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Miriam Herman

U.S History

Atomic Bomb on Japan

As World War WII was coming to a close in Europe, The Japanese refused to surrender

in the Pacific. This forced the current President, Harry Truman, to make a dire decision whether

to drop an atomic bomb which had been successfully tested in Alamogordo,New Mexico. On

August 6,1945 the first atomic bomb called Little Boy was released on the city Hiroshima.

Three days later the second atomic bomb,Fat Man was,dropped on the city Nagasaki.Overall the

amount of deaths from the bombing ,injuries and remaining radiation was estimated over

200,000 people..This resulted in Emperor Hirohito immediately announcing their surrender and,

on September 2, 1945 the United States and Japan met on a US battleship to complete the

formal surrender. The United States should not have used the atomic bomb on Japan during


One reason why the United States should not have dropped the atomic bomb is even in

the harshest condition there's still the option of peaceful negation; instead of violence and death.

For example, we could have done an demonstration in Tokyo harbour which was near enough to

scare the emperor but far away enough to avoid any civilian casualties which many americans

disagreed to from the start many agreeing they should have done the demonstration instead.

Several leaders including the Supreme Allied Commander General Dwight D

Eisenhower agreed that the bombing of was unnecessary since the Japanese would have

surrender anyway since they had already exhausted all of their materials and resources and were

unable to replenish them, due to over 60% of their cities having already been destroyed by the
constant bombing. Which in result caused more of a tragedy in the world then the hoped positive


Americans military forces targeted cities but not military base probably for to inspire

fear but still for example the city Hiroshima held no military value the city while, the city

Nagasaki where one of the two atomic bombs landed had more civilians interest and population

then than any military interest or value.The estimated the death toll of both bombs in both

cities equalled more than the american casualties in the pacific war battlefront.

Many believe that the United States was justified, for dropping the two atomic bombs in

two separate cities in Japan. What brought this idea was, because of the estimated casualties on

the american side if the war had gone any longer. For the japanese many children and innocent

civilians died from either radians or serve wounds which the numbers added up to 7000 and

another 70,000 from the remain radiation.

This is why I believe the United States could have peacefully ended the war while

avoiding this many civilians casualties but unfortunately it did not happen. Hopefully the next

generation will realize better than the past generation before them by working hard for the best

possible solution for both sides.



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