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Differentiation 17, 111-115 (1980) Differentiation

0 Springcr-Verlag 19x0

Histone Analysis During the First Cell Cycle

of Development of the Sea Urchin Tetrapygzzs niger
Departamento de Bioquimica, Instituto de Ciencias MCdico Biolbgicas, Universidad de Concepci6n,
Casilla 2407, Concepci6n, Chile

To obtain information on the contribution of paternal and maternal histone complement to the
assembly of sea urchin chromatin after fertilization, we have compared the complete set of
histones of zygotes obtained at the beginning of the first S phase those of sperm and unfertilized
eggs of Tetrapygus niger. The electrophoretic pattern on acetic acid-urea polyacrylamide gels
and the amino acid composition of the histones isolated from zygotes are virtually identical with
those isolated from unfertilized eggs. These results strongly suggest that sperm histones must be
lost before the initiation of the first replication event. The histones of zygotes obtained after the
completion of the first S phase have the same electrophoretic pattern as the proteins isolated
from zygotes prior to the first S phase; however, differences were found in their amino acid
composition. These results suggest that some new proteins may associate with chromatin during
the first replication round in Tetrapygus niger development.

Introduction electrophoretic mobility may have different primary

structures [12], and vice versa, histones with different
Cleavage stages of sea urchin development are electrophoretic mobilities may have the same amino
characterized by very rapid DNA synthesis and cell acid sequence but differ in postsynthetic side chain
division. During this period a progressive increase in modifications [13]. Therefore, our approach has been
the synthesis of early histone types takes place. These to compare the electrophoretic mobilities and the
early histones (a subtypes) are replaced at hatching amino acid composition of the complete set of
by two or more variants of each histone type (j3, y , 6 histones isolated from zygotes with those isolated
subtypes) [l-31. from sperm and unfertilized eggs. Here we present
Histone synthesis has been shown to begin at the evidence that before the first S phase zygotic
first cleavage division, and the newly synthesized chromatin contains only histones of the maternal
histones are associated with chromatin during the first type. Furthermore, our data strongly suggest that
S phase [4-61. Therefore, it may be expected that by some new proteins are assembled into chromatin
the end of the first cell cycle, one half of the histone during the first replication event of Tetrapygus niger
complement of zygotic chromatin will be derived zygotes.
from newly made histones, and from histones stored
in unfertilized eggs [7]. However, at the beginning of
the first S phase the histones present in chromatin will
be derived exclusively from the gametes.
It is well established that the histones of sea Gametes and Embryos
urchin sperm differ from their counterparts in
unfertilized eggs, both in their electrophoretic mobil- Tetrapygus niger were collected in Concepci6n Bay, Chile. Sea
ity and in their amino acid composition [8-111. It is urchins were maintained in the laboratory in aquaria filled with sea
also well known that histones with virtually the same water for a period varying between one and six days. Female

112 M. Imschenetzky et al.: Histones in First Cell Cycle of Sea Urchin Development

gametes were obtained by gently shaking gonads in sterile sea Amino Acid Analysis
water. Male gametes were collected after injection of 0.55 M KCI
into the coelomic cavity [14]. The lyophilized protein was hydrolyzed at 100"C for 24 h in small
The handling of embryos was performed according to standard evacuated flasks containing 1 ml of 5.7 N HCI; amino acids were
methods. Eggs were filtered through a 100 pm pore size plancton determined with the standard column of an amino acid analyzer
network and washed several times with sterile sea water. DURRUM 500 D. (Palo Alto, California).
Insemination of eggs was perfomed as described by Hinegardner Tryptophane was determined by fluorescence measurement in
[15]. Development took place at 18C in sterile sea water with an Aminco-Bowman spectrophotofluorometer (Silver Spring,
constant aeration. Only embryos cultures with synchronization Maryland). The fluorescenceof the protein solution was compared
over 95% were selected. A part of each culture was allowed to at 345 nm with tryptophane, and bovine serum albumin was used as
develop upto pluteus stage, as a control. standard. The excitation of fluorescence was performed by
monochromatic light at 280 nm [19].

