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mini: -Boo ok of the Week ) Easy- -to-Read Mini-Books on Fiction and Nonfictioi Topics for Every Week of the School Year by Maria Fleming & i-Boo Min the wee k by Marla Fleming NEW YORE © TORONTO » LONDON - AUTELAND - YEMEY Teaching MEMOO CITY « NPWIDELMI « HONGHONG + BUENOS AIRED Ritenenees Inteodeason Hew to Maki the Mini-Books Mini-Beoks September Week 1: Fir Day of Sabet Week 2: All whe Way ta School Week +: The Story-of ME! Week b: The Seances of an Appie Tree Werk 2: Dhncaras Riddles Werk 3 Amazing BATS, ‘Werke 4: What Should Be for Hiloweent Movember Wek J: Wha ibermaces? Work 2: My Favorite Color ‘Week 3: Tae a Trip Wt a Book Work +: The Pilgrims: December Werle I: What Wil ‘Week 2: The Mien Bock Week 3: Special Days. Week: Supesies! Jenuary (Week Ic A Bran ttew Year Week 2: Penguin Yes Weel 3: Meer Manin Legher Ring, Je Week 4: The Degen Parade pe Wemher Be? eek Ae February ‘Week B Say Gob-bye to Winter Week 2; Be Mine, Vilentine! Week 3: The Testh Book ‘Wiegle 4: How Be You Count to 160? March ‘Wetle 1A Sky Full of Clouds Week 2: The Ficmer and the Lepeechaun Werks Hello, Sprint aN Werk 4: From Tadpole 1 Prog April ‘Werk b; The Wacky Duy. Weck 2: Ral Bay Wot 4: Ise Bard ti Grow Garden? May Weck L: How hig isa Whate? Werk 2:1 Tahe Care of My Heait .. ‘Week 8: Per Problione ‘Week 4: Beonsing a Batierty June Week 1: Sp Spider. Spi Week 2: make 40 Beton Jedd soefinipa cel-bscs usar commmesecise heli aod specl sccauorn, elebane seatoral che, sasdleaplort lnorite theo, al whe proving waleabde reading practicg aad srinoneg hey concepts, Mary ef the boots deaure fen erans— sothas flip books. shape books, popup books, srarracene vete-and:read baka, sed meet mativate childtes to tad thers again and apain ‘Young venders wl be eager on bring borne these Iboeks to due with lay reser, Dalping 10 Tailt wraderts’ reading confidence and shits Locking tora te. wary to mack the sev ol tallh ‘pra book “Leal Wall“ whih iertes childrens: notice the diferent shapes of Haves, eed vo ind. an enpaging srading wad math acts te inconperare nea your LO" Bay of Scho felbyatlnn? Tart tothe minicbook “How Da ‘Count 0 1005" which hes chien praccce vuntieg 16 criners. Was bo weap up te school yea om & pene noke? Intech twit | setanol ond note KIT eumicaken tareonds, a sell erretio soiegies Connections ta tha Language Arts Standards “The ecirited in thir book te disigid to mappa you ih meting he illowing reading Hardords oxdiredl ley Midcontinent Rewacreh ker EScaioe and Lecrvang, en expoedanion that enarh aoe qybeetins 1 Uses martol mp bene 2m pcre ond pnd tel cseaprcanaion of fed 8 nen mecaing dea 4 ald comprebeesion one moe precictora cho Gone? {9 Usea bas emma af pcre emit to decode ont word (© Uncronds lvelapproprion aight words and wecbulory {0 Rett cloud Femiiar moe wih Reency ond expres an srockng sia ord vrcragie fo understand «wore of Kanda Rerary getagea cod ents [stools coe, norBten, pers, pica books, pecictbe boots) 8 Uses reaching alils ond raegaas fo undandand 0 vavley of indormetinel Neth © Undies Ps ris leo one upping datale ol uinpla expaiitoy inlormation seo Baume thett ow “Clans Memory Book™ 