Japanese Cultural Lesson Plan

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Steven Del Pozo Jorge Hernandez Brittany Smith

EDU 280

Japanese Cultural Lesson Plan

One Week Plan
Present Japanese Cultural PowerPoint
Present video to class
Multicultural group quiz

Daily Reviews:
Class discussion about previous lessons

Daily Objective:
Monday: History, geography, and government.
Tuesday: Family dynamics, education, and religion.
Wednesday: Language, holidays, and food.
Thursday: Fashion, pop-culture, and stereotypes.
Friday: Final review/discussion, quiz and assign homework.

Concept and Skill Development and Application

PowerPoint overview will be provided
Class discussions

Guided / Independent / Group Practice

Group of 4 max, will work on quiz

Homework Assignment
Students will have to write a one to two-page essay about what they have
learned throughout the week. They can specify on one of the main topics
talked about or do a general over view of the topic. Essay will be due the
next class date.

Essay & Quiz

Long-Term Memory Review

Steven Del Pozo Jorge Hernandez Brittany Smith
EDU 280
Test at the end of each quarter covering the main topics covered

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