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Energy Bands for KNiF3, Sr Ti03, KMo03, and KTa03

L. F. Mattheiss
Be// Laboratorv', es, Murray Bi//, Neu Jersey 07974
(Received 26 May 1972)
The nonrelativistic augmented-plane-wave (APEV) method has been applied to calculate the
electronic band structures for several cubic perovskite-type compounds, including KNiF&,
SrTi03, KMo03, and KTa03. These calculations involve ad hoc crystal potentials that are de-
rived from neutral-atom charge densities. The energy-band results for the 2p valence bands
and the t&-e~ conduction bands in these ternary compounds are similar to the tight-binding re-
sults of. Kahn and Leyendecker for SrTi03 and the previous APW results for Re03. It is found
that the additional conduction bands associated with the metal s-p and the potassium or stron-
tium d orbitals lie several electron volts above the Fermi level for each compound. The APW
results for the 2s-2p valence bands and the lowest t2~-e~ conduction bands have been fitted with
the Slater and Koster linear-combination-of-atomic-orbitals (LCAO) interpolation scheme, in-
cluding orbital-overlap effects. The LCAO parameters which determine the p-d band gaps in
the oxides have been adjusted in accordance with optical and cyclotron-mass data. Assuming a
rigid-band model and including spin-orbit effects, this adjusted LCAO model is applied to cal-
culate constant-energy surfaces, cyclotron masses, and density-of-states curves for the n-
type semiconductors SrTi03 and KTa03 as well as the nonstoichiometric metallic bronze
KoMoO&. It is found that (a) the conduction bands in n-type SrTi03 and KTa03 consist of
warped bands at the zone center rather than many valleys at X, as Kahn and Leyendecker have
proposed; (b) the fundamental p-d band gaps in both SrTi03 and KTaO& are direct; (c) the LCAO
joint-density-of-states results for SrTiO& and KTaO& provide a qualitative interpretation of the
optical data; (d) the calculated extremal areas for orbits on the K0.92Mo03 Fermi surface agree
to within 10/0 with recent de Haas van Alphen data.

I. INTRODUCTION KNiF3, SrTiO3, KMoO3, and KTa03. The first

compound, KNiF3, is an antiferromagnetic insula-
There has been a long-term interest in the pe- tor with a Neel temperature of 275'K. Optical-
rovskite-type compounds with chemical formula absorption studies suggest that it is more appro-
AJBC3 because of their unusual magnetic' and di- priate to treat the nickel 3d electrons in KNiF3 in
electric properties. Although there are more terms of ligand-field theory rather than one-elec-
than a hundred compounds with this structure, the tron band theory. There have been numerous ap-
recent interest has been focussed primarily on plications of the molecular-orbital (MO) method
Sr TiO, and other closely related oxides. To a to calculate the electronic structure of a single
large extent, this interest has been stimulated by (NiF, )' octahedral complex, ' but there have been
the results of a band-structure calculation by Kahn no previous band-structure calculations for this
and Leyendeckers (KL) and the observation of su- compound.
perconductivity in semiconducting samples of Among the oxide compounds, both SrTiO3 and
SrTiO3 by Schooley et al. KTaO3 are insulators with band gaps of about 3. 5
The KL band-structure calculation for SrTi03 eV separating the filled oxygen 2p bands from the
was semiempirical in nature and involved the tight- empty titanium or tantalum tz~ bands. Both com-
binding or linear-combination-of-atomic-orbitals pounds can be made into n-type semiconductors by
(LCAO) method of Slater and Koster. ' lt predicts doping or reduction. Strontium titanate under-
that the lowest conduction bands in Sr TiO, involve goes a cubic-to-tetragonal structural transforma-
the titanium tz~ orbitals and that the energy minima tion near 119 K, and there is some evidence for
are located at or near the Brillouin-zone bound- the occurrence of additional phase transitions at
aries along the (l00) directions. Cohen' had pre- lower temperatures. ' It is believed that KTa03
viously predicted that such a many-valley model remains cubic down to 1 'K. In addition to the
was favorable for the occurrence of superconduc- KL calculation, Soules et al. g have recently carried
tivity in semiconductors and semimetals. out a self-consistent MO-type calculation for
The purpose of the present investigation is to Sr Ti03 using the Hartree-Fock Roothaan procedure.
provide a detailed theoretical model for the band Finally Kp g2MOO3 is a nonstoichiometric me-
structures of several cubic perovskite-type com- tallic bronze that is nearly isoel. ectronic with BeO3,
pounds and to compare these energy-band results containing Q. 92 rather than one electron in the t3~
with the existing experimental data. These calcu- conduction bands. It appears to remain cubic down
lations have been carried out on four compounds, to 4. 2 K, though there are some indications that

a similar compound, Nao 93MOO3 may undergo a
noncubic distortion at low temperatures. ' Marcus
and Hither' have observed the de Haas-van Alphen
effect in both these bronzes and find that these data
exhibit many similarities with the earlier BeO3 re-
The general methods that are utilized in the
present investigation have been applied previously
in similar band-structure calculations for BeQ3' '4
and the 3d transition-metal monoxides. "' The
calculations are carried out in three stages. In
the first stage, the augmented-plane-wave (APW)
method is applied to calculate the energy-band re-
sults at symmetry points in the Brillouin zone.
FK". 1. for the perovskite-type ABC3
(a) Unit cell
compounds, where the A atoms are shaded, the B atom
These APW results are then used to determine is filled, and the C atoms are unshaded. (b) Brillouin
various parameters in the Slater-Koster LCAQ zone for the simple cubic Bravais lattice.
interpolation scheme which is applied to fit the
valence- and lowest- conduction-band states. Fi-
nally, the LCAO parameters which determine the BC3 atoms form the BeO3 structure.
p-d band gaps in these compounds are adjusted in To aid in identifying the atomic origin of various
accordance with optical and cyclotron-mass data. groups of energy-band states, it is useful to de-
The various details that are involved in these termine the symmetry properties of Bloch sums
APW and LCAO calculations are described in Sec. formed from s, p, and d orbitals that are localized
II. The results of the combined APW-LCAO cal- at the A, B, and C sites, respectively. These re-
culations are presented in Sec. III, which includes sults are already available for orbitals at both the
energy-band and density-of-states curves, Fermi- B and C sites. 3'3 The corresponding results for
surface cross sections, cyclotron-mass results, orbitals at the A site are compared with those for
and LCAO parameters for KNiFSrTiQ3, KMoO the B site in Table I. It is noted that although the
and KTaO, . These theoretical results are com- symmetries of the A- and B-atom s, P, and d
pared with experiment in Sec. IV. However, a states are identical at 1", they do differ at other
detailed discussion of some of the low-tempera- symmetry points in the Brillouin zone. These dif-
ture data for Sr Ti03 is postponed to the following ferences often allow one to determine the atomic
paper, '7 where the present LCAQ model for cubic origin of a given energy-band state without a de-
SrTi03 is generalized and applied to predict the tailed examination of the APW wave function.
= effect of the cubic-to-tetragonal structural transi-
tion on the Sr TiO3 conduction bands. The final 8. APW Calculations

section includes a general discussion of the pres- The present APW results are based on ad hog
ent results and a deta. iled comparison with other crystal potentials that are derived from the Har-
band models that have been proposed for these tree- F ock-Sl ater atomic char ge densities of Her man
perovskite- type compounds. and Skillman. As in prevjous calculations, 13'1~
the approximate crystal potential V(r) is separated
into a muffin-tin part V (r) plus corrections V~(r).
A, Perovskite Structure These corrections V~gr take into account exactly
the variations in V(r) outside the various APW
The primitive cell. for the ideal perovskite struc- spheres, but they neglect the nonspherical correc-
ture ABC~ is illustrated in Fig. 1(a). It contains tions to V (r) within the individual APW spheres.
a B atom at the origin, C atoms at each of the Exchange effects are introduced using Slater's
face centers, and A atoms at the corners of the or iginal free-electron exchange approximation. '9
simple cubic unit cell. Each cell contains a single The detailed numerical methods that are used to
ABC3 complex. The space group is 0' and the calculate V (r) and the Fourier coefficients of the
Bravais lattice is simple cubic. The corresponding corrections V~(K) are identical with those involved
Brillouin zone is shown to the right in Fig. 1(b), in the previous BeO3 calculation. '
where the standard notation is used to label. sym- The values for the lattice parameters and the
metry points and lines. Both the A and B atoms various APW sphere radii that are involved in the
are situated at sites with full cubic (0) point sym- present calculations a, re listed in Table II. The
metry, while the C-atom sites have tetragonal radii of the B- and C-atom spheres were chosen
(D4) symmetry. If the A atoms are removed from so they touched along the (100) directions. In ad-
the perovskite structure, the remaining array of dition, the ratio of these radii, Ra/Rc, has been

TABLE I. Symmetry properties of Bloch sums formed Relative to the muffin-tin constant, these correc-
from s, p, and d orbitals centered at the A and B sites tions range from about 0. 8 to + 0. 3 By in KNiF3,
of the perovskite-type ABC3 compounds with the origin at
from 1. 1 to+0. 3 Ry in SrTi03, and from 1. 5
a B site.
to+0. 5 By in both KMoO, and KTaOS. The corre-
Orbital R sponding range for V~(r) in Reos was from 2. 1
A-atom s I'1 X4~ M3 R2. to + 0. 7 Ry. This reduction in V~(r) is reflected
A-atom p X, X5 M2. +M5.
I'15 R25&
in the relative magnitudes of the Fourier coeffi-
A-atom d I f2+I 25 X2 X3 X4 X Mf +M3 M4 M5 R12' R15
cients V~g&). This is shown in Table III, where
B-atom s I'g X1 M1 Rf
B-atom p I'~5 X4. +X5. M4i+M;e R15
the first few Fourier coefficients V~g&) for the
B-atom d I 12+ I'2;. XI + X2+X3 +X5 M1+M2+M3+M5 R12+R25. perovskites and BeO, are compared. In general,
the values of V~(K, ) for the perovskites are re-
duced by factors of 2-6 when compared with those
for ReO, .
arbitrarily set equal to 6 in order to equalize the It is particul. arly important to include these cor-
rections V~(r) in the APW calculations for SrTio~
relative convergence of the APW eigenvalues for
and KTa03. According to the KL model and the
states associated with the B-atom d bands and the
C-atom p bands. ~0 With this choice for Ra and results of Sec. III, the Fermi level in n-type
Sr TiO, and KTa03 occurs within a band whose
R~, the A-atom sphere radii, R, can be made width along the & direction is about 0. 01 Ry. Thus,
quite large. In fact, to obtain touching A- and C-
in order to make a meaningful prediction as to
atom spheres along (110), one must set R=0. 476a,
whether the conduction-band minimum occurs at
'a) for a
which is quite close to the value (R= , I' or X, one requires a relative accuracy at both
simple cubic lattice of touching A-atom spheres.
points which is better than 0. 01 By. This type of
In the actual APW calculations, a reduced value
accuracy would be difficult to justify in the muffin-
for R=0.4a=2. 95 a. u. has been used for each
tin approximation when deviations from the con-
compound. With this reduced value for R, ap-
stant part of the potential are of the order of 1 Ry.
proximately 50% of the unit-cell volume is con-
tained within the five APW spheres. This is to be
C. LCAO Model
compared with the maximum value of 69/q for
touching spheres and a value of 24% for the Reos
The Slater and Koster' LCAO method involving
structure. The use of a reduced value for Rmin-
nonorthogonal orbitals is applied to fit the APW
imizes the nonspherical corrections to the potential
results at I', X, M, and R for the valence- and
within the A-atom spheres without adversely af-
lowest-conduction-band states. This simplified
fecting the relative convergence of these states.
LCAO model involves the B-atom d orbitals and
In each compound, this radius falls quite near the
the C-atom 2s and 2P orbitals. It neglects the B-
maximum in the potential V(r) that occurs along
atom s-p orbitals as well as all orbitals associ-
the line joining the nearest-neighbor A- and C-
ated with the A atom.
atom sites.
The corrections to the muffin-tin potential V~(r) The nonzero elements of the energy and overlap
matrices involving these orbitals are contained in
are somewhat smaller in these perovskite-type
Table III of Ref. 13 and Table I of Ref. 14, re-
compounds than they were in the case of Re03. '
spectively. Some modifications and simplif ications
of this LCAO model have been made in the present