19 show thelsspesial memories of the peat Broa the Tes ny of taal eo the La, these mini Backes prvvaie fous of engariog reading peuctice ‘YouTl fated nbendh 0 the wien of thea: ae books ‘Hee soe sme sggraions. Use he books fe amduee wr reinkorce a specthc woah sell (to iesch gubded ending Mess, (eto compare feilon and oomticton. io baanch a there unit (eo retlonce soaeee, social sri and mach conte. feo pee che kdors practice reading in a aren, este or in a lnerimpornier with a recording, sf the text eta provide a model for children contin senting and bookmabing props fe wobolld penal id-book: bbrarie Soe every adont. Ate oe ioperaetly kt be ks ince love a ready and scnkree the wea that reading 1 fun—scenething bo be erdoyed rursy diy every week, and every deaice of the rar] ‘Gcraber, Week tt ‘The Seasons off an Apple Tree pages 21-23) Feretut, suede Bole 1. Make doubleaided photocopies oof pages 21-22 po that mini-book Page | appears ctposily behind the tale page. Cat out the pages 2 Make d pho of page 23 full tree and stand) 3s fame Oe copy of page 23 onto eh porter bowed. Cur out the tee and waned “4, Stach the soges i endey Place the Ge page on 6, Cas ashi in the sand and a the bottom of he cree ‘whene indicuned, Tneseet the cru ieee the saxo te make the beak stand op, ‘Deiober, Week 3: Amusing BATS (pages 26-27) 2, Pate de ange bat paste enio power bound or sak tag adc oun. Colo the foc wd ace ofthe a, ening th square ws the costes Bleak. 2. Cen apam rhe min:-book pages along ae doued lines. 1. Suac the ett -bowke pages in ender with te tle age on top. Staple the pai uepetber alee the Felt hated sie, 4. Face afew dabe of soc onthe Hank sepaane between she beak wings. ue the mashook orao this sejanre, peesting, levee ‘5. old exch ofthe ba wings lowiaed ston the deste Whe at the gs steed eves the mas beh inate ccrace Corie the -sings sharply along the folds, shen parually sper them. Sard ube Bock on a flat surace ‘8. Omnahe las gage ofthe book, invite eBalees es wine ged reseunch thei core quran shout has ‘Dereber, Week +: ‘What Should { Be for Halloween? pages 1-191 ‘Format: mixed-ep flap book 1. Cit apars the pages of che hook along the long dicted tines to -treae 6 pacels (Du ni gut alang, the ste! solid ees yet] [E Seack the pages is order with the te page on top -Ssple the pues together along the lee fare se Read the book topechar, Then show childzen bow tospen cack pope and Earby crease Labor the -eerterfld so the the pages te bo le fae 4, Cut slong the shor schid bees on the cower to make twee flaps, webour cunsng all te way 10 the books ecige. Thee: cur though pges 2-3 sol che bouik in ibe sme wey -eneaing (hee igs on each of thes pages, De mot cut pape 6 ‘5, Show chikdnen bow to Nip the flaps back and fonh 10 creace diflerent mixed-up communes. |L. Posen the pages horizontally Cut along the swereleal dovted lines vo create four pane pages 12, pages 3-4, pages 246, and the take ashi shape 2. Cut ape che cn page and rainbow stupe along the dotird bine Color the exinbow shape and co ox ‘3. Fol the panel sith pages Sed in hall ‘huclowand akong the soled line so that the ‘Mae sale aces i. Ct the teach lines, cutting thtomgh beth sides of the paper. 