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Higher-Dose Oxytocin and Hemorrhage

After Vaginal Delivery

A Randomized Controlled Trial
Alan T. N. Tita, MD, PhD, Jeff M. Szychowski, PhD, Dwight J. Rouse, MD, MSPH, Cynthia M. Bean, MD,
Victoria Chapman, MPH, Allison Nothern, MSN, RN, Dana Figueroa, MD, Rebecca Quinn, PharmD,
William W. Andrews, PhD, MD, and John C. Hauth, MD

OBJECTIVE: Higher-dose oxytocin is more effective than RESULTS: Of 2,869 women, 1,798 were randomized as
lower-dose regimens to prevent postpartum hemorrhage follows: 658 to 80 units; 481 to 40 units; and 659 to 10
after cesarean delivery. We compared two higher-dose units. Most characteristics were similar across groups.
regimens (80 units and 40 units) to our routine regimen The risk of the primary outcome in the 80-unit group (6%;
(10 units) among women who delivered vaginally. relative risk [RR] 0.93, 95% confidence interval [CI] 0.62
METHODS: In a double-masked randomized trial, oxy- 1.40) or the 40-unit group (6%; RR 0.94, 95% CI 0.611.47)
tocin (80 units, 40 units, or 10 units) was administered in was not different compared with the 10-unit group (7%).
500 mL over 1 hour after placental delivery. The primary Treatment with additional oxytocin after the first hour
outcome was a composite of any treatment of uterine was less frequent with 80 units compared with 10 units
atony or hemorrhage. Prespecified secondary outcomes (RR 0.41, 95% CI 0.19 0.88), as was a 6% or more decline
included outcomes in the primary composite and a in hematocrit (RR 0.83, 95% CI 0.69 0.99); both out-
decline of 6% or more in hematocrit. A sample size of 600 comes declined with increasing oxytocin dose. Out-
per group (N1,800) was planned to compare each of the comes were similar between the 40-unit and 10-unit
80-unit and 40-unit groups to the 10-unit group. At groups.
planned interim review (n1,201), enrollment in the CONCLUSION: Compared with 10 units, 80 units or 40
40-unit group was stopped for futility and enrollment units of prophylactic oxytocin did not reduce overall
continued in the other groups. postpartum hemorrhage treatment when administered in
500 mL over 1 hour for vaginal delivery. Eighty units
decreased the need for additional oxytocin and the risk
From the Center for Womens Reproductive Health and Maternal-Fetal Medi- of a decline in hematocrit of 6% or more.
cine Division, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Department of Biosta-
tistics, Investigational Drug Pharmacy, University Hospital, University of
Alabama at Birmingham, Birmingham, Alabama; and the Department of www.clinicaltrials.gov, NCT00790062.
Obstetrics and Gynecology, Brown University, Providence, Rhode Island. (Obstet Gynecol 2012;119:293300)
Funded in part by a grant from the Eunice Kennedy Shriver National DOI: 10.1097/AOG.0b013e318242da74
Institute of Child Health and Human Development and by a faculty development
grant at the University of Alabama at Birmingham.
Presented in part at the Annual Meeting of the Society of Maternal-Fetal

Medicine, February 712, 2011, San Francisco, California. bstetric hemorrhage is the leading cause of
The authors thank the residents of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, maternal death worldwide and is among the top
Janatha Grant, RN, and Mona Wallace, RN, for patient enrollment; Sarah
Robertson, RN, Laura Money, RN, and the Labor and Delivery nurses at
three causes of these deaths in the United States.1,2
University of Alabama Birmingham Hospital for assistance with enrollment Postpartum hemorrhage is the most common type of
procedures; and Robin Steele and Sue Cliver for data management. obstetric hemorrhage, and uterine atony accounts for
Corresponding author: Alan Thevenet N. Tita, MD, PhD, 619 19th Street South, more than 80% of postpartum hemorrhage.3 Prophy-
176F, 10270, Birmingham, AL 35249; e-mail: atita@uab.edu.
lactic use of uterotonic agents prevents uterine atony
Financial Disclosure
The authors did not report any potential conflicts of interest.
and reduces the risk of postpartum hemorrhage by
40 50%.4 7 Compared with methylergometrine and
2012 by The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists. Published
by Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. misoprostol, oxytocin has a good safety profile and
ISSN: 0029-7844/12 induces fewer, if any, side effects.6,8,9 In the United