TABLE II. Lattice parameters and APW sphere radii

for ABC3 compounds with the perovskite structure.
TABLE III. Comparison between the low-order Fou-
ABC3 aQ. ) a(a. u. ) Rz(a. u. ) Rz(a. u. ) (a. u. ) riercoefficients V~(K&) for several perovskite-type com-
pounds and Re03.
KNiF3 4, 014~ 7s 585 2. 9500 2. 0422 1 7505
SrTi03 3. 9051 7. 3797 2. 9500 1.9868 1.7030
K0 92Mo03 3. 919' 7. 406 2. 9500 1.9939 1.7091 V~ (K&) {Ry)
KTaO3 3. 9884 7. 5371 2. 9500 2. 0292 1.7393 K~(27t/a) KNi F3 SrTi03 KMo03 KTa03 Re03
Re03 3. 7415' 7. 0705 l. 9035 1.6317
aA. Okazaki and Y. Suemune, J. Phys. Soc. Japan 16,
(1, 0, 0) 0. 020 -0. 026 -0. 041 0. 044 -0.128
(1, 1, 0) 0. 009 0. 014 0. 022 0. 024 0. 013
671 (1961). 0. 016 0. 020 0. 027 0. 029 0. 017
"R. W. G. Wyckoff, Crystal Structlres II (Interscience, (1, 1, 1)
(2, 0, 0) 0. 005 0. 009 0. 018 0. 018 0. 048
New York, 1964).
(2, , 0) 0. 001 0. 002 0. 007 0. 008 0. 028
'Reference 10. 0. 004 0. 008 0. 013 0. 013 0. 002
(2, 1, 1)
W. B. Pearson, inA Handbook of I attice Spacings 0. 0~ 5 0. 020 0. 020 0. 023
(2, 2, 0) (). 014
and Strlctlres of Metals and Alloys (Pergamon, New 0. 011 0. 014 0. 018 0. 017 0. 021
(3, 0, 0)
York, 1958).
ENERGY BANDS FOR KNiF, , Sr TiO, , KMoO, , AND KTa03 4721

TA BLE IV. Comparison between tight-binding integrals

are due to the difficulty in separating the direct
and LCAO parameters involved in the present LCAO
and indirect contributions to the effective d-d
model for perovskite-type compounds and bvo earlier
models for Re03.
LCAO interaction parameters (see Table V of Ref.
15). To resolve this ambiguity in the simplest
Two-center Re03 Re03 Perovskite possible manner, we have arbitrarily set E,= E~
Integral approx. LCOAO LCAO LCAO = E~ and neglected both (dda) and (dd) in the pres-
Es i,sf (0, 0, 0) E Es ent LCAO model.
Esi, s~ (2 Q 0) (sso) (sso)
(o, o, o) III. RESULTS
Exi, xi
Exi, xi
.i (1, 0, 0)
(0, 1, 0)
(pp~), The APW results along the ~ direction of the
Eyi, yi (0, 0, 0) Ep Bi Bi Ep
Eyi, yi (1, 0, 0) (t p~), B2 B2 (pp~),
Brillouin zone for KNiF3, SrTi03, KMo03, KTaO3,
Eyi, yi (o, 1, o) (ppo. ) & B3 B3 (ppo-), and Re03 are compared in Fig. 2. Since the APW
Eyi yi (0, 0, 1) (pp~)& B4 B4 (pp~), calculations have been carried out only at the end
Exi, x~ (2,. 2, 0) Ci Ci Ci
Exi, y2 C2 C~ C) points, the solid lines represent only estimates to
' [(ppo), (pp~),
Eyi (2, 2, 0) ,
] C3 C3 C3 the actual band profiles. The zero of energy for
', ,', o)
Em, .y
xyy xy
(0, 0, 0)
(1, o, o)
(ppn) i
each compound has been adjusted so it coincides
with the upper I' state in the C-atom 2p bands.
En, n (0, 0, 1) (ddt) D3 D3 D3 Situated below this group of nine 2p bands are the

382 r~g38+r~ (0, 0, 0) Ed D4 Di Ed
E3z2-r2, 3g&r2 (0, 0, 1) (ddo. ) D5 D5
narrow potassium (strontium) 3p (4p) core states,
(0, 0, 1) (ddt) D6 D6 which are absent in ReO, . The lowest group of
(o, o, , s
Ss3, 3g2-r2
Ss Ss three bands originate from the C-atom 2s orbitals.
Es3, 3g~-r& (o, o, , (sdo) (s der) (sdo)
(o, o, , $ s A similar identification of the various groups of
83 3s sa
Eg3, 3s'2-r2 (0, 0, -') (pdo) P2 (pda) Qd I) bands at positive energies is possible. The lowest
Sx2, xy (0, 2, 0)
', o) five bands correspond to the antibonding (with re-
(o, , (pA) It d~) (pd~)
spect to the C-atom s and p orbitals) B-atom ta,
Total no. of parameters 19
(xy, yz, zx) and e (3@2 ra, x~ ya) orbitals which
18 21

evolve from I', and I', z, respectively. Just above

"orthogonal the e, bands, we find the bottom of the antibonding
application to the perovskite-type compounds. s-p conduction bands (I', ) as well as the A-atom
These are summarized in Table IV, where we dis- .
d bands (I'qa and I'a, ). Again, the latter are ab-
tinguish between the LCAO' and linear-combina- sent in Re03.
tion-of - "-atomic- orb ital s'~ (LCOAO) The results of the APW calculations at I', X, M,
methods. In the present LCAO model, we have andR for KNiF3, Sr TiO3, KMo03, KTa03, and ReO3
added a two-center energy parameter (sso) involv- arelisted in Table V. The40 APW eigenvaluesfor
ing nearest-neighbor C-atom 2s interactions to the C-atom 2s-2p bands and the B-atom d bands
improve the LCAO fit to the 2s bands. In addition, have been used to determine 19 LCAO parameters,
the second-neighbor 2p-2p interactions A~, A3, as described in Sec. IIIC. The values for these
B~-B4 have been reduced to the two-center approxi- LCAO parameters are listed in Table VI. The
mation so that A, =B, = (ppo), and A. , =B, =B4= (pp), . rms and maximum errors in the LCAO fit to the
A nonlinear least-squares fitting procedure has APW results are listed below each set of param-
been applied to determine the LCAO parameters eters,
the Brillouin zone. "
from the APW eigenvalues at symmetry points in
This technique is superior
The over-all accuracy of this LCAO fit to the
APW results is shown in Figs. 3-6, where we plot
to the two-step process that was applied originally the LCAO bands as solid lines and represent the
to determine the LCOAO parameters for Re03' APW energy eigenvalues as open circles for KNiF3
since the fitting procedure treats all 40 APW en- (Fig. 3), SrTio3 (Fig. 4), KMoo~ (Fig. 5), and
ergy levels for the C-atom 2s-2p and the B-atom KTaos (Fig. 5). In these figures, the dashed lines
d bands in an equivalent manner. represent additional bands that are not included in
In applying this nonlinear least-squares method, this simpl. ified LCAO model. The A-atom 3p-4p
it was found that the LCAO parameters A~, A3, core states of Fig. 2 and Table V are omitted from
and Bz-B4 could not be determined uniquely from these figures.
the APW results at I", X, M, R. However, it was The density-of-states curves shown to the right
found that these parameters could be determined in Figs. 3-6 are obtained
by sampl. ing the LCAO
if they were reduced to the two-center approxima- bands at 32768 uniformly distributed points in the
tion. Similar difficulties were experienced in de- Brillouin zone. The Fermi level in nonmagnetic
termining the d-orbital energies E, and E, as KNiF, would occur at E=0. 635 Ry, in the middle
well as the nearest-neighbor d-d interaction pa- of the nickel e bands. The corresponding Fermi
rameters Da((dd)) and D, ((dda)). These problems levels for SrTi03 and KTa03 occur in the p-d band
4722 L. F. MAT THE ISS


2, pg' N4, 1.2
41 -2' 1

1 Q I
25 2', 12 12 1
- o.e

0.6 12 0.6
0.4 25'- 0.4
25 FIG. 2. APW results along the
Q. 2
25: 0.2 6 line for several perovskite-type
K compounds and Re03. The energy

Q- ~ scale to the lower left-hand side is

15 15 15 15 15-
for KiF3, the one to the lower
~ -Q. 2-
15 15~ l5
0 2
right-hand side is for the oxide com-

-Q 4 5

-0.6 15= 1
515 -0.6

iI I pit

1.4 12
-1.5 11 =2 12
ex r sx
T' s x r ax 2 ~ x

gap. The dashed horizontal l. ine in Fig. 5 is the The energy-band results for these perovskite-
Fermi energy for KoMoOassuming a rigid- type compounds exhibit many similar features.
band model with 0. S2 electrons in the tz~ conduc- In each case, a small energy gap separates the
tion bands. The Fermi energy for stoichiometric B-atom tz, and e~ manifolds. According to Figs.
KMo03 would be raised by about Q. 01 Ry. 2-6, the relative energies of the antibonding s-p

25'- KNiFp
~5'2 5

1.2 v5
1. 1
~3 /'
12 /
15 --1
10- / /
/ 41
/ /
0.9 /
/ /
08- '-
FIG. 3. LCAO band struc-
ture and density of states for
12. 2 KNiF3 that is obtained by fitting
13 APW results at symmetry
O. e-~~o; 25 l~
3 5
points (open circles). The
w 05 25 dashed lines represent higher
conduction bands that are not