4h lio he ue ther fk ball forward along the solid tine. As you fold, punk in the ‘tab: Crense firmly along the fot ‘dzeluding the ub. When you ‘per ele patel amal thee Amensoral ba wl appear 5, Fut adab of glee on the bowom part of he bes, Gut the ext bow io the hex. Fokd the panél elesed again. 6 Fold the panels wath purges Lane Soin hall forwand aleeg the solid line so dhua the bani, vides face cut. Stack the faded panels on top of one another sa that Ube mini-book pages are im onder and eh folded exes are aged Place the cover on tp. Staple the corre aca pases gether along the top edge 1. When you flip hzwugh the ook. there wil be some bunk pages. Glue the blank pages together, Nowenber, Week 3: Take a Trip With a Book {pages 4-151 serene Format saranda | i Neveriber, Wiock 47 The Pilgrises = paies 18257) Perr Pe at imtai oD f bi Dreeasber. Week 1: ‘What Will ihe Weather Be? oe ‘pages 38-39) Format: mixed up fap bocit Fallow she direcions for “What Stok 1 Be Bor Halloween (Cerober Week 41 Dorember, Wirek 1: ‘The Steen Bock fpagrs 40-43) Format shape book ‘Ca oe the niien-sbuped pages aed them follow ibe staradant deewua assembly inearactions. December, Weel 3: rT. Special Days f Special -. i ions 42h » Days Format; yeanclaod edi book fewer chelkdirs to dexw and -- sive about te aly) their famvdies. celebrate in, December. page 48) Format: bor 1, For aided aubilay, ponte the pattern age oe barry paper, such ss-comsteuotie puper: (Hite: Folding is mange illicade ora thick paper, Hichibfeen sre comaraceing thet boxes, prewide aalwarce swith folding} 2. Colle che Musiraeions go eracrable wrapping, paper, Cyt out the pattern along she sold lines 3. Fold tuchewand aor a ‘he dotted ies. Fld the pages rao a box, with the thle tthe twp aed page 3 on the bottom. 4 Tape the sate and beascen of ibe bor woprtirs, Do not tape down: the top flap. Rites, tuck in the labs tn close the box, 33. Levine childern eo store @ poem or srall “weasce” inside che box, sie wish a mbbon, ‘and et Was a surptioe to semeore special Jesnary, Week 1 ‘A Bramdecvew Tear pages 448) Format: srurcled sini boi ave cheer kin the fase of the mons or eat page Hemnary. Week: [Pesan roa] A PFomguin Year pages 49-30) Format: sep book ‘Cu apart the aied-benke pages along the don lines 2. Sane the pages tm onder wath det cover on sep foDbewed by were, sprig, amoer, are fl AL Alig ibe pes thong the top alge and staple he tog I Meet Martins Lather King. Je. (pages 3-32) Format: jaarstied reni-book Jsmmary, Week 4: sang the Uae Hines Fold he page i ball backward along the sob line 3, Color the dragon. 1. Php the book aver ll the pages slog th stat lunes. To ceeae the sceriion eet, reel backward along the fied lie forward along the stun Line, ded hactonaed alorg the lt Hawt Fresly creme te page 4, Dub a self amount of giue on the rp: pars of a ‘nut stick, on oth tbe font and the buck. Insert ihe craft stick herween the bree ind back panels ofthe book: om one ea. Press fii pve the stick in place. Repear swt a second cal ack, Invite cule 0 veuke the dragon dance by exaning the eral slicks £3 ed down, Febreary, Week ts Say Good-bye to Winter Spapes 34-95) oman: pop-up book