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Experience Plan (Summarizing)

Subject: Engineering Design Grade level: 7-9th Grade

Unit: Engineering Fields Length of LEP (days/periods/minutes): 45 minutes

Topic: Summarizing Different Disciplines

Content Standards: N/A

Literacy Standards:

College and Career Readiness Anchor Standards for Speaking and Listening

1. Prepare for and participate effectively in a range of conversations and collaborations with
diverse partners, building on others ideas and expressing their own clearly and persuasively.

Learning Experience Outcomes (knowledge/skills) Learning Experience Assessments

Students will: I will check for understanding when students:
Examine what some of the numerous Discuss and create summaries in groups
disciplines of engineering do Categorize the sub-divisions into one of the
Learn a strategy for summarizing four main disciplines
Relate engineering to what they already Write their exit tickets
know from the real-life applications of
each discipline
Practice collaborative work

Differentiation (What will you do to meet the needs of students at these different levels?)
Approaching On-level Beyond
For the students who had I will encourage the students Additional work for students
trouble grasping the sub- who kept up with the class work interested:
disciplines summarized by other to check out the website I got Browse and
groups, I will assign them to read the class readings from do some extra reading on the
the article themselves and come ( vastness of the field. Based off
up with their own summary. gineering-disciplines/) It is an these readings, come up with a new
amazing resource for them to 2-3 sentence summary of the
further their understanding of definition of engineering. Compare
the field. it with the one you came up with
for the exit ticket. (It helps to use
the rule-based summary we went
Curriculum Integration (Does this lesson correlate with any other content area? Describe.)

During this lesson, students will be practicing collaboration, reading, writing, summarizing/note taking, and
analyzing skills.

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Materials Procedures/Strategies

- Rule-Based Day 1 (add additional days as needed)

Sponge Activity (activity that will be done as students enter the room to get them into the mindset of the concept to be

A poll will be on the board when students come in (made using polleverywhere). As they
- Readings on enter class they can answer the question, One of these is a main category and the other
the Sub- three are sub-categories. Pick the one that is the main category. There will be four
multiple choice options: dog, cat, bird, animal. They will submit answers via text message
or online and I will hide the answers until everyone has responded. Hopefully, since it is an
(enough so easy question, they will all get it right. The real purpose is to simplify the mindset that they
that each will be using to look at the engineering disciplines we will be discussing.
group has
two) Anticipatory Set (focus question/s that will be used to get students thinking about the days lesson)

What are sub-disciplines of engineering?

How do the sub-disciplines fit into the main four (civil, electrical, mechanical, and
What would cause some engineering fields to arise, or cause some to die out?

Activating Prior Knowledge (what information will be shared with/among students to connect to prior

Lets do a quick recap of the four main disciplines we previously covered:

Civil Engineering design and construction of buildings, bridges, roadways, airports, etc.;
environmental protection of water, air, and wastes

Chemical Engineering manufacturing plants, pollution control, makeups, and perfumes

Mechanical Engineering design and operation of devices with moving parts or heating,
ventilation, and air conditioning

Electrical Engineering everything that runs on or relates to electricity, circuits, computers,


Direct Instruction (input, modeling, check for understanding)

Rule-Based Strategy of Summarizing

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I will hand out the rules so that every student has a copy and then well read it out loud.
Then I will introduce the guided practice activity, but do one with them first to walk them
through the steps of summarizing.

Guided Practice (how students will demonstrate their grasp of new learning)

Summarize the two sheets on your table together with your group. Make sure you are
using the rule-based strategy we just discussed. Include which of the main four disciplines
you think that particular sub-discipline falls under.

You have 15 minutes to write down the 2-3 sentence summaries and then we will go
around the room so you can read what your group came up with out loud.

When they are done, I will get them to think about the rapidly improving technology
affects which branches of the four main fields are created or become irrelevant.

What would cause some engineering fields to arise, or cause some to die out?

Independent Practice (what students will do to reinforce learning of the lesson)

Exit Ticket: Now that we went over the four main disciplines and some of their numerous
sub-disciplines, come up with your own brief definition of engineering. Work individually
because your answers will probably be very different!

Closure (action/statement by teacher designed to bring lesson presentation to an appropriate close)

I encourage you all to check out the website I got the handouts from
( It is very well laid out and informative. Browse through all of
them and see how the sub-disciplines fit into the main four disciplines.

Feel free to email me with any questions or ideas!

References: (e.g. Book, course packet, pg #, complete web address URL)

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(Above are 3 Mechanical Sub-Disciplines)

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(Above are 3 Civil Sub-Disciplines)

(Above are 2 Chemical Sub-Disciplines)

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(Above are 2 Electrical Sub-Disciplines)

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