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pharmacological management
By Beth Gormer, MPharm, MRPharmS

This article describes the mode of action

of drugs used in the treatment of
hypertension, their side effects and
factors to consider in special patient
groups. Recent guidelines from the
National Institute for Health and Clinical

Excellence are also described

Crystals of the beta-blocker propranolol (polarised light micrograph)

ypertension is a risk factor for macological treatment, as recommended by absorbed following oral administration,wide-
many coronary events. However, the British National Formulary, is sum- ly distributed and metabolised in the liver.
blood pressure can usually be marised in Panel 1 (p120). The diuretic effect of thiazides occurs
reduced with appropriate treat- Regardless of the severity of hypertension, within one to two hours of administration
ment, reducing the risk of stroke, coronary all patients should be offered lifestyle advice and continues for 1224 hours, allowing
events, heart failure and renal failure. to reduce their blood pressure.This includes once daily administration.
Many different factors are involved in the advice on smoking cessation, weight reduc- The antihypertensive effect occurs at low
pathogenesis of hypertension.These include tion, exercise, alcohol intake and diet. thiazide doses and there is no additional
increased cardiac output, increased periph- benefit to blood pressure from increasing the
eral resistance, vasoconstriction and reduced Drug classes Commonly used classes of dose, although additional diuresis can occur
vasodilation. The kidneys also play a role in antihypertensive drugs are the thiazide at higher doses.
the regulation of blood pressure by control- diuretics (eg, bendroflumethiazide), beta- The effects of thiazides on the renal tubule
ling sodium and water excretion, and the blockers (eg, propranolol, atenolol), depend on the extent of their excretion, so
secretion of renin, which influences angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors thiazides may be less effective in patients
vascular tone and electrolyte imbalance. (eg, captopril, enalapril), angiotensin II with renal impairment.
Neuronal mechanisms such as the sympa- antagonists (eg, candesartan, losartan), calcium
thetic nervous system and endocrine systems channel blockers (eg, amlodipine, nifedipine) Side effects Increased urinary excretion
are also involved in blood pressure regula- and alpha-blockers (eg, doxazosin). with thiazide diuretics can lead to
tion. These systems are therefore targets for Less commonly used drugs include hypokalaemia, hyponatraemia and hypo-
drug therapy to reduce blood pressure. vasodilator and centrally acting antihyper- magnesaemia. Hypercalcaemia can occur
tensives and, rarely, guanethidine, which is due to reduced excretion of calcium. Inter-
Target blood pressures The optimal indicated for the treatment of hypertensive ference with the excretion of uric acid can
systolic blood pressure (SBP) is crisis. cause hyperuricaemia, so thiazides should be
<140mmHg and the optimal diastolic used with caution in patients with gout.Thi-
blood pressure (DPB) is <85mmHg. A tar- Thiazide diuretics azide diuretics can also cause
get SBP of 130mmHg and DPB of hyperglycaemia due to impaired glucose tol-
<80mmHg should be considered for Thiazide diuretics are moderately potent erance (insulin resistance) leading to an
patients with established atherosclerotic diuretics which lower blood pressure by increased risk of non-insulin dependent dia-
cardiovascular disease, diabetes or chronic inhibiting sodium reabsorption at the begin- betes mellitus.
renal failure.1 Guidance on initiating phar- ning of the distal convoluted tubule in the Other less common side effects include
kidney, increasing sodium excretion and hyperlipidaemia, causing increases in low
urine volume. Thiazides also have a direct density lipoprotein and triglycerides and a
Beth Gormer is cardiology pharmacist at the
Royal Sussex County Hospital, Brighton
vasodilatory effect on arterioles, sustaining reduction in high density lipoprotein
the antihypertensive effect. They are well (HDL). Up to 25 per cent of men treated