0 -15.-
15 ' included in this LCAO model.
3IQ 45
25 5 12

, 25'
5 1

., 5' (328)
1 P


X I h R S X R 0 40 80 120 160 200

ENERGY BANDS FOR KN1F~, Sr T103, KMo03, AND KTa03 4723

TABLE V. APW results for perovskite-type compounds band and the potassium 3d bands are nearly con-
with formula ABC3 (in rydbergs). The zero of energy has
been shifted relative to the muffin-tin constant by an stant for KNiFKMo03, and KTaOS, whereas the
amount ~(the last entry) to set the energy ofthehighest
I'&5 state equal to zero.
strontium 4d bands are shifted to slightly lower
energies in Sr TiO, These bands cross the titani-
um and tantalum e, bands in Sr Ti03 and KTa03
Band State KNi F3
l. 4471
SrT j03
1.2347 1.2242
KMOO3 KTa03 Re03
l. 2235 l. 2581
and overlap the molybdenum e, bands in KMoO, .
C(2~) r, Nevertheless, this simplified LCAO model which
1.4195 1.1859 1.2003 1. 2102 1.2348
Xg 1.4405 -1.2306 1.2219 -1.2230 1.2507 neglects these antibonding s-p bands and the A-
X2 1.4172 1.1834 1.1975 1. 2076 1.2390 atom d bands seems to provide a rather accurate
X4. l. 4242 -1.1589 l. 1434 l. 1311 1. 1499 representation of the valence and lower conduction
JVi'i 1.4285 1.2020 1.2071 1. 2135 1.2443
Msr 1.4250 -1.1678 1.1460 1.1330 1.1489 bands in these materials.
R15 1.4250 1. 1591 1.1437 1.1320 l. 1468 In addition to determining these energy-band
A (3p, 4p) r 0. 4659 -0. 8568 0. 5734 -0. 5712
0. 4659 -0. 8419 0. 5664 -0. 5664
curves, we have also applied this LCAO model to
0. 4628 -0. 8535 0. 5700 -0. 5685
calculate some of the detailed electronic properties
M2i 0. 4601 0. 8497 0. 5647 0. 5642 of these materials. These calculations include
M5. P. 4703 -0. 8546 0. 5763 0 5744 spin-orbit coupling for the B-atom d orbitals by
R25. 0. 4756 0. 8733 0. 5925 0. 5874 means of a spin-orbit parameter $. For simplic-
C(2p) res 0. 0000 0. 0000 0. 0000 0. 0000 P. 0000 ity, the individual values of $for titanium, mo-
r 0. 0875 -0. 1262 0. 0974 0. 0899 0. 1181
lybdenum, and tantalum were taken directly from
0. 0205 -0. 0601 0. 0532 -0. 0632
0. 0933 0. 1853 0. 2438 -0. 2297
0. 0573
0. 3392 the atomic calculations of Herman and Skillman, "
0. 0313 0. 0961 0. 1077 0. 1092 0. 1604 where $, ~=0. 0018 Ry for titanium, $=0. 0074 Ry
X3. 0. 0266 0. 0850 0. 0686 -0. 0764 0. 0670
X4r 0. 0512 -0. 1147 0. 0988 0. 1029 0. 1099 for molybdenum, and (,~ = 0. 023 Ry (estimated by
X8. 0. 0097 0. 0160 0. 0102 0. 0053 0. 0070 interpolation) for tantalum.
X5. 0. 0771 0. 1223 0. 0929 0. 0883 0. 0894 Constant-energy surfaces in both the (100) and
M1 0. 1268 0. 1998 0. 2235 0. 2078 0. 2868
M2 0. 0599 0. 1726 -0. 2631 -0. 2508 0. 3785 (110) planes for n-type SrT10~ and KTaos are shown
M3 0. 0879 0. 2158 0. 2223 0. 2148 0. 2811 in Figs. 7(a) and 7(b), respectively, for a carrier
M4 0. 0051 0. 0065 0. 0003 0. 0154
0. 0379 -0. 1174 0. 1224 0. 1215
0 0065 density n =10" cm . It is found that the shapes
M5 0. 1571
M4. -
0. 0550 0 0510 0. 0307 -0. 0144
0. 0248 of these constant-energy surfaces are quite simi-
M;. -)
0. 0209 -0. 0661 0. 0561 0. 0648 0. 0772 lar, despite the differences in the t~, bandwidths
Ri 0. 1594 0. 2122 0. 1980 0. 1822 0. 2278 and the spin-orbit parameters for these materials.
R 0. 0610 0. 1732 0. 2641 -0. 2518 0. 3811
R):;. 0. 0049 o. oo45 p ppp5 0. 0150 0. 0042 The conduction bands in n-type Sr Ti03 and KTa03
R2). 0. 0707 0. 1729 0. 1851 0. 1831 0. 2797 are analogous to the valence bands in p-type ger-
B(3d, 0. 6009 0. 6172 0 5596 0. 7220 0. 5440 manium and silicon. ' In each class of materials,
4d, 5d) 0. 5676 0 4576 0. 3373 0. 4526 P 2475 spin-orbit coupling splits the conduction-band
X, 0. 6397 0. 7339 0. 7515 0. 8882 0. 8189 minimum (valence-band maximum) into a lower
X2 0. 6028 0. 6205 0. 5640 0. 7293 P 5492
X3 0. 5700 0. 4715 0. 3450 0. 4639 0. 2567 (upper) fourfold degenerate I'8+ state and an upper
X;, 0. 5869 0. 5482 0 4595 0. 5793 0. 4229 (lower) doubly degenerate I', + state. The total
Mf 0. 6178 0. 6688 0. 6512 0. 8080 0. 6797 splitting at I" is about
M2 0. 6767 0. 8294 Q 8955 1.0641 1.0034 't~) so that only the
', $~ ( ,

M3 0. 5972 0. 5952 0 5303 0. 6636 0. 5204 lower (upper) pair of bands are occupied at low
M; 0. 5870 0. 5476 0. 4606 0. 5797 0. 4220 temperatures in the lightly doped materials. Be-
R)2 0. 6742 0. 8254 Q 8895 1.0606 0 9959
cause of this similarity, it is appropriate to refer
R2;. 0. 5972 0. 5968 P 53Q3 0. 6665 0 5144
to the carriers associated with the inner and outer
A(4e, 5d) 1.0675 0. 6889 0. 9074 0. 9115 sheets in Fig. 7 as the "light" and "heavy" elec-
r, , 1.2334 0, 9029 1.1237 1. 1325
X2i 1. 2428 0. 8781 1.0902 1.0842 trons, respectively.
X3. l. 1111 0. 7713 0. 9781 0. 9737 The cross-sections of the Ko 9~MoO, Fermi sur-
X4. 1.0112 0. 7929 0. 9390 0. 9169
X5. 1. 2096 0. 9231 l. 1096 1.0996 face are shown in Fig. 8, where a rigid-band mod-
Mi 1.0585 0. 8327 l. 0192 1.0110 el is assumed with 0. 92 electrons in the molybden-
M3 1. 1292 0. 8394 1.0421 1.0315 um tz, bands. The three Fermi-surface sheets are
M4 1.3200 l. 0094 l. 2156 1.2072
labeled o.', P, and y, respectively. Their dimen-
M6 l. 2369 0. 9467 1.1546 1.1561
R1,; l. 0818 0. 7852 0. 9694 0. 9657 sions and shapes are quite similar to those ob-
R12 1.3105 0. 9840 1.1961 1.1886 tained in the previous Re03 calculation. ' The
A B r, 0. 8146 0 7175 0. 7986 0. 7718 0. 8461
shaded regions designate the occupied portions of
(s -p) r, 1.3135 1. 5200
Xi 1.0136 1.0040 1.0642 1.0739 1.06 the third (o!), second (P), and first (y) bands.
X4. 1.3270 1.0941 1.2391 1.2223 1.02 Both the o. and P sheets are closed, while y is
1I13 1.1500 1. 2669 1.2545 open along the (100) directions. Detailed volume
M ~i 1.1951 1.1008 calculations predict that n =0. 097, x~=0. 157, and
R, l. 2716 1.4479
0. 3430 -0. 1168 0. 0660 -0.0500 0. 1929
n= 0. 670 electrons/cell in Ko, &Moo~. In Reo
the corresponding distribution of carriers was
TABLE VI. LCAO parameters for several compounds with the perovskite structure and Re03. Energies are in rydbergs.
Parameter Two-center KNi F3 SrTi03 KMo03 KTa03 Re03
Es 1.4247 1.1619 1.1444 1+1312 l. 1494
(ssa) 0. 0030 0. 0098 0. 0103 0. 0118 0. 0135
0. 0579 0. 0597 0. 0401 0. 0238 0. 0393
Ep. ~ ~ ~ 0. 0284 0. 0753 0. 0620 0. 0687 -0. 0715
Cg 2 liPP~) &+ @P~) & 1 0. 0075 0. 0117 0. 0087 0. 0071 0. 0095
C2 kf. iPPo)&-5P~)g] 0. 0128 0. 0196 0. 0207 0. 0213 0. 0244
C3 2 IMP~) i
5P~) il 0. 0085 0. 0174 0. 0155 0. 0132 0. 0202
C4 (PP7I. ) ( 0. 0024 0. 0028 0. 0025 0. 0021 0. 0043
(PP~) 2 ~ ~ ~
0. 0011 0. 0028 0. 0027 0. 0025 0. 0041
(ppvr), 0. 0007 0. 0016 0. 0019 0. 0023 0. 0019
0. 5695 0. 4663 0. 3425 0. 4584 0. 2527
Ds (ddt) 0. 0002 0. 0012 0. 0006 0. 0010 0. 0002
D6 |ddt) 0. 0001 -0. 0001 0. 0004 0, 0026 0. 0007
(sdo-) 0. 0845 0. 1828 0. 2175 0. 2460 0. 2538
0. 0282 0. 0430 0. 0504 0. 0492 0. 0543
(ado) 0. 0771 0. 1560 0. 1996 0. 2158 0. 2513
S 0. 0467 0. 0777 0. 0883 0. 0925 0. 0913
@A) 0. 0378 0. 0763 0. 0887 0. 0952 0. 1117
0. 0183 0. 0584 0. 0684 0. 0722 0. 0730
RMS error 0. 0034 0. 0081 0. 0068 0. 0076 0. 0043
Maximum error 0. 0098 0. 0221 0. 0186 0. 0228 0. 0120

such that n =0. 093, n~=0. 171, and n=O. 736 Fig. 9 for carrier densities n in the ] Q'8-1Q
electrons/ce11. range. The masses for the light and heavy elec-
Extremal areas and cyclotron masses for orbits trons are labeled o. and P, respectively. Only one

on these constant-energy surfaces have been cal- curve is shown for the light electrons, since these
culated with this LCAO model using rather straight- calculations show that the masses are independent
forward techniques. ' ' The cyclotron-mass re- of carrier density to within a percent or so. How-
sults for n-type SrTi03 and KTaO3 are shown in ever, the results for the heavy electrons exhibit

'I. O I I

I I I ~I'Nl I Ir I I I I, I, 12
I ) '-=4 I I I I I I I I

I r r/
Sr TiO&
0.9 -25' --=-,I ~iI

I r5y
0.8 415'

0.6 '2' 25"

FIG. 4. LCAO band struc-

g 0.2 ture and density of states for
X SrTiOg.
w 0.1

0 15 4
25 5'
-0.2 21



r~xz ME r h R S X R


M 0





80 100
ENERGY BANDS FOR KNiF, , Sr Ti03, KMo03, AND KTa03 4V25

I I]/ I I/ r I 4 N
~ ~
/ 12 ~ ~
/ /5
25 /
1, 1
~l r~&52~-
/ W
w, 3
/ /
/r ~
/ '3', 15'-
/ r 4
0g 12 I
ay~- ~I2
I5 5
FIG. 5. LCAO band structure and
0.2 density of states for KMo03.

