UNT Lesson Plan Template Madeline Hunter

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UNT Lesson Plan Template Madeline Hunter

Pre-service Teacher: Grade(s): 1st School/Mentor Teacher (if

Lizette Moran grade applicable): Mrs. Rivas/ Gililland

Subject area(s): Unit Lesson Title: Making 10 with Cubes

Math Topic/Theme:
Number and
Relevant TEKS: Relevant ELPS: Relevant TX CCRS:

1.3.C Compose 10 74.4(c)(2)(E) use I.B.1 Perform computations with

with two or more visual, contextual, real and complex numbers.
addends with and and linguistic VIII.A.1 Analyze given information
without concrete support to enhance
objects and confirm
understanding of
1.3. D Apply basic increasingly
fact strategies to add complex and
and elaborated spoken
subtract within 20, language
including making 10 74.4(c)(3)(E) share
and decomposing a information in
number leading to a cooperative
10 learning
74.4(c)(4)(F) Use
visual and
contextual support
and support from
peers and teachers
to read grade-
appropriate content
area text, enhance
and confirm
understanding, and
vocabulary, grasp
of language
structures, and
knowledge needed
to comprehend
74.4(c)(5)(F) Write
using a variety of
sentence lengths,
patterns, and
connecting words
to combine
phrases, clauses,
and sentences in
accurate ways as
more English is

Lesson Objective(s)/Performance Outcomes

Given 20 cubes (10 one color the other 10 a different color), the students will
be able to calculate different ways to compose 10 creating at least 11 different
ways to make 10.

Given a decomposed equation, the students will be able to identify the

missing number that will make that equation true 85% of the time.

Assessment (Description/Criteria)
Diagnostic: The teacher will be seeing how well they know their combinations
of ten with a little game and at the same time will be informally assessing
their knowledge.
Formative: As the students are doing playing the cube game the teacher will
go around asking students questions to see if they are able to compose 11
different combinations and are able to understand that the order of the
addends does not matter when adding. This will help the teacher check how
many students understood the lesson or if she needs to re-teach it.
Summative: The teacher will use the students Cube worksheet that they did to
see if the students understood the lesson and know most of their

Materials and Resources

Cubes (ten of one color the other ten another color), cube worksheet, making
ten with cubes anchor chart, pencil, color pencils, and crayons.

Management of the Instructional Environment

The students will be given stickers for those that participate and try their
best. The students that do not listen will not be chosen to answer the
questions and even if their names have been chosen from the name cup they
will not be answering the question. So students dont think it is not fair the
teacher will be calling on students by taking out a name from the cup. The
student that plays with the materials inappropriately will not be doing the
activity and will be given something else to do.

Technology Integration

Diversity and Equity (Accommodations, Modifications, Adaptations)

The students that have a hard time speaking what they have in mind in
English will be able to say the answer or questions they have in Spanish. The
students that have a speech problem will be given five more minutes to
answer a question and will be told in advance if they will be chosen to speak.
The student with autism will only do half or the same problems in the
worksheet as the other students. Will also be given five more minutes to finish
their work, and be told ahead of time the schedule for what we are going to be
doing in math. If the students do not understand the rules/steps of the activity
the teacher will translate to Spanish. Bilingual partner who is stronger in
English will also help their partner if they are lost.


Anticipatory Set _10-12___ Min Grouping: Whole class

As the students are getting settled in to class I will do a fun fast activity. The teacher will
ask the students that they will use what they remember of what they learned yesterday
on how to make ten. The teacher will tell the students that all the students in the group
are working together and the group that has the most points of answering the addition
problem correct will get a sticker. The teacher will ask students questions like if I have
seven cubes how much more do I need to make ten and the students has to know what
is the number that is missing that when added to seven equals to ten. The students can
use their ten frame charts that are in their desk to help them. This will help the teacher
see what students she really needs to work with and what are the things that they do
not understand.

After the game the teacher will tell the students that today they will be learning if given
20 cubes (10 one color the other 10 a different color), the students will be able to
calculate different ways to compose 10 creating at least 11 different ways to make 10,
and also the students will be able to decompose and check that the order of the
addends does not matter and it will still add up to 10 when making an equation that
equals to ten. The teacher will show students a different anchor chart then the ten frame
anchor chart and this time they will be able to see how it does not matter if it is 3 plus
seven or seven plus three those two numbers together will always equal ten no matter
their order. The teacher will show the students with cubes as well so that they can
visualize how seven and three no matter which one is in the front will always have ten
cubes, no more or no less.
The teacher will tell the student that today they will be given 20 cubes ten with one color
and the other ten with a different color. The students will be working with their bilingual
partner in seeing how many different ways they can make ten with the cubes given to
them. Then later on their partner and they will be splitting the 20 cubes, which means
each of them will have ten cubes. They will be using these cubes by playing a game of
hiding some of the cubes from their partner and showing their partner the rest of the
cubes. Their partner will have to figure out using a ten frame or a number frame to help
them find how many cubes their friend is hiding.

