School Efectiveness Survey

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School Effectiveness Survey

Directions: Please read each question and answer on a scale of 1-4, (1) strongly disagree to (4)
strongly agree. This survey will be anonymous.

1 = Strongly Disagree
2 = Disagree
3 = Agree
4 = Strongly Agree


____ 1. Free and open communication occurs between parents and teachers.

____ 2. Free and open communication occurs frequently and effectively between parents and

____ 3. Free and open communication occurs frequently between teachers and administrators.

____ 4. Parents are kept informed on how their children are doing in school.

____ 5. Students and parents know what teachers and administration expect of them.


____ 6. The principal makes high quality classroom instruction priority.

____ 7. Teachers make high quality instruction a school priority.

____ 8. Teacher set high, but appropriate and achievable goals for students.

____ 9. Teachers are meeting the educational needs of all children in reading, writing,
mathematics, science and social studies.

____ 10. Curriculum is varied to meet the different needs, interests and abilities of students.

____ 11. Parents are encouraged to support the instructional activities of the teachers.

____ 12. Teachers assess students progress in a variety of ways.


____ 13. Students are informed of how they are expected to behave in school and at school

____ 14. Students are disciplined in a fair and consistent manner.


____ 15. The school building and grounds are clean and well maintained.

____ 16. School staff members and students work together to keep the school clean and


____ 17. AN atmosphere of respect and trust exists in the school.

____ 18. Social and cultural differences are respected in the school.


____ 19. Students are recognized for their accomplishments.

____ 20. Students feel that the school is a god place to be.

____ 21. The teacher consider the interests and needs of the student.

____ 22. Students are expected to work toward high standards.

____ 23. Parents and parent groups actively participate in school activities.

____ 24. I am informed about school events in a timely manner.

____ 25. Students are given many opportunities for extra-curricular activities.

Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey. Again, this survey will remain anonymous
and is strictly for EDL 646 class participation.

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