States, oxytocin is the uterotonic routinely used for Women were randomized to one of the three
prophylaxis. Despite its widespread use, the optimal study arms according to a confidential computer-
prophylactic oxytocin dose regimen is unknown. generated block randomization algorithm. The algo-
Twenty units of oxytocin administered in 1 L of rithm randomly allocated three women to each study
crystalloid solution at a rate of 10 mL per minute for dose in blocks of nine, thus ensuring equal allocation
a few minutes to get an adequate uterine tone, then among the study arms. The randomization scheme
reduced to 12 mL per minute during postpartum was sequentially numbered and delivered to the
recovery in the delivery suite and then discontinued pharmacy. The investigational drug pharmacists pre-
before transfer to the postpartum suite is a com- pared identical oxytocin bags by adding 10 units, 40
monly recommended dose regimen.10 The dose regi- units, or 80 units of oxytocin into a malleable bag of
men corresponds to that routinely used after vaginal 500 mL of normal saline. The bags were prepared in
delivery at our institution: 10 units of oxytocin in 500 advance of patient randomization, were numbered
mL of crystalloid solution administered over 1 hour. according to the randomization scheme provided,
For cesarean delivery, a higher dose regimen (80 units and were stored at room temperature in a dedicated
oxytocin in 500 mL of crystalloid) is used at our and secure research study closet on the labor and
institution based on positive findings from a random- delivery unit. Only the investigational pharmacist and
ized trial that included 321 women who underwent one statistician, who had no role in patient enrollment
cesarean delivery.11 In that study, compared with or outcome ascertainment, had knowledge of the
women who received the higher dose regimen, the code matching the sequential number to oxytocin
standard dose (10 units in 500 mL) was associated dose or the size of the randomized blocks. At the time
with a twofold increase in the risk of uterine atony or of vaginal delivery of each consented patient, the next
sequentially numbered oxytocin bag was dispensed to
postpartum hemorrhage requiring treatment with
the nurse. The sequential drug number together with
uterotonics (including additional oxytocin) and nearly
the patients name and medical record number were
a fivefold increase in the need for second-line utero-
entered into the randomization log. At this point, the
tonics such as methergine and hemabate.11 Although
patient was considered randomized. On delivery of
vaginal deliveries account for more than two thirds of
the placenta, the study medication bag was then
all births,12 it remains unknown whether a higher dose
administered to the patient over 1 hour using an infusion
of prophylactic oxytocin is similarly more effective
pump for precision. During this hour, use of additional
among women who deliver vaginally. If this were so,
oxytocin to treat uterine atony or hemorrhage was
we could have a single, dedicated oxytocin-dose
avoided (second-line uterotonics such as hemabate or
concentration to prevent postpartum hemorrhage.
methergine were used). However, additional oxytocin
Therefore, we compared the effectiveness of two
could be utilized for treatment after completion of the
higher-dose prophylactic oxytocin regimens to the
prophylactic infusion (ie, after 1 hour).
standard dose regimen for vaginal deliveries. We
The primary outcome was a composite outcome
hypothesized that higher doses of oxytocin (80 units
of uterine atony or hemorrhage requiring treatment,
or 40 units) as compared with the standard 10-unit
including treatment with any uterotonic, uterine tam-
dose would safely reduce uterine atony or postpartum
ponade (typically with a Bakri balloon), interventional
hemorrhage requiring treatment.
radiology for uterine or other arterial embolization,
surgery, or blood transfusion. Key prespecified sec-
MATERIALS AND METHODS ondary outcomes included individual outcomes in the
We conducted a single-center, double-blind, random- primary composite, a decline of 6% unit or more in
ized controlled trial that included women with viable hematocrit after delivery, clinically estimated blood
pregnancies undergoing vaginal delivery at 24 weeks loss, endometritis, hospital stay, and safety outcomes
of gestation or more at University Hospital, Birming- (need for fluid bolus, vasopressor treatment, and fluid
ham, Alabama. Those who underwent cesarean de- overload requiring diuretic therapy). Need to treat
livery or who had a fetal demise, a diagnosis of uterine atony or postpartum hemorrhage with utero-
coagulopathy, pulmonary edema, or cardiomyopathy tonics is recommended as a priority outcome measure
were excluded. Eligible women were approached and for postpartum hemorrhage by a World Health Or-
consented at the time of admission for delivery (spon- ganization international panel.13 At our institution, the
taneous labor or induction). The Institutional Review protocol for postpartum hemorrhage requires routine
Board of the University of Alabama at Birmingham application of fundal massage after delivery; biman-
approved the study. ual palpation is used if there is uterine atony or

