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Forbidden Stars - Rules Summary

Game Round Combat (performed as part of Advance order, after completing all movement)
Planning: Place 4 orders on the map, face down, 1 at a time in turn order. Note: If at start of combat the defender has no un-routed units & no bastion,
Must be placed in systems with areas or you control or adjacent to systems the attacker automatically wins the combat & the defender is forced to retreat.
with areas you control. Warp storms do not block adjacency. Both players roll dice equal to combat value (blue icon on faction sheet) of
Operations: Resolve orders (in turn order) or place on the event deck. each of their un-routed units. Maximum of 8 dice. Then group dice by icons.
Refresh: Dice are never re-rolled in combat unless instructed by a card.
- Collect your objective tokens from friendly worlds (=contains only own Each player draws 5 random combat cards from their combat deck.
units and/or structures, doesnt matter whether units are routed or not). First the attacker then after that the defender may place reinforcement
- Collect materiel ( ) from friendly worlds (Maximum of 14 materiel). tokens from their play area next to their units, un-routed side up
- Rally routed units (stand them up). Turn order cards face up. (Do not add dice. Maximum of 1 token per unit, not counting bastions!).
- Draw events (1 for each order token on your event deck). Up to 3 Execution Rounds of combat are then resolved:
- Choose & play 1 event card you just drew. Move an unmoved warp 1. Attacker & defender each choose 1 combat card & play them face down.
storm (can move to edges, cannot overlap), then resolve the event. 2. First attacker then after that the defender reveals and resolves their card.
If you didnt draw an event, draw 1 just for moving an unmoved warp Combat cards can add combat tokens (Circle) and dice (Square, to a max.
storm (dont resolve the event). Cards that say instead of revealing an of 8 dice/player). Unit abilities on cards can only be used if theres an un-
order token can only be used if theres a potentially usable order token. routed unit of that type present at the time that card is played. Cards can
- Shuffle all event cards back into the event deck. add more reinforcement tokens (No limit but supply limit, always come into
End of Round: Pass first player and advance round marker. play un-routed). When a card presents a choice, the player of that card
The game lasts 8 rounds, or until a player has collected a number of their own makes all decisions unless otherwise specified. The player of the card can
objective tokens equal to the number of players (whichever happens first). choose for each combat card ability (each paragraph is a separate ability)
Ties: #objectives > #friendly planets > #units on board > shared victory to not resolve it, unless that ability uses the word must.
Operations Clarifications: "Purchase" on cards does not need a factory.
Orders are resolved 1 per player at a time in turn order. "Free" on cards does not need materiel and ignores command level.
Orders must be used in the system they were placed on (=active system). Errata: "Warp Gate: Target can only be any empty or friendly area.
If theres none of your orders on top of a stack, your turn is passed. 3. Starting with the attacker, both players assess damage: Damage =
If you cannot or choose not to use an order, place it on your event deck. offense icons defense icons (icons from dice, cards, combat tokens):
Order upgrades are turned face down after they have been used in a round. The player taking damage assigns it to their own units.
The round continues until all orders have been activated. Damage must be applied to one unit until it is destroyed (i.e. damage =
A worlds area capacity (number of skulls on planet, 3 for void) limits units in health of unit = red icon on faction sheet ) or no damage remains.
each area. Excess units are destroyed after each order & event is resolved. Remaining damage (prev.unit destroyed) is applied to additional units.
Deploy (purchase units and/or 1 structure with materiel) Damage must be assigned to non-routed units and bastions before it
1. You may purchase units in friendly and uncontrolled areas in the system. A can be assigned to routed units.
factory is required in system. The maximum number of units a player can If a unit takes damage but is not destroyed, it is routed (no health loss).
purchase is equal to the combined unit capacity from all friendly worlds in Bastions are never routed. Damage is not taken over to next round.
the system with factories on them (can be in excess of area capacity). Reinforcement tokens count as corresponding level 0 unit for
2. You may then purchase 1 structure on a friendly world in the active system absorbing damage, morale and card effects. Flip over if routed.
(no more than 1 structure is allowed on a world unless allowed by a card). Retreating units during combat dont receive damage.
Notes: 4. Discard combat tokens (note: retain reinforcement tokens, dice are not re-
Command level (=number of cities) limits available units. Required level: rolled, combat icons on cards are cumulative from round to round).
1 forge token must be spent to build the strongest units (see faction sheet). 5. If all units and bastions belonging to (only) one player are destroyed
1 forge token may be spent per unit to reduce required command level by 1. combat is over and the player with units remaining (can be routed) wins,
1 cache tkn may be spent per unit/structure to reduce cost by 2 (down to 0). otherwise combat ends after 3 execution rounds. Note that if all units from
Strategize (a unit/structure is required in the system) a player are routed, combat still continues until the end of round 3.
1. You may purchase an order upgrade card and/or a combat upgrade card. After 3 execution rounds the player with highest morale from dice, face up
You must meet command level requirements and pay materiel costs. cards & un-routed units ( -icon on faction sheet) wins. Ties go to defender.
Forge and cache tokens may not be used when purchasing cards. All units of the loosing player in the contested area must retreat:
- Combat upgrades are shuffled into your combat deck. Take both cards, - All retreating units must move to the same area (can exceed area limit).
and remove a different pair of cards from your deck (always 5x2 cards). - Retreating ground units must follow a legal path.
- Order upgrades are placed face up in your play area. - All retreating units are routed. Units unable to retreat are destroyed.
2. Then place the order token on top of your event deck to signify you get an - If the attacker is retreating:
event card draw at the end of the round. If moved to the contested area with an advance order, units must
Dominate (gather asset tokens) retreat to an area where at least 1 attacking unit originated from.
1. Gain asset tokens (cache , forge , and reinforcement ) from each If moved to the contested area by an effect other than an advance
friendly world in the system (As indicated on world, no materiel). order, the units are destroyed.
Prosperity (the wings icon ): gives you an asset token of your choice. - If the defender is retreating:
You may not have more than 3 tokens of each type in your play area. Units must, if possible, retreat to a friendly world, otherwise retreat to an
2. Then resolve your faction ability listed on your faction sheet. uncontrolled world. Units can only retreat to an area (does not need to
Advance be adjacent) in the same or an adjacent system. Units may not retreat
1. You may move un-routed ships in the active system and ONE adjacent to an area or an adjacent system where the attacker came from.
system to any void area(s) in the active system (need not be adjacent). Combat clean-up:
2. You may then move un-routed ground units in the active system and ONE - If units exceed any area's capacity now, excess units are destroyed.
adjacent system (must be the same system as above if used) to any - Return all reinforcement tokens that took part in combat back to supply.
world(s) in active system via a legal path of ships/units. - If the attacker wins, they take control of any structure on the world not
Notes: destroyed in combat.
An area that contains both friendly & enemy units is contested and combat - All combat cards are shuffled back into the combat deck.
occurs immediately there after all movement is done, as part of this order. Orbital Strike
Each advance order can only create a maximum of 1 contested area. The attacker rolls a number of dice (max.8) equal to the combined offense of
A legal path is a non-diagonal series of contiguous friendly areas leading to attacking ships. The damage rolled is applied to defending units on the planet.
the destination world. This can include worlds and/or voids. Routed ships may not participate in an orbital strike.
When moving ground units, all destination planets must be reachable via a All attacking ships must be in the same void area.
legal path BEFORE any ground units have been moved. Ships moved in All attacking ships (area) must be adjacent to the target planet (area).
first part of the activation may be used to build a path, but not ground units. The target planet and attacking ships must both be in the active system.
Units cannot move through warp storms (but can be PLACED in adjacent Orbital strikes may not be used on planets with a bastion.
systems separated by a warp storm by card effects). Units may not be routed from orbital strikes.
A player can move up to 5 units into a single area. [Card effects with "cannot"] > [other card effects] > [rules from rulebook]
If there is no combat (no contested area) in the active system, you may All components in the game are treated as limited (cannot use/build if none left
perform an orbital strike on 1 planet without a bastion in the active system. in supply) with the sole exception of attack and defense tokens (no limit).
Forbidden Stars - Faction Summary
Best in Class - Worst in Class
Chaos Space Marines
Chaos Space Marine combat cards (e.g. Mark of" cards) allow different play styles and adaption to various situations.
Always a suitable event card: Strategize upgrade-card allows to draw 3 event cards. One of their event cards allows to draw 3 more event cards.
Can manipulate warp storms and travel through warp storms (further improves flexibility).
Faction ability: Dominate allows faster expansion (Ability ignores Warp Storms).
Tier Unit Name Max.Quantity Cost Attack Health Morale