Chromatin Purification and Histone Isolation Assay for DNA Synthesis

All procedures for the isolation of chromatin and histones were Unfertilized eggs were prelabeled for 90 min at 18" C with
carried out between 0-4" C. Unfertilized eggs or zygotes (60ml) 3[H]-thymidineat a concentration of 7.5 pCdml (NEN, sp. act. 47.6
and 5 ml of sperm were washed several times with 1.5 M dextrose Ci/mole). At different times after fertilization samples were
and centrifuged each time at 750 g for 10 min (8,000g for 10 min in removed, washed once with cold sea water, twice with 1.5 M
the case of sperm). The resultant pellets were homogenized by five dextrose, and centrifuged each time at 750 g for 5 min. The pellet
to seven strokes of a Potter-Elvehjem homogenizer fitted with a was homogenized in 50 mM EDTA buffer, pH 6.0; 2% Triton
teflon pestle in 10 volumes of 50 mM EDTA buffer, pH 6.0 X-100 and centrifuged at 4,000 g for 15 min. The resulting nuclear
adjusted with NaOH. Under these experimental conditions pellet was washed twice with 5 mM EDTA buffer pH 6.0, and then
proteolysis of histones is not observed [16]. To separate the suspended in 1N NaOH for determination of radioactivity and
unbroken cells. the homogenate was filtered through a plancton protein concentration. 3[H]-thymidineincorporation into the acid
net (45 pm pore size) and centrifuged at 4.000 g for 15 min. The insoluble fraction was performed by the paper filter disc method as
supernatant was discarded, and the pellet was resuspended in 10 described by Bollum [20]. Radioactivitywas measured in a Nuclear
volumes of 1 M sucrose, 50 mM EDTA buffer, pH 6.0, 0.2% Chicago ISOCAP 300 (Des Plaines, Illinois) scintillation counter
Triton X-100, and centrifuged at 12,000 g for 15 min. This (counting efficiency 39%).
procedure was repeated twice. The chromatin pellet was conse-
cutively washed in 10 volumes of 50 mM EDTA buffer, pH 6.0;
5 mM EDTA buffer, pH 6.0; and 1 mM EDTA buffer, pH 6.0, and
centrifuged at 10.000 g for 15 min each time. The chromatin pellet Results
was subsequently washed in tridistilled water and centrifuged as
indicated above; this procedure was repeated until no appreciable
amount of pigment was observed in the pellet. D N A Synthesis During the First Cleavage Cycle
Histones were extracted from chromatin by stirring overnight
in 0.4 N H2S04 at 4" C. Acid-insoluble material was removed by To determine cell cycle parameters during the first
centrifugation at 30,000 g for 20 min and the supernatant
containing the histones was concentrated. After dialysis against cleavage division, unfertilized eggs were preloaded
tridistilled water the material was lyophilized and stored at with 3[H]-dlTP for 90 min prior to fertilization.

