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Living Heritage


The Woodland Trust
Autumn Park Grantham Lincolnshire NG31 6LL
January 2000 Registered Charity No. 294344

An introduc-
from our
Chief Executive,
Mike Townsend
Woodland is
one of the most
potent symbols
of nature in the
British country-
side, retaining a
unique place in
the hearts of
many people. I still remember
the woods of my childhood and
even individual trees in which I
played and where my love for
nature grew.
If we are to ensure that future
generations are able to enjoy our
woodland heritage, it is essential
that it is protected and cared for.
A legacy to the Woodland
Trust creates the opportunity for
us to build a secure future for
woodland, for wildlife and the
countryside. We can rescue
woodland suffering from neglect
or mismanagement, and secure
woodland threatened by devel-
opment and destruction.
That’s why the legacies we
receive are so valuable. They
help support the work we
undertake in the care of woods.
When you give a legacy to the
Woodland Trust, you make a
lasting contribution to the con-
servation of the natural world
and the quality of life for the
children of tomorrow and their
Let me thank you on their

Coed Gwernafon, Llanidloes, Powys

Mike Townsend, Safeguarded by a legacy from a supporter of The Woodland Trust in 1991
Chief Executive
Cover photo: Peter Westley Right: Andrew Butler

Penn Wood, nr Amersham, Buckinghamshire

How is a legacy
Your Questions
Answered used?
I would like to include a Penn Wood in the Chilterns is a fine posterity? We needed £1.1 million to
Q legacy to the Woodland example of how you can leave a legacy purchase and manage the wood. A
Trust in my Will. of woodland to be enjoyed over the wonderful £208,000 came from five
Unfortunately, I wrote my coming centuries. legacies ranging in value from £4,700
When the 436 acre (177 hectare) to £163,000; the Heritage Lottery Fund
lengthy and quite complex
wood in Buckinghamshire was threat- gave us £288,000; an exceptional
Will some time ago and I
ened with destruction to create a new £400,000 came from national and
would prefer not to re-write
golf course in 1993, it galvanized the local appeals together with £200,000
the whole document. Can I
local people into forming The Friends from the Woodland Trust’s reserves.
simply make changes to it?
of Penn Wood. Because the five legacies were unre-
First, they convinced English Nature stricted, that is to say the legator had
It is always possible to exe-
A cute an amendment to
that the wood dated back at least to not specified exactly how and where
the Domesday Book, and it was desig- the bequest should be used, this gave
your Will. The amendment,
nated as Ancient Woodland. However, us the flexibility to direct the gifts to the
called a Codicil, can alter, omit
this didn’t deter the developer and in most urgent need.
or add anything to your existing
1994 The Friends of Penn Wood So the trees of Penn Wood have
Will, so you can avoid all the
approached the Woodland Trust for been saved in no small part because
bother and expense of writing a
help. several people remembered the
fresh Will. A copy of our After various setbacks a successful Woodland Trust in their Wills and direct-
‘Wording for Wills’ includes campaign by the Woodland Trust finally ed that their bequest should be used
guidelines for wording a Codicil. secured the wood in April 1999. ‘towards the work of the Woodland
But how were we able to save it for Trust’.
Watkins Wood
The perfect way to remember the Woodland Trust’s founder Your Questions
Kenneth Watkins was the Trust’s inspi- ideal location.
ration and pioneer, and when he died Together, the three woods will I would like to leave all
in 1996, we immediately started look- become a showcase for woodland
Q my estate to my
ing for some way to commemorate creation and conservation, and as it grandchildren. I am
this man of vision. What more fitting will cover an area of 350 acres (142 aware that should my estate
and lasting tribute could there be than hectares), there are great opportuni- exceed a certain level,
a wood created in his name? ties for creating woodland and for Inheritance Tax will become
So we cast around for a suitable attracting all kinds of wildlife. payable on my death. Can you
location, only to discover that there A generous £400,000 legacy for suggest a way round this?
was a piece of land available at Wood use in Devon from Mrs M E Phillips, a
It is virtually impossible to
Barton farm in Devon - right beside member for 20 years, and a consider- A predict what the
Avon Woods, the first hundred wood- able response from an appeal to sup-
land acres acquired by the Trust in porters has already started turning Inheritance Tax level will be in
1973. We then discovered that an Watkins Wood into a reality. the future. There are currently
adjacent area of ancient woodland, We think Kenneth Watkins would
two bands: no tax will be payable
on estates up to £231,000, but
Aveton Wood, could be rescued from approve.
anything over attracts 40% tax.
degradation by conifers. It was an
One way of avoiding paying this
tax is to leave assets up to the
value of the "nil tax" rate band
to a non-exempt beneficiary such
as your grandchildren and leave
the remainder to an exempt ben-
eficiary such as your spouse or
indeed a charity.