Follow ahe ditvetioes for “My Favoele Celoe* (Mowember, Week 21 ln this book, « gmndbog pops up oe) the Last page ‘Cetout the heas-shaped pages and then fallow the sundae foemat sembly marrucioes. Ths ‘book ab doubies a Valeraine utd. Invite chidren to eoloe and decorate het eds, £2 ty ‘he "Ts" ate “Foor lines on ae cower, ad ve to sermtone special Febrmany, Week 3: The Tooth Book pages and ches tlw the sme lem ssseimby saseucices Staple the pages ingatber along the sep of the ack February, Yee #1 How the You Count te 100} pages 60-8 Format: mandiest minubook, March, Werk ty A Sky Fall of Clonds. pages 66) Format: shape bowk ‘Gat eva she cloud: shuped pages and chen fllew the sHandard fomnat asseSty insractions. Sap the ages topeter slog te Iefitand sabe ‘Marth, Weel 2: The Farmer and} the Leprechaun ‘pape. ttl) Eormaa suandand min beak March, Weel: Hella, Springs pages 69-10) ‘Fora stadar min-book March, Werk 4; Feotn Tadpole to Frog page 71 Farm fp book 1, Paste dhe pacer page ona heavy paper, mach as ‘soruerectice paper. covering. ihe emuire back of the pane page wich » Bin layer of glue 22. Cut apan the pages aiceg the coated ines, ‘3. Sack the pages in order wath the le sage coovnap, Make are co alge Use pues sng the ‘bottom eige 4. Suaple the pages nogether sbong Lhe bop cage 13 Show children barw ee var he pages of che book slowty to read the text. Then SB her en a Sip through the pages juicy eo wach the xipole surm imoa fog Hlokd the top edge of ie beck with ote hairal she Mipging through che Pages uiieg the dares of the other hand. Apeil, Week 1: The Wacky Enay tpages 72-73) Fost) eandard moi bo April, Weel, 2: Bain Song pages 175) Ferman, shape bik ‘Ct oun the eaceefrop-shaped - (ages. Stack the papes on onder with the ule page ‘on op, pret a bale heogh the ops of the pages, sed bind them togecher with yarn or sang. On the 4s page, vote cls to wre the sounds they beds when they hae he ain (pages 16-77) Format: shape book, (Cur om the EamaBaped pages Seach the pages ev obdes withthe Ee page on tm punch a Dole hecugh the eps ci the ages, anc bend then ‘ogether with yan or string, Cn the las: pape, Aerie cdrom to witie art they do take cate of oas plana Apail, Week 4: Ie Bard to Grow @ Garden? ‘pages 1870 Forse: pop-up boot Fellow the destetioes fir “My Bavrite Ciler” ‘Member, Week 2), lx this book, lowers pop wp (200 IB: bet page. Mey, Werk 5 : How fig bs a Whalet (emer pages 0-834 a Femur: shape book ‘Cur out the whale-ahaped pages and then fee the soaredasd fonmnat aseenbly trucos. Seape the (Pages together along the Iee-hand side, May, Werk 2 eee) A Take Care of My Heart pages 83-84) ae horma: sundaed moni-booie ‘Om the last page have chabteen serie what they dono ep these earns beady Format: standard met-book “Prose Tadpole to Fog” Chaech, Week 41 pags 90-921 Format: sandard sink book Lach page prompuschiblven no wre and draw about the highlighs ofthe sclool year. June, Week 3: ‘My Autegraph Book ipa) Torri: standard min-bowik Vnwe thle use the Bare Joes inside the took to covet tear claseenaes* sncrogrphs, Mdesined, add Med popes atthe end ‘of the Boo lor addiicea!rooen fer autographs. June, Week 4: Whee Seamer Comes ipape 