0.1 5'
0 -15~ 15i. 4'
25LL 3'5i
O. t -15~
5 i
-0.2 25'

-0 3 I

- 1.2
0 20 40 60 80

a noticeable dependence on n, particularly for in Sr TiOS can increase by as much as 339o

SrTiOS. In Fig. 9, the curves labeled 1-3 corre- tenfold increase in n, whereas the corresponding
spond to the carrier densities which are listed in masses in KTa03 increase only by about 5%.
Table VII under the "fitted" heading. It is found This dependence of the cyclotron mass on carrier
that the cyclotron masses for the heavy electrons density is caused by the nonparabolic nature of the

TABLE VII. LCAO density-of-states results for the fitted and adjusted SrTi03 and KTa03 band structures.

State density
Energy Carrier density (10 cm ) (states/Ry spin cell)
(Ry) n 0I ng n N~ Ng N

SrTi03 0. 0001 0. 249 0. 598 0. 847 0. 113 0. 271 0. 384 2. 40
0. 0003 l. 302 3. 297 4. 599 0. 195 0. 524 0. 719 2. 47
0. 0005 2. 814 7. 560 10.374 0. 253 0. 744 0. 997 2. 55
KTa03 0. 00G2 G. 328 0. 826 l. 154 0. 079 0. 199 0. 278 1.48
0. 0006 l. 714 4. 351 6. 065 0. 136 0. 350 0. 486 1.49
0. 0010 3.698 9.470 13.168 0. 177 G. 459 0. 636 1.49
SrTi03 0. 0002 0. 345 0. 889 1.234 0. 078 0. 199 0. 277 1.54
0.0004 0. 978 2. 662 3. 640 0. 110 0. 331 0. 441 1.59
0. 0006 l. 803 5. 377 7. 180 0. 135 0.480 0. 615 1.66
KTa03 0. 0002 0. 185 0. 475 0. 660 0. 044 0. 114 0. 158 1.02
0. 0004 0. 525 1.353 1.878 0. 063 0. 163 0. 226 1.02
0. 0006 0. 967 2. 502 3. 469 0. 077 0. 201 0. 278 1.02
gl I 3 3 I/t / ''gl y & 3 'I 3 I & g I i~lgg4
/. , r
g~&52i & j
1. 3'

o. 7-"

~ OA
FIG. 6. LCAO band struc-
0.2 ture and density of states for
5' 4'4
25 3 5' I 5'
-0 1-15 4i
5 5
-0.2 , 25
]1 32


12~ ~1

r h
I ~
I I I 3 I l I I I I I i I I i
20 40
x Z M X h R S X R T M 60 80

bands along the 4 direction when ik l&0. 05(w/a). and KTa03 are shown in Fig. 10. The main effect
The effect is more pronounced in SrTiO3 because of the reduced p-d band gaps is to increase the
the spin-orbit parameter (3 is comparable to the valence and conduction bandwidths. The increased
Fermi energy relative to the band edge. The mag-
nitude of the mass variation for a particular orbit TABLE VIII. Adjusted LCAO parameters for perovskite-
depends on the number of times it crosses these type compounds.
nonparabolic regions. Thus, the effect is largest
Parameter SrTi03 KMo03 KTa03 Re03
for a central (100) orbit which crosses four & 1.1619 1.1444 l. 1494
~s 1 1312
lines, intermediate for a (110) orbit which crosses

only two, and quite small for a (111) orbit which

(sso.) 0. 0098 -0. 0103 -0. 0118 0. 0135
Euc 0. 0597 0. 0401 0. 0238 0. 0393
avoids all these nonparabolic regions. Ep~ 0. 0753 0. 0620 -0. 0687 -0. 0715
The fitted I CAO parameters of Table VI have C( 0. 0117 0. 0087 0. 0071 0. 0095
been adjusted in accordance with the optical data C2 0. 0196 0. 0207 0. 0213 0. 0244
for SrTi03 and KTaO3 and the cycl. otron-mass data C3 0. 0174 0. 0155 0. 0132 0. 0202
for K0,3MoOas discussed in Sec. IV. The val- C4 0. 0028 0. 0025 0. 0021 0. 0043
ues for these adjusted I CAO parameters are listed (PP~)2 0. 0028 0. 0027 0. 0025 0. 0041
(PP7t) 2 0. 0016 0. 0019 0. 0023 0. 0019
in Table VIII. The adjustment procedure involves 0. 0527
g 0. 2200 0. 2425 0. 2584
the modification of one parameter in each compound, D3 -0.Q012 0. 0006 0. 0010 0. 0002
the d-orbital energy E. However, a change in De -0.0001 0. 0004 0. 0026 0. 0007
E~ also modifies the covalency parameters (sdo), (sdo) 0. 1881 0. 2200 -0. 2510 -0. 2592
(pda), and (pdm) when nonorthogonal orbitals are S 0. 0430 0. 05Q4 0. 0492 0. 0543
involved since these parameters contain a small @do) 0. 1656 -0. 2040 0. 2250 -0. 2604
term that is proportional to the product of Eand S 0. 0777 0. 0883 0. 0925 0. 0913
QA) 0. 0835 '). 0921 0. 1025 0. 1190
the corresponding overlap integral. '4 0. 0584 0. 0684 -0. 0722 0. 0730
The adjusted I CAO band structures for SrTiO,
Sr Ti0&
1019 cm 2.8
n = 1.0 X




E 2.0


(100) (110)
1~ 2

10) I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I

001 11 1 110 100



E 1.0.
(100) (110 ) &V

0, 8

FIG. 7. Constant-energy surfaces in the (100) and I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I . I I I I I I gJ
O. 10) planes for n-type SrTi03 and KTa03. These cor-
[ooI] 110 10O
respond to the third and sixth entries in Table VII.

conduction bandwidth is reflected in the cyclotron- FIG. 9. Cyclotron masses for orbits on the SrTiO3
and KTa03 constant-energy surfaces as a function of
mass results that are derived from the adjusted
angle. The curves labeled 1-3 correspond to the carrier
X CAO band structures for Sr Ti03 and KTa03, as densities which are listed in Table VII under "Fitted. "
shown in Fig. 1 1 A comparison between the fitted

cyclotron masses of Fig. 9 and the adjusted masses

of Fig. 11 indicates that the latter are reduced by respond to the carrier densities that are listed in
about 40%. However, the angular variation of the Tabl. e VG under the "adjusted" heading.
masses is quite similar in both cases. The mass
of the heavy electrons again depends on the carrier IV. COMPARISON WITH EXPERIMENT
density. The curves labeled 1-3 in Fig. 1 I cor- A. KNipa

Potassium nickel fluoride is one of a series of

r X perovskite-type antiferromagnetic insulator s w bich
a includes KMnFKFeF3, KCoFand KCuF3.
Each of these crystal. s is transparent and their re-
spective colors vary from light brown to brown,
roses yellow-greeny and finally pale violet. 23
Within this group of antiferromagnetic insulators,
KNiF~ is unique in that it appears to remain cubic
Z" 100 110 below its Neel temperatur e, whereas the other s
become either monoclinic, rhombohedral, or te-
tragonal at low temperatures.
Optical studies provide the most useful. informa-
tion concerning the electronic structure of KNi F3.
FiG. 8. Central (110}and (100}cross sections of the The results of numerous measurements demon-
Kp g2MOO3 Fermi surface. strate rather convincingly that the proper descrip-
4728 L, F. MAT THE IS 8
07 I I I I I I



0,4 -12 = 2'

2 25' 3



0. 1

oo 15 1
-0. 1

r z r S X R T M


~ 0.8


12 2'
05- 25




OQ -1$- 5
0" 15 4
-0.2 25' 1
r h, x Z R S R T M

FIG. 10. Adjusted LCAO band structures for SrTi03 and KTa03.

tion of the ground and low-lying excited states in studies is the fact that the low-energy spectra are
KNiF~ (as well as the other fluoride compounds} remarkably similar for a wide variety of compounds
requires the ligand-field theory of d-electron mul- which contain nickel ions in a perfect or slightly
tiplets in crystals24 rather than one-electron band distorted octahedral environment of nearest-neigh-
theory. A similar conclusion has been reached in bor fluorine ions. For example, the ref lectivity
the case of the 3d mpnoxides MnO through NiO, measurements by Rudorff et al. on KNiF3, NiF3,
which are also antiferromagnetic insulators with K~NiF4, RbzNiF4, LiaNiFand NaNiF3 yield peaks
very similar optical properties. in the ref lectivity at photon energies of 1.6, 1. 9,
The most interesting result of these optical 2. 6, and 3. 0 eV which shift by less than +0. 1 eV
ENERGY BANDS FOR KNiF3, Sr TiO, , KMo03, AND KTa03 4729
2.4 As in the case of the 3d monoxides, ' this sim-
ilarity in the absorption spectra for dilute and con-
2. 2 centrated nickel-fluoride compounds is difficult to
understand unless one assumes that the nickel 3d
2. 0 electrons in the latter compounds exist in localized-
Wannier rather than itinerant-Bloch states, pre-
sumably because the nickel 3d bandwidths are
small compared to U, the Coulomb repulsion en-
ergy between two d electrons on the same atom.
1.6 In this localized limit, the e~ and ta~ Wannier func-
tions have one-electron energies that correspond
to the average energies of the e and t~, bands, re-
spectively, and the 3d bandwidth produces the anti-
ferromagnetic exchange coupling between localized
spins on neighboring ions. " On expects a sim-
8/ ilarity between these Wannier functions in the
0. 8

0. 6 : I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I
stoichiometric compounds and the localized 3d im-
purity wave functions in the dilute systems, since
both are expected to fall off quite rapidly beyond
the nearest shell of neighboring fluorines. Essen-
[001] [111] [110] [1 00]
tiall. y, the MO calculations that approximate the
KNiF, crystal by a single (NiF6)' octahedral com-
plex are based on the implicit assumption that the
1.0 KToop nickel 3d electrons are l. ocalized rather than itin-
USTED) erant.
0) The first successful attempt to calculate the
0.8 crystal field parameter ~ for KNiF3 was the MO
CJ calculation for the (NiF~)4 complex by Sugano and
0. 6 Shulman. '4 We have previously applied their MO
integrals to determine the LCAO band structure
0, 4 = for KNiF, (see Fig. 5 of Ref. 14). In the case of
I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I the perovskite structure, the average e, and t~,
[001] (110] [1oo] band energies are given by

