong, collapse, break down.

wmt: gateway.
umagara: leave home, village, by the gate, entrance; start on a journey from home.
uumro: exit.
uma: come out, go out from, emerge, leave a place.
uma na: come from, emerge. uma na nja, come out into the courtyard.

wmt: thick cloth.

mata: (of materials) thick, stout; (of liquids) be thick.
maki: thickness. [Ksw].

wmt: mass of men.

umati: crowd, throng. [Ksw].
umma: the public; mass, the populace. [Ksw].
e-umata: gathering of people, crowd, heap, assembly. [Maasai].

wmtt: thick wall; thickness.

mata: thickness.

wn: open, open up, rip open.

nra: peel (of a banana), strip bark off a tree, remove skin from a wound.
nra mt: peel off bark of a tree.

wni: hasten, hurry, pass by, pass away; neglect.

nyuka: run, hurry away; shake oneself and run; bolt away from pursuers.
nyutha: shake oneself and run.

unka: 1. run away early from danger, go early; flee to safety; move off because of
famine; 2. be broken, be breakable.

wn: be stripped off (of eyebrows, of branches of a tree).

nya: use a razor-blade in shaving.
nyoa: shave. [Ksw].

wn: fault, blame.

nya: deride, mock at, make fun of.
knyugo: reproach, provocative remark; scoffing, mocking, gibe, jeer.
nyugi: jeering jibes.

wnwt: hour; division of time.

inyoota, time of thirst.

wnwt: duty, service.

nyoota, shoulder badge, badge of military rank, pip.
e-unoto: establishing of warriors who would traverse their land learning about society and
environment for over seven years. [Maasai].

wnwty: hour-watcher; astronomers.

nyota / niota, star; fortune, luck, fate. [Ksw.].

wnwn: sway to and fro; nod; travel about; move about; traverse a region.
inainia, cause to shake, shiver, quiver, make tremble; inainia mtwe, nod.
kinaino, trembling, fright; eager expectation.

wnb, flower.
mbw, blossom of trees, plants, bushes.

wnmw: food, sustenance; eat. (see snmw, snm).

nmwo / marmo, bittings, eat.
nmri: beans that will not boil soft. nmi-huuhi, biter-blower deceiver.
umunwa: mouth [Luhya].

wnm, fattened ox.

inonoe, fat animal.
mnono / inono, fat in meat, fattiness.

wnn, be, exist.

nuunwa: state of being huddled up in darkness. (Ras creation myth).

wn m3c: true being; reality.

maa, truth; truthfulness, fact.
n maa, it is true.
n wa maa, he is an honest person.

maatir: just, righteous, upright, straight. [Dholuo].
waama: in fact, actually. [Ksw].

Wnn-nfrw, name of Osiris.

mnene, ruler, commander.
nene, throne; greatness, importance; kingdom.
kboro, species of giant reed. (1. the reed as the origin of people).
nyaboro, the one of kboro, a proper name.
boora: be dazed, fuddled (by sleep, illness, debauchery, etc.); be weary, quiet, subdued,
patient. (2. Osiris fuddled and killed by Seths debauchery).

wnh, be clothed, don clothing; assume someones body; dress a vase with garlands.
ngoothi, hide, leather; cover of morocco, cloth, etc.

wnhw, clothing.
nguo / nguwo, article of clothing, cloth for a garment, garment, frock, dress.

wnh, roll of cloth.

ngoora, roll, bale, piece, of cloth.

wn, jackal.
ngc, a small fierce kind of jackal.
mthige / wamthige, brown type of jackal.

wn, sledge.
nyaguthra, make start, run fast, cause to bolt out of hiding or den.
igutha / ngutho, tug, pull with a jerk; snatch at, jerk.
guthu-guthu, description of a sudden movement, of tugging, jerking, to pull something out of
the ground.

wndw, short-horned cattle.

njuuru, name given to female goats, ewe, or cow that is short-eared by birth.
njagua, cow with long upstanding horns like sugar-cane leaves.
njaguara, 1. she-goat with long horns; 2. a well-shaped ox-horn.

wndw, goats.
njir, all black goat.
njiri, female goat or cow with white spots on forehead.

wndwt, associates. (see d3mw).

njaama, manpower; potential people for a task; those waiting to serve as an individual
group or country.

wndwt, hollow, depression.

mwanda, fold in a hill-side; shallow valley without permanent water.

wr, swallow.
thngrr, swallow, house-martin, swift.

wr(r): (of size) great; (of quantity) much, many; (of degree) great, important.
rir: something unusual, marvel, causing sensation, mystery, wonder.
ruruuch: heap up, pile up, gather. [Kalenjin].
roromoa: expand something. [Ksw].
urari: balance; urari wa hesabu, balance of accounts. [Ksw].

wr: greatness of size; (of quantity) sufficiency of food; excess of supplies; much.
mrrmbo: 1. pile, heap, plateful. 2. something entire, uncut, undivided; something too long,
big. 3. dense mass, block, belt (of trees).
wer: open country, plains, parkland, uninhabited lands.
lufufu: plenty, much, lots of. [Ksw].
lundika: accumulate, pile up. [Ksw].
lundo: pile, heap; dump, mound. [Ksw].
urushaji: overcharging. [Ksw].
ureda: luxury, comfort. [Ksw].
uraibu: addiction. [Ksw].

wrt: greatness of rank, importance; what is important; very.

kru, very much; awfully, dreadfully. mathite kru, they have gone very fast, very far.

wr, great one, magnate; chief of a company, ruler of a foreign land.

rr, worth, important; ar rr, he is important.

wr-hk3w, Great of Magic, especially of Gods, of king, of crowns; of Ureaus.

rr, important (see above).
r / mr, danger, loss, death.
ngak, a fierce, brave, violent man.

wrt: The Sacred Bark (boat) Ras trip over-night.

rathi (of the sun and moon), rise;
ratha: (of sun) rise above horizon, sunrise.
irathro: place of sun-rising; east.
arahka: rouse oneself, get up, resume work after rest.

wri, portion of meat.

kringe, a portion (of meat, etc.).
iringa, portion allotted, lot; allocation of the parts of an animal at a lawsuit, the hide to
one, the fat to another, the rump to a third.
oriyo: left-over food. [Dhpluo].

wryt: door posts.

kriing / gtiing: post.
oriti: good-bye. [Dholuo].

wryt, cloth for straining liquids.
kariti, funnel / strainer for liquids.

wrrt: crown; as a goddess.

riiri: splendour, beauty, prettiness.
rir: marvel, wander, (as above).
kileleta: summit point, highest point. [Ksw].
kilele: summit. [Ksw].

wrryt: chariot; wagon.

rra: roam, loaf, wander about aimlessly; walk about with uncertain gait.
riaria, pace to and fro, up and down. ~ na riara, quickly.
rerema, go round something, skirt, make a detour round.
reresha: loiter, wonder. [Ksw].
riaria: to seek; fret. [Ksw].
a-rere, to step around, to step gently. [Maasai].
a-rereiki, to keep stepping onto. [Maasai].
riirii: run together in a team or group. [Kalenjin].
uruur: pass through a trackless road; go through a forest. [Kalenjin].
uryeet: drive away. [Kalenjin].

wrh: anoint with, smear. m mrht, grease, oil.

rigitha: rub (of eyes, etc.); press out by a rubbing movement (of sorgum, etc.).
rigithi: rubbing.
uruga: mix.

wry: watcher, sentry.

rthrria / cthrria, look at something in the distance; look well.
mrthrria / mcthrria: watcher.
mrithi: herder, shepherd.
ulinzi, guard, sentry. [Ksw].

wr:spendtheday;spendonestimeingeneral,spendmuch time on a guest; wake,beawake.

racria, (of a sick person, new born baby) open eyes.






















gkng, peg, stake; fencing pole.












mcembe / mwcembia: one who walks slowly and hesitantly with a stealthy gait.






















?thaambu / zebu: cow with white spots on a grey background?





cnithia:givesomebodysomethingtolick, makesomeonetastefood.
cncn: teasing expression, refers to one who is fond of licking bones.

mcn:yellowthroatedfrancolinwithbarepatchontheneck.(a large game bird
resembling a partridge, with bare skin on the head or neck).

wr: dry up; be barren, of women; be despoiled.

ithaaraara: dry, dead, banana-leaf;
gthaaraara: 1. lanky, weedy, person; 2. person of weak character.

wd: address someone; question someone; assent.

thuuta: 1. investigate minutely, sift a matter; discriminate; 2. pry into, gossip about other
peoples affairs.
wd r mdt, invite to speak.
thuuta mnd ndeto, question, investigate someone.


ggna: (ofdonkeys,locusts)eat(exhaustedpasturage,etc.)downtotheroots.






gaga: be damp, clammy, chilly, feel cold; (coll.)dieofcold,hunger.



























waathani, exercise of of authority, rule, jurisdiction; domination, command, reign
over others.
waatho: order, authority, law, jurisdiction; command; regulation.

ndebe / utepe: badge of rank.













wd3t: uninjured eye of Hrw; capacity.

?njarara: one of the two halves of something split in two but not entirely separated.
?njat / rat: 1. one half, side, source of notation of measures of anything split in two, piece
split off. 2. a crack.



wd3r,attainarank. ?njra:way,path,road;method.
mswd3,funeralcortege. njrayathaama,deathsdoor.

wdc: 1. cut cords, cut off head, be parted, of lips of wound; cut out sandals. 2. judge; have
judgement with; judge betweenlitigants;3.opendoor;discern,assign,devoteto;remove.





wdc-mdw, judge; litigate; have judgement.

hft: against; judgement.
1. thnja mnd: judge, fine somebody.
2. thuura mnd: interrogate somebody concerning something. (see thuura below).

wdc-rwt: judge.
thuuro: process of investigating a case before the elders.
thuuro: fastidiousness, choiceness, selectness.
thuura: investigate, discuss, unravel an affair; thuura mnd, interrogate somebody
concerning something.
thuurania: make up ones mind, decide, make a resolution.
ithuuranro: 1. place of judgement, sorting things out. 2. the last judgement (Bib).
mthuura: a fastidious person.
mthuuri: an elder, councilor, married man with children or of age to have children.
gthuuri: big, clumsy sort of elder; isolated hill of some prominence; large mound,
thuuri: condition of being an elder; qualities attaching to eldership.



njabi / njabacabi: swampiness, swamp, place where there is standing water.

wdnw: flood, inundation.

njano: nick, cut, mark, notch; boundary line, surveyors line through bush; marking in
ear of stock animal to indicate ownership; notching on stick to indicate passage of days.
kria njano, be over the mark, exceedingly.

wdh: pour out.

njakoira: season of daily light rain by day.
thothoka, (of words) pour out; burst under pressure; (of a spring) burst out from the
ground; (of people in a house) rush out.



bw, place.
see brri below.
bu, place of. [Luhya].

b3: be; possess a soul. (see nty below).

Abantu / avandu / and: people.

b3w: souls of dead; power; deed of power.

baba, 1. my father; my paternal uncle. 2. term of occasional address to God.
baba: father; sire. [Ksw.].
aba, father, begetter, progenitor, maker, forebear, patriarch. [Kalenjin].

B3b3y: first son of Osiris.

baaba: father (endearing term), my father, daddy; God.
abayya / baaba, my father. [Kalenjin].

b3: hack-up the earth; hoe crops, destroy, desolate.

bukra: unearth, uncover by removing earth.
abuch, turn upside down. [Kalenjin].
abooni, second round farming. [Kalenjin].
panda: plant, sow. [Ksw.].

b3t: symbol of Hathor.

mbaato /mbaat: ritual accompanying the giving of hospitality to ones clan and age-mates and
friends, prior to initiation. (NB: lots of beer drunk as part of Hathor-worship rituals).
njoohi ya mbaato, beer drunk during the above ritual.

b3tyt: devotee of Hathor.

batithia: baptize.
mbatithio, the baptized.
mbatari, a supplicant.
batiza: to baptize. [Ksw.].

b3t: bush; wisp of corn.

mbararaia / mbararia: side, flank (of thicket, forest, field, valley).
rbaria, njah cia rbaria, stiff upstanding bean spikes (of blossom or pods) that have not
grown into tangled, intertwined mass.

bar: inland, fields in the mainland. [Dholuo].
bara: mainland. [Ksw.].

b33wt: virility.
baai: mans semen.
mbe, off-spring.
mbeithia, human seed, survivors of family left to propagate the breed ; wild oats (in
metaphorical sense).

b3iw, damp.
haig / baig, a damp, wet, place.
ihga, be damp, wet, drenched.

b3w: gulley.
baring: furrow made by a plough.

b3b3t, inshore eddy?

bubuta, (of river) flow in a torrent, grow rapidly; rush madly about, stampede.
beebera, fan, wave about; rotate, spin.

b3h: phallus.
bangithia: take to prostitution.
kabaik: compact, well-knit, sturdy little person.

b3h, measure of capacity.

banga, arrange, pile, display, set out, goods for sale in the market.
kbango, pile of products / produce (for sale).

b3s, jar.
mbth, long bottle-shaped gourd used for carrying water, gruel, etc; cup.
mbege: medium-sized half gourd, calabash dish.

b3s, devour.
boocera, stuff oneself with food.
booca, give out daily rations of food.

b3k: oily; be dazzled, clear of character; innocent; fortunate.

haka / baka, smear, spread, apply (oil, paint, any liquid).
bukunya / tukunya, smear (oil, red ochre, etc.) roughly (over the skin).
paka: smear, spread, apply (oil, ointment, paint). [Ksw.].
mpako: coating; [Ksw.].

b3k, work; pay taxes; work horses, fields, carry out a task.
buuka: dig vigorously, dig thoroughly.
buukabuuka, cultivate a little or a bit of a piece of land.
okubooka, get very tired, have problems due to hard work; etc. [Olunyore].

bk3t: work, task, works of craftsmanship; labour of captives; revenue, taxes.
mbuuko, digging.
kbka, a vigorous cultivator.

b3k, servant; b3k im, your humble servant.

mbagathi / mbagathi: porter, labourer.
mpakizi: loader. [Ksw.].
wako!: (said mostly in letters with requests) your humble servant; I am yours truly. [Ksw.].

b3kt: maid servant.

mbaka: 1. female sheep or goat kept in the house and hand-fed to improve condition and
promote good off-spring. 2. proper (girls) name.

bk3, (variation) the morrow.


bkyt, below.
bukra, earth up (root crops).
fuki, bury, inhume; fill up a hole. [Ksw.].

b3gi: be weary, languid; be slack, remise; weariness, slackness. (see sb3gi).

bagabaga: rove, roam about; be restless; hustle, trouble.
mbagabagi: a restless person.

b3gyw: the languid ones = the dead.

mbagi, (of people, etc) be missing; be at a loss to know what to do, (from aga).
baga: to be possessed of an evil spirit. [Ksw.]

b3gs, thorn-bush.
ibaage / mbaage, a straggling prickly shrub with reddish-purple stems and bipinnate leaves and
yellow flowers (Mauritius thorn).

b3gsw, dagger.
banga, bush-knife;
kbanga, large, unwieldy, badly-made cutlass.
e-mpikas, aggressive, fully-armed warriors on the warpath, raiding force. [Maasai].

bit, block of stone.

khiga / kbiga, large, bulky stone, rock.
ol-bili, an outcropping of stones, a stony patch. [Maasai].

bit: vase of oval shape.

mbithi: 1. a type of a calabash. 2. a proper name.

bit, bee.

mbk / njk, bee.
hinga / binga: species of bee which arranges its cells transversely across the mouth of the

bit, crown of Lower Egypt.

?biganya: combine, mix; to mix old tembo with fresh. [Ksw].

bit, goddess of L. E.
biti / binti: young lady, daughter, miss.
biibi, lady, wife.
bibi, lady, wife (of); mistress. [Ksw.].

bity, King of Lower Egypt.

?mbtkra (ya ita), those who go in response to the war-cry or to an alarm.

bi: good deed; good example.

bi: completely, absolutely, totally.
N bi! said of a beautiful or perfect dress, deed or action.

bi3: bronze.
rbia / mbia: 1. silver coin worth (nominally) two shillings. 2. money.
Nyakibia: girls proper name.
esibia: metal [Olunyore].
ekibia: metal [Lulogooli].

bi3, heaven, firmament.

mbingu: sky, heaven, firmament. [Ksw.].

bi(3)w: wonders, marvels.

bi: N bi! said of a beautiful or perfect dress, deed or action.

bi3: m bi3: no.

mba: Catholic priest. (no to social norms - marriage?).

bibi: acclamation; symptom of disease.

bb: (of a spate of words) volubly; talking too much.

bin, bad, evil.

mbi, bad. [Lulogooli].
omubi, bad. [Olunyore].
mbi: bad customs. [Ksw].

bcbc, drink.
bbta, drink greedily, take a long draught, drink a great quantity of.

bcbct, stream.

bobotoka, pour out, pour down with violence.
kboboto, any very heavy downpour.

bchw: inundation, flood.

babuukania, (of river) flow in a torrent, grow rapidly.
imba, 1. swell. 2. work up for rain.
imbanga, swell quite a bit, some more.
imbatara, (of river in flood) rise.
mbkra, a rising up of people for some purpose; a demonstration of force by a number of
people to enforce something.
mbkrra, suddenness, urgency.
foka: boil over, spurt out, fulminate, erupt, discharge; rant, rave; bark; blast. [Ksw].

bch, basin for irrigation.

see babuukania above.
imbka, (of swelling, flood) subside.

bchi, have abundance, be well-supplied; be inundated; flood, inundate.

mbkra, a rising up (of people for some purpose, etc.); a demonstration of force by a number of
people to enforce payment of debt or execution of judgment by authorities, etc.

bch, be detested.
mbkio, a thing of no worth; (something despised; mock, sham).

bw: place.
wrr: great, much, many; region, continent.
wr: greatness of size; sufficiency of food; excess of supplies.
brri (bw wrr): 1. country, countryside; 2. people of a country; community.
brra: mass, body; things taken all together.
rri: lobby, (space at the entrance between the door and the wall separating it from the rest of the
irri: salt lick, cattle lick; mineral spring.
mrri: 1. folded new leaf of banana, sugar- cane, (still pointing upward); 2. new leaf or centre-
tube growing up from a severed banana-palm trunk; 3. whistling sound produced by the lips.
mrri: beam of light. mrri wa ria, sunbeam.
[NB: brri, land, great of size, with plenty of sunshine, food, and necessary minerals].

bwt: detest, abominate; abomination.

hooha: despise, scorn; look askance at. khooho, contempt, detestation; animosity, aversion.

bw3: magnate, notable.

bwana: sir, mister, employer, minister (of church or government). [b. 40b].
bwana: Sir, Mr, Lord, husband; respected person. [Ksw.].

bw3t, covert for wildfowl.

buya, remove feathers, skin, hair, by scalding with hot water; pluck feathers, wool, hair.

fuchua, pluck feathers or hair. [Ksw.].

bbt, hole, cavity.

?mwahuuha (mwabuuba), a yawning hole, cavity, gap, breach, tunnel; a dogs nose, the mouth
of an elephants trunk.

bbt: herb (inula gravedens).

?mhuuha, herb (Galiniera coffeiodes), has small pink flowers, the roots of which are
used for flavoring broth and soup, also for making a drink resembling tea or cocoa.

bbyt, region of throat.

?khaah, heap, pile, quantity, mass (of beads round somebodys neck, garlands on a
he-goat chosen for slaughter, garments on a person, books, etc.).

bbwt, wig (reaching to shoulders?).

ibb / ibwbw, scarf, veil, muffler, veil enveloping the whole person.
buibui, covering veil of Muslim women. [Ksw.].

bnt, harp.
knbi, harp.
knanda, musical instrument.

bnw, heron.
?mbuni, ostrich. [Ksw.].

bnwt, a hard sandstone; corn-rubber.

?khiany, large sod of earth or turf turned up by a digging pole or hoe.

bnbn: the sacred stone of On. (see mtwn; mtn).

mbinuko, protuberance, convex. [Ksw.].
(NB: Itwm and the primeval mound that arose from Nwn in the creation myth, later believed to
be Itums small pyramid).

bnbnt: pyramidion.
A pyramidion is the uppermost piece of a pyramid. In the Old Kingdom, Pyramidions were
generally made of fine limestone, which were then covered in gold or electrum; while during the
Middle Kingdom and through to the end of the Pyramid building era, they were built from
granite. A pyramidion was "covered in gold leaf to reflect the rays of the sun".
benabena / menamena / menka / hena: (of stars) twinkle; (of fire, glowing worms,
moving light) glimmer; flash, flash out; flare up suddenly; give a sudden flicker; (of
blooms, blossoms, flowers) open out, peep out of bud.
uluvinu: a (medicinal) plant with bright yellow flowers. (Kaimosi Mission) [Lulogooli].

bnbnt: stem (?) of ship.

?bene: plaited head-strap (worn by young boys).
mbinu: 1. double-jointed curve. 2. strategy, device, tactic, method, [Ksw.].

bniw (bnrw): date wine.

mbiny: strong drink; wine, spirits.
vinyo: wine. [Ksw.].
em-pinyo: spirits, strong drinks. [Maasai].

bnty: pair of breasts.

binti / biti: daughter, miss, girl, young lady. [Ksw.].

bht, flabellum.
khuruuti / kburuuti, fan; propeller.

bh3, flee.
bgga, walk fast.
baba, run at a trot.
hgahga, be in a rush.
hka, run fast (for safety, etc.), make haste, get a move on.

bh3w, fugitive.
?mhkwo / mhki, a person in haste.


bhn, cut off limbs; drive off foes.

buukana, fight each other vigorously.
mbuukano, fighting (especially with hands and fists), mutual defiance.

bhs / bhz: calf; side of veal.

mbagi: meat from shoulder to leg of both sides of sheep or goat.
en-kishu, cattle.
en-kiteng, cow, head of cattle.
bagicu / baagite, salutation between friends.

bhn: country mansion.

mbogani: vegetables-place.
mbo: (at a) distance; remote.

bhnw, the so-called basalt.

kny, a piece of salt; the property of salt.
mny, any brackish or mineral earth appreciated by livestock; salty earth; salt-
lick. mny mwer, chalk-like earth found in certain localities.

bhbh, pride, as a bad quality.
?bngia, freedom, independence.

bs: introduce someone; install; initiate, hr, into; inter; bring in a state of affairs; reveal a
secret; enter, m, on an office.
bicra, make visible, uncover, expose, open.
bicria, expose something covered; open eyes.
kabic: small boys age set, grade.

bs: secret.
bicabicania, conceal, hush up, gloss over, minimize.
bica: fade out, disappear; be extinguished.
ficha: hide from; conceal, bury, disguise. [Ksw.].
hitha, hide from, conceal.
hitho / hitho, secrecy, hiding.

bsw: secret image of God.

bica: conceal, fade out, hush up. [Gky].
mbcnwa: any manifestation of fury, rage, hysteria (a violent wind, thunder, etc.).

bsi: flow forth, of water; influx of foreign migrants.

kboci: crowd of people.
bocia, shake up (fluids, etc. in a container).
bocabocia, cause to splash about (in a vessel); shake about.

bsw, result, consequence.

?bec, in vain, for nothing; openly, without reserve.

bsw: morbid discharges.

mbico: eye discharge on walking, bleariness; particles of dried matter on the eyes after
kbico, one afflicted with rheum of the eyes; bleariness; one partially blind.

bsw: flame; bsw n sdt: firebrand.

bucuna / bcna, be sullen, sulky, irritated, moody, vexed.
bca: be worked up, fume; become unable to control oneself; be choking with anger,

bs3: protect.
kabuci / mbuci: hide-out in the forest.

bs / b3s: jar.
mbth, long bottle-shaped gourd used for carrying water, gruel, etc; cup.
mbici: a dry measure (about half a gallon).

bsn / bzn, gypsum.
?mboothi, dust, ashes; dense smoke; cloud of smoke.

bsk: disembowel.
bocoka: 1. (of a bumpy animals stomach) be sunken, hollowed. 2. (of a hill-side
coastline, etc.) be indented, recessed.

bskw: entrails.
kabocoko: recess, indentation.



buusa:alcoholic drink made from fermented grain [Luhya].
buza: alcohol made from honey. [Ksw.].


mbthr, arrogant, masterful person.

bk: be hostile, r, to someone.

buukra: quarrel someone.
buuka: be in violent rage; (of a bull) be spoiling for a fight; quarrel without reason,

bkbkw: recalcitrance.
mbgabgo: crazy senseless behavior.
bgabga: be not quite right in the head; be unable to settle down, be restless, erratic.
bga: be unsettled, uneasy, erratic, disordered in mind, crazy.

bksw: spine.
kbik: the shaft of an arrow without an arrow-head.
bikithio, be made to march steadily on, to travel a long distance.
mkurumuthu / mkuruguthu, 1. hollow of back, spinal furrow. 2. centre rib, ridge,
of sword-blade, spear, knife.

bk3: the morrow, morning.
kuuka: have ones eyes opened to something previously misunderstood; comprehend after
some difficulty.
guka: 1. be revealed, unveiled; 2. (of mountains, sky, etc.) become clear, cloudless; 3.
comprehend, have ones eyes opened to something previously misunderstood.
buka: wake up (Lulogooli).

b3gi: be weary.
bagabagia: make worried, agitated, restless, roam about.

bgsw: wrong-doing.
bagabagithia, get something prepared hurriedly, concocted anyhow.
mbagi: self-willed, disobedient person.
bangithia, 1. take to prostitution. 2. make rebel, disobey, get out of control.
bogotha: talk deliriously, stupidly, or without meaning (in ones sleep).

bt3: wrong, crime.

buta / butka: be barefaced, shameless, bold, be lacking in modesty, good manners.
mbutabutko, bad-manners; impudence.

bt3: wrong-doer.
kbutu: shameless, brazen fellow.

bt3t: harm, injury.

bata: pinch hard; nip.
batrra: pinch, nip, severely in many places (as in punishing a child).

btn: disobey, defy.

bootania, irritate with insinuations or repeated contrary remarks.
biitina: pursue a feud, make a case against somebody from spite, jealousy, ill will;
provoke a quarrel.
fitina: mischief, intrigue; enmity, animosity. [Ksw.].

btnw: defiant man, rebel.

mbootania, one who argues, disputes, wrangles; one who irritates with insinuations
or repeated contrary remarks.

btk: squalor.
buthu, rottenness, rot.
buthka, rot, get rotten.

btktk: escape.
butabutka: be restless, on the move, twitchy, unsettled.
batabatia, make fowls run away flapping (their wings).
batabatka: move about in excitement.
futahi, escape, run away from danger. [Ksw.]

fuutafuuta, [Ullogooli].

bt: run, abandon, forsake.

butka: be on the move, (of disobedient youth) take off without parental approval.
butu: like a flash, in an instant, in the twinkling of an eye.
guthka: bolt away, rush off, run off fast.

btw: incurable disease or person.

-buthu: (butha) rotten, dead; gone bad.

bdt: bed of gourds, etc.

ibndu: clump of grass of darker colour than surrounding bush.

bd3: jar. (see b3s, jar above).

mbth: long bottle-shaped gourd used for carrying water, gruel, etc; cup.

p, mat.
kbar, sleeping mat.
mbar, withered and stripped mid-rib of banana leaf used for mat-making.

p, base for statue.

?kambro, commencement; beginning of a matter, case, project.
ol-bakunoto, foundation, base. [Maasai].

pt: sky, heaven.

mvita: people of the sky [Ksw.].

p, fly, fly up.

mbka, (of birds, aeroplnes, persons, etc.) fly off, rise up and go.
puruka, fly. [Ksw.].
paa, rise, ascend. [Ksw.].

p3t, cake or loaf used in offering. (see 3h / h3: bread).

mgate, bread, loaf.
mkate. [Ksw.].

p3yt, lock (?) on door.

baya, bind, tie up.

p3ct, irrigable land.

bra, margin of a river, shallow water at the brink.
mbra, steep eroded bank, margin of river; broken away bank or ridge.

mboorio, piece of ground re-dug.
mbora, land which has been cultivated before and left to lie fallow. [Dholuo].

p3ct, quail.
bata / batabata, (of birds) flap about, flutter; (of fowls) run away flapping their wings.
bubutka, (of a herd) rush madly, stampede.

p3wt, primaeval time.

ka, origin; groin.
ndbaa: ancestors (in Wakamwe song);

p3wt tpt, the beginning of time; tp-cw(y): former, predecessors, ancestors.

ndba, time past; original / pure.
dibaji: preface, preamble, prologue. [Ksw].

p3w: falsehood; gossip.

ara, unclothe (literally or metaphorically); divest, gossip about others.
njare, exposure; condition of being stripped clean.
payo: 1. foolish talk, chatter, blabbering; 2. adulterous behavior. [Ksw].

p3wt: burden, of illness.

ara, unload, unburden.
pooza: paralyze. [Ksw].
puuka: get thin. [Ksw].

p3h: to scratch.
pekua: 1. scratch up. 2. browse, scratch about; walk barefooted. [Ksw].

P3ht: She who scratches, a lion goddess.

mbaka: cat.
paka: cat. [Ksw.].

p3hd: be turned upside down; be turned over, of sole of foot; of dislocation of collar-
gondoka, (of arms, supple material, trees, etc.) be bent inwards, snap; get broken without
being completely severed.
gondorania, bend, twist, break, entirely without severing.

p3s, water-pot.
mbth, long bottle-shaped gourd used for carrying water, gruel, etc; cup.
mbuuri / njuuri, small clay pot without lugs.
kbuuri, pot with a large wide mouth.
boca, (of water, fluid, in a half-full container) get shaken; splash about.

p3kyt: shell of turtle, of skull; flake of stone; potsherd.

ol baki: crack, cutting. [Maasai].

p3g: squat.
mbogoro: bow-leggedness.
kbogoro, one who is bow-legged.
mboko, deformity of arm or leg.

p3d, a loaf.
bajia: cake of ground lentils and pepper. [Ksw.].

py, flea.
funza, 1. jigger, sand flea; larva, maggot; grub. [Ksw.].

pct: elite.
bata: value, worth; something requiring attention; importance, impressive size, weight.
mnd wa bata: an important person.

pct: patricians, mankind.

and, people, humanity.
abaandu, people. [Luhya].
watu: persons, human beings, individuals. [Ksw.].

pct, a cake or loaf.

mgate, bread.
mkate, bread. [Ksw.].

pcw, flames (?).

beebo / beeba, high fever.

pn, (demonstrative) this; he of.

no, this one (depending on the noun class).
bino, this. [Luhya].
funo, [OLunyala].

pnc, turn upside down.

inamania, turn upside down, invert.
mini, upside down position.
inamisha, tip over. [Ksw].
pindua, overturn. [Ksw.].
pindua kikombe, turn the cup upside down.

pnw: mouse.
mbya, house-rat; mouse.
panya: mouse / rat. [Ksw.].

pns, cut off a joint; pull out hair.

munyra / minyra / binyra, uproot, pluck up; tear (hair from skins, etc.); pluck a fowl.

pns, clay.
mbiy: pure clay unmixed with sand.

pnst, scum (?).

-buthu: (butha) rotten, dead; gone bad.
panza, 1. coconut left in the shell after grating. 2. piece of soap left after use. [Ksw.].

pr: house.
kbrr: ones traditional residence (ikaro wa mnd wa ndire).
mbar: house, lineage, family group, sub-clan, exogamous group.
Mbali, Wambali / Wambar: common Bantu names.
?Nyambar: place-name in Limuru.

Pr-c3: Great House, Palace; later, The Pharaoh. (see npr: grain as God).
mbar: house, lineage, family group, sub-clan, exogamous group.
mbaria: 1. dried sorghum eaten raw by warriors; 2. a mans name.
muberyaat, newly-harvested millet grain. [Kalenjim].
baarya: a fight, battle; conflict; baaryeet: war, expedition, a fight. [Kalenjin].

pr-cnh: House of Life.

Mbalianga: proper name [Kikongo].
mbalariany, university, institution of higher learning. [Dholuo].

pr-md3t: library.
maanja, bundle, bunch (of leaves, etc).
mjadala: discussion, debate. [Ksw.].

md3t: chisel;
ceetho / njeethi, chisel, carpenters chisel; metal wedge.
t3w- md3t: sculptor.
Mthwagi-wa-njeethi, sculptor.
thwaga / thwega, perforate, pierce; bore out; scoop out, bore with rotary motion.
t3w: book.
thwate, piece of hide. ma ta thwate, be as tough as leather.
thwata, split (leather for reinforcing axe-head).
(The ancient sculptors normally carved the hieroglyphs into stone, wood, or ivory, or painted on

pr-wr, national shrine of Upper E.

rr, worth, importance.
rro, place of refuge.
beera: long ago.
mbirar: the military, troops.
berur: blessing. [Kalenjin].

pr-nfr, funerary workshop.
kbeeri, large shed, rest-house; school.
beregenya, place correctly in position.
buriani: last words, farewell, especially of persons going for a long journey. [Ksw.].

pr-hry, upper part of building.

ghorofa, storey, floor. [Ksw.].

pr-hd, treasury.
gkoonjo, grain store.
hazina: treasure; reservoir; valuables; fund; the treasury. [Ksw].

pr-hnty, harem.
?kinda, (of male) copulate.
faraka: separation, detachment; sect, division, section. [Ksw].
kundi: group, flock; pack, crowd, multitude. [Ksw].

pr-hry, ground floor.

ngarro, division, portion, taken out.

pr-dw3t, robbing-room.
para: make up. [Ksw].
dawati: 1. bureau, desk. 2. drawer, davenport. [Ksw].

pri, go, come out; escape; burst forth.

barizi; assemble with others for a chat or leisure talk; relax out of doors; promenade;
go out for a walk. [Ksw.].

pry, ferocious bull.

mbari, wild cat; species of jackal.
em-barie, jackal, fox. [Maasai].

prw: motion, procession, outcome, result.

mbar: nearness of completing something.

prw: excess, surplus.

tborongo / tboronge, leavings.

prw, land emerged from inundation. (Black suggests fertility to the Egyptian mind
because it is the colour of the Nile silt which produced rich harvests hence the notion of
springing to life after bodily death is inherent in the dark fur of Anubis, Hart: 25).
-bir / mbir: black, dark brown.
ipiru: to enkindle, to originate. [Maasai].
biro, to come. [Dholuo].

pr-c: be active.

-barabaria: stir oneself.

prt-c: activity.
bariita: caper about, behave wildly, active; dash about; (of a bird, when captured,
hovering or taking a bath) flatter wings wildly; (of people) squirm, throw oneself
about (as when attacked by ants); fidget, move about.

prt: to emerge.
see bariita above.

prt: winter.
baridi: cold. [Ksw.].

pri, battlefield; fighting.

mbirar, the military; of the army, belonging to the army.
barara, ara barara, (of warriors) be in battle array.
baruti, gun-powder.

ph: reach a person or place.

bika, travel a long distance, march steadily on.
fika: 1. arrive at, reach, find, get to. 2. be complete. [Ksw.].

phwy, hinder-parts, hind-quarters; of a locality, its northern part; rear, rearguard of army; end, in
both concrete and abstract senses.
(k)bogo: in Wer r Njogu song. (NB: bog: wet,spongygroundwithsoilcomposedmainly
gwe: 1. sourness, sour taste; bitter taste. 2. divination, prophesy.
ivugwe: east. [Lulogooli].
ebukwe: east. [Luhya].
ugwe: east, dawn. [Dholuo].
Mgwe: rain-maker; diviner. [Meru].
vugwi: rock cod (yellow-grey to red-brown type of fish). [Ksw.].

phwyt, rectum.
(k)bogo: in Wer r Njogu song. (NB: bog: wet,spongygroundwithsoilcomposedmainly
vugwi: rock cod (type of fish yellow-grey to red-brown in colour). [Ksw.].
ivugwe: east. [Lulogooli].
ebukwe: east. [Luhya].

pht-r, ending at.

gatra: ease off at, for; die off, decimated at.

phww, the far north.

(k)bogo: in Wer r Njogu song. (NB: bog: wet,spongygroundwithsoilcomposedmainly

phww, the marshland.
(k)bogo: in Wer wa Njogu song.

phrr: run.
-bra: run away for dear life; bolt; bestir oneself, get a move on.
krrra: move faster, accelerate, hurry up.

phty: physical strength; power of king.

gta (hinya), be strong, become difficult.
gtra (hinya), be too much for ones power of endurance.
mgwandata, strength, energy, agility, initiative.

phd, cut up, cut open, sever; burst upon.

?ngathi, small cut or scar made on pubic area of young girl prior to initiation.
gata, cut, cut out.

phdw, chair.
ngonjo (gt-ka-ngonjo), chair made of intertwined saplings.
konja, (for chairs, beds, fences, etc.) intertwine sapling sticks to make chairs, etc.

ph3, a drink.
fuka: thin porridge made of rice, sugar, honey and black pepper. [Ksw].

phr, turn, turn about; move about (of limbs); revolve, of sun; travel around; circumambulate;
pervade hearts; unroll a papyrus; twist, distort what is said.
garira, turn; turn over, turn round to the right way up.
garra, 1. turn (round) the right way up or out. 2. change, alternate, make go back.
3. rotate (crops).
garka, reverse, turn over, outside in, inside out.

phrt: prescription, remedy, medicine.

mbrgt (mbgrt?) / brgt: 1. small round object (such as tablet of medicine); small
lump in food or porridge. 2. pimple, pustule.
bulugutu: wad. [Ksw].

phrt, transitory state, description of life.

ikirti: 1. time of life. n a ikirti rmwe, they are contemporaries. 2. space of time, period,
interval; distance, interval (in distance).

phrt, frontier patrol.

giriti: giriti-in, edge, fridge, verge, outskirts, suburbs.
girita / kirita, crawl along the ground, draw oneself along, move on ones haunches.
mgirito /mkirito: track, trail of anything dragged along the ground; by-path.

phrty, traveler.

mgiriti: one who draws oneself along. (see girita above).

phti / 3tt: magic word power strength.

giti: interjection (said by a person to himself audibly when he plants his shield or prepares to
defend himself as a warning to his companions) look out! guard yourself!
gitigiti tr akore, interjection: on your guard! we are cornered.

psi: cook.
mbici / mmbici: professional cook.
mpishi: cook. [Ksw.].

psw: preparation of food and drink.

mbici: dry measure (about half a gallon).
paaza: grind, pound, grain (with a pestle or mortar). [Ksw].
pwaza: boil piece of cassava, etc. [Ksw].

psn / pzn: a loaf.

than, hard maize roasted in the open air.
bisi: fried maize/millet, corn. [Ksw].
upapasa: cassava bread. [Ksw].
bunzi: maize comb. [Ksw.].

psh / pzh, bite; sting.

thegenya, gnaw, eat into, pick at.
pachika: stick, insert. [Ksw].

psh, disarray ones hair; be distraught; be strewn.

thogothania, poke at, into; provoke; disturb; rake (fire, etc.).
thkia, spoil, make bad, injure, disfigure, foul, defile, render dirty.

pss: results of labour.

thithino, perspiration, sweat.
thithinka, become rested, calm; have perspiration or sweat evaporated or dried.
jasho: sweat, lather; effort, earning, hard labour. [Ksw.].

boshosha (boshoa):causetosplit,tear,slice.[Ksw].