95-46 Feemst standond mini-book ‘Grate Lat page, mene schideen eo wate about their surtemer plans aa first Day of Schoo; I con't wait to use my new notebook, my new pencils, and my new pens, 2 3 jBuig of eans 51 JOA jooyps mau sy seunjuanpo ay) uiB9q of 41M 4,UD9 | g4bad jooyss aval Sty) Oy PUDAUOY Buryoo] NOA GUD IDY AA, gs “Buys 94 jJq yt 30) 0m 4,U09 | All the Way to School {Sing fo the tune of "The Wheels on the Bus) slither and slide, slither and slide. If 1 were a snake, I'd slither and slide all the way to school. IF L ware o rabbit, I'd hippity-hop, hippity-hop, hippity-hop. If] were a rabbit, I'd hippity-hop all the way to school 2 IF were a bird, I'd flipflaptly, flip-lap-fly, fip-flap-fly. TFL were a bird, I'd fliptlap-fly all the way to school 3 If were a bug, I'd creep and crawl, creep and crawl, creep and crawl. Tf were a bug, I'd creep and crawl all the way to school. But Tam a person, so 1 Butl oma person, so 1 all the way to school 3 oO The Story of ME! OR SSS See Oo Tom years ald, My birthday is I There are People in my family and pels. ¢ These are the peaple in my family: ee aaa () a | My faverite food is My favorite animal is My favorita book is ‘You should get to know me. You will like me because & & “SUD|Y 20 SUBY 34y yoo] SANS] BWOS “SJDYIDD] JO S4D/S S4/) YOO] SoAGS] oWOg 6D JO | Say 83] puqpay joa) oyBuid | JOa] Avo jo5) wn jooms 1 ‘sadoys pup sez puosayip eum yoy; S809] SAOY feay juUaVayIG ‘puncuB ayy OF [04 PUD S10[09 uuNy sr09) ‘UUNIND Uy oe SPF OM 4021 Sone oT RRR oe BOD TI = s “Ys PUB ‘syjoqoNY "susyr ogy yoo) Asyy jeou, auDs ay) UO yjo—sedoys Iugay!P Soy) Ul wouB SoADe] toyoteog DD SeaDe) ToyOsEOS syayood sny ur poayoo nod, FGA] OY YINY ZPUY NOA sBADa] OYE aup sedoys jDY AA, “4JOrA yoo] O UG OD {Cain el | Do not ext len a se ne h “SIDMAGY 20 SPH] Sy!) yoo) Ssag9) swWOS ee joa] 994 dying pay yoo “o é of an Apple Tree ssgquiaa ayy YBnosy #890 |]!"A SP|AQ PUD sey ay) “Spng -sqjddo auiozaq |e JJows 205 UND NDA pun Ajaso]D | S1aMOY Su] JO wos “aul UT “WOO[G 4OO| (Ng “e1Dg suIOes Baul adda ! ‘Oyu! JUNG Spnq JMAOY BY) MOpY YL PUD ‘POD Ff JayIDOM Bt] sous, JUL | € é | “eB Seana] SY) SHXOW aUyYysUNs “soo ajddo meu awoseq 4yBiw joyL WO AA, “SPA SWOT Woy [NIUN seADB] spaes spjoy eiddo yong “moi sejddo ueeiB Mopy “USWUOM SLUNy JOyJORM OY] | PUD 994 a4y Woy [DY 3}O}9d sEMOY OY) Buuds | Pd Directions 1. Cut out the beck pages. 2. Poste the tree and stond onto poster board. 3. Cut out the tree and stand 4. Place the book pages in order. Staple them to the top of the tree. 5. Insert the trunk into the stand fo make the tree stand up. Answer: Tickle ils funny bone. E4Bnoy uopeyeys Jngsoulp 0 eyow nod Op Mo} eer. “eee. ie es, Angee: Becouse they're tons of funt 2801NDd yO $10] O} PayAUL jaB suncsoulp op AyAA Anpwer: A dine-snore. ZAdp (jo sdaajs jou Answer: Tyrennosaurus Packs. 