Lacey 8th Grade Speech

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Our Time speech When my mom asked me the common question of whether or not I wanted to go to del webb for middle school, the answer to the question was simple. I watched both of my older sisters Madi and Katie graduate from this school. They participated in student council, school plays, went on exciting field trips, witnessed hands on science experiments, and had daily community discussions. Because my sisters did these things, I would too. And that was my answer. I’ve participated in all these things and more, and have benefitted from all that FMS has to offer. And, now, have come to the day where I, and all of us would graduate. I started coming to this school before | was even a student. My mom worked on the PTO and volunteered in my sisters classrooms. I was this little curly haired girl with a smile and pigtails, walking into this school with my mom and big sisters. So when I started school, I had already known teachers and been to the school many times before. I can’t say Kindergarten was too challenging, but I learned some important and valuable lessons, such as that you shouldn’t stick a gold bead into your ear, or else you will find yourself lying your head on a pillow on top of Ms. Kim's lap, awaiting for your mother's arrival, so you can go to the doctor, to have him take the bead out with a tiny pair of tweezers. I think every graduate here can agree with me that both Lower and Upper Elementary were major growing up years for each of us. We learned that some of the little things didn’t matter, and our eyes slowly opened to the world around us. I think that we can all look back to when Ms. Dana or Ms. Amy put us in a group to complete a project and how frustrated we each could get. When we entered into middle school, we had felt like we had things figured out. We all had the older friends who we could look up to and ask advice from. As I look back to seventh grade, I wouldn’t have made it through without my 8th grader best friends, who always supported me, no matter what the circumstance, and comforted me throughout. Jalso loved being in student council. It wasn’t just the responsibility that I loved, but it was also because of the person that has watched me grow up and been there almost every step of the way. That person is Ms. Kim, and I use every student council meeting, to the best of my ability, to learn something from her. I will never forget a meeting we had last year, where people were complaining about how angry they were, and that they were just feeling unhappy and Ms. Kim had the best advice she could give us at that moment, and that was to be a bright light in the world. One of the best things at this school is that every teacher has something different to offer. I will be forever grateful for each teacher at this school. Foothills Montessori School teachers are kind, loving, care about their students opinions, and their learning styles. I would like to talk about each of our middle school teachers, because they are the people that each and everyone of us eighth graders have been taught by and have leamed from. Ms. Marian, without you, we would never have pictures, to document any exciting thing that has happened in our classroom, or have the beautifull 8th grade slideshow. I look up to you and you are an amazing example to me, through your intelligence, patience and understanding, especially the way you act with and around children. Ms. Arlene, your wisdom always amazes me. I have always enjoyed sitting in your language class, learning something new each day. Your understanding and passion for things is something that I have always admired about you. Thank You for teaching so many, and for all that you have done for everyone of us and those who have come before. Lastly, Ms. Erica. You have always encouraged us to do the right thing, and to believe in ourselves. I love your sense of humor, how much you enjoy your job, and the amount of love and understanding you have in your heart for each and everyone of your students, We all admire you and appreciate your time, energy, and how much you want the best for us all. Ms. Marian, Ms. Arlene, and Ms. Erica, we love you all and have so much thanks to give you. I feel well prepared for high school, and know I have been given a proper education to make it through. Foothills Montessori School has given us all a once in a lifetime experience. We won't ever again be at a school where we can feel so incredibly comfortable just being ourselves or have teachers who love us and prepare us for the next phase in our lives. All the years before us have been preparation for the years to come. We have learned important life skills, about the importance of education, and how to be an all around better person, It is now our time to move on, and though it may be bittersweet, we are ready. High school is our time. We have grown and developed almost to the person we want to be, and in the next four years, we will learn even more about ourselves. It’s our time to soak up information and learn of what we might want to do in the future. I’s our time to have fun, to make friends, and to be a light to those around us. It’s our time, so let’s make it count, Let us all remember what the pin Ms. Erica gave us all says “What You Do Matters.”

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