(g)cuunj: piece, part, portion, section.

(ga)cucu: fragment, bit, small piece especially of solid matter; a broken fragment.
rthatha, long splinter on a broken piece of wood; plant thinned out.
gathatha, strand, fiber, bristle; thin spill, sliver for kindling a fire.
thathara, sub-divide (plants, etc.), thin out. thathara ndeto, pick matters for
discussion (leaving out the rest); thathara nyama, cut meat up into small pieces;
thathara mrigo, lighten a load (by taking out some of its contents); 2. tear (split
wood) apart.

psw: arbitrator.
bucithia, make blink; make ashamed, afraid. mnd n abucagria mkr-we, one
ought to give way to one older than oneself.
mtuithania, arbitrator, one who decides between two disputants.
patanishwa, be made to reconcile, be pacified; be brought to agreement. [Ksw.]

(g)caambi: reed, papyrus; mat; papyrus sheet used as screen and for building.
ithaanj: reed plant growing in the swamps, (used for making icaambi floor-mats, screens, etc.).
jamvi, big floor mat made of straw. [Ksw.].
o-seyiai, reed, tall grass which grows in water. [Maasai].


psg, spit on, at; spittle.

cagacia, make sodden, soaking; make wet and slippery.
ciga, (of a very wet road or floor of house soaked with animal urine) be soppy, sploshy;
(of a person) be drenched.
a-isegaa, to spit through the gap between the teeth, to gob. [Maasai].
a-isikaa, to spit, to expectorate. [Maasai].


The Ancient Egyptian Creation Myth

psd: nine; shine.

caanjarka: be opened out, fully exposed; (of sunlight and moon) be bright, brilliant.
(of sunlight and moon) be bright, brilliant; be opened out, fully exposed.
thaanja: 1. (of sun) rise and send out rays. 2. be cracked, spring a crack, open up as a crack. 3.
be glad. thaanja ngoro, be cheerful, light-hearted.

charchar: glittering, shiny. [Kalenjin].
Kenda-Miyru, the complete nine. (see next entry).
chanzo: source, origin; reason. [Ksw].
chanja: split in pieces, cut up; incise, cut a gash. [Ksw].

psdt: group of nine (+ the child).

(iwr: be pregnant, see above).
1. Kenda-Miyru: the full 9 clans plus the hidden tenth of the Gky clans (9 + the hidden
one born of one pregnant clan member.
iyra: be pregnant. rha kenda-miyru, pay the statutory fine of nine goats (plus one) as
damage money to the father of an unmarried mother.
[NB: taman: ten [Kalenjin]; also means to block, seal].
2. Miji-kenda: 9 closely-related communities along the Kenyan coast: Kauma, Chonyi, Jibana,
Giriama, Kamabe, Ribe, Rabai, Duruma, and Digo (they claim a tenth clan of the outsider /
visitor / immigrant into the clan).

psdt: the Enead of Gods.

thaanja: 1. be cracked, spring a crack, open up as a crack. 2. (of sun) rise and send out
rays. 3. be glad. thaanja ngoro, be cheerful, light-hearted.
caanjarka: be opened out, fully exposed; (of sunlight and moon) be bright, brilliant.
njaanja: multiple branching, projection, pendant, loose hangings; twigs, small shoots, throngs
of multi-thronged whip; state of being spread out, stretched and raised up.
njaanja, 1. offshoot; cluster of coffee-beans or loquats, branch or twig laden with berries. 2. fifth
finger, additional toe. 3. pendant.
gacaanja: person with rudimentary fifth finger or additional toe.
ol-pashata: crack, cleft, gully. [Maasai].
o-seyiai: reed, tall grass which grows in water. [Maasai].
chach: create, begin, start; initiate, invent. [Kalenjin].
sach: divine, prophesize, predict future. [Kalenjin].
chanja: cut up, split in pieces; incise, cut a gash. [Ksw.].
chanzo: source, origin; reason. [Ksw.].
sajja: male; form; right side. [Luganda].


Psdt (the Nine + One ): The Genealogy of the Egyptian King

Kenda-Miyru (The Nine + One clans) and Gky myth of origin.

Khnum: Ram-god, creator of life on the potters wheel; molds beings into existence;
responsible for fashioning gods, mankind, cattle, birds and fish. Regarded as the ba (soul) of the
sun-god Ra, of Geb, and of Osiris, (Hart: 85-86); (the required creative power includes the
creator, language & truth, to enable creativity, .i.e. Khnum, Itum, Dhwty & Maat).
Mmbi: 1. potter, maker, molder (usually a woman in case of clay pots). 2. a name for God. 3.
a womans name; name of a mythical mother of the Gky people whose ten daughters give

names to the Gky clans.
mbi: forming, shaping, creating.
komba / rmba, low mound, ridge of ploughed furrow; low ridge to prevent rain-water
entering the house door.

1. Itmw: the original source of all matter the self-engendered from whom all else originally
came; he who came into being of himself; came before all else, followed by his descendants;
[Itmw masturbated of himself to originate the human race (Allen, 1988: 28-29, 43-44); see 3wy,

tma: cause to happen.

gwtma: do something on ones own initiative;
gtmi: cause, reason, motive.

Re / Ra: the rising sun, and Itmw is the setting sun of the evening.
Ria: the sun.
tumana: become pitch dark (of evening, night).

Sun-god and creator of the universe. The name Itmw, carries the idea of totality in the sense
of an ultimate and unalterable of perfection. Itmw is frequently called Lord of Heliopolis (Iun
in Egyptian), the major centre of sun worship. The presence of another solar deity on this site
leads to a coalescence of the two gods into Ra-Itmw., (Hart: 40).

Itmw as Wambi / Mmbi clan:

1. W3b: root of a plant, of tooth.
mri-wa-itim, central root of a tree.
2. tma / tmka: (of a storm, young persons, animals, sugar-cane fruit) burst; (of a clay pot
in firing, hard ground in drought) crack, split open. [Big bang theory?].
3. tumra: (of ear of grain) burst through the sheath; open, unweave, unknit state.

Mmbi endete gturia mand mno, ndendete gtigrra nd toimkante wega tond
cio ndathiragwo n ngaanja o nginya rra angiganwo. Athamaki ao n a mthemba wa kiga
hitho na kwenjera khooto mno -- (Ras secret name & Isis).
Maaragia carark na matiendete khikrio rra mekwaria. [Gakaara: 37].

His birth was from the semen of Itmw i. e. Shu and Tefnut born of masturbation (originated
from the mucus Itmw sneezed from his Nostrils (Hart:147).
Asiu!: said when one sneezes.
Athimra, -ukwasiamula - to sneeze in most Bantu languages.

thongore: the one born of masturbation. (thongori, ituka horn, gives birth to a new generation).
sokor: masturbate. [Maasai].

songolewa / songoa: squeeze out, wring, press together. [Ksw.].
sokoran: weird, unacceptable, bad, behavior. [Kalenjin].
soongool / soongoolyet: ostrich feather. [Kalenjin].
sokool: nine. [Kalenjin].
sokola: remove something from a problematic situation (e.g. muddy place). [Lulogooli].

w / Shu as Angi/Aithiegeniclan:
mki: large tree, generally riparian [First progenitor].


3. Tfnt: Sister-wife of Shu, created pure water; went to stay in Nubia but was eventually
returned by Dhwty; told all our stories during the journey back home; Responsible for
Pharaohs Delta residence, constructed a pool for him, (Hart: 156).
Aceera: (dri-stranger, visitor); me iru / waara, ungumania; aceeraga ar o wiki; destroyed a
bridge after crossing so as to stop another mceera from following her; loves justice.
tabania: direct, preside over, organize, supervise. [Tfnt]??
mtabania: one who gives instructions, direction; master of ceremonies, organizer.
tambania: proceed, move along (as in inspection).
davana: to smear with dirt, mud or murk. [Lulogooli]. [dirt in constructing pool]??
A krrmbka rra matatoonyetwo n horo, no maigua khooto makahorera narua; mar waara
na gtoonyereria khooto kao kiguo; njaamba mand-in ma brri. Matir mthaiga ya rogi
no n mar ago a kwagria mand na gtheengia ru brri-in. [Gakaara 21, 41]

4. Geb: personifies the earth, grave, grains, vegetation; fresh water, all earthly products;
father of ciiri and Cira; could with-hold rain (cause dryness and barrenness);
Angeci / Aithrand clan: war-like, brave; concerned with protecting the land; straight-forward
good fighters; do not give up on boundary issues. [Gakaara 21]
geci, that which devours, consumes.
geca, crack into pieces, destroy.
ithra, be satisfactorily completed, be done fully, be left all in good order.
mthr, wooden lance.
thrrka, (of arrows, spear) fly through the air, etc.
ithr, burnt place on the body.

5. Nut / nyota / nyt: Represents the separation of the earth from the encircling waters of chaos
of which the world was created; she is the sky whose laughter is thunder and whose tears are

rain; helped by Dhwty to give birth to her four children (Useru, Ist, Seth, Nbt-hwt).
nyota: stars. [Ksw].
nyt: a large, fierce species of jackal (the fastest land animal), with a spotted skin.
Nyambura / Ambura / Ethaga / Akr clan: The rain-makers who control the rain; wthaga
is the use of extra-wordly powers to stop events or cause to happen undesirable events by use of
mthaiga / rogi through words only. [Gakaara 5].
rr: worth, important.

6. Isrit / ciiri: The resurrected god; judge of the dead; murdered, dismembered and scattered
by Seth; his body pieces revived by Isis and Nbt-hwt. He is the father of the child Hrw.
ciiri:skillindebate,powerofargument,judgement,administrationofjustice.(see Wsir).
Angar / Aithekahuno clan.
hwn, nhnw: child / Herw
kenye: child.
ithe: father of; kahuno, premature baby/child.
nk3: mediate on, take counsel - (Angar clan)
nkr: sift. nkrw: sieve, (i.e: Isrits duties in the underworld).
ri /rf: sometimes variable for person.
Angar n mendeete maciira mno; me rme na n akinyri ihooto mno. [Gakaara 48].
munkari: one of the angels believed to interrogate the dead in graves. [Ksw].

7. Ist: Wife of ciiri, mother of Hrw; re-united ciiris dismembered body; protected Hrw
against Seth; assumed the burden of seeking justice for her son Hrw against Seth. Used her
magic and wisdom to deceive Seth and thereby got Hrw installed as the Pharaoh.
Airim / Agathiigia clan: Matmagra waara mangenda khiingia nd kinya magatooria.
mthigia: seeker.
thigia: shift, adjust a load up and down on ones back; settle a matter; take on oneself a burden,
duty or responsibility; bear the consequences of ones actions; very courageous and brave; loves
gthigria khooto to take the responsibility for justice.
Airim: (iri, doer of good / take action; imw: ship), (had son installed as Pharaoh; travelled by
ship / in the Nile to search for ciiris body).
Cira: name of a former ruling generation.
cira: settle oneself comfortably, in, at; ensconce oneself; take up a position at, be implanted in.
cira: drive something forcibly into; stick forcibly into; plant [impregnation of Isis by Osiris].
ciriri: nickname for a kite; description of the cry of a kite.
[Osiris impregnates Isis as a kite; Osiriss phallus penetrates Isis who hovers over it in the form

of a kite, Hart 120]; Isis is envisaged as a kite protectively shading the god with her plumage,
the breeze created by her wings providing breath for Osiris, Hart: 80].

8. Seth: Represents the forces of disturbances, chaos, and confusion in the world; personified
anger, rage, violence, evil; opposed to Maat; murdered Useru, and injured Hrw. (Green 37-42).
Anjir: (NB: drw as boundary keepers);
No mahaandaga maheta tond wa kgitra gwati wa mrim kana mbaara itigatoonye brri-
in; rogi na mthaiga; n ahi mno horo-in wa mbaara; me haaro na rgiti (Seths attack
on Hrw in the crib). N athamaki mno, nd n mateeaga thamaki wao tond wa gtmra
rme - Seths seizure of power, and his defeat by Isis [Green: 38]; n arathi; athamaki a
mthaiga ya mbaara; rogi wa gwtigrithia na wa gthondeka, no ti wa kraga; ya kingata
kreehe nyam brri-in, kwo guo n etigre. [Gakaara: 35, 36].
catha: bitterness, bitter taste.
mcatha / icatha: bitter in taste.
-cathi: description of a sudden, quick, stab or stroke, sting of a bee, jab of arrow or thorn - (Seth
as a scorpion stung Hrw in the cradle). [Green: 37].
Gacathi: personal name.
osadhi: fishing basket made of sticks from Olando tree. [Dholuo].
magethe: the Anjir clan.
ngethe: 1. take a sudden, unexpected chance - (NB: Seths tricking of Osiris into entering the
golden casket and then suddenly locking him in it). 2. long narrow beer-flask holding a gallon,
held in the hand because the base is round (a reference to the casket Osiris was locked in).

9. Nbt-Hwt:
Wife of Seth; helps sister Ist against Seth and to reassemble ciiris body parts;
Nbt: lady, hwt: sanctuary; (sanctuary to her sister and nephew), and in fighting Seth; protector of
ciiri power.
butku, bold, impundent, barefaced (in her helping her sister Ast against her husband).
Agacik: Ng ciake kaing cionekaga haaro-in cia ciana na mand mang ta macio
(NB: Nbt- hwt / Isis protection of Hrw, and Nbt-hwt/Seth disagreement on Hrw).
Angiuga n arega nd n ta kuuga n arega bi na ndangcooka kwtkra rng. N njamba na
n matmagra hinya rmwe na rmwe rra mangona khooto kao gtakiguuo.[Gakaar 40,39].
skw: troops; companies, marshal the ranks, controller of gangs; battle - [against Seth].
ciika: stint, give less to one than to others [less to Seth, than to Hrw and Isis]; give grudgingly,
be stingy.
ciga: (of a person) be drenched. [in Ras swimming-pool?]
Nyabutukutu (Nabutukutu), okhutukuta, stir up thick liquids; a way of speaking with a lisp.
[Luhya] (refers to her work in Ras swimming-pool).
duguda- trouble, disturb, make anxious, distress, hurt [Luganda].

10. Hrw: Son of Useru and Ist; battled his uncle Seth to avenge his father; the last of the Psdt
group, and the tenth member and only child in the myth, belonging to the fifth generation of
Itmws family (of whom the king of Egypt is the living manifestation); it was after all to Hrw
that the throne of Egypt was awarded, (Hart: 41).

Aicakamy / Warigia: The last of the Kenda-Miyru group, the tenth member, and child of
one of the daughters.
N we warigirie na indo cia ithe; (Probably this led to the youngest son being the inheritor of
the homestead in present-day Gky culture). N enjeri khooto mno; sometimes they use
force. Mar rme manggitwo, matir hiinga, mathire mno nd tar mtheru.[Gak 54/55]
(NB: cnga mhera, bow; thank, pay respects (Hrw to his dead father); thank in an
ungracious manner (Hrw to Seth).
Warigia, the last one (rigia, be the last).
[possibilities for Hrw].
Nguru: 1. tortoise; 2. personal name.
gkore: peace-loving, wise, or dignified person; one highly successful in a particular field,
tycoon, magnate.
ngore: hair of animals mane; hair at end of tail of cow, horse, elephant, gnu (used by leaders for
flywhisks, head-gears, etc.).
ker: person of high office, patron, leader. [Dholuo].
likuru: leader. [Luhya].

k3wyw / nqawt: the fruits of the sycamore;

k3w: sycamore figs.
iw: is, are.
(G)ky (ngy) = K3wyw/ nqawt/ Gauyu, fruits of the Mky (sycamore) tree.
(Gauyu / Gauiw)- the descendants & progeny of Hrw, who is himself the sycamore tree.
Everyone in the nation called himself / herself the sycamore fruit - nqawt / ngy), while Hrw
was the sycamore tree.
mukuyyoo: testicles. (yi: bear). [Kalenjin].
ol-parakuyoi: Baraguyo people [Maasai].
Gahuya, proper name [Abalogooli].
(Nya)gahuya, proper name [Tanzania].
ngah, part of something broken off branch; bunch of fruit detached from a tree; torn lobe of ear.
iya, mwar, mr,-wa-iya, terms used between true brothers and sisters, special term of affection
between half-brothers and sisters, close relatives and those circumcised at the same time and

psdw: back, spine.

rthaanju: strip of land running vertically.
Kisanju: location in Kajiado.


thaathara,spreadout,increase,multiply;(of spilt oil, ink, etc.) diffuse; (of smell) spread.

pg3: open; reveal, be open.
hingra / bingra, open.
fungua: open, let something open; unfasten, let loose, release. [Kws.].

pg3: arena; battlefield; entrance of building; mouth of valley.

buuka: be in violent rage, on rampage. (see bk above).
mbuukano: fighting with hands and fists.
piga: beat. [Ksw.].
pigana: fight. [Ksw.].

pg3, bowl.
mbege, medium-sized half-gourd, calabash dish.

ptpt: tread roads; trample enemies, crops; (also written as sphinx or bull trampling prostrate foe).
?batabatka, get excited, move about in excitement; (of fowls) run away flapping their wings.
?batabatithia, make excited, move about in excitement; make run away.

ptr, see, behold.

tiira (maitho), lift up (ones) eyes.

Pth, Ptah; Creator-god of Memphis. The name of the gods most probable etymology is the
root-word of later verbs meaning to sculpture (his role as craftsman-deity?).
mtuungi, one who forms, makes, creates something (a story, etc.); one who makes something
(a bow, etc.) by bending, curving, connecting two ends; fastening; tying.
gatkr, 1. origin, breed, descent. 2, case history, detailed account; law of legal procedure.

pth, create.
tuunga, 1. form, make, create something (a story, etc.); 2. make something (a bow, etc.) by
bending, curving, connecting two ends; fasten; tie.

Pth-wr / Ptahwer: Ptah is great.

(see gatkr and gtuunga above).

pth: cast to the ground; put down someone carried; be stretched out;
tengemania, bring down, knock, throw down flat with a crash.

pd, knee.
ndu (iru), knees.

pds, box.
ithandk, box, suit-case.
sanduku, box, case, trunk, suitcase. [Ksw.]

pds, stamp flat; flatten.

mndutha, prone, flat.

pdst, pellet.
?mndiithi, dumpy, compact thing or person.

pd, stretch cord; stretch out arms; extend oneself in effort; draw bow; diffuse perfume.
njanjaarko, state of being stretched out, pegged out.
canjaarkia, spread out, expose.
canjaarka, stretch oneself out, be sprawled out.

pdt: bow.
njit / it: outlawry, thuggery.

pdty: bowman. (see iry-pdt, bowman).

njit / rit: swarm, crowd of outlaws.
jitu: big and strong person. [Ksw].
(abajitu): in folklore.

pdty: foreigner.
it: outlawry, thuggery.
mit: mythical monster; wild maniac or robber who attacks travelers; terrorist.

pdwt: the Nine Bows = the Nine Foreigners.

njit: swarms of outlaws, robbers, terrorists.
jitu: big and strong person. [Ksw.].

pdt, measure for textiles.

?njano, mark, notch, nick, cut; boundary line, notching on stick to indicate passage of
days; surveyors line through bush; marking in ear of stock animal to indicate ownership;
top ring of sugar-cane. kra njano, overstep the mark.

pdi: sharpen a knife. (see r-pdtyw below).

njitrrio: ceremony of cleansing from ceremonial pollution.


f3i: raise, lift up, carry, support; weigh, present, deliver.

haicia: raise (heavy things); put, pull, lift up; carry, take up (light things).

f3t: financial interest; reward.

baita: profit.

f3yt: reward.
faida: interest, profit, gain, benefit; advantage, treasue, asset. [Ksw.].

f3w, food supplies.
booco, ration., daily issue of food.
posho: food, ration. [Ksw.].

f3k, shorn man.

kbege, something in a condition of lacking its usual counterpart.

fn, be weak, faint.

?beeba, be weak, enervated, lacking in energy.
afueni: recovery from illness. [Ksw].

fnt: snake; become maggoty; intestinal worm.

butha: rot, decay, go bad; be rotten.
funza: larva, maggot, grub. [Ksw.].
funya: smell from rotting. [Luhya].
kguny: maggot, worm, caterpillar, grub.

fnd: nose.
nunga: smell.
nuha: sniff.
nusa: smell, sniff. [Ksw.].
pua (mapua/mafua): nose [Ksw.].
fuunya: to blow your nose. [Luhya].

fsi: cook.
mmbisi: professional cook.
mpishi: cook. [Ksw.].

fk3: a cake.
pika: to cook. [Ksw.].

fgn: defecate.
agana: be indecent, perverse; act wickedly; (of children) be naughty, mischievous.
waganu: vice; offence; naughtiness; act against custom, tradition; lawlessness.

ftft: leap.
batabata: (of birds) flap about, flutter, run away flapping.
futuka: spring up. [Ksw].

ftt: obliterate inscription.

buuta / guuta: make smooth by scraping; plane; rub down with sand paper.
futa: clean up, wipe out/off; rub, obliterate, remove, efface, delete; cancel, abolish, annul,
revoke, disqualify, eliminate, eradicate, erase, nullify. [Ksw.].

fdi, pluck flowers; pull up plants; uproot trees; pull out hairs; remove.

buta, pluck out (birds feathers, hair, etc.).

fdk, sever, divide, part; waste seed; wear out, of sandals; slice, portion.
batka, get split, (of a log) get split into planks.


m, in, with, by means of; from, out of; namely, as; when, as, through; together with.
m, in, by, from, together with. [Ksw.].
-imo: it is therein, inside; therewith. [Ksw.].
am, in, among, from. [Kalenjin].

m-isri: Egypt.
M-isri: in Isrit (Where there is Osiris).
mciiri: anyone responsible for judicial decisions; able debater; either party involved in a case
before elders, counsel, barrister.
msiri: confidant. [Ksw.].

m, who? what?
ma / a, who (exactly)? which people?
am, trouble; aminy nee nkuuno? what is troubling you? [Kalenjin].

m, mk / mck: behold (at the beginning of a sentence).

maka: be surprised, apprehensive, shocked, frightened. maka is said with surprise at the
beginning of a sentence to mean, imagine!, can you imagine , would you believe
that Ta maka ndirammenya!: imagine I do not recognize him!
-makithia: to feign surprise, apprehension.
maka, exclaim, express surprise. [Ksw.].

mt, mtn / mt, mtn, feminine of mk.

matha, be surprised.
matha, great compassion; tender, humane feelings.
gtha, soft-heartedness; quality of being easily moved to pity or tears.

m33: see, look upon, regard; see to the performance of a task, inspect work; take heed of, look
on at event, oversee.
maa: see! [said in a childrens hide and seek game]: kuu! (kw: a loaf or cake), maa!(m33:
see). In the game, the children participating all hide except for the one who is to look for the
others. The one seeking for them then tries to fool them by saying, Kuu! - I have a present, a
cake, so that the children are tempted to come out and get it. Often, the youngest child is fooled
on hearing of cake, and he/she comes out, to see and/or get it. The one searching for the others
then shouts, Maa! see! the bread/cake!

m3w: aspect, appearance.
math: 1. natural appearance, physique; contenance, personal appearance; 2. a persons ways,
manners, habits.
maumbile: nature, shape, form. [Ksw].

m3-hd, oryx.
maar--gathuni (inamaar): greater kudu; dik-dik, madoqua. coro wa inamaar (coroa),
curved horn of kudu oryx (used in Ituka ceremony).
ol-maalo, greater kudu (provides ceremonial horn) [Maasai].

m3i, lion.
mrthi, lion.

m3-hs3 / hz3, lion.

?mrthi- lion.
ngatia: lion. [Gky].
ngathia: defy, be defiant; be hard, unyielding.

m3y: foetus.
akania: perform ceremony to promote fertility in brides and women generally.
my / Aica-kamy: clan of the kahuno- the pre-mature child.
mmya: become wasted, thin, weak.

m3c: true of speech; the way things ought to be.

maa: truth; truly, certainly, very. mnd wa maa, an honest, just person.
matir: just, righteous, upright, straight. [Dholuo].
maat: age-set sub-group. [Kalenjin].
maak: same level; belong to the same group. [Kalenjin].
Marama: name of a community in western Kenya.

m3c-hrw, be justified, vindicated; be triumphant; justification, vindication; triumph.

(seehrw, voice; noise).
maa: truth; truly, certainly, very.

m3ct: truth, right-doing, righteousness; justice; rightness, orderly management.

maa: truthfulness.
matir: just, righteous, upright, straight. [Dholuo].

m3cw, alright.
cnh m3cw, living alright.
Ngama, proper name.

m3ctyw, just men; the righteous=the blessed dead.

?mtywo, the respected, esteemed, revered, honored. (see b. 453b-454a).

m3c: to slaughter, to offer (sacrifice).
maa: (see njoorumaa)

m3c: present, offer, fit to be offered.

maathithia: (maathithia mwana irio) cause a child to seek food in the garden during the Second
Birth ceremony.

m3cw: products; gifts, tribute, offerings.

maatho, acquired wealth, substance, possessions.
aua: give fruits, produce. [Ksw.].

m3c: lead, guide; send, dispatch; throw out rope from ship; steer ship; set out on a
journey; extend limits.
mana: walk about, pay visits.
manamana: (of somebody wanting to show off) stroll about, potter around; busy, bestir

m3c: bank of river or lake.

mootr / rtr, bank, low ridge, range of high ground.
?mrmo, (of river) bank.

m3wt: shaft of spear; staff; stalk of corn; measuring-rod.

mt, (of spear) shaft.
Mau-Mau, Kenyas 1950s anti-colonialism freedom fighters.
mau-mau: description of voracious devouring; the half-snarling half-gulping eating of a hyena.

m3wt: rays of light.

mrri: (sunbeam) mrri ya ria, rays of the sun.

m3wt: a new thing; newly.

mwer, new.

m3wt: new land.

weer / maweer, newness; open country, plains, grassland; uninhabited lands; wilderness.
Timaau: location, next to Mt. Kenya.

M3nw: loc., the Western mountain.

Mny-in / Kmny, names of various locations in central Kenya.

m3r: to dispossess someone of.

1. Maara: a person in a popular Gky legend, who was a pauper and, upon his mothers
death, he could not afford to bury her. He carried her dead body to the road very early in the
morning, so that a rich mans cattle trampled the dead body. Maara then wailed and claimed that
the rich mans cattle had killed his mother, forcing the cattle owner to pay for the mothers death.
As a result, Maara was able to afford his mothers burial ceremonies. Rra Maara ateire

Nyina(when Maara threw away his mother) is now a common saying to imply very early in the
dawn. [Gky].
2. maramara: be naughty, difficult, obstinate, heedless, reckless, vicious.
mmaramari: naughty, wicked person; one who wantonly disregards law and custom; a rascal,
hooligan; wicked, mischievious person; scoundrel.
3. malmali: malicious, negligent. [Maasai].
ol-malmalisho: mischief. [Maasai].
4. malala: uncontrolled, quarrelsome, cruel, indiscipline. [Dholuo].
5. maraamar: spoil or ruin things, turn things around. [Kalenjin].

m3r: wretched man, pauper.

nyamaara: be in distress or poverty, be destitute, become poor.
nyamaari: extreme poverty.
mnyamaari: very poor, destitute, person.
mnyamaarki: one who becomes habituated to want, a confirmed pauper.
mnyamaarko: troubles, afflictions of a minor nature.
kmaar: greedy, rapacious person.
amara: a rogue, a distrusted person, a robber. [Dholuo].

m3ir: misery.
mairra: destruction, misery.
irra: lay somebody low (with a weapon); kill somebody by witchcraft; destroy utterly.
irkri / kirkro: hopelessness, despair.
irkri: somebody / something repulsive.
kir: a skin complaint of human beings.
mairia: gloom; dark spot (due to dwindling light); kiria ka ngoro, feeling of disgust or

m3rw: viewing place in sun cult.

?mrka: cast a light, shine, on; illuminate;
mrkra: light up a particular spot for somebody (so that one can see what one is doing).
Kamaar: proper name.

m3h, wreath.
maha: (a bunch of) flowers.

m3h: pasture.
maaha: 1. products of something; resources; 2. snack; 3. gratuity in the form of food given over
and above payment.
aha: seek food when starving; look for something to eat or drink.
ahuuha: (of hyenas) forage about for; quest, prowl about (as if seeking for something).
ahka: (of food) be unobtainable.

m3h, sheaf.
kmanja / manja, (of harvested crops) sheaf, heap; (of sticks) bundle.

m3h, burn.
?mwaki, fire.
akania, cause to burn.

m3kt, ladder.
?maraara, traditional ladder.
?mgeeto, a band, thong, cord; a fastening (knotted, twisted, or plaited).

m3tryt, female mourners.

?maithori, tears, sadness.

m3t: proclaim.
mathaka/thamaka: pronounce decisions in court cases, adjudicate; exercise leadership; rule; say
what one will, or will not do.
mthamaki: ruler, person with authority.

m3t, acclaim.
?mtharri, one who defends, shields, protects, comes to the rescue of; assists.

m3t: moment.
muda: time, period/space of time. [Ksw.].
wakati: time, period. [Ksw.].

myt: a drink.
mt: herbs, herbal medicine; trees; pieces of wood, sticks.
mt: (colloquial) alcohol.

mcwh: oar.
miko: 1. paddle, oar. 2. broad-ended mashing-stick.

mcb3(yw): the Thirty, a judicial body.

isalasini: the thirty, a meeting held every 30 days. (Lulogooli, see next entry).

mcb3(yt): House of the Thirty.

avaMaavi: ruling clan of the Maragoli.

mcnht, pendant.
muunge, 1. tuft, crest, plume on a helmet, etc.; single stripped feather attached to a young mans
hair, tusse of a fez cap; long tuft of white hair on the tail of a colobus monkey. 2. tail of a comet
or a shooting star; long strip of bark carried at dances.

mcndt, day-bark of Sun-God (see cndw).

mwanjo: beginning, first.
anjia: start, begin first.
anza: start, begin, initiate, [Ksw.].

mcr: fortunate, successful, flourishing, success.
mwara: clever, skilful, crafty, cunning person.
kara: finger; ga na kara ka be gifted at, be well fortuned at.

mc3r: to boast (by mouth), (see m3r above).

waara / mawaara: skill, wisdom, cleverness, shrewdness; cunning, guile.

mchct: tomb, cenatoph.

?mhaat: narrow passage, gap between rocks; place where one has to squeeze to get through.

mck3, brave.
mkali, fierce, stern; severe. [Ksw.].

mw: water.
maa: water.
mw-hr-nw: water under the pot.
maa har nyng: water by / in the pot.

mw: (of God as helper of warring king).

-mwe: one; Ngai mwe, the one and only God, (as in Nabongo Mumia).
mmwe, only child (God / Hrw as only son).

mwy: to be watery.
kmaa: a blister.

mww: class of ritual dancers.

mmbro: dance of prospective initiates during weeks prior to the circumcision ritual;
ih cia mmbro: accepted neophytes.

mwt: mother;
mait: my mother / our mother.
mtumia/mtumiya: married woman.
(mwt-m3yw: mother & foetuses).
m3y, foetus.
myw, seed of man.
mtamaiy: Brown Olive (Olea chrysophylla); sacred tree -the mother and the unborn
children; na kaniini kar nda ya nyina as in Gky circumcision song [Osotsi 2002: 216].

Mwt, Mut.
mutumia, married woman.
mait, my mother, our mother.
mut, marry; take wife home. [Kalenjin].

mm, transport cattle.

kmomora, a moving crowd, pouring forward; (of things) knocking one another down (like

Mn: be firm, established, enduring (of King); steadfast (see mnbelow).
menyeka: be established, known, famous.
menya: 1. know, recognize, have information about, get to know; know how to. 2. (as
interjection) no fear, not at any price.
menyithia: inform of, cause to know (how), instruct (in).

Mni / Menes / Meni: united the two lands.

mmenyi: well-informed, knowledgeable, skilful person; an expert.
mmenyereri: guardian; watchful, careful, thrift person.
Kmenyi: the one who knows; proper name.
Omenya; Menya; Omeena, proper names [Luhya].
menyo, enlightened, illuminate. [Dholuo].
Nyamenya, proper name [Dholuo].

mn: establish; press with fingers.

monda: crush, sqeeze together (especially with hands).
manda: make smooth; (of dough, clay, malleable metals) knead, expand by hammering flat, pat
(chapatis, rissoles) between hands to flatten; squeeze out of shape, pound (in a mortar).
minya: pinch, squeeze out. [Ksw.].
miina: press with fingers (Lulogooli/ Luhya)

mn: someone; so and so.

mna (mnd mna): a certain person; so and so.

mint: daily fare (sustenance).

mnd / mnd / mth: day; for ever, for ever and ever.

mnt: daily.
o mnd / o mth, daily, each day.

mn: be ill, suffer; suffer in part of the body; be troubled about.

nyamena: (of persons, of animals) a weakling.
a-meena: to be weak, to be thin. [Maasai].
a-meen: to be restless. [Maasai].
okhumiinwa: to be ill, sick, unwell. [Luhya]

mnt: swallow.
mindra / mendra: munch (beans, arrow-roots, ripe bananas, potatoes, etc.).

mnt, thigh of man; haunch of ox.

ndakri, leg, lower part of thigh to calf. inia ndakri, tremble with anger.

mni: jar; as measure of capacity.

kameni: small half-calabash (used as a measure for selling cereals in the market).
mani: weight measurement of about a kg. [Ksw.].

mni, moor ship; marry, m, to; attach, m, to a cult; endow, m, with; save the drowning; revive the
dead; die.
mini: virtuous, honest, trusty-worthy person.
manuari, naval vessel, man of war.

mnit, mooring-post; whipping-post.

mnigo, something lanky, pendulous (as a long thin pole or stick, etc.).
mnyago, 1. long, fairly heavy, digging pole, pointed at the digging end; 2. lance used in the
hoop-spearing game.

mni, death.
miina / niina / mniinko, death, end.
a-menenga, to be dead. [Maasai].
menengani, spirit, corpse, dead person.

mnit, necklace sacred to Hathor.

?mnyoro (wa mtwe), a girls browbird of beads with a fringe of fine chains and strings of
mangoyo, necklace made of beads.

mnyt, root, of disease.

?mnga, mental derangement (attributed to possession by departed spirits); (departed spirits seen
as the root/cause of all illness. [Kabet, 1982: 66; Kenyatta, 1933: ).

mniw: herdsman.
Mni: proper name.

mncy: male nurse.

mna: 1. proper name. 2. a bad person.
naa: badness, wrong, evil. igua naa, feel bad (in mind or body);
naa-: invocation to God used sometimes by the elders at a sacrifice for rain.
na-ai, O God! Please God! God. [Maasai].

mnct, milk-cow.
manam, name given to cattle of the same color as an eland

mnw, kind of stone.

nyaig, hard, crystalline stone, granitic, as used for grindstones and for burnishing weapons.
mny, salty earth; any brackish or mineral earth appreciated by livestock; salt, salt-lick.

mnw, thread.
mnyaahwe, fibre.
knyutho, lump of tow for scrubbing with; handful of dry sugar-cane fibre.

mnw, pigeon.

kanyua-njii, species of sun-bird.
kanyua-k, species of sun-bird.
mnyug / mnyoogi, plume of tail feathers of bird worn on crown of head for dances.

mnw, monument, passim; of portable objects.

manymba, large houses.
nymba, building, hall; house.

mnwy, abundant of monuments, especially of king.

knymba, large house, large building, palace.
manymba, large houses.

mnmn: move quickly, move about.

mana / manamana: walk about, pay visits; (of somebody wanting to show off) stroll about,
potter around; busy, bestir oneself.
a-maniman,to go round and round, to evolve constantly.
a-manimanaa, to walk to and fro, to go round; to keep evolving. [Maasai].

mnmnt, cattle.
mnaanda, cattle-dip; enclosure for cattle.
ol-munanda, cattle-crush, cattlemarket. [Maasai].

mnnw, fortress.
manymba, large houses. (see knymba).

mn nfr: Mephis; remain beautiful forever; be fixed, be vested in beauty.

manufaa: advantage, benefit, gain. [Ksw.]
nufaika: prosper, get profit.
nufaisha: profit somebody, make somebody prosper. [Ksw.].
ber: beauty. [Dholuo].

mnh: wax.
magua: wax cells in hive.
magokoni, ear-wax.
ngmbi, bit of wax in honey.

mnh, froth.
moongy / rngy, layer of frog or fish spawn on surface of water; any transparent covering
on water.
nganga / nganga, dross, slag, clinker from smelting.
ngombe, effluorescence, salty scum or deposit.

mnh: string beads.

mgath: string of beads, necklace.
ngauana, string of beads worn round the upper arm by neophytes at the conclusion of the
initiation rites, the aggregation phase.

mangoyo, necklace made of beads.

mnh: chisel.
ngeeca, small cold chisel, cylindrical iron tool used by a wire-fitter.

mnh: potent, of king; trusty, of officials; efficatious, of commands; well-disposed, devoted;

splendid, of buildings; costly, of material; lavish, of worship; excellent, of occasions; well-
formed; well-established; thoroughly. (see mhn below).
makanya / ikanya / nganya: ability, power, skill.

mnhw: excellence, virtues of someone.