APRIL 2007 VO L . 1 4 H O S P I TA L P H A R M AC I S T 119

Side effects Blockade of beta-2 receptors
in the bronchi can precipitate bron-
Panel 1:Target blood pressures for pharmacological treatment 1
chospasm, even when cardioselective
beta-blockers are used. Other adverse effects
Initial blood pressure Complications* Action of beta-blockers include bradycardia,
impairment of myocardial contractility, and
Systolic 220mmHg or No Treat immediately cold extremities caused by vasoconstriction
diastolic 160mmHg from blockade of beta-2 receptors in the
smooth muscle of peripheral blood vessels.
Systolic 180219mmHg No Confirm over one to two weeks and treat Awareness of hypoglycaemia in some
or diastolic if these readings are sustained patients with insulin-dependent diabetes
110119mmHg mellitus can be reduced. This is because
beta-blockers block sympathetic nervous
Systolic 160179mmHg Yes Confirm over three to four weeks and system activity which is responsible for the
or diastolic treat if these readings are sustained warning signs of hypoglycaemia. Reduced
100109mmHg sympathetic outflow may also account for
the feelings of malaise experienced by some
Systolic 160179mmHg No Advise lifestyle changes, initially reassess patients taking beta-blockers.
or diastolic weekly and treat if these readings are sus- Vivid dreams and nightmares can occa-
100109mmHg tained on repeat measurements over four sionally occur, especially with lipid soluble
to 12 weeks beta-blockers such as propranolol. Impo-
tence can also occur. The non-selective
Systolic 140159mmHg Yes Confirm within 12 weeks and treat if beta-blockers can cause an increase in serum
or diastolic these readings are sustained triglyceride levels and a decrease in HDL.
ACE inhibitors
Systolic 140159mmHg No Advise lifestyle changes and reassess
or diastolic monthly. Treat persistent mild hyperten- Angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE)
9099mmHg sion if the 10-year cardiovascular disease inhibitors competitively inhibit the forma-
risk is 20 per cent tion of angiotensin II from its inactive
precursor angiotensin I, which is found in
* Cardiovascular complications, target organ damage or diabetes the blood, blood vessels, kidney, heart, adren-
al gland and brain.
Angiotensin II is a potent vasoconstrictor
with thiazide diuretics may experience hypertensive mechanism of this group of which also promotes aldosterone release and
impotence, which is usually reversible on drugs is unclear. central and peripheral sympathetic activity.
withdrawal of treatment. Selective beta-blockers (commonly called Inhibiting its formation therefore reduces
cardioselective beta-blockers), for example blood pressure. If the renin-angiotensin-
Beta-blockers bisoprolol, primarily act on beta-1 recep- aldosterone system is already activated (eg,
tors. However they are not specific for due to sodium depletion, or diuretic thera-
Beta-blockers block beta-adrenoceptors in beta-1 receptors so should be used with cau- py), the antihypertensive effect of ACE
the body.These receptors are subclassified as tion in patients with a history of asthma and inhibitors will be greater.
beta-1 receptors or beta-2 receptors. Beta-1 bronchospasm. Non-selective beta-blockers ACE is also responsible for the breakdown
receptors are mainly located in the heart and (eg, propranolol) block both beta-1 and of kinins, including bradykinin, which have
beta-2 receptors are mostly found in the beta-2 receptors. a vasodilatory effect. Inhibition of this
lung, peripheral blood vessels, and skeletal Beta-blockers with partial agonist activity breakdown effect results in a more pro-
muscle. However, beta-2 receptors can be (sometimes known as intrinsic sympath- nounced antihypertensive effect.
found in the heart and beta-1 receptors can omimetic activity), eg acebutolol, act as a There are significant pharmacokinetic
also be found in the kidney. Beta-receptors beta-stimulant when adrenergic activity is differences between the ACE inhibitors.
are also found in the brain. minimal (eg, during sleep) but exert a beta- Captopril is rapidly absorbed but has a short
Stimulation of beta-receptors in the brain blocking effect when adrenergic activity is duration of action, so is useful for initial
and periphery promotes the release of neu- increased (eg, during exercise). This has the assessment of how a patient will respond to
rotransmitters which increase sympathetic benefit of reducing bradycardia during the ACE inhibition. The first dose of an ACE
nervous system activity. Stimulation of beta- day. Some beta-blockers, such as labetolol inhibitor should be administered at night
1 receptors in the sino-atrial node and the and carvedilol, also block the effects of because a profound drop in blood pressure
myocardium increases heart rate and force of peripheral alpha-adrenoceptors. Others, may occur; this effect is enhanced in patients
contraction. Stimulation of beta-receptors in such as celiprolol, exert beta-2 agonist or with low sodium levels.
the kidney promotes renin release, increas- vasodilator activity.
ing the activity of the renin- Beta-blockers are excreted hepatically or Angiotensin II antagonists
angiotensin-aldosterone system. The overall renally depending on the water or lipid
effect of stimulation of these receptors is solubility of each drug.Those eliminated by Angiotensin II receptors are found in blood
increased cardiac output, increased periph- the liver usually require multiple daily dos- vessels and other targets.They are subclassified
eral vascular resistance and an increase in ing while those excreted renally generally into AT1 and AT2 receptors.The AT1 receptor
aldosterone-mediated sodium and water have longer half-lives and can be adminis- mediates the pharmacological responses of
retention. tered once daily. Beta-blockers should never angiotensin II, such as vasoconstriction and
Treatment with beta-blockers antagonises be abruptly stopped but should be with- aldosterone release, and is therefore the target
all of these effects resulting in a reduction in drawn gradually, especially in patients with for drug treatment. The role of the AT2
blood pressure, although the principal anti- angina, or rebound symptoms can occur. receptor is less well understood.