4 Answer; A sillysourus, EUBYIY9 © PUD INDSOUIP sso19 NOA uaYM JAB nod Op JOYA, Answer A dingsore. E10) & UGS $]/0) OY JNOSOUIP 6 |jO9 NOA Op IDYAA, "uO SY aysoddo aBod yung Sly US JOMSUD SY OIL AA, “JOMSUD OUy PUY oF Aap “auey 4 SHLAA, 25104 IneqD udysanb 0 axny nod og & jsonun ¢ | ul saqynbsow gg] joe ule wey aod Ay "Hn 40 g]3@4ul jOe sq jsO~y jajdoad you jng ‘sa03 pu saszey jo poojq ey) Uo peg} ey) “pooiq quup syoq auiduon Aucy zPpoolq yup s1Dq og | ‘1e8y XIE OF | dn yo wodsBuim © yyw ‘uoaBid p jo azis oy $1 oq seBBiq eyy “eeqajquing BGio] o yo a7ys oy Ss! jDq JPO|OWS BY) FOTIE pUSIEYIP AUBW Ul “31D JO spuly juauayip AuoWw aio sayy { ] i| i i 21pq 51 Biq MoH “SOU FOU pOULUOW Ayo Bu) GID s1Dg “sjoWWOW Jayjo ay) Gund any of yg eB sjeoq yng “sBBa ADL Spulg “SuayIoay jou “ny Yl PaueAoD aap Asyy “S/OWUNUIOW aro syOq “Opy espaiq 540q Guy “yyBiu yo pooy pul) o) Buypay jo asuas [RpeMod Jey) ash 310g ySiw 1 uoyy 1yBy ADP ay) Ul Jayeq aes Aay ‘ajdoad ‘84!| Ing ‘ejdoed so yjam tp BOS UOS 510q alUOs ‘Op, epuyg si0q aay yoo JOU PUD-UOUSONE y SIVa suizeury What Should I Be | for Halloween? ¥ | s | h [ouojeq Uses Jena soy | BOF UOS yoy) Uo BJO | uoBoup 0 9q 1),] sq4oy U0 OU QunjDeID dn-paxiu B 9g ||] eqkow 19 oy nod wos soungoals juaaypip AoW ao} “enmen dnpax “Age OqoU Oy} yey pus fo yang sdoy oy uadg FP “sauy] PHOS OYE Busjo aed yoe in 3 ‘9}0); os eaiA Oe AK “sau 8y) UOY! suOW UaEIB ayy) ] ‘op “8aq MOEA Oy]] | SAWIAWOS ing “posysur Bune $y) yUIU) P—HOAL OPY “Pes 19P 1 gJ0/02 SyUOAD}) O BADy nod Og reonds sajno auojdve *sBury pur ‘suaenb ‘sayso yisia. AP Fy yOog © YLIA lu] eyDL iO pup yoog 0 dn uado ysng ¢sOuy o] Gy] Pino nod ajdoed auayl aay “quey) UMNO] MOU YING Aeuy “sHasnysossoy “pes Aways D stou20 ul Ang yjnowAéyy pau Papua sWLBig ayy i JomoyAoyy oy) payjo> diys & payos Aayy re “pUB] MOU BU! Spt] mau D u/Beq o} pajuows Aay) ‘pucyBug Uy aWoY sey yal SWINE} BY “OZ | UT “‘BuiGsyuoyy jsuy Aaa ayy | “Day OYA $0 [S09 WeYY Jaquewes aa ‘AOpoL i JSSAIDY 451)) LY) Palouqa|e> swUBjig ayy j i 5 h ‘sdou> yuo swiByy ou) yO Oo] YAY Puy OF OYA SUB Oy podjay oxo sunouauny Bayon OyL Ploy Aoyy “Aquoau pant suDauaUNy aANORY What Will the Weather Be? ‘Will there be winds that blow and blow’? now? Will there be s1 Will there be ice? dd oi Say ie oy oe ‘a ‘Cul each page along Whatever the weather, I'm ready for fun! the solid lines, Will there be sun’? ‘Will there be rain? Mittens ore just right for keeping hands warm and dry, for catching snowflakes | for making pretty that fall from the sky, | snow angel wings, 2 3 for pulling things, for making snowballs | | Hooray for mittens— and jolly snowmen, | | your hands’ best friends! 6 7 Es) Some of the things we do during this holiday are Some of the foods we eat ore | _ we BHA This holiday is important becouse The thing I like best about this holiday is hom way)” * anB 0) oy ¢ pue noye eB 0f ET | Houccay-dey diy | “aoa O YI poy puc zedod sedogt jo ur sending oy f ssyojs awyGuuds pup yBiy Ay sayy ways, —— Apuen SOUUOD UY jURY JO SyJUOW AU aAjemy *S/OIGO|O2 O] SYJLOLY MOU DAIOMY —unBeg spy s08A wou ty ‘Aonupy shos wopuajoo ayy “spDey Ag S,euyua]OA, Sh) YE sawes AuonuDy Jey | y "yood ayy ur “AYS yy (YBy your SysOMary PUB et ny Joy ouUyL sy ui s3uD1d pup sepouod aun eueyy »iADIO0}, ‘sINOYs sUCAEAg oo AMO S802 UBLy uy) suiBeq sewwng AgaMoys soWwOo wap] a gauo sayjoup soy Apoas nod ay ‘suOp $1 1084 19yjOUD YSO] fy uequawas of sdop jpiseds yo syo] yj ——<—=$$— uy SUB Jay Aj, ol JO} |NYAUBY) @4,8M JD JO yu) BOW BIUS SWY 8,41 ‘sao MBL, jjooyps 40) ouny uy SuO}s [JO] aDqUL, ‘pes