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Population of Barangays in San Mateo

Barangay 2015 2016 2017

Ampid I 38,086 39,884 41,767
Ampid II 4,508 4,721 4,944
Banaba 29,735 31,138 32,608
Dulong Bayan I 6,122 6,411 6,714

Dulong Bayan II 8,897 9,317 9,757

Guinayang 8,631 9,038 9,465

Guitnang Bayan I 32,393 33,992 35,523

Guitnang Bayan II 17,455 18,279 19,142

Gulod Malaya 10,127 10,605 11,106

Malanday 17,921 18,767 19,653
Maly 19,844 20,781 21,762
PintongBukawe 4,980 5,215 5,416

Sta. Ana 12,981 13,594 14,236

Sto. Nio 15,461 16,191 16,955
Silangan 36,353 38,069 39,867
Total Population of 2017 288915
Population of Barangays near Ampid 2017
Ampid I 41,767
Ampid II 4,944
Banaba 32,608
Guitnang Bayan I 35,523
Guitnang Bayan II
Sta. Ana
Maly 21,762
Dulong Bayan I
Dulong Bayan II 9,757
Guinayang 9,465
Total 215,571
Projected Population of Children in 2017
Age 1-4 25,882
Market Acceptability

Do you prefer to organize kids party with a party planner?

Yes 55
No 30
Maybe 15
Total 100

Acceptability 70%

Demand for party planners for children in San Mateo 18117

55% Projected Demand
30% 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021
15% 335 351 368 385 403
we assume the projected demand by multiplying the
growth rate which is 4.75%
Competitors Estimated no. of Supplies per month
De Belen's Catering Services 19
Boom Entertainment 16
Project Hideaway 17
Jolibee 30
Mc Donalds 30

Company Profile 1344

Play Dou Estimated no. of Supplies per month

Projected Supply
No. of months per year Total 2017 2018 2019
12 228 335 351 368
12 192
12 204 The projected supply is multiply by the growth rate
12 360 the population which is 4.75%
12 360

No. of months per year Total

12 335
ected Supply
2020 2021
385 403

s multiply by the growth rate of

tion which is 4.75%
Supply and Demand Gap
Demand Supply Gap
18117 1344 16773
Marke Share
Competitors Demand Share
De Belen's Catering Services 228 1%
Boom Entertainment 192 1%
Project Hideaway 204 1%
Jolibee 360 2%
Mc Donalds 360 2%
Play Dou 335 2%
Open Market 16438 91%
Total Demand 18117 100%

We assumed that our total market share is 2%

of the total Open Market.
Projected Revenue
Year Demand Supply Price
2017 335 335
2018 351 351
2019 368 368
2020 385 385
2021 403 403
Price Projected Revenue

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