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Sawyer Elementary School May 2077? Reminders from the Administration ... Special Dates: © Local Schoo! Council Meeting on Tuesday, May Sth at 9:00 a.m. © Monday, May 29th Memorial Day-No School © Preferred Dental will be here May 1st—May 12th eh Dias de Importancia © Reunion de La Junta del Concilio Local Escolar a las 8:00 a.m. el Martes 9de Mayo © Lunes, 29 de Mayo Dia Conmemorativo—No hay clases. © Dentista de “Preffered” slo para estudiantes que entregaron el formulario de consentimiento del 1demayoa 12de mayo 5248 S. Sawyer & 5247 S. Spaulding (773) 535.9275, wonw.sawyer.cpskI2ihus [Nally Robie Principal (hari Brave-Rue Assistant Pepa Tce Burmov,Anitent Poscpal There is 80 much to look foward to this season! The sunlight and warmer weather makes everyone smile ‘mate and feel good tis my favorite season. What's your chia favorite season ang why? What yours? id you know conversation with your chiliten i essential to their development? Do you have a routine each Jéay where you can spend some time talking about your cil's day or ow they fee? Ifyou have a busy work ‘week, we recommend dedleating @ sacred lima each waek otal to your chigren f a daly routine is cficut to schedule (even students in 4tn-th grades). Many studios have found that chikiren in low-income homes know fowor words than in higher-income nomes. This has to do with quality and quantity of tak aduts have with their children at heme. Think of words as a valuable tool or treasure for students. The more words they eam and practice, the more rch they can become. ‘The wealth and richness in the fom of orl language, reading, and witing. Our Sawyer students should practice descrioing at home, Encourage students to paint Pictures with words. What cifferent kinds of pictures do you see in your heed if someone sald, bag” What i Someone said “purple plastic purse.” Rememoer, you ae the fst and constant teacner in your ni’ ie. Please ask your cris teachar fr ther ways to promote conversation or description at nome. We are kicking off May wih BETA Week. Our BETA students promote academic achievement, character, leadership, and service. There are many important events this month that we would Ike You to be aware cf -On May 2nd at 6:30 am, we inv 3, 6th, and &th grade parents to attend a meeting on the CPS Promotion Policy. We wil eview the erteria for promotion in these grades. -Our Lacal School Mesting is on May Sth at Sam. This is en opportunity for you to have your Volos heard and keap up to date with senoel decisions -Deita Dental willbe at Sawyer on May 12th, This a tum visit forthe students they saw inthe Fall Please compete the form and submit it tothe main offs -On May 18th, Chicago Cares wil join us again o help Deaully our school. Athough this is a school day, we are accepting a limited numberof parents interested in joining the volunteers. -May 1Sih through June 1st. 18 stucents wil be taking the NWEA Reacing and Math tests. This willbe one way fo determine how much your chile nas grown this year. For Th graders, l will ba used for high schoo! applications. It wil also be whet the schools judged on in the SQRP Rating. We ask that you please ensure that your chia is rested and ready to show histher best on this exam, [As always, we are here fo artnet with you forthe bast acucational experience for your child. We thank you ‘and our Sawyer teachers forall hat you co! Sincerely Lvelie Barnow Recordatorios de la Administracién Padres dela Sayer Hay mao que hacer en ona temporada La i solar el cla ois hacen gue eco sonian mds vse senan bin. Esta ee mi temporaca fvorta. 