FIG. 11. Cyclotron masses derived from the adjusted

LCAO band structures for SrTi03 and KTa03 as a func- (2)
tion of angle. The curves labeled 1-3 correspond to the
carrier densities which are listed in Table VII under so that 4 -=(e, ) (tz, ) is easily determined from the
"A djus ted. " present energy-band results. The MO integrals
of Sugano and Shulman predict that & = 0. 69 eV,
whereas the present APW results of Table V pre-
from one compound to another. Furthermore, the dict that b =0. 75 eV. These values are 20 25%
energies of these peaks are within+0. 3 eV of those smaller than the experimental value of 0. 90 eV.
that are observed in the absorption spectra of One advantage of the present energy-band ap-
nickel substituted in2' MgO and pure Ni0, 2' Sub- proach over the MO method is that it provides
sequent measurements by Knox et al. on pure realistic estimates of the positions of higher-en-
KNiF, and nickel substituted in KMgF, were ex- ergy conduction bands. In KNiF3, absorption mea-
tended to lower photon energies and reveal. ed an surements have been extended to photon energies
additional absorption peak at O. 9 eV. They showed as high as 6. 2 eV ' with no indication of an ab-
that the positions of all five absorption bands could sorption edge. This is in contrast to the situation
be fitted accurately within the ligand-field theory in the 3d monoxides, where Powell and Spicer 6
by means of three parameters, including a crys- observe an edge at 3. 7 eV in both MnO and NiO.
tal field parameter ~ = 0. 90 eV and two Racah pa- They have tentatively interpreted this edge in
rameters, ~' 4=0. 12 eV and B=O. 52 eV. More terms of transitions from localized 3d orbitals to
recent studies on pure NiFz and KNiF3' and antibonding s-p bands. The absence of such an
samples containing dilute traces of nickel in edge in KNiF3 below 6 eV suggests that the posi-
KMgF '3 KZnF3 MgF and ZnF&3 have tion of the nickel 3d bands is lower by several
produced essentially the same spectra. electron volts from that shown in Fig. 3, where
an absorption edge is predicted near 3 eV. An ad- 0.8
justed LCAO calculation for KNiF3 in which the (&10) (001)
energy of the nickel 3d bands is lowered by 0. 2 0.7
Ry produces a 3d bandwidth that is 25% greater
than that shown in Fig. 3. This adjustment also
increases the crystal field parameter & to 0. 85 0.6
eV, which is in better agreement with experiment. ( o()
B. KM003
The nonstoichiometric compounds KMo03 and 0.4
NaMoO, are two examples of an interesting class
of ternary compounds known as the "bronzes. "3' 0P I I I I I I 1111 I I 1111 I I I I I I I I

These materials are usually good conductors and 001 111 110 100
they form with different crystal structures in dif- (o)
ferent ranges of x. The best known examples are 0.8
the tungsten bronzes, which normally have the (0) (001)
perovskite structure when x is close to 1. 0.7
Under ordinary conditions, the molybdenum

bronzes do not form with the perovskite structure.
However, Hither et al. have shown that cubic
0.6 oooood-
samples of Nap gp p g7MOO3 and Kp 8g p g3Mo03 are ()
obtained if the material is heated to 400-1000 C 0 ~ 5 ooooooo7
under pressures of about 65 kbar. These crystals
have a bright red color, a metallic luster, and 0.4
() o
= 0()

low-temperature resistivities in the 1Q- -0 cm

range. 0.P I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I

Marcus and Hither' have observed de Haas-van 001 111 110 100
Alphen oscillations in Nap g3MoO3 and Kp gzMo03 (b)
samples. Both the range of frequencies and their
variation with magnetic field direction H in the FIG. 12. Comparison between the de Haas-van Alphen
results of Marcus and Hither (open circles) and the cal-
observed previously in ReO3. "'
(100) and (110) planes are very similar to those
One new feature
culated extremal areas for KMo03, with (a) x =0. 92 and
(b) x = 0. 98.
of the Nap 93Mo03 data is the existence of a low-
frequency branch with oscillations that are 50-100
times slower than the main branches of Nap 93Mo03, about 20%. It is shown in Fig. 12(b) that a slightly
Kp 93Mo03, and Re03. Marcus and Bither find that improved fit to the experimental data can be
this branch does not possess cubic symmetry, achieved if the Fermi energy is raised by 0. 0025
though they find no x-ray evidence for a noncubic Ry. Within this rigid-band model, these results
distortion at 4. 2 'K. correspond to Kp MoO, rather than KpMo03.
The fitted LCAO parameters of Table VI have This shift in the Fermi energy reduces the maxi-
been applied to calculate extremal cross-sectional mum error to about 10%.
areas and cyclotron masses for orbits on the Marcus and Bither have measured the cyclotron
KpMoO, Fermi surface, assuming a rigid-band mass for the n orbit with 0 along I100] and find
model with 0. 92 electrons in the molybdenum t~, that m, /m= 0. 78. The calculated value for this
bands and a spin-orbit parameter $= 0. 0074 Ry. mass ratio is 0. 89. Similar calculations for the
The results are shown in Fig. 12(a), where the P and y, orbits yield mass ratios of 1. 18 and 0. 83,
solid lines are the calculated extremal areas and respectively. Although this cyclotron-mass data
the open circles are the experimental results. is quite limited, we tentatively attribute this dis-
The branches labeled n, P, and y correspond to crepancy between the calculated and experimental
orbits on the three Fermi-surface sheets that are mass ratios to an inaccuracy in the calculated
shown in Fig. 8. The areas labeled y, represent 2p-4d band gap. The adjusted LCAO parameters
orbits on the nearly cylindrical arms of the open for KMoO3 in Table VIII involve a 2p-4d band gap
y sheet which are centered at X, on the surface of which is reduced by 0. 1 Ry.
the Brillouin zone. The areas and cyclotron masses for KMoO,
The over-all agreement between the calculated have been calculated using these adjusted LCAO
and experimental areas in Fig. 12(a) is rather good, parameters. In these calculations, we have also
considering that these calculations involve no ad- varied the spin-orbit parameter $4because the
justable parameters. The maximum error is relative areas enclosed by the & and P orbits are
ENERGY BANDS FOR KNiFS, Sr Ti03, KMo03, AND KTa03 4731

sensitive functions of this parameter. '3 The best difference frequency, which might account for the
fit to the experimental data is obtained with $ observed low-frequency oscillations in Na 93Mo03.
=0 and x=0. 97. The Fermi-surface cross sections This explanation is particularly attractive since
for Kp g7MOOp with $= 0 are shown in Fig. 13(a) the angular variation of this low-frequency branch
and the calculated and experimental areas are com- in a (100) plane is quite similar to that expected
pared in Fig. 13(b). The calculated cyclotron- for the difference in the n and y& extremal areas
mass ratios for the o.', P, and y, orbits are reduced in KMo03, particularly in Fig. 12, where n and
to 0. 79, 1. 06, and 0. 76, respectively. The den- y, are nearly degenerate when 8 is along [100].
sity of states at the Fermi level for the adjusted However, in view of the inherent instability of the
KMoO, band structure is 9. 79 states/(By spin perovskite-type compounds, one cannot rule out
cell), as compared to the value of 10. 66 states/(By the possibility that this low-frequency branch in
spin cell) that is derived from the fitted KMoOp Na+IoOs is caused by a low-temperature structural
band structure. tr ansf or mation.
Although we have not attempted a similar calcu- It is weQ known that the observation of the de
lation for NaMo03, it seems likely that similar Haas-van Alphen effect normally requires pure
accuracy can be achieved in fitting the de Haas- stoichiometric single-crystal samples. The pres-
van Alphen data for this compound. The present ent AP% results for KMoO, in Fig. 5 suggest a
LCAO results for KMoO, suggest a possible ex- possible explanation for the fact that this effect is
planation for the low-frequency oscillations that observed in grossly nonstoichiometric NaMoO,
are observed in NaoMoO, . According to the re- and KMoO, samples. They suggest that the elec-
sults of Figs. 12 and 13, the areas of the & and tronic states at the KMo03 Fermi energy consist
y, branches are nearly equal in KMoOp when 5 is essentially of molybdenum-tz, states, with some
along [100]. It is also found that these orbits have (antibonding) admixture of oxygen-2p orbitals. Ac-
similar cyclotron masses. This combination of cording to this model, the conduction electrons
similar areas and masses could produce a strong are confined to the molybdenum and oxygen sites,
and therefore are not scattered by vacancies at the
sodium or potassium sites.
C. SrTi03 and KTa03
There has been an extensive experimental effort
to determine the electronic properties of Sr Ti03
i and KTa03 since the KL band-structure model for
pg Sr Ti03 was proposed. Frederikse and co-work-
x( ers ' o have reviewed the experimental evidence
concerning the nature and symmetry of the SrTi03
"(iaO) conduction bands. They find that the bulk of this
evidence strongly favors the KL model for the
Sr Ti03 conduction bands with energy minima lo-
IVI T R cated at or near the Brillouin-zone boundaries in
the (100) directions; however, they also note that
(a) this evidence does not rule out a model involving
warped bands at the zone center. 'o
(110) (001) Stoichiometric samples of SrTiO~ and KTaO~ are
CV colorless and transparent. The best samples have
resistivities greater than 10'o A cm. 4'* Slightly

reduced or doped samples acquire a light-blue
0.5 color, which becomes darker as the carrier den-
sity is increased. The low-temperature resistiv-
04~ ities of the more heavily doped samples are as
small as 10 0cm. Thus far, all measurements
0g I l I I l I I I I I I I I l I I I I I I I I I I have involved n-type samples since it has not been
0012 111 110 100 possible to prepare p-type samples of either com-

(b) Cubic Sr TiO, distorts to a tetragonal structure
at about 110 K, and there are some indications
FIG. 13. Calculated Fermi-surface cross sections
and extremal areas which are derived from the adjusted
that additional phase transitions may occur at 65
LCJI, O band structure for KMo03, with x =0. 97 and $3& and 10'K. ' There have been reports of noncubic
=0. distortions in KTaObut it is believed that these
are due to growth-related strains rather than a ez(&) curves of Cardona and Kurtz with JDS/~~,
structural transformation. ~ The present dis- which is proportional to ez(& ') if the interband ma-
cussion is concerned primarily with the interpre- trix elements are constant. It is found that this
tation of the experimental data for cubic Sr TiO, simplified model provides a qualitative interpre-
and KTaO, . A more detailed consideration of the tation of the structure in the &~ curves below 8 eV.
low-temperature data for Sr Ti03 is reserved for Although there are some differences in the shapes
the following paper, ' where we consider the ef- of the ez and JDS/& curves, the positions of the
fect of the cubic-to-tetragonal structural trans- various peaks and shoulders tend to line up quite
formation on the Sr Ti03 conduction bands. well. There is some evidence that surface effects
We consider first the optical data for SrTiO, and may alter the shapes of the experimental e2 curves
KTa03, since these results have been involved in in these materials. In similar measurements on
the determination of the adjusted LCAO parameters BaTiO, samples, Cardona" finds that the relative
of Table VIII. Cardona' and Kurtz"'" have mea- intensities of the two lowest-energy ref lectivity
sured the ultraviolet reflectance spectra of SrTi03 peaks changes if as-grown surfaces are substituted
and KTaOrespectively, and have applied stan- for polished and etched surfaces. Cardona's re-
dard Kramers-Kronig procedures to determine the flectivity measurements on SrTi03 involved po-
real and imaginary parts of the dielectric constant lished and etched surfaces, whereas Kurtz used
(e, and ez) for these materials. In Fig. 14 we natural growth faces for his KTa03 measurements.
compare the density-of-states (DS) and joint-den- It is possible that this may account for the differ-
sity-of-states (JDS) curves for the adjusted Sr TiO, ence in shape of the lowest-energy peak in the e~
and KTa03 band structures of Fig. 10. These curves for SrTiO, and KTaO, .
curves are obtained by sampling 64000 uniformly We have not attempted a detailed interpretation
distributed points in the Brillouin zone. They have of the additional structure in the &~ curves above
been smoothed by averaging the results over three 8 e V since this includes the energy range where transi-
successive energy intervals, using a method de- tions to the antibonding s-p bands and the A-atom
scribed by Brust. d bands are expected to commence. In the lower
In the lower portion of Fig. 14 we compare the portion of Fig. 14, we indicate the positions of

