Edug511 Science Inquiry Lesson Planwd

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Common Core Aligned Lesson Plan Template

Subject(s): Science Grade: 2nd

Teacher(s): Aminee Hector School: Andersen Elementary Date: 3/27/17


1. Common Core Learning Standard(s) Addressed:

1 ELD and State Content Standard Addressed (History/Social Science, Science, Physical Education, Visual
and Performing Arts):

(NGSS) Next Generation Science Standards

2-ESS2-2 Develop a model to represent the shapes and kinds of lands and bodies of water in an area.

Science and Engineering Practices

Developing and Using Models
Modeling in K-2 builds on prior experiences and progresses to include using and developing models (i.e,
diagram, drawing, physical replica, diorama, dramatization, or storyboard) that represent concrete events or
design solutions.
Develop a model to represent patterns in the natural world.

Disciplinary Core Ideas

ESS2.B: Plate Tectonics and Large-Scale System Interactions
Maps show where things are located. One can map the shapes and kinds of land and water in any areas.

Crosscutting Concepts
Patterns in the natural world can be observed.
1 Learning Objective: (What will students know & be STUDENT-FRIENDLY TRANSLATION
able to do as a result of this lesson?)
I will identify certain landforms and will build a model of
Students will identify ten different types of landforms and the bodies of land and water.
will develop a model that represents the shapes and kinds
of land and bodies of water in an area. (Blooms
Understanding & Creating)

1 Language Objective(s): (What is the type of language that EL's will need to learn and use in order to accomplish the
goals of the lesson? Ex) Reading, Writing, Listening, Speaking, Academic vocabulary, Language functions, Language
Learning Strategies)

Reading, Listening and Speaking.

1 Relevance/Rationale: (Why are the outcomes of this STUDENT-FRIENDLY TRANSLATION
lesson important in the real world? Why are these I will understand landforms and build a model of this in
outcomes essential for future learning?) order to create a foundation for future learning of the
To develop students understanding of ten types of physical aspects of the world around me.
landforms and what these look like in our physical world.
This information provides them with the knowledge they
need in order to learn future information about the Earth.
By constructing a model of landforms, they will gain
hands on experience of this building process and see
what this tangibly looks like.
1 Essential Questions:
Is it important to know what the world around you looks like?
How does developing a model of something help with your understanding of the concept?


1 Class Information:

a. Total number - There is a total of 22 students in this class. There are 11 boys and 11 girls.

b. EL/Special Needs There are currently no EL students in this class. There is one student who is currently

being tested for ADD and an IEP.

c. Academic background in content area - The students are only taught science every other week for an

hour from the designated science teacher. Their teacher does not know much detail of what the content

they are going through in their actual science class.

d. Linguistic All students in this classroom has English as their native language and is what is spoken in their


e. Cultural/Health The majority if the students come from a middle/higher socioeconomic background.

There are three students that come from a different cultural background. One student has a parent from

Germany, one student is from New Zealand, and another students parent is from Russia. There are two

health concerns within the classroom. One student has a bee sting allergy while a few have a peanut allergy.

f. Physical Students at this age and in this class are becoming more experienced in using the small muscles

in their hands such as when they are using their handwriting and scissor skills. They also have an increased

sense of energy.

g. Social The students enjoy working with their peers and in groups. They are able to talk well with one

another and behave in an appropriate manner with guidance.

h. Emotional Students are beginning to communicate their needs and emotions, although they sometimes
1 Anticipated Difficulties (Based on the information above, what difficulties do you think students may have with the

I anticipate that my student with ADD may have a hard time focusing on the powerpoint and with completing the
construction of their model.


1 Modifications/Accommodations (What specific modifications/accommodations are you going to make based on the
anticipated difficulties?)

Based on my anticipated difficulties, I will make sure my student with ADD is sitting in an area where he can clearly
see the powerpoint. I will also make sure that he is not sitting by anyone who many be distracting to him and who
would draw his focus off of the content or activity. When the students are placed in their groups, I will specifically
make sure he is in a group with peers that he can work well with and who will help his stay on task and will
encourage him to be apart of the model making process.

1 21st Century Skills Circle all that are applicable

Communication Collaboration Creativity Critical Thinking

Describe how the 21st century skill(s) you have circled will be observed during the lesson:

Communication: Students will be communicating with the teacher and with one another in sharing their ideas
of the name of the club. They will also be engaging in group conversation while they build their model.

Collaboration: Students will be working together to figure out what the name of my club is at the beginning of
the lesson. Students will also be working in groups in order to construct a model of the different types of

Creativity: Students will be working in groups to design and create a model of landforms.
1 Technology - How will you incorporate technology into your lesson?

A Google doc PowerPoint will be used.


