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Get em outta here!

Get em outta here: Immigration, Xenophobia, National Security, and Trump

Alexander Covarrubias

Parkland High School

Get em outta here! 2


This passage discusses the issue of national security and what is necessary to protect our borders

despite its controversy. The two genres being discussed in this passage are oral (radio show) and

Typography (Trumps Ban executive order). Both genres have their own distinct way of

describing the controversy happening between the immigrants/liberals and the Trump

administration/conservatives. Although the executive order focuses on Muslims and the NPR

broadcast focuses on illegal immigrants from our southern boarder not just Mexicans, the

moral issue is the same as well as the main topic of Immigration, Xenophobia, National Security,

and Trump. The Audience/Purpose, the Rhetorical Issue, the Structure, and the Style/language

will be analyzed for both genres and compared and contrasted. The differences will be discussed

in their own section in this passage; The Muslim ban discusses the travel ban executive order

and The Wall discusses the U.S-Mexico border wall radio broadcast. In comparison between two

evils, a comparison will be made between the two genres and the conclusion of how they both

are effective in sending their message will be made.

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Get em out of here!

On January 20, 2017, Republican nominee Donald J. Trump became the 45th President of

the United States. Within the first 100 days in office he has ordered the construction of the U.S-

Mexico border wall and has issued a travel ban on citizens of terror dominated nations in the

Middle East. Both of these orders have been the center of controversy between the liberals and

the conservatives who both have their own agendas when it comes to protecting the nation. But

what is considered an issue of national security and what is considered xenophobia? To

understand that, one will need to analyze President Trumps most controversial ideas (so far), the

border wall and the Muslim travel ban. Both relate to the topic of Immigration, Xenophobia,

National Security, and Trump; but in their own unique way, they send a different message.

The Muslim Ban

Under Trumps immigration executive order, all immigrant and nonimmigrant entry into

the United States of aliens from countries referred to in section 217(a)(12) of the INA1, 8 U.S.C.

1187(a)(12), would be detrimental to the interests of the United States, and I hereby suspend

entry into the United States, as immigrants and nonimmigrants, of such persons for 90 days from

the date of this order (excluding those foreign nationals traveling on diplomatic visas, North

Atlantic Treaty Organization visas, C-2 visas for travel to the United Nations, and G-1, G-2, G-3,

and G-4 visas). (Donald Trump 2017, pg. 2). This order makes it so that no foreigners from the

Muslim dominate nations of Iran, Iran, Syria, Somalia, Libya, Sudan, and Yemen can enter the

United States for 90 days. This order, despite targeting people of the Muslim faith was made

primarily for the American people. This is because the order uses the phrase to protect its

citizens from foreign nationals who intend to commit terrorist attacks in the United States

1 INA refers to the Immigration and Nationality act

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(Donald Trump 2017, pg. 1), a few times in the order. The Americans (audience) are the ones in

need of protection from foreign terrorist according to the President. The people (if they took

Donald Trump serious during his campaign) already knew that such a travel ban would be

emplaced. What the people may want to know is if his authority will go unchallenged and what

else he has planned, like a permanent Muslim ban. According to the executive order, the travel

ban was meant to last for ninety days. But since this is an issue of xenophobia and possible

racism, the American people will remember this policy through his Presidency. The purpose of

this order is to inform people that citizens of the seven Muslim nations are not permitted to travel

to the United States. Trump has a reputation of not beginning very credible, so in order to

enforce his order Trump must state where his authority comes from. He states By the authority

vested in me as President by the Constitution and laws of the United States of America, including

the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA), 8 U.S.C. 1101 et seq., and section 301 of title 3,

United States Code, and to protect the American people from terrorist attacks by foreign

nationals admitted to the United States, it is hereby ordered as follows: (Donald Trump 2017,

pg.1), since his authority was granted to him by the law, his credibility is somewhat effective.