-munguuria: be modest, reserved, self-effacing, bashful.
Mungu: God. [Ksw].
muungwana: gentleman, lady. [Ksw.].

mnht: willingness of heart.

mkamini / ngamini, liberal, open-handed person.
kamini, generosity, liberality, nobility.

mnh, be joyful, m, over.

ngengeka, laugh unrestrainedly, laugh at hard, in derision.
mngengeko, unrestrained laughter.
mkengeko, unrestrained merriment, boisterous laughter.
kengeka, rejoice greatly; be happy, glad; laugh hilariously, give vent to cries of joy.

mnht, the third month.

mgaa, rainless period at the end of one growing season and before the long or short rains begin.
kagaa / kamgaa, warm days in the early part of the hot season before the rains begin.

mnht, type of fabrick; clothing.

ngoothi, leather, hide; cover of morocco; cloth, etc.

mns3, jar for liquids.

kanoothi, leather funnel for hand-feeding a kid or calf.
knatha / gthana, first milk drawn from a cow after calving; gourd containing such milk when

mn: cartouche.
kmenyithia: sign, advertisement, notice, posted up or broadcast announcement.
menyithia: inform of, cause to know (how), instruct (in). (see Menya).

mnk, come to an end.

kngki, fatality, misery, baneful influence.
ngki, calamity, supernatural evil, sickness, misfortune.
ingok, [Maasai].
?mngatko, dying off, coming to an end.

mnkt: jar.
kmanguru: bottle-shaped gourd made into a lidded container used by old men for storing away
oddments such as pegs for pegging goatskins, leather straps for goat-bells, wax, branding irons,

mnkb: fan.
kburuuti, wind-mill for pumping water or working electric generator.
buruuta, whirl, revolve, swing round; throw with vigour, toss.

mnkb, cool place.

kbaa / mbaa, froat, intense cold.

mnkrt: bulls tail worn by king.

ngore / rkore: hair at end of tail of a cow, horse, elephant, gnu.
gkore, peace-loving, wise, or dignified person; one highly successful in a particular field,
tycoon, magnate.

mnt3t, pottery vessel.

thaania / rthaania, large wicker crate for carrying new clay pots or gourds to the market.

mntw: nomads, (desert dwellers?).

mth, fruit-eating mousebird.
tha, (of bees) fly in and out of the beehive on a hot day (bringing in nectar and pollen).
th, enemy, adversary.

mnd: breast.
monja: (of a child) suck; drink from a bottle or calabash. 2. Lick lips after a delicious, tasty,
meal; eat with gusto.
munya: 1. suck. 2. pull out by the roots, pull up; pluck.
mnazi: coconut. [Ksw.].

mndr: stomach.
kmanjuura: greedy, avaricious person.
njuura: inordinate desire for food.

mr: sick, ill, diseased; sick man.

mraru, a sick person.
mrim: illness / sickness.

mr r: painful to.
mraru: sick person, patient.

mrt: pains.
maradhi: disease. [Ksw.].
h3t mrt: severe disease.

gwata mrim, get sick.

mr: pyramid.
mrma, side, slope; the first step up from the plains to the hills;
krma, hill, mountain; slope up or down.
mlima: mountain. [Ksw.].

mrw: overseer of weavers; foreman of weavers, servants, underlings.

mrgamrri, 1. one who stands by, stands over, watches others as they work; one who stands
on guard over somebody or something; 2. bridesmaid, best man; god-parent.
mrori, steward, overseer.
mrnga: one who straightens others, deals with others; make upright, honest; the art of
straightening; righteousness.

mrw/mrt: weavers, servants, underlings.

mruti: (mruti wa wra), worker-man; wage-earner; labourer.
melyaa: uncircumcised girl? [Kalenjin].

mri: love, want, wish, desire.

mrria: (mthaiga wa mrria) love potion, medicine for success in love.
mrranro, commiseration, compassion; mutual grieving over something.
maridhia: pleasant / gentle / amiable person. [Ksw.].
(see T3 mr).
mrwt: love.
Maluti: proper name.

mrwty: the well-beloved.

mruti ndg: one who makes a friendship with somebody.

mr, milk jar.

mrr, a long narrow milk-gourd.

mrw: strip of cloth; bundle of clothes.

matar: nguo matar,tatters, rags (tarra).
maratubu: nguo ya ~, cloth of double width, double thickness.
mararuraru: rags, tatters. [Ksw.].
mardufu: sailcloth. [Ksw].

Mrt: musician-goddess.
Mriti: proper name [Meru].
Maliti: proper name [Kamba].

mrt, kind of boat.

meri, boat, ship.
merikebu, ship, steamer.

mrt: street.
mrandaranda, row, line; street of houses.
mwerekera, direction, path.

mri: sounding-pole.
mringoti, (of an ox-cart) pole, shaft; (of a steering-wheel) rod; (of a bicycle) rods forming the

mri, run aground (of ship).

mringo, (of the rains) breaking; start, onset.

mry: fighting bull.

mariirima: anything big, strong, fierce, e.g. bull or ox; importance, personality, majesty.
Mar: proper name [Gky].
Abamali: Black people. [Luhya].
Abamuli, Bunyore clan. [Luhya].
Mali: proper name [Akamba].

mr-wr: Mnevis-bull. (see km wr).

mruuruma: anything big and bulky or lumpish, e.g. a grade bull, etc.

Mrwr: The Great Black One Ka of Itm-Re.

maroro: a wonder, matter for astonishment, marvel.
see mruuruma above.

mryt: bank, shore, sand-bank, quay; height of triangle.

mrmo: one side or other of river or valley.

mr: (alphabet) digging implement.

mro: short, thick stick used for digging yams, for planting seeds or sugar-canes, and
for beating earth out of sods.
karo: pointed stick used for cultivation.
ekelo: special hard and sharp ended stick used in weeding crops such as finger-millet,
vegetables, etc. [Lulogooli].
mulo: old blade of a hoe, used in digging out sweet potatoes. [Dholuo].

mrw: kind of wood.

mro: as above.

mrw: kind of wood.

marungo / krungo: piece, section of log or pole.

mrw: desert.
wer / mawer: open country, plains, grassland; uninhabited lands, wildermess.

mrr: wishes.

merirria: wishes, desires.
kwrirria: long for, desire, covert, want, lust after.

mrrt: street; avenue of statues.

?mrandaranda: row, line.
?riiri: splendour, beauty, prettiness.

mrht: oil, grease.

marham: ointment, balm. [Ksw].

mrh: decay.
mruk / kruk: bad smell.

mrkbt: chariot.
merikebu: ship, steamship. [Ksw.].

mhi: barley.
mha: sorghum (possibly name originally for barley, but transferred to sorghum when people
moved to a new region).
kamha/mh: pink colour.

mhwt: family.
?mhrga, clan, family lineage.

mhn: small children.

kaana: small child.
akhaana: small child (Luhya)
omkhaana: a girl. (Luhya).

mhr: milk-jar.
mahro: iria ra mahro, separated milk, butter-milk.

mh: forearm.
mkono, a cubit, length of forearm.

mh: cubit.
mkonokono: a long length of something.

mh-t3, land-cubit =1/100 aroura.

?konota, sit empty-handed with arms folded on the chest.

mh: fill; be full of; pay in full; make whole; complete, finish.
miganra: capacity, bulk; sum total, right quantity.
igana: how much, how many? how often, what time?
iganana, be equal, weight, size, etc.
migananu, equal quantities;

maigananrio, centre, middle, half-way point;
igana, one hundred.

mht: the complete Eye of Horus.

migana: quantity, right number, adequate.
igana: be enough, sufficient; be full; be complete, whole.

mh-ib: one who is trusted, confidant.

mhibu: beloved one, sweetheart, lover. [Ksw.].

mh: hold; seize, lay hold of; grasp instructions; capture.

gwata: 1. take hold of, seize, hold (in the hand), grip. 2. take on, obtain, acquire; get to grips
mgwate, captive, prisoner.

mhi: be concerned, hr, for; take thought, hr, for; ponder, hr, on; care.
makra: be worried, concerned, for; care for; think of, with concern. (maka).

mhy: guardian. (see mkty).

mgiti / mgitri: protector, guardian, defender.

mht: bowl.
kamengria, half-gourd split longitudinally (used as a dipper or ladle).

mhi: drown, be drowned; overflow (of Nile); inundation.

hindkania /gindkania, cause somebody to drown.
mhindkano (iria-in) / mgindkano, sink in the water, be drowned.

mht: flood-waters.
mgu / kgu: flood-water, torrent caused by sudden rain; silt brought down by a freshet.

Mht: the Delta marshes. (see h3t / hnt).

?mgu / kgu, see above.
ihaate: waste, desolation; devastated place caused by fire, enemies, locusts, floods.

mhtt, north.
kgitro / kgitro: strong point, stronghold, place of defence. (see giti: below).
?ngito / rgito: defences; inner side of house where the roof meets the wall; space outside house
under the eaves.

mhtyw: northerners.
?mgiti / mgitri: one who defends, gives security, protection.
kagitigiti: 1. a difficult position, tight corner. 2. a booth, shelter.
gitra: defend; thatch for, at.
mgiti: herding-stick.

mhyt: north-wind; storm from the north; norther.
?mgiko: physical struggle, tussel, harassment; mental worry, inward struggle, perturbation.
?giginyani: 1. forcing open, levering apart. 2. taking away by force, robbery.

mhyt: papyrus plant, clump of papyrus.

?magiti / gita: 1. (of papyrus plant) thatch, roof in, fix top of structure, cover. 2. (of dense tree
foliage) become covered, closed, matted, be bushy, dense; closely packed, form a canopy.

Mhw: Lower Egypt. (see T3 mhw).

?mkbkb, clods, roughness of ground (as in a dug field); lumps of hard mud on the path.
?ngbri, dry pile of mud in a muddy path which marks the passage of many feet; corrugation.

mhw.s, Crown of L. E.
?kgoci / ngoci, rgoci, bend, sharp curve, kink, twist, hook.

mhy: flax.
?guta, flax.
?mha, sorghum.

mhw: hunter.
mgumi / mhti: hunter.

mh3, back of head.

makaano, 1. gristle on back of neck, shoulder muscle. 2. back of shoulders, area from shoulder
blade to shoulder blade, nape of neck.
amakanu, the nape or back part of the neck.
amakhanu / likhanu, back part of neck. [Luhya].
?kisogo: nape. [Ksw].

mhwnw: slaughterer.
mgunyio: something earmarked, reserved; iga mgunyio, earmark (as beast for slaughter, boy
for punishment, etc.).
gunyia, cause something stir, wriggle (when suppressed).

mhn, 1. coil of serpents; name of a serpent, the coiled one; used of uraeus; 2. a board-game.
nganya / ikanya / makanya, ability, power, skill (?in the board-game).
liikhanya / amakhanya, coils of snake. [Olunyore].
ilikanya, coils of snake [Lulogooli].

mhr: low-lying land.

mkuru: gulley, ravine, deep gorge, nullah.
khuro: shallow valley, depression; low place.
mhuro: place, part, below; place lower down. (cf. Mhw above).

mh, respect someone.

mgane, one well-esteemed.

mgaathe, someone respected.

mh3, make fast, bind.

mgeeto, a pulling tight, a tauntering; a band, bond, thong, cord; a fastening (knotted, twisted, or
paited) used to bind (a beehive, load, goat, person) tightly.
gaatha, tighten, stretch, draw tight.
gaatha gtaanda, string a bed.
kaza, fasten, tighten; fix. [Ksw.].

mh3t, balance.
maigananrio, center, middle, half-way point.

mh3, match, equal, adjust, counterpoise; make level; be like, with n.

miganano, level, equal, match.
iganania, make level, make equal.
iganana na, be equal to.
migananu, equal quantities (e.g. in bartering).

mh3w, shed.
?kganda, 1. blacksmiths or wire-drawers shed or working house; forge; 2. factory, workshop.
3. temporary house for initiates.

mhnt, face.
?mngethanro, be face to face with; face one another.

mhr, low-lying land.

mkuru, deep gorge, ravine, mullah, gulley.

mhrw, business.
kgra, buy, pay for; barter, get possession of by barter; make redeemable purchase of
something, acquire against present of future payments.
mgri, purchaser.
?mgrro / gri, buying, purchasing.

mhsf, peg to secure net.

gcibka: pierce; fasten something with a skewer; jab, stick (a sharp instrument or weapon into);
drive something into; stick something into.
mcibe / mcobe: pointed stick; skewer for roasting meat.

mhtbt, an ornament of gold.

ndebe: 1. round wooden ring worn in disintended ear-lobe, generally dyed black and polished. 2.
badge of rank.
gtebe: a large ndebe.

mhtmt, a closed or sealed receptacle.

gtuma: to close up; (of a wound) to close, to get healed; (of a letter) to seal.

gtumania: bring together, close; place close together.

mh3, a boat.
ngarawa, a dugout canoe; (rare) boat, ship, cart.
ngalawa: the small canoe of a navigator. [Ksw.].

mhnty, ferry-man.
mgeendi, traveler, sojourner.
geenda, travel, go on a journey, visit.

mhr, low-lying land.

mkaro, ditch, furrow, trench; lead for a water-mill. see mkuru above.

mhrw, low place.

mkuru / mkaro, above.
ngurumo, valley, bank of river or stream.

mhrw, dealings, business; ordinanves, arrangement of building.

mgariro, management; condition of tackling, coping, manipulating, contending with, trying
conclusions. ga mwgarirre, be easy to deal with.
mgarirre, management.

mhtw, intestines.
gtungati, rectal portion of animal gut.

ms (mz3): bring, present, n, to, of persons and things; bring away booty; extend hand; take
aim. maatha: collect food in the garden for the day; seek, look for, discover; seek earnestly for
(money through employment, wealth, livestock).
maathi, acquired wealth, substance, possessions; seeking, endeavour to gain possessions.

msw-inr, stone-carrier.
mcnko, be bruised, abraded; peeled off (ones body, etc).
cnka, become bruised, have an abrasion of the skin; be rough and peeling, have the skin
inr, stone.
inooro, whet-stone.

mst, a staff.
mthgi, staff (dyed black for a member of the senior grade of elders, left plain for the lower
mithiya, 1. girls walking stick. 2. a brides stick (nicely carved and preserved in her enclosed
bed, produced at her daughters circumcision for use until her initiation is completed). 3. stick
carried by women and brandished in anger; back scratcher.
mthanju / rthaanju, stick, staff; wand.

mst, apron of fox-skins.

cbi, decorated frontlet or long apron covering the breast and reaching to the knees (worn
formerly by girls and young men).
mcrri, shield-shaped piece of soft-tanned leather fixed to the middle of the belt at the back,
worn over the buttocks at the ngur or kbaata dance.
mthere / gthere, back flap, short broad piece of skin with hair left on, worn over the buttocks
by men during certain dances.

msi: bear, give birth; calve; lay, of birds; be born; bring forth, of field.
mciari, parent; onw who has given birth.
muciarwo: one who is born.
gciara: bear, bear fruit, give birth.
sich: give birth, have children. [Kalenjin].
mzazi: parent. [Ksw.].

msi: produce, statues.

maciaro: produce; results, outcome, consequences.
ciara: bear, bear fruit, give birth to, have a child.

ms.n: born of.

mciare n: born of.

ms: child.
mciara / njiarwa, off-spring, progeny; one adopted into another clan; candidate for
ceremony of second birth; one who has been born child.

mst: mother.
mciari: parent, one who has given birth; (of animal) one that has young; mother.

mswt: coll. children, offspring.

maciaro / rciara: 1. generation, offspring; 2. geneaology, family tree, descendants.

mswt, birth; birthday.

whm mswt, be born again.
mciaro wa, (of a person) born at the time period of ; birth month, year, period.

ms, calf.
gaca / nja, calf; full-grown beast.

ms, bouquet.
macanku (of flowers), blooming; (of hair) combed.

ms, surely, indeed.

?aaca, (expression of negation) no; aaca nguo, indeed, there is no doubt; certainly not!

ms3dt, nostril.
canjama, 1. (of irrigated land near a stream) be sodden, water-logged. 2. (of crops) be stunted,
blighted; be prevented from growing by too much rain, cold, drought.

msyt, water-fowl.
?njmbr / ngmbr, otter.
thambri, wild duck.

msyt, supper.
gakra / ciakra, for eating food.
esiokhulia, food. (Luhya).
chakula, food. (Ksw).

msyt, a festival.
gthgo, unco-ordinated dance by women during the initiation ceremonies and in connection with
occasions concerned with marriage arrangements.

msc3t, prospector (?).

?mcaria, seeker, one who searches, looks for.
?cangra, exert oneself, for; strive hard for something.

mswr / mzwr, drinking bowl.

cr: gruel made from ground millet. see swr below.

mswk, kind of bread.

mthigo, a variety of sorghum (prepared by girls for young men before a dance, rubbed on
stones by hand to remove inner husk, eaten parched).
thonga, mix thick maize stodge into a mould while cooking.

msbb: turn to, serve someone.

mothmbi / thmbi: 1. service, state of servitude. 2. food or other recompense given instead
of pay.
gthmbi: one who works for food instead of pay.
gthmba, one who lives on the charity of another; a hanger-on, dependent.

msn: spin, plait hair.

cuunia: twist (hair) into little knots (prior to transforming into ringlets).

msnh, rotate; turn backwards; turn away.

?thngtha, sway, totter; (of trees, foliage in wind) sway to and fro.
zunguka, go round, revolve, surround; wander about, loiter. [Ksw.].

mshn, abode of Gods.

ithigini / mathigini, shack; temporary house or shelter for accomondation of labour on farms.
maskani, dwelling place, home, settlement, abode. [Ksw.].

mshnt, bearing-stool; birth-place; breeding- place; abode of Gods; necropolis.
mathuguundro, inception, conception; origin in a persons mind; time of thinking out, planning
or initiating.

Mshnt, Goddess of birth.

thuguunda, invent, originate, create a precedent; introduce a new custom or practice; start
something new; evolve, come into being; spring up.

mshtyw: adze.
shoka / mashoka, axe. [Ksw].
machete: long garden knife.

mss, totter.
cece, kinya cece, tread gingerly (like a tortoise).

mss: tunic.
gcaca / njaca: anything incomplete, insufficient.
mss n ch3: mail-shirt.
nga / rga: sinew, tendon, ligament; kra nga, put on bonds, put under restraint; be firm, refuse
to give way on any account; (of a gun) trigger.

msk: leather.
macuuke / icuuke: elders small skin bag carried by a strap across the chest.

msk3, skin; leather.

cika, (of a young woman) put on a protective leather under-garment.
gciko, 1. first garment worn by girl after initiation; 2. calico skirt worn instead of leather one; 3.
petticoat worn under frock.

mski: slander.
mcuuki / mcuukani: slanderer; accuser of other people in their absence; one who betrays or
informs against others, (cuuka).
mcogi: one who derides others by reciting witty riddles and allegories inciting the dancers to
their best efforts, (see coga).

msktt, night-bark of Sun-God.

?thugunda, prepare oneself, ones chattels, for going away.

msktw, armlet.
gcaango, brass, brass wire ornament worn on the lower arm; shining metal.

ms3dt, nostril.
see canjama, above.

mk: boat.
?mgogo, stout log of wood, felled tree-trunk; ara mgogo, bridhe a stream.

mkuku: keel of a boat or ship. [Ksw.].
mkukurisho: force in doing something.

mki: guard, protect.

mkuki: spear. [Ksw.].

mkty: protector, guardian.

mgiti / mgitri: protector, guardian, defender.

mki: guard, protect, look after.

gitra: defend.

mkh3: back of the head.

mkiha: vein; muscle; rib; spine.

mkh3: turn the back to; ignore, eschew evil; neglectful of.
kamkiha: defect in something or somebody; a person with a defect which causes misgivings.

mw: sword.
mcra: sheath of sword.
msu: sword. [Ksw.].
Mcra: proper name.



mg3: skirmisher.
mukana: be at enmity with one another, be at daggers drawn.
muku: enmity, bad blood, feud.
mmuku: enemy.

mt (mwt): die, perish; death.

mita / mitka: die on mass owing to an epidemic.

mt: dead man; dead woman; mortal man.

mitka: be decimated, wiped out (by disease, famine, war).
mitha: fade away (of a generation); disappear.
mmitko: severe epidemic or other catastrophe, causing great mortality, widespread or local
mica: fade out, disappear; be extinguished.

micamica: be extinguished, wiped out, annihilated.
maiti: corpse, cadaver. [Ksw.].
muuswa: corpses. [Kalenjin].

mtwt: semen; seed, progeny; poison, ill-will.

mtuutu: any kind of powder, sawdust, dry dusty soil, crumpled salt - (understood in the
covert language of a circumcision song Knd ka mna mtuutu to refer to semen).

mt3m: womans garment. (see t3m).

?thaibri: kaross of hyrax skin.
Mthaamo, proper name.

mtr: instruct, testify concerning; exhibit vitues; charge tasks to; be famous, renowned.
mataaro / mataarano: instruction, advice, counsel, warning.
mootaarani: advice, prompting, instigation, admonition.

mtrw: witness; eye-witness.

mtr: naked male person - (nakedness as a symbol of absolute truth, i.e. the naked truth).
mt(r)t: testimony; mtua-horo, decider; (coll.) the male penis.

mtrw: flood.
mtuur: mtuur wa maa- water-furrow; mill-lade.
mtr: rut, gulley; stop-wash of grass.

mt3: flout, vex. mt3 ib r: disagree with someone.

matha: be surprised; be obstinate (in wonder, anger, or flight).

mtwn: arena; bnbn (Sphinx).

mthn: pavilion.
gthn / mthn: temporary shelter; initiation candidates lodging.

mtn: road, way; courage; course, obey; step the path.

mbinu, method, strategy, tactic, device. [Ksw.].
mthoni: relation; relation in-law;
thoni: modesty, deference, respectful, bashfulness; shame.

mtn / mtn: path-finder.

thnka: protrude; become naughty.
mthnko: 1. showing off, putting on airs, demand for attention; 2. shamelessness,

mdw: goldsmiths.
mindra / mendra: pound soft things in a mortar; pound till fine.
mindo: small heavy ear ornament, shaped like a horseshoe, worn by men in disintended ear-

mdw: staff; rod.
mdw i3w: staff of old age.
mtirima: staff, walking-stick; staff used for support by a sick or feeble person.

mdt: speech, words, talk, legal plea, written word, content of letter; matter, affair.
ndeto: affair, matter; word, utterance; news.

Mdw-ntrw: word of God, sacred writing.

ndeto theru: matter, affair, utterance that is holy, pure. [see B. 292a & 505a].
Imdete, loc. (Lulogooli).

mdw (mwdw): speak; plea.

teta: protest, remonstrate, complain.
teta: backbite; speak against. [Ksw.].
tete: babble; blather; chatter, gab, jabber; twandle. [Kalenjin].

mdwty: talker, speaker.

mteti: a politician; one who makes representations; one who grumbles.

mds: sharp, of knife; acute of vision; forceful of character; firm-planted.

munda: pierce, stab.
mundithia: have pierced, inoculated.

mds ib: spiteful; cut down quarry.

mundithio-ihu: be pierced, stabbed inside.

Md3w: Medjay, people of Medja; semi- military desert police.

Manja: proper name.

md3b: expel foes.

md3bt: bailer of boat; drainer for bilge.
cabuna: behave jauntily, naughtily, defiantly; show off, act conceitedly, in a rough manner.

md3t: papyrus roll, book, letter, dispatch.

manja / kmanja: bundle (of sticks, harvested crops); sheaf, heap.

imry md3t: letter-carrier.

kamaanja: kamaanja wa njaama, person sent by Njaama to intimate indirectly to somebody
that a curse will be put upon him unless he complies with recognized custom or with their
kmaanjka: (of millet heads, maize cobs tied together); bundle; (of grapes) cluster.
kmanjr: restless, careless, slapdash person.
manjrka: run off; stride away, take long strides, step out.

md: deep.
muuju: mud in a river when stirred up or during heavy rain; muddiness in any body of water.

mdr: shut out storms; wall in treasures.
maanjarara: a rocky place;
In the riddle, ndaikia mbugi maanjarara, (I have thrown a bell into maanjarara), the answer,
Miti wa njah ikmb (One who puts seeds of lablab beans into the grain-store). The
doomed wicker-work grain-store has a narrow mouth at the side near the top. Other stores are
made of hurdles, or grass-walls, and plastered floors (hence the noise made by dry beans).
ikmb ra gita irio cia kmera, store built by district elders to receive the ceremonial
offering of first fruits, food-bank.

mdr: ears.
njiri: triangular-shaped ear prnament.

mdd: press hard on.

mimiinda, crush by applying pressure.
monda, crush, squeeze together (especially with hands).

wdr mdd: shoot to hit.

ndra njitrrio, hit such that a cleansing ceremony will be required, i.e. kill.
njitrro: ceremony of cleansing from ceremonial pollution (such as of killing people).
NB: mndri / miko, food-mashing stick.


n, (prep) give, say, to someone.

ne, hand over to, give to.
neana, hand over to another person, hand over, give, distribute, give away, hand out.

ny: we, two, us, our, they, them.

inyu, you all.
nyiinyi / ninyi: you (all). [Ksw.].
enye: his, hers, their, theirs.

(ny wi rc): I belong to Ra.

Nyawra: womans name meaning, one who works hard.

ni: drive away, rebuff; avoid; throw down an enemy; turn back evil; get rid of wrong; parry
missile; darken; shrink, m, from.
niina / miina: finish; complete (a piece of work); use up; spend, consume; destroy, put an end to;
(of famine, war, pestilence) kill off, annihilate.

nit: wrong-doing.
niitha / nyiitha: be obstinate, look obstinate and stupid.

ni3w, ibex.
nyam, beast, animal other than domestic livestock; general term for a living thing.

niw: ostrich.
nyaga: ostrich, ostrich feather, crown of ostrich.
niwt: lower heaven
Nyaga=niw-k3? the ka of the ostrich feather.

niwty: locale of gods.

Kr-nyaga: mountain with the ostrich feathers; locale of the gods.
Mwene-nyaga: owner of the ostrich feathers, Maat;
Kr-maa-ra: mountain with the Goddess Maat, and the God Ra.

nik: 1. evil doer, 2. serpent demon.

nyoka: snake, worm. [Ksw.].


irma / krma, mountains.

kir(i) m: ewe umo (m).

kr() maa: ewe mwenye ukweli

kir(i) niw.k / niw ka: Krnyaga

Kr-Nyaga: mountain with the ostrich feather; the locale of Mwene-Nyaga the goddess Maat.
kir(i) niw.k:
Kr-Nyaga: ewe mwenye mbuni yake;
kir(i) niw ka: ewe mwenye ka ya mbuni (Kirinyaga)
kir(i) maa-ra: Kr-Maa-ra: the mountain with the truth, of Maat &Ra.

kir(i) maa d3rw: Kilimanjaro: needs; Kilima cha mahitaji (prayer place of the Maasai
- (ewe mwenye ukweli na matakwa).

khprr: dung beetle; scarab;

kr-maa-Kambirir: Ngong hills.
Khprr: young sun-god;

hpr: to come into being.

hprw: form, shape, modes of being transforms oneself into.

khprr: the sun-god creator in form of a beetle - at dawn on the eastern horizon (coming out of
the mound/ball of dirt). His iconography is that of the scarab beetle pushing the disk of the sun

upwards from the Underworld to journey across the sky. [Hart, 101].
Kambirir (kr-maa), Ngong hills.
1. en-kipir-ata e nkolong: the aiming of the sun, the time when the sun aims straight down
midday [Maasai].
2. kipirunoto: source, origin [Maasai].

prw: land emerged from inundation.

ipiru: to enkindle, to originate. [Maasai].
biro, to come. [Dhouo].

irw: shape form, nature.

mbir: black, dark brown.

Observing that out of the ball emerged a scarab, apparently spontaneously, it was logical to see
the insect as Khepri he who is coming into being, i.e. self-created of his own accord without
undergoing the natural cycle of reproduction. The creator sun-God was therefore aptly manifest
in the scarabaeus sacer or dung beetle [Hart, 101].

ol-oipiri: the-who-are-originating, elder. [Maasai].

ol-oipirri: self-standing; refugee. [Maasai]

bk3: the sun rises in the east (pregnant, hope, future).

kir(i) maa bk3: (Kilimambogo) (pregnant, morning, tomorrow, future).

kir(i)-maa ka D3hy:(of Njah location; of njah beans).

ir(i) maa (irmaa) n t3r (Nyandara)

mbuni ya funga kutoka zamani.
n t3r: take possession of, fasten.
wc: one [ibid. 56]. (Nya-ndaara: the one that fastens) where their maa closes /ends;
(Nyandara mountain ranges tie Krnyaga and Kambirir, marking the boundary of
Gkyland/Maasailand). NB: the hide (ndaara) & its uses (Eunoto, sugar-cane juice collection,
rma (trma): make marks on, decorate with curved lines; decorate somebody by making
patterns on his body with colors - (writing / signs)?


ny, we, two, us two, our; they, them.

inyu, (dual), plur. you two; you all.
ninyi / nyinyi, you (all) [Ksw.].

n.i, I, me.
ni, I, me.

nt: crown of L. E.

ndra: something imposing, prosperous, well-established, settled, permanent.

nt: water.
ndoogeri: tap, outlet (of a pipe).

niwt: city, town.

kanyinyo: (a place with) many things, noise, movement, people.

niwtyw: citizens, townsman.

knyaata, narrow strip of leather ornamented with beads, worn as belt, necklet, or armlet.
knyat, bad-tempered person.
?nyoota: shoulder badge of military rank, pip.

nyny: greeting.
mnyanya: illicit flirting between man and woman friends/lovers.
wakanyaanya!: greeting between close friends.

nik: evil door.

nikinga: 1. be distressed, agitated (with trembling lips and teaful eyes); grieve, fret, lament to
oneself in a low voice (because of death); 2. snivel, whisper, grizzle.

nci: linient (negative).

naa: badness, evil, wrong.
mna: a bad person.

nci: convey, travel by boat; traverse waterway.

naa as above.

Nwt: sky goddess.

nt: all-encompassing, everything under the sky.

nwtwtw, totter.
nyootoka, have enough to drink; become quenched of thirst; (colloquial) be drunk = stagger due
to drunkenness. [see b. 351].

nw, of, belonging to.

nya: (with reference to persons) of, from, belonging to.

nw: demonstrative pronoun this, these.

n?: interrogative pronoun who? whom? whom? which person?; by whom?

nw: moment; time.

nukta: second (of time) [Ksw.].

nw3: adze.
ithanwa: axe, axe-head. (see it3, thief, above).

nwy: water.
nyua: drink, imbibe, absorb, soak up.
-nywa: drink, gulp, absorb. [Ksw.].

nw(i): the wateriness, beginning of creation.

ni: state of nudity.

nwn: dishevel; be disheveled. (? chaos at the beginning of creation).

?nuuna, place apart by self.

nwh: bind enemies.

?nyinya, truss up, tie up thoroughly; hold tightly.

nwh: rope, band of metal.

mnyaka, copper. gcaango ka mnyaka, stout copper wire.
nyng, bloom of smelted iron-sand which has to be re-smelted to win purer iron.

nwh: heat; be scorched.

?ng: portable stove made out of a tin or old saucepan burning charcoal (used out of doors by
herd boys).
kang / kng: 1. chili. 2. female genitalia.

nwdw: squeeze out oil.

nwdt: ointment.
knaand: calabash used for storing oil, bottle-shaped gourd; flask of sacred oil accompanying
warriors on a raid.

Nb: Lord, Master.

nabo: one [Maasai].

Nb-cnh: Lord of life.

Nabongo (Mumia): King, Master; first.
[NB: Wakamwe, the first, the one; wc: one; unique, one only].

nbt: lady, mistress.

Nbt-r-dr: Mistress of all (especially of queen, of goddess).
Nabutola: a womans name (Luhya-Bukusu).

nbt: basket.
(nb, tie; any, every, all.
(dw, give, place).
(k, you, your).
(qi, form, shape, nature].
inabodo: basket. (Lulogooli).
muondo: bag for carrying meat.

Kondo, string bag; this is how to give the nature of giving. [see Benson 359b-360a].

nbw: Gold; (Hathor, see Faulkner 129).

Nab: proper name (Gky).

Nbw: The Golden One, a Royal title

(NB. the Ghanaian Ashanti Royal Stool).

nbi: flame, burn.

Nbi: Nubians.

nbd: destructive.
bunja: break, break open, break into; destroy; disregard (agreement, contract).
vunja: break, damage; annul. [Ksw.].

nbd / nbd: the Evil One; (see next entry).

fujo: disturbance, chaos, mess, riot, disorder, mayhem, affray, breach of peace. [Ksw.].

nbdw-kd: those of bad character; enemies of Egypt; (see dw kd r).

kndka: be evil; be, become, corrupt; change, deteriorate; be, do worse than.

np3: be wet.
njabacabi: swampiness, place where there is standing water.
cabaca: splashing sound as when paddling or wading through water.

np3t: a cake or loaf.

chapati: pastry. [Ksw.].

np3p3: flutter.
bata / batabata: flap about, flutter.

npr: grain, as god.

mbaria: dried Sorghum eaten raw by warriors on raids.
rbaria: dry, second-grade beans.
njah cia rbaria, stiff upstanding bean spikes (of blossom or pods) that have not grown into
tangled, intertwined mass.
Mbaria: proper name - (see Pr-c3, the Pharaoh).

nprt: brim of well; flat slab, basis; (see nfrw below).

biri / buru: description of absoluteness, completeness; entirely.

npdt: sharp knife.

kbindo: sheath-knife worn on the belt.

nfr: beautiful, kindly, pleasing, godly, lawful, happily, well-supplied.

mbere / kabere: place beyond, in-front; first.

nfrt: good things; what is good.
Mbeere: Kenyan ethnic group; girls name.
ber: goodness, beauty; good, nice, fine; beautiful, right. [Dholuo].

nfr: beauty, good fortune.

ber: goodness, beauty; good, nice, fine. Beautiful, right, [Dholuo].
maber, well, all right, correct; good beautiful, right, [LDholuo].
Mbeere, Nyabera: girls names.
mbeelel, be visible among others; be distinctive, standout, [Kalenjin].
mbeereet, grave. [Kalenjin].

nfrw: base; ground-level; back of building.

mbere / kabere: place beyond, in-front; first.
ibr / rbr / kbr: (of earth, turf) clod, sod.
mbr, hard grey earth eaten by goats.

nfryt: end, bottom.

nfrytr: down to.
buriani: last words, farewell, especially of persons going for a long journey. [Ksw.].

nfrytw: to its end.

buru: description of completeness, absoluteness.

nfryt: tiller rope.

kburuuti: wind-mill for pumping water or working electric generator; bull-roarer used by boys
in scaring birds away from crops.

nfrw: young men of army.

naibere, warriors flowing shoulder-cloth of printed calico donned for war.
buuria: loot, plunder.
ibuuria: looting.
rbuurio: kick.
buruga: disturb people (mentally); turn people out of a room; upset people by ordering them
burugunyi: disturbance; annoying person.
buruthi: mthire wa buruthi, majestic walk.

nfrwt: fair women.

burutha: show off; display oneself, pose for admiration.
buruthi: display dignity.

nfr n: not.
nfr pw: there is not.
sifuri: zero, nought, nil. [Ksw.].
bure: useless; in vain, for no good cause or result. [Ksw.].

burugi: barren stretch of land; desert. [Gky].
kabure: person with ear missing.
bura / burura: strip (a tree, branch); pluck at, shave head clean.

nftft: leap.
batabata: flap about, flutter; hover.
butuibutu, description of fluttering, flapping.
butu, like a flash, in an instant, in the twinkling of an eye.

nm: who?
n ma?: who? who are they?

nmi: shout (of people); low (of cattle).

nuumi: short hollow piece of bamboon blown by women only during initiation ceremony, to
produce a lowing sound (kmeeme).

nm: go wrong; rob; steal.

numwa: abuse, insults.

nmc: 1. be one-sided, partial; 2. question.

nemi: a disobedient, rebellious, self-willed person, (from rema).

nmh(y): orphan; private person, freeman.

nmhyt: freewoman.
nema-kha: a stubborn, willful, person.

nny: be weary, inert; drag, of foot; dribble, of fluid; settle, of flood water.
nina / niniya: 1. ooze slowly, drip; (of rain) drizzle; (of nose) drip; be slimy, sticky, messy. 2. be
stupid, silly; be paralyzed with cold, fear.

nnw: weariness, inertness, of dead.

nnyw: inert ones = the dead.
maniniya: messiness, stringy, mucous matter; (of water weeds, frog-spawn, after-birth of goat,
etc) sliminess.

nn: not.
nn=n=bn: not, none.
baane: cant be! (Luhya).
hapana: there isnt; there is none; no, do not. [Ksw.].
banga: rebel, disobey, get out of control - (?negation =ba, of cnh=anga, i.e. negation of life).

nnk: belongs to me; (after infinitive) on my part, end;

nnk is often contracted to n(i)-(i)nk is mine.
ni angu: it/he/she is mine; (ni nyumba yangu, ni mototo wangu); [see Tuki 12a].

nnk-rn: belongs to me, (my) name.

ngarana: mutual name used between people of the same name. ngarana-we, his namesake.

nri: fear; overawe.

nyuri: voice, noise, sound. gtir kanyuri, there is not a single soul.
mnyurio: a slight sound, a whisper.

nrw: fear, dread, disturbance.

nyuru: description of something small, especially sound.
nyura: (of living things) make a sound; utter a slight sound.

nrw: terrible one.

nr: ill-behaved, unmannerly person; naughty fellow.
knaar: person who uses abusive language; lazy, slovenly, slipshod person.

nh: escape death.

hona: recover from disease, get cured, get well, feel better.
ponya: heal, cure; remedy [Ksw.].

nht: sycamore, magical protection, shelter, refuge.

ngy: sycamore figs.
Mky: 1. species of wild fig tree, leaf used in magic rites; 2. female sheep of uniform brown
olunyaasi: medicine. [Luhya].

nhy: some, a little, a few.

nyiiha: be little, small, in size, quantity, status; be few, decrease, diminish.

nhw: loss; show less of a bad quality.