294 Tita et al Prophylactic Oxytocin for Vaginal Delivery OBSTETRICS & GYNECOLOGY
ongoing hemorrhage. The absolute decline in hemat- rhage15,16 and outcomes were compared between
ocrit was calculated by subtracting the first postpar- groups. The 2, analysis of variance, and Kruskal-
tum hematocrit (typically collected within 8 24 Wallis tests were used as applicable for baseline and
hours) from the most recent predelivery hematocrit outcome comparisons among the three treatment
(typically drawn at the time of admission for delivery). groups. The 2 tests and analysis of variance were
A 6% unit decline in hematocrit (eg, from 35% to used for two group tests. Fisher exact and Wilcoxon
29%) was chosen because it corresponds on average rank-sum tests were used when appropriate. We
to a 2-unit blood loss, which we consider to be computed relative risks and 95% confidence intervals
clinically significant in the context of a vaginal birth. for pair-wise comparisons of outcomes. Tests for
Need for blood transfusion was based on actual trends in dichotomous outcomes across groups were
administration of whole or packed red blood cells based on the Mantel Haenzsel test and tests for
before discharge. The need for fluid bolus and need ordered differences in quantitative measures were
for pressor treatment were as determined and ordered based on the nonparametric Jonckheere-Terpstra
by the obstetric or anesthetic provider. Endometritis test.17 All statistical tests, with the exception of the
was based on a clinical diagnosis by the obstetric primary outcome as previously described, were eval-
providers and the use of antibiotics for treatment. All uated at a 0.05 level of significance. SAS 9.2 was used
outcomes were ascertained by chart abstraction until for all statistical analyses.
discharge from hospital by trained research nurses.
Two separate primary oxytocin dose compari-
sons were specified: 80 units compared with 10 units RESULTS
and 40 units compared with 10 units. As a secondary From November 2008 through June 2010, 2,869
comparison, we planned to evaluate for trend in women were screened and 1,798 were randomized as
outcomes across 10-unit, 40-unit, and 80-unit dose follows: 658 to 80 units of prophylactic oxytocin, 481
groups. For both primary pair-wise comparisons, we to the 40-unit group (discontinued) and 659 to the
estimated a sample size of 600 per group, or a total of 10-unit group (Fig. 1). The baseline characteristics of
1,800, based on an assumed primary outcome rate of women were similar except the incidence of chorio-
18% in the 10-unit group (alpha of 0.05 for each amnionitis was higher, and the frequency of sponta-
comparison, 80% power, and a hypothesized 33% neous membrane rupture and prolonged second stage
reduction in the primary outcome, ie, 18% to 12% for of labor was lower in the 10-unit group (Table 1).
80 units compared with 10 units and 18% to 12% for Overall, the primary composite outcome of treat-
40 units compared with 10 units). The baseline rate of ment for hemorrhage or atony occurred in 6 7% of
18% in the 10-unit group was estimated from a review the study sample. Compared with the 10-unit group,
of outcomes among vaginal deliveries conducted over higher doses of oxytocin did not significantly decrease
1 month at our institution. A single interim analysis the unadjusted risk of the primary outcome; there was
was planned at enrollment of 1,200 women, approx- no linear dose-response trend across groups (Table 2).
imately two thirds of the total planned sample size. Higher doses of oxytocin did not decrease treatment
The Lan-DeMets spending function approximation to of uterine atony or obstetric hemorrhage with any
OBrien-Fleming stopping boundaries14 was used to uterotonics. However, 80 units but not 40 units of
adjust the level of significance of each primary anal- oxytocin compared with 10 units significantly de-
ysis at both the interim review (significance level creased the need for treatment with additional oxyto-
0.017) and at study termination (significance level cin, corresponding to a decreased need for treatment
0.033) to preserve the overall 0.05 level of signifi- after the first hour or in the postpartum suite. There
cance. At the planned interim review (n1,201 ran- was also a significant decreasing trend in the need for
domized) by the data safety and monitoring board, treatment with oxytocin (3% to 2% to 1%) with
boundaries for early termination were not exceeded. increasing dose of prophylactic oxytocin. All other
An investigation for futility concluded that the condi- components of the primary outcome, including the
tional power for the 40 units compared with 10 units rare need for tamponade, surgery, interventional
was less than 1%. The 40-unit arm thus was stopped treatment, or blood transfusion, did not differ by dose
for futility, and enrollment was continued in the of prophylactic oxytocin.
10-unit and 80-unit dose arms to the original total Mean change in hematocrit after delivery was not
sample size of 1,800. significantly different between groups. However,
Analyses were by intent-to-treat. Baseline charac- fewer women in the 80-unit group, but not in the
teristics including risk factors for postpartum hemor- 40-unit group, compared with the 10-unit group had a