Laws are not supposed to be emotional, but this scripture instils a sense of fear into the hearts of

Muslims who are trying to enter the United States; at the same time, there was a sense of security

to those who are fearful of immigrants. There is no evidence when it comes to terrorism that is

better than the Al-Qaeda attack on the World Trade center on September 11, 2001. Even

President Trump makes a reference to that terrible date, claiming that Perhaps in no instance

was that more apparent than the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, when State Department

policy prevented consular officers from properly scrutinizing the visa applications of several of

the 19 foreign nationals who went on to murder nearly 3,000 Americans (Donald Trump 2017,
Get em outta here! 5

pg.1). The order was structured so that each section of the executive order would be explained in

full detail; there are ten sections in total each explains what is to be done in order to keep out the

immigrants. The order is only limited to the powers granted to the president b the INA and the

constitution, he cannot overstep his boundaries. Unlike Trump during his campaign, the

language in the in the executive order is very formal and uses the same vocabulary as a

politician, almost as if he had someone else write it for him. There is nothing exiting or

extravagant in the order, no visuals or colors.

The Wall

The idea of building a wall to keep people out is nothing new, Trump did not create this idea. But

the very idea of a wall keeping people out seems very Un-American (despite the fact that we

have done worst). The American people (audience) already knew that the wall would be built;

the President said it on several occasions that it would be built he would have Mexico pay for it.

The people might not know and want to learn is what will be added in addition to the wall.

According to NPR immigration reporter John Burnet, the border patrol also needs stadium

lights, ground sensors, camera towers and, most of all agents. (John Burnet 2017). The Radio

broadcast lasts 3:59, since it is an important broadcast relating to our relationship with Mexico,

most Americans (at least those close of the border) would spend the entire time listening to the

entire broadcast. The wall itself might last only the Trump presidency, it will most likely be torn

down like the Berlin wall. The purpose of the broadcast is to inform the American people of the

progress of the Mexico wall and the new policies that ICE2 will take up. Burnett claims that

agents want to do more. They want to - for instance, Border Patrol wants to start patrolling

transportation centers like bus stations and airports. ICE wants to go back to the old policy of

2 ICE stands for Immigrations Customs Enforcement

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workplace raids if possible. (John Burnett 2017). Burnett establishes his credibility with the

audience by being part of the National Public Radio and being the reporter who covers

immigration; Burnett uses his statues to be credible. A Radio broad cast like NPR cannot be too

emotional because its purpose is to inform people, but there is a bit of humor when mentioning

the cost of the agents, deportation centers, and the wall. Burnett uses evidence from the Trump

administration to explain what the President can do quickly such as administrative changes

within ICE of whom federal agents can detain and deport. (John Burnett 2017). In addition,

Burnett had talked to border agents during the election about the other important measures

needed to be taken. The information is organized to explain the problems which Trump faces

when it comes to protecting the border. There are not too many limitations to this broadcast other

than the lack of personal viewpoints and emotions. The style used was very formal, but not as

formal as in the executive order. The conversation had a bit of humor and used a bit of everyday

vocabulary. Since the broadcast was oral on the radio, there were no texts or visuals.

Comparison between two evils

Both genres, despite the fact that they are targeting two distinct cultures discuss the same issue of

keeping the nation safe and the racial controversy. Without a doubt, the executive order had a

much deeper impact because of the backlash it caused. Several protest and lawsuits were filed

against both the executive order and the wall. In both cases, the American people and immigrants

knew that the wall and ban were coming. And in both cases, with an unpredictable President, no

one is sure what other order will be issued. The time spent for both genres may be different

because a radio broadcast could become outdated when new news comes around while the

executive order will have a more lasting effect on the nation and Trumps presidency. The

purpose of both genres was to inform both the immigrants and the American people of what is to
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come. The executive order informs people of the travel ban while the radio broadcast informs

people about new immigration policies and the wall. The credibility for the two genres is

somewhat the same. Both Trump and Burnett use their positions as a way to display their

credibility, only difference is that Trump is using laws and the constitution while Burnett uses his

reporter field. Both genres are emotionless in general, but their effects are quite different; the

order instils fear in immigrants and security in worried Americans. The evidence used in both

genres are very different, the order uses the September 11nd attacks to support Trumps claim

while Burnett uses claims from Border security agents. The structure for the executive order and

the Radio broadcast are very similar despite describing different policies. Both explain step by

step what has happened, what is going to happen, and what will be done in the future. Like all

professional works, the executive order and the radio broadcast are bland and lack extravagant

features. Their purpose is to inform so there is really no need to display colors.

Get em outta here! 8



THE UNITED STATES, 3 C.F.R. 7 (2017).

Burnett, J. (Writer). (2017, January 25). Donald Trump Moves Forward With Plan To Build

Border Wall [Radio series episode]. In All Things Considered. Washington, D.C: National Public


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