?nyiihia, reduce, make small, decrease.

nhm: dance for joy.

ngemi: ululation; uga ngemi, (of women only) utter joy-trill (five times for a boy, three times for
a girl).

nhm, to take away, rob?.

?nyima, nyanganya??

nhry: noble of Nahrin.

Nhrn: location, Nahrin.
?Nyer / Nyr: name of an administrative District and city in central Kenya.

nh3: contrary, perverse; alarmimg, terrible, abnormal.

neha: have qualms, be apprehensive.

nh3: shake.
nh3t: palpitations.

nehaneha: be agiated, breath fast from fear, alarm or nervousness; pant; voice ones fears,
doubts, apprehension.

nhb: harness, combine attributes.

ngmba / gkmba: anything squeezed into a lump or tight bundle; lump of mud, clay,
mashed food.
ngmbr: lump of flour in badly made gruel; lump of salt earth, mud, etc.

nhm: take away, carry off, withdraw oneself; save, rescue; assume a dignity or office.
nyima: keep back (from), withhold (from); deny. [Ksw.].

nhsi / nhzi: wake.

nyuthra: shake oneself and run.

nhs: hippopotamus.
nyati: buffalo [Ksw.].

nhp: potters wheel.

ngmba: lump of earth, clay or mud; clod.
nymba / rmba: low mound; ridge of ploughed furrow.

nhn, rejoice.
kena: be happy; feel joyful, glad, pleased; kena mno, rejoice.
ngena: cheerfulness, cheerful disposition, pleasure, gladness, well-being.

nhr: resemble.
ikara (ta): be, behave (like).

nhsy: Nubian.
Nyeusi: black. [Ksw.].

nh: miserable.
nyiihka: cry in low voice.
mnyiihko: lamentation.

nhwt: complaint, lamentation.

?nyuga, chant a solo (the recitative part in a song), lead in a song.
nyugra, sing in praise of an individual dancer or well-known person;
nyugi, jeering jibes.

nh: youthful; small; brief (of suffering).

nyiiha: be little, small, in size, status.

nht: youth (abstract).

nyiinyi: youth, youthfulness.

nh3h3, ruffle.
ngakama, heavy trouble; heavy weight; igrrwo ngakama, have trouble brought upon you.

nhb: open mine; assign property.

kobia, dig, excavate, hollow out.
ngobio, small pit, hollow, hole deep enough for cow to fall into.

nhb, fresh land.

ngaamba, garden left fallow.
ngiebe, forest verge, glade.

nhb, stipulation.
n kaba, rather, preferably, if need be.

nhbhb, draw back door-bolt; throw open doors; crepitate, of broken bones.
kabakaba, description of light running (with tripping steps as of young people).

Nhn, loc. Nekhen, Hieraconpolis.

Ngenia, a location in Limuru, Kenya.

nhn, shrine.
?ngekano, cursing, uttering maledictions.

nhn: young, youthful.

anakaha, appear youthful, renew ones youth, become rejuvenated.
nyanake, lad, initiated youth.

nhnw: youth (abstract).

nyanake, lad, initiated youth.
waanake: 1. young manhood, youthfulness, youth. 2. adornments, display characteristics of
young manhood.

nhnw: child.
kenye: child.
nyanake, lad, initiated youth.
kaana / mwana: a child, baby, young human being.

nhh: be old; old age.

kukhu: grandmother [Luhya].
kooko, grandmother [Kalenjin].

nht: strong, stiff, hard; victorious; strong of arm, champion.

ngatata: piece of thick, tough material.

nht: strong man, champion.

ngatia: lion; name of someone who has qualities of a lion;

ngaati, wildbeast.

nhtw, strength, victory, hostages.

ngatunyi, lion.

nswt: flame.
cura: (as below).

nswt: [n(i) swt -]: of sedge tree - King of Upper Egypt.

mcuth/mcith: tail of animal (with or without tuft, fairly long); something hanging at back of
something else, tassel of cap, appendage.
gcuth: tail of wildbeest, hartebeest, cow, mounted on handle and used as fly-whisk; tail of
animal with or without brush;
rcuth, njuth: spinal column, backbone, sacrum; - The king as tail or possessing an animal
tail as in the hb-sd festival, and as the backbone of the society.

n(i) possessive.
nya: the one of. (see nyacuru below).

nsw-bit: King of Upper & Lower Egypt.

nsyw: kings.
nsy: be king.
nyathmb: 1. crown; 2. head-dress of ostrich feathers; lions or baboons mane, colobus-
monkey skin worn in war to denote rank; 3. feathery end of branch, topmost branch;
igrra thmb, coronation.
Nyamathmb: place-name in central Kenya, where the last Ituka (power handing-over ritual
the hb-sd) was held in 1929 [see Mnene, 1995: 24].
Thmb / Mathmb: proper names.
Njmbi: womans name.

nsr: flame.
nsry: flames; be inflamed (of wounds).
cura: (of food in cooking) get burnt, be charred; (of hide or skin) become scorched while lying
pegged in the hot sun; go black in places and develop rucks and blebs due to the presence of fat.

nsr: anger.
ngithara: (of a person) stand staring sternly in anger.
ngitra: be sullen towards somebody.
njr: obstinate, refractory, willful person.
nchuruur: stare belittlingly at, snub. [Kalenjin].
hasira: anger, rage; blaze. [Ksw.].

nsr / pr nsr: national shrine of L. E. at Pc, as place of coronation.

mcura / njura: burnt, singed food from the bottom of the pot.
Nyacuru: name of a girl who is very black.


nyutha: brush, rub off; rub dry mud off onesbodyafteramudbath;lookafteroneself.


nkcwt: notched sycamore-figs, (see k3w: sycamore figs, above).

ngy: fruits of Mky (sycamore) tree.
Gau(iyu): Gahuya/Gauiya/Gky.

nkwt: moisture.
ngi / Angi (see above).

nk: copulate.
ngohano: sexual intercourse.
nguko: simulated sexual intercourse between young men and girls.
nyango: friend, lover.

nkn: sword.

nkn: harm, injury.

ngekano: (n). cursing, maledictions.

nkt: some, a little; something; a piece of wood; profit, advantage.

ngata: small wooden framework worn from the belt of a newly circumcised boy to protect the

ngi: break open, break up.

?ngirita: saw through, cut crosswise, sever; chop, slash, smirk off.
ngithangitha: cut irregularly as with a brunt object.
?vunja: break. [Ksw].

ngt: breach in dam.

ngeta: (of swollen river) be difficult to cross.

ngyt: breach (of law), crime.

?ngeta: be dangerous, difficult; be too big to deal with.
-ngetu: obstinate, difficult, stubborn; impudent, rebellious.
rngeto, arrogance, presumptuousness; impudence, difficult, stubborn.

ngmgm: conspire.
uungumania / nguukumanio: machinations, treachery, underhand tactics; robbery by guile;
secret scheming.
njama: conspiracy, plot. [Ksw].

ngsgs: overflow.
nga: to the brim, completely; full up to the top.
mngaanga: state of fullness, completeness; full to the brim.
caca: be plentiful; be excessive, overly full.
jaza: make full, fill; congest, cram, overfill; overload; pile. [Ksw].
jazana: be plenty; be crowded, be cramed. [Ksw].
jamu: many, plenty. [Ksw].

ngw: loss.
ngu: expression of, doubt, criticism, dissatisfaction, at some decision or act.
ngonga: make a sign of contempt behind someones back. [Ksw.].
jeruhi: afflict a wound, injure. [Ksw].

ng3w: long-horned bull or ox.

nja: calf.
njeku: bull. [Ksw.].

nt3(y), I have never been angry, [see Budge BoD Per Mhrw #25, 201].
nda, riddle.
sijawahi kukasirika.

nt-pw, it is the fact that.

ndipo, on this account, else. [Ksw.].

nt-c: customs, rites, rituals, routines, duty, execution of a task.

ndugo / mtugo: custom, way, behaviour, peculiarity.

ntf: besprinkle.
tabia / tahia/ taiga: 1. pour a drink into a glass; 2. take a little of something to taste.
ndahi, small calabash, shaped like a tumbler, used as a dipper, also for drawing beer.

ntr: god; the good god, especially of the great god, usually of dead king.
thera: shine, sparkle; be clean, innocent, pure, holy; be wise (in world affairs).
theru: purity, cleanness; holiness.
atheru: the holly ones; saints (Angelus).

ntrt: goddess; divine eye.

ndr: nucleus, kernel, centre, heart, essence, essential part. ndr ya riitho, the eyeball.
ndrng: eye, protruding eye or eye-ball, big eyes.

ntrw: godhood, divinity.

ndr: nucleus, kernel, centre, heart, essence, essential part. ndr ya riitho, the eyeball.
nderu: beard; moustache.
Nderu: proper name.

ntrw: sacred pole.

ndoroothi, 1. long staff decorated with strips of white colobus fur by boy candidates for
circumcision when they go dancing round the villages. 2. shorter staff decorated by the initiated
young men and handed, two at a time, to the neophytes, for throwing over the fig-tree on the day
before circumcision, and broken at the river the following morning.

ndb: sip.
ndubia: tea without sugar; insipid, tasteless thing (which jolts a little?).

ndbdb: sip.
tubatubia: (caus; dim.) make something, someone, jolt, bump about.

ndbwt, area, extent.

mtaambo: (of a hill) long slope; mtaambo wa r, course of a river (as seen from a
taamba, 1. (of creepers, etc) spread over surface of ground, fence, etc; (of insects, chameleon,
etc.) creep, walk over people or trees, jump from branch to branch; crawl up by hands and feet
on trees, rocks, climb; 2. (of news) spread.

nd: grind.
nd: flour.
ndw: miller.
uji: porridge, gruel [Ksw.].

nd: save, protect, m, from; guard against magic; make good harm; protection.
njehu: magic powder, of yellow colour with power to make the person using it invisible.

ndr: to seize.
njeli: bow. [Kws.].

nd-r: consult, take counsel, oracle.

jalia: grant, empower, enable; be gracious to especially of Gods favor.
jali: care, be concerned, pay/give heed to, take heed of; respect, honor, esteem. [Ksw.].
Kilima-njaro: Maasai peoples place of prayer.

nd-hrt: greet; pay someone respects, r, at the Residence; Greeting!

njaag / rcaag: salutation between persons who have shared a piece of grilled sheep-fat.

ndyt: baseness.
njr: gossip.

nd3: parch with thirst.

nyanja: big calabash with wide body and narrow neck used for storing beer.
Nyanza / Nyancha: lake Nyanza (in western Kenya).
Nyaancha / Nyaancheet: lake, sea, ocean. [Kalenjin].
nyanza: lake. [Ksw.].

nd3w: chips of stone.

njac / rac: chip, shiver, splinter, thin wand.

ndm: sweet, of flavor or odour; pleasant, pleasing; comfortable; well, hale; joyful.
njamu / cama: pleasant taste; flavour; worth, value.
mcamo: taste, flavour.
chamo: to eat. [Dholuo].
a-isham: to taste. [Maasai].
(nj)ema: good, warm, beautiful, pleasant. [Ksw.].
nzima: whole, complete, healthy, without defect. [Ksw.].

ndmmyt: passion.
njamu: something sweet (from cama).
mro: good taste, sweetness.
njanga-mro / gacanga-mro: pleasure-giving thing or action; term used in dance-songs with
reference to nguko (sexual-intercourse).

ndnd: confer, take advice, consult someone; advice, counsel.

janja: canny, knowing, crafty, sly [Ksw.].
mjanja: 1. clever person; 2. cunning, shrewed person. [Ksw.].

ndrw: grasp, hold fast; catch; arrest; take possession of; observe regulation; hold to order; follow
journeys; draw tight; (see m3c: to slaughter, sacrifice).
njoorumaa: fabled powerful creature which lived in the river, would grab, arrest and kill people.
(njoru-maa: one which grabs and slaughters).

?njorua: skilled person, expert, one who excels; mrmi njorua, a first-class farmer.

ndrt: imprisonment; suppression of wrong.

jari: force, strength, power. [Ksw.].

nds: little, small, of size.

njaca: anything incomplete, insufficient.

nds: commoner, citizen; (in half-contemptuous address) good fellow.

see njaca above.

ndsw: low estate.
njac (rcac): long thin wand, sapling, withy used for basket-making.


r: mouth, opening of cave; door.

mromo: 1. lips (with the surrounding area); 2. doorway, entrance, (of calabash) mouth.

r: more than.
rga: excel, surpass; krga njano, over the mark, exceedingly; be ahead of others.

r: according as.
ringana na: according to, in accordance with.

r: utterance, speech, intent.

r / rr: utterance stating it is like this; prefixed with at (listen to me), (3t: spend a while) to
indicate the subject is to proceed (speaking).

r: (de sorte qu) so that. [see Obenga, Iritisen, 36].

ir, (used with the present and past tense signs to express the verb to be); being.
ili: (mpaka, kusudi, kwa hivyo; kwa namna kwamba, or kwa namna ambayo); so that. [Ksw.].

r: facing / headed to [see Peasant, line 3].

rora: face, proceed towards.

r: waters edge.
iria: lake, sea, ocean. (where water stops).
rteere: beach, shore, boundary.
rhgrt: verge, margin of stream.
ir: water [Kalenjin].

r 3 gs: go off with someone.

raka / ragaraga: wander about;
rakithia, make someone wander about.
ragarithia, cause to roll away, make drift.
ragara, (of small objects) roll away, drift as when blown by the wind.

r w3t: path, way.

mraato, trail, tracks.
raata: walk about; walk with measured tread.
rwata / rora wata; ( w3t, road way); see wata above.

r-cwy: hands, actions.
kara: mighty man of valour; man of great physical strength.

r-cwy: end, limit, beside, near;

r-cwy, gate.
?rana: stroll, walk about aimlessly.

rc-ms: Ramose.
Ramisi, Rama: male names. (Ksw).
rama: 1. curve, incise, brand (a bee-barrel, wooden honey pot, etc.); 2. make decorative ridges
(on leather of sword belt, etc.); 3. decorate with stripes and spots.
rama: mark, sign; writing.
alama: sign, mark, stamp,, seal. [Ksw.].
zh3w rc-ms: scribe Ramose
thaka Ramisi: beautiful / noble Ramisi (see rama above).

r-c-ht: combat.
ragaragia: chase (livestock, etc.); cause to rll away.
harakati: struggle, combat. [Ksw.].

r-pr, temple, chapel.

rabaraba, rub lightly (as when smearing a garment, or the body, with oil); whittle lightly
(activities done in temple by the w3b priests).
Rabara, proper name (Dholuo).

r-pdtyw: foreigners. (see pdi / pdty; above).

raba: a pilferer, one who takes a rake-off.
njit: mythical monsters; wild maniacs or robbers wo attack travelers; terrorists; swarm, crowd.
mrooba /mroobi: rogue, vagabond.
mraba: row. [Ksw].
rabsha: brawl, commotion, confusion. [Ksw].

rwty: 1. lions den; gate. 2. outsider.

rt: 1. woody plant (Buddleia salvifolia), the long withies are used for making grain-stores,
gakmb, a word that also means a boat.
rt, as in the following oral narrative-song, rt refers to a gate/lions den, as the people escape
from the Marim invaders by boat.
Gakmb gakwa, My little grain-store / boat
Ringa rt, Cross the lions den
Ringa rt Cross the lions den
Ndr. Drive out the outsiders
Tr gkorwo-, We have been found
Ringa rt, Cross the lions den
Ringa rt Cross the lions den
Ndr Drive out outsiders / expel evil.

rw3: consider doing something.
?ruaca: prepare somebody for a ceremony; (of a girl) protect oneself.

rwi: dance, palpitate, of heart.

rwmbo: dance; song.

rwi: clap hands.

rh: palm of hand. hra rh, to clap hands, (lit. hit the palm).

rpw: rot.
olufu: disease, rottenness, evil (Luhya).

rwd: hard, firm, enduring; strength, firmness.

rwd: strength, firmness.
rnda: throw down in a wrestling match, throw down in a heap, chop down (a huge tree).

rpc(t): hereditary noble; heir.

ribra: appropriate, take possession of an area (without permission);
-ribra: appropriate an area to oneself; take possession before anyone else;
kwribra brri, settle and take possession of a district before anyone else.

rf / irf: sometimes variable for a person. (see irf).

nyariib: (in songs) girl.
mrb: self-willed, wayward person.

rmrm: chastice.
ramra: strike somebody (with a whip, a thin stick or something flexible).
rma mnd: call somebody names vigorously.
raimri: 1. neckband of beads and small chains worn by boys, taken as trophy from those
defeated in inter-group fights; 2. name given to a strong man.

rmt: man, men, mankind; Egyptians.

-rme: male; man.
mrme: man, husband; male person.
karme: dear little husband.
mndrme: a fully grown male; mature, strong man.
rme: quality of being male; masculinity, virility, bravery, daring, fierceness, ferocity;
mume: husband. [Ksw.].
romi / rome [see Obenga, Ancient Egypt & Black Africa, 151].
mramati: a faithful and wise guardian, caretaker, controller of what is entrusted to him/her; one
who turns his possessions to good account; trustee of family holdings, consulted in all matters
affecting the administration of the family land.
rimtha, (of people) run about, play, dance at large; (of boys and girls) dance from home to
home entertaining relatives during rituals.

rn: name.

rtwa: name (lit. what one is called).
liita, name. [Lulogooli].
liira, name. [Luhya].

rnn: bring up, nurse, caress; rejoice.

rnaano: (young childs) naughtiness, mischief, willfulness.

rnt: (wet) nurse.

naania: favor, caress, spoil.
naana: mother.
nyaanya: grandmother.

rn: young one, of animals.

mruna: younger brother; next-born.

rnpw: youthful vigor.

mran: warrior; period of unrestricted freedom when young men roam and enjoy themselves.
Ol murrani: warrior. [Maasai].
muren, warriors. [Kalenjin].

rnp: colt.
ndeegwa ya mran: young bull.

rnn: rejoice.
e-murruna: happiness, joy, pleasure, gentleness. [Maasai].

rnnwt: joy, exultation.

rnaano: (young childs) naughtiness, mischief, willfulness.

rr: time.
rara: pass the night, spend the night with, at; last the night.
mraara: all night;
iraara, night, time of sleeping.
iraare: (of persons, especially referring to somebody regarded as lazy, when names are not
mentioned) one who does not stay long in a place, a fly-by-night; and acio n maraare,
those people are here one day and gone the next, (articulated in the following childrens song):

Rara Rara, Rara, Time Time, Time

Rara na n we, Rara Time it is you, Time
Wangera yo, Rara Who has caused me that (disaster), Time
Ya ma na mtu, of mixing water and
Rara flour, Time
Kamau wit-, Rara Our Kamau, Time
Njugire ndngthi I said you wont go,
Rara Time
Na ither n inene- And it is a big joke,

Rara. Time.

rrt: (colloquial) swine.

ruruutka: wobble, stagger, (of somebody who has been hit hard, a sick, hungry person) be
unconscious, dizzy.

rrit: piggishness.
kruruutha: taciturn, boorish person.

rhn: lean hr, on; rely on, trust in, with, hr.
rigania: be, next, adjacent, to; be alongside of; rigania na, stand by so-and-so.

rhw: comrades, mates.

ndg, 1. friendship; a friend; 2. affinity, relationship by blood or marriage (e.g. krienye /
gtienye, kedyanye, r / t / d are equivalent).

rhwy: the Two Companions = Ra & Dhwty; the Two Combatants = Hrw & Seth; human
ndg, as above.
rruka /nduka: family ancestry, line of descent; of race, breed, type.
kruka: family tree; mbri ya kruka, a prolific goat, goat of prolific stock. rruka rwa kmb
rtithiragwo n mngngt, the family of chameleon never loses the protruding back-bone.

rhyt: the Two female Companions = Ast & Nbt-Hwt.

mrkia: persistent, pertinacious person; one who perseveres with a task or in a cause.
rkithia, 1. defeat in a lawsuit; 2. cause to come off, come unfixed; 3. (of a bull) defeat and
chase the vanquished bull. 4. assist to loosen and pull out something.
nyaruk: girls.
Rukia, girls name.

rh: know, know how to, be able to; be aware of, learn; inquire; know of; acquire wisdom; be
wise; knowledge, inquire, opinion; seek, after, for.
rongoora: direct ones wishes, ambitions, desires, etc, towards a certain goal; set ones face
toward work with something in view; follow up.
raha: plan a journey.

rh: wise man.

mrongoorithia: leader in ritual prayers, in seeking of the required knowledge or goals; master
of ceremony.

rht: knowledge; amount, number.

rrongooro: 1. report, news; 2. trace, direction in which to proceed.

rh: copulate, know woman.

kraro: private parts.

rhs: slaughter.
ragatha: be blood-shot.

rhtt, the ends of the earth.

rkiriri, horizon, skyline.

rhyt: subjects of king, commonfolk; mankind.

raiya: citizen, civilian; subject; the public, the common people.
raia: citizens, civilians. [Ksw.].

rs (ris): wake; watchful, vigilant.

racria: open eyes.

rsw: watch, guard (of sentries); vigilance.

racria: open eyes.
racaraca: prowl (of dog), roam.

rswt: awakening dream.

karaithio: dawn, morning twilight.

rst: sacrificial victims.

rica: go to the rescue of, succour;
-rica: defend oneself against an accusation; resist (fire, sickness, etc.).
ricia: speak slightingly of.
krica: knot made in rope to prevent loop from slipping or becoming tight.

rsw: the South Land.

rathka: 1. (of gun, arrow) go off, be discharged. 2. (of something taut) shoot out, spring loose.
3. (of fire) spark, shoot out with sparks. 4. (of seeds from dry pods) shoot out with a pop,
jump away, (points to Ancient Egyptian myth of creation and origins).

rsw: south-wind.
r, from.
isw: ancient ones.
c / cc: my grandmother; my classificatory grandmother.
rc = rhuuho rwa-c, grandmothers wind / negative effects of the displeased departed
spirits of the ancestors in the south.
rhuuho, wind, air; gwatia rhuuho, bring sickness upon somebody by talking about him;
infect others with ones misfortunes by association.
Rc: location in Mranga district, Kenya.




rk: but, now.

lakini: but. [Ksw.].

rqi: oppose, revolt.

mregi: one who refuses to obey.

rk: incline; turn aside; defy.

rega: refuse, reject; disobey.

rky: fierce.
Iregi: a past generation set, (said to have been fierce and refused domination). Gtir wa Iregi
tire- none of Iregi generation is still alive - said to encourage those facing hard situations
requiring immense courage to indicate that even the cowards will end up dying anyway, so you
had better die for a cause.

rkw: tilting of balance; enmity.

regi / regu: dissent; refusal, rejection.

rkw: opponent. rkt-ib: ill-will.

mregu /-regani: opposed to, contrary; unfavorable to approaches.

rk: time, age, era; time of king, ancients.

riika: a series of annual initiation sets, regiment, generation-set; a single initiation or age-set
(usually named after an outstanding event of the season).
mriika: co-member of an age-set, co-initiate; a division of Gky society, generation-set.

m p3 rk: in these times.

mbaara-wa-aka: menstruation period.

rkrk: creep.
regera: wobble; be loose, slack, weak.

rkrk: snake.
kregerege: person with a loose, jaunty gait; flabby, backward person.

rkrk: a creeping plant.

mrenge: pumpkin; marrow.
irenge, plant of pumpkin.

rkh: light fire.

riga / rigka: 1. singe, remove hair, wool, fur, by singeing and scaping; 2. burn bark (off sticks,
poles, etc) so that it comes off easily; char ends; scorch.
riga mtwe, singe the head of slaughtered animal before cooking it.

mriga: charred fur or bark; odour of singeing or of burnt hair.

rkh: (festival of) Burning.

krige: krige ka marig, a party gathered to eat roasted bananas.

rkh c3, rkh nds, the Great Burning and the Little Burning.
thenge ya krige, he-goat slaughtered and roasted by special friends of both parties during the
concluding stages of a marriage contract.
nyama cia krige, meat roasted for a party.

rkht: heat.
rigka: get scorched by the fire.

rkhw: flames.
krugo: brewing of beer by heating of sugar-cane juice to cause fermentation; a feast companied
by beer, any kind of feast. and a krugo gaku, your friends, pals.

rth: bread.
ritki: fragments let fall while eating; small crumbs from food.

rd: foot.
randa: move around boasting; loiter, walk around aimlessly.
randaranda: (of a young child, sick person) totter along, try to walk.
randaranda: loiter, walk around aimlessly. [Ksw.].

rdw: stairway.
randa: smoothing-plane, (physical resemblance??).
randa: carpenters plane. [Ksw.].

rdi: give; reveal oneself; send, cause, permit.

?rindria: expose, bring to light.
tia, put something into, pour into; bring about, cause. [Ksw.].

rdi s3 (n): turn the back to.

rdi tp nfr: make a good beginning.
rindka: go right away from, leave a place for good, disappear; be removed, evicted.
rindra: drive away, remove for good, disperse, depopulate, evict.
mrindko: a general exodus, evacuation due to some catastrophe.

rdi s3 r: put a stop to.

rudi: return to; discipline, punish.
rudisha: return something, refund. [Ksw.]

r-d3w: mellay.
ronja: 1. talk confusedly, burble, chatter. 2. be in a tumult.

rdw: efflux of body.
gconjo: the condition of reeking, dripping, with liquid fat, ochre, oil, water; an over-saturated
kronjo: long tail of fat-tailed sheep.

/h 156-160

h: courtyard.
ha: 1. denoting a relatively limited area or proximity; 2. as an interrogation, where

h3i: come down, go down, descend, fall, befall of age drip, drop; accede r, to office.
haica: climb up, go up, come up, ascend; mount, get up on to (a horse, a bicycle, etc.).

h3t: ceiling.
hata: close in, enclose tightly; keep back, constrain; check, restrict.

h3yt: portal.
mhaat: a narrow passage, gap between rocks, etc.; place where one has to squeeze to get

h3w: corvee.
?hanga: hustle about, be busy with many things to attend to.

h3w: time; just then.

hau: (time) just then.

m h3w, at the time of.

o hau hau, just then

h3w: neighborhood; environment.

hau: (location) just there, thereabouts (near the person addressed).

r-h3w: near.
r hau: it is near there.

m-h3w-hr: in front of
hau har: there by the

r hr: near.

r har: it is near / by the...

hb: tread.
hbrra: amass, heap, for oneself.
hbra, give a heavy smack with palm of hand or something broad and fluffy.
hba / hmba: pile on top, put excessive load on.

h3bt: dance (?).

kbaata: dance, especially one held for the purpose of making an announcement to the local

h3byt: treading underfoot (?).

hambarita: swarm, climb up (a tree, etc) quickly; 2. clasp somebody in arms; embrace.

hbk: beat up.

hba: smack; buffer with palm of hand.
hbka, get smacked.
kupiga, to beat.

h3rt: herds of game.

hara: lose in a game, pay a forfeiture; go bankrupt.

h3kr: a religious festival.

ihakro: 1. altar. 2. place where tribute is delivered by one age-set or generation to another.
haka: used with specific reference to certain ceremonies.
haka ngondu, (of woman married before performance of necessary preliminary ceremonies) be
ceremonially purified;
haka taatha, annoint with stomach contents of a sacrificial animal as an act of purification;
ihaki, offering, sacrifice.
ihaki ra njino, burnt-offering or sacrifice.
mbri ya ihaki, goat paid by recently initiated youth to youths of earlier age-sets prior to
admission to dances.
ihaki ra gthaambanio, fee paid to female officials at the ceremonial washing in the ritual.

h3ts: kind of jar.

hatha-in: in the cleft of a forked stick.
rhatha, protuberance, outgrowth; one of two forks of a forked stick.

hi: husband.
ihaaha: 1. rib, joint of meat; 2. flesh on the ribs.
Hawa (from Adams rib).

hy: hail!; shout; jubilate.

h: jubilation, (haa h h as in folk songs).

hyhy: make acclamation.

h: expression of disapproval, pained surprise, expostulation.

hims: m hims, humbly.

hmba: (humble someone, humiliate), put put palm on mouth (to stop speaking); hold up hand
towards somebody (to halt him);
hmbra, strike with palm of hand.
hmbrithia, cause someone to humiliate.
himiza: encourage, urge.
himidi: (God) praise, thank, extol, exault, laud. [Ksw.].

hyhy: make acclamation.

h: interjection, expression of disapproval, pained surprise, expostulation.

hwhw: scurry.
khuuhkanio: tumult (of people).
hhhh: description of excited bawling, shouting, clamouring.
huhunga: move about in earch of food.

hwt: be burnt.
-hu: be burnt, scalded, scorched, cooked.

hb: plough.
humbia: cast up earth.
ihumbia: pile of earth cast up from a burrow.

hbi: tread out grain; tread a place; travel to; enter into someone (of knives, of poison).
hmba / hmbra: (break in, beat up, knife, hold mouth to halt from calling out for help, pile up
grain). -- see the Anjr counting song and Benson 155a-156b.
hb-ib, far-ranging desire.

hb: humiliate.
(see hmba / hba above).

hbny: ebony.
mbing: ebony; African blackwood. (Dalbergia melanoxylon).
kheboni / khaboni: ebony. (Luhya).
mpingo: ebony. [Ksw.].

hbnt: a jar; measure of capacity.

hbb: description of fullness; iyra hbb, be brimful, chock-full.
hba: pile, heap.

hbhb: traverse country.

hobahoba: dim. (of people, animals, etc.) envelop, cover with outstretched arms, wings, etc;
seize with arms, claws.
hobania, come on suddenly, blunder on to.

hobana: (of creeping plants) grow profusely, intertwine.
hobanria, spring upon, and seize suddenly with arms, claws; pounce.
khobanrio, suddenness; a sudden, unexpected occurrence.

hbhb: drive out pain.

hubahubka: 1. dim. (of a configuration) abate; (of a swelling, boil, etc) burst, be relieved. 2.
wake up to a situation; become unhooded, understand.

hbk: beat up, triturate.

hubkra: 1. come down upon suddenly; pounce; 2. envelop with spreading arms; bury, cover
over completely.
hobokia: cause to cave in; break through, make sink into ground.

hp: law, ordinance.

?mahubi: 1. coverings, mufflings. 2. concealments, dark speech, hidden meanings;

hm: be burning.
hma: pant, be, get, out of breath.
hmrra, 1. pant very fast; 2. speak with laboured breath.
mhm, hard-breathing, panting, respiration.

hmt: fare for conveyance.

?homia, 1. be unfair to, do down in business. 2. cause to be stunted, under-feed.
homa: do down, be unfair to somebody (in dividing food, meat, etc.).

hmw: emoluments.
??homoka: become healthy, wealthy, prosperous (especially after a bad time); start to grow.

hnw, praise of God or king; jubilation.

honoka, (in a religious sense) be saved, join revival movements;
mhonokia, savior, deliverer; one who causes somebody or something to escape.

hnw: associates; family.

haana: be like, resemble, look like.
mhaano, likeness, resemblance;
mahaananu, similar things.
mhaano, example.

hnn: attend to, consider; trust in.

honania: attend to, cure, heal people. assent to; approve; cajole.

hr: milk.
mahro, iria ra mahro, butter-milk; separated milk.

hrw: pleasing, be pleased, satisfied, quiet, at peace; take care.

hora / -horo: be calm, inactive, at peace. w mhoro? (a greeting) are you at peace / are you
alright / satisfied / okay?
horo: peace, well-being; tiguo na horo, remain in peace; thi na horo, go in peace.
-horu: cool, gentle, careful, peaceful.
Mhoro, proper name (peaceful person).
hooroha: be reconciled with; be calm, be at peace with.
hoorohia: atone, pacify, quieten, restore to a state of ritual well-being.
khooroha, person of gentle disposition.

hrt: peace, pleasantness.

hoorera: be, become quiet, restful, calm; have a quiet, peaceful disposition; become meek, law-
hooreri: gentleness, inoffensiveness; quietness of character, peace of mind.
heri: tranquility, happiness, blessedness, fortunate. [Ksw.].

hrw: day, daytime.

hurumra: arouse; stir from rest, hiding; cause to jump out.
hurumka: dash, rush off, jump out (from a hiding place).
gurumka: rise up, wake up, spring up suddenly; bolt out of cover, be startled, start suddenly.
-gurumra: wake oneself up suddenly, startle oneself.
ngriri: very early in the morning, the small hours (time of intense cold).

hrw: down.
harrka / kharrka / khar: drop, declivity, steep slope, cliff, precipiece
hurrka, go downhill.

hrp: sink, be immersed; suppress someones desires.

horokeria: make sink (into); (of stopper, lid) cause to fall into container.

hh: blast of fire, of heat, of sun; as symbol of disease.

hiha: become hot, warm. hiha mwr, have a fever/high temperature.
hhia: roast (in, on fire), toast, bake, set on fire, burn down.

hks: steal.
hokora: take out, clear out, make clean sweep of, empty contents completely; (of a thief) rifle
contents of something.

hd: attack; punish; dismiss appellant; obstruct someone; prevail over; assault.
-handa: stand arrogantly, hopelessly;
handa njac, (especially of women and children) behave cheekly (towards their elders and
handa gcac/gtat: show-off, have undue exuberance. [see B. 42; 434].
handa mbatha: sulk; take up an aggrieved, uncooperative attitude.
-handrra: set oneself against, take up ones stand for a fight.
-handanra: stand up to each other (in opposition or fight); quarrel.

hdn: a plant.
mhandano: newly planted; recently established;
handanria: plant alongside of;
mhando: planting season.

/h 160-182

3h / h3: bread.
mgate: bread, loaf.
mkate: bread. [Ksw.].


h3ty: heart.
gatr / ndr: 1. heart, center, essence, nucleus, kernel, germ, core, essential part; 2.
something small but globular.

h3i: mourn; wail; screech of falcon; dance at funeral (see scq).

kaya: scream, yell, howl; cry out, bewail, moan, protest noisily.
cakaya: lament, mourn for the dead, moan.

h3yt: mourning.
kara: beseech somebody, appeal, for help from (e.g. God);
mkayo, cry for help, cry of pain.

h3: would that!

koro: naar koro n agoka! would that he comes!

h3t: tomb.
kheta / khena-in: homestead in which there has been a death.
(see Bnbn, Itums small pyramid)

h3: occiput; behind, around.

igoti / goti: nape of neck.
kikosi: back of neck, nape. [Ksw].

h3: outside.
ngarko / ngako: 1. outside, verge, purlieus of village or homestead especially at the rear; 2.
side, flank (of hill, wood, village, homestead; piece of land, field, etc.).

h3(y): who is behind = in attendance.
karria, (of a sentry) challenge; call loudly to, at.

h3y: protector.
?Ngai, God.
ngarro: reproving wrong-doing, shouting at (in warning).

h3w-nbw: islanders or isles.

ngmba: lump of earth, clay or mud, clod; (of a pot) narrow neck, bottleneck; a soft white
stone, like hard clay, chewed by goats and bushbuck;
gkmba, anything squeezed into a lump or tight bundle.

h3: go ashore; run aground, of ship.

ngarawa: a dugout canoe; (rare) boat, ship; cart.

h3wy: naked man.

knga: state of having the whole head clean shaven.

h3yt: flood-water.
kgu / mgu /mgui: flood water; torrent caused by sudden rain; silt brought down by a

h3yw: carrion-birds.
igoogo: helmeted or greater hornbill.
ngucu: kite, raven, crow.

h3w: wealth, increase; excess, surplus.

ngayo: bequeathing.

h3w-mr: the lower orders.

kmra: rebuke roughly, silence abruptly, remonstrate with, for, on account of.
kmra: act in self-vindication, vindicate oneself, prove oneself, demonstrate ones

mdt nt h3w-mr, low class talk.

