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EDL 645

The following are subject to governance of state and national laws (statutes, citations):

GOALS: Reflect values/ traditions/ culture (mission statement)

BOARD POLICY: (legislation) Broad statements, guidelines

Course of action to achieve goals (WHAT professional staff do)

ADMINISTRATIVE RULES/ REGULATIONS: Specific procedure on HOW to implement policy

(These executive decisions may be altered without board approval; Clear policy allows
administration and staff to act and solve problems with assurance)

BYLAWS: Procedures for school board internal operations ie: elections, voting, agenda, order
of business)

Model for policy and regulation development:

1. Examine existing school and community documents

2. Check on established practices
3. Investigate what other boards have done in regard to policy development
4. Consult studies and writings of others in the area of personnel administration
5. Enlist the aid of all concerned
6. Organize study groups to examine needs and make recommendations
7. Have superintendent and administration review policy work
8. Have the school board review policy work
9. Have the draft tested for legality
10. Use first and second readings of policy statements prior to official adoption

Characteristics of effective policies/ regulations in human resources administration

1. Complete-what action, why and sometimes who should implement

2. Concise-only bare essentials
3. Clear
4. Changeable
5. Distinctive
6. Consistent
Examples of personnel policies and regulation include:

Health and safety

1.Make sure to develop a procedure to obtain and maintain emergency information for every
member of the staff
2.Develop guidelines for immunization of employees in the event of an epidemic.
3.When found necessary by the Superintendent, an employee may be required to undergo
physical or psychiatric examinations, by a doctor to determine fitness for employment. Costs
shall be of the districts
4.To return to work an employee may be required to bring in a written medical release.
5. In terms of communicable diseases, any employee who is diagnosed as having one will be
evaluated on an individualized base is to determine whether they can remain at work. Must
also follow the Department of Health Services rules and regulations.

Academic freedom
-Permits teachers to teach in a manner that they deem appropriate, yet they need to be
sensitive to the matter of indoctrination, and also students freedoms when teaching
controversial issues.
-Academic freedom must be exercised with the basic ethical responsibilities of the teaching
profession and the level of student maturity in mind.
Sexual harassment
The human resources unit of the school district should create the policies relating to sexual
harassment involving both students and staff.
1.Create policy by establishing a district wide sexual harassment committee that includes
members of the entire school community
2.create a policy, including a grievance procedure for reporting incidents of alleged
3. Include in the district mission the goal to eradicate harassment
4. Communicate with all employees the policy on sexual harassment.
5. Continue to educate the school community on sexual harassment.
6. Human resources should make certain that an employee assistance programs and services
are available for employees who have experienced sexual harassment.
Understand that dismissal of a workman involve serious dislocation of his life, the perils and
demoralization attendant on looking for work, probably uprooting of his home and the
interruption of his childrens schooling, possibly many weeks of penury or semi-starvation for
his family and himself.
1.Dismissal is found as the fourth leading problem facing administrators.
2. There needs to be a sound board policy and regulations in this area. Constantly review this
area of board policy.
Several questions need to be asked before a case gets to arbitration or court
-Was the staff member warned of the consequences of their conduct?
-Was school policy or procedure related to professional, efficient or safe operations?
-Where the rules, policies and penalties applied even handedly without discrimination?
-Where the district policies communicated effectively?

Drug free workplace

Estimated that drugs and alcohol abuse has been estimated at 200 billion in costs to industry.
One study found that 90 in 91 surveyed administrators found that this issue affects their

1.Districts intent and obligation to provide a drug-free workplace.

-school building district premises
-property leased by district
-sponsored event
-district owned vehicles

2. Dont distribute drugs

3. Receive information about
-dangers of drugs and alcohol
-policies and emulations for maintains a drug-free environment
-testing procedures
-alcohol and drug counseling
4. All employees must sign a statement indicating they have received this information.
5.Employees should report their use of prescription drugs that may inhibit their job
-act responsibly with use of over the counter drugs.
6.When an employee seems impaired
-if the supervisor believes drugs or alcohol are hindering an employees job performance and
the superintendent concurs then employee shall submit to testing
-probable cause exists when facts and circumstances are sufficient to warrant the belief that
the employee has consumed alcohol or drugs in a period in which it would affect job
-if the supervisor needs to have the employee evaluated then human resources should be
contacted to arrange immediate physical evaluation
7.Procedures for alcohol and drug testing
-Collecting the sample with the legal regulations
-prior to test the employee must be informed about the testing and an affidavit for the reasons
-refusal of testing will be subject to termination
-the district will assume the cost of the testing
-job responsibilities cant be performed by employee until test results are known
-immediately upon test results release the employee shall be informed of the results
-test results shall be destroyed if come back negative
-if positive result the employee will be notified of their right for second testing
8.Appeals to the results
-Appeals to the test findings shall postpone a recommendation pending outcome of the
-Appeal shall be made in writing to superintendent within two working days
-the appeal needs to state the basis for the employees challenge

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