Mi Social Studies

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Settlers, On The Way!

Name: Hallie Utter Date: 4/9/17

Curriculum/Course: Social Studies, English Language
Grade level: 3rd Grade
- Meet Michigan Textbook (pg. 152-160)
- Setters, On The Way Outline
- Primary Source (Journal)
Time/Period: 35 Minutes (2 Days) - Secondary Source (Textbook)
- Chart Paper
- Markers
- Settlers, On The Way Letter Directions
- Pencil
- Paper (Letter)
-GLCE.SS.3 H3.0.7 Use a variety of primary and secondary sources to construct a historical narrative about
daily life in the early settlements of Michigan (pre-statehood).
-GLCE.SS.3 H3.0.3 Describe the causal relationships between three events in Michigans past (e.g., Erie
Canal, more people came, statehood).
-CCSS.ELA.W.3.3. Write narratives to develop real or imagined experiences or events using effective
technique, descriptive details, and clear event sequences.
Objectives (I can statements):
A) Using the text, Meet Michigan, students will be able to use primary and secondary sources to construct
a historical narrative with 75% accuracy.
B) Using the text, Meet Michigan, students will be able to describe the relationship between events in
Michigans past (Erie Canal, more people came, statehood) without error.
C) Using the Settlers On Their Way outline, students will be able to create a letter by taking the role of a
settler and writing about their trip to their family back home with 75% accuracy.

Outcome Statement: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to use primary and secondary sources to
construct a historical narrative with 75% accuracy, describe the relationship between events in Michigans past
(Erie Canal, more people came, statehood) without error, and create a letter by taking the role of a settler and
writing about their trip to their family back home with 75% accuracy.

Assessment (Formative, Summative)

Formative Assessment:
A) Students will take the role as a settler and write a letter home using what they learned in chapter 4,
lesson 4 in the text, Meet Michigan. Students will use a mix of primary and secondary sources to
construct this letter.
B) Students will complete the Settlers On Their Way outline which emphasizes the relationship between
the Erie Canal, people moving to Michigan, and Michigan obtaining statehood. Students will use this
worksheet for todays assignment and also when answering the section questions another day.
C) Students will take the role as a settler and write a letter home using what they learned in chapter 4,
lesson 4 in the text, Meet Michigan. In this letter, students will write a letter based off of the factors
they are given. This letter will be checked for completeness and if students included all four pieces of
Introduction/Hook (5/10 Min.)
I will begin the lesson by asking students to predict why people would have moved to Michigan? (Land).
Then, I will ask students to open their Meet Michigan textbook to page 152.

I will begin the lesson by reading two different types of text (primary and secondary). I will ask students what
was similar and what was different about each type. I will introduce the two types of text as primary and
secondary sources. As a class, we will come up with examples of each type of text and write them on chart
Steps in the lesson (20/25 Min.)
1. I will introduce the section and explain to students that they will be echo reading pages 152-160 with a
partner. While echo reading, students will complete the Settlers, On The Way outline (which will be
placed on the front table). I will display the worksheet on the document camera and ask students if they
are any questions.
2. Students will read pages 152-160 and complete the outline.

1. I will explain that students will be creating a letter writing from the perspective of a settler. I will
display the settlers scenario on the document camera and students will create a letter to their family
back home. Students need to include information from the scenario. I will ask students if they have
any questions and answer those. I will give students fifteen minutes to complete the reading before
reminding them to start their letter.
2. Students will write their letters. When students complete their letter, they will take time to revise it.
When they are complete, they may begin working on the section questions.

Closure Activity/Wrap up (5 Min.)

With a few minutes left, I will gather the class back together and ask students to read off their answers on their
outline to review the information.

I will ask students to share their letters with a partner and then turn them into the In-Box.

What will I differentiate? Content Process Product

I will differentiate by process. I will make sure that each type of learning profile: auditory, visual and
kinesthetic will have a chance to gain the information using their strength.

How will I differentiate? For readiness By interest Learning profiles Ability level Affect

I will differentiate by learning profiles. Auditory learners will benefit from echo reading the text with a partner.
Visual learners will benefit from reading the text and writing a letter from the perspective of a settler.
Kinesthetic learners will enjoy writing a letter from the perspective of a settler.

Auditory Learners: Students will be echo reading the text with partner which allows them to hear the
Visual Learners: Students will read and writing a letter which allows them to visually receive the information
Kinesthetic Learners: Students will write a letter from the perspective of a settler. Writing allows these
students to comprehend the material better.

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder: This student will sit close to the teacher and has his back to the
window. This lesson incorporates writing which is a kinesthetic and visual activity and will support this
student. I will check in with this student constantly to make sure that he is completing each activity and has a
positive mood and provide support when the student becomes discouraged.

Auditory Impairment: During this lesson, the classroom door will be shut to prevent auditory distractions.
Students will be echo reading which allows students to hear the information louder. I will allow this student
and their partner to work in the hall if need be. This student will sit closest to me in order to hear the directions

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