0 Cultists 9 2 1 2 2

0 Iconoclast Destroyers 3 2 2 2 2

1 Chaos Space Marines 6 3 3 3 2

2 Helbrutes 3 4 3 4 3

2 Repulsive Grand Cruisers 3 5+f 4 5 4

3 Chaos Reaver Titans 3 5+f 4 5 3

Strongest space fleet (most and strongest tier 0 space ships).
Their advance upgrade-cards and their strong space units allow for the most useful and powerful orbital strikes.
Many cards for improved mobility. E.g. event card "Warp Gate" is an almost guaranteed capture of an objective token.
Faction ability: Dominate allows faster unit movement (Ability ignores Warp Storms).
Tier Unit Name Max.Quantity Cost Attack Health Morale

0 Aspect Warriors 6 2 2 1 2

0 Hellebore Frigates 6 2 3 2 1

1 Wraithguard 3 3 2 4 2

2 Falcons 3 4 3 4 3

2 Void Stalkers 3 5+f 4 5 4

3 Warlock Titans 3 5+f 4 5 3

Powerful attack force: Their combat cards have more icons than equivalent cost cards of other factions.
Deploy upgrade-card lets them build a structure before units. So they can deploy major reinforcements on a newly captured world.
Via strategize upgrade card they are able to do 3xAdvance or 3xDominate or 3xDeploy each round.
Faction ability: Dominate allows faster build-up of units (does not need a factory).
Tier Unit Name Max.Quantity Cost Attack Health Morale

0 Ork Boyz 9 2 2 2 1

0 Onslaught Attack Ships 3 2 1 3 2

1 Nobz 6 3 2 4 2

2 Battlewagons 3 4 3 5 2

2 Kill Kroozers 3 5+f 3 6 4

3 Gargants 3 5+f 3 6 3

Space Marines
Unwavering: Very strong defense, can resist routing and rally their units in battle.
Often win battles with morale: No other faction has higher unit morale values.
Deploy upgrade-card allows bastions to double as factories.
Faction ability: Dominate allows faster unit upgrades (for only 1 materiel and ignoring current command level).
Tier Unit Name Max.Quantity Cost Attack Health Morale

0 Scouts 6 2 1 2 2

0 Strike Cruisers 3 2 2 2 2

1 Space Marines 6 3 2 3 3

2 Land Raiders 6 4 3 4 3

2 Battle Barges 3 5+f 4 5 4

3 Warlord Titans 3 5+f 3 5 4

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