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Handout Unit 1:

1. b calypso c salsa d hip-hop e reggae f classical music

g folk music
2. 2 brought up; play 3 traditional 4 how 5 to
3. 2 e 3g 4f 5c
4. 2 have a look 3 Hang on 4 think about 5 not really into
6 that looks 7 sounds 8 see if 9 idea
5. 2 skiing 3 yoga 4 volleyball 5 hockey
6 karate 7 aerobics 8 swimming
6. 1 karate 2 skiing 3 boxing
7. 1 In heavy industrial sites and petro-chemical plants.
2 hes a singer.
8. Songs from the 1940s and 50s (and musicals)
9. 2 Did; have 3 did; decide 4 does; sing 5 does; sing
6 Does; sing 7 is; doing
10. 1 (He learned) by watching the films they were in again and again.
2 No, he had a terrible voice.
3 Because he wanted to join a musical group.
4 (He sings) in musicals.
5 (He usually sings) with the local (music) group.
6 Yes, he does.
7 Hes preparing a part for the musical Hello, Dolly!
11. 1 True. Two teams of six players try to push a heavy circular puck into a
goal at the bottom of a swimming pool.
2 True. Its very popular in New Zealand, where it started.
3 False. They throw plastic discs, like Frisbees.
4 True. The players play chess for four minutes, then box for two minutes,
for up to 11 rounds.
5 True. Korfball is similar to basketball, and korf is the name for the basket.
12. ----
13. b 6 c5 d1 e4 f3
14. 2 False 3 True 4 False
15. 2 b 3a 4a 5a 6b
2. 1b 2c 3a
3. 1 H, C 2 M, C
4. 3, 5, 4, 1, 2
5. 2 black 3 white 4 19/nineteen 5 19/nineteen 6 larger
6. 1T 2T 3 F (He liked football and basketball.)
4 F (He liked the people and the place.) 5T
Handout Unit 2:
1. 2 degree 3 exams 4 an exam 5 a degree 6 collage
7 an exam 8 studies
2. 2 Its the most difficult subject Ive / I have ever studied.
3 Ive / I have always enjoyed studying alone.
4 Ive / I have done a lot of exams in my life.
5 Ive / I have never written an essay in English.
6 Ive / I have done several part-time courses.
7 Shes the best teacher Ive / I have ever had.
8 Ive / I have never failed an exam.
3. 2 holiday 3 pay 4 stressful 5 place 6 flexible
7 atmosphere 8 management 9 easy 10 part-time
11 at home
4. 2 ve / have known; since
3 s / has been; for
4 s / has worked; for
5 ve / have lived; since
6 ve / have liked; since
7 s / has played; since
8 s / has been; for
5. 2 in 3 in 4 in 5 in 6 - 7 at 8 to
6. 1 False 2 False 3 False
8. 1 True 2 False
9. 2 I would like
3 advertised
4 I have worked
5 I have studied
6 I enjoy
7 I have difficulty in
8 improve my spoken English
9 project the companys image effectively
10 Regards
2. 1b 2c
3. 1c 2e 3a 4b 5d
4. 1 T 2 F (There was space for about 20 people.)
3 F (They didnt need a partner.) 4 T 5T
5. 2 back 3 really 4 so much 5 people
Handout Unit 3
1. empty, friedly, convenient, expensive, noisy
2. 2 modern / old fashioned 3 cheap / expensive
4 inconvenient / convenient 5 quiet / noisy
6 crowded / empty
3. 2 noisy 3 friendly 4 cheap 5 convenient
4. Waiter: 1, 2, 3, 5, 9, 11
Customer: 4, 6, 7, 8, 10, 12
5. 2 No problem, come this way, please.
3 Are you ready to order?
4 And for you?
5 Me too, please soup.
6 Anything to drink?
7 Could we have a bottle of water, please?
8 Sparkling or still?
9 Can we have the bill, please?
6. 2 bottle of red wine 3 table in the corner
4 chicken in garlic sauce 5 meal for 25 people
6 menu with lots of vegetarian dishes
7. 2 What about 3 How about 4 What about 5 How about
6 What should
9. 2 chicken 3 mushrooms 4 prawns 5 pear 6 soup
7 pasta 8 cheese 9 strawberries 10 potatoes
10. 1 b 2c 3a 4d
11. 1 c 2b 3d 4a
12. Pete: Bella Napoli
Ravi: El Buho Azul
Sonia: The Taj
2. Almonds, anchovies, chicken, chilli, coconut rice, ginger, monkey nuts,
onions pistachios, spring onions.
3. 1 lokum 2 nasi lemak 3 nasi lemak 4 lokum
4. 1 had 2 became 3 opened
5. 1 is 2 come 3 cook
6. Nilgun uses the past simple because she is relating facts from the past.
Alex uses the present simple because he is describing facts that are still

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