Polyacrylarnide Gel Electrophoresis

Histones isolated from unfertilized eggs, zygotes, and sperm were

dissolved in 6 M urea, 2% 0-mercaptoethanol, 0.9 N acetic acid.
Samples containing 50-150 pg of histones were run in 15 cm slab
gels containing 15% acrylamide, 0.2% bisacrylamide, 6 M urea,
0.9 N acetic acid. Gels were pre-electrophoresed for 4 h at 40
mAmp, and the histone samples were run under the same
conditions. Gels were stained in 1% Amido Black, 7% acetic acid,
and destained in 7% acetic acid, 40% methanol. Scanning was
performed on a Gilford spectrophotometer (Oberlin, Ohio) 7 20
equipped with a linear transport gel scanner.
Protein concentration was measured according to the method
of Lowry et al. [17]. In samples containing 6 M urea, protein
determinations were perfomed according to the method described Time ( min )
by Luck et al. [ 181. Calf thymus histones, purchased from Sigma Fig. 1. Incorporation of 3[H]-dTTPinto DNA of Tefrapygus niger
Chemical Co. (St. Louis, Missouri), were used as standards. zygotes. The sperm suspension was added at zero time
M. Imschenetzky et al.: Histones in First Cell Cycle of Sea Urchin Development 113
Samples were removed at various times after insem- Analysis of Histones
ination and 3[H]-dTTPincorporation into the nuclear During the First Cleavage Cycle
acid-insoluble fraction was determined. As shown in
Fig. 1 the first S phase occurred between 40 and 90 The electrophoretic mobility and the amino acid
min after fertilization. composition of histones from zygotes at the beginning
of the first S phase (40 min after fertilization) were
compared with those obtained from sperm and
unfertilized eggs. We also examined histones
obtained from zygotes that had completed the first
ZYGOTE 90 replication round (90 min after fertilization).
In Fig. 2 are shown the electrophoretic profiles of
histones from both gametes and zygotes before and
after the first replication event. In eggs and zygotes,
there were proteins that co-electrophorese with the
nucleosomal core histones H3, HZB, HZA, and H4.
Two closely migrating bands were detected in the H4
position, suggesting a postranslational modification
on this fraction. No band was seen in the exact
position of the sperm HI histone, but some other
ZYGOTE 40 bands were observed in the H1 region of the gel: a
doublet migrating between H1 and H3 and two other
bands with lower mobility than the sperm HI fraction.
In sperm, H3 was present at a higher proportion than
H2B and HZA,whereas in zygotes as well as in eggs this
fraction was a minor component of the H3-HzB-HZA

EGG Table 1. Amino acid composition of histones isolated from
chromatin of Terrapygus niger (mol%). Tryptophane was deter-
mined by spectrofluorometry (181
Amino acid Amino acid composition of histones frac-

Egg Zygote Zygote Sperm

40 min 90 min
Lysine 10.91 10.99 9.59 14.82
Histidine 2.00 1.98 2.14 1.16
Arginine 6.81 7.05 6.10 11.81
Aspartic acid 11.71 11.59 10.45 5.16
Threonine 5.05 6.33 5.56 5.32
Serine 8.89 9.45 7.38 5.97
Glutamic acid 12.17 13.78 12.12 7.54
Proline 6.95 5.95 6.28
~~ 5.18
Glycine 13.68 12.64 9.55 8.80
I 'r, I
Alanine 11.01 10.95 8.83 14.94
H4 H2* H3 H1 4.08 4.79 5.09 4.55
"23 Methionine - - 1.85 1.01
Fig. 2. Comparison of the electrophoretic patterns of histones Isoleucine - - 3.59 3.25
isolated from gametes and zygotes of Tetrapygus niger: sperm Leucine 5.95 6.41 7.04 7.17
histones (50 pg) were run in the same gel with 100 pg of histones Tyrosine - - 1.85 1.55
from unfertilized eggs; 120 pg of histones from zygotes obtained 40 Phenylalanine - - 2.56 1.76
min after fertilization and 120 pg of histones from zygotes obtained Tryptophane none none none none
90min after fertilization. The direction of migration is from right to Lysine/Arginine 1.60 1.56 1.58 1.27
left, cathode to anode
114 M. Imschenetzky et al.: Histones in First Cell Cycle of Sea Urchin Development

