Motivation Letter Mgps

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Submitted as the requirement for applying Junior Liaison Officer for

The 5 Mahathir Global Peace School.

Yogyakarta, 19 November 2016

My name is Ahmad Imam Hidayat , currently I am enrolled as 5th

semester student of Electrical Engineering in Universitas Muhammadiyah
Yogyakarta. As an Electrical Engineering Students, increasing knowledge,
experience and connection is very important, because in its realization, an
engineer is need to good not only in exact bau also need to have a good
social experience .

Knowing that Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta are opening an

opportunity to be a Liaison Officer for an international event The 5th
Mahathir Global Peace School at 5th December 2016, here I stating that I
am very interested and really want to participate the program and fully
engage on the program and all activity accompanying it. I am convinced
that the program will give me a valuable experience and helping me to
increase my social side in being a liason officer.

Finally, with all my qualifications and also my confidence in joining

this program, I wish that I will be allowed to experience what I always
wanted as Electrical Engineering student and gain all the benefits and
opportunities that lay in this event and beyond it.


Ahmad Imam Hidayat

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