70 70

60- SrTi0& 60 KTQ03

m 50 50
I- V
I- Z
M~40 40



-0.3 -0, 2 -0.1 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0,7 0.8 0.9

CV "2S'
4 f-
M &
)I- K
V) I-
Z 03


6 8 10 12 2 6 8 10 16 18

FIG. 14. DS and JDS curves for the adjusted LCAO band-structure models for SrTi03 and KTa03 and a comparison vrith
the experimental e2 (dashed) curves.
ENERGY BANDS FOR KNiF3, Sr Ti03, KMo03, AND KTaO3 4'?33

the bottom of the antibonding s-P band (I', ) and the are direct in both compounds, with valence-band
A-atom d states at I (I",2 and I', ), as predicted by maxima and conduction-band minima at the zone
the APW calculations. In view of the adjustments center. However, it is noted that the position of
that are required in the APW-LCAO results to fit the valence-band maximum shifts to M in KNiF3
the observed p-d band gaps in these materials, the and ReO, and to A in KMoO3. In each material,
energies of these states could easily be in error energy differences of about 0. 005 Ry separate one
by several electron volts. or more states from the valence-band maximum.
A similar interpretation of the optical data for Thus, it is believed that self-consistency effects
ReO, is shown in Fig. 15. Here, we compare the or an improved treatment of exchange and cor-
ez curve of Feinleib et a/. with the JDS/&~ curve relation could easily shift the calculated position
for the adjusted ReO3 band structure. Again, there of the valence-band maximum in either SrTi03 or
is close agreement between the twocurves below 8 KTa03. These results do suggest that the differ-
eV and the additional structure at higher energies ence between the direct and indirect gaps in both
probably involves the antibonding s-p bands as materials is probably about 0. 1 eV.
final states. Tredgold and Williams" and Derbenwick' have
There have been numerous attempts to determine carried out photoemission studies on Sr TiO3 sam-
accurate values for the band gaps inboth Sr Ti03 ples. Although they obtain similar results, they
and KTa03. ' ' O' However, the absorption disagree in their interpretation, particularly on
threshold is obscured by the occurrence of Vrbach the position of the vacuum level relative to the top
tails in these materials. The most recent studies of the valence bands, Tredgold and Williams sug-
on SrTiO, samples by Capizzi and Frova""' and gest that the vacuum level is 4. 5 eV above the
Blazey""' suggest an indirect gap at 3. 3 eV and valence band whereas Derbenwick places it at 6. 7
a direct gap at 3. 4 eV. Frova and Boddy' in- '" eV. Derbenwick's attempt to lower the vacuum
terpret their electroreflectance data on KTa03 in level by cesiation produced unsatisfactory results.
terms of a 3. 6-eV indirect edge and a 4. 4-eVdirect Consequently, these studies provide little informa-
gap. tion about transitions from the oxygen 2p to the
The present APW calculations for SrTi03 and lower portions of the titanium 3d conduction bands.
KTa03 predict that the fundamental p-d band gaps Derbenwick estimates from his data that the ox-

~ ~50- (AD JUSTED)
~ ~40

&- a 30-
zw cf~20-
M io-
Ad I

-0.4 -0.3 -0.2 -0-~ 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8
ENERGY (Ry) FIG. 15. Adjusted LCAO results for
He03 comparing the calculated JDS and
3 I experimental e 2 curves.
i2- ',

I- M



O I l l

8 )0 12 14 16 18

ygen 2P bandwidth is between g and 6 eV. X-ray these data is the occurrence of harmonic reso-
emission studies suggest a 3. 6-eV bandwidth in nances for the heavy electrons at lower magnetic
SrTiQ3. ' This is in good agreement with the ad- fields. These are a unique characteristic of
justed LCAC) band structure for SrTiO, which, ac- warped energy surfaces and they have been ob-
cording to Fig. 14, predicts a 2p bandwidth of
0. 26 Hy or 3. 5 eV. type germanium and silicon.
served previously for the heavy holes in both p-
These resonances
A variety of experiments have been performed to are also present in the low-field data of Senhouse
measure the effective masses for the conduction eI; gl. , ' but they did not extend their measure-
electrons in n-type SrTiQ3 and KTaQ~. These re- ments to high enough magnetic fiel. ds to observe
sults are summarized in Tabl. e IX, where the re- the fundamental heavy-electron absorption peak.
sults are listed in approximately chronological In principle, the Shubnikov-de Haas effect"
order. It should be noted that these masses are could distinguish between the many-valley and
not all equivalent, since they include DS masses, warped-band models for n-type Sr TiQ, . However,
cyclotron masses, and mobility masses. In ad- this would require monodomain samples,
dition, their determination often dependc4 on the since the results of the following paper" predict
assumption of a particular model for the conduc- that the cubic-to-tetragonal structural transforma-
tion bands, usually the KL many-valley model. tion produces significant changes in the SrTiQ3
Nevertheless, the results of Table IX show that conduction bands. Frederikse et al. ' assume
a wide range of masses are observed in these ma- parabolic bands and interpret their Shubnikov-de
terials, particularly in Sr TiO, . Typically, m*/m Haas frequencies in terms of cyclotron masses.
= 5 in Sr Ti03 and O. 6 in KTaQS. For comparison, The present calculations suggest that this assump-
we have estimated the DS masses for SrTi03 and tion is invalid, at least for the carrier densities
KTaQ3 using the results of Tabl. e VII and the sim- that they infer from their Hall measurements.
pl. ified formula Eagles has suggested an explantion for the fact
that the effective masses for Sr TiQ, which are de-
F. (h'/2m*) (3m'n)"'
termined from Sroubek's tunneling data ' are sig-

The resullts are contained in the last column of nificantly smaller then the heat capacity' '60 and
Tabl. e VII for both the fitted and adjusted LCAQ magnetic susceptibility results. He proposes
models. In general, the calculated masses for that the carriers in bulk SrTiO, consist of equal
SrTi03 are smaU. er than the experimental values numbers of large and small polarons. He suggests
while those for KTaOS tend to be somewhat larger. that the electric fields in the junction region switch
The results of the recent cyclotron-resonance all the tunneling electrons into the large-polaron
studies by%alsh et al. 6~ provide some support for regimeHowever, Phillips et aE. note that the
the present warped-band model. for v-type KTaOS. values which they quote for the electronic contribu-
With the magnetic field along [100], they observe tions to the heat capacity y must be regarded as
absorption peaks which correspond to two distinct uncertain. They find that their heat-capacity data
carriers with m, /m equal to 0. 6 and 1.4, respec- for Sr TiO3 do not exhibit the temperature depen-
tively. VYe associate these with the light and heavy dence that is expected for the sum of lattice and
electrons. According to the results of Fig. 11, el. ectronic contributions to the heat capacity. They
this implies an enhancement factor of about 1. 5 for find additional contributions from paramagnetic
both sets of carriers. One significant feature of centers and possibly a term from the low-tempera-
ture structural transformations. It is possible that
TABLE ~. Summary these effects are responsible for the apparent dis-
of experimental values for effective
masses in n-type SrTi03 and KYa03. crepancy between the heat capacity and tunneling
values for the DS effective mass in Sr TiQ3.
n T SrT i 03 KT a03
F.xperiment ('K) Ref,
Low-fieM magnetoresistance measurements
have been performed on SrT1Q~ ' ' and KTaQ3' '
(10 crn ) m~/m m*/ni
Hall-Seebeck 1-12 300 14 ~ ~ ~

Hall-Seebeck 112 78 6 ~ ~ e to determine the symmetry of the conduction bands.

Hall-Seebeck 0. 4 300 ~ o ~
0. 8 42 These results are consistent with a many-valley
Cyclotron resonance 0. 2 1.4 ~ *e 0 2~0 6 f~4
model with ell, ipsoids at X or a warped-band mod-
Magnetic sus. 75-530 4. 2 5. 0 ~ ~ ~
Heat capacity 140 0. 5 5. 3 e ~e
56 el at the zone center. Although Mavroides and
Beflec tivi ty 500 300 2. 8 o ~
Lax " have worked out the theory for calculating
Ref lectivity 500 90 1.1 ~ ae 57
Faraday rotation 1.8 300 0 8 4
0. 42 58 the low-field magnetoresistance anisotropy for
Shubnikov-de Haas 5-6
1, 4 4. 2 2q 3, 3, 5 o ~ ~
59 warped bands, the appl. ication of this theory re-
Heat capacity 30 120 0. 7 6. 0 5. 1-7.8 ac@60 quires a detail. ed knowledge of the scattering re-
Tunneling 7-50 4, 2 1.3 61
Tunneling 8 4. 2 ~ ~ ~
0. 7 61 laxation times for the various sheets and their
Tunnel ing 8 4. 2 ~ ~ ~
0. 5 62 anisotropies, and these are not weB understood at
Cyclotron resonance 0. 7 1.4 e e ~
0. 6, 1.4 63
the present time.

