Jahmyra Stevenson October 24, 2016 3rd Period Pre-AP Observation Essay

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Jahmyra Stevenson

October 24, 2016

3rd Period
Pre-AP Observation Essay

Usually on my trip to Walmart, I would go in grab what I need and leave without

to much thought what type of clientele that show up on a regular basis and how the

store is ran to keep Walmart up and going. But now since Ive took the same time to sit

down, absorb and observe my surroundings and take a deeper look into it all, some of

the stereotypes that go around about Walmart appear to be true. This is coming from a

black young woman so there cant be any racial argument. Im sure enough they can

make an argument on how to better Walmart from the employees to the customers.

During this first visit the overall review was fully on the employees and how

nonchalant, off-task and reckless they could be. There were too many instances where

they got caught playing on there phones, socializing about the drama and mayhem

thats going on in there life. I personally think they should keep that to a minimum

because no customer wants to hear how you beat up on your lady friend the other day

or how you and yo girls were intoxicated on your girls night out and all those other

things young adults like to partake in. Dont get me wrong conversation and bond

between the workers is great by all means its just the wrong setting to be discussing in,

especially in your place of work. Just one of those things thats considered Bad For

Business by the way it drives the customers off. Another problem that employees seem

to have was how they most of them just stood around looking lost a lot. At the least you

could make it look as if you were doing some or go find something to do seriously, you

arent to paid to just stand there on the clock. Ultimately they wonder why they

constantly get bad reviews and have achieved the nickname Ghetto Mart . Only cause
it seem like anybody and everybody could get hired up there from the looks of the work

being done which seemed to be none at all. Out of all the negatives I have to give it to

the staff for their kindness. They always made conversation with the customer making

them feel comfortable and just to share a laugh and smile. The employees werent all

that bad but they did have some improving to do.

On this next visit, my focus was more attained to the customers and how they

carried themselves while the were out at your neighborhood Walmart. Many customers

came in looking a complete mess as if they just woke and threw on the first thing they

saw. The least you could possibly do is make yourself look presentable in this public

domain. Although im pretty customers want to feel comfortable in the store, might even

buy some things that look comfortable. its better to look up to par so you wont be a

distraction or even a problem. Something else that stood out to me about the customers

was their actions. A lot people came in did what they had to do, got what they needed

and were out the door, smile on the face, continuing their life. Then there was the other

crowd of people who lingered around the store, making a commotion, talking all loud on

the phone, and many children running around as if the store playground. Parent were

whooping them for their behavior but that wasnt making it any better because then all

you heard was screaming and bawling through the aisle which made a huge scene. The

store was very chaotic from my eyes. I even recall a few circumstances of catching

customers of all ages stealing clothes and food. Just throwing items in their purse or

pocket or even just their shirt. Through all the negatives

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