(ndeto cia kwgmra).
gmra: attempt what is beyond ones capacity / power; set oneself to overcome something,
strain oneself, make intense effort.

h3w-ht: a special offering.

nggt: white variety of cowrie-shell, about inch long, used as a charm.

h3t: forehead; forepart of animal; prow of ship; vanguard of army; beginning of region;
foremost, chief; the best of. (see hntyt).
kangaara: forehead;
kngaara: well-polished forehead;

thambia ngaara, groom ones face; tittivate;
onania ngaara: show ones face off, loiter about instead of working.
komo: protruding forehead. [Ksw].

r-h3t, infront of, before, to the front.

rngaara: person who walks with his head in the air or to ones side.
kngara: outstandingly capable man physically and mentally; one who gets things done;
doughty warrior; strong (not necessarily virtuous) leader; nobleman, person of high standing or

r-h3t: river mouth.

rngka / rgka: margin, bank of river, lake; edge of dug land.

h3t-c: beginning.
ngata: cut, chop down (hard wood) with blant (knife, axe, etc.); wound badly.
ngata /ngaata: 1. push right on, walk straight on without halting; 2. travel along (along a hot
road); climb, a mountain, a long steep slope.

h3ty-c: local prince, monarch, mayor.

ngatia / ngatia: lion; defiant person.

h3t-h3: herdsman.
mgenyo: place where stock eat salt or brackish earth; block of brackish earth given to livestock
to chew.
genyithia, cause livestock to eat salt.
(h3 outside).
ngauko: outside.

h3tt: unguent.
maguta: oil, fat, grease.

h3cyt: strife.
ng / ngw: uproar, commotion, riot, disturbance, trouble, calamity.

h3cc: touch of ship, hr, on land (see h3: above).

ngarawa: a dugout canoe; (rare) boat, ship; cart.
ngalawa: the small canoe of a navigator. [Ksw.].

h3cb: a bad quality.

kamba: interrupt;
kambakamba / kmbakmba prevent somebody from talking by breaking in before he has a
chance to speak; heckle; silence.
ikaamb / ngaamb: mouthful of solid food; lump of food held in cheeks, causing them
to bulge.

h3p: secret, mysterious; hide.

kiumb: childrens game in which a small object is hidden in one of several holes which are
cleverly filled with a handful of soil.

h3p r hr, keep silent about.

kuumbkra kih, set a secret trap for someones capture.

h3p: secret place.

kiuumb: secrecy, place of hiding.

h3rw: decoy-duck; bait in general.

ngereere / makereere: deception; fraudulent thing.

h3h3: go astray; stumble.

agaaga: vacillate, move to and fro, wobble about.
angaanga, move restlessly about; shift about; dodge about.

h3k: plunder goods, capture town, carry off captives.

gakanya / gaganya: force, coerce.
ngekenya: wrangling, contention over possession of something by a number of people.

h3kw: captives.
ngaka / gaga: (of a person) coercion, harshness, hardness; be hard-bitten.

h3kw: plunderer.
ngak: a violent, fierce, man.

h3g: be glad.
ngengeko: unrestrained merriment, boisterous laughter.

h3g3g: rejoice, hr, over.

kengeka: 1. rejoice greatly; be happy, glad; 2.laugh hilariously, give vent to cries of joy.

h3ti: cloak.
gthii: mans cloak.
nyathba: womans long leather cloak, worn also by initiates of both sexes after circumcision.

h3tyw: fine linen.

gataani: flax, linen. gtambaya ka gataani, linen cloth.
katani: linen. (Ksw).

h3ti: bleariness.
kngeeti: smear, smudge, of white or black.

h3q, plunder.
hakra, scoop up (with hands, shovel, etc).
hakrr, description of quick scraping up or sweeping up of something with the hands.

h3d: lust, r, for.
kinda: (of male) copulate.
mkindo / ngindo: copulating, mating.

hc: palace.
ikara: stay, dwell, live; ikara wega, be well established.
ikaro / gikaro: quarters, abiding-place.
kara: be well built, well set up; be independent by nature; be important, wealthy, influential.
kaa: reside, inhabit, stay. [Ksw.].
makao: residence, domicile; quarters; mako makuu, headquarters. [Ksw.].

hct: wick.
gkonjo / ngonjo: basket-work grain-store;
rkonjo, wicker-work; hurdle made of saplings, built round a girls sleeping place; lattice-work.

hci: joyful; rejoice.

ikena: rejoicing, cheerfulness.
ka!: interjection (expressing surprise or delight) why! my word! really! ka n keega-! (it is
absolutely lovely!).

hcwt: joy.
gkeno: gladness, happiness, pleasure, joy.
ngena: cheerfulness, cheerful disposition, pleasure, gladness, well-being.

hc3w: children.
ngc: principal dance of young boys and girls.

hccw: rejoice.
ngengeka: laugh at hard, laugh unrestrainedly, in derision.
ngaka na mtheko, topple over in laughter.

hccwt: joy.
mngengeko: derisive laughter.

hcww: ships.
ngoo: description of: the subdued sound of peoples voices (as people conversing in a house);
the hum, of conversation, of a car-engine; the sound of a horn or hooter; deep snoring.
ngoora, turn off on another track, change direction.
kngoora, alarm; hooter, car-horn.

Hcpy: Nile;
ingavi: blessings (Lulogooli).

Hcpy c3, high Nile; as a god.

Ngabia: proper name (Gky).

Hcpy wr, great Nile, (see h3b below).
Mkabi: proper name (Gky, Luhya)
Nyokabi: girls name.
kabi: name Gky call Maasai.
Olkapi: one ethnic group of Maasai.
Wakwavi: name Waswahili call Maasai, (see ngabu below).

hcdwt: robbery.
gakunju / rkunju: iron, gold or other stud ornament worn on the body.
kanzi: 1. (hidden) treasure; 2. data bank. [Ksw.]

Hw: Authoritative Utterance.

knua: a noble utterance.

hw: royal ordinance.

knua: a noble utterance.

hww: proclaim.
kanua: 1. mouth; speech, remark; 2. utterance, speech.

hw: food.
ga-kra: something to eat.
chakula: food. [Ksw.].
esiookhulia: food. [Luhya].

hwi: beat, strike, smite; drive off cattle; throw against wall; tread road; roam the earth; defeat in
?gtha: 1. strike, hit, give a blow to; 2. crumple, pucker.
gtha th, strike upon the ground.

hwt c: extending the arm in dedicating offering.

gwata: hold (in the hand); gwata geni, welcome a visitor, stranger (as object of hospitality).

hwi: surge up, overflow, of Nile; rain.

mgui / kgu: flood water; torrent caused by sudden rain; silt brought down by a freshet.

hwyt: rain.
mgui: rain, flood water.
magu: water.

hw-ny-r-hr: combat.
konyora: pound, beat thoroughly.

hww: class of bulls; cattle in general.

ngoombe: cattle, cow.

hwy: Would that!
ngw: expression of dissatisfaction or objection; gtir mnd woiga ngw, no one demurred.

hwt: temple, administrative district; funerary chapel; estate.

kgoongoona: place of offering, altar; place at which village sacrificial ritual is performed,
marked by a branch of wild fig, olive, taken when the village was moved and sometimes
showing the position of the sacred stone sunk in the ground when the homestead was begun;
place where any sacrifice or propitiatory offering is made, e.g. the bank of a river where the
crossing presents danger or the open plain where wild animals abound.
mt wa kgoongoona, sacred tree especially the wild fig used in sacrificial ritual.

hwt-c3t: palace; administrative centre of district; temple; tomb-chapel.

rgwata: lasting power; something to grip on to, substance.

hwt-cnh: Mansion of Life=royal living quarter.

gta / gtanga: 1. stay, remain, spend time at; remain with, get, have, possess, be; continue to be,
have; persevere, go on doing or being. 2. have sexual intercourse.

hwt-wryt: the Great Mansion = law courts.

ngr / ngrr: clever person, expert; master in debate, etc; cunning person.

hwt-pct: Mansion of the Patricians.

?nguba: flat alluvial deposit beside a river between two hills or at the foot of a hill; steep rise at
the foot of hill; a drop to lower levels.

hwt-nt: Mansion of the Red Crown, a temple.

?ikindi / ngindi: clot of blood; firm developing breast of a pubescent girl; lump in gruel, curdled

Hwt-nbw: Mansion of Gold; alabaster quarries in Hare nome; sculptor workshop.

knbi: Nubian ways, character, language.
Nbi: Nubian / Sudanese.

Hwt-ntr: temple.
gtheru: (of a place) clean, pure.
theru: purity, cleanliness; freedom from dirt.

Hwt-hr: Hathor; name of the fourth month. Your name flourishes through skill,
one of her names. (Hart: 64).
ngutu: girls feast to which all contribute.
ngora: 1. drink a little, take a few sips .2. scout about for, nose around for.
kngore: those who devour, who are difficult to feed; concourse of warriors, directed by their
councils, for the purpose of executing a public enemy, thief, sorcerer; band os wastrels bent on
doing damage.
kuut: rise (of beer or boiling water). [Kalenjin].

kur: go on rampage, cause chaos to people. [Kalenjin].
kuutkuut: scavenge. [Kalenjin].
umkuunzakali: widow / widower. [Lulogooli]. [Hathor sometimes confused with Isis].
[Hathor: A ritual of plucking up papyrus stalks was performed in her honour. She has a
destructive streak which is best evidenced in the legend involving the narrowly avoided
annihilation of the human race by Hathor as SAKHMET (Hart: 62].

hw3: foul, offensive; rot, putrefy.

gna: stink; smell offensive; spoil enjoyment.
gn: description of a vile stink.
gko: dirt, filth.

hwc: short.
-kuh: short; near, close.
kuhha / nguh: (of things, people) be short; (of places) be close, near.
kuh: shortness; nearness.

h(w)cw: short man.

Nguh: name given to a short man.
Mkuh: a short woman.

hwc-ib: apprehensive.
kua-ngoro: be desparately discouraged.
ma-ihu: be hard-hearted.

hww: a class of bulls, cattle in general, (see ng3w above).

ngoombe, cattle, cow.
ngoombe, cattle, cow, ox, bull, bullock. [Ksw.].

hwn: child, young. (see nhn, nhnw).

kenye: (in Wer wa Njogu), a child of.
kaana / mwana: a child, baby, young human being.

hwnt: maiden.
mkenye: uncircumcised girl.

hwn: be rejuvenated, refreshed, youthful vigor.

kenyka: cheer up, be glad, look gay; (of sky, mountains, etc.) be, become, clear of clouds, mist.

hwn: rib-roast.
ngene: false rib of cow or ox.
ngengeto / ikengeto: meat from the flank of sheep and goats (six ribs of one side with the upper
part of the shoulder).
keny: fragment, piece of broken off, scrap of something hard and brittle.

hwrw: poor, humble man; despicable person.

waihuru / mahuru: greedy, gluttonous person.
kuluza: do something haphazardly. [Ksw].
mahuluti: mixed, hybrid. [Ksw].

hb: festival. (see dmd).

kuba: be below the surface or level; be immersed, covered by water.
?Abakuba of the Congo? (see ndamaathia / Ituka ritual).

hb-sd: jubilee.
hubania-that: immerse the python, cause the tail to be covered by water; (i. e. The Ituka
ritual; see ndamaathia).
sd: tail; clothe. (see, sd / dmd).
that: python;
chatu: python [Ksw.].
sadu, special snake / God. [Taita].

hb: celebrate a triumph.

hubania: cause to be below the surface or level; immerse, cover by water - (as in Ituka ritual).

hb: catch of fish and fowl.

hubu: description of sudden action, pouncing on, enveloping as animals and birds as well as men
springing on their prey; taking by surprise.
hubanria: come down upon unexpectedly, descend upon suddenly; pounce.

hb3b3: waddle.
kbabayu: weak, flabby person; soft, spongy, decayed light thing, lacking substance.

hbc: play draughts, with, r, or direct object.

kmbacria: seize, grip, hold tight.
kumbac: 1. expression of gripping; 2. play a childrens game in which one grasps an object in
one of his clenched hands and makes the opponent state which hand the object is in.

hbw: target.
kumb / gkumb: head-on collision, bump, a push or knock (with the whole weight of the
body behind it); gtha mnd gkumb, knock a person by hurling oneself on to him.
kubkania: (of surges of water, etc.) force something to submerge, drown - (in Ituka ritual).

hbbt: water.
kboboto: any very heavy downpour.
boboteka: pour out, pour down with violence.

hbs: clothe, be clothed; don garment; envelop; hide, cover up; clothes, covering (see shb).
huumba: cover, clothe with; envelop.
huumba, clothe oneself, wear.
mahumb: covering, muffings; concealments; hidden meanings.
kmba: cover over, mould into a lump.

hbsw: cloth.
khuumbri, covering, veil.

hbsw: bundle.
gkambaca: bundle.

Hcpy: Nile.
(see ingavi / Mkabi above).

hbt: oar.
ngombo: toggle stick for tightening a bundle of sweet potato vines.

Hpy: one of the four sons of Horus.

Mkabi: proper name.
Nyokabi, a girls name.

Hpw: Apis bull.

ngabu: a greeting used by: 1. men who have shared an ox hump at a feast; 2. between a person
and his or her maternal uncle.
ikhaafu: cow (uLubukusu).

hpwty: runner.
kubia / kibia: run, trot; trip, patter, along;
kubukubu: description of the noise of running.
kimbia: flee, escape, run away [Ksw.].
mkimbiaji: runner. [Ksw.].

hpt: travel.
kubia: pass by (especially at night) so that footsteps are audible.
mkubio: noise of running feet; canter, trot, sound of running.

hptt: course of sun and moon.

mbutti: topmost line of a ridge; boundary following the top of a ridge; clearance, or path.
kbutti: ostrichs downy under-feather.

hpt: embrace.
kumbata / kambata: hug, hold tight, grasp, grab and hold onto; seize, grip.

hptw: cross-timber of door-leaves; ribs of boat.

mbatro: rough planks made by splitting up a log, used for a housewall, etc.

hpd: open mouth.

kobokia / kobotia: guzzle, swallow at a gulp greedily.
koboria: cause to gulp down (pieces of banana, tea, etc.) in one swallow - [NB: the Ritual of
Opening the Mouth].

hf: range hills, of lion.
kibikibi: description of light running feet, of goats, etc.; gaamba kibikibi, trot along.

hf3w: snake.
kibawa cha kanga: a kind of serpent resembling the guinea-fowl in colour. [Ksw.]..

hf3t: intestinal worm.

?bata: pinch hard, nip.
batrra, nip severely in many places.

hf3t: crawling posture.

kifudifudi: face downwards - [Ksw.]. lala kifudifudi, lie on your stomach.

hft: sit.
kibta: (of water) be muddy, dirty.

hfd: climb.
?kupanda: to climb. [Ksw.].

hm: coward.
kguoya: coward.

hmt: woman.
mka: wife, woman.
ka, femininity, womanhood, wifehood.
muongia / mngia, woman.

hm: retire, retreat.

koma: lie down, sleep, rest at midday.
koma, cease, desist, stop. [Ksw.].

hm-ht: retreat - (see hti below).

kagitigiti: a difficult position, tight corner; a booth, shelter.
kgitro: strong point, stronghold, place of defence - (see giti: below).

hm: steer, hr, over water.

komoria: 1. touch somebody reprovingly or threateningly with a stick; 2. give a rap, knock; hit
hard with a stick.

hmw: steering-oar.
miko: 1. paddle, oar. 2. broad-ended mashing-stick.

r hmw: guide the helm.

?rgamia: bring to a stand.
mwigo, large dove used for travel prediction. [Ksw.].

hmw, helmsman.
see kaam below.

hmy: helmsman.
?ngmi: one given to reproving, censoring, upbraiding others.

hm: servant.
ngombo: person in servile condition, slave.
kombo, servitude.

hm-ntr: prophet.
mgo-mtheru / mnd-mgo: medicine-man, diviner; thi go, consult oracles.

hm: Majesty, of king.

hmw-tn: your worships, of gods or honoured men.
mw: of God, as helper of warring king.
kamwe: The One (in Wakamwe song -- wc: one; unique, one only).

hmt: copper, fig. for firmness of character; bronze.

gkama: a piece of pig iron.
kgera: iron, piece of metal (formerly used in currency), metal in general.

hmty: copper-smith.
mkamia: smelter.

hmw: be skilled, skilful.

mkama: member of the council of elders; member of any council or committee.

hmww: craftsman; expert; carpenter.

kama: the graduated system of eldership /craftsmanship set apart as councils of elders,
tribunals, associations, parties, committees, to adnise and deliberate on societys affairs.

hmwwtyw: craftsmen.
kamatim: the first grade of elders composed of recently married men with at least one child,
who serve as assistants in court as part of their training but are not entitled to judge a case,
though they provide the core of the army.

hmwy: work.
kaamu: work.

hmt-r: magic spell.

kama: miracle, marvel, marvelous occurrence; trick, sleight of hand; puzzle.

hm: ball.
gkmba: anything squeezed into a lump or tight bundle; ball, hank, skein of wool, lump of

mud, clay, mashed food, wax; hunk of meat tied up in a parcel.
ngmba: lump, ball of food (e.g. roasted bananas), lump of earth, clay or mud, clod.

hm3t: salt.
igata / magata: a piece of Magadi Soda (yielding sodium carbonate or soda ash) used as
common salt.
e-makat: salt. [Maasai].

hm3gt: carnelian.
?kgata: pad in the shape of a ring used by women when carrying a load (on their backs), also by
men when carrying loads on the head, made of dry banana-bark or leaves.

hmww: fuller (?).

kmuumu: conglomeration, mass, lump, e.g. of food; kmuumu ka matar, a concentration of
boats, a fleet of boats; and me kmuumu, people in the mass, the community; wendia wa indo
kmuumu, wholesale trade, buying or selling in bulk.
kmumumungwa / kmungumwa: a thing in its entirety, all in one piece; a round lump,
ball of food held in the hand.

hmwst: female counterpart of the ka.

kamci: 1. charming young girl; 2. dwelling place, a hamlet.

hmm: surgeons knife.

?kmundo: theca kmundo, pierce with a sword by stabbing.
kmundro: place for piercing or stabbing; place in the neck where a beast is pierced or cut by a
blocked arrow when blood is required for drinking.
munda: pierce, stab. munda cindano, give an injection.
kmindo: kahi ga kmindo, sheath-knife.

hmsi: sit, sit down; dwell, m, in; occupy a place.

ikara th: sit, sit down.
kaa chini: sit down. (Ksw).
ikara, dwell, live, in.

hmst: session.
kgomano, a gathering of people, a meeting.
gomithania: make two persons, things, meet; introduce people to each other; call a meeting of
members, gather together.

hmst: seat, in sense of rank, position.

ngath: rank, status.

hmsw: sloth.
ngimithi: a dullard, slow-witted person.
gthayo: 1. lazy, slack, indolent person; 2. a freak offspring, oaf, moron.

hmsy: guest.
mceeri: visitor, guest.
ceera: visit, go for a walk.
gceerera: be someones guest.
kmceerera: visit him/her.

hn: encumber, obstruct. (see hnhn, hnsk, below).

kna: tie up, bind (e.g. a mad man, a prisoner, etc.) very tightly, many times over - (see knithia

hn: provide, equip; command; govern; control oneself; charge someone with; commend
someone; occupy ones hands with business.
kunra: kunra mnd, initiate a person into a craft (e.g. priesthood, medicine-man, etc.);
uncover, remove lid.

hnt: occupation, craft; business; services.

kanda: expert, ace.
kanda: fee paid to a medicine-man. [Ksw.]

hnw: military commander.

nganya: ability, power, skill.
kanuni: rule, regulation, doctrine, norm. [Ksw.].

hnwty: servant.
nganyiti: courtesy, gratitude.
mkono / ngono: hands.
mtu wa mkono, a person who uses hands, a menial worker.

hn: go speedily.
kanyka: walk jauntily, go ones way gaily, stride along.
kinyka: walk smartly.
hanyka: run, run quickly; hurry.

hnt: swampy lake; watercourse.

ndindiri / gtindiri, water-logged piece of land which shakes when walked on; sudd, swamp
covered with thick mat of floating vegetation.
ekedeende: a marshy area, soft ground especially made so by water which bogs the area.

hnt: cup.
kuunda: sip, drink, swallow, lap.
ikuunda: mouthful, sip.
hnda: drink copiously; drink to the dregs.

hnt: space of time; lifetime.

ihiinda: space of time, time.

kndire: existence (from past to present time); existing thing.

hnty: dual of last, lit. the two sides or ends: 1. of space: hnty itrw both sides of the river. 2. of
time; dt nn hnty.s eternity without end.
knd: place, area (in generalized sense), locality.
ihiinda: space of time, time.
hnd: time, period, moment.

hni: rush.
kunu / kun: 1. description of sound of sudden yielding of a stuck or stiff wooden lid, shutter,
end of bee-barrel, etc. 2. sharp sound of something coming open with a pop or click (e.g. stiff
lid); 3. fast staccato talking; 4. quick growth especially germination.
henia: flash, sparkle, shine.

hnyt: spear.
mkngi: spear with small to medium-size leaf-shape blade of varying length on an elongated
iron stem; handl;e and butt of varying length.

hnc: together with; and; there-with; together with them.

kamwe na, one with;
hamwe na: together with.

hnw: jar; bowl; chattel, possession; goods, chattels.

kanyng: (dim), nyng, earthen pottery in general; small cooking-pot.

hnwt: mistress.
nyaknyua: 1. one allowed to drink beer in public; 2. lady, consort; 3. married woman whose
children have reached marrieagable age.

hnwt: horn.
knyuri: a container to drink from.
nyua / knyua: drink, imbibe, absorb, soak.
rha: (of an animal) horn, drinking-horn; handa rha, drink beer. kuunda rha, sip (beer) from
a horn.
kanyua: somebody who imbibes a good deal of beer.
kinywaji: drink, beverage. [Tuki].

hnw: bark of Sokar.

konyoka: be clear (as de-husked and winnowed millet); be well-flavoured, handsome, fine,
comely, beautiful. (NB: while in Sokars boat, in order to get to the land of the dead). (see

hnw: ribs.
gonyo: descr. of condition of being bent, twisted but not broken apart.
?konya: be bent, twisted, crooked.

hnmmt: 1. the sun folk of Iwnw; 2. mankind, (see mmt).
meeme / kmeeme: something big, unusual, extraordinary.

hnmnm: creep.
?knguungu: deceit, underhand dealings, chicanery; secret manner;
kuunga: crouch, bend, snoop; move in a crouching position (to escape notice); go through a
mkuungi, one bent down double.
tuungumanaa: fall down heavily, fall flat.
tuungumania: throw oneself down; work or dance enthusiastically; throw oneself about.

hnn: hoe. (see iknw).

kna, knock, strike a blow, rap.
ikni / gkno?

hnn: phallus.
kohana / ngohano: sexual intercourse.
gukana / ngukano: simulated sexual intercourse between young men and girls.
kinda / mkindo / ngindo: (of male) copulation, mating.

hnhn: hinder, detain.

knakna: dim. tie up (a prisoner, madman, etc.) alittle tightly, a few times over - (see kna

hnhn: dawdler; cripple.

ginka (ginginka) / gitka: limp, walk lame as a cripple; (of a leg joint) be dislocated,
sprained, strained, twisted out of joint.

hnhnt: swelling.
kondoka: be, become peeled off; cracked.

hns: narrow; constricted;

hns-ib: meanness;
hns-c: mean, ungenerous.
kundeera: be narrow, contracted.
kundeeru: poverty; narrowness.

hnsk: tie up (?).

knithia, help to bind up tightly; have bound up, get imprisoned (because of misdemeanor or
neurotic tendency).
knithka, get oneself tied up tightly - (see kna bove).

hnskt (hnzkt): braided lock of hair.

(kogotheka?) ogotheka: (of hair) get two or more strands twisted together.
ogotha, (of strings, ropes, etc.) twist two or more strands together in making string, etc.

hnsktyw: wearers of the side-lock.

mogotheetwo (njur): whose hair has been twisted.

hnskyt: she who has braided hair.

wogothekeete (njur): who has braided / twisted her hair.

hnkt: beer.
khongokia, that which causes something to get out of position; dislodges, derails.
hongoka: be dislodged, come out of position, be derailed; fall, slip, into a hanging, leaning,
position. 2. (of a matter) go wrong, be out of line, inaccurate.

hnk: present someone, m, with; offer something to, make offering to; be burdened, hr, with.
knga: stave off; knga ngoma, placate departed spirits by offering of beer or animal blood;
knga ita, repel forces, enemy.
honga: bribe; seduce with gifts; pay toll, tribute. [Ksw.].

hnk: offerings.
ngnga: love-potion, philter.
ngngo, offerings.

hnkw: diplomatic gifts.

knga: placate with gifts (as above).
kngwo: be placated with offerings.
hongwo, be bribed, seduced with gifts, tributes. [Ksw.].

hnkyt: bed; bier.

khengere: wooden plank or slab; khengere ka rr, bed-plank.
ngngti, a slit log.
ngngi: platform constructed in a tree from which arrows could be shot.

hnkw: scale-pan of balance.

kongeri, measure used for giving the bit extra in a market or shop.
kgeri / mgero: a measure, a vessel, something to measure with.
migero, basket (of about a foot high) used as a measure in bartering, mostly graion, with
livestock. [Dholuo].

hnty: be covetous, greedy.

kanda: eat (dry maize, raw sweet-potatoes, etc); crunch, break with teeth.

hnt: greed.
kandakanda / ngandakando, biting off and crunching in the mouth.

hnt3: be in need.

kinda: be unrestrained (in speed, speech, feelings, passion); be unsettled; have misfortune,
illness, sorrow.
kindra, be settled, confirmed in habit, exercise self-control, recover normal condition.
kindria, be still, calm; be restrained, patient; remain at a place without wandering, settle down.

hnt3sw: lizard.
ngeenda-th: any creature that walks or moves on the ground.

hnty: commander (foreign); equerry of foreign prince.

kuunda / knda: deck oneself out nicely, attend to ones personal appearance.
gkuundi, company, assembly, group of people.
Mkuundi, proper name.

Hr: Horus.
hera: suffer, be humbled, abashed; mend ones way as a result of suffering.
ihera, punishment.
mhera, penitence.
hera, love, admiration, favoritism. [Dholuo].
Ahero, place name of a flood-ridden area near Kisumu city. [Dholuo].
Nyahera / Wahera, girls names. [Dholuo & Luhya].
okhuhera, to love deeply. [Luhya].

hr: face.
kngaara: face; well-polished forehead.
makarakara: forehead. [Dholuo].

hr nb: everyone.
kila mtu, everybody/one. [Ksw.].

hr: upon, in, at, from, on account of, and, concerning, through, having on it; because of.
kr / kw: (as a preposition), to, from;
kr guo, because of that; gerera kr we, pass by, through, her/him.

hr(i): adjacent, near, by, in the presence of.

kr: to, from, by; in the presence of.
kuruha: go, come, close to; be near to; be related to.
har, by, adjacent to.

hry: who, which is upon.

kar / kr: which, who, is, is upon.

hr(y)-ib: which is in the middle, midst of; inner-most parts of someone.

kr ihu-in: which is in the inner-most part (of someone or something).

hrt-ib: central hall.

ngrrba / ngrrma: meeting-place; dancing-ground; edge, outskirts of cultivation.

hr-c: arrears; remainder.
kria: cause to exceed, surpass in; make go beyond, pass, cross a boundary.
makria: still more, exceedingly; more than.

hry-ht: an offering loaf.

?krg / krgrr something put by in reserve, promised, hoped for.

hry wpt: summit of head.

ngoroba, upper storey, loft.
ghorofa, storey, floor. [Ksw.].
korofa, any upstairs building. [OlLuhya].

hry-tp: who is upon; having authority over.

?igr / har, upon.
ndebe: symbol of rank.

hrw: upper part, top;

igr: up (on a sloping ground or surface);

?hrw, base, lower part, underside.

?nguuru, place beneath with something resting on top or close above. nguuru ya, underneath;
nguuru ya mnd, under the protection of somebody.

hrwy, testicles.
?nguuru, place beneath with something resting on top or close above. nguuru ya, underneath.

n-hrw, upward;
na igr, upwards.

r-hrw, up above, upward (noun classes?).

r igr, it is up above (ibuku r igr wa metha).

hr-hrw, upraised, of arms (noun classes?).

kr igr, upraised, of arm (guoko kr igr).

hryt / n-hryt: above.

ngra: a high place. kinya ngra, stand up on a high place to speak or call people to prayer.
ngrir: head-dress made of banana bark worn by circumcision initiate.

hrt: sky, heaven.

igr: sky, heaven.
nguru: tortoise (has a sky-shaped body).

hrt: tomb; necropolis.

ngurunga: cave.

ngururu: place of concealment.

hr: distance (of time).

kale: long time ago. [Ksw].

hr: distant, be far.

kraaya: far, a long way off; at a distance.
kra: (of place) there yonder, over there.
ihale: distance; be far.

hrw-r: apart from, besides, as well as.

koro-r: if (it is ); besides.

hr: terrible; terrify.

kurara, chafe, be worked up, impatient with anger, expectancy, etc.
kura, (of a barber) apply pressure, causing pain or discomfort, cut hair with a blunt razor;
kurakura, cause sharp pain, scrape hard, rapidly.
ngero, disaster, grave damage, great evil; offence, hurt, crime.
gera ngero, commit an offence, cause grave harm.
gero, hit superficially; graze with a spear or knife. [Dholuo].
geruok, aggressiveness. [Dholuo].
kera / kerwo n nda, have recurrent sharp pains in the stomach.
karanyra: tear, scratch, abrade, draw blood.

hryt: terror, dread; respect.

rkarany / ngarany: scratch, abrasion drawing blood.

hr: prepare, make ready, be ready.

haarria: make ready, prepare, arrange things in preparation for something, make tidy or orderly.
haarria: to prepare oneself, to make oneself ready.

hrrt: flower.
kro: flower of any plant, especially of crop plants, beans, peas, sweet potato, etc.
mkarara / mkararo: stripe, band of colour.

hrty: travel by land.

girita: crawl along the ground, draw oneself along;
kirita: drag oneself along, crawl along ground with difficulty; move on ones haunches.
karagata: walk on a gravel road, scamper, trot.
karagatkia, walk strongly, smartly, as fast as one can.

hrr: roar of lion.

?krarama: to roar, snarl, grunt loudly, bellow.
simba marara brousse [Sacleux, 506].
ngrrma: something extra large (e.g. animal, rock, gourd).

hh: million, a great number.
mngaanga: state of fullness, completeness, absoluteness; full to the brim, completely.
kanga: complete fullness of a vessel or container, grainstore, water-tank.

hhy: seek, search for.

ihngro, act of seeking.
hnga: pick bits and pieces, collect here and there; hnga mt, (of medicine man) collect herbs
and twigs of certain trees, shrubs, etc.
huhuunga: move about in search of food; be inquisitive, be a busy-body; (of police) search

hh: (used of mast) breaking the force (?) of a wave in wreck.

gokora: (of wind on trees) bring crashing down.
khuuhkanio, strong wind, tempest, squall, tumult (of people).
kngmania: bring down (trees, skittles, etc.) down together; knock people out, strike down
with a blow.

hhh / nhh: eternity.

kukhu / gogo / guku/ guuka / cc: grandparent.

hsi: spin yarn. (see hsf below).

wogothi, spinning yarn.
ogothithia: cause to spin yarn.
ogotha: twine (string), twist two strands together in making string; spin, make yarn, twist a rope.

hsi (hzi): favor someone; praise someone; speech, conduct.

gaathrria: speak well of, commend to.
hisani: kindness, favor, caring, courtesy. [Ksw.].

?hz(y): wretched, miserable, vile, of enemies (F. 124).

gathia: miserable, useless, person.
ghasia: troublesome. [Ksw.].

hswt: do what is praiseworthy.

gaathithia: seek adulation, seek praise for oneself.
hisi: feel, perceive, sense, envisage. [Ksw.]

hst: favor, praise.

ngaatho: praise, thanks for something received, gratitude, sense of being beholden, appreciation.
hisa: share; portion, concern. [Ksw.].

m hswt, as reward for.

cookia ngaatho: return thanks.

hsy: favored, praised one.

mgaathe: the praised one.

hsty: praise.
gatrra, add spice to, season a story, exaggerate; add unwarranted glosses.
kgaathrrio: praise, commendation.

hsi: turn back, r, to a place; m to face aggressively.

ngathria, stand in the way defiantly; be hard, unyielding.
m hs.f, (coming) to meet him; turn away evil-doer.
ngathia: be obstinate (in wander, anger or fright); be surprised (at abnormality); defy;
show resentment.

hs: excrement.
ngacak: heap of dry brush wood; annoyances, causes of trouble, provocation.
ngacka: heap, loose pile or collection of things (e.g. bones in animals lair).

hsi: sing.
gooci: act of praising, giving honour, glorifying; praise, flattery.
imy-r hst, Master of the Kings Music.
ngitha / ngc: dances of young boys and girls.

hsw: minstrel.
gcoora: circus, crowd, group.
ngc: dances of young boys and girls.

hst: minstrel.
nguucwa: dance of uninitiated lad.
k(h)asu (Ksw.); cf. hsw.

hs: be cold.
?kgotora: a cold.

hs3 / hz3: milk; mucous; dough.

gaithia: be full of milk in the breasts or udder; (of cows, goats, etc) yield milk.
mgaithio: readiness of a cow to yield milk; milking time.

hsb: numb. ; aroura.

hatha: 1. bifurcation, twinning; 2. twins, two things alike - (NB: hathara, loss, expense).

hsb: count, reckon; reckon with offenders; mathematics.

ithabu: 1. sum, bill, account. 2. accounts, sums, arithmetic.

hsbw: reckoning; account.

hesabu: arithmetic; sum; number; bill; account, account book. [Ksw.].

hsb: kind of bread.

gthambio: millet or sorghum ground to a coarse dry flour and soaked in warm water until it

ferments, then (molded into crumbs and) cooked when required.

hsb: workman.
gthmbi: one who works for food instead of for pay (e.g. a poor or disabled woman who helps
in harvesting a crop and is given the rejects as her reward).

hsb / hzb: garden.

?gcimba: plough; dig, cultivate in preparation for planting.
gcimbria, dig up land, turn over soil, break up clods with hoe after first rough digging.

hsmn (hzmn): natron.

gcango-ka-mnyaka, copper.
gcango: brass; shining metal.

hsmn: bronze.
gcango-ka-mnyaka, copper.

hsk: cut off head; cut out heart; behead man or animal.
ngeithia / ngeeka: have ones head cut off;
ngea: cut throat, chop head off, kill, butcher, slaughter.

hskt: chopper.
gathka, 1. (of link, hook, etc.) dislocate, come apart, open out. 2. die suddenly.
gathkana, come completely apart.
mngeani: professional cut-throat.
kngeani: chopper.

hk3: ruler, district governor.

haka: bribe, influence, pervert actions, judgment of somebody by gifts or other inducements;
placate somebody with gifts.
amahaga: heroism, extraordinary fits, brave acts. [Lulogooli].
abahaka: the powerful ones, (Olunyore).

hk3t: rulership.
mahakamani: court. [Ksw].
hakim: magistrate, judge. [Ksw.].
haka: fine, forfeit; compensation (especially pertaining to breaking tradition) [Ksw.].

hk3t: corn-measure of 4.54 itres.

?kgero: measure, vessel used as a measure.
migero, basket (of about a foot high) used as a measure in bartering, mostly graion, with
livestock. [Dholuo].

hkr: be hungry; hunger.

hangka: (of animals) be gluttonous; wander away from the herd =hangra.

hokora: take out, make clean sweep of, empty contents completely; (of a thief) rifle contents of
something; cause strong purging; (of medicine man) purge from ceremonial pollution.
(Lulogooli, kaihri ga kihra irio).

hkr: hungry man.

hangka: see above.

hk3, magic.
geka: curse, rail against, execrate, bring misfortunes upon by malicious or cursing speech; call
down curses on, damn, condemn.
geka, curse oneself, utter an oath.

hk3w: magic, magic spells.

ngeko / rgeko, maledictions.

hk3y: magician.
gakai: little god.
Kakai: mans name (Kamba).

hkn: be joyful, acclaim someone.

gkena: be happy, feel joyful, glad, pleased.
gakenia: one who pleases, gladdens; woman or girl of pleasing, happy disposition; playful
nickname for ones mother (mostly in song).
gkeno, gladness, happiness, pleasure, joy; rejoicing.
kenera, be overjoyed with, rejoice at, for; give a welcome to someone.

hknw: praise to god; thanksgiving.

ngekana: give something in acknowledgement of service rendered.
kngra: hail, welcome (persons and things); receive with acclamation and rejoicing.
ngngiyo, loud, joyous singing.

hknw: a sacred oil.

haka: smear (with) oil, ash, etc; used in reference to certain ceremonies:
haka ngondu: (of women married before performance of necessary preliminary ceremonies) be
ceremonially purified.
haka taatha: anoint with stomach contents of a sacrificial animal as an act of purification from
ceremonial pollution.
haka tuuria, makeks with ashes on the foreheads of those defeated in a game.

hknw: oil; to wash and oil Gods statues and the temple by the priests (w3b).
ihaki: offering, bribe, sacrifice.
ihakro: altar; place where tribute is delivered by one generation or age-set to another.
hako, present for appeasing; besmearing. gthaambia na hake maguta (you will have to
wash me and oil me!), said with a light touch to someone who has been done a great favor
(regarding the need to show thankfulness).

ht: become entangled (of hair).
kgta: 1. warriors bound forelock; 2. one of a series of twist-knots in string for keeping tally; 3.
simple knot used in tying things loosely and rumpling them together.

htt: mine, quarry.

?gat: hole through marrow-bone; bore of pipe.
ata: split, crack open.
atia: strike something hard; split, split off; force apart.
mwatka, crack, fissure.

ht3: sail; awning.

