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Form: "University Classroom Dispositions"

Created with: Taskstream

Author: Samantha Grubb
(REQUIRED) Standard 1: Candidates demonstrate leadership.
1 2 3 4

1A: Candidates lead in their classroom placements by taking

responsibility for all students' learning.

1A: Candidates lead in their classroom placements by

communicating vision to students.

1A: Candidates lead in their classroom placements by using a

variety of assessment data throughout the year to evaluate 3

1A: Candidates lead in their classroom placements by

establishing a safe and orderly environment.

1A: Candidates lead in their classroom placements by

empowering students.

1B: Candidates lead in their school placements by working

collaboratively with all school personnel to create a 3
professional learning community.

1B: Candidates lead in their school placements by analyzing


1B: Candidates lead in their school placements by developing

goals and strategies through the school improvement plan.

1 2 3 4

1C: Candidates lead in the teaching profession by striving to

improve the profession.

1D: Candidates advocate for schools and students. 3

1E: Candidates demonstrate high ethical standards by

demonstrating high ethical principles.

1E: Candidates demonstrate high ethical standards by

upholding the Code of Ethics and Standards for Professional 4
Response Legend: 1 = Emergent 2 = Developing 3 = Proficient 4 = Accomplished N/A = Not
(REQUIRED) Standard 2: Candidates establish a respectful environment for a
diverse population of students.
1 2 3 4

2A: Candidates provide an environment in which each child

has a positive, nurturing relationship with caring adults by
encouraging an environment that is inviting, respectful,
supporting, inclusive, and flexible.

2B: Candidates embrace diversity in the school community and

in the world by demonstrating knowledge of diverse cultures.

2B: Candidates embrace diversity in the school community and

in the world by selecting materials and developing lessons that 3
counteract stereotypes and incorporate contributions.

2B: Candidates embrace diversity in the school community and

in the world by recognizing the influences on a child's 3
development, personality, and performance.

2B: Candidates embrace diversity in the school community and

in the world by considering and incorporating different points 3
of view.

2C: Candidates treat students as individuals by maintaining

high expectations for all students.

2C: Candidates treat students as individuals by appreciating

differences and valuing contributions by building positive, 4
appropriate relationships.

2D: Candidates adopt their teaching for the benefit of students

with special needs by collaborating with specialists.

2D: Candidates adopt their teaching for the benefit of students

with special needs by engaging students and ensuring they
meet the needs of their students through inclusion and other
models of effective practice.
Response Legend: 1 = Emergent 2 = Developing 3 = Proficient 4 = Accomplished N/A = Not
(REQUIRED) Standard 3: Candidates know the content they teach.
1 2 3 4

3A: Candidates align their instruction with the North Carolina

Standard Course of Study by teaching the North Carolina 3
Standard Course of Study.

3A: Candidates align their instruction with the North Carolina

Standard Course of Study by developing and applying 3
strategies to make the curriculum rigorous and relevant.

3A: Candidates align their instruction with the North Carolina 3

Standard Course of Study by developing literacy skills
appropriate to specialty area.

3B: Candidates know the content appropriate to their teaching

specialty by knowing subjects beyond the content they teach.

3B: Candidates know the content appropriate to their teaching

specialty by directing students' curiosity into an interest in 4

3C: Candidates recognize the interconnectedness of the

content areas/disciplines by knowing links between
grade/subject and the North Carolina Standard Course of

3C: Candidates recognize the interconnectedness of the

content areas/disciplines by relating content to other 3

3C: Candidates recognize the interconnectedness of the

content areas/disciplines by promoting global awareness and it' 3

3D: Candidates make instruction relevant to students by

incorporating life skills with include leadership, ethics,
accountability, adaptability, personal productivity, personal 3
responsibility, people skills, self-direction, and social

3D: Candidates make instruction relevant to students by

demonstrating the relationship between the core content and
21st Century content that includes global awareness; financial, 3
economic, business, and entrepreneurial literacy; civic literacy;
and health and wellness awareness.
Response Legend: 1 = Emergent 2 = Developing 3 = Proficient 4 = Accomplished N/A = Not
(REQUIRED) Standard 4: Candidates facilitate learning for their students.
1 2 3 4

4A: Candidates know the ways in which learning takes place,

and they know the appropriate levels of intellectual, physical,
social, and emotional development of their students by
knowing how students think and learn.