But have
you the will?
As a member of the Woodland Trust, you
clearly appreciate the importance of
native broadleaved woodlands. And as
you’ve wandered under the rustling
canopy, you’ve perhaps considered how
wonderful it would be to leave some
money to keep these woods for future
But have you actually got round to
making the bequest? If you have, please
contact us because knowing that your
bequest exists really helps us plan for the
And if reading this issue of Living
Heritage has prompted you to make a
legacy or change your Will to include a
bequest to the Woodland Trust, please
phone Susan Miller on 01476 581129.
If you have already remembered the
Trust in your Will, a very big and warm
thank you for such a positive and gener-
Avon Woods, Kingsbridge, Devon ous commitment towards the care of
Stop press A lifelong
As part of his recent Pre Budget devotion
Report, the Chancellor announced that
the tax reliefs on charitable giving will
be increased. The changes, which are
to woodland
subject to detailed legislation being Extracts from a mem-
enacted, are due to be effective from ber’s letter
April 2000.
One of the changes that may be of
In a recent letter to the Woodland
interest to you is that donors will be
Trust, Mrs. Pat English - a member for
able to gift quoted shares and securi-
17 years who lives in Somerset - told
ties to charities and obtain income tax
us about her lifelong enjoyment of
relief on the full market value in addi-
tion to the capital gains tax relief that is
trees. A helping
“I love woods! It all started a very
available at present for gifts to chari-
long time ago. I looked out of the win-
dow one October day and saw the lit-
hand with
If you wish to discuss the potential
benefits of this change then please
tle wood opposite had overnight
become a blaze of gorgeous colours.
your legacy
contact Julian Purvis, Financial Director
I was overwhelmed!
on: 01476 581111.
“I still love to discover the secret It’s now even easier to make a lega-
places in woods. Each visit uncovers cy to the Woodland Trust.
something different, a newly-sprung If you would like to speak to
tiny flower, moss and fern making pat- someone direct or if you would like
Your Questions terns of light and shade, or the sun- a copy of our suggested ‘Wording
for Wills’ please contact Susan
light highlighting hidden depths
Answered between the trees. Miller, our Legacy Manager at Head
Office. Alternatively, if you would
Q I would like to leave a “ I love woods!...I am prefer a member of staff to call and
legacy to the Woodland
very glad to be able to see you at home, this can be
Trust but keep hearing arranged.
“pecuniary” and “resid- leave a legacy to the Please phone Susan on:
uary”. Could you explain Woodland Trust.” 01476 581129
the difference and also
advise as to which type of who will be happy to help you with
“We cannot, must not, lose more of
legacy would be more bene- any queries that you may have.
these natural, peaceful places. A
ficial? woodland walk is a better antidote to
The Trust is very grate- urban stress than any relaxation thera-
A ful for all legacies py! These oases of calm and beauty
received. A “pecuniary” lega- are so valuable, not forgetting the
cy is a set amount of money communities of wildlife for whom they
decided at the time you write are their only home. There is some-
your Will. Its real value will thing about the height of trees and the
decrease over time due to leafy canopy that makes them so
inflation although this can be inspiring, giving a sense of protection
overcome by index linking it and refuge.
to movements in the Retail “The Woodland Trust is an admirable
Price Index. body of people devoted to retaining
and preserving our woodlands and
The value of a “residuary” creating new woods for the future. I
gift can only be calculated at The Woodland Trust
have met some of the HQ staff of the Autumn Park Grantham
death - whatever is left after Trust, also the field workers who are a
all debts, liabilities and other Lincolnshire NG31 6LL
dedicated bunch of very friendly, gen- Tel: (01476) 581111
gifts have been paid. uinely first-class people, who like to
Generally this kind of legacy Fax: (01476) 590808
meet and discuss opinions with their
is of the greatest benefit to us members.
as its value increases in line Registered Charity No. 294344
“I am very glad to be able to leave a The Woodland Trust logo is a registered trade-
with the value of the estate. legacy to the Woodland Trust. mark
Yours sincerely, Pat English” ✃Printed on recycled paper

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