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Notebook # 7

Digital Imaging
Density also known as Image Receptor Exposure in digital, compromises the visibility of detail
on the image that is visible to the human eye due to sufficient IR exposure/ density and
contrast that exists for structural detail to be seen on a radiograph.
Overexposed IR receiving too many photons therefore too much recorded detail which
eliminates info. and reveals detail with range using a bright light or accurate digital post
processing. Underexposure image hasnt received info in the first place and is not capable of
being manipulated to reveal details that werent ever recorded.
mAs and IR exposure is directly proportional so changes in mAs control IR exposure.
Brightness which is a monitor control function that changes the lightness and darkness of the
image on a display monitor but not related to IR exposure. It is controlled by window leveling
which is a post processing that produces changes in brightness and is used to control the
display of detail in an image.

Contrast is the difference between adjacent densities/IR exposures ranging from clear white to
shades of grays to black.
Dynamic range is the range of brightness of the display monitor light emission

Window width is the digital processing that produces changes in the range of brightness so its
great to use when controlling image contrast.
Exposure differences are seen through various bit-depth values along the z-axis of the image.
Differences in densities are great (increased)= fewer shades of gray= high contrast
Minimal differences in densities (decreased)= more shades of gray = low contrast
Good contrast is applied to high contrast. Low contrast provides more differences in density/IR
exposure to more information.
Scale of contrast=# of useful visible densities or shades of gray. Short scale= maximal diff.
between densities and minimal total # of densities = high contrast/ increased contrast. Long
scale= minimal slight diff. between densities and maximal total # of densities= low
contrast/decrease contrast.
Histogram assess the range and quantity of IR exposures in the digital image matrix (input &
output). LUT is applied to the data that has a standard contrast for a select exam to give image
contrast for display. Processing provides proper grayscale when proper contrast is used.
Density describes the effects of IR exposure and is defined as the degree of blackening that is
the result of black metallic silver deposited in the emulsion of the film.
Printing to film is not common but having correct IR exposure is key for a visible image.

D log E curve expresses the relationship between exposure and density. Log relative exposure is
on the X axis and density D Is on the Y axis. Portion between toe and shoulder

Film density= log10 of opacity and proportional to the log relative exposure. Opacity is the
relationship of incident light to transmitted light.
To Increase or decrease exposure there must be a 30% change for film density to be visible
If exposure in film is increased the density will increase to a point. As mAs increases x-ray
exposure increases proportionally and film density also increases.

For kVp the use of the 15 percent rule should be applied to adjust and compensate for
density/IR exposure. 15% increase in kV causes a doubling exposure to the IR (mAs). 15%
decrease in kV causes the mAs or exposure to IR to be halved.

Film contrast is the range of densities that the film is capable of recording. Intensifying screens
produce high contrast image. Contrast is applied by changing films D log E curve. As the slope of
the curve becomes steeper contrast is increased. Contrast changes with changes in film density.
Excessive density/IR exposure decreases contrast in the toe and shoulder regions of the film D
log E curve. If exposure develop densities on the toe (underexposure film) or shoulder
(overexposed film) the slope will not be steep= decrease in contrast.
EX: A has a higher contrast due to
steeper slope of curve and visible
density range is compressed into
narrower exposure range= high
contrast- narrow latitude film

B has low contrast and wide latitude

film because visible density range is
expanded across a wider exposure

Increasing developer time, temperature, and replenishment rate increases chemical fog on a
film which causes a decrease in slope of the curve especially in the toe region so contrast is
decreased. Also, film processing has an optimal range so any factor that causes processing to
deviate from optimal values decreases contrast.

Carlton, R., & Adler, A. (2013). Principles of Radiographic Imaging (Fifth ed.).

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