VOL. 119, NO. 2, PART 1, FEBRUARY 2012 Tita et al Prophylactic Oxytocin for Vaginal Delivery 295
Patients screened
N=2,869 Excluded: n=1,071
Refused consent: n=347
Ineligible: n=724
Cesarean delivery: 520
Informed consent granted and Other reasons: 204
patients randomized

Allocated to 80 units oxytocin Allocated to 40 units oxytocin Allocated to 10 units oxytocin

n=658 n=481 n=659

Did not receive study oxytocin Did not receive study oxytocin
(cesarean delivery) (cesarean delivery)
n=1 n=1

Received 80 units oxytocin Received 40 units oxytocin Received 10 units oxytocin

n=657 n=481 n=658

Analyzed Analyzed Analyzed

n=658 n=481 n=659

Fig. 1. Flow of patients through the oxytocin trial.

Tita. Prophylactic Oxytocin for Vaginal Delivery. Obstet Gynecol 2012.

6% or greater decline in hematocrit (Table 3). The We conducted additional (post hoc) analyses to
incidence of this clinically important decline in he- further evaluate our findings. The mean times (SD)
matocrit decreased modestly but significantly from between predelivery and postdelivery hematocrit re-
28% to 23% as prophylactic oxytocin dose increased vealed no differences by group: 25.011.3, 25.2
from 10 units to 80 units (P.05). Other secondary 12.1, and 25.311.5 hours, respectively, for 10-unit,
outcomes including estimated blood loss (mean and 40-unit, and 80-unit groups (P.891). The respective
clinically estimated blood loss more than 500 mL), mean times (SD) from delivery to postdelivery
fluid bolus or pressor treatment for hypotension, fluid hematocrit were also similar: 15.58.0, 16.39.0,
overload, endometritis, and prolonged hospitalization and 16.08.8 (P.351). We compared the incidence
(4 or more days) did not differ by dose of prophylactic of hematocrit decline greater than the prespecified 6%
oxytocin. Because need for fluid bolus or pressor cut-off: 80 units compared with 10 units of prophy-
treatment in labor was primarily the result of epidural, lactic oxytocin was associated with a lower incidence
we restricted the study population to women who did of an 8% or greater decline in hematocrit (9% com-
not receive an epidural; the incidences of fluid bolus pared with 13%; P.013) but not with a 10% or
by decreasing doses of oxytocin were 0%, 0%, and greater decline (4% compared with 5%; P.301).
0.3% (P for trend .999). Results for pressor treat- Finally, results of analyses adjusting for the baseline
ment were identical. differences were consistent with our main findings.
Relative risks (95% confidence interval) for the
relationship between key study outcomes and higher DISCUSSION
doses of oxytocin compared with the 10-unit dose are Overall, higher doses of prophylactic oxytocin (80
given (Table 4). There were no significant differences units or 40 units), as compared with the standard dose
between higher doses (80 or 40 units) and the 10-unit of 10 units of oxytocin when administered in 500 mL
standard dose oxytocin for the primary composite of crystalloid over the course of 1 hour after vaginal
outcome or need for any uterotonic to treat postpar- delivery, did not significantly reduce the incidence of
tum hemorrhage. However, there was a reduction in the primary composite outcome of uterine atony or
the need for oxytocin to treat uterine atony or post- hemorrhage requiring any treatment. However, 80
partum hemorrhage, primarily on the postpartum units of oxytocin reduced the frequency of two pre-
floor in the postrecovery period. Results for a 6% or specified secondary outcomes: hemorrhage requiring
more decline in hematocrit suggested a lower inci- treatment after the first postpartum hour and a decline
dence with 80 units but not with 40 units compared in hematocrit more than 6% units. There was a
with 10 units of oxytocin (Table 4). significant dose-response trend in these outcomes

