Uwrt Multi Genre Persuasive Essay

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Kyle Smith

Connie Douglas

UWRT 1104

Multi Genre Project- Persuasive Essay

Why you should support the Privatization of the Space Program

Numerous people around the world have always wanted the chance to go into space and

explore this great frontier. Each night we look up into its vast darkness and wonder what lies

around our planet in the solar system for it is part of the Milky Way Galaxy. Countries including

the United States, Russia, and China have lead the space race because they spend a large amount

of their nations budget and resources towards the creation of these programs. These three

counties including ten others have built spacecraft that have left the orbit of the Earth and are

currently practicing in this industry. Turns out, a huge problem is these programs are very

expensive to maintain, forcing taxpayers and each nations citizens to have to pay for it directly.

Manufacturing the equipment and locating the correct materials needed to run a space program

also forces countries to rely on foreign and expensive contracts. These governments have also

always enforced themselves as the only ones allowed to create and pursue space travel within

their borders, up until a few years ago.

Failing missions and the high costs of this industry has led to privatization and

commercialization. These concepts allow exclusive companies and businesses to invest, practice,

and pursue countless possibilities in their nations space programs under partnerships or contracts.

Since these smaller companies have created better products for the government, it allows them to

save money from relying on other buyers and sellers while helping the federal government.
Working together with smaller companies and investors is more beneficial for NASA since their

own people are contributing to the cause without relying on other distributors. 1962 marked the

year private space travel was introduced in the United States when AT & T funded a

communication enhancing satellite to orbit Earth. Do you remember the Challenger disaster of

1986? This disaster opened many eyes around the country, including Ronald Reagans who then

opened the door to private space travel as more corporations started to invest to save future

astronauts lives and give them the right equipment to do the job.

SpaceX and Boeing are just two of the many companies already participating in the

United States space program since they are under contract with NASA (National Aeronautics and

Space Administration). In 2006, a $500 million deal with NASA was signed with these two. Elon

Musk, CEO of Tesla, SpaceX, and SolarCity is a man who pursues clean and renewable energy

for our planet because he knows how destructive we have been towards our environment.

SpaceX also helped create the site SeaLaunch, which has sent the first privatized space shuttles

into orbit setting multiple milestones. This company enhances NASAs products to become more

efficient and cheaper to ensure a safe usage. SpaceX plans to send two humans to the

International Space Station and around the moon. These wealthy people are fortunate enough to

set a record in the space industry since they are paying for the mission. Mars is a huge topic

currently because many people look to colonize in the future or perhaps mine for its resources.

On-orbit-servicing (OOS) and solar sail technology are two growing fields around the country

because it deals with working in the space program, whether its build ships or working on a

computer looking at data being collected. For a college kid like me, this sounds great because

this can help me find jobs in these fields once graduated.

Just think, if you want to travel into space in your lifetime, it could come true. The

aerospace industry is a large topic in the current time era, since it can benefit us if it is planned

and funded correctly. Thomas Cook of Britain, introduced commercial flying on these ships in

1954 with the creation of Moon Register. Since him, many others have followed him as

becoming a pioneer of the last known great frontier. Commercial flying is a growing industry

since so many people have the heart to fly and explore. Companies have changed their mottos to

international, interdisciplinary, and intercultural approach (Boeing) since working together

towards exploring this frontier is a whole lot cheaper than going at it alone. Americans are

pioneers, so we have to make sure our leadership moves our space program down the right path

to maintain our current and future presence in space.

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