Tufte and Stelzer" and Frederikse et al. ' have 0. 7 Ry above the oxygen-2p bands (Fig. 4), this
measured the piezoresistive properties of n-type estimate suggests that the lead-Gs and oxygen-2p
Sr Ti03 in the temperature range from 4. 2'K to bands may overlap in PbTi03.
room temperature. On the basis of their room- Another interesting group of compounds that are
temperature results, Tuft and Stelzer conclude considered in Goodenough's survey are LaBh03,
that the conduction-band minimum in cubic SrTiO, LaCo03, and GdCoO, . These are semiconductors
occurs at the zone center and that the constant- with band gaps of about 0. 1 eV separating the
energy surfaces are spherical. They also suggest filled tz~ and empty e~ conduction bands. We note
the presence of a second extremum that is 0. 02- in Figs. 3-6 that the present APW-LCAO band
0. 04 eV above this minimum. This may corre- structures for these perovskite-type compounds
spond to the I'7+ state, which is raised above the consistently predict the existence of such a gap.
r, + conduction-band minimum by 0. 038 eV when The results of Table V indicate that this gap in-
$3=0. 0018 Ry. At low-temperatures, the piezo- creases from 0. 004 By in KiFBto 0. 020 By in
resistance effects are large and anisotropic. They SrTi00.029 Ry in KMoOand 0. 056 By in
appear to be caused by the stress-induced align-
ment of domains in tetragonal Sr TiO~. These low- vious band-structure calculations for SrTiO, '
KTaO, . This is in contrast to the results of pre-

temperature data are considered in the following which predict overlapping e~ and tz~ bands.
paper. We have previously considered the relationship
between the energy levels of an isolated transition-
metal complex and the corresponding energy-band
Goodenough'3 has surveyed the more than fifty states in the rocksalt and perovskite structures.
known ABOs oxides (excluding the rare-earth ox- According to this analysis, the crystal field split-
ides) with the perovskite structure. He separates ting 4 between the e, and tz, levels in an octahedral
these compounds into two types by means of a complex is given by
phenomenological parameter b, which measures b =Eq Eq, + 2 (6, + n 6), (4)
the interactions between d electrons on nearest-
neighbor atoms. The d electrons in those mater- where, to lowest order,
ials for which b is greater than a critical value .
~, = 8[S,Z.(ado)]'/(E, Z,),
b, can be described in terms of collective band-
type states; in those systems where 0& b the d
. . .
n. = 8[S,E, (Pda)]'/(E, Z, ), (5)

electrons form localized states. The localized 4, = 8[S,E~, (Pdv)] /(E~, E~,) .
systems include ABO3 oxides in which the B atoms These crystal field parameters affect the details
are either vanadium, chromium, manganese, or of the antibonding d bands differently in the rock-
iron. salt and perovskite structures. In the rocksalt
structure, there is no tendency for these'crystal

More than twenty of these ABO, oxide compounds

(including Sr TiO~ and KTaO, ) are insulators with field parameters to split the e, and tz, bands,
p-d band gaps in the 2. 5-3. 5 eV range, and most while in the perovskite structure, the e~ and tz~
of these materials are either ferroelectric or anti- bands are split if (E,E+b. ,) & 4, .
&erroelectric at low temperatures. In terms of It is interesting to compare the APW-LCAO
the present energy-band results, one interesting parameters for similar compounds with the rock-
group of compounds are those with lead atoms at salt" and perovskite structures. The results of
the A sites (PbTiO~, PbZr03, and PbHfO~). Lead such a comparison are included in Table X. Here
is believed to have a + 2 charge in these com- we compare the APW-LCAO parameters for two
pounds, which implies that the electronic config- compounds in which the d electrons are itinerant
uration is 6s . Unlike SrTi03 and KTa03, where . (TiO and Sr TiO, ) and two where the d electrons
the antibonding s-p bands are above the 8-atom are believed to be localized (NiO and KNiF, ). We
d bands and unoccupied, the lead-Gs band must omit d-d interactions in this comparison because
be below the titanium-3d bands in PbTi03 in order nearest-neighbor interactions in KNiFS correspond
to explain the insulating properties of this com- to second-neighbor interactions in NiO. The val-
pound. ues for 44and b, , for TiO and NiO have been
It is interesting to estimate the position of the determined from the results of Tables IV-VI in
lead Gs band in PbTiO3. To do this, we take the Ref. 15. The corresponding values for Sr TiO,
difference in the Herman and Skillman' one-elec- and KNiF3 have been estimated from the energy-
tron energies for the strontium-5s and lead-Gs band results of Figs. 4 and 3, respectively.
orbitals, including relativistic effects. It is found Particularly in the perovskite structure where
that the lead-Gs level is lower than the strontium- the nearest-neighbor metal-metal distance is
5s level by about 0. 8 By or 11 eV. Since the bot- large, the principal contribution to the antibonding
tom of the antibonding s-p band in Sr Ti03 is about d bandwidth arises from the nearest-neighbor
4'736 L. F. MAT THE ISS
TABLE X. Comparison between the APW-LGAO parameters for TiO, SrTiO&, NiO, and KNiF3. Energy integrals are in

TiO(a=4. 18 A) Sr Ti03 (a = 2. 91 A) NiO(a =4. 20 A) KNiF3(a =4. 01 A)

Energy Overlap Energy Overlap Energy Overlap Energy Overlap
&s 1.103 1.000 1.162 1.000 l. 167 1.000 1.425 1.000
(ss(T) 0. 009 -0. 010 -0. 005 0. 003
0. 037 1.000 0. 058 1.000 -0.074 1.000 0. 057 1.000
&p 0. 037 1.000 0. 075 1.000 0. 074 1.000 0. 028 1.000
Ci 0. 007 0. 012 0. 012 0. 008
Cg 0. 011 0. 020 0. 016 0. 013
C3 0. 011 0. 017 0. 016 0. 009
C4 0. 004 0. 004 -0.005 0. 002
Euo 0. 779 1.000 0. 466 1.000 0. 374 1.000 0. 570 1.000
0. 817 1.000 0. 466 1.000 0. 385 1.000 0. 570 1.000
(sdo-), S, 0. 169 0.. 051 0. 183 0. 043 0. 089 0. 043 -0. 085 0. 028
(Pda}, S, 0. 124 0. 086 0. 156 0. 078 -0. 076 0. 053 0. 077 0. 047
(tA), S, 0. 057 0. 026 0. 076 -0.058 0. 035 0. 031 0. 038 -0. 018
0. 135 0. 159 0. 044 0. 033
0. 262 0. 371 0. 122 0. 109
0. 051 0. 139 0. 031 0. 029

overlap-covalency interactions. [S (sdo), etc. ). suit of this simplification, it is expected that the
These are much stronger in the itinerant (TiO, present values for (sdo), Sand 4, underestimate
SrTiO, ) than the localized (NiO, KNiF3) systems. the actual values of these parameters.
It is interesting to note that for either pair of We can best compare the various band-structure
compounds, one couM generate a reasonable mod- models for these perovskite-type compounds in
el for the perovskite band structure using the terms of the LCAQ parameters that are involved
rocksalt LCAO parameters or vice versa. The in each model. The results of such a comparison
fa. ct that (E~, E~, + &,) ) t), for both TiO and NiO for Sr Ti03 are contained in Table XI and for KNiF3
shows that these LCAO parameters that are derived in Table XII. In Table XI, we compare the APW-
from APW calculations for the rocksalt structure LCAO parameters for SrTi03 with those of KL3
where the e, and t~, bands overlap predict nonover- and Soules et al. 9 (SKVR). In Table XII, the APW-
lapping e~ and t~, bands in the perovskite structure. LCAO parameters for KNiF, are compared with
In TiQ and NiO, the oxygen sites have full cubic the MO integrals of Sugano and Shulman~4 (SS). In
symmetry so that the orbital energies Ep, and Ep, the case of the KL and SS integrals, the zero of
are identical. In the perovskite structure, the energy has been adjusted so that it coincides with
tetragonal symmetry at the C-atom sites causes the top of the 2P valence band at the zone center.
a splitting between Ep, and Ep, . It is expected that There are several differences in sign between
Ep, & Epand this is found to be the case in KNiF, the APW-LCAO and KL parameters for SrTi03.
but not in SrTiO~ (or the other oxides, according There is a systematic sign difference in the case
to the results in Table VI). It is believed that
this discrepancy is due to the fact that the pres- TABLE XI, Comparison between the APW-LGAO
ent simplified LCAO model neglects the metal s-P parameters for SrTi03 and the tight-binding integrals of
antibonding conduction bands in the LCAQ fit to Kahn and Leyendecker (KL) and Soules et al. (SKVR).
the APW results. Energy integrals are in rydbergs.
A similar splitting in the orbital energies for LCAO A PW-LCAO KL SKVR
the e, (E,) and ta, (E) states is expected in both Parameter Energy Overlap Energy Overlap Energy Overlap