296 Tita et al Prophylactic Oxytocin for Vaginal Delivery OBSTETRICS & GYNECOLOGY
Table 1. Baseline Characteristics of the Oxytocin Trial Population (n1,798)
80 Units 40 Units 10 Units
Characteristic (n658) (n481) (n659)

African American 379 (58) 278 (58) 404 (61)
White 156 (24) 97 (20) 143 (22)
Hispanic 120 (18) 101 (21) 106 (16)
Other 3 (less than 1) 5 (1) 6 (less than 1)
Previous cesarean delivery 30 (5) 27 (6) 29 (4)
Nulliparous 245 (37) 164 (34) 264 (40)
Body mass index (kg/m2)
Obese 360 (55) 285 (60) 391 (59)
Overweight 208 (32) 143 (30) 172 (26)
Normal and underweight 90 (14) 53 (11) 96 (15)
Age (y) 24.45.5 23.95.1 23.95.4
Hematocrit before delivery 33.53.6 33.43.5 33.63.4
Preterm labor 83 (13) 47 (10) 58 (9)
Preeclampsia 75 (11) 50 (10) 93 (14)
Magnesium sulfate use 67 (10) 43 (9) 78 (12)
Oxytocin use in labor 561 (85) 406 (84) 560 (85)
Induction 219 (33) 136 (28) 217 (33)
Augmentation 342 (52) 270 (56) 343 (52)
Hydramnios 11 (2) 15 (3) 17 (3)
Chorioamnionitis 40 (6) 23 (5) 59 (9)
Amnioinfusion 106 (16) 74 (15) 119 (18)
Any anesthesia 580 (88) 412 (86) 580 (88)
Epidural 556 (85) 395 (82) 553 (84)
Prolonged second stage of labor 51 (8) 41 (9) 30 (5)
Spontaneous membrane rupture 227 (35) 179 (37) 178 (27)
Singleton 653 (99) 477 (99) 655 (99)
Data are n (%) unless or meanstandard deviation.

(reducing incidence with increasing dose of prophy- suggest that both dose and rate of administration
lactic oxytocin). Additionally, higher dose regimens (including intravenous bolus) play a role.11,18 20 Typi-
were not associated with an increase in adverse events cally, these studies have associated higher doses of
such as hypotension or fluid overload. prophylactic oxytocin with beneficial effect on out-
Findings from the few available studies examin- comes such as estimated blood loss, decline in hemat-
ing various outcomes in relation to dose regimens ocrit, or need for additional uterotonics among

Table 2. Results for Primary Composite Outcome and Its Components

Outcome Frequency (%) P Compared With 10 Units
80 Units 40 Units 10 Units 80 40
Outcome (n658) (n481) (n659) Units Units Trend

