PFSidequest Thread

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Can we have a side quest/encounter thread?

I had the thought that I should populate the

mystical jungle in my campaign with some random mysterious stuff that isn't part of the main
quest line. Just simple stuff that will allow the players to feel like the world is full of wonder.
Looking for more ideas.

Some basic ideas I've stormed up so far:

-A statue bearing a bowl filled with magic water that has various effects like healing the
drinker or having a reflective surface that becomes a window to another part of the island.

-An enormous hollowed out tree with a particularly nasty spider-like enemy inside. Also a
small treasure hoard.

-Jaguar statues that animate in the night and attack hapless passersby

-Encampment of savages that are at war with other savages, and offer valuables in return for
an extra sword.


Anonymous 08/27/14(Wed)22:22:07 No.34449449

>>34451475 >>34451864

>The earth occasionally becomes much harder to till because of a masochist earth elemental

>Liar god rests in his tomb, PCs stumble upon dungeon full of confusing signs, traps, and a few
undead for flavor, lots of puzzles, etc.

>Settlers rest in cave, believe there to be a witch among them. Whether there is one or not is
up to you.

>Monkey shit throwing becomes more than settlers can handle on their own.

>Fear sets in about a different group of settlers. First group pays party in food/gold/jewels/etc
to off them.


Anonymous 08/27/14(Wed)22:24:55 No.34449512

>>34448423 (OP)

Characters walk through waterfall with oddly clear reflections. Characters enter mirror world;
don't realise it. Must return to waterfall to find return.


Anonymous 08/27/14(Wed)23:58:29 No.34451475


>>Monkey shit throwing becomes more than settlers can handle on their own.

Funnily enough I pretty much already did this, minus settlers.

>Settlers rest in cave, believe there to be a witch among them. Whether there is one or not is
up to you.

Nice. I'll be using this one.


Anonymous 08/28/14(Thu)00:19:21 No.34451864


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>Liar god rests in his tomb, PCs stumble upon dungeon full of confusing signs, traps, and a few
undead for flavor, lots of puzzles, etc.
immediately thought of this


Anonymous 08/28/14(Thu)00:36:25 No.34452135


I actually bring this up with my party. Our DM likes to fuck us over with details and it's turned
them into paranoids even in other people's campaigns.

>Zombies invade church, demand True Resurrection spells.


Anonymous 08/28/14(Thu)00:41:09 No.34452210

Bored nobles are protesting rat killings

form Treat Rats Right Right Now


Anonymous 08/28/14(Thu)00:43:03 No.34452251

>A bear gets a "Awoken" spell cast on him by a retarded druid. Bear is tasked with defending
the forest, but has really low intelligence due to bad rolls lol. Bear thinks everyone not animal-
like is evil. Bear is trained as a paladin. Casts smite evil on everyone.


Anonymous 08/28/14(Thu)03:23:43 No.34454269


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I keep a slush pile of sidequest ideas I don't really know what to do with. It's a handy way of
always having extra stuff I can bring up to fill out a campaign or pass time. I like re-reading it
once a month or so and adding new ideas, just to keep it all in my mind, because sometimes the
quest or idea is perfectly what I need for a campaign. They usually come from large lists of
campaign seeds or so on. So I'll share most of them:

>A proud bard who can play the lute better than any before them, and is using their talent to
control a local tribe of goblins to wreak havoc on the village of their youth, seeking revenge on
those who tormented them.

>Shortly after entering the city, the PCs discover everyone they interact with dies that night. It
might be brushed off as accidents but it becomes increasingly clear this is no coincidence.

>The party stumbles into a ransom deal by coincidence, and is mistaken for a party come with

>A prominent diplomat was kidnapped, polymorphed into a goblin (or other undesirable
type), and dumped outside the party's residence.

>The party happens upon a will-of-the-wisp leading a hypnotized traveller astray.

>A man with many masks walks towards the party. He says, "Excuse me, I have been traveling
for a long time and am looking for a sparring partner. Could you help me? If you win, I will grant
you a wish. If you lose, no harm done and I'll be on my way." He is a mimic and all skills and
abilities used on him will be reflected or mimiced. The trick is to stand still, at which point he
cannot attack.
>A desperate man offers to sell the party a "magic" acorn for a pittance. If they buy it, the man
skips off excitedly, apologizing but then cheerfully exclaiming that he is now free.

>After the party accidentally releases a sealed dracolich, a curse is affixed on them, curable
only by destroying the dracolich for good.

>An execution in town that the party is invited to witness or paid to protect...


Anonymous 08/28/14(Thu)03:26:09 No.34454294


>A dungeon guarded by a number of runes that correspond to various party members. Each
rune is tied to an emotion. Picking the right character per rune opens the place; the wrong
character per rune has some kind of consequence.

>The party encounters a rusted-out great war battlefield, strewn with burnt-out tanks and
wrecked aircraft.

>A party member suddenly has a strange, ancient-looking tattoo. And it's growing...

>The party is sent to the "Cave of Instant Death." Sure enough, the party...dies instantly. Good
thing is, maybe their ghosts can get them resurrected!

>The party ends up invited to a manour of a man who wishes to offer his help with whatever
they're doing, but they end up sealed in the manour, as undead and malicious spirits hunt them
and the man down.

>Two Inquisitors encounter the party. The first is an angry accusing zealot. The second is
personable and reasonable and thinks that sutff is antiquated; he might approach as a rogue or
just a reasonable figure who thinks his assignment is a ridiculous formality. The trick is they're
working together. Does the party recognise Good Cop Bad Cop in practice?

>The party enters a town that seems totally deserted. the streets utterly empty. Yet they can
hear traffic, hear voices, and things seem to move around when not being observed...

>The party is stopped along the way by fairies, who demand a toll to pass - tell them an
entertaining story, or be cursed to dance the toll off instead!

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