120 H O S P I TA L P H A R M AC I S T APRIL 2007 VO L . 1 4

stenosis of the artery supplying a single
functioning kidney.
Panel 2: New NICE guidelines 2

Side effects of ACE inhibitors and

The most recent guidance from the National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence angiotensin-II receptor antagonists
on the treatment of hypertension is as follows: Before starting treatment with an ACE
inhibitor or angiotensin II receptor antago-
Step 1 In hypertensive patients aged 55 years or older or in black patients of any age, first nist a patients renal function and electrolyte
choice therapy should be a calcium channel blocker or thiazide-type diuretic. In patients levels should be checked. This monitoring
under 55 years, the first choice for initial therapy should be an angiotensin- should continue during treatment because
converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitor (or an angiotensin II receptor antagonist if ACE both classes of drug can occasionally impair
inhibitors are not tolerated). renal function.
Both ACE inhibitors and angiotensin II
Step 2 If an additional drug is required, adding an ACE inhibitor to a calcium channel receptor antagonists cause hyperkalaemia
blocker or a diuretic (or vice versa) is recommended. due to reduced aldosterone production, so
potassium supplements and potassium spar-
Step 3 If treatment with three drugs is required then the combination of an ACE ing diuretics should be avoided in these
inhibitor (or angiotensin II receptor antagonist), calcium channel blocker and thiazide- patients.
type diuretic should be used. One difference between the two classes is
that a dry cough is a common side effect of
Step 4 If a fourth drug is required then a higher dose of thiazide diuretic should be ACE inhibitors, exhibited in up to 15 per
considered, or an alternative diuretic, beta-blocker or alpha blocker. cent of patients. Angiotensin II receptor
All drug doses should be up-titrated as per the British National Formulary. antagonists are not associated with the
cough because they do not interfere with
the inhibition of bradykinin breakdown.
Many tissues contain enzyme pathways Angiotensin II receptor antagonists have
which are capable of converting angiotensin many properties similar to those of ACE Calcium channel blockers
I into angiotensin II without using ACE. inhibitors, although they do not inhibit the
Therefore there may be advantages in breakdown of kinins. Because of the renal Calcium channel blockers (less correctly
blocking the renin-angiotensin system via effects, ACE inhibitors and angiotensin II called calcium channel antagonists) reduce
the AT1 receptor antagonist pathway with receptor antagonists are contraindicated in calcium ion influx into myocardial cells, the
an angiotensin II receptor antagonist. bilateral renal artery stenosis and in severe cells within the specialised conducting
system of the heart, and the cells of vascular Alpha-blockers Hydralazine has also been associated with sys-
smooth muscle. The effect of this is to temic lupus erythematosus. Minoxidil has
reduce myocardial contractility, depress the Alpha-blockers (alpha-1 adrenoceptor been associated with hypertrichosis (hirsutism)
formation and propagation of electrical blocking agents) block peripheral alpha-1 and so may be unsuitable for use in women.
impulses within the heart and promote adrenoceptors, causing vasodilatory effects Centrally acting agents are not specific or
vasodilator activity, interfering with the due to relaxation of vascular smooth muscle. selective enough to avoid central nervous
constriction of vascular smooth muscle. They are indicated for resistant hyperten- system side effects such as sedation, dry
All of these are calcium ion-dependent sion. mouth and drowsiness, which commonly
processes. occur. Methyldopa has a similar mechanism
There are three classes of calcium channel Side effects Alpha-blockers can cause pos- of action to clonidine but can cause
blockers: the dihydropyridines (eg, nifedip- tural hypotension, which is commonly seen immunological side effects, including pyrex-
ine and amlodipine); the phenylalkalamines after administration of the first dose. Alpha- ia, hepatitis and haemolytic anaemia.
(verapamil) and the benzothiazipines (dilti- blockers may be beneficial in older men
azem). The dihydropyridines have distinct because they may improve symptoms of Choice of therapy
peripheral vasodilator properties so are prostate enlargement.
effective antihypertensives while verapamil An update of the National Institute for Health
and diltiazem have cardiac effects and are Other groups and Clinical Excellence guideline on hyper-
used to reduce heart rate and prevent tension was published last year (see Panel 2,
angina. Vasodilator antihypertensive drugs (eg, p121),2 together with the British Hyperten-
All calcium channel blockers are hydralazine, minoxidil) lower blood pressure sion Society, as recently published clinical trials
metabolised by the liver. by relaxation of vascular smooth muscle. provided further evidence for the treatment of
Centrally acting antihypertensives (eg, hypertension .3
Side effects Facial flushing, headache and clonidine, methyldopa, moxonidine) act on The main changes to the NICE guideline
swelling of the ankles are often seen, due to alpha-2 adrenoceptors or related receptors are that beta-blockers are no longer the rec-
the vasodilatory effect of the dihydropyri- in the brainstem, reducing sympathetic out- ommended first line treatment for any
dine calcium channel blockers. Abdominal flow to the heart, blood vessels and kidneys, patient group. Beta-blockers were found to
pain and nausea may also occur. leading to a reduction in blood pressure. be less effective at reducing major cardiovas-
The gastrointestinal tract is also affected cular events, especially stroke, than other
by the influx of calcium ions so calcium Side effects Vasodilator antihypertensives types of antihypertensives.4
channel blockers often cause gastrointesti- can cause fluid retention. Liver function tests Atenolol was the beta-blocker used in
nal disturbances, which may include should be monitored during treatment with most of the studies. When the trials which
constipation. hydralazine because it is hepatically cleared. used atenolol were excluded from the