Further evidence that the histones of zygotes retic mobilities but different amino acid composition
before the first S phase were of maternal origin was have been previously described in sea urchins [12,
provided by amino acid analysis. As shown in Table 1 131. The assembly of newly synthesized histones into
the amino acid composition of whole histones isolated chromatin during the first cell cycle has been
from zygotes before the first S phase is virtually observed in Arbacia punctulata [4, 51 and also in
identical to that obtained from unfertilized eggs. Tetrapygus niger [6].
Sperm histones contained more arginine, and the A problem in the isolation of histones from
amount of glutamic and aspartic acid residues was unfertilized eggs as well as from early cleavage stage
significantly lower than in histones from unfertilized embryos is the high nucleocytoplasmic volume ratio;
eggs. thus, the probability of contamination of histones
The electrophoretic patterns of histones from with cytoplasmic proteins is fairly high. However,
zygotes before and after the first S phase were very most cytoplasmic proteins, ribosomal proteins
similar, but differences were found in their amino included, do contain tryptophane. Histones do not
acid compositions. The histones isolated from zygotes contain this amino acid, therefore, the amount of
40 min after fertilization had more alanine, glycine, tryptophane may be regarded as a criterion for
and serine. In these fractions methionine, isoleucine, histone purity. Since none of the proteins analyzed
tyrosine, and phenylalanine were not detected. contains tryptophane in detectable amounts, contam-
ination with significant amounts of protein of cyto-
plasmic origin is very improbable. Furthermore, we
Discussion have previously shown that 3[H]-histones synthesized
de novo are not bound to chromatin of zygotes before
This study indicates that the histones bound to the first replication round [6], therefore a contami-
chromatin of Tetrapygus niger zygotes at the begin- nation with cytoplasmic histones is unlikely. How-
ning of the first S phase are virtually identical with ever, some non-histone chromosomal proteins may
those isolated from unfertilized eggs. At the stage of be coextracted with histones from unfertilized eggs
development analyzed, sperm histones, if conserved, and from zygotes, in particular high mobility group
should account for one half of the histones present in (HMG) proteins, which also have a high content of
zygotes. Thus, the amino acid composition of whole basic amino acids and are of low molecular weight
histones isolated from zygotes should differ from [211.
those obtained from unfertilized eggs. In particular, it Our results are in agreement with those obtained
may be expected that the histones isolated from by Carroll and Ozaki [8], regarding the loss of sperm
zygotes contain a higher amount of arginine, lysine, histones during the first cleavage cycle of Strongy-
and alanine, which are the major amino acids of locentrotus purpuratus. However, at variance with
sperm proteins, and also lower amounts of glutamic their work we find three major proteins in zygotes
and aspartic acid residues. However, the identity of and in unfertilized eggs with electrophoretic mobil-
histones isolated from zygotes prior to S phase and ities similar to HI histone. These proteins do not
those isolated from unfertilized eggs strongly suggests disappear when electrophoresis is perfomed on
that sperm histones must be lost sometime before the sodium dodedecyl sulfate (SDS) gels, or on Triton
first replication event. Under the experimental DF-12 gels (unpublished observation). The presence
conditions used in the present work, histone pro- of similar proteins migrating in the HI region of the
teolysis is completely avoided [16], so loss of sperm gel (cleavage stage fractions) has also been detected
histones during isolation is very unlikely. in Strongylocentrotus purpuratus during the second
The analysis of histones bound to chromatin after and third S phase [2]. The discrepancies on this point,
the first replication event indicates that they are between our results and those of Carroll and Ozaki
partially different from maternal fractions. In gen- may be due to differences in the procedures
eral, however, their electrophoretic pattern is iden- employed for chromatin isolation, as HI histone or
tical to that of maternal histones (Fig. 2 and Table l), related fractions are more suceptible to loss during
but, their amino acid composition reveals the pres- isolation than other histones.
ence of some residues that are not detected in
histones from eggs or from zygotes prior to the first S Acknowledgements. The authors wish to express their gratitude to
phase. This difference strongly suggests that one or Professor Jean Brachet who very kindly offered us the possibilityof
performing part of this work at the UniversitC Libre de Bruxelles
more new proteins are bound to chromatin during the and for his very helpful criticisms, comments, and suggestions in
first S phase. Histones having identical electropho- the preparation of the manuscript. We also want to thank Dr.
M. Imschenetzky et al.: Histones in First Cell Cycle of Sea Urchin Development 115
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76/006 PNUD UNESCO, from Programa Regional de Desarrollo 77 :263
Cientifico y Tecnolbgico de O.E.A., and from V.R.I. Universidad 13. Strickland M, Strickland WN, Brandt WF, von Holt C,
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