12. Assessment Criteria for Success: (How will you & your students know if they have successfully met the outcomes? What
specific criteria will be met in a successful product/process? What does success on this lesson s outcomes look like?)

a. Formative:
The students will be completing a landform handout during the powerpoint. They will be filling in a missing
word of every landforms definition. This will help them stay focused during the powerpoint, and will also help
guide them as they create their landforms model.

b. Summative (if applicable):

The students will turn in their model of landforms that was created by their group. Students will be assessed on
their participation in the group collaboration and in the development of the model. I will be observing their
participation during the time that they are construction their model. I will write my notes and comments on a
clipboard that will help in my assessment.

c. (Attach rubric here, if applicable):


1 Instructional Method: Circle one Direct Instruction Inquiry Cooperative Learning
1 Resources/Materials: (What texts, digital resources, & materials will be used in this lesson?)

Large printed out pictures of landforms and non-landforms.

Landforms Powerpoint.
Physical example of the model they will create.
Landform handout that includes pictures and vocabulary.
Cardboard poster board.
Blue and red tissue paper
Green, brown, white construction paper
Cotton balls.
Optional: Sand and small fake trees.

1 Procedure (Include estimated times. Please write a detailed procedure, including questions that
you are planning to ask.):
OPEN: (5 min)

1. If you guys look towards the whiteboard, you will see a few different pictures that I brought today.
Teacher draws a large circle in the middle of the white board next to some of the taped large printed pictures.

2. Some of these items are members of my club, and some are not. Your job today is to discover the name of my

3. I will respond with either a yes, it belongs to my club, or no, it does not belong to my club.

4. Also, lets make sure to raise your hand to be called upon in order to guess what pictures belongs to the club.

5. Teacher displays the printed pictures one at a time, placing them on the white board. She provides plenty of
examples and non examples.

6. The teacher places three or four images in the circle if it is a landform, or outside the circle if it is not a landform.

7. After presenting and placing three or four of the images, the teacher encourages and asks the children to guess
where the next picture will be placed.

8. Turn and talk to your neighbor about what you think the club name might be.
The teacher will have two students share their hypotheses to the class.

9. After four more images have been placed, the teacher will again ask, What do you think the name of my club is
Teacher helps students test their hypotheses by examining the present examples and by adding others.
Teacher has students raise their hands and then respond.

10. When most students have demonstrated knowledge somewhere near the landform club, the teacher invites
the students to state it aloud: Good job club experts! What is the name of my club? Everyone, say it aloud with
me on three. Onetwothree! Landforms students shout together.
BODY: (10-15 min)

1. Teacher has paper passers come up and collect the landform worksheet.
Teacher goes over the worksheet with the students and explains that they will be following along during the
powerpoint and will fill in the missing word for each vocabulary definition.

2. Now lets take a closer look into landforms!

Teacher displays landform powerpoint.

3. On three, lets read our objective together. OneTwoThree, I will identify certain landforms and will build a
model of the bodies of land and water.

4. Teacher continues through the powerpoint, briefly describing and commenting on each landform.
Teacher involves students by asking them, Have any of you gone to any of these landforms before or have
any examples of ones you have been to?
Teacher has students raise hands and share out loud about their experience or example to the class.

5. Now that we have finished learning about landforms, we are now going to make a model of them.
Teacher explains that they will be using the landform handout to help them complete the task of building their
Teacher tells the students that they will be completing their model with a group.
The group will consist of the students in their rows. (There are three rows so there will be three groups)

6. Teacher begins to show students the example of the landform model.

Mentions each landform that is shown on the model.

7. Tell students that they will be making their own model.

This model is to help show you what it may look like, although it does not have to look exactly like this. I want
you guys to work together and be creative with how you want to model and create your landforms with the
resources I will give you.
Goes over the directions for the model.

8. Depending on the amount of time available for the building of the model, the teacher will modify the amount of
landforms that the students need to create on their model.

9. Teacher puts students in groups, distributes the materials and goes over any questions before the students begin
CLOSE: (25-30 min)

1. Students turn in the landform model they constructed with their group.
2. Teacher asks for any leftover materials that the students did not use.
3. Students sit quietly back in their desk.
4. Teacher displays their objective on the powerpoint.
5. Teacher reads the objective once more to the class and asks them, I want you guys to think about all you did
today. Do you think that you met the objective for today?
6. Teacher asks for students to show a thumps up, down or in the middle as their self assessment.

1. Please include your rubric data here.

2. Were the students successful at achieving the lesson objective?

a) If so, provide student evidence.

b) If not, why do you think they were not able to achieve the lesson objective? What are your next steps?

1 What instructional strategies did you use to help students achieve the lesson objective?

3. What would you change about the lesson and why?

Classroom Lessons ONLY: After presenting your lesson in your BST classroom, please review and reflect on student
work related to this lesson. Make copies of student work for levels of high, middle, and low, and write your comments
on the copies.

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