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Art Integration Lesson Plan Template 1

Art Integration Lesson Plan Template

LTC 4240: Art for Children

Lesson Title & Big Idea*: The Giving Affect- Throughout culture and time, our interactions with Grade Level*: 3rd Grade
people we love add value and meaning to own life story.
Lesson Overview/Summary*: Class Periods Required:
In this lesson, students will be encountering a lesson that integrates reading, writing, and visual (please circle)
art. The lesson is focused around the childrens book called The Giving Tree by Shel Silverstein.
The teacher will prepare a large recreation of the giving tree illustration. The teacher will then 3 class periods
read aloud the book to the whole class. Students will write a reflection on the essential questions
concerning the book. The next class period, the teacher will highlight themes of Shel Silversteins
artwork. Students will then create a unique cartoon drawing that represents a time where
someone gave something to them, that added value to their life story. We will hang these
drawings underneath the giving tree on the classroom wall or door. It will display how all of our
life stories have been impacted by our loved ones actions. Students will have the opportunity to
revise their reflection and place it next to their drawing.

Key Concepts (3-4): What you want the students to know.* Essential Questions (3-4)*:
1. Visual Art: 1. What is an act of giving?
Students will understand the themes Shel Silverstein 2. Why is giving important?
uses in his artwork. 3. How has someone else act of giving affected your life
Students will learn how tell a story through their
4. Does this make you want to give to someones life
artwork. story when you have the means to?
Students will learn how to create a cartoon.
2. Reading:
Students will learn how to analyze main ideas of a text.
Students will learn how to determine the gist or the
lesson of a text.
Students will learn how to analyze how past, present,
and future events influence a persons greater life story.
3. Writing:
Students will learn how to write a reflection over a text.
Students will learn how to revise a reflection over a text.
Art Integration Lesson Plan Template 2

Lesson Objectives: (Excellent resource at What you

want the students to do. *
1. Visual Art: The students will be able to . . .
Analyze the themes in Shel Silversteins artwork
Convey a story through drawing
Draw a cartoon image
2. Reading: The students will be able to . . .
Take notes over main ideas and lessons of the story during the reading
3. Writing: The students will be able to . . .
Write a reflection that tells a story
Review and revise their reflection

Grade Level Expectations (GLEs) (3-4) Identify & define common vocabulary that connect the art
( form with the other identified content areas:
1. Visual Art:
Drawing Cartoon: a simplified or exaggerated version or
o 3.A.3 Create an original artwork using line, shape interpretation of something.
and color
Theme Act of giving: Helping make a persons life better or
o 3.C.3. Create an original artwork that
bringing joy to that persons life. You can do this through
communicates ideas about the following themes:
giving monetary gifts, acts of kindness, acts of service, etc.
community and group identity
2. Writing:
Reflection: serious thought and consideration that is written
1.C.3 Reread, revise, and edit drafts with assistance down.
from adults/peers to
3. Reading Revise: reconsider and alter (something) in the light of
1. C. 3 Explain relevant connections between text to further evidence.
text and text to world.

Content Areas Integrated*: Lesson Activities & Procedure(s) (please be very specific):
1. Visual Art (Inspiration Artist: Shel Silverstein) 1. When students enter the classroom at the beginning of the
Art Integration Lesson Plan Template 3