ayy ur Buidoyd puo Sujwurat oad ay) jo syjUOW jeappos oY pudds Aayy ‘DayEuy Ad! uy gaa) suINGUEd asoy) apa, uinBueg eee = = i i i Burids “yur s6B0 oxy soy uinBued sayjow ayy saqqed Guysn jsau @ spying uinBued JaYIOR BY) “puny 19) powy suinBued ayy ‘Ajay D POIs OF OW FI YI LUBY AA, aouIWINS qspy mouB syaiyo ayy ‘pooy wey) Guq puo Syd1y> OY) Jo dibs ayo) sued uinBuad By, “S8Ba ayy woy yooy syoiy> Ayn | i 1 i i i i 4 “SBYNUIDY UMS HEU HOLS OF Wun. [pA suInBued Bunod oy) Aop Bug) Va|UIM yO Das yo Aoys yyw AByy “@Uty Ky BY) Joy Das oY) OU! exlp ABYy) “SuaYyIoe] ANBU AXE PUD yNY SLY aso] syIYy> By jADpoy yno awe ey uayA Aopoys j ‘sty 965 ,upip BoypunciB ayy asnoseq i 1 eo, h a “*) Aomo apy usr Bude | “OI DY) Spuin Aanys pup iq Jea/ pus ysnjs o| adq-pooB Ang | tS aE ee, i! anatfeq NOA UOT) i j}ooyss io App Ayo BDU AA | * = i f - ‘a ( rh % ane hh "uLoU ayy) [fay waded ‘ssezeu py Rain makes music all day long. listen to its noisy song Pitter, patter. drip, drip, drop. 2 3 4 Tlove the song that raindrops sing. & Plinka, plinka, ping, ping, ping. § What does the rain sound like to you? Every day is a day fo protect our land, 2 si ] 4 Lot's walk to tha store’) ie ingtoad of driving. i gi? & a qo) Met fH ‘Don't forgat to turn off the light! Fels th 7 : Every doy is Earth ‘O chance te do our part... Today 1 will take care of Earth by Pe, ... fo make our planet cleaner and greener, And today is the day to start! jeu Bu siasoy Ayoud Jo sia] GADY I],NOA™*~ eit Mey AN et UE Suggs ag Wit Pain re “ON teeter Od ~eegyy ON | moe = — Vv i 4 SEER - a ie ~~ Tes “a [= Oe Zuepins D MOIS Sally. O} PIDH HSI D Re ASL OA augue pup ‘ya Aeyy ing ISJA gascuB oF Woy) J0p OM OF Puy pH Sy | : ie edt ee i How Big Is a Whale? How big is a whale? Huge! The blue whale is the biggest animal on Earth. A blue whale can grow to be 100 feat lang. That's longer than three school buses lined up end to end! A blue whole can woigh up to 150 tons, That's heavier than 25 elephants. Fifty people could stand on the tongue of a blue whale, than most dinosaurs were, Now that's big! “Agjd | puo uns 7 “AOp Y2be asquaxe y “poey Aw yo qupo ayy] “wows wy Auypay wy jupay Aw 2 49 d1DD ayDL I lb spoay Aw jo a1o> ayDy ] ii ‘pows why AYyORY Wy “OB jsnw 4! ples SL “uay!y © Puno, | {OYOISIW © JOU AA “S¥OUS Oo SWOY \yBnog 7 ‘ou AERO aR RE | Cl ae We|qOud 4eq cysim Aw jo6 7 ‘Anp suo “Ayjouy uauy jysy yed mou Aw ‘aipjosy aay ‘poay spy qooys pop Avy “y2n] ony Epoajsur yiqgos 0 20 Boy 6 noqa MoH ‘uid D yo poay ey uo jy oy YBnous yows si 66a ayy joa; 0 uo GBa uo sto) Aypayng y ap iduayo> “80 smouB jay ye Aun 5 ] yBnoayy | i SAAD] JO S10] 3yOe I IN aj ay) “pays s,6Ge ayy LOS YY [POM ‘OU)9H Ajguauing p Buiwosag Aysoung guay uaddoy jpn SMIY) OA OP }OU AR YOO) O uo BB uo 1 Ady js Aysoung ay) ‘Aop eucy jAyoung } BO}! 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SABE RAE Paugaure BAO] SOMO] © tee INA JACI ae = SO YSNw $B JOU Ing a || “Ys B S@AQ] yDO8 RS, ads] INDA 3ACTI sp yonw so jou yng ad - | “BOYS D SBAD] 4D05 Pe oag/} be : b* , ‘S20 m6 saddy b> Sey Take care of your teeth. Keep them clean and bright. Brush them every morning Brush them every night. 2 3 Choose healthy foods to eat like yogurt, milk, and cheese. 