?gtayaaya: 1. stretcher or frame on which heavy objects can be carried. 2. rough shelter or
screen built to afford shelter for people, or over seed-bed.

ht3: shabby, threadbare, wrinkled.

ngtha: a confusion of things, jumble, muddle.
kgtha, bundle, bunch; bundle of compressible things tied round so tightly that the contents are
igtha, (of cloth) ruck, rumple.

ht3w: wrinkles (?).

mgtha: wrinkle, small crease, fold, pucker; wrinkles (as of age) on the face or body.
gthara / gnyara: become creased, wrinkled; be puckered.
gtharia thi: frown, pull a face.

hty: smoke.
?gatoogo, (dim.) smoke, steam.

htyt: throat.
igoti / goti: nape of neck. aria na igoti, (of somebody mortally sick) talk very feebly.

htc: bed.
gtanda, bed, bedstead; portable bed or stretcher.
gtand, mat (especially one made of dried mid-ribs of banana leaves or basket-work);
raised floor or platform.

htw: bowls.
ngtthi: small drum for storing snuff, raw sheep-oil, etc.

htp: altar.
gtmb: eminence, knoll; hill-top, crest of ridge.
tmba: isolate, set apart.
itmb: group, knot of people.

htp: offerings; Gods offerings; forecourt.

gtmba: male goat of solitary tendencies.

ndmba: 1. female goat with spotted or speckled face (maara), and with a propensity for
staying apart from the flock. 2. something massive (e.g. a great lump of a rock, a boulder).

htpt: offerings.
gtmba: solitary male goat (as above).
(g)themba: take, send (a present, beer, quantities of food, etc.) to the forster-parents of
neophytes after a circumcision or at the end of initiation rites, or provided by a neophyte for his
fellow initiates.

htp: boon in funerary formula;

htp di nsw, a boon which the king grants.
tabara: be prosperous, wealthy.
tabaarkra: prosper, be in good order, be properly settled.
tabaarra: put in order, arrange, prepare; make arrangements, rules; organize.
mtabaarre: arrangement, organization;
mtabaarre wa and, ordering of people according to position, status, or role.
mtabarre wa horo, outline of a subject.
itabaarro: settlement, decision; bring a matter to a conclusion.
tw itaabarro-in ra horo cio, we are in the process of making arrangements in that matter.
hotuba: 1. disposition; 2. speech, address, discourse; homily. [Ksw.].

htp: be pleased, hr, with; be happy; be gracious; pardon, m, someone; be peaceful, of years; be
at peace, calm, dependable; become calm, of sky after a storm; rest in tomb; assume titulary.
tibra / tibara: (of people) be steady, firm, resolute; (of affairs) be settled, finally disposed of.
tibr: firmness, dependability.
ga na tibr, be dependable.
horo cio ndr tibr, that matter has not been properly gone into.
mwarrie wake ndr tibr, his utterances have no substance.

htpw: peace; contentment; good pleasure.

rd htpw n, make submission to.
gatbko: settlement, arrangement, decision, understanding, conclusion.
gatbko ka horo, set a matter on a firm basis, settle, confirm, fix a matter.

htpt: bundle of herbs.

mtamba: vine, creeper, tendril, runner of sweet potato, honey-suckle; long shoot.
ndabibi: clover.

htmt: chair.
gt: stool, chair, seat.
gt ka mruumbo, elders light-carrying stool, 3-footed, carried by a thong or light chain,
decorated with fine link.
gt ka magr, traditional stool.
gt ka nene, throne.
mwene gt, chairman.

htm: provide, m, with.
(g)tomoiya: nurse, give strengthening food to (a sick person or animal).

htr: yoke of oxen.

gtrb: thong, strip fastened below the neck of an ox to prevent it withdrawing its head from
between the skeys of the yoke.

htr: tax, levy; provide a temple, m, with workmen.

?gtaro / gtar: large collection, conglomeration, mass of something.
hothera: subscribe, contribute, collect for, at, into.

htr: bind together; be contracted.

?gwatrra: cling onto, fasten around, take firm hold on something.

htrw: lashing.
gotorwo: get a beating, a walloping.

hts: bring to an end, complete period of time; celebrate festival.

(g)tithia: halt, stop short, pause.
tithi: completeness, joining up.
?gatithia: cause to diminish, abate, ease off; make die off, out; be decimated, annihilated.
gtithia: make stay, remain, spend time at; remain with; gta gthi, get going.

htt: hyena.
ngocine: hyena.
olngojine, the lame one, the hyena, [Maasai].
hiti: hyena.

ht3: kind of bread. (see hsb).

gthambio: millet or sorghum ground to a coarse dry flour and soaked in warm water until it
ferments, then cooked when required.

htt: place in the armpit.

(g)thitha / hitha: hide (from), conceal.

httt: armpit.
thithi: ticklishness, feelings of titillation.
ga, igua thithi, be ticklish.

hdb: sit; seat oneself; halt.

(g)tabara: to hold off, stop.

hdb: overthrow; be prostrate.

(g)tuba: jolt, strike ground with a bump.
tubania, throw down with a bump.
tubka, fall into water with a smack.


hd: white; bright.

(see kanj below).
ranjarai: white fur of colobus monkey (worn below the knee by warriors).
mwanjat: a willow-like tree with creamy- white flowers.

hd: set forth at dawn.

(kwa)anjia: begin first;
anjana, begin with, tackle first.
haji: pigrim; [Ksw.].
hajiri: migrate. [Ksw.].

hd, silver.
rkunju / ngunju, 1. iron ring made for initiates out of stout wire, in shape resembling a coat
button, worn in the ear from the third day to the eighth; 2. gold or other stud ornament worn in
the side of the nose (especially by Swahili and Indian women).
mkunju, iron wire collar.

hd: white clothes.

kanj: long white and brown robe.
kanzu: 1. cassock; long-sleeved plain calico robe; 2. gown.
kanzu ya ziki, robe, gown with white cotton stiching at the neck. [Ksw.].

hdt: the White Crown, (see hd above).

koja: garland of flowers.
1. ranjarai: white fur of colobus monkey (worn below the knee by warriors).
mwanjat: a willow-like tree with creamy- white flowers.
2. (kwa)anja: 1. begin. 2. spread by producing shoots or runners, have off-shoots.
mwanjo: beginning.
mwanzo: genesis, beginning, start, commencement; inception; initial [Ksw.].


hddwt: brightness.
?canjaarka / canjaka: 1. (of moonlight, sunlight, etc.) be bright, brilliant; 2. be opened out, be
fully exposed, (NB: psdt).

/h 182-200

h: placenta; child; be a child.

njogu (ya mwana): placenta.

nd: protector.
h: placenta; child. khu
gu- (see 3ht).
(see khu).

hy: child, be a child.

hra: 1. (of maize, etc.) be ready to burst into flower. 2. be young and uncircumcised; behave in
a childish and unmature manner. 3. (of boys of initiation age) express desire, readiness and
impatience for circumcision to elders and public through a series of pre-initiation dances.
kah / kh: young boy.

ht: fire.
mwaki: fire.
akia, light (a fire, lamp, etc.).
gwatia, put on fire, burn, set alight.

htt: fiery.
gwata, (of fire) burning, alight, blazing.
akana, burn, light up, be lighted; (of lights) be on, shine.

ht: things; offerings; possessions, property; matter, affair; something, anything.

knd: thing, belongings, possessions, property, livestock.
kitu: thing, object, money. [Ksw.].

h3w: plants; flowers.

mkawa: thorny shrub (Carissa edulis) (has clusters of white or pinky-white flowers); small
spreading tree ((Elaeodendronaethiopicum / Cassine aethiopica).
ngawa, bright red edible fruit of the above.
kahawa: coffee (plant and its bright-red fruits / beans) [Ksw.]..

h3: be young, little.

ka, prefix for diminutive nouns (Gky).
akha, (Luhya);
aka, (Lulogooli);
ka, (Kiswahili);

h3: office, bureau.

makao: residence, domicile, abode, settlement, quarters;
makao makuu, headquarters [Ksw.].

kaa: stay, reside at, inhabit. [Ksw.].
ikara: stay, dwell, live at;
ikara wega, be well established, settled,live well.
ikhala: stay, reside. (Luhya).

h3t: corpse.
mgatkie: the slaughtered.
kimba, corpse, the dead.

h3yt: slaughter, massacre.

gatkia: decimate, destroy numbers of something, annihilate.
gatka: become diminished; die off, out; be decimated (as by war, famine, disease); be destroyed.
mgatko: epidemic, massacre, catastrophe causing decimation or annihilation.

h3yt: disease.
ngaa: gland in groin or armpit. mrim wa ngaa, (of people) bubonic plague; (of cattle) East
Coast Fever; rough meaty tissue covering portion of animal just below ribs.

h3i: measure.
igai: bequest, share, inheritance.
gai: reward for divider of the property, or of meat at a wedding feast.

h3yw: measurements.
gaya, divide, share out; apportion out ones possessions before death;
gayania, divide into portions; apportion to others, divide up.
ngayano , division by persons between themselves.

h3wt: hide of animal.

ikayo: piece of twisted hide on a stick; whip of one or more thongs used in boys pre-
circumcision dance.

h3b: hippopotamus (see Hcpy above).

Mkabi / gabi: in-land people; people of Ngabi region - (see also Gb/ ingubu).

h3b: be bent (of arm); crooked.

mboko, deformity of arm or leg.
mbogoro, bow-legged.

h3b3w: continual crookedness.

kombo: crooked, out of line.
enda kombo, go astray, aside. [Ksw.].

h3h3: be speedy, swift.

kakakaka: description of a person or beast crushing or forcing a way hurriedly through bush.

h3h: spear fish.

mkuki: spear.

h3s: scramble.
gaca: recover something stolen and take part of the recovered material as reward; take as ones
due, perquisite; establish a claim on something; off-set a potential indebtedness; take something
with conditions for repayment at a later time, mortgage.

h3s (hs), creek; runnel.

gaci: rivulet, brook.

h3st, foreign land; desert; dry region; hill-country.

?Gaza (strip): terrirory between modern-day Egypt and Israel.

hs3tyw, foreigners, desert-dwellers.

ngacak: annoyances, causes of trouble, provocation. ngacak ya ciana, a noisy crowd of

hy: what?
k?: what?

hy kd k: how are you?

kindi ki? what is it? (Lulogooli)

hyt: shelter.
kagitigiti: a booth, shelter.
kruru: shade; shadow.

hc: hill.
karma: small hill, moderate up-grade.
?mhaico: a slope up, up-grade, hill (on a road, etc).
haica: to climb up, go up, come up, ascend; mount, get up onto (a horse, a lorry, biscycle).

hcr: rage - (see hrwyw below).

kali: sharp in temper; cruel, fierce, stern.
kalifu: agonize (about/over) something; make somebody suffer. [Ksw.].

hwi: protect, exclude oneself from quarrels; exempt from dues; avoid.
gitra: avoid, shelter oneself from.
ehutra, move away from, avoid - (NB: h, in Wakarir song).

hwt: protection, sanctuary.

kgitro: strong point, stronghold, place of defence.

hwsi: pound, beat up; beat flat ground; build up bricks; build, construct; stir arms.
gthithia: cause something to be struck; make something knock something, make hit against;
strike something against;

gthithia th, make something strike upon the ground.
gtha: strike, hit, give a blow to.

hwdt: wealth of timber.

ngnd: estate, holding, the land-holding community.

hbi: dance.
kibibana: be, become entirely closed up, enclosed; (of blankets) be closed round, held close;
knock together, collide.

hbi: deduct, subtract; reduce, lessen.

kuhha / kubba: be short, less.
?kuba: 1. be below the surface level, be immersed, covered by water. 2. be short of standard,
below par.

hb3: destroy, lay waste, ravage; subvert law.

gmba: 1. bring catastrophe upon, spoil, devastate. 2. be poilt, ravaged, devastated, desolate;
come to grief, end in calamity.
gomba: quarrel, argue with. [Ksw].

hbn: distort speech; be distorted, of character; be found guilty.

okhukhoobana: quarrel, do something negative to each other [Olunyore].
gombana: quarrel, argue with, squabble. [Ksw].

hbyt: carnage.
-gmbi: waste, desolate; wasting, desolating.
gmbi: catastrophe.
gombeza: scold, reprimand. [Ksw].

hbbt: jar.
kbaaba: tin-can.
gkobo, tin can, metal container, flagon.

hbn: distort speech; be distorted, of character; of voice, be found guilty.

kmba: silence somebody, interrupt somebody when he is saying something; prevent from
speaking, barrack;
kmbana: cause confusion by heckling in a meeting; interrupt, each other, others.

hbs: hack up earth.

kobia: dig, excavate, hollow out.
kobithia: cause to dig.

hbd: be hateful, be displeased with; displeasure, disfavor.

kbunja: break, break open, break into; destroy; dismantle, break into pieces; disregard
(agreement, contract, etc.).
fuja: disturb; defalcate, dissipate, litter, squander, misuse, misappropriate; waste, fritter.

fujo: disturbance, chaos, mess, riot, disorder, mayhem, affray, breach of peace. [Ksw].

hpi: travel.
kubia: run, trot.
pita: pass by/at/near; make a brief visit. [Ksw.].
pitia: move continuously. [Setswana].

hpi: die.
kufa: die, perish, depart. [Ksw.].

hpyt: death.
kifo: death, doom.
kifu: something dead. [Ksw.].

hpw: journey.
?kubia: run, trot; trip, patter along;
kubakubia: come along, try and run. mkubio: noise of running feet; sound of running.

hfc: grasp; make capture in war; booty.

kumbata / kumbaca / kambata: grip, hold tight, grasp, grab and hold onto.
kumbatria: clench.

hm: be dry.
kma: become dry, harden up; wither. m: dryness, hardness.

hm: ignorant men.

kamoo: simpleton, callow little chap.
kmoi: fool, dolt; simpleton, poor-spirited person.

hm: demolish building.

kmomora: demolish (a building); knock down, flatten crops; fell trees.

hmt: cow.
kamoori: heifer, young cow not yet calved.

hm33: shrink.
?homa: 1. be stunted, arrested in growth (of children, calves, kids, trees) be backward. 2.
undersized person or animal, dwarf, midget.

hmnyw: Ogdoad (8 Gods). Dated between 2686 to 2134 BC. The eight deities were arranged in
four female-male pairs, each one of them representing one of four concepts:
1. Primordial waters - Naunet and Nu
2. Air or invisibility - Amaunet and Amun;
3. Darkness - Kauket and Kuk.
4. Eternity or infinite space - Hauhet and Huh.
The females were associated with snakes and the males were associated with frogs.

kamiino: perfection; perfectly; a complete exhaustive disclosure of something.

hmnw: city of the eight Gods (Khmun). ancient city located on the Nile River, capital of the
Hare or 15th nome of UE. It was near the preset-day town of El Ashmunein, to the northwest of
the current city of Mallawi.
Sandy mounds, swept up by an ancient arm of the Nile in the middle of the cultivation area,
formed the foundation for a settlement.
kmna: 1. drain dry, exhaust (a subject).
Kmny: name of town in Gatnd, Kenya.

hn (n) nhm: song of joy.

kna ngemi: ululation, expression of joy, celebration.

hni: play music.

hnw: musicians.
mhni: vagabond, town-loafer, rough, hooligan.

hnn: confound truth.

heenania / heenia: lie to, deceive; cheat.

hnr: restrain.
henra: trick, play a trick on in a game; snatch away.


hns / hnz: traverse region, travel, spread (of illness).

hunja: be spread, spread evenly.

hnty, (of place) which is in front of; Southern, place; south of; (of rank or position) who is at the
head of, foremost.
mgeendi, 1. one resembling, approximating to or of the same genus, class, etc. 2. cross cousin,
child of mothers or fathers brother or fathers sister.
rgeendo, journey, trading expendition.
m hnt r, in front of.
hiindira, to live to very old age. [Lulogooli].

hnt(y), forehead; south, southern part.

geendo, place to go to.
umgeendi / umsiri, the deceased. [Lulogooli]., sailing upstream.

hndka / mhndko, a return; going backwards.

hnti, sail upstream, travel southward.

mgeendi, traveler, sojourner.
mgeendani, twin, spit image of.

m hntyt: going up-stream, southwards; out-south; ones predecessors.

mgeendi: 1. one resembling, approximating to or of the same genus, class, etc. 2. cross cousin,
child of mothers or fathers brother or fathers sister.
umgeendi / umsiri, the deceased. [Lulogooli].

hnt, walk about freely.

geenda, travel, go on a journey, visit.
geendithia, make travel.
enda, move, be in motion; proceed, move ahead; go on, keep on going. [Ksw.].
endesha, set in motion; make go, drive.

hr: fall (in the military sense).

hra: fight, defeat.

hrw: enemy.
nguur, blackguard, sly character, thief.
kuur, dissembling.

hrw: low-lying land.

mkuru: deep gorge, ravine, mullah, gulley.
ngurumo: low-lying land; a river valley, river bank.
mkaro, ditch, furrow, trench; lead for a watermill.

hrw: voice; noise.

korogoco, description of the noise made by things falling and clashing against each other.
kororo, description of the sound of a dry ox-hide or shield when struck.
nguru, see nguru-b below.


hrwyw: war; (see hcr above).

kaar / haaro: war, fighting; fierceness.
haara: cause woe, fuss, row, bother, trouble.

hrwyt: war.
kaar: shout of joy, song of triump sung by a warrior who has slain an enemy, victory dance,
celebrations; ina kaar, announce ones victory, celebrate or dance for victory, boast or brag
about an achievement.

hryw: Bedouin.
?mnd wa kaar: one who brings trouble; a quarrelsome, disagreeable person.

(mtu) mkali, a person of sharp in temper; a cruel, fierce, ross, stern person. [Ksw.].


hrw: (iw.k m hrw) you have suffered.

mheru: one who has endured, suffered (we w mheru - you have suffered).
heria: mortify, humiliate; get ones own back on somebody.
hera: be penitent, sorry, contrite, abashed, humbled.
Ahero, marshy, undrained land near Kisumu city.

hrp: 1. govern, control, administer; act as controller; direct someone; lead, get ahead; undertake
works; 2. bring; provide; make offering of, dedicate.
ngrba, honey-gatherers assistant who helps in return for some of the honey,
makorobai: Indian Railway coolies (as employed on the construction of the original Kenya-
Uganda Railways) [Benson 231b], (who acted as controllers of African workers on behalf of the
British colonizers), (see koroba below).
ngorobi: brutal person, ruffian, hooligan.

hh, neck; throat.

ngingo: neck.
mkingo: long neck (e.g. that of a giraffe).
rkingo, an abnormally long neck.

hs / h3s: creek.
gaci: rivulet, brook.

hsm: shrine.
Kisumu: location, city in western Kenya.
okhusuma: go for assistance from relatives in times of difficulty (paid back in kind later).

hsr: dispel, drive away; clear a road; remove dirt.

guthra: make bolt, give chase to; make rush off, make start running fast.

ht: wood; timber; stick; pole; rod, linear measure of 100 cubits; mast.
rk / ng: piece of firewood;
kark, small piece of firewood.

hti: retire, retreat.

kagitigiti: a difficult position, tight corner; a booth, shelter.
kgitro: strong point, stronghold, place of defence.
gitigiti, tr akore! on your guard! we are cornered!

ht: throughout, pervading.

guothe, everywhere, all over (either of a large or small area); brri wothe, the whole country.
-othe: all, the whole (of).

-ote: all, whole, entire.
kote, everywhere, [Ksw.].

hti: carve, engrave.

gatka, get cut away.
gata: cut, cut out, off, away;
kata: cut, hew; chop, lop.
kata nakshi, carve in wood or stone. [Ksw.].

htm: 1. n. seal; hr htm (n), with, under the seal of; 2. v. seal; put a seal, hr, on; contract;
close doors; include a lad in ones dominions; mix ingredients.
gtumania: join together; close (legs, etc); place objects close together.
gtuma: unite, close up; tuma mara, seal a letter.
gtumra: open, unwrap (envelop, parcel, etc).

htmw: cattle.
gataama / mtaama: young heifer.

hdi, travel downstream, northwards; m hd, downstream, northwards; flow of water; North.
mknd: 1. muddy current of water; 2. evil, corrupt, person; 3. (of one defeated in a game)
prisoner, serf. 4. anus. mceera na mknd akndkaga take; the man who keeps company
with a corrupt person becomes as corrupt.

hdy / hwdy, riches.

rkuundi / nguundi, large number of things.
gkuundi, several, collection of people or things.

hnw, interior; home, abode; royal residence; capital city;

konyora, dehusk (and winnow grain, etc.).
konyoka, be clear (as dehusked or winnowed millet); be well-favored, fine, handsome, comely,
m-hnw n, within, in, at the house of.
mkonyo, navel.
mukoosyek / muk, large navel. [Kalenjin].

hs(y): weak, feeble, humble.

hoca: be bent (due to old age or heavy weight), curved; bowed down, bent double.

/h 200-205

ht: belly, abdomen.

htro: flank, depression below the ribs.

h3t: marsh. (see hnt).
ihaate: waste, desolation; devastated place caused by fire, enemies, locusts, floods.

h3t: corpse.
heta: prepare for burial. Mrega akrwo ndaregaga akhetwo, the one who ignores advice
does not resist when being prepared for burial.

h3yt: a heap of corpses.

kheta: homestead in which there has been a death.
hayati: deceased, departed. [Ksw.].

hrt, possessions, belongings; share, portion.

?kriinge, portion (of meat), share.

hrw: men.
ngur: 1. male candidates for circumcision at the preliminary stage of touring villages and
dancing to amuse the women and get gifts of food, etc. 2. dance by men, spectacular military
exercise for the purpose of impressing the unmarried girls. 3. period of meat-eating and dancing
over a whole district when young men lived in specially erected lodges from whence they would
harass the villagers in defiance of customary law.

hrw: base; lower part; underside.

ngurunga: cave.
nguru: place beneath with something resting on top or close above. nguru ya: underneath;
nguru ya mnd: under the protection of somebody.

hrwy: testicles.
nguruma / gkuruma: person or animal with undescended testicle or testicles.

hr-c: under the hand of; in the cgarge of.

nguru: nguru ya mnd: under the protection of somebody. nguru ya: underneath;

hry-c: apprentice; assistant.

nguru: nguru ya mnd: under the protection of somebody.

hrt-c: deceit.
ngra: mra ngr, one who profits from deception.
ngrta: make clean shaven, (see ngw / ng!).
ngeera: cheat over a bargain; deceive, be fraudulent.

hrt-c: writing materials (see crt).

karatathi: sheet of paper, page.
iratathi: piece of paper.
karatasi: piece of paper, paper. [Ksw.].

hry-ht: abdomen.

har htiro: by the belly, abdomen.

hrd: child.?
kairtu, a young girl.
?kartu, a child who remains small, underdeveloped.
rta, be stunted, backward, underdeveloped, diminished.
mrta, kaana ka mrta, a child who remains small, underdeveloped.

hrdw: childhood.
kartu, a child who remains small, underdeveloped.
kairtu, a young girl.
nkera: children. [Maasai].

hkr: be adorned.
hkrw nsw, royal insignia.
ngakaar: song of triumph; ornaments worn by warriors when singing and dancing the triumphal
dance, (see kaar).

hkrw: panoply, insignia; royal insignia, panoply of war.

?ngangarithi: 1. seed-pod of mkangarithi tree (Asclepias physocarpa), full of cotton-like fluff
which explodes when handled. 2. Old name for Nyeri colonial government station.

hkryt: insignia.
ngangat: insignia of full members of the Council, an official staff and branch of leaves.

htt: pluck plants.

ngutu: single stalk of mgutu thatching- grass; grass has tall round tems (used to mark
boundaries of gardens).
igutu, 1. flowering top of this grass, used as broom; 2. a clump of this grass;
kgutu, plant of this grass.

gtubunyko: pent-up emotion, anger, grief; excess of feeling; strong diturbance caused by acute
anxiety, danger, accident.

hdr: rescue.
gundria: 1. freshen, cheer up; 2. get something out of a place where it is hidden; unearth,

hdr: be in discomfort.
gonderera: be slack, lethargic; be bed-ridden, feel depressed, procrastinate.


s(z): doorbolt.
konji: lock, bolt (of a door). cokia konji, lock the door; bolt.

z3i / z3w: son/sons.

ciara: bear, give birth, bear fruit.
maciaro, children, progeny.
zaa: bear, give birth, reproduce. [Ksw.].

s(z)3.k: your son.

uzao wako: your progeny /child. [Ksw.]

s3.k Hrw: your son Herw.

.k: wako, yako, zako (2nd person possessive) [Ksw.].

zi: man; someone, anyone; one.

mzee: old person; respected person; honorific name for a man; parent, especially father. [Ksw.].

zi: go.
thi: go, move along, travel; depart, go away.
dhi / dhiyo, go. [Dholuo].
tsia, go. [Luhya].
tsiokho, (tsia yikhwo) go away!.

zn-wsrt Senworsret: son of the goddess Wosret.

usharati /ushereti: loose woman.

st, something.
knd, something.
esiindu, something. [Luhya].
kitu, something [Ksw.].

st: throne, department, office, work place; position, rank of official; grounds of house.
gt, seat, chair; mwene gt, leader, chairperson.
kiti, seat, chair; mwenye kiti, leader, chairperson. [Ksw.].

st: woman.
thtu: 1. woman skin robe; 2. robe worn by male neophytes after circumcision during
aggregation rites, also by officiating elders.
siti: madam, lady. [Ksw.].
msichana / msitana: girl. [Ksw.].

st hmt: woman, wife.

siti: madam, lady. [Ksw.].
msichana / msitana: girl. [Ksw.].
kamisi: ladys under-garment. [Ksw.].

st dg: hiding place.
thtua, much decorated apron worn by girl at circumcision (decorated with beads or thin bits
of bamboo threaded on strings).
ndiganrrio: keeping things from one another, reserve, restraint, reticence.
sitara: hiding / concealing place; hiding place, private place. [Luhya]
sitiri: disguise, conceal, camouflage; safe-guard, protect, shelter from. [Ksw.].

st-ns: speech.
thuutithania / thuutania: 1. gossip about other peoples affairs. 2. assist investigate minutely,
sift a matter.

st-r: utterance.

st-rd: rank, station.

sharifu: honor, esteem.
sharidi: run. [Ksw.].

st-hr: supervision, in,

hr st-hr: under the supervision of. (see s3h below).
??cahra: be solicitous, concerned about.
Njahra: girls name; one who does things carefully, for, on account of, at; one who is solicitous
for; concerned about others.

st-sm3-t3: interment.
?canjamithia: cause to be sorrowful, desolate, downcast, afflicted; be filled with apprehension.

st-kbt: entertainment.
kbaata: dance, especially one held for the purpose of making an announcement to the local
cakaa-caka: interjection, expression of delight (used often as the refrain of a song).

st-krs: (the state of) being confined.

cakayirithia: condole, commiserate, with; assist somebody to lament excessively, for, on
account of.

sti: successor.
stakimu: reside, dwell; prosper, be proved; be confirmed. [Ksw.].

s3 / z3: son.
s3t / z3t: daughter.
mazao: offspring, children, progeny.
zaa: reproduce, give birth, bear. [Ksw.]

mzazi: parent, woman in childbirth.
mzee: old person, respected person, honorific name for a man; parent, especially father [Ksw.].

s3ty-bity: the royal twins Shu & Tefnut.

Mbiiti: girls name.

s3: land-measure of 1/8 aroura.

gthaku: space under the eaves round a house especially to the front of the house (see nja, gca
gthaka: privately-owned piece of land; family or clan holding.

s3: maggot.
maca / macara, diseased condition of goats feet; elephantiasis of feet and legs.
gcara, foot rot; swollen toe.
mcar: yaws; contagious disease of the skin characterized by ulcers.

s3 (z3): betake oneself.

canga: walk about, up and down; stroll about, go here and there.
caga: rove, roam about; go from place to place in search of something.
thagathagia: move to and fro; hustle, bother.

s3: amulet.
ithaga: article of personal adornment; trinket.
te mathaga: throw away ring ornaments worn at death purification ceremony.

s3: protection.
mathaga: trinkets (as above).
wyoohe mathaga ma ita: put on accoutrements of war.

s3: phyte of priests; protection; company, regiment of troops; attendant, foreman.

s3w: magician.
thauthia: make ready; thauthia ih, prepare boys for circumcision on the morrow.

s3w (z3w): guard; ward off; restrain; heed;

s3w: guardian, warden.
s3wt: watch and ward off; warding off; stand guard against.
thauthi: pre-initiation dance-song, (initiates are prepared through songs and ritual activities, and
are all the time guarded against evil spirits, especially during the three days prior to the surgical
operation (see Osotsi, 2002: 31-37)).

s3: knife.
ca: description of stabbing, pricking, piercing with a sharp instrument, a spear, knife, thorn, awl,
needle. gambia ca!, stab with a spear repeatedly.

s3i: linger, await. one whose coming is awaited, later.

tha: (interjection) greeting between woman and children of husbands village when she gives

them beads on first coming there as a bride.

s3: weak.
caca: be weak, frail; peter out.

s3i: sift flour.

cairi: barley.

s3y: prepare.
thaiya: make tentative efforts at; thaiya magr, make a strong effort to hasten;
tharra: swathe, tie up, intensively; tie on a small bundle.
thagathaga: make ready, settle something properly.

s3b: dignitary of unkown rank; senior (official).

mthabania/ mtabania: one who gives instructions, manager, master of ceremonies, (see sp3t,
thaba, tabania).

s3b: cross water.

gacaambi: a mythical tree growing along rivers which on demand bent over and carried people
across the river.
Gacaambi /Njaambi: girls names.
thaambra: swim; float along in, on water.
a-isompir: to swim. [Maasai].

s3m: burn up.


s3bt: dappled cow.

thaambu / zebu: cow with white spots on a grey background?

s3(i)r: need.
thrmaa: 1. poverty; 2. poor person; rogue, filty, low, creature.

s3ry: needy man.

thrmaa: 1. poverty; 2. poor person; rogue, filty, low, creature.

s3h t3: land from ship; tread the earth/go to earth, be buried.
thangata, ascend, climb a hill or a slope.
thangarara: step out, move fast.


s3h: spiritualize deceased; glorify God; beautify tomb.

thakaria: make beautiful, beautify.

thaka: beauty, charm, elegance.

s3h: make effective.

caahra: do something carefully, for, on account of, at; be anxious, solicitous, for; be concerned

s3h: grant of land.

gthaka, 1. estate, privately owned piece of land; family or clan holding; 2. uncultivated land,
bush, scrub.


s3k, pull together.

thagathagia: hustle, bother, make somebody hurry up.

thaat: python; see ndamaathia.

s3t3: snake (lit. son-of-the earth).

nyam-ya-th: snake - (lit. animal/beast of the earth/ground).

s(3)t (z3t): make libation; pour out water.

thaathaiya (Ngai): praise, beseech, invoke the mercy of God.
a-sayiaa, to beseech, to ask, to entreat, to appeal to.
e-sayiare, beseeching prayer, supplication, pleading. [Maasai].

s(3)t: libation stone.

gthaathi: roughly cylindrical stone with a hole drilled axially (used for taking oaths and
pronouncing comminations). ringa gthaathi: pronounce a solemn oath. handa ihiga: set up an

s(i): not.
ti: negation; ti we, it is not him/her.
si: not. [Ksw.].


si3t, fringed cloth.

?thitai, ostrich feather head-dress.
?thtua, much decorated apron worn by girl at circumcision (decorated with beads or thin bits

of bamboo threaded on strings).

si3t / si3t: encroach upon lands; cheat; twister of speech; cheater; mutilator.
thiathia: move on a little, move further; make room for others.
thianra: go behind peoples back, work against, endeavor to bring discord on; injure, get the
better of by underhand means, plot against (others, one another).
mthiianro: vendetta, feud; prolonged plotting against somebody.
mthia: 1. end, extremity. 2. rumours, scraps of information.
thiata: be rude, sullen, ungracious through anger or annoyance.
gthiari: confusion, disharmony.
siasa: politics. [Ksw.].

si3: recognize, perceive, know, be aware of; perception, knowledge the God of Intelligence,
[Diop, C. A.,].]
thiana: condition of being exactly right, enough, complete.
usia: advice; will, make a will, testament. [Ksw].
sia: sow seeds. [Ksw.].
siya, refine, (Ullogooli),
buusia, wake up, (Olluyia)
Busia, Siaya: major locations in Kenya;
Gcia, Mbuthia, Kisia, Asiya, Fusia: proper names.

siwr: make pregnant.

iyra: 1. become full; be plentiful. 2. (coll.) become pregnant.
ihu: pregnancy.

siwh: inundate. (see iwhw).

ihgia: cause to get wet or drenched.
-ihgu: make wet.
ihgu / ig: wetness.
okwuuha: to make a place wet. (Lulogooli).
yuuwa: make a place wet. [Luhya].


sind: make miserable.

tindimania / thindimania: cause to be morose, perplexed, at a loss, dull, dumb.

sc3y: make great, of size, of rank or position; magnify God; increase benefits; glorify life on
thaai: (in prayers and supplications) mercy.
thaathaiya: praise, beseech, entreat God, invoke the mercy of God.

scw3: cause to go bad. (see cw3 above).

caka: (of beer, gruel) be well-fermented, well-brewed, mellow, clear.
cka, go bad, get spoiled.

scb: be equipped, m, with weapons.

cabaa: shooting practice; good shot; aim (in shooting);
mnd w cabaa, one who is a good shot. ruta cabaa, learn shooting.

scm: wash down medicine with drink; swallow.

cama: take a taste of; taste; have a taste; be flavored.
a-isham, to taste. [Maasai].
dzaadzama, to taste. [Lulogooli].
okutsaasama, to taste. [Luhya].
michamo, edible [Dholuo].
chamo: to eat [Dholuo].

scnh: make live, preserve; revive the dead; nourish, feed; perpetuate name.
thonga: cook / prepare ugali or mkimo; mix thick maize stodge into a mould while cooking.
thongoma: be strong, prosperous, well-nourished, fine looking.
thongomana: be perfect, rounded, whole, well-made, well- built; be prosperous.
songa: prepare, cook ugali. [Ksw.].

scnh: sculptor.
scn: beautify.
cana: make a mark (on something) by cutting, notch, nick, cut a grove in.
sanaa: work of art; skilled handicraft.
sanifu: work skillfully, compose, invent.
sanifisha: standardize. [Ksw.].

scr: 1. cause to approach death, bring to an end ones days of life. 2. bring, present.
thari: ikia thari, kick about when on the point of death.

scry, ewer on stand.

rthiri / thiri: pitcher of bulbous shape with narrow neck, of various sizes used for storing gruel,
water, honey, and fat which has been rendered down.

scrk: finish off, complete, put an end to, kill.

tharka: (of troops) attack, break cover, besiege, rush out upon, charge.
mtharko: attack, outbreak, onslaught, invasion.
thaarigi: blood.

thrimo: coronet, fetlock.

sch: noble, dignitary.

thngng: magnate, important, influential, person.
mthaka: person who leads in the Ituka ceremony.

chaankin / choongin: seniors of an age-group division. [Kalenjin].

sch: mummy.
thunga: 1. fasten, tie up well, tighten, make strong, straighten. 2. be compact, closed, complete;
(coll.) be fat, sleek, full-rounded (without wrinkles or hollows).
thungra: shut somebody or something in securely so that no escape is possible; be firm,
unshakable; fasten for, at.
thungara: become rigid, hard, inflexible.
-thungru: strong, purposeful; flourishing, prosperous; (of number) complete.
thungrie: dependable, sure.
mthaka: the beautified one; person who leads in the Ituka ceremony (selected at birth).

schc: raise up prone person; cause to stand, r, at; set up, erect building; install king; accuse
someone; establish crime, r, against.
thakaria: beautify.
mthaka: person who leads in the Ituka ceremony (selected at birth).


scq: cause to enter, bring to land, bring (goods, into storehouse), send in (document), drive
animals. (NB: Metcalf, Funeral Rituals of Borneo).
scq-ntr: entry of God (in procession).
cakayatheru: holy laments?
scqy: head of family.
cakaya: lament, mourn for the dead, moan.
macakaya: mourning, wailing.
mashaka: distress, difficult, great hardship, [Ksw.].
(see mathiko: burial of a dead person, funeral); and also, amasika: tears, funerals [Luhya].

sw3 (zw3): break, cut throat, cut down trees.

gcua: a close group, bunch, clump, knot, of people or trees; a large heap of rubbish or leaves; a
icua: bonfire of garden rubbish;
mba icua: make a ceremonial fire of bones, grill of sticks and leaves on which the goat has
been skinned together with certain twigs of shrubs employed in the ritual.
cua: description of smart cutting (e.g. through a stick of sugar-cane or striking somebody with a
switch or cane).

sw3: pass, m on road, over a case, over someone; escape from, surpass someone, remove from,
transgress laws.
cwa: walk quickly, briskly; walk away unnoticed; move fast and quietly, transgress the laws of
polygamy as in Wakarir song.

sw3w: journey [F. 216]. cwa, see Wakarir.
sw3w3: ponder.
sw3h: make to endure, to last; make stay in cwa cwa, haa h: see Wakarir.
house; lengthen life.

swb3: open; swb3 hr n: open the sight of = instruct;

swb3 ib: open the heart to wisdom, reveal oneself.
supa: Maasai greeting. One has to address or call out to the person to be greeted by his proper
social title, e.g. Papa, supa! i.e. Papa, pay attention, listen the response is ipa,
[Maasai], informing that the recipient is thirsty after something / information coming from the
one addressing him).
subalkheri: good morning; (heri: tranquility, happiness, belessedness, successs) [Ksw].

ip: take heed of; examine persons.

ibi / iba, be thirsty after something


snw: brothers.
cono: truly, really, absolutely, completely. and a nyina mwe cono, children of the same
mother and father.

swn: open.
swn hr, open the sight = instruct.
cna: lick. cnwo maitho n mbaka, have ones eyes licked-open by a cat = to be very clever,
sharp and well informed (coll.).

swnw: flattery.
gwcnra: brag, play big, give oneself airs.
swnw: physician.
gwthnra: put on airs, make show of being well-off and genuine, impertinent - (see also i3t,
h3q, ss3w).

swn (zwn): affliction. (see snnw).

cnka: get bruised, abraded.

swnyt: pain.
dsuunwa / tsuunwa: to feel pain. (Luhya).












swd3:calmfear;makehealthy,keep safe,




sby:Uraeus(The pharaohs wore the Uraeus as a head ornament: either with the body of
Wadjet atop the head, or as a crown encircling the head; this indicated Wadjet's protection and
reinforced the rank.
cmb: pate, top of head;
cmbr: summit, extremity, apex.
thmb: 1. crown. 2. head-dress of ostrich feathers; lions or baboons mane, colobus monkey
skin worn in war to denote pharaoh's claim over the land).
sibili: lion cub. [Ksw].




sb: overstep fence.



sbw: spoils of army.

bokora: despoil, plunder; make demanmd for forced labour; take away forcibly.

sbw: squalor.
chafu: dirty, filthy; impure, obscene, bad.
chafua: pollute; spoil, make disorder. [Ksw.]





