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May 2017 Issue 8

Phoebe Defined...... Brand New Me Parking Reserved for Watch Your Mouth!!

Phoebe Defined...
I commend to you our sister Phoebe, who is a deacon in
the church in Cenchrea. Welcome her in the Lord as one
who is worthy of honor among Gods people. Help her in
whatever she needs, for she has been helpful to many, and
especially to me. (Romans 16:1, 2 NLT)

So what's this Phoebe thing all about? Phoebe was a noted

female working along side the Apostle Paul. She proved to be
trustworthy and instrumental in the early church. The early
church suffered persecution at the hand of the Jewish people
and Roman rule. Under harsh conditions Phoebe managed
with others to do God's work; helping to save souls and take
the Gospel of Jesus Christ to a lost world. Just like Phoebe of
the early church, this Phoebe dares to bring the unadulterated
gospel truth to all readers, with emphasis on women of all
shades, types, ethnicities, social-economic, secular and non-
secular backgrounds. This quarterly newsletter will prompt
the reader to think introspectively and act externally. Topics of
interest will include: world views, women's health, marriage
and relationships, spirituality and the like.

The hard truth is that daily people are dying because of poor
living conditions, being sold in the sex trade, ending marriage
prematurely and suffering from mental illness. That list could
go on, but we must breathe, and take every moment into
consideration. We must be intentional with every step we
take. We must be walking talking hope givers to the lost and
this newsletter intends to equip you with tools to do that. We
intend to keep Phoebe's legacy alive and remain relevant in a
time where authenticity and reality rarely meet........and
Purposeful Design for Women, which is
dedicated to the topic discussed in this article,
Brand New Me
Many of us have opinions about the songstress Alicia Keys and her stance on refusing to hide
her natural beauty behind make up. One of her latest songs appears to solidify her stance
entitled, Brand New Me. She infers in the lyrics that no longer will she be bound to
others ideals or opinions. So many woman suffer from this same disease. Our need for
acceptance and fear of rejection rule and ruin the very best parts of us because it cramps us
into boxes God never intended us to be in. I am done with pleasing the people pleaser in me!
It will not rob anymore of my life.

There is a Brand New Kind of Me..Stay Tuned!!

Alicia Keys-Brand New Me

Im throwing in the towel! Youve won, but you cant have me!
Pleasing people to appease myself has to end
Its a vicious cycle that means me no good
Its stealing my health, my joy and my peace
No more busy work just to say Im done
No more pleasing just to say Ive won
That beast inside must not only be tamed, she must die!
Shes so busy with her to do lists, she never gets to fly
You might not like it, but Ive learned a new word, NO!
I cannot be the leader, I will not be in your show.
I was born to please my God and only my service to Him will last.
Even when you mask your task with His name, it will not pass.
Im done!
I found a brand new kind of free!

"I want my life to be a novel that
So You Dont Want to Go to
Church Anymore: An
Unexpected Journey. This when the book is read, the
work of fiction finds Jake, an

reader has one more thought of

Associate Pastor overworked
and loosing his faith when he
runs into a mystery man named
John. Follow the authors, Christ than they did before..."
Jacobsen and Coleman as they
minister to weary Christ
followers who find themselves
Rhonda C. White
lost in the conundrum of busy
church work.
Parking Reserved For Pastor
I observed a sign the other day inside a church parking lot; Parking Reserved for
Pastor. It struck a cord in me and stirred the thoughts rumbling under the surface
of my mind as to what should and should not be reserved for a Pastor? Who
determines how a person becomes to be known as a Pastor; the responsibilities
that are placed on them and the rules that govern them? In some denominations its
a matter of an official ordination. In others they are appointed or commissioned.
Some must be educated, others use spiritual gifting and spiritual sensitivities to
operate in their position. But what is truly reserved for them and only them?

Are they supposed to be nice? Friendly, compassionate, endearing, loving,

understanding, a great leader and a better follower? Should they be accountable to
anyone other than God? Do they have the responsibility to work beyond their gifts
even when its awkward and uncomfortable? Do they get to say they dont operate
in certain capacities in the church, because they don't feel good or right? I mean
really what should be off limits to them and what is appropriate? Do they get days
off from being approachable? Do they get Rude Time Off? What are the
expectations and guidelines for them? I feel like I know many people with the title
of Pastor that have not embraced what is only reserved for them.

What the bible says about Pastors.

According to Titus 1:6-9 a Pastor should have/be:

Unquestionable Integrity-Do you make the same decisions in the dark that you do in the light? Who are
you accountable to? Can they check you when you are wrong?
Faithful to Spouse and Family-Is your spouse in the right order after God? Are you devoted and
Respectful Children-Are your children obedient? Do they respect authority or are they stereotypical PKs?
Self Controlled-Do you anger easily? Are you lazy, over-indulgent and disrespectful to your physical
Financially Ethical- Are you a tither? Do you live on a budget? Are you are a borrower or a lender?
Hospitable-Are you a welcoming and inviting person? Are you warm and friendly even when its
uncomfortable? Will you open your home to others when God says so?
Selfless-Are you willing to complete the task when no one else will? Are you as good a follower as you
are a leader?
If these are not mandates for your life or attributes you aspire for daily, then
maybe your parking ought to be reserved for someone else?
Remember, Pastors are ALWAYS held to a higher calling.

Word kill, words give life. certainly not implying that

They are either poison or we have to lie about how
fruit-you chose. Parts of we feel and not share the
me have perished in the truth, but what we confess
last few months, due to should equal what God
stress and busy-ness, says about our problems.
coupled with poor mouth Instead, I am not feeling
management. My words my best, but I am confident
have been careless, that I serve a God who is a
fruitless, frugal and healer and wants me well. I
Treat them with respect and proceed in
wasteful. I am guilty of not am believing Him for using them with caution. What if you
guarding the gate of my healing. truly only had a certain quota of words
lips. Regardless of our Words have power. God to use per day? Would your quota be
beliefs, what we say effects spoke creation into filled with goodness or mess? Would
our outcomes. God is all existence. What are you your hearers, including yourself be
powerful, but He shared speaking into existence? Is blessed or cursed? Set a guard over
your lips today. Use spiritual masking
His empowerment with us it a blessing or a cursing?
tape and set a guard at your mouths
with the choice of our The Old Wives Tale holds door.
words. We have the ability trueIf you have nothing
to command, confess or good to say, don't say
I dont deny the existence of the mountain. I
curse what occurs in our anything at all. I challenge deny the right of it to exist in my way. I see it
lives. If I say ,I feel like I you today to be more in the way The Word said itREMOVED!
am getting sick, then mindful of your words
more than likely I will. I am Charles Capps

Rhonda C. White is the independently published author

of the novel, Joshuas Coming, ( an
inspirational story of a couples struggle with infertility
and wounds from the past. This story is loosely based
on the authors life. She is currently working on books
entitled, The Daddy Void, Discovering the Creative and
Purposeful Design for Woman and How to Change Your
Husband in 30 Days. She is a devoted wife of 19 years
and mother of a remarkable 10-year old daughter. She
serves at Christian Life Center in the Married Couples
and Counseling Ministries. She works as an adjunct
professor at Morton College and is a school district
Physical Therapist. Visit her website at: Contact the author
for engagements at:

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