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History of Marine Biology

1st thought, untested
Well established

Chptr 1. (look at the vices they use to study)

Oyster Harvester, mariners, Ama fisherman 1833/today,

Aristotle- great navigators in 2000 bc Phoenicians were the explorers. (in lebenon)

mediterranean = center of the earth

Ancient greeks valued basic sciences. Whats there? what does it do?

Romans had very direct science. They focused on medicine.

Alexander the great- great library of sciences. (was destroyed) died in a diving chamber

Dark ages suppressed learning of every kind. They built but no learning going on.

995 AD

Vikings discovered Americas. Founded Dublin, Ireland


Renaissance and reformation. And rediscovery of greek sciences (arabic people saved

the writing)


Columbus- discovered america for Europe.


Soundinds refer to how deep the water was by the sound when dropping something and
hearing the sound.
HAlleys bell recovering, canon
German suit 1700 (giant tin man)
Dreibergs apparatus 1750 (crown and chicken walking)
Turtle Sub 1775 drilled holes in enemy ships from underwater. Ships then turned to

James Cook- invented a chronometer, clock on ship with longitude and latitude,
Discovered Australia, was named before it was found, New Zealand,Hawaiian
Islands, /he was supposed to find the Northwest passage. (during melting
season, there is a northwest passage)
He forgot about reporosity. He didnt give them presents and fighting broke out.
Hawaiians killed Cook.

Fulton's Nautilus 1800 (not pictured). the

original nautilus. Deep creature dweller.

Sponge divers

1820, ship subbed by whale. Passed through a biological dessert. By avoiding the
cannibals, they became cannibals. ( in the heart of the sea)

Charles Darwin- traveled on the Beagle. Took 5 year voyage. Kept ideas to himself.
Captain Wilkes- good expidition,10,000 specemines. They formed the basis of
Smithsonian Museum .Came home to a Civil War.
Edward Forebs, extensive study of deep sea creatures, thought nothing lives more than
5 miles down there. At leats he tried

Aqualung precursor (still getting air from above).

Herman Melville (Moby Dick) based on the sinking of the Essics.

LAying of the transatlantic cable- to send stock prices across the atlantic. Laying a cable
on the bottom of the sea. Led to a lot of interest in the deep sea. Found some really
interesting creatures.

Charles Darwin (28 yrs later) wrote On the Origin of Species. He wrote so that people
could understand,

Jules Verne- wrote sciencey things. Nevervoyaged anywhere. Wrote 20,000 Leagues of
the Sea (league is distance traveled. Depths is fathoms=arms lengths=when pulling up
rope were able to count arm lengths.)

1. Loved the food until they found out that it was from the ocean. Nothing is
fit to eat.
2. Beautiful, aslike on another planet, stunning, mystic.

Challenger Expidition 1872-1875

Marine biological societty in the Uk and in Naples..
Woods Hole Mass. best place to study marine biolody station.

Louis Bouton 1892, first photograph underwater. First recompression chamber.

1926, underwater color pictures

William Beebe in Bathysphere, created

Jaques Couseau, Sound Navigation Reading (sonar) created the regulator, making
scuba diving possible. Self contained underwater breathing aparatus.

Research divers
Steinbeck, writer, wrote books about the sea of cortez, called The Log from the Sea of

Rachel Carson- marine biologist, trained, wrote best books about the ocean, Under the
sea world, wrote about pesticides. I need a nap. Marine mammal protection act. Hmm
wonder what would happen if I tried to start a movement>?

1951, found Mariana Trench. As deep as everest is tall. Only 2 people have ever been
down there. 11,035 meters below sea level.
1960 took samples of the ocean floor. Found mid atlantic ridge. Help confirm continental
Mid atlantic rigde (very important)

Alvin, 1979 revolutionized marine biology. Dumbfounded by a species that live so far
under without sun, chemosynthesis.

Mission blue, by sylvia (netflix)

1986 found titanic

1989 huge oil spill, showed damage on tv, people got ticked off.

Oko i stop here.

2010, gulf of mexico still suffers from that oil spill.

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