Primary composite 42 (6) 31 (6) 45 (7) .745 .798 .744

Any uterotonic 40 (6) 30 (6) 45 (7) .580 .691 .578
Oxytocin 9 (1) 12 (2) 22 (3) .018 .408 .019
Other uterotonics 37 (6) 27 (6) 42 (6) .567 .595 .563
Methergine* 24 (4) 19 (4) 27 (4) .672 .901 .673
Hemabate* 19 (3) 13 (3) 23 (3) .533 .453 .525
Arterial ligation 1 (less than 1) 0 (0) 0 (0) .500* NA .366*
Hysterectomy 1 (less than 1) 0 (0) 0 (0) .500* NA .366*
Foley tamponade 0 (0) 1 (less than 1) 0 (0) NA .422* 1.000*
Arterial embolization 1 (less than 1) 0 (0) 1 (less than 1) 1.000* 1.000* 1.000*
Blood transfusion 5 (less than 1) 4 (less than 1) 7 (1) .564 .768* .559
NA, not available.
* Reflects exact test.

VOL. 119, NO. 2, PART 1, FEBRUARY 2012 Tita et al Prophylactic Oxytocin for Vaginal Delivery 297
Table 3. Results for Other Key Secondary Outcomes
P for Comparison
to 10 Units
80 Units 40 Units 10 Units 80 40
Outcome (n658) (n481) (n659) Units Units Trend

Hematocrit change* 4 (17) 4 (18) 4 (18) .074 .249 .080
Hematocrit decline less than 6% 153 (23) 129 (27) 185 (28) .045 .633 .046
Hospitalization more than 4 d 109 (17) 95 (20) 116 (18) .617 .356 .623
Fluid bolus 87 (13) 51 (11) 82 (12) .673 .339 .667
Diuretic treatment 1 (less than 1) 0 (0) 0 (0) .500 Not available .366
Pressor treatment 95 (14) 56 (12) 85 (13) .416 .525 .409
Pitocin discontinued 4 (less than 1) 6 (1) 3 (less than 1) .726 .179 .751
Estimated blood loss 401.3190.5 405.0137.8 413.1159.5 .229 .377 .213
Blood loss more than 500 mL 24 (4) 24 (5) 38 (6) .070 .568 .072
Endometritis 8 (1) 1 (less than 1) 5 (less than 1) .402 .410 .346
Data are n (%) or meanstandard deviation unless otherwise specified.
* Median (interdecile range).

Wilcoxon rank-sum test.

Jonckheere-Terpstra test.

Exact test.

Meanstandard deviation.

women who underwent cesarean delivery.11,18 20 In tum. Our current study is one of the largest random-
two studies, women undergoing scheduled cesarean ized trials comparing different doses of oxytocin to
delivery received a 5-unit intravenous bolus com- prevent postpartum hemorrhage but focuses on
pared with 35 units (5 unit bolus 30 units over 4 women who underwent vaginal delivery. Although
hours) of prophylactic oxytocin.18,20 Women in the contrary to the previous study, we did not observe a
higher dose group had significantly lower mean esti- significant reduction in need for any uterotonic treat-
mated blood loss and lower frequencies of blood loss ment, the findings for prespecified secondary out-
more than 500 ml or more than 1,000 mL, need for comes (hematocrit decline of 6 units or more and
uterotonic treatment, or blood transfusion.18,20 In an- need for oxytocin after the first hour) do suggest
other small study of cesarean deliveries, higher dose potential benefits of higher dose regimens among
of oxytocin was associated with a higher uterine tone women after a vaginal birth. Randomization provides
and a nonsignificant reduction in need for additional balance across groups for baseline hematocrit and
uterotonic.19 Finally, in the previous trial at our insti- times to postdelivery hematocrit (a proxy for hydra-
tution, 80 units as compared with 10 units of prophy- tion during labor). Considering labor hydration, the
lactic oxytocin reduced the need for any uterotonic amount of blood loss needed for a 6-unit decline in
treatment, as well as the need for treatment with hematocrit may be higher than the postulated 2 units.
second-line agents among women who underwent Support for the safety of higher doses of oxytocin is
cesarean delivery after labor.11 It is noteworthy that evident from previous studies, including those of con-
women in both arms also received prophylactic low centrated oxytocin protocols for mid-trimester preg-
dose oxytocin (20 units in 1L) over 8 hours postpar- nancy termination or induction of delivery11,21,22; these
regimens have been generally reported to be safe.
Table 4. Estimates of the Primary Composite and The discrepancy in our primary outcome result
Significant Secondary Outcomes could be attributed, at least in part, to differences in
80 Units 40 Units the risk profile of the study population and the higher
Compared Compared rate of infusion of prophylactic dose regimens in the
With 10 With 10 previous study (500 mL administered over the course
Outcome Units Units of half an hour for cesarean deliveries compared with
Primary composite 0.93 (0.621.40) 0.94 (0.611.47) over the course of 1 hour for vaginal delivery in our
Additional oxytocin 0.41 (0.190.88) 0.75 (0.371.50) study).11 The discrepancy may also be the conse-
6% or more 0.83 (0.690.99) 0.95 (0.791.16) quence of our studys limited power to discern differ-
hematocrit decline ences in the primary outcome. Our original estimated
Data are relative risk (95% confidence interval). sample size was based on an 18% incidence of the