4A: Candidates know the ways in which learning takes place,

and they know the appropriate levels of intellectual, physical,
social, and emotional development of their students by 3
understanding the influences on student learning and
differentiating instruction.

4A: Candidates know the ways in which learning takes place, 3

and they know the appropriate levels of intellectual, physical,
social, and emotional development of their students by keeping
abreast of evolving research.

4A: Candidates know the ways in which learning takes place,

and they know the appropriate levels of intellectual, physical,
social, and emotional development of their students by 3
adapting resources to address the strengths and weaknesses
of students.

4B: Candidates plan instruction appropriate for their students

by collaborating with colleagues.

4B: Candidates plan instruction appropriate for their students

by using data for short and long range planning.

4B: Candidates plan instruction appropriate for their students

by engaging students in the learning process.

4B: Candidates plan instruction appropriate for their students

by monitoring and modifying plans to enhance student 3

1 2 3 4

4B: Candidates plan instruction appropriate for their students

by responding to cultural diversity and learning needs of 3

4C: Candidates use a variety of instructional methods by

choosing methods and materials as they strive to eliminate 3
achievement gaps.

4C: Candidates use a variety of instructional methods by

employing a wide range of techniques using information and
communication technology, learning styles, and differentiated

4D: Candidates integrate and utilize technology in their

instruction by knowing appropriate use.

4D: Candidates integrate and utilize technology in their

instruction by helping students use technology to learn
content, think critically, solve problems, discern reliability, use
information, communicate, innovate, and collaborate.

4E: Candidates help students develop critical thinking and

problem-solving skills by encouraging students to ask
questions, think creatively, develop and test innovative ideas,
synthesize knowledge, and draw conclusions.

4E: Candidates help students develop critical thinking and 3

problem-solving skills by helping students exercise and
communicate sound reasoning; understand connections; make
complex choices; and frame, analyze, and solve problems.

4F: Candidates help students work in teams and develop

leadership qualities by teaching the importance of cooperation 3
and collaboration.

1 2 3 4

4F: Candidates help students work in teams and develop

leadership qualities by organizing learning teams in order to
help students define roles, strengthen social ties, improve
communication and collaborative skills, interact with people
from different cultures and backgrounds, and develop
leadership qualities.

4G: Candidates communicate effectively by communicating

clearly with students in a variety of ways.

4G: Candidates communicate effectively by assisting students

in articulating thoughts and ideas clearly and effectively.

4H: Candidates use a variety of methods to assess what each

student has learned by using multiple indicators, both 3
formative and summative, to evaluate student progress.

4H: Candidates use a variety of methods to assess what each

student has learned by providing opportunities for self- 3

4H: Candidates use a variety of methods to assess what each

student has learned by using assessment systems to inform
instruction and demonstrate evidence of students' 21st century
knowledge, skills, performance, and dispositions.
Response Legend: 1 = Emergent 2 = Developing 3 = Proficient 4 = Accomplished N/A = Not
(REQUIRED) Standard 5: Candidates reflect on their practice.
1 2 3 4

5A: Candidates analyze student learning by thinking

systematically and critically about learning in their classroom;
why learning happened and what can be done to improve
student achievement.

5A: Candidates analyze student learning by collecting and

analyzing student performance data to improve effectiveness.

5B: Candidates link professional growth to their professional 3

practice by participating in continuous, high quality
professional development.

5C: Candidates function effectively in a complex, dynamic

environment by actively investigating and considering new 3
ideas that improve teaching and learning.

5C: Candidates function effectively in a complex, dynamic

environment by adapting practice based on data.
Response Legend: 1 = Emergent 2 = Developing 3 = Proficient 4 = Accomplished N/A = Not
Please add any comments if needed.
Ms. Grubb did an excellent job of teaching the children the Common Core Fifth Grade
standards. She worked hard to make learning meaningful by incorporating a lot of
group/partner work and technology into her instruction.

Filled out by: Meredith Jarrett May 7, 2017

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