4 See the dentist twice @ year to help keep cavities away, 4 Crunchy carrots and opples— teeth like foods like these. 3 Take care of your teeth every single day! t yow D° You Count to loo + There are lots of ways to count to 100, You can count by I's, You can count by 25's. AM. 100 butterflies in trees. 6 You can count by 50's, Macon: 100 legs on o centipede give this creepy-crawly speed, No matter how you get the job done, counting to 100 is fun! rf SpnolD jo _ ina Aus U ~~ arp i 7 Bnd oy By] YOO] i > ‘apy Big joa6 © pu cu ysy OwOs O85 J soo yo up eas | 2 hod diay ijl | PUD ‘paung spo junoysauda| © spaA Ip "YSN WOU) D Uo unod araym aw yoy, “Aol yea Buysuop | wGnos ubW oom, 0D anos JaWDy ayy ‘sou oy) PIDs ,jAop Ayan] Aus 51 ADPOL, “Ais ad/Oa Au & PBaYy By ,"YOR|S WT idjay jdjay, “Beg © ssors sway Bunjom som seuidy 6 ‘yyBiu aud ayo] pugley] wey ojo) ANoy unpysaidaq BY} pu Jay ayL “UnDYIeIos] BY) PIS _-asWOIG TY, ‘JOULICY By) PIDS 4 MJOY SY] US Y9Dq HOA Yous Wf] Io “JelysuaypuByY joy; Yono oj jou asIwWoNg,, “Bog oy ul way yo Spuosnoy quar aroy) guipGo ysng ayy Pu Sy pynom wmoy ing "Pios JauUEy ay) , Aoys © 498 pup soue jo away und |), "ysng Woy ey) punozD 4! pay puD jaysed sry wou joy ysueypuDY pay jyBuq o pand ayy “ep! uo poy sawiey ay uaY “WOU By) uO UO Auy ayy payooyun Aynyoun> sawo} oY , UMOp aul jab ‘asoad ‘mony, “pips unoysouday ayy ,"ysnq Area siyj Fapun §| 4p 780] Gy 9q |,UpINOM ay Puy “unoyséidey 0 Aq paysuy aq oj uosiad 181] SY) |,UFOM ay vaguy 6} ‘uipGo swoy PSO PUD PHoY Hy Yooys rauNOY ey) jBoq ayy uy ysnq Woy) aad UO FeIyIVeXPUDY Po & Pell poy unoysaidaj ayy “sada siy asaysq 4,Up|Ne? JOWIOY BY) ‘POURS BY WEY AA, ae no [Wy Pepowsyno poy unoysasda ayy. “pjoB ayy puy sanau puo BuiBGip ayy BJouM s1y Puods Pino JowDY Oy) ‘]eaoys sty 496 oj awoYy uD! ay Og “ProM IY deay oy sany pynom unoYraiday ayy “seaoy AuiDy 0] Bulpro2sD jouy mouy OWE ayy “oe ‘Bus spig “PUDY UO BAI] O} JO}DM, BYE BAB INAH 41 ORY {Boy o auwaseq spy aodpey oy) € CSS smaiB oy iBaq sBoj y20g upaddosip | wiBoq 3416 euy ~w8Biq soi8 yinow pun sada oy) “auow BWOS SxUYS PUD" ** > ‘sajomuapun Buryjoasq 205 5:6 Araypoay soy aodpoy By "BBs up wos coy Oy s { h Cs “puny uo Bureoeg soy sBun; Buproub sy apodpoy aay ‘opysuy -orB oy ujBaq sBo) juory To SqULE OE OUL o) He. GE — | 60.14 0} sodpo) 4uyy | BJOMPEL WOd4 “pay owas soy Aq poddoup ujooury eqy -aeq Buyjads ay uo pqie6 ing, ni-Book a the mone H elp children build key reading skills with 40 delightful fiction and nonfiction mini-books—one for each week of the school year. Many of the books feature fun formats— such as flip books, shape books, and pop-up books—to engage emergent readers. You'll find mini-books about weather, searons, holidays, animals, and other favorite topics. Perfect for send-home reading practice. Look for these other great books by Marla Fleming: Reading-fonMeaning Reading tonteaning 25 Emergent Reader MinisBaoks: HinhBooks: mini-Basks: Early Cancepes Melghorhood and Favorite Themes Grates KI Community Grader K-| SBN 0-439. 1 DHT ‘Grades Kel BBN: G-419-10495¢1 BN: 0-499-00493-5 suvausitineacen Teaching toma thane Resources Eine-an. assay nna: 1

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