structures. In an octahedral environment, it is g 1.162 1.000 l. 950 1, 000

0 010 0. 061
expected that E~, & E" and the energy difference
&fo -0.060 1.000 0. 060 1.000 0. 604
0. 009
y=E,E, is often referred to as the Kleiner &p. -0.075 1.000 0. 025 1.0OO -0.544 1.000
correction'4 in the ligand-field literature. Ac- Cf 0. 012 0. 004 0. 038 -0.023
C2 0. 020 0. 008 0. 080 0. 033
cording to the results in Table X, y is about 0. 038 C3 0. 017 0. 008 0. 061 -0. 033
Hy in TiO and 0. 011 By in NiO. As mentioned C4 0. 003 0. 004 0. 047 0. 010
in Sec. IIC, we were unable to determine E, in 0. 466 1 000
F 0. 217 1.000 0. 574 1.000
E 0. 466 1.000 0. 263 1.000 0. 114 1.000
the present application of the APW-LCAQ method {sdfr), Ss -0. 183 0. 043 0. 353 O. 129
to the perovskite-type compounds. We have ar- (pda), S 0. 156 0. 078 0. 154 0. 308 0. 139
bitrarily set y= 0 so that E,= E=E. As a re- (&de), s 0. 076 -0. 058 0. 062 0. 163 0. 088
TA BLE XII. Comparison between the AP%-LCAG than the "effective" orbitals in the APW-LCAO
parameters for KiP3 and MO integrals of Sugano and
model. A similar effect has been observed pre-
Shulman (SS). Energy integrals are in rydbergs.
viously" in a comparison between the APW-LCAO
A P%'- LCAO SS parameters fox' VO and the first-principles LCAO
Parameter Energy Overlap Overlap integrals of Norwood and Fry. 76 This seems to
1.425 1.000 l. 825 1.000 suggest that atomic or ianic orbitals do not rep-
0. 058 1.000 -0.f59 1.000 resent an ideal set of basis functions for LCAO or
0. 028 1.000 0. 000 l. 000 MO calcu1ations of the valence and conduction
0. 570 1.000 0. 440 l. 000 bands in solids. It is also possible that the pres-
0. 570 1.000 0. 407 1.000 ent APW-LCAO method yields "effective" nearest-
0. 085 0. 028 -0.126 0. 047 neighbor interactions that are reduced by cancel-
0. 077 0. 047 -'0. 103 0. 064 lation effects involving more distant shells of
0. 038 -0.018 -0. 038 0. 038
neighboring atoms.
Because of these large nearest-neighbor inter-
actions, the SKVR calculation predicts large band-
of the nearest-neighbor oxygen-2p interaction pa- widths for SrTiO, . The SKVR oxygen-2s band-
rameters, C, C~. KL treat these interactions in width is five times larger than the AP%-LCAO re-
the two-center approximation and state that their sults, as expected from the relative values for
values for Qpo) and (PPm) are taken from Switen- (sso) in Table XI. Their oxygen-2p and titanium-
dick's NiO calculation. " In fact, KL have re- t~, and -e, bandwidths are bvice the APW values.
versed the signs of both (ppo) and (/pm) and re- In the SKVR calculation for Sr TiO3, the energy
duced the magnitude of Qpo), apparently by using difference E E, is quite large (0. 46 Hy) com-
Switendick's value of E,(2, 2, 0) = ~~(ppg)+ ~ (gpss) pared to the SS value (- 0. 03 Ry) for KNiF3. The
for Qpo). If the actual values for Switendick's in- opposite is true for the E~, E~, splittings, where
tegrals are applied to calculate C&-C4, one obtains SKVH obtain a smaller splitting (- 0. 06 Ry) than
C, =0. 012 By, C~=0. 016 Ry, C, =0. 016 Hy, and SS (-0. 16 Hy}. InKNiFS, this E~, -E~, splitting
C, = 0. 005 By, which are in good agreement with is sufficient to separate the fluorine 2po. and 2pm
the AP%"-LCAO values for Sr TiO, in Table XI. valence bands into nonoverlapping subbands (see
These discrepancies are the source of the main Fig 5of .Hef. 14). This is contrary to the pres-
differences between the KL oxygen-2p ba, nds a.nd ent APW results for KNiF, ,
the present APW-LCAO results. Both KL and SKVR have attempted to estimate
Because there is an arbitrary phase factor as- the positions of the strontium and tita, nium s-p
sociated with both the metal. and ligand orbitals, conduction-band states in Sr TiO, . They suggest
the relative signs of the various covalency param- that these bands are 10-15 eV above the titanium-
eters (sdo), (&do), and (pdn') are arbitrary in the 3d bands. The present results suggest that these
cubic perovskite structure. The LCAO energy- s-p bands and the strontium-4d bands are low
band results are independent of these signs, though enough in energy so that they overlap the titanium-
they do require that a given pair of overlap-co- e~ bands. The optical data for Sr Ti03, KTaO3,
valency parameters [S(sdo), etc. j have opposite and ReO, suggest that these bands fall about 8-10
signs, '4 If the radial functions for the 8, and t~, eV above the oxygen-2p valence bands or 5-8 eV
orbitals are equal (or have identical phase factors}, lower than the KL and SKVR estimates.
then (&do) and (pdm) will have opposite signs. It Sroubeke' has criticized several aspects of the
is found that when spin-orbit effects are included KL model and has suggested a revised model for
in the LCAO secular equation, the energy-band re- the Sr TiO~ conduction bands. Sroubek estimates
sults depend to a smal. l degree on the relative that E,E,= 0. 8 eV and 4, = 0. 5 eV in Sr TiO
signs of these covalency parameters. This is due so that the conduction-band minima along (100) in-
to the fact that the spin-orbit effects couple the d volve the d~(e, ) rather than the 4z. (tz,) orbitals
states in the otherwise independent e~ and t~, mani- (see Fig. 10). He argues that since the 4z(e, ) band
folds. The relative signs of the (pdo) and (pdn) intera, cts with the oxygen-2s orbitals, it will. have
covalency parameters play an important rake in a greater width than the &~. band (which does not),
the LCAQ treatment of tetragonal SrTiO3, as dis- thereby explaining the small values for the DS ef-
cussed in the following paper. fective mass that he infers from his tunneling data.
The magnitudes of the nearest-neighbor inter- The present APW-LCAO results for Sr TiO, as
actions in the SKVB and SS molecular-orbital cal- well as the other perovskite-type compounds in-
culations are significantly larger than the corre- dicate that Sroubek has grossl. y underestimated
sponding APW-LCAO results. This implies that the magnitude of &,. The present AP%-LCAO cal-
the radial functions for their ligand 2s snd 2p (and culations indicate that 4, = 2 eV. The self-con-
possibly the metal 3d) orbitals are more extended . sistent MO ca1culation by SKVR suggests that 4,
= 6. 6 eV. Both calculations predict that the lowest Sr Ti03 and KTa03 are at I'.
conduction-band states involve the titanium-t~, The APW calculations for SrTiO3 and KTa03
rather than the -e orbitals. Furthermore, it is predict direct band gaps of about 6. 2 eV for both
clear from the results shown in Figs. 2-6 and compounds. These are about twice the observed
Fig. 10 that the A~(e,) and &~ (t~,) bandwidths are gaps. It is found that APW calculations for transi-
comparable in all these compounds. This is due tion-metal compounds that are based on superim-
to the fact that the s-d overlap-covalency inter- posed atomic potentials usually tend to overesti-
action is constant along the entire A~(e ) band from mate these p-d band gaps &3, &5's Schwartz 9''has
I' and X when nearest-neighbor oxygen-titanium suggested that this may be due to a combination of
interactions are considered. As a result, the self-consistency and exchange effects. In a self-
widths of both the 4z(e, ) and &~. (t2~) bands are due consistent APW calculation for NbN involving
primarily to nearest-neighbor d-d interactions. Slater's Xo. method, ' Schwartz finds that the nio-
If the (ddt) integrals for the e, and tz, orbitals bium 4d bands are located 0. 3 Ry lower in energy
(D6 and D3 of Table VI, respectively) are assumed relative to the nitrogen 2p bands than they are in
to be equal, then the total &z(e,) and h~. (t~,) band- a similar calculation based on superimposed atomic
widths are both equal to 4(ddt). potentials. Schwartz finds that one-third of this
This brings us to the important question con= shift is the result of using o. = 0. f (rather than 1,
cerning the location of the conduction-band minima as we have assumed in the present study). The
in Sr Ti03 and KTa03. In every case, the APW re- remaining shift of 0. 2 Ry in Schwartz's calculation
sults predict that the minimum occurs at I" rather occurs when the calculations are iterated to pro-
than at X. Within the LCAO model, the location duce a self-consistent potential. Thus, the pres-
of the conduction-band minimum depends on the ent overestimate of the Sr Ti03 and KTa03 band
sign of D~ in Table VI, or (ddfI) in the two-center gaps is easily accounted for in this manner.
approximation. To the author's knowledge, all direct SINAI'H, Simfnek and Sroubek, ' and Fowler sug-
calculations of (ddt)' ' and most LCAO' '" and com- gest that the SrTiO, one-electron band gap should
bined interpolation schemes~8 (for ransition met-
als as well as compounds) predict that (ddt) is
be much larger than that suggested by the optical
data. They attribute the difference to polarization
small and negative. Thus, it was anticipated that effects or excitons. Slater and Wood ' also suggest
the present APW calculations would predict that optical absorption in insulating crystals should
E(I'.) & E(X,). Although the calculated energy be treated as localized excitations in the XQ. method.
difference, E(XS) E(I'z, , ), is quite small (0. 19 Although these effects are undoubtedly important in
eV) in Sr TiO~, it is believed to be quite reliable. understanding the optical properties of KNiF3, it
Its magnitude could possibly vary if a self-consis- is not yet clear whether they play a similar role
tent calculation were performed, but it is unlikely in SrTiO3, KTa03, and ReO~.
that its sign would change.
Detailed calculations were performed to deter- ACKNOW( LEDGMENTS
mine the extent to which the incomplete conver-
gence of the APW wave functions could affect the I have had the benefit of numerous discussions
42. bandwidth in these compounds. These studies and conversations with many of my colleagues on
revealed that the APW eigenvaiues converge much various aspects of this investigation, particularly
more slowly when the corrections to the muffin- A. S, Barker, C. N. Berglund, J. R. Brews,
tin potential V~(r) are included in the calculation. R. E. Dietz, L. B. Testardi, W. M. Walsh, Jr. ,
Both E(1 ) and E(X~) decrease by a few thou- and S. H. Wemple. My original interest in SrTi03
sandths of a rydberg when the total number of APW dates back to discussions with M. L. Cohen con-
basis functions is increased from about 250 to 400. cerning superconductivity and the band structure
However, the energy difference E(X~) E(I'z, .) is of Sr Ti03. I have enjoyed useful conversations
reduced only slightly, from 0. 0139 Ry for 250 with S. K. Kurtz concerning the interpretation of
basis functions to 0. 0120 Hy for 400 APW's. It his ref lectivity data. I am grateful to J. K. Hulm
is believed that convergence errors will not alter and J.L. Richardson for providing preprints of
the prediction that the conduction-band minima in their unpubl. ished work on Sr TiOS.

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ENERGY BANDS FOR KNiF3, Sr TiO3, KM003, AND KTa03 :4739

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Effect of the 110'K Phase Transition on the Sr Ti03 Conduction Bands

L. F. Mattheiss
Bel/ Laboratories, Murray Hill, Negro Jersey 07974
(Received 26 May 1972)
The linear-combination-of-atomic-orbitals (LCAO) model of the preceding paper for the
cubic-Sr Ti03 band structure is applied to predict the effect of the 110 K phase transition on
the SrTi03 conduction bsnds. In this cubic-to-tetragonal structural transformation, neigh-
boring octahedral Ti06 complexes are rotated rigidly in opposite directions about the c axis
through small angles +y. This LCAO approach is expected to be accurate since nearest-
neighbor distances and bond angles are unchanged in this transition. This enables one to ap-
ply the LCAO parameters for cubic Sr TiO& to predict the band structure in the tetragonal state.
The effects of the tetragonal distortion are introduced into the LCAO secular equation as
small changes in the cubic structure factors, e~"' J. Neglecting spin-orbit coupling, this model
predicts a splitting of the I'25s conduction-band minimum by an energy proportional to y . At
4. 2 'K, where c/a = 1. 0006 and rp =2. 1', 1 25. is split by about 90 tnev into a lower doubly
degenerate &&+ state and an upper nondegenerate I'4+state. Spin-orbit coupling further splits
the I"5+ state by an energy comparable with the titanium 3d spin-orbit parameter, $3& = 25 meV.
This produces a warped single-valley model for the Sr Ti03 conduction bands at low carrier
densities n and a two-band model containing "heavy" and "light" electrons for n &10 cm 3.
It is shown thet the splitting of the conduction-band minimum in SrTi03 is similar in magni-
tude but opposite in sign to that caused by the ferroelectric transition in BaTiO&.

I. INTRODUCTION and many-valley models.

In the case of Sr Ti03, the interpretation of the
In the preceding paper (hereafter referred to low-temperature data is complicated by the occur-
as I), the nonrelativistic augmented-plane-wave rence of a cubic-to-tetragonal phase transition at
(APW) method has been combined with the linear- about 110 'K, plus the possibility of additional
combination-of -atomic-orbitals (LCAO) interpola- structural transformations at lower temperatures.
tion scheme to determine the band structures for Unoki and Sakudo have identified the space group
several "ideal" cubic perovskite-type compounds, of the tetragonal phase below 110 K as D4~ using
including KNiF3, SrTiO3, KMoO3, and KTa03. electron- spin- resonance techniques. They find no
These calculations predict that the conduction- evidence for a further reduction in symmetry down
band minima for Sr TiQ3 and KTaQ3 consist of to 4. 2 'K. However, in a recent study involving
warped bands at the zone center I' rather than monodomain samples, Sakudo and Unoki observe
many valleys at or near the Brillouin-zone bound- a dielectric anisotropy within the plane perpen-
aries along the (100) directions, as Kahn and Leyen- dicular to the c axis below 65 K, and this suggests
decker have proposed. At the moment, there is that Sr TiQ3 possesses orthorhombic or lower sym-
no decisive experimental data for either compound metry in this temperature range.
that can distinguish bebveen these warped-band According to Lytle's x-ray data, a the c/a ratio

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