Younger than 55 years or older

55 years or black patients of any

A C or D

A + C or A + D


Further diuretic therapy
Consider seeking specialist advice

A = ACE inhibitor (consider angiotensin II receptor

antagonist if ACE intolerant)
C = Calcium channel blocker
D = thiazide-type diuretic

Figure 1: Diagrammatic representation of the National Institute for Health

and Clinical Excellence guidelines for the treatment of hypertension
(adapted from reference 2).

H O S P I TA L P H A R M AC I S T APRIL 2007 VO L . 1 4
review, the evidence base for the use of beta- function in patients with unilateral renal References
blockers in the treatment of hypertension artery stenosis. A dihydropyridine calcium
was much weaker than for the other drug channel blocker can be added if further 1. British National Formulary (52). London: British
classes. It was concluded that, in the absence blood pressure lowering is required, but thi- Medical Association and Royal Pharmaceutical
of other compelling indications for a beta- azide diuretics may be ineffective. Society of Great Britain;2006.
blocker (eg, angina), they should not be 2. National Institute for Health and Clinical
recommended as an initial treatment for Systolic hypertension Isolated systolic Excellence. Hypertension. Management of
hypertension. hypertension (ISH) is defined as an SBP of hypertension in adults in primary care.
Beta-blockers were also found to be less greater than 160mmHg with a DBP less London:NICE;2006.
effective than ACE inhibitors or dihydropy- than 90mmHg. Patients with ISH should be 3. Dahlof B, Sever PS, Poulter N, Wedel H, Beevers
ridine calcium channel blockers in reducing offered the same treatment as patients with DG, Caulfield M. Prevention of cardiovascular
the risk of diabetes, especially in patients raised SBP and raised DBP, because ISH car- events with an antihypertensive regimen of
already taking a thiazide diuretic. If a patient ries the same risk of complications.2 amlodipine adding perindopril as required versus
taking beta-blockers requires a second drug, The dihydropyridine calcium channel atenolol adding bendroflumethiazide as required,
an ACE inhibitor or calcium channel block- blockers have been used in the treatment of in the Anglo-Scandinavian Cardiac Outcomes
er should be added, rather than a thiazide. isolated systolic hypertension in the elderly, Trial-Blood Pressure Lowering Arm (ASCOT-BPLA):
especially where a thiazide diuretic is con- a multicentre randomised controlled trial. Lancet
Special considerations traindicated. 2005;366:895906.
4. The National Collaborating Centre for Chronic
Pregnancy Centrally acting agents have a Accelerated hypertension Accelerated or Conditions.Hypertension. Management of
poor CNS profile. However, methyldopa is very severe hypertension, defined as a DBP hypertension in adults in primary care: partial
used in pregnancy, due to its long-term safe- of greater than 140mmHg, requires urgent update. London;Royal College of Physcians:2006.
ty data and beta-blockers are used in the medical attention. Beta-blockers such as 5. Wright JT, Dunn JK, Cutler JA, Davis BR, Cushman
third trimester. Intravenous labetolol is atenolol or labetolol or the dihydropyridine WC, Ford CE. Outcomes in hypertensive black and
reserved for use in pregnancy in a hyperten- calcium channel blockers are indicated for nonblack patients treated with chlorthalidone,
sive crisis. A controlled release formulation this condition. DBP should be reduced to amlodipine and lisinopril. JAMA
of nifedipine has also been used in pregnan- 100110mmHg during the first 24 hours. 2005;293:15951608.
cy but is unlicensed. Blood pressure should be reduced further 6. Dahlof B, Devereux RB, Kjeldsen SE, Julius S,
over the next two to three days using a com- Beevers G, Faire U et al. Cardiovascular morbidity
