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Alexander Covarrubias

Sabrina Vargas-Ortiz

English DC

20 April 2017

Opinion-Editorial: National Security and Trump

Unless youve been living in a fantasy world where Hillary Clinton won the Presidency,

you may have noticed a bit of change in our national security policies. More deportations, more

Border/National security agents, less immigrates. Many opponents of the administration believe

we are returning to our post-World War one state where we returned to a state of isolation and

severely limited the number of immigrants entering the United States. This is not true, the United

States is still open to immigrants, but it must be legal and they cannot have any criminal record.

The illegals that the President is after are criminal aliens because they pose a threat to security.

There is no point in hunting down the dreamers or those who want to work here, which would

be a waste of resources.

We simply cannot allow false civil rights claims to block national security; our Federal

Agents need to be able to do their jobs without any interference. Say that you knew that a

suspected terrorist cell was about to infiltrate the country and inflict mass death on the

population; you know their ethnicity, but you do not know exactly who or how many there are.

The best solution would be to screen every person of that certain ethic that tries to enter the

country and either deport, arrest, or let in. Even with the best screening, some terrorist still

manage to get through, this is where a travel ban is useful, to block the flow of immigrants all

together. A travel ban against an entire nation is nothing new; we had done it in the past with the

Japanese and Germans during the Second World War, the only difference was that the entire
nation was the enemy. The current enemy knows that some nations will accept refuges into their

society, which is why France and other European nations have been suffering from terror attacks.

Our conflict today is not against another nation (yet), but rather radical religious ideals

and drug profiteers. Our enemy has little regard for their own life or the lives of others, which

makes them even more threatening than Russia or China. To protect our nation, we must hunt

down the radicals in our nation before they can cause harm. In addition, we must block the

potential terrorist from our nation so our citizens as well as immigrants can live the lives they

wanted. I am not xenophobic and I am not Islamophobia, I understand the anger towards the

President and why his policies are seen as racist. But our threat is evolving, the one who attacked

us on 9/11 are nothing compared to the brutality of ISIS, and the cartel still have a major drug

industry here in the U.S. It is time to put an end to this threat down and for all, so our future

generations would not have to continue our war.

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