2cul asia temporada favor ce sus hos y bor eve? Gul es lade Useces? Sabian cue las caversaciones con sus nes son asenlses pare su deserolo?.Tisnen ustedes una nna clara en cence stdes puadon povar elgun impo nelance acer de cémo este ano dia sus hos. © seeca de oom se ser? ‘lusieces tenen wna semana ce Yabsj may ecunaca, les Yecomenaaros dedicat un tempo sagrado caus semana pars aicar an els ies que una vaine dia les ec de progremar inclusive con os exudates de ba avo graves ‘Senan hecho muchos esuciosyonslos 50 Fe enconvado qu los nfos en hogeres de bajo ingresos sven menos pelabres que onhoeres ce ingress ao, Eso ene que ver cn la caldady carla de pata que lene os actos con sue hos ena casa Penaen ena ple Tamia vaiceao un tesero para os estuaries, Enemas fenguoje or lect, yescttura,Nuostos asulentes dei Escuela Sevyerdeven de pracicarenla casa, Animanyme- ven a sus hos @ que buen reves con palabras. .Gub dferenes tps de magne ven en su cabeca alguien la pelo, “olsa 7 due il ai alguien dijo "monearo de plastica purpura?” Reaerden ustedes son oe pemeroe maestos en is vias de su hs. Po aver, plant los macsras de ss Nos sugerencia aarca de cas maneres de promover a eorverseclon ola dessipstn encase. Estamos inciango ol mes de mayo cone semana de BETA. Nests eslusanies de BETA promueven et Iopro acacemico, elcarcir,elicerazgo ye sev. Hay muchos evericsimpatartes este mes que ns gular qe Uiegfengen en event, -~&12e mayo. las 039.2. Ilamos alos paces de 3°, 6y 8" grado ass auna euriénsoore Ie paltca Ge pemocdn ce las Escuelas Publcas de Chicago. Revisarenos los citeros de promcion para estos gados. Novara reunién del Concio Esco Local se ivard a cabo da mayo alas @ am, Esia es Una Opotunided pare que su voz sen escuchada y cara mantener el cla co les dois ea esouela = Cl Dota’ Dalia eatard ena Eacsia Seay | 2 de mayo. ells ropresan pra reve bs ealucenes que evieaon en el otato, Por favor congeten el formuarby deveshao ala ocine pineal, £18 ce rayo, Chicage Cares se una a nosovos de nuevo pare eyudar a embelecer so 2 un la cocl estar eceptando on numa imiago da pares risresegos en unis @ Desde el 18 de meyo al de jun, ies estudaies ce Kinde a avo. lomaran las proses de ecluray. joNWEA. Esa serd ura mano’ de Tas aplcaccnes ce la escuela secundaria, Tambien os resultados sara o que deerme le ealficasion dea escuela en a clasicactn de SQRP. Les mos pr favor queso eseguren de que sus nos estén descansadesyIscs para hacerlo melo que pueéan en sie como siempre, estamcs agu para acociamoe conus [oemos a ustedes y a nvesvoemaestos de la Escu mejor oxpaioncia caueatva para aus hos, es aprade todo Toque usleses hacen sincermenta, wolle Burma May 2017 ‘Monday Wednesday Thursday Friday 1. 3. 4. 5. Beta Week: Pajama| Beta Week: Beta Week: Beta Week: Beta Week: Career Day Rainbow Day Mix-Match Day Cinco de Mayo Preferred Dental KOG Red for students who | Promotion Criteria aca vaee High School Hero Preferred Dental brought back for parents of Sieeaae Presentation for for students who parent consent form | students in 3rd, 6th | sth Grade Blue Ist-3rd Grade | brought back parent & 8th Grade at Sth Grade Purple consent form 8:30 am in Spaulding paaeurar Preferred Dental Cafeteria sthordewnte | forstudents who brought back Preferred Dental | preferred Dental | parent consent for students who | for students who form brought back brought back Parent consent form | parent consent form 8 9. 10. 1. 12. Local School Council | Preferred Dental | Field trip: 6th—8th | Preferred Dental Field trip: Room 406 | Meeting at 9 a.m. in | for students who | Grade Marchto | for students who to cooperation ‘the Auditorium brought back College brought back parent Operation parent consent form consent form Field trip: KDG & 1st Preferred Dental Preferred Dental | Grade to Ravinia for students who for students who brought back brought back Preferred Dental parent parent consent form| for students who consent form brought back parent consent form —____ 15. 16. 7. 18, 19. Field trip: rooms 235] Field trip: 233, 226 & 334 to Ravinia | & 231 to Ravini 22. 23. 2a, 25. 26.Blue & Gold Day Field trip: Room 406 | Fundraiser Day: | Algebra Exit Exam to Museum of | Black & White Day | for 8th Grade Science & Industry for $1.00 Field trip: 2nd Grade to Lincoln Park Zoo J $A irr 31. jeld trip: 8th Grade No School _| to Washington, D.C. Field trip: 2nd Grade to Peggy Notebaert Nature Museum Cd Mayo 2017 Lunes Martes Miércoles Jueves Viernes a 2. 3. 