Ethnic group Thiazide diuretics and the bination of diuretics, vasodilators and ACE and mortality in the Losartan Intervention For
dihydropyridine calcium channel blockers inhibitors, if required. Endpoint reduction in hypertension study (LIFE): a
are more effective than beta-blockers in If intravenous treatment is required then randomised controlled trial against atenolol.
Afro-Caribbean patients. ACE inhibitors sodium nitroprusside or glyceryl trinitrate is Lancet 2002;359:9951003.
and angiotensin II antagonists have been recommended.
shown to increase the risk of stroke in this Further reading
group of patients and are therefore not rec- The cardiology pharmacist
ommended as first line therapy.5,6 i. Yui Y, Sumiyoshi T, Kodama K, Hirayama A, Nonogi
As a member of the multidisciplinary team, H, Kanmatsuse K et al. Comparison of nifedipine
Elderly The new NICE guidance states that the pharmacist has an important role to play retard with angiotensin converting enzyme
thiazide diuretics or dihydropyridine calci- in the treatment of hypertension. inhibitors in Japanese hypertensive patients with
um channel blockers should be the first line To aid concordance or ensure compliance coronary artery disease: the Japan Multicenter
therapy in elderly people.2 However, atten- with a medication regimen the pharmacist Investigation for Cardiovascular Diseases-B (JMIC-
tion should be paid to renal function during can give information about the benefits and B) randomized trial. Hypertension Research
treatment with a thiazide because the elderly side effects of drugs so that patients can 2004;27:44956.
are more at risk of renal impairment. make an informed decision about their ii. Julius S, Kjeldsen SE, Weber M, Brunner HR,
Patients over 80 years old should be offered treatment. This information should include Ekman S, Hansson L et al. Outcomes in
the same treatment as patients aged over 55 why the medicine is needed and the risks of hypertensive patients at high cardiovascular risk
years. not taking it. Practical points, such as ensur- treated with regimens based on valsartan or
ing that the medicine is prescribed once amlodipine: the VALUE randomised trial. Lancet
Diabetes Patients with diabetes may require daily if possible, may also improve 2004;363:202231.
a combination of antihypertensive drugs to adherence.
achieve their optimal target blood pressure. Other medicines that a patient is taking
ACE inhibitors are the initial treatment of should also be reviewed. Concurrent non-
choice because they can delay the progres- steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, the oral
sion of microalbuminuria to nephropathy. contraceptive pill, glucocorticoids, and sym-
Patients with diabetic nephropathy should pathomimetics can all increase blood
be treated with an ACE inhibitor or an pressure. These medicines, some of which
angiotensin II receptor antagonist to min- can be bought over the counter, should be
imise the risk of further renal deterioration, avoided in patients with high blood
even if their blood pressure is normal. pressure.
It is important to remember that a patient
Renal disease ACE inhibitors can reduce may have additional co-morbidities. The
or abolish glomerular filtration and can pharmacist can advise and review co-
cause severe and progressive renal failure. existing disease states to ensure the most
They are therefore contraindicated in appropriate therapy choice is made.
patients with bilateral renal artery stenosis. To help reduce costs, pharmacists can also
However, ACE inhibitors are unlikely to ensure that non-proprietary drugs are pre-
have an adverse effect on overall renal scribed when appropriate.

APRIL 2007 VO L . 1 4 H O S P I TA L P H A R M AC I S T 125

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