Zambezi river.




sp/zp: times.
thabaar: times (in counting, multiplication);

zp snwj / zp 2:
twice, two times.



thaba/thabara:deploy,putpeopleintoappropriategroupsatacommunalfeast;thaba mariika,
divide according to age-groups. thaba ita, set a host in array.
thabania: deploy an army; put a house, householdinorder;arrange,manage,organize.









sm3yt: royal consort.

cuumia: excite desire for; rouse anticipation for; cuumia rwmbo, take a few preliminary steps in
dancing to whet the appetite before the dance proper begins.
cma: cma njur, decorate the hair;
cma: sit apart, sit huddled up (in a corner so that one is overlooked or passed over when
something is being shared out); go without something, come out empty handed.

sm3w / (zm3w): lungs.

mahri / ihri: lungs.


sm3: kill; destroy illness, (see m3wbelow).

cuuma: plunder, ransack (persons, premises); deprive somebody of something, deny somebody
something valuable; strip anything that is valuable - from a dying person.
a-isim, to grab, plunder, compel; to do with some degree of force. [Maasai].
e-simai, robbery, taking by force. [Maasai]

s3m: burn up.

camra / camkia: (ofliquids)boil,heat.

smr: cause pain.

camra: strike smartly (as with a whip or thin swish); lash, whack.







sncc: make smooth, polish.

sncc ib: soothe, calm.
cna: smooth, wipe down (the surface of wet clay in pottery).
cnrra: make completely smooth by licking, wiping down, again (see scnh above).
sanaa: tuki 285.
sanamu: tuki 285.




snfr: make beautiful, embellish; restore what is defective; carry out business.
?thanka: return to normal; be changeable, alterable, capable of emendation.
?canka: (of flowers, etc.) break into blossom, bloom.

sanifu: work skillfully, compose, invent.
sanifisha: standardize. [Ksw.].




gcnn: gonorrhoea.
kisonono: gonorrhoea. [Ksw.].


thnka, be vicious, naughty, depraved.





[Mkrwe-in wa Nyagathanga origin of the Gky].


snd: fear, respect.

rthaanju: whip.

sndt: fear; rn sndt: year of terror.

cenji: uncivilized, uncouth person; barbarian, savage.

sndw: timid, frightened men.

shenzi: uncouth, barbarian. [Ksw.].
zenj: black.
?senje: paternal aunt. [Luhya].

sndm: 1. make happy, make pleasant; ease suffering, 2. sit, be seated. (see sd).
canjamra: make glad, light of heart.
chanjamaa: be cheerful. [Ksw.].
thaanja: beglad,becheerful.
o-sanja / o-sancha: lover, sweetheart. [Maasai].

sndndn: incite.
njene (mceneneko): idle talk; gossip, rumour, curiosity, inquisitiveness.


sr: tress; wig; hide of animal.

gthere / mthere: back flap, short broad piece of skin with hair left on, worn over the buttocks
by men during certain dances.
crri: shield-shaped piece of soft-tanned leather fixed to the middle of the belt at the back,
worn over the buttocks at the ngur or kbaata dance.
cororia: cut a narrow strip of hide, cloth, etc.
gacoroorua: (of goatskin, cloth, ground, garden) a narrow strip.

srt, thorn, spine.

thiria, chisel.

srwh, foster, cherish; treat medically; treatment.

ciringa, revive, kindle, bring to life; liven up.
ciringa, kindle ones spirits.

srwd: strengthen; maintain, perpetuate; make to flourish; make secure; provide; set right; fulfil
saruji: cement, concrete. [Ksw.].
Ciarnj: womans name. [Embu].

srh: learn about the future.

ragra: 1. consult oracles by means of counters; diagnose cause of illness and prescribe
remedial ceremony; seek omens for, or against, a course of action, seek advice of one who can
consult oracles. 2. divine, soothsay - (see thaathi).

srh n: complain to; lay information against, accuse. rdi srh: expose a crime.
mthrg: a political song, containing libels against people in positions of responsibility (sung
at the time of the circumcision issue 1929-30).
kasirika: angry, annoy, displease [Ksw.].
en-cili, perturbation, feeling of being upset. [Maasai].

srh: guilty person.


srh: a government department.

thirikaari: government.
serikali: government.

sh: terrorize.
?caahra: 1. treat without care or compunction, inflict punishment upon; 2. strike smartly with a
switch or whip, slap hard, give a sharp beating or spanking to.

shm, put a stop to.

shm, crush, pound; tritulation.
thkma, push hard,
thkm, foreigners.
sukuma, push; shove, [Ksw.].

shb: make festive; adorn.

thakaria: makebeautiful,beautify.

shri: remove, exorcise; drive away foes, avert face, deliver from.
thengera: make way, move aside; avoid.
thengeria: remove from, for, at.
eheria: remove, move something away from, get something out of the way.

shd: illuminate; make clear; reveal; make explanation.

thuguunda, 1. think out plan, purpose, ponder, meditate, reflect, prepare (case); devise, evolve,
invent, originate, create a precedent; introduce a new custom or practice; 2. wander round a
subject in talk, be long-winded; re-open a subject already discussed and decided; 3. start
something new, cut a line through a bush roughly.
o-sakatari: flame-fly, [Maasai].

shd: inspector, of priests, of prophets.

e-sakut: divination, [Maasai].
a-sakut: to bewitch, to put a spell, to curse.

sh: chop off limbs.

thoga: stab repeatedly; provoke, incite, put a spoke in somebodys wheel.
chonga: carve, whittle, hew, hack, sharpen. [Ksw.].
singan: chop to pieces. [Kalenjin].

sht: marshland; field; country beside town.

thanga: small sod. thanga igr, two strokes of a hoe.
mthanga: 1. sand; land. 2. Iron ore. 3. Coarse residue of grain left when making gruel.
thangath: accumulation of sand as at bend in a river; sandy mud washed up by river.
gthangath: coarse alluvial soil, grit, sand, fine gravel.
mchanga: sand; land. [Ksw.].

shty: peasant; fisherman; fowler.

thinga: 1. daub, plaster, mud walls. 2. be meek, righteous, just, law-abinding, modest.
thingata: follow close upon, come next to, chase, pursue.
(thingati gthaka: one who pushes away, presses the bush).

shcr: enrage, (see hcr above).

mkali: fierce person.

sh3w: remembrance, memory.

sahau: forget; overlook. [Ksw.].

sh3h: hasten.
gothagotha: do hastily, hurriedly.

shw: breath.
cange: roominess, spaciousness.

shm: sceptre / sistrum. (see st).

cengeca: 1. rattle, jingle. 2. (of dance) go with swing or din.

shm: mighty one, Power.

thkm: people who employ paid labor.

shm: powerful; have power, m, in, over; prevail; give power; power.
shikamoo: respectful greeting to an elder. [Ksw.].

Shmt (Sakhmet): (Ras agent of punishment, Hart: 139a - slayed men and left them in pools
of blood for ploting against Ra; was tricked with 7, 000 jars of red ochre mixed with red beer,
which she drank thinking it was blood, got drunk, hence averted the slaughter of the human race
- the spilling of more and more blood).
thakame: blood. ura thakame, bleed. indo cia thakame, livestock (things of blood).
mthakame: red species of millet.
sarge: blood. [Maasai].

shn (zhn): embrace; seek out, meet; occupy a place.

thaagaana: go out to meet somebody in order to help him bring something home; go out to meet
somebody on seeing him/her approaching.
thaagaani: those wgo go out to meet a returning party of warriors.
shikana: hold each other. [Ksw].

shn: bind together.

shikana: hold, catch somebody; apprehend, arrest somebody; be in co-operation with; be
together in all aspects; be at grips with somebody. [Ksw.].
shikana (shika): stick, adhere, cling [Ksw.].

shrw: overflowing bowls.

ihrwo: nyng (irio) ciaihrwo, when pots are / food is dished up.
ihra: dish up; remove food from pot to storage container.

shry: captain of ship.



shr: plan, counsel, determination.

congera: be firm, definite, decided.
thikrria, consider, commune with oneself; feel oneself, see what one feels like a fall, blow,

shr: overthrow; throw down; force into place dislocated bone.

shs / zhz: run, hurry; flee; pursue, persecute.

thagutha: move quickly, flee from restraint; frolic; let oneself go.

shsh: run.
thagathaganga: prepare something quickly.
thagathagia: hustle, bother, make somebody hurry up.
m shsh k3: at high speed.

mthagathagko: hustle, bother.

sht: weave; mould bricks.

thinga: daub, plaster, mud; block, stop, plaster, up holes, cracks, etc.
mthingirima: a solid, elongated block; solid block.
sikaat: dung, animal dung (sometimes used for plastering houses).

sht: stone for patching (?).

thinga: daub, plaster, mud; block, stop, plaster, up holes, cracks, etc.
mthingi: one who fills up (walls, etc.).
mthingi: foundation.
msingi: foundation. [Ksw.].

sht: ambushing (?).

thingata: 1. chase, pursue; follow close upon, come next to. 2. press somebody (to say more,
reveal a secret).
thingatana na: pursue closely, unremittingly.
ingata: drive, chase, away; expel.

shi: be deaf.
sikia: hear; pay attention, obey. [Ksw.].

shct, hare.
thungura / sungura, rabbit.
sungura: hare, rabbit. [Ksw].

shkr:decorate,adorn,(see krbelow).











thathaya (Ngai): pray (as above).
sayiaa: beseech, ask, entreat.
sayiare: prayer. [Maasai].
soti: make libation, [Wolof, Diop].




sm: lead, guide, show the way.

thuuthuma: ihu ra mthuuthuma, swollen stomach(aformofdropsyordiabetes).(seesima

iry sm,functionary.






st:sesheshet - sistrum.(seeshw).
cengeca: 1. rattle, jingle. 2. (of dance) go with swing or din.
gcengeca: the merry sound of a dance enthusiastically sung and danced; sound of the
combination of many singing voices (with or without the accompaniment of knee-rattles).
cegecege: description of rattling (as seeds in a gourd such as in the Gcaand music, dance and



sk3i:makehighabuilding;setuprightaperson;exaltagod;extol beauty;prolonglife.




thogota/thgta,makefalteringeffortsto speakaforeignlanguage;speakinaconfused



sk, wipe, wipe out, wipe away.

thigitha, rub, blur by rubbing.

thigithania, make blurred and illegible, rub down; crush in hands;
thigitha, deceive, defraud, cheat in a transaction.

skw: troops, companies, battle.
ciika:stint;be stingy, (to cause to stop, to put an end to; to limit within certain boundaries, as

skw, battle.
?ithoka / ithanwa: axe.
shoka, (Ksw).




skn: be greedy.
skn hr: lust after.
(variation of theenge / gatheenge).


skr: Sokar, the ancient Mephite god of the dead.

(NB: Sokar related to the entrance to the underworld).
thagra: (cause to) be removed from a particular situation or position; be suspended high up,
clear off the ground.
thagka: suspend; remove from a particular situation. [NB: journey of the dead].
gathag: 1. state of being removed from a particular situation; 2. something suspended, clear off
the ground.
iliSaakira: an old leopard that preys on domesticated animals. (Lulogooli).
thagiri: charcoal burner (suspended fire?)
sigiri: charcoal burner. [Ksw]. (Tuki E116b).





sgr: silence. (see gr below).

kira: be quiet, stop making noise.
secheli, sekeli: silence [Luhya].

sgrg: institute offerings. (grg?).

thuuga: (of young man to young girl whom he wishes to marry, husband to bride, young boy to
sponsor at initiation) give present(s).
sugira: to share out equally. [Lulogooli].

stw. arrow, dart.

ndat, head of arrow used for shooting large birds, partridge, guinea-fowl, etc.; one of the small
pieces of stick pointing forward, fastened at the base of the arrow-head to prevent it going in too
far or getting lost.

stw, target.
ndaat, piece of leather laid on a sick persons affected spot and shot at by the medicine-man
with a blunt arrow as part of the treatment; anything used as a target in a shooting game by
boys. rathwo ndaat, be executed for a crime by shooting; ratha ndaat, practice rifle
shooting at the butts.

stw3: hold up.

situa: startle, sprain [Ksw.].

stwr: keep clean.

thitra: make bright, clear; brighten;
thita: (of a bright or white surface) acquire stain, be, become rusty.

st(y), odour, smell; mid-day meal.

mcthi, gravy broth. ga mcthi, (of food) be rich, juicy.

sd, tail. (see hb-sd).

that, python, caterpillar. see ndamaathia.
sadu, special snake / God. [Taita].


sd3: adviser. (see swd3).

cnjiga / cnjima: as above.

sd3y: take recreation.

canjaaka /canjaarka: (of people) be in public view, shine, excel (especially in dances and

sd3y-hr: amuse oneself, take recreation.

canjaaka har: shine, excel with, at, by.

sd3w: precious.
sd3wt: precious things, treasures.
tcaanja (canjaaka): state of being spread out, stretched out and raised up, sprawled out;
multiple branching, projection, pendant.

sd3m-mc: lie with (a woman). (see sndm).

canjamra: cheer up; gladden, brighten; cause to rejoice, give a feeling of well-being; relive,
canjamka kmaamo-in: rejoice in sleep.

sdwy: slander.
njare: exposure; being stripped clean. (from cara).

sdmnef: he said. (see sndndn).

njene: (from ceneeneka) go about telling tales, spread idle gossip, be indiscreet, inquisitive; be
agog, anxious to see what is going on.

sdb: impediment, obstacle, verbal opposition, guilt, ill-will.

njambio: slander, slandering of one person by another.
cambia: to slander.
chaabay: unreliable person. [Kalenjin].

sdm: hear voice, hear of something, listen, understand, judge, satisfy.

cnjima / cnjiga: 1. cajole, conciliate, coax, talk over, get round. 2. pet, make much of (as a
grandmother and her grandchildren).

sdmi: judge, hearers in lit. sense. (see mdr).

acnjimi: conciliators. (see cnjima).
cnjimana, calm people down, conciliate.
Shitemi: personal name. [ Luitakho / Luisukha].

changamsha:gladden,revivethespirits,cheer up, stimulate (see jaama). [Ksw.].

(r)j: water. [KiEmbu].
maa: water. [Gky].






camkamwr,haveafever.(againstthis,seeHelmut Satzinger, Wien:5).











Thongore:(Baaba thongore - in Wer wa Njogu song), = Shu and Tefnut were born of
sokor: masturbate. [Maasai].
songolewa / songoa: squeeze out, wring, press together. [Ksw.].
sokoran: weird, unacceptable, bad, behavior. [Kalenjin].
soongool / soongoolyet: ostrich feather. [Kalenjin].
sokool: nine. [Kalenjin].















mw:traveler. (seeTmhbelow).

m3w:foreigners;diseasedemons.(seesm3 above).
zimwi: ghost, ghoul. [Ksw].

macuumo: plunder, booty of a personal kind; clothes and ornaments taken from a dying person
for superstitious reasons so that they cannot be mauled and dragged about by hyenas; trophies of
war taken from a dead or living enemy.










mswd3:funeralprocession;follow thefuneral.(seewd3r).




















sr: utter, express.

ththra: urge insistently, be insistent to, importune.
ththa: keep up a continuous stream of talk; speak to; address, repeatedly; cite praises of
somebody. (NB. Griots).
thuuthra: entreat earnestly, persuade to change mind; sing a lullaby to a baby.

cocera: chatter, bubble at; make a lot of noise, at, for; grumble for, be in an aproar because of;
comlain vehemently for; talk volubly to; make too much noise for.







thandka:(ofpeople)appearsuddenly,out ofthebush,onthehorizon.

Valley.[Obenga,ANKH n8/9]; during a performance, the gicaand singer reads his own scripts
as he competes with an opponent who also has his own gcaand, using riddles, proverbs, and
other complex Gky idiom. Colloquially considered a female breast, it is pointed to the listener
suggestively as the singer performs as if to suckle (which it does symbolically through the
educative messages). Originates from the Gky word anda which means to curve in or out
(see Benson 11), hence andika to write [Ksw.], (or curve hieroglyphic characters).









dj m hk3w: recite by magic.

thonja: make a lot of noise (of a crowd of people, swarm of birds), be in an uproar,
hk3w, magic spells, magic acts.
see ngeko / rgeko, above.





/k (275-283)

k3i: tall, high, exalted, be raised on high, uplifted.

Ngai: God.

k3i nrw: exalted (nyoro?)

Kaahi: leader/king of the marim, (greatly dreaded in oral narratives). [Lulogooli].

k3c / k3c: vomit.

eka: retch, expel (food, medicine) before a complete swallow.
tahka: vomit, be sick.

k3b: intestine; interior, middle of land; in the midst of.

kahu: second stomach of sheep or goat;
kahu-kaing: third stomach of ruminant.
buubara: be over-fed; be bloated, inflated, swollen.

k3mdt: funeral oration.

manda: 1. make smooth; 2. (coll.) cheat, deprive by trickery; impoverish by extortion,
extravagance; be a drain on.
kmanda, anything smoothed out; a drain on someone.
kmandi, meat-feast by subscription or a series of feasts provided by rote.

k3sw: bonds; rigging of ships.

gaatha: tighten, stretch, draw tight. gaatha gtaanda: string a bed.

k3s: rope, ladder; string bow, bind victim, tie rope-ladder.

gaatha / kaza: fasten, tighten; fix. [Ksw.].
Kaswa: (in the Myth of Kaswa of the Luba peoples (an effort to bind the people together and
unite them).
kas / kos / gos: awake, vigilant, eyes open; kasuu, wake up, watch. [Kalenjin].

k3k3w: traveling barge. (see kbnt).

gakmb: canoe, boat (in folklore - built in the shape of a doomed grain-store).
ikmb: 1. (of railway) coach. 2. granary.
ikmb: wave (on a body of water).

kch: corner, bend.

kaheta-in: space against inside of house wall, [B. 148a-b] (the house is round hence the space is

ki: form, shape, nature.

k- / g- / ka: prefix/suffix used to add to the root meaning of words (sometimes as diminutive /
augmentative), to indicate forms, shape, nature and attributes of things/people, (see Benson 222).

kch: elbow; arm; shoulder.

guoko: arm, hand.

kch: shoulder of beef.

guoko: arm (up to shoulder) of beef.

kchw: sunshine.
kauka: dry; wither; harden.
kaukau: crisp. [Ksw.].

kw: a loaf or cake.

kuu: cake, (see kw-m33 game above).
kuua: (of maize) begin to bear cobs.

kwr: gold miner.

gkur: big blackguard, sly character, thief; gold-digger.
Gakur, proper name.
Bukura: (bw-kwr3) location in Western Kenya where there are gold mines.

kb3t: crown of head.

ngbia: cap, hat; tilde.

kbw: cool breeze.

kbaa / mbaa: frost; intense cold.

kb: cold.
kbii: mist; haze, misty weather.

kbhw / kbbwt: cold water.

kbaa, frost; intense cold.

kbhw: coolness.
khu: cool period of the year (Oct-Nov).

kbhw: wild-fowl.
?kbogo: in wer wa njogu

kf3t: fame.
ngumo: fame, reputation, praise.

kfn, lake; clot of blood.

ngbt, blood from a live animal added to hot water and stirred, with additions of mutton, or
ox-fat or fresh milk, and drunk.

ngibt, muddy water (in puddles, pools, etc.).

kbh: death.
kifo: death, doom. [Ksw.].

km3w: winnowers.
Kamau: proper (male) name.

km3w: a class of soldiers.

Kamau: proper name.

km3: form, appearance, nature.

kama: like, such as; if; about. [Ksw.].

km3: hammer out, create, beget, produce, carry out teaching.

gkama: a piece of pig iron, bloom of smelted iron, (which is hammered and heavy).

kmh: a loaf.
kima: mash, knead butt (flour for making bread, chapati, etc.).

kn: ceremonial garment.

kaniki /tniki: dark blue cotton material.
kaniki: black wrap worn by women. [Ksw.]

knt: valour.
kanda: be strong, hard.

knt: aggression.
kind / kindi: strong man, man of valor.

kni: brave, strong, capable, powerful, conquer.

gekenya: (of a person) strive with another (in order to get him to amend his evil ways).

knyt: the military.

ngenyekenyi / ngekenya: wrangling, contention over possession of something by a number of
mkenye: glittering precious metals; ornaments.

kn: brave man.

knyat: bad-tempered person.
mnyat: pricky creeper.

knn: supremacy.
nyati: buffalo. [Ksw.].

kn: complete, accomplish; first quality.

1. knig: eloquence, zest, swank; racy style of description; picturesque exaggeration.

mdw r sp n kn: speak to perfection.

mnd wa knig: one who lays on the colors in speaking or acting. 2. kna: certainly,
absolutely, reality; true. mnd mgo wa kna: a true medicine man. speak about an affair

kniw: portable shrine.

?kinyanru: complete, full, entire, reliable, sincere, well-rounded; perfect, satisfactory;
kinyi: confidence in action, care, sureness, circumspection, deliberation.
en-kanyit, decency, honour, respect, obedience, awe, good manners. [Maasai].
kaanyit: show respect. [Kalenjin].

knd: be angry, furious.

knda: (of cattle, bulls) prepare to fight; menace, defy, scowl.

knkn: beat people, pound up medicaments, beat out, flatten metal, deal wrongly.
kna: strike a blow, knock, rap. [Kikamba, Kiembu, Kimeru].

kri: draw near, attend.

karibia: approach, come/go near somebody / something; move close to.
karibu: welcome! [Ksw.].

krt: depression; hollow place.

mkuru: deep gorge, ravine, nullah, gulley.

krs: bury; burial; (the state of) being buried.

kura: 1. cut hair with difficulty (with a blunt razor),causing discomfort and pain (as part of a
ritual ceremony). 2. dig up (potatoes, etc.).

krst, burial.
kara / kura, dig a trench, furrow.
karakara, scrape away earth (in digging).

krsw: coffin.
kara, be well built, well set up; be independent by nature; be important, wealthy, influential.

krstt: tomb-equipment.
ngurua: stiff ring of the stem of a mukurwa climber (Achyrotthalamus marginatus) worn round
the neck by old man conducting the death-purification ceremony; a similar ring was worn by
candidates for circumcision.

krr: fire pottery; to broil food.

Wakarir: in a song, the lone wife with no co-wives, sarcastically so called to indicate she is
beautiful, a fire-lighter.
rirka: scintillate, gleam, be iridescent, shimmer, glisten, ripple. Also note wrr (rir) above.

omulilu: fire [Luhya].

Wakarir cwa cwa tthi

The beautiful one, move fast, quietly,
haa h, haa h ( hc hww, hc hw)
Rejoice, proclaim success / defeat their argument!
haa h - ( hc hwy)
Would that! (I wish Id succeed)
h ( hw) Avoid their quarrels.

ksn: painful, painfully, troubled, difficult, dangerous; wretched.

goco / gocogoco: row, wrangle, discord, chaos; purposeless argument, disturbing chatter.
mnd wa goco, an offensive person.
mgoco / mgucu: (of female beast) weak, emancipated.
kgoco: (male beast) gaunt, skinny, sickly, in poor condition.
gocokana: become bowed, bent down; droop, die of age and weakness.

ksn: pain; troubling by foes.

kosana: quarrel, disagree.
kosea: do wrong to, offend. [Ksw.].

ksnt: trouble, misfortune.

kushinda: overcome, conquer, subdue, something difficult. [Ksw.].
shinda: trouble. [Ksw.].

khkhw. Metal-workers.
kngkng, description of the ringing sound of a metal tool or hard stone, e.g. a smiths
hammer on the anvil, hammer driving a nail, knife or axe on hard wood.

kd: use the porters wheel; pot.

kanda (mgate): roll dough to make bread.
kukanda, [Ksw].

kd: builder.
kanda, as above.
ikiindi: lump in gruel.
kidi: stone. [Dholuo].
ilichiindi: lump of soil that has dried, [Lulogooli].

kd: go round. qet?

mw pf kdw: that circling water.
?gota: go round (opposite of gotora).
kota, go round [Luhya].
goda, go round [Lulogooli].

kd: form; nature; reputation; character, disposition; extent; altogether.

??kenda: nine. kenda miyru, full nine, i.e. ten. (see psdt).

kdwt: drawings.
kganda: blacksmiths or wire-drawers shed or working house; forge, workshop.
Ngand, name of a location in Nyeri.

kd: sleep.
gonda: be bed-ridden; be slack, lazy.

kddw: characters of persons.

-kindrku: firm, steady, dependable, genuine.
kindra, repress, restrain, keep check on, moderate (speech, speed, feelings); become confirmed
in habbit; be settled (because of prosperity).

/k (283-287)

k: (suff. pron. 2 m sg) thou, thy, thee,

-ke: (suffix poss. adj.) yake, chake, zake, hers / his, [Ksw.].

k3i: think about; plan.

ka!: expression of pensiveness.

k3t: vagina.
gati / gti: female urinary orifice.

k3t: (colloquial) foreign foes.

gtia / gtiya: a mear, smudge; (of water) a big pool.

k3t: work, construction, profession, craft.

kazi: work, duty, labor, employment, occupation, job, [Ksw.].
en-kiaas / in-kiaasin: work. [Maasai].

k3t sn, his work [see Obenga 100].

kazini, at work.
kazi yake, his work, job, occupation.

k3w: sycamore figs.

nkcwt: notched sycamore figs.
ngy: sycamore figs.
k3wyw: sycamore figs people?
= gauiu / gay
i.e. Gai = Gky people.

k3w: food.

ngayano: division (of food, livestock) by persons between themselves.
ngawa: bright red fruit of a mkawa tree.

k3mw, vineyard, orchard.

mkamwe, Nandi rubber vine.
mg wa nyakamwe, 1. climbing shrub; Nandi rubber vine; 2. any stout liana or strong supple
creeper used for ropes or for making hurdle-doors for houses.

k3ry: gardener.
karmi: 1. gardener / farmer; 2. personal name (in praise of a good farmer).
kara: dig a trench, furrow.
karakara: scrape away earth in (digging a narrow and shallow trench);
mkari, one who digs.
ngari, 1. proper name. 2. species of ant-bear.

k3hs: be harsh, overbearing.

kha: see below.

ki, cry out.

girka, scream from rage; weep bitterly or convulsively; wail in suppressed manner, sob or sigh
bitterly, give vent to deep choking sobs.

kt / ky: another, other.

ng: another, other; more.
ng, kaang, ng: another, some more.
kaandi: [Ullogooli].
khaandi: [Olluyia].
ake, another, different from this. [Dholuo].

ky: monkey.
ngma: Syke monkey, Blue monkey.
kima: monkey. [Ksw.].

kf: uncover, strip.

kbaata: a performance in which there is metaphorical stripping (especially in Gcaand &
Mthrg dances), yet also discrete in the lyrics.
en kipata, (see kb3t). [Maasai].

Kbn: Byblos.
Kibini / Kipini: locations in Kenya.

kbnt: sea-going ship.

ikmb / gakmb: boat, canoe; train coach; grain-store.
nd / rt: long woody withies used for making grain-stores.
ikmb-ra-nd: doomed granary made of withies (shaped like a boat).

Kftyw: Crete.
Kevote: location in Embu, Kenya.

km: black.
kamithi: dusk, beginnings of twilight.
mitha: get dark; become dark (as at twilight);
mithana: become completely dark.

Kmsi.t, nom de pretresse. [see Obenga 80].

kamci, 1. charming young girl; 2. dwelling place, a hamlet.

Kmt: the Black Land, Egypt.

gkama: a piece of pig-iron, bloom of smelted iron.
Kamita: proper name.

km wr: Mnevis. [].

mur: grace, forbearance, mercy; betterment, being in better case, more tolerable.
Kamur & Wamur: proper names.
murua: good habbit / character; to be honorable, respectable, nice, pleasing, elegant. [Ksw.].
a-murru: to be pleasing, to be enjoyable. [Maasai].
muol: gentle, mild, meek; peaceful, tame, manageable. [Dholuo].

km: total up to, amount to; complete; put an end to; pay to; completion; profit, duty.
kmra: be made up to ten, added up to ten;
ikmi: a group of ten, ten. (i.e. complete the psdt number to 10 by adding the child Hrw.
kenda-miyru, the complete 9 (after adding the Aicakamy to make the total number of the 10
kumi, ten. [Ksw.].
komukuul: entire, all; whole, altogether. [Kalenjin].
NB: taman: ten, also means to block, seal [Kalenjin].

kmt: completion, final account.

komana: become complete, be enough to complete, join up, meet, go round.
kamili: complete, exact, perfect, absolute. [Ksw].

kmyt: conclusion of book.

komanria, meet, unite; become complete.
kamilisha: finalize, complete. [Ksw.].

kmy(t): coll. herd of cattle.

mkamini: generous, open-handed person.
ngamini: liberal, open-handed person.
ngaamila: assist me in getting that thing. [Luhya].
okhukaama: to assist in doing something. [Oluluhya].

Kemur: an island. [see Sinuhe Tale, page 2].

Kmura: 1. proper name. 2. place name in Kamaars N nyuuo, gwit Kmura.
en-kumur: something cut off; a stump. [Maasai].

Kncnw: Cananites.
Kanaan: girls name in Meru.

knm: wrap up.

kna: bind, tie up (e.g. a prisoner, a madman) very tightly, many times over.

knhw: darkness.
Kanya-hng: before the long rains, when the kites cry.

knh: dark.
?kaanaha: cast an evil eye.

kns: pubic region.

knena: lower part of the abdomen (mons pubis).
olwena [Lulogooli & Olunyore].

krp: scrape out inscription. (see hrp above).

kra: scrape off (food dried in a cooking pot, etc.).
krta: scrape; hollow out (the soft interior of something).
koroba, provoke, incite to fight; scold.
ngorobi, brutal person; ruffian; hooligan (see ngrba above).
korofisha: make a mess, exasperate [Ksw.].

kh3: raise the voice, rage furiously; utter a bellow.

kha: nag at, scold, exclaim against, reprove sharply, reprimand, silence somebody, tell
somebody to shut up.

khkh: become old.

kungakunga: crouch, bend, stoop; move in a crouching position.
ukuukuu: state of being worn out/old from old age; deterioration, depreciation. [Ksw].

khkht: hacking of cough.

kohokoho: description of frequent coughing.

ksi, bend down, bow down; be prostrate.

githi: description of lack of space or sound; be packed to capacity (in a house, vehicle, etc.).
mgithi, train; over-crowding due to lack of space (see Wer r njogu Kamande).
moyiing / moinget / moigkoon / moiinkaan: boat, canoe; wooden trough. [Kalenjin].
mariich: overpacked room, crowded, filled up. [Kalenjin].
kis: groan, due to physical pain. [Kalenjin].
kisi: change sail; determine the ships position. [Ksw.].

kt: another.

ai kata: another time, ever, [Maasai].
en-kata: time, period, season. [Maasai].

kt / ktt: pettiness.
gata, diminish, abate, ease off.

ktt: small, trifling, a trifle.

katiti: little. [Ksw.].
katoto (mtoto): child, young person; juvenile. [Ksw.].
katitini, small. [Maasai].

ktkt, quiet;
m ktkt, quietly.
gatagat, middle,
katikati, middle, between, [Ksw.].

ktt, girl.
en-dito, a girl, [Maasai].

ktn, charioteer.
Kathini, proper name [Kamba].

qdt: (of quantity) 1/10th debe.

gtiti: a tray or basket made from rope of split lianas lapped with bast, used as a dish for storing
cooked food.

Qdnw: Qatna, a town in Syria.

gatina: foot of something; lower / extreme end of something, of a location.


g3w: lack.
aga: lack, miss, fail to find; be in need of; be missing.

g3wt: lack, want.

waagi: lack, want.

gw3r: besiege city.

guar /rguar: beast of prey, snatcher; hyena, leopard.
Kguar: location near Nairobi.
owuaru: beast of prey, lion, lion-mane (like that worn by warriors on certain occasions).

gw3: be choked.
kgua / igua: big piece of honeycomb;
guagua: (of a fat person) hobble along.

gw: become askew, bent, twisted; turn away, abandon.

guuca: doubt, hesitation, caused by consideration of circumstances or possible consequences.
mund cio ndar guuca, that person never wavers (when once embarked on a line of action).
gucu / gucugucu: likelihood, probability. gucu ainke atige gthnka, he is likely to go home
rather than suffer.

gwg: shout.
kga: (of dog) bark; (colloquial in derogatory sense, of human beings) bark, shout.

gy: an offering.
kgeithio, a present handed over when greeting somebody or sent as a sign of greeting.
rgeka / ngeka: something given as acknowledgement of service rendered; fee paid by newly
initiated medicine man to his instructors.

Gb: the earth god Geb, (see gbb below).

Khufu: King, builder of the Great pyramid of Giza, (see Hart, 26).
Mtukufu: the glorious, exalted person; highness, majesty, excellency. [Ksw.].
kufu: fitting, suiting, congeniality.
kufura: blaspheme; commit sacrilege.
kufuru: blasphemy, sacrilege, impiety. [Ksw.].
1. Ngubu: proper name [Gky].
2. ngubu: location in Central Africa Republic.
3. ngubu: hippopotamus [Sukuma, Tanzania].
4. Ingubu: hippopotamus [Lulogooli].
5. tsingubu: strength [Olunyore].
6. nguvu: force, strength, power; authority, supremacy; impetus, pressure, solidarity.

gb: deficiency, deprivation.

ngibege: (of females) condition of being bereaved, left without young to suckle; left solitary,

gb3: side of room.

kbaca: corner, compartment, annex; space under eaves of house used as temporary store.
kabaca: nook in a house; annex, small compartment, leading off a room.

gb3: arm.
kumbac: expression of gripping; (in popular childrens game of clenching hands to hide

gbb: earth.
ngbkb / mkbkb: lumps of hard mud on a path; clods, roughness of ground (as in a

dug field).
nguba: flat alluvial deposit beside a river between two hills or at the foot of a hill; steep rise at
foot of hill; a drop to a lower level.

gbgbw: headlong, of flight.

kubukubu: description of the noise of running.
kabakaba: description of light running (with tripping steps as of young people).
kubia / kibia: run, trot; trip, patter, along; pass-by especially at night so that footsteps are

gbgbyt: m ~, headlong of flight; prostrate.

mkubakubio / mkibakibia: to come along, try and run. gamba kibikibi, trot along.
Gbagbo: proper name (Cote dIvoire).
egebeti: Egypt. [Lulogooli].

gm, find (someone, etc.).

goma, 1. come into contact with, meet suddenly, encounter, run int; take by surprise, swoop
down upon; obstruct, debar, frustrate progress of somebody or something. 2. come to fruition,
come to an end, become finalized; become a fixture, settle permanently.

gmi: find; use ones hand; be able to do something; control land.

gmra: set oneself to overcome something, strain oneself, make intense effort, tax ones
strength, attempt what is beyond ones power.

gmt: find.
kamata: hold, grasp; catch, seize, arrest, capture. [Ksw.].
kambaca / kambata: lay hands on, seize with arms or claws, catch (after a chase), take hold of.
en-gamata, grip. [Maasai].
a-gam, to grip, to clamp, to hold tightly. [Maasai].

gmgm: smash boxes, tear up books.

gmbagmba: devastate completely, spoil utterly.
gmba: bring catastrophe upon, devastate, spoil; ravage, desolate, plunder.

gng: falsehood.
kgenyo: false witness, allegations, evidence, accusation; slander, libel.

gnwt: records, annals.

rgano: tale, fable, folk-story, myth.
kgano: bye-word, customary allusion to something or somebody bad or good.

gnwty: sculptor.
gana: tell a tale, sing praises of - (NB: the sculptor cut the letters/wrote, so was the writer of
stories in Ancient Egypt).

gnn: be weak; be soft.

gona: be under the influence of a spell; doze in sleep or sickness.
kgoni: feeble, debilitated person; one rendered unconscious.
mokoon / mogoon, put to sleep; put on bed to sleep. [Kalenjin].

gnnwy: suet.
inono: fat in meat, fattiness; rolls of fat.
inonoe: fat animal.
kunona: get fat. [Ksw.].
ngorono, butter.

gnh n: serve someone.

guna: benefit, profit; promote the well-being of; saccour, save, deliver from harm or in need.
gunana: help someone in need.

gnht, star.
nyota, star.

gr: be silent, be quiet, be still.

kira: be quiet, stop making noise.

gr m3c: the silent man.

mkiri-maa: a truly quiet man.

grw: the silent man. (see sgr above).

mkiru / mkiri: a silent person.
ngiru: a silent animal or thing.
Ngilu / Nkiru / Mkiri: proper names.

grw: also; (after negatives) further, any more.

krka (kra/ngru) (used after a negative), be in addition to, be in excess. gtingkrka mair
inyaanya, it is not more than eight miles.

grh: complete, finish off work, be satisfied with a bargain, end, cessation.
gereka, bring into line with, point at; rake aim at; wing, put steadying tail feathers on arrow.
ngereko / rgereko: aim, unerring aim; shot, a shooting.

grg: found a land; establish house, household; people a place; settle crown on king; provide
for tomorrow; set in order; be ready; put ones trust in; make preparations.
?ngoriongo: round stone, pebble.

gs3: a favorite; to tilt, to favor someone with.

ngatha: woman of high moral qualities; noble, generous, admirable disposition and efficiency.

gs3w: which is tilting.

gs half

3w length.
nyagac: secondary wife of a polygamist sometimes held in inferior status but respected for her
thrift and carefulness.

gs3, gazelle.
gacuacui /njuacui, gazelle.

gs: side; border of land; incline to one side, of balance; show partiality, of judge. [Gaza?].
ngacak: annoyances, causes of trouble, provocation; a noisy crowd. [Gaza Strip?].

gs: half.
gcuunj: 1. piece, part, portion, section; 2. verse or other sub-division of a chapter.

gsy: neighbor.
gathka: link, make join, hook together completely.
ngathka: linkage, hook.
ngath: ladder.

gsi: run. wn gs phrt, hasten and run a course.

gothia: brace oneself up, summon all ones strength.

gst: speed, run, course. it gst, take ones run.

gothagotha: do hastily, hurriedly.

gsgs: regulate.
gaca: take a forfeit from, take something, with conditions for repayment at a later time,
recover something stolen and take part of the recovered material as a reward; take on credit,
offset a potential indebtedness; take as ones due, perquisite; establish a claim on something.
ndigkgaca mno r wa ndg (phrase used in riddle contests when one has been given a
forfeit: I will not take a big forfeit because you are my dear friend.
gacwo: surrender a forfeit (for failing to answer a riddle).

gsw: ointment.
kgacwa: iykia kgacwa! here! take a forfeit! (a formal phrase used during riddle contests
nothing is actually handed over).

gs: 1. anoint someone with oil; smear an unguent. 2. tilt, favor someone. (see hk3).
gaca: anoint used as khaka - smear oil/ bribe, to be done by the one who missed the
riddles answer.

g3s3: grief.
gacagaca: 1. fuss, bother, rashness, recklessness; garrulity. 2. become spoilt, stained.
mnd wa gacagaca, an impulsive, garrulous, or slapdash sort of person.