298 Tita et al Prophylactic Oxytocin for Vaginal Delivery OBSTETRICS & GYNECOLOGY
primary outcome in the low-dose group. This in- cesarean deliveries. This would enhance efficiency by
cluded use of additional oxytocin to treat atony allowing for a single premixed oxytocin dose bag for
occurring while the prophylactic infusion was ongo- prophylaxis (as opposed to one for cesarean deliveries
ing. However, based on pharmacy recommendations, and another for vaginal deliveries) considering the
we did not administer additional oxytocin during the low cost of oxytocin. Our results indicate that 51
first hour (concurrent with the prophylactic infusion). women receiving 80 units of prophylactic oxytocin
Instead, second-line uterotonics were administered if are needed to prevent one episode of use of addi-
treatment was indicated in the first hour. The smaller tional oxytocin to treat hemorrhage after the first
than expected incidence of uterotonic treatment likely postdelivery hour; 21 are needed to prevent one
reflects a higher threshold to use methergine or episode of hematocrit decline more than 6% units.
prostaglandins as first-line treatment for hemorrhage Nevertheless, ongoing monitoring, evaluation, and
or atony. The outcome rate of 7% would have re- reporting of this use in larger populations will be
quired approximately double our current sample size necessary to further demonstrate the safety and the
to be able to detect a 33% reduction in the incidence effectiveness (vis-a`-vis outcomes such as our pri-
of the primary composite outcome. At interim review, mary outcome and blood transfusion) of higher-
considering the 80% reduction in need for second-line dose regimens for vaginal delivery.
agents to treat from a baseline of 9% in the previous An important consideration for the efficient use
trial and the futility of the intermediate study dose for of 80-unit oxytocin dose for postpartum prophylaxis
the primary outcome, we opted to continue the concerns its stability when concentrated in 500 mL of
enrollment in the two remaining arms to the original crystalloid. Although concentrations of 80 units in
total sample size. We estimated that the sample size
1,000 mL or less (ie, 40 units in 500 mL or less) have
cumulated in these two groups would provide 80%
been demonstrated to be stable for at least 7 days (and
power to detect a 50% reduction in the primary
therefore a premixed bag can have a shelf-life of 7
outcome from the new baseline of 7%. Apart from
days), no such data are available for the 80-unit in 500
power considerations, our study had other limitations.
mL concentration.25,26 As a result, hospital pharmacies
Given the inherent difficulty in validly estimating
will typically accord no more than a 2-day shelf-life
postpartum blood loss, we used clinical outcomes as a
for premixed oxytocin concentration more than 40
proxy for blood loss. In our protocol, oxytocin was
units in 500 mL. Therefore, stability studies of high-
administered only after placental delivery. Although
dose oxytocin regimens are needed to facilitate its
timing of administration does not appear to make a
difference,23,24 we cannot guarantee that our results efficient clinical use and evaluation. Because both the
with higher doses would be the same if we initiated dose and duration of administration may play a role,
prophylactic oxytocin before placental delivery. future evaluation should also assess the effect of
Overall, higher doses of prophylactic oxytocin varying duration of administration, particularly when
appear to be beneficial in preventing measures of administered within 30 minutes.
postpartum hemorrhage among women delivered by
cesarean.11,18 20 Therefore, doses as high as 80 units REFERENCES
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