Input and Modeling 10-17_ Min Grouping: Whole class/ Partners

The teacher will show the students how to play by first telling all the students to come to
the carpet and make a big circle. The teacher will get ten cubes and get a helper by
choosing a name from the name cup who will help the teacher. The teacher will tell the
students that she will first give them time to create as many ways to make ten with the
twenty cubes. The teacher will give the student ten cubes and ask the students if I give
you 6 red cubes how many of your blue cubes do we need to make ten. The student will
have to add on to six to know how many more cubes they will need to make ten. The
teacher will show the students how 4+6 or 6+4 will still equal ten by showing them with
two different colored cubes and putting six and after that four at the front and asking the
students to count them. The teacher will ask them if it putting six plus four will it give
them ten, and if they say yes then the teacher will change it by putting four in front and
six next. The teacher will ask them again what is the total? If the students say ten then
the teacher will ask them if it makes a difference what number goes first when adding
them all up together? The students will say no because as they just saw it will add up to
ten either way. The teacher will get two other students to play this game to see if the
students understand it. As they are making expressions that add to ten the teacher will
ask the students the same question that the teacher asked the whole class to make sure
the students understood by repeating that it does not matter what number goes first
when adding because it will still give you ten as the answer.
The teacher will then give the students 10 minutes to make equations that will add up to
ten. By giving the students twenty cubes and letting them play with their partners to see
the combinations that they can make that add up to ten. The teacher will go around the
class to see if the students understand the combinations of ten and also that the order
when adding does not matter. By asking them questions like If I change this 2 red cubes
to be in front of this 8 blue cubes does the answer to the equation change or stay the
same? If they stay the same even when it is 2+8 or 8+2 does it matter the order when
adding two numbers? Will it give me the same answer?

Guided Practice _20-30__ Min Grouping: Partners

When they are used to manipulating the cubes and understand some of ten
combinations then the teacher will tell the students to go back to the carpet. The
teacher will then show the students how to play the next game where they hide some
cubes. The teacher will get another student that she has not called yet from the name
cup and will ask the student to close their eyes. The teacher will then hide 9 cubes in her
back and show 1 cube to the student. The student will open her eyes and can use any
strategy (ten frame, number line, fingers, etc.) to help her find the answer. The student
will then have to guess how many cubes I am hiding and after that it is the students turn
to hide the cubes that they have. The student and I will play a few rounds so that the
other students understand what to do when they are playing this game. The students
will then play with their bilingual partners and the teacher will go around and see which
are some of the expressions that the students are hesitating or dont know it really fast.
The teacher will also see the students that can say how many cubes are missing fast and
those that take a long time to answer.

Independent Practice _5-10__Min Grouping: Individually

The teacher will then give students a worksheet with cubes on them and a blank
equation. The students will have to put in some of the combinations they learned that
equal to ten. The students will color the two numbers that equal to ten in different colors
when filling out the worksheet, and filling out the blank equation that goes with the
cubes that they colored with the two different colors. This will help me see what are
some combinations they remember really fast and those that they dont.

Closure _5-7__Min Grouping: Whole class

After they are finished the teacher will pick up the worksheet and then will split the class
into two teams. The teacher will get addition equations that add up to ten and those that
dont add up to ten to see if the students are memorizing those combinations that equal
to ten or are just guessing and really dont understand how to make ten. I will get a
equation card and have one student from each team to try to guess faster than the other
team what does that equation equal to. The team that wins gets to line up first to go to

Reflections and Documentation/Evidence of Lesson Effectiveness

The second day they were working with cubes by hiding a part of the ten cubes and their
partners has to find out how many more cubes do you need to make ten. All the
students were doing a good job. Something that I saw that might be a hinder for these
students is that they wanted to show off their work when they did something in their
cube paper. The students were taking too much time doing the cube worksheet and I
saw that others were doing the same equations for some of the cubes. Some students
were trying to color the whole cube one color when there is suppose to be two colors. I
had to tell the whole class to remember to make the cubes two different colors and to try
to write different combinations of ten that they remembered. Some students wanted
their cubes to be perfect so I had to tell them to hurry up and finish or else we wont be
able to play our next game. When I saw that we still had some time left before we
changed to another subject that we have to do I saw that we could play a game of how
fast do the students know their equations. I saw that some students knew it faster than
the other student.

Students Work:

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