4. 5. Semana de Beta: | Semana de Beta: Semana de Beta: | Semanade Beta: | Semana de Beta: Dia de Pijama Dia de Colegio y Dia del Arco Iris Dia de Mezclar Cinco de Mayo Profesionalismo KG: Rojo, y Combinar Dentista de eae Dentista de “Pretfered” s6lo para} Presentacién para verde Presentaciénde | “Preffered” s6lo estudiantes que | Padres sobre Las ‘to Azul Héroes de la para estudiantes entregaron el | Reglas de Promocién 5° Morado Secundaria para | que entregaron el formulario de de Grados 3°, 6°, y 8° Sto Negro 1° a 3° Grado formulario de To Rosa consentimiento | alas 8:30 am. ena fpr, consentimiento Cafeteria Dentista de “Preffered” Dentista de “Preffered” ee Pere) Dentista de “Preffered” sélo para ‘estudiantes que s6lo para estudiantes que entregaron el estudiantes que entregaron el eaaen ee entregaron el formulario de Gerrtcrtmeled formulario de Consentimiento Consentimiento 2. 9. 10. 1. 2. Paseo: Salén 406 | Junta del Concilio Dentista de Paseo: 6to a 8vo Dentista de Operacién de Local Escolar —_| “Preffered” s6lo para | gradoaMarchto | “Preffered” s6lo ‘cooperacién alas 9am. estudiantes que College para estudiantes en el Auditorio entregaron el que entregaron el Dentista de “Preffered” formulario de | Dentistade“Preffered” | formulario de s6lo para Dentista de “Preffered” s6lo para Consentimiento estudiantes que s6lo para estudiantes que entregaron ol estudiantes que tentregaron et formulario de entregaron al formulario de consentimiento formulario de consentimiento consentimiento 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. Paseo: Salones 235 | Paseo: Salones 233, y334aRavinia__| 226, y 231.4 Ravinia 22. 23. 24, 25. 26. Paseo: Salén406a | Recaudacionde | Examende Algebra | Dia de Vestir Museo de Cienciae | Fondos: Dia de vestir | para 80 Grado Azul y Amarillo Industria en Negro o Blanco con pantalén de | Paseo: 2do Grado al | Paseo: 8vo Grado a mezclilla Zoolégico de Lincoln | Milwaukee, WI por $1.00 Park 29, 30. 31. Paseo: 8vo Grado a Dia Conmemorativo | Washington, D.C. No hay Clases Paseo: 2do Grado al ‘Museo de Naturaleza Peggy Notebaert Mustang All-Stars for April 2017 Here are the students that were selected by the teachers: Eston son los estudiantes que fueron selecionados por sus maestros: [(StidentsName_—=«~=S*«éommeroom sd; Grade Varsbet Valverde 138 st jesus Nava 38 ist Quetzal Diaz 720 ist jaime Valdez 70 st a) Eta [Brendan Bastda a Tet ened eres (ee me ee vesica Bultron Tet oy Rendon 5 7st [Alexandra Alvarez 5 Ts Mario Bahena [Alison Conez 4 y Lozano (Cristian Aguilera _ 225 Ptienavn Fs reselec seeeeees | neers es eee pel Seneca sees Jerre ae ee eee ee arbel Guerez Eg Natala Valenzuela Riomara Cardenas 333 aren Velasquez, 35 Wilagros Hemandez [Osbaldo Velazquez 322 bu argo Camino 0 Madeleine Delgado — 3a ‘vant Martinez 3H [BrendacnstobalSSSSCS~™ 332 \VaeraDelaRosaSSSC=SY aah Karina Gonzalez 334 Derek Garcia 320 Destiny Romero Ea [Alexander Gonzalez 35 [Concepcion OrautaSS—~S~«~ Jenal Vergara 335 [Reiancto Olmeda 335 [Alejandro Cerero JRosar@ ores [ae a a i terete ere eeeeeee eee) Ki Mi 210 6th 2 3 saree ae [eee corer] [a 7 06 7H 206 7th [Remar Werees Th ss eves es esate | sousnes 0 snecne| ere neon 205 7 ryan Babuers [eee eee eee [Ferien eab9et 508 ro a Pe Dose i 3 i Bh Fels Cr ense [ oer | a 7 3 te eee re [eee cca eee | (a (a a (a SL frsentna ren a SS en OP eee ee [seat xara Si Tears err eee [een Cree aes = str og note ween [ig mans 2017 Go Red Por Tu Corazon Mother's Day Celebration 2017 Go Red Por Tu Corazén Celebracién del dia de las Madres Free Event for the Whole Family! iEvento Gratis para toda la Familia! Event Activities: art to Heart Chats, Entertainment, Family Fun, Dance Sessions, Hands-Only CPR, free healthy Latino dishes charlas de corazén a corazén, diversién para toda la familia, entretenimiento, bailando para el corazén, RCP usando solo las manos, versiones saludables de comidas latinas Bridgeport Art Center 1200 W sth St, Chicago, IL 60609 Sunday, May 7th domingo, 7 de mayo 12:30pm-4pm

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