Gs3: location (Apollonopolis, Kus) Nome Edfu; in Coptic Qus, Ethiopia.

Wagaca: (of / from Gaza), proper (male) name.

gth: (be lazy), be tired, act tired.

gtara: be lazy, idle, sluggish.

gsty: scribes palette.

gazette? gathti / ngathti: newspaper, magazine.

ggwy: stare.
gegea: gape in astonishment; be at a loss, dumbfounded.


t3: earth (as opposed to sky, other world); land (as opposed to water); ground.
th: the earth, world; district, portion of the earths surface; ground.
mtaa: suburb; quarter; town, street, avenue. [Kws.].

T3wi: The two lands (Ancient Egypt). (wi-two, dual).

tawi: branch. [Ksw.].
tawuo: the heifer of honour/etiquette, paid to in-laws when a man marries a girl of his own clan.
Taiwo: proper name, the first child of a set of twins, [Yoruba, Nigeria].
Nza: proper name [Kamba].

t3-wr, larboard.
?itar, raft, ferry, boat, ship, canoe.

T3 mr: beloved land / black land.

mera: germinate, sprout; originate at; materialize, be forthcoming.
Omera: country-man [Dholuo].

T3 cnhw: land of the spirits.

aku: the dead.
Gaku: male proper name.

T3 mhw: Lower Egypt.

Th ya mhuro: the land at the lower side.

T3 mcw: Upper Egypt.

The land (of the) sima-shaped crown;
The land of barley (mc);
The land of music (mcs).

t3-tnn: the land that becomes distinct (separation of earth and water).
Tene: distant time, past or future, time ever-lasting, long ago, in the past; once upon a time.

Tatenen, an earth god and the origin of all things in the shape of food and viands, divine offers,
all good things was the personification of the primeval mound.
Kuuma tene na tene: from time immemorial.
Tene na tene: from everlasting to ever-lasting.
Tatene: right hand division of circumcision age-set; the right hand side of the world. [Maasai].

t3yt: shroud.
t3yty: the shrouded one- Osiris.
T3yt: the goddess of weaving.
taiti: skin-tight clothes. [Ksw.].

tw: (indefinite pronoun) one.

tu: only; just.

t3h, mischief-maker.
taanga, trouble, pester.
taagithia, confuse, harass, worry, plague, make a harsh of.

t3: boundary.
taacka: walk in strides; measure ground /
land with strides (to mark boundary).
mtaac: stride.

tit: pestle.
mth: pestle.

tit: image; form, shape; figure; design; written sign.

gtiitio: 1. Daub, smear of red ochre, white earth, fat, oil, paint, etc; patch of powdered ochre on
shoulders or part of neck as part of toilet when preparing for a dance; 2. (of blood) spot, patch.

ti3: have acute pain. (see 3t above).

atia: cause a stabbing, shooting or acute pain;
atio n mtwe: have a splitting headache.
atio n igego: have a bad toothache.

ti3: shriek.
tia: trouble, evil.

tiw: yes.
ndio / ndiyo: yes. [Ksw.].

titi: trample on.
titimka: (of a herd of cattle, goats, etc.) rush madly, stampede.

twi: pronom. comp. I; tw.k:

tu: we, us. [Embu].

tw3: lean, hr, on; support, sustain; hol up; set crown, n, on head.
tro / trio: support, means of livelihood.

tw3: poverty.
tw3w: man of low station, inferior.
Aba-twa: derogatory name for indigenous peoples inhabiting Western Kenya (pygmies,
Ndorobo, Gumba, etc) before the arrival of the present-day populations.
migumba: barren; an old woman who never had a child. [Dholuo].

tw3: put a claim, appeal to someone, claim from someone.

tua: tua ciira, adjudicate for people in dispute, judge a case; pass judgement.

tw3: set crown n, on head; hold up, lean hr, on, support, sustain; to honor [see Budge 824].
tua: break, break off, cut; cease, decide, come to a conclusion; choose, make out to be.
tua mwana rtwa give a name to a child (as an honor or appeal to a departed ancestor).
itwa: be entitled; be named / called. [Ksw.]

Tua: god for circumcision. [see Budge 870].

irua: circumcision.

Tuai: god of dawn. [see Budge 870].

Gtuai: proper (male) name. [Meru].

twr: reed.
tra: live, be alive, exist; remain alive; dwell, take up abode.
tro: life, existence; place of dweling.
Mtra: proper name, lives in/with reeds - M=in, with, by means of, from or out of.
Mtra gcigrra as a name refers to a person who lived on an island long time ago
[Wambui Wanjema, 1998]; NB. By him who sleeps at Philae! i.e. an ancient Egyptian oath
referring to Osiriss body buried in the island of Philae [see Roger L. Green, 1967: 35].
gatr / ndr: nucleus, kernel, core, centre, essence, germ, heart, essential part - (origin?).
NB. Zulu belief in humanitys origin from reeds [Kunene, 1981: xxii].

twr: be clean; cleanse.

tuuria: mark made with ashes on forehead. haka tuuria, tri: make marks with ashes on the
forehead of those defeated in a game, (see in Yeleen film).

twr: show respect to. (see tr).

trrba: put in a prominent position; set something apart by itself; build a house with no other
near; make (a witness) sit or stand apart (to avoid his communicating with others).

twt: statue, image, figure, likeness.
ndutuunga: stout, shapeless, lumpish thing or person.
tutuunga: eat large lumps of food quickly and greedily.
dude: unknown massive thing; contemptible thing/person; despicable person.
duduika: be disfigured by illness /disease;
duduisha: cause to be disfigured. [Ksw.].
ugududu: a trunk, a body without head or limbs. [Lulogooli].
Tutu: a proper name.

twt: assembled, united; full, entire, complete; like to, suitable, fitting, natural; pleasing; be
tutuunga / tutuma: converge.
tutuungria: (of people) gather in groups from various directions; (of clouds) gather, collect.
gtutu: crowd, mass, bunch, clump, group, large collection. and marngi itutu: are people
standing in groups.
tutika, put/pile many things together [Ksw.]

tuti: god of evil. [see Budge 869].

ttiha: be ugly, ill-favored.
tti: ugliness; repulsiveness, violence.

tbt: sandal. (see tbw below).

thabata / tabataba: sandals, slippers.`

tby: pay.
ndoboni: something added (for luck or as gratuity.
tbt: payment, reward.

tbn: bone-marrow.
toombo: brain, contents of skull; bone-marrow.

tbtb: hoist.
?tubatuba: jolt, jump.

tp, head; headman, chief; tip of toe; end of bone.

tibra / tibara: (of people) be firm, steady, resolute; (of affairs) be settled, finally disposed of.
tipat: 1. use, reason, importance. 2. usage, custom, kinship, ancestry. [Maasai].
utepe: badge of rank. [Ksw.].

tp-c: before, of time.

ndba: time past.

tp-cw(y): former, predecessors, ancestors - (p3wt tpt, the beginning of time).

ndbaa: ancestors (in Wakamwe song).
ka, origin; groin.

tpt-c: former state.
ndba: time past.

tpt-r: utterance.
tebeetera / ndebeetano: sing in praise of someone as in the dance-song mgoiyo.
irebeeta: wise witty saying, epigram; wise cracking indulged in between young people in
conversation as well as in song; song with cryptic phrasing sung to the accompaniment of the
picture-rattle (i.e. Gcaand).

tpi-t3: (survivor / inheritor) the first of the land.

(Ole) Tipis: his first
(Ole) Tiptip: the first among the first-borns. (Maasai).

tpiw: ox.
ndiboe: a pure white cow.

tm: close the mouth.

tumia: close lips, stop talking.
mtumia / mtumiya: a married woman.

tm: perish, cease.

toma: disappear (of water entering an underground channel); be lost forever; (of illness) be bad,
tema th: die.

tm, not (negates the sentence).

1.?tmria, bring to a sudden stop; hesitate. tma, come to a stop, holt.
2. gatam: one of two little pieces of leather from the goat sacrificed at the second-birth
ceremony, fastned at the corner of mothers and childs garments (the second-birth ceremony
ends babyhood and separates the child from the mother).

tm: be complete, entire, all, everything, the universe.

tma: cause to happen. (see Itmw).
timamu: complete, mature. [Ksw.].
tamati: end, conclusion, [Ksw.].

tfi: leap.
tubia: make jolt, bump something about. tuba: jolt, bump, strike ground with a bump.

tfn: orphan.
tuubunya / tubuunyka / tbnyko: react under the force of emotion, break out angrily, burst
out crying, do something impetuously, panic; react to shock, sudden alarm; be anguished.

tmw: totality of men, everyone.

ituma: crowd of people; bunch of animals.

tumania: bring close together, compactly.
tumo: to gather together, [Maasai].
en-tuumo: meeting. [Maasai].
tum: gather together, heap; put more than enough, put too much. [Kalenjin].

t3 tmw: all men.

njra ya rtumo: a highway.
tuuma / matuumo: circumcision dance involving the whole community.
tuum: sing and dance. [Kalenjin].
tumtum: push forward and back; push to and fro, shake. [Kalenjin].
Tmtm: location in Nyeri, Kenya. irma cia Tmtm (the hills of Tmtm) in
Gky circumcision songs: the hills as a physical affirmation of Itmw as he set apart the world
at the beginning of time; the many people (everyone participating) as affirmation of the culture
and unity; affirmation of willingness of people in a self-given task of cultural continuation; hope
in a future. (Osotsi, 380).

tm: inobscure title.

Mtemi: proper name.
mtemi wa ndemwa: one who prints or paints / writes letters by hand.
Mtemi: ruler; chief. [Ksw.].

tm3: mat. (see tm3).

gathuuma: leather mat made of a piece of hide - (see thuuma below).

tnbh: turn aside, shrink.

itani: corner; matani-in ma gthaka, nooks, gaps, recesses in the bush.

tnm: turn aside, go astray, deflect, of balance; be confused, of roads.

itani: corner; matani-in ma gthaka, nooks, gaps, recesses in the bush.

tr: time; season.

tarara: (of weather) warm up, begin to warm up.

tr: forsooth, pray. (forsooth: in truth, indeed, often used to imply contempt or doubt).
tarania: think about, weigh up in the mind; consider what is wrong, ponder what to do.

tr: respect; greet respectfully; worship God; (without objective) show respect.
taratha: (of girls) make a feast for boy friends and their companions.
tereba: praise in song.
taradhi: beg, ask for remission. [Ksw.].
tarawehi: long, optional prayer during Ramadhani. [Ksw.].

tryt: respect.
taarra: carefulness, orderly manner, self-control.

tyr3y3: door.

tiirania / tiiria: close the door.

thi: go astray, transgress, trespass, err.

dhi: go. [Dholuo].

thw: transgressors.
th: enemy, adversary.
th: state of feud, animosity.

thm: perforate, penetrate; drive cattle; undertake works, destroy, incite, knock on door.?
thuuma: strip, milk dry; (of cow, etc.) milk, get the last drops of milk from.
kusuma: show your need by visiting. [Luhya].

thwy: pea. (see ww).


thn: injure eye, injury to eye.

thna: (of wounds) swell up with pus; form kelloids.
thnani: wart, pimple.

tk3: torch, taper; flame, illumine.

tooga: emit smoke, steam, vapor.

tk3w: rite of torch-lighting.

ndoogo: smoke.





thi, be drunk; drink deep.

tht , drunkenness;

thw: drunkard.
toogina, (of drunkards) talk excessively, confusedly; be disorderly, in a tumult, riotous; stink.

tkk: violate frontier; attack someone.

?tgga: go wonderingly; stagger, reel about.
mtggi: one who wonders aimlessly; one who walks erratically.

tkkw: attackers.
mtggu: one who wonders aimlessly; one not mentally stable.

tkr: opponent.
tuukra: strike, smack heavily.

tkn: be near, approach, draw near.

tukana: mix with others; become mixed. and atukanu, mixed peoples.
?thaagaana: go out to meet somebody in order to help him/her bring something home.

tknw: neighbors.
tagunya: worry, maul, mangle; fray; fumble about.
itakanyi: syphilis. [Olunyore].
etakanyi: syphilis. [Olwanga].
takan: syphilis. [Kalenjin].
tukana: attack. [Ksw.].

/t /th

t3m: cloak, bandage, veil.

thaibri, kaross of hyrax skin.
?taama: cloth, sheet.

t3y: to raise, to lift up, exalt.

thaai: (in prayers and supplications) mercy.
thaathaiya: praise, beseech, entreat God, invoke the mercy of God.

t3w: book.
gtari: 1. a know-all; 2. interpretation, something that explains.
tari, translation, exposition, explanation.

t3bt: loan.
tabara: be prosperous, wealthy.

t3r: make fast, take possession of, fasten, hr, on prey.

thara: scramble for, grab;

gwthara: flee, run away from danger, make off.

t3ty: vizier, viziership.

thaatima: giant of a man (ukubwa kazini?); a childless man; man who dies without a child or
mathaata: sulky anger, moroseness.
gtat / gtata: 1. bold, adventurous person, one who takes the lead when others hold back.
tata: to dare, to venture. 2. joint ownership; association, communal labor.
3. gtat / gcac: showing-off , acts of vanity, effusiveness, enthusiasm, undue exuberance.
njac: exuberance, enthusiasm, swank, conceit, arrogance.

tbwt: sandal; sole.

thabata / batabata: sandals.

tbw: sole of foot.

batabata: flap about, flutter.

tm3: cadastre.
thuuma: (of a cow, etc) milk, get the last few drops of milk from; strip, milk dry.

tm3-c(wi): strong-armed;
tm3 c.k: your arm is strong.
gthuuma: 1. war shield, large shield; large skin back-flap; 2. piece of leather or bark placed
under a grindstone to catch flour as it is ground. 3. piece of hide used as a mattress by old men.
small leather apron hung by Maasai below a rams belly to prevent it from serving sheep.
gathuuma: 1. dim of above. 2. leather used to feed calf when mother dies; 3. leather mat made
of a piece of hide.

Tmh: Libyan. (seemwabove).

1. thaama: 1. move from place to place; change ones abode, emigrate, move to a fresh building
site. 2. exodus; group of people on move with possessions and herds.
tamahw (tanahw): qui fonce tete baissee sans soccuper de la direction quil prend; attitude de
normade. [see Diop 361].
haama: move to a new place, evacuate; immigrate. [Ksw.].
2. thm: agnate whose recent or remote ancestors, after whom he is named, came from outside
the nucleus family or outside the core of the clan. mnd wa thm, one who in real or
classificatory origin comes from outside the patrilineal descent group.

tni: lift up; promote, distinguish; be distinguished of actions.

thuugania: 1. (of young man to young girl whom he wishes to marry, husband to bride, young
boy to sponsor at initiation) give presents. 2. appoint, choose, commission, depute.
tgrania: 1. uplift, speak well of somebody. 2. give somebody higher status.

tnt: diference.
thuutkania: differentiate.

tni: old man.
thoni: shyness, shame, bashfulness, of modesty, deference, respectful, courteous conduct
towards seniors.

tnf: compose, work skillfully; enjoyment.

sanifu: beautiful. (see snfr)
sanifisha: to make beautiful.

tn r: reminder.
??conora: embarrass.

trt: willow.
thiriit / thiriiti: company, clique; companionship, those who frequent one anothers society.
mthiriit: companion, friend. (Osiris & the willow tree?).
mthirti: a type of tree (Lippia asperiflora; Lantana trifolia??).
msiri: confidant. [Ksw.].
e-sirit: company of warriors, group, comradeship. [Maasai]. (Isrit myth?).
e-sirikani: biltong, dried strip of meat. [Maasai].
sirit: peer. [Kalenjin].
siriken: cut slices of meat for drying. [Kalenjin]. (Osiris body cut into pieces).
siriir / siriirte: fling / throw something far away. [Kalenjin]. (Osiriss parts of the body scattered
in different directions).
sirir: be in solitude, lonely. [Kalenjin]. (Osiris when covered in the casket when still alive).
siror: a castrated person. [Kalenjin]. (Osiris penis was not recovered).
kiziri: a castrated cockerel or cock. [Lulogooli].

trm: wink.
turama, expose nakedness.

thn, meet; engage, hnc, with an enemy.

thoga / thogana, act provocatively towards (one another); annoy, provoke, poke, stab repeatedly;
thuugia, strike, slap, pitch, toss, fling, shove;
mathuugania, controversy, wrangling, strife.
thgo, stabbing, flinging (of spear).

tc: join, unite, weave cloth; rejoin, form unborn babies.

thca: (of butter milk) shake up until smooth.

thth: disorder (of hair); crumple papers.

?thutha: crush, smash, break into fragments.

thn, meet; engage with an enemy.

?thaagaana: go out to meet somebody in order to help him/her bring something home.

Thnw, Libyans.
?gthuunya / ithuunya, piece of raw meat (see below).

thnw, one of the seven sacred oils.

ithuunya / mathuunya / gthuunya, fat (used for oiling ones skin); piece of raw meat; covering

ts: 1. tie knot; tie on fillet; weave cloth. 2. join, rejoin; knit together; unite the Two lands; build
monuments. 3. marshal troops; 4. clot; become constricted.
thaya, swathe; tie, truss, bind up;
thakania, tie together in a bundle side by side; tie up anyhow.
tharra, assist, come to the rescue of.
tharra, defend, protect, shield, oneself.

t3z: tie, tying.

thaca: cut (cow-hide, etc.) into strips to make ropes.


d3: copulate.
kinda: (of male) copulate.

di: provisions.
nd nd: (see Nda bi bi below).
ndndr: an old cow, sheep, with numerous progeny.
itndr: water-logged.
mtndr: an aged, vulnerable man full of years and wisdom; an old and trusted counselor.

d3i: subdue lands. (see nt3(y) above).

nda: riddle. the forfeit of cities / lands by those who lose in the game of nda, as articulated in
the statements: nipe mji, give me a city!; he kgacwa, give me a forfeit!

d3iw: loin cloth.

ndauwa: short broad piece of skin with hair left on, worn by young men in full dancing attire
hanging from the middle of the belt at the back.
endauwo: [Maasai].
ndaiy: pre-initiation dance song.

d3r: control temper, d3r ib, self-denial.

ndarati: conversation, discussion, chat.

dw3: rise early.

Dw3 mwtf: one of the four sons of Horus - (lit. rise early, his mother) = who wakes up his
mother early, [see Diop 368].
Ndua: proper name.

dw3yt: morning.
dw3w: dawn, morning.
nduata: very early in the morning.

dw3t: netherworld.
dw3t: praise, worship.
dw3tyw: dwellers in the netherworld.
Nduati: proper name.
Nyandwat, north, [Dholuo].

db: hippopotamus.
ndomboi: a fabulous monster referred to in folk-tales.

dbi: stop up.

ndabi: close tightly, (as in song below):

Dbi bi Ndabi bi
dbi bi Ndabi bi
Ngara ngara di di Ngara ngara nd nd
Di di di di b3y Nd nd nd nd ba
B3y b3y hrw-fy Ba ba nguru b
hrw-fy hrw-fy Nguru b nguru b
Snk r ic. Thenge-r-ia.

dbi: close tightly, stop up;

bi: the good deed; (utaamu wako).
ngara: finish /dry up (you consume all) (unachota)
di: provisions.
b3y: a large jug with a wide mouth. (Treasury).
hrw-fy, he says; (it is stated eloquently) inasemekana.
snk: greed,
r: (mpaka) until; accordingly.
ic: ascend, arise isimame.

dbh: ask for, beg; requisition, m, from Treasury.

tahuuhka /ndahuuhu: nose around in search of food; give out secrets.

dbht htp: funerary meal.

ndahkio: ceremonial purification ceremony performed by the medicine-man (when the one who
is ceremonially unclean is made to vomit the uncleanliness).
tahkia / tahkania: perform a ceremony of purification on somebody by figurative vomiting.

dbdb: thump of heart.
tubatuba: jolt, bump; have a sinking feeling in the somach.
tuumatuuma: (of heart pulse) throb, beat heavily.

di cnh: given life (part of the royal ascription).

nd / ndr: I am.
Dianga: proper name (Dholuo).

dmt: knife.
tema: cut, slice wound; fell, cut down.
itemi: cutting instrument.
Ndemi: name of a past major age-grade or generation-set. hnd ya Ndemi na Mathaathi,
during the time of Ndemi na Mathaathi, i.e. a long long time ago,
ndemwa: letter of the alphabet.
mtemi / gatemi: one who cuts; mtemi wa ndemwa: one who prints or paints letters by hand;
Mtemi / Gatemi / Matemo: proper names.
matemo: cuttings; bits. matemo ma horo: scraps of news, notes, jottings.
itemero: place at which or time when something is cut. coka itemero, return to ones former
state. [The three matemero - cuttings: education, circumcision, original writings]. cf. Dhwty.

dm: pronounce, proclaim; mention by name; be renowned.

tamka: pronounce words.

dm3: stretch, be stretched out.

tambra: stretch out, spread abroad, publish.
tambrkia: stretch something out.

dm: be sharp, sharpen; pierce sky, of crown of god, of obelisks.

ndoome / ndemi: carved wooden arm-shield (specially used by boys).

dm3: bind together.

tuma: (of a wound) unite, close up.
tumania: bring together, close (legs); join (two or more pieces of cloth) by sewing them
ituma: crowd of people.
mtumano: condition of being packed, crowded.

dm3: cut off heads.

ndemangano: cutting one another about.
Ndemange: proper name.
tema: cut, wound oneself.

dm3w: groups? classes.

ndomia / wandoomo: club-houses, built away from the village, used by the young unmarried

warriors; boys club-house;
ndoomo: roofed dug-out formerly constructed by young men as club-house.

dmi: town; quarter; abode; vicinity.

ndimi: 1. a turn or round of a dance, men and girls together, also young men alone. 2. thick
dense bush; strong boughs with bifurcations and twigs complete drawn into the gate-way with
the bristling ends facing outward to prevent ingress; stakes of a palisade.
ol-tim: bush, barricade, branches used to close off the village gate.
en-timeleta: lock. [Maasai].

dmiw: fellow citizens.

ndimi: fellow-villagemates (see ndimi above);
ndaam: two little pieces of leather from the goat sacrificed at the second-birth ceremony,
fastened to the corner of mothers and childs garments; (the ceremony separated the child from
the mother, so that he/she became a complete individual fellow citizen - capable of breaking

dmd: reassemble dismembered body; assemble, bring together; associate with, join, unite;
compile spell; extend hand.
ndamaathia: a mythical monster of great length (located in rivers or small streams thought by
some to be a small fierce beast or orgre, frequently referred to in folk-tales; elders used to pluck
the long hairs from its tail or neck at the time of the Ituka ceremony, and these were sent to
different parts of the country and preserved; formerly believed to be in the possession of and at
the beck and call of a man named Mthaka who lived near Weithaga, [Benson 289a]; (the
ndamaathia as a representation of centralized power - as of the Pharoah/king- the distribution of
feathers as symbolic of power distribution and representations of Maa). The ndamaathia is
represented by nyungu ya njoohi na mirica ya andu makinyua hamwe. See the hb-sd.

dmd: total; dmd sm3 r, grand total.

dmdw: crowd.
ndamaathia / Ituka* festivals were held every thirty-forty years and involved the whole
Gky community.
ti: assemble or convene the people. [Kalenjin].
en-tiamasi /en-diamasi: legendary animal, monster, dragon. [Maasai].

dmdyt: cycle of festivals.

ndamaathia / Ituka* festivals (see above).
tamasha: show, spectacle, pageant, festivity, carnival;
tamati: end, conclusion. [Ksw.].

dn: cut off heads, kill.

tinia: cut, sever, curtail.
tinania: cut into two, divide in two.

dniw: share, portion.

gtinio: a portion, a slice/cut.

dni s:scribeofdistribution.
ndinano: severance, separation; sharing out.

dns: heavy; irksome; burdensome (of years); overburdened (of stomach); weighty.
kndengeenge: something heavy to lift or carry.

dng: pygmy.
ndenye: person of short stature, dwarf.
ndink: dwarf variety of plantain; small under-developed stem of bananas.
gatink: something very small.

dnd: slaughter animals.

ndendera: (of a slaughtered animal) testicle.

dndn / dndn: be angry.

ndendano: scornful remark, sneer, jeering.
ndendwa: scorn.
tenda: scoff, deride, gibe, sneer, jeer, nag at, speak slightingly of.
gtendo: jibe, jeer, sneer; scoffing, scorn; negative criticism.

dr: subdue enemies; expel, drive out people, remove need, evil; repress wrongdoer, wrong-doing;
(see ndr above). (see d3r, Allen 20).
ndr: wooden mortar for pounding - (as in the narrative-song: Gakmb gakwa, - see
dor: frapper (Wolof).
der: batir le plancher dunedifice, dune habitation. [see Diop 378].

drp: offer to god, offer things to; feed someone, make offering.
toroba: give an injured person broth, fat and honey (medicated with ngaita) to cleanse and
strengthen blood; administer a mixer of entrails with broth and medicines after injury or
torobi: treatment of sickness with herbal medicines.
ndorobo: treatment of various kinds of sickness, disease, injury.

drf: writing script; title deeds;

nn drf n iwms mm: there is not a line of falsehood in it.
turuba: rub dry ochre all over oneself in patterns.
raf writing (Wolof) [see Diop 378].
taarifa: information, report [Ksw.].
gturua: curved three-legged stool, (usually has patterns / writings).

dh3: straw.
ndahi: small calabash shaped like a tumbler, used as a dipper, also by women for drawing beer.
taha: draw (water, liquids).

dhi: hang down; be low, be humiliated, humble.
ndihe: cow with drooping horns.
krihe, ox or bull of this type.
riha: give a heavy blow; strip branches from, pruce.

dhn: bow to. dhn t3: touch the earth with the forehead in obeisance; appoint (initiates as adults).
tiiha: spray (from mouth) sugar-cane (or honey) beer over circumcision initiates (as a sign of
ndiih: spray as that arising at the foot of a waterfall.

dhr: leather; hide; used tough tissue.

ndah: a broad shield.
gtah: broad leather belt decorated with cowrie shells.

dsi: vilify.
tusi: insult, abuse. [Ksw.].
tutha: tutha mnd nguundi, give somebody a heavy blow with the fist; burst, break by pulling
apart; tutha mrango, force a door open.
tuthi / tuthu: the sound of a blow with a stick on an animal or human being.

drt: the Red Crown.

tithi: joining up, completeness.
tiicra: make or cause to chase, dash, spring, pounce (? ndiicri); tiic, bold.
tashira: sign, symbol, indication.

dgyt: a bird.
nyamndigi: 1. Red-breasted bush or Elgon thrush (large bird with bushy tail, a clear whistler,
frequently mentioned in folk-tales); 2. garrulous person.

dg3: walk.
tga: move restlessly from place to place; wonder in search of something or somebody lost;
search all over for a runaway person.
tangatanga: (of baby, young animal) toddle with short uncertain steps; wobble; wander from
place to place.
mtangangi: a wanderer.

dgm: be speechless.
ndngm: round object, object with a round head, a knobkerrie. Wona ciaku karuta ndngm,
wona ciene gacookia ndngm (of a grasping and stingy person), when you have something
of your own you defend it, but when you see others with their own things, you are friendly and
want a share (i. e. rendering others speechless by use of force to ensure your meanness).


d3, to go.

thi, to go.

dt: cobra? / python.

that: python.
chatu: python [Ksw.].
sadu, special snake / God. [Taita].

dt: body of a person; image, bodily form of god.

nja..: a person who, is, with, of, from.
Njara-rh: begger (one with hands always stretched out).
Mjakazi: a worker (one of work) (Ksw).
Jakogelo: the one from Kogelo. (Dholuo).

dt: eternity; forever.

njata: star.
Soudiata:?? name of emperor of old Mali.

dt: serf; servant.

Njaguti: servant who receives his food but no wages.
Mjakazi: worker (Ksw).

d3i: ferry someone across water; cross sky, water; cross the water.
nja: witchcraft.

d3i: extend arm; reach out.

nja: greeting between men who have shared a black pudding (made from the main stomach of a
goat or sheep); (coll.) stout person; cows hump.
njanja: multiple branching, projection, state of being spread out.

d3t: balance, remainder; deficiency.

njat / rat: one half, side, of anything split in two, pieces split off.
gat: portion cut off; slice.
njatkano: a splitting into two.

d3is: civil war.

njaama-ya-ita: army (see njaama below).
jeshi: army [Ksw].

d3w: mat.
1. calf; full-grown beast. 2. nja ya njoohi: gourd of or for beer (special term in connexion with
initiation ceremonies).
Nja: proper name.

d3wt: in r-d3wt: in return for, because of.

njara: gift to show appreciation, complementary gift from a guest or visitor.

d3mw: young men; troops.
njaama: manpower, organized or unorganized, potential people for a task, those waiting to serve
an individual group or country.

d3mw n ch3wtyw: troops of warriors.

njaama ya ita: young men of warrior grade who served as military and police force.
njaama cia ita: organized regiments of warriors.

d3mw n hrdw: troops of young men.

njaama ya kartu: council of warriors parallel to the elders council with military and
civil functions;
njaama ya aanake a muumo: council of junior warriors.
njaama ya ih: boys council for matters concerning the communal life of uninititated boys;
kwarahka kwa njaama: a rising of young warriors to exact fines from habitual offenders
against social customs and enforce decisions of elders;

hn d3mw: camp.
njamanio: meeting, assembly.
njaama ya nymba: gathering of male adults of extended family;
njaama ya mhrga, wandg: touring deputation of representatives of a clan to revive contacts
between its sections and deal with matters of common concern;
njaama ya ituka: body of representative elders chosen to operate customs with the periodic
transfer of governmental responsibility;
njaama ya brri: manpower available in a country;
njaama ya atumia, aka: gathering of married women to make representations regarding their
interests to neglectful husbands, to exact fines for maltreatment, to impose penalties on women
who brought their sex into disrepute;
njaama ya airtu: gathering of initiated girls for disciplining offenders among themselves;
thi / kria njaama: visitation by one of the groups referred to above in the exercise of its
iga mka njaama: place ones wife at service of visiting delegate(s);
njaama yake: his companions.
mnjaama: delegate.
gacaama: a small group meeting together for a short period.
jamaa: colleague, relative, somebody [Ksw.].
jomatiyo: colleague [Dholuo].

d3rw: need.
njara-rh: begger (one with hands always stretched out).
ol-kijaru: those who do not give back, [Maasai].
Kilimanjaro: Maasai peoples mountain of prayer.

D3hy: location, 1. a name for Mephis; 2. ?part of Palestine and Phoenicia.

Njah: name of a location in Karat village.
njah: seed of lablab bean (Dolichos lablab, black with white mark at hilum or brown speckled
with white used as food).

d3d3: head (of body of men); tip of bow.
njaanja: 1. off-shoot; cluster of coffee-beans or loquats, branch or twig laden with berries; 2.
fifth finger, additional toe; 3. pendant.
Njaanja: proper name.

dcm: (electrum); a scepter;

rcami / njami: thin rod, stick; switch.

dc mw: fine gold.


dcr: search out, investigate, seek.

caria: seek, look for, search.
njaria! (imperative) look for me!
jali: take heed of; be concerned, give heed to. [Ksw.].

dyt: papyrus marshes.

ithaanj in: marshes of reeds.
njabi-in / njabacabi: a place where water is lying.

dyt, papyrus plant.

nd, I am.

dyt, papyrus marsh.

ithaanj, reed growing in swamps.

dt, papyrus stem.

mthaanj, reed-plant.
thanja, be cracked, spring a crack, open up a crack - (myth of origin - Psdt).

dw: mountain.
juu: up; over, above. [Ksw.].

dw: bad, evil, sad of heart.

njru: something bad, repulsive.

dw: The Evil One.

njui: strong desire, craving.

dwt: evil, sadness of heart; dirt encumbering ruin.

njri: raid, foray.
gcua: regret.

kujuta: regret. [Ksw.].

dwy: evil.
nji (ngui ya nji): lycaon, wild hunting dog.

dwi: call upon god.

ndu: in the story of the girls who went with the Irim. Ndu n kigua, kana n maami?
(Ndu, can you hear me or are you asleep?) perhaps a call upon Gods help.

db3: stop up, block (see ip3 above).

njibi / njibi, ribi/ribi: screen, hedge; anything screening or concealing an object.
ziba: fill, plug, cover. [Ksw.].

db3: mat of leaves.

icaambi: reed, papyrus mat used as screen and for building.
jamvi, big floor mat made of straw. [Ksw.]

db3: to clothe, to adorn, screen.

gcibaa/gthibaa: waistcoat.

db3t: robbing-room.
see ibi above.

db3: repay, make payments; replace, restore; pad.

jibu: response; reply, answer. [Ksw.].

db3w: payments, reward, compensation; bribes.

majibu: responses, repayments.

dbc: finger; thumb; toe; digit.

njara / kara: finger, toe.

dbc: point the finger, m, at, in reproach.

njobe/njibe: spike or projection.

dbcw: reproach.
(njambrro) cambrra: attack (physically or in words).
shambulia: attack, pounce on, assault, raid. [Ksw].
shabaki: quarrelsome person. [Ksw.].

df3: be provided; abound (in supplies).

shiba: be satisfied, be satiated. [Ksw.].

df3y: a well-provided man.

df3w: provisions, sustenance.
Masibayi; Maisipa: proper names.

dr: obstacle.
Njeera: goal, prison.

dr: end hunger; end up as; hinder, obstract.

Njaa: hunger, famine starvation. [Ksw.].

drt: hand; trunk of elephant; handle of jar;

njara: arm; hand.

3w drt: generous. (see 3w / 3wy).

njara: gift to show appretiation, complementary gift from a guest or visitor. (see ara above).

drt: harm.
njarra: pitfall, game-pit.
njr: obstinate, refractory, willful person.

dri: strong, of staff, strongly; thorough.

njaahra / caahrra: handle with extreme care; dea gently with.

dri: be hard, stolid.

njarara: a rocky place.
rnyanjara: a rocky expanse, outcrop.

dri: enclosing wall.

njirigo / ririgo: stockade, fence.
kirigo: stockade, stronghold, fenced place.

drit: wall.
njereeri: wall-eye, cast in the eye.

dr-c(wy): end, limit; long ago;

dr-c-r: right down to.
Njir: 1. location in Nairobi (earlier on marked the northern end of the city, the Gky/Maasai
boundary); 2. proper name.
njir: black; all black goat.

drw: boundary, end, limit.

drw: walls.
Anjir: No mahaandaga maheta tond wa kgitra gwati wa mrim kana mbaara
itigatonye brri (they are the ones who plant boundary bushes so as to stop danger of disease
or war from entering the land). [see Gakaara: 1980: 35].

dryt: kite bird.

nderi: bird with a red beak?
ilidzaalia: red-mouthed bird that eats ticks from cows. [OlLulogooli].

drtyw: ancestors.
Anjir: members of one of the Nine + 1 Gky clans named after the founder- ancestors of the
Gky people. (see psdt).
Wanjir: a womans name.

drdri: strangers, (see ndr above).

njeli: bow. [Ksw.].
njri: to be lost, run away.
rra: ruin, desolation (in concrete form); (of direction) being lost.

Dhwty: Thoth.
njeeh / rceeh: cut cloth, leather, etc.
ceeha: cut back, trim, prune, slash off; dress, lop. cf. tema / dmt.

Dhwtt: festival of Dhwty.

tit: written sign, design, figure.
Njeeh / rceeh: cut cloth.
ttrithia: inquire into closely, make quite sure of about, confirm, attest.
ttra: (of a matter, dispute) become settled, concluded, settled, finalized.

dhrw: leather lacings.

Njeeh / rceeh: cut cloth.

dhr: leather - (see dhr).

njeehro:/ iceeh: torn pieces.
ceehra / teehra: tear up into pieces.

dd: to say.
njathaatha / rathaatha: 1. loud talker, talkative person; 2. root of a goats tongue.
njathaathi: prating, flow of words of talkative person.
ajo: to say. [Maasai].
jartan: talkative person [Maasai].
abjadi: alphabet. [Ksw].
majadiliano: discussion [Ksw].
chaayte: spread news by word of mouth. [Kalenjin].
chaay: announce. [Kalenjin].
chaam: gossip. [Kalenjin].
wacho: say [Dholuo].
sema: say [Ksw.].

dsr: holy, sacred, splendid; costly; clear a road; separate from; raise; support.
njatha / rcatha: dividing wall of a house.
jasiri: brave, venturesome, audacious, bold, dauntless. [Ksw.].


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