Drawings featured in The Giving Tree week, the teacher will have a large representation of the
Analyzing themes of Shels drawings giving tree hanging on the classroom wall or door. When
Students drawing using a cartoon technique students enter the classroom, they will likely have questions
2. Reading: about it. We will have an informal discussion of what kind of
Read the non-fiction book The Giving Tree student work they think is going to go under the tree.
3. Writing: 2. Teacher will read aloud the non-fiction book The Giving
Writing a reflection Tree by Shel Silverstein. Students will be seated at the carpet
Revising a reflection in front of the teachers chair.
3. After the read aloud is finished, the teacher will pose the
essential questions in a whole group discussion. Students can
share out their initial thoughts and ideas of how the
questions relate to the book.
4. After the whole group discussion, students will be asked to
return to their table seats. They will begin writing a reflection
that answers the essential questions and tells the story of
how a loved one impacted that their life in a positive way.
5. The next day, the teacher will begin the reading lesson
discussing Shel Silversteins illustrations from the book. The
teacher should highlight that his drawings are featured in
black and white. The teacher should also highlight that the
objects can be exaggerated and dont have to look just as
they do in real life.
6. The teacher should have half sheets of computer paper
ready to go. Instruct students to draw a cartoon like picture
that tells the story of their reflections. They can cut and trim
the paper however theyd like, as long as they can covey a
story through their drawing.
7. On the final day of the project, students will have the
opportunity to revise their reflections. They will be invited to
share their reflections for peer review.
8. Once they have finished the students will all tape up their
drawings and their reflections under the large giving tree.
They will share with the whole class what their drawing
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9. The giving tree represents all of the wonderful stories that
make up our classroom community. It reminds us to be
grateful for what others have given to us and that we should
give back to others too.

Anticipatory Set (Gaining Attention)*: Closure (Reflecting Anticipatory Set):

When students enter the classroom, they will notice a large After all the students drawings are hung under the tree.
recreation of the giving tree. Tell students that they will be Students will share verbally their reflection and how it tells
doing a lesson that incorporates the tree. The teacher will ask the story of their drawing. They can all reflect on what
them what they think is going to possibly go under the tree. actually ended up under the tree and what the originally
Students will be motivated to participate in the lesson and thought would be under the tree before the lesson began.
discover what goes under the tree.

Formative Assessment strategy: Summative Assessment strategy*:

Teacher will walk around during the first draft of the reflection. Teacher will assess how well student addressed the essential
Take notes on aspects of writing that students that need a few questions in their writing reflection. Teacher will also look for
reminders. When students go to peer edit. Remind them to themes in their drawing that reflect their reflection.
check for spelling, punctuation, etc.

What student prior knowledge will this lesson require/draw upon?

-Students need to know how to make inferences.
-Students need to know how to participate respectfully in whole group discussions.
-Students need to know how to write at least a paragraph or more.

How will you engage students in imagining, exploring, and/or experimenting in this lesson?
-Students will be asked to imagine what is going to go under the giving tree before the lesson begins.
-Students will be exploring Shel Silbersteins themes in artwork.
-Students will be experimenting with drawing cartoon and exaggerated images.
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How will this lesson allow for/encourage students to solve problems in divergent ways?
-Students reflections ask them to think deeply about essential questions.
-There is no right or wrong answer to the questions.
-Students are allowed to draw and shape their image however theyd like. It just needs to be in black and white colors and
represent the ideas discussed in their reflection.

How will you engage students in routinely reflecting on their learning?

-Students will revise with a peer their original reflection.
-Students will present their finished drawing and reflection to the whole class.
-Students will participate in small group discussions over the book and essential questions.

How will you adapt the various aspects of the lesson to differently-abeled students?
-Students who cannot physical write can use a speech-to-text application.
-Students who have visual impairments can view the picture book on an iPad.

What opportunities/activities will students be given to revise and improve their understandings and their work?
-Students will be allowed an opportunity to revise their reflection with a peer.
-Students will be allowed to share their reflection with the teacher if they wish.

What opportunities/activities will you provide for students to share their learning in this lesson?
-Students can share their original thoughts in a whole group discussion.
-Students will share their ideas while peer editing each others reflections.
-Students will share their final drawing and reflection with the whole class at the end.

Lesson Resources/References (please be very specific by providing links, authors, titles, etc.):
-Computer paper
-Black pens/fine tip sharpies/felt tip markers
-Green butcher paper
-Notebook paper or lined paper
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-The Giving Tree by Shel Silverstein

* Include this information during your final presentation.


Silverstein, S., Silverstein, S., & Harper & Row, Publishers,. (1964). The giving tree. New York: Harper & Row.

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