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UNT Lesson Plan Template Madeline Hunter

Pre-service Teacher: Grade(s): 4th School/Mentor Teacher (if

Lizette Moran grade applicable): Ms. Franco

Subject area(s): Unit Lesson Title: Characters of the

Reading Topic/Theme: story
Relevant TEKS: Relevant ELPS: Relevant TX CCRS:
4.6.B. describe the 74.4(c)(2)(E) use II. A. 5. Analyze the presentation of
interaction of visual, information and the strength and quality
characters including contextual, and of evidence used by the author, and
their relationships linguistic support judge the coherence and logic of the
and the changes they to enhance and presentation and the credibility of an
undergo confirm argument.
understanding of
increasingly III.B. 2. Participate actively and
complex and effectively in group discussions.
spoken language IV. B. 3. Listen actively and effectively in
74.4(c)(3)(E) group discussions.
share information
in cooperative
74.4(c)(4)(F) Use
visual and
support and
support from
peers and
teachers to read
content area
text, enhance
and confirm
and develop
vocabulary, grasp
of language

structures, and
needed to
Write using a
variety of grade-
sentence lengths,
patterns, and
connecting words
to combine
phrases, clauses,
and sentences.
Lesson Objective(s)/Performance Outcomes

The students will be able to analyze the relationship of the characters and changes the
characters undergo in the story.

Assessment (Description/Criteria)
Diagnostic: The teacher will ask students questions to see how much background
knowledge the students know about the subject being taught.
Formative: The teacher will go around the room as the students are in their group, and
ask the students questions to see if students are understanding how the characters are
changing as the story is going and how each character is interacting by the clues in the
Summative: The group will have to show evidence from where they got the answer to
the questions being asked to see if the group and the students in the other groups
understand how to see character changes and the relationship with each other. The
teacher will be able to see this with the questions given to each group that they have to
answer about the story they have just read.

Materials and Resources

Pen, Princess for a Week story, ten questions from the story, and pencil

Management of the Instructional Environment

The students that are acting good and are doing their work will be given Franco money,
the students that are not doing what they are supposed to will be owing Franco money.
The students will be given a price if they get all of the answers to their questions correct
and do all of their strategies as an incentive to do their best.
Technology Integration

Diversity and Equity (Accommodations, Modifications, Adaptations)
For my ELL students and those students that cannot read that well will be read to by the
teacher or by their peers in their group the questions they will be answering. If students
need it they will be given five more minutes to answer/comprehend the question. For my
students that are Dyslexic, they will be read the questions and will be given five more
minutes if needed to answer the questions. All of these students will be able to ask the
teacher or their peers to read a part of the story again if need to as well.

Anticipatory Set _10___ Min Grouping: Whole Class
The teacher will start off by asking one of the students to read the objective that they
will be learning about today. Afterwards the teacher will ask the kids why it is important
for the students to know the relationship of the characters in the story and how do
characters change as the story goes on? After the teacher sees how much background
knowledge the students have of understanding characters changes and interactions the
teacher will tell the students what activity they will be doing today. The teacher will tell
the students that after the class have read the story the students will be working in
groups. The teacher will tell the students that they will start with ten points at the
beginning of the game. The students will pick a question they will be solving from a
bucket with the question number. If the students choose a number that is from 1-5 then
they will get ten points. If they choose a question that is 6-10 then they will be getting
fifteen points. In the bucket the teacher will be adding three Kaboom papers. If the
students choose one of these Kaboom papers than they will have to subtract five from
the 10 points they get at the beginning. When the students are working in their groups,
the students will need to find evidence from the story to tell the whole class why they
chose that answer instead of the others. When the students are finished solving their
question, the teacher will pick a group so that they can solve the question. The group
will choose one person from their team to go up there and solve the question in the
projector for all students to see. When the group member goes up that student will read
the question and solve the questions by also telling the class the paragraph where they
found the answer, uses their exies and question marks, and underlined in the story
where the evidence was in. If the students get the right answer than the teacher will
award the students how many points that question is. All the groups will get two
questions to solve and the team/s that have scored ten points will get a price.

Input and Modeling _10-15___ MinGrouping: Whole Class/Groups

The teacher will first ask students to circle and write the text feature of the story
Princess for a week. Afterwards, the teacher will pick students to read a few
paragraphs of the story. When they are finished reading the passage the teacher will
group the students by the seat they are sitting in. When they are with their groups the
teacher will get a bucket and put slips of paper with the question numbers that the
students can pick from. Each team will get to pick one time each round so that they can
do two questions.
Guided Practice __5-7__ Min Grouping: Group
The teacher will give the students 3 minutes to solve that one question where they have

to find the evidence of the answer they chose and why the other answer cannot be the
answer. As the students are working with their group the teacher will be walking around
assessing students conversation in solving the questions. If the students need any help
the teacher is there to guide the students to solve the question if they seem stuck in the
question. The teacher will be asking the students different questions depending on the
question that their group has to solve. For example what helped you learn Robbys
feelings for the girl when solving your question? Did it seem that Jacob felt the same way
Robby felt about the girl helping them?

Independent Practice _15-20__Min Grouping: Group/ Whole Class

When every group is done answering their questions. The teacher will choose the group
that will solve their question first by seeing who is on-task and ready to go. One student
from the group chosen will act as the teacher and read to us the question and answers,
then tell us which answer they chose and what paragraph they found it in. The students
will have to have their evidence from the story already underlined. The students that are
sitting down will also underline where the student that is acting like the teacher found
the answer. If the group gets the answer correct their team will get how many points
that answer is. They will not get the points if they do not show all their strategies. Then
another group will go up and do the same thing.

Closure _5-10__Min Grouping: Whole class

After all of the groups have shown all of their two questions and have all the points they
earned. The group/s with all ten points will be given a price for showing all their work
and solving the question right. After the prices have been passed the teacher will ask the
students how did Robbys character evolve as you are reading the story? How can you
describe Princess? What do you think was the first impression of Roddy in Princess point
of view? Is it helpful knowing the characters relationship when reading passages and
why? Did it help you understand Princess for a week a little bit better? How could you
see that the characters where undergoing changes in their point of view of the people
around them and themselves?
If the students can answer this questions right then the groups that answer the
questions right will be able to pack up and go outside first.

Reflections and Documentation/Evidence of Lesson Effectiveness

Story and questions that I will be using

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