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Transcript Reflection

I believe that my transcript truly resembles my ultimate capabilities of being successful in the

classroom. I have a 4.04 cumulated weighted GPA. This also helped give me my rank of 16 within the

class of 2017. The reason it was not higher was due to the lack of AP and Honors classes throughout

my four years at Merced High School. I have received a total of five Bs in high school and no Cs. I

believe that I have done my best in trying to keep my grades up while balancing sports and all of my

other extra curricular activities. I also have been involved in Leadership which I have received As

throughout my four years. This also came with participating in about 500 hours of community service. I

believe that my capabilities shown in my transcript is a good representation of the possible success that I

may have in college. My worst year, academically was my sophomore year where I had a total of 3 Bs

due to the downfalls I had in Spanish 2. I did not have a good foundation in Spanish due to the fact that

I had a long term substitute teacher in Spanish 1. This did not set me up well for my next year in

Spanish. I also took one shop class in welding that helped set me up for an actual real world skill that I

could use in the future. Academically, I believe that I set myself up great for college.

My attendance of my transcript during my senior year shows that I had an attendance

percentage of 96.2%. This number accounts for the fact that all of the days I missed of school were

due to appointments in San Francisco with a surgeon regarding the torn labrum in my shoulder. I do not

like missing school because of the work that you have to make up and the lectures that you miss. I

believe that I will be strict on myself to hold myself accountable to attend class everyday in order to get

a great education.

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