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The Plot in Detective Story

Based on
- Conan Doyle Sherlock Holmes: Five Orange Pips
- Christie Agatha Hercule Poirot: Elephants Can Remember Ch.XX Court of

1. Orientation
From both short stories. The first thing first they mention about is the
situation around the Main Character. Both uses the same point of view
which in Sherlock Holmes is Dr. Watson and for Hercule Poirot is his
partner which I didnt find in the story.
It was in the latter days of September, and the equinoctial gales had set in with
exceptional violence Sherlock Holmes sat moodily at one side of the fireplace cross-
indexing his records of crime, while I at the other was deep in one of Clark Russell's fine sea-
stories until the howl of the gale from without seemed to blend with the text, and the splash of
the rain to lengthen out into the long swash of the sea waves.
Once more Hercule Poirot stood on the cliff overlooking the rocks below and the sea
breaking against them.

2. Complication
The case-bringer came to the detective with a case which is totally ambiguous and already
judged one-sided by the common people that know the case. The case is ambiguous and it
seems like an impossible thing but can be improbable at the same time. Along with that the
case-bringer explain about the backstory of the victim and people around him/her/them For
S.H. the death of Elias Openshaw was decided as a suicide and Joseph Openshaws as an
accident. But the history of Elias Openshaw is the main key of the short story. While in H. P.
the couples deaths decided as whether its a murder or suicide, not both.

3. Climax
The detective trace the event with some facts and evidence from the case bringer or witnesses.
The detective solve what might happen in the past event, or even current and future event.
And after that the detective explain about the case in detail. Like in S.H. Mr. Holmes already
know the murderer both case-bringer, John Openshaws relatives after he get every facts and
evidence from him but he will explain it after John saves his life first. Which ironically will
never happen because John is dead after leaving Mr. Holmes place. And for H.P. When Mr.
Poirot explain about what really happened before, that the wife of the Mr. Ravenscroft is
already dead before that time and the murder of Molly Ravenscroft is her own twin Dolly,
which have mental disorders. The mother of case-bringer, Zeiie and Alistair R. found dying
Molly but they promised to accomplish Mollys last wish. Which result in a drama which cost
Dolly and Alistair R. lifes to accomplish

4. Resolution
The detective is the one who close the case with no more ambiguity. But the criminals in both
stories is in no way to be imprisoned. In S.H. Nature killed the killers and in H.P. The killer is
crazy and already dead

Imran Said Yusuf Class : English Literature 14 A NIM : 1452140011

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