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Terms of Reference

Title: Consultant for Strategic Planning for National Volunteer

Corps (CNV) in Cabo Verde
Type of Consultant: National
Term of Contract: Individual Contract
Duration: 20 working days full-time
Starting date: 02 February 2015
End date: 15 March 2015
The National Volunteer Corps (CNV) is a governmental agency of the Ministry of
Youth, Employment and Development of Human Resources with legal
"personality" defined under public law, and administrative, financial and patrimonial
autonomy, whose overall mission is to promote voluntary work, as well as
information, training and support for organizations promoting volunteerism
(Decree-Law 25/2012). The National Volunteer Corps is the instrument to
materialize the Government's program for volunteer work and is thereof responsible
for implementing strategies and policies to promote volunteerism in the country.
An Evaluation of the contribution of UNV to Volunteer Infrastructures, conducted in
2013, concluded that the newly created CNV was granted manoeuvring space to
define and implement strategies, however, needs to strengthen its own
administration mechanisms, its planning, budgeting, monitoring and reporting
capacity and importantly, its capacity to mobilize and manage financial resources."
It pointed out that good governance practices are in initial stages and require
support to become fully-fledged. It also emphasized the need for the CNV to
develop a communication strategy addressing all communication issues, to review
decision making processes, to mainstream the result based planning and M&E
system beyond the project level, and to forge strong strategic partnerships.
With the end of the project, and in the absence of a strategic framework for the
coming period, phasing out intervention is recommended to consolidate the newly
established structure, to enhance the impact, clarify the current position and define
the future direction of CNV in a medium/long term perspective.
Consequent to this, UNV is seeking a consultant to develop a strategic plan, needs
assessment and gap analysis of CNV.

Volunteerism is considered by the Government of Cabo Verde as a key element of
its policy of promoting youth and is an important part of the Youth Strategy The
Project "Support to the implementation of a National Volunteer Programme in Cabo
Verde," implemented from September 2009 through February 2014, was a tripartite
initiative involving the Government of Cabo Verde through the Ministry of Youth, the
United Nations System and the Cabo Verdean Platform of NGOs. The pilot project
was conceived in the wake of the project Youth Corps for the Environment,
implemented from 2003 to 2006 in Santiago Island. An external evaluation in
October 2005 and the feasibility study about the possibility of a national volunteer
programme, conducted in October 2006, identified a strong need to strengthen the
involvement of civil society in public debates and actions, and to value and
recognize the contribution of citizens in developing countries. The study also
highlighted the need of a legal framework for facilitating and enhancing
volunteerism and civic engagement and the need for training and support to
structure their programs in organizations, public or associative, that mobilize or
wish to mobilize volunteers.
On the basis of lessons learnt and recommendations from the previous projects, the
project was aimed at creating an enabling environment for volunteering in Cabo
Verde, and to set up a structure to strengthen the capacity of volunteer involving
organizations and strengthen the social impact of the voluntary mobilization by
different actors in the country, especially in the priority areas for development. It
focused on the promotion of community-based development through civil society
participation and the strengthening of community-based organizations, in close
collaboration and partnership with the national NGO Platform).
In September 2010, in the framework of the project, a Decree-Law on volunteerism
was issued by the President. An implementing Decree, adopted in March 2011, laid
down the conditions allowing to promote and support volunteerism taking into
account the relevance of its application in the construction a more cohesive and
caring society. Moreover, the Statute and the Mandate of the National Volunteer
Corps were approved by the Council of Ministers and the Decree creating the Corps
was published in August 2012 (Decree-Law No. 25/2012). The National Volunteer
Corps, then created, would assume the responsibilities of the National Volunteer
Programme and takeover the National Volunteer Agency after a period of transition.
The definition of legal implementation framework including a Volunteer passport,
envisioned to recognize the value of volunteer contribution, culminated with the
publication of the Ministerial Ordinance regulating the "Volunteer Passport in April
These shifts, adoption of a legal framework of Volunteerism and creation of a
National Volunteer Corps, have provided a new landscape for volunteerism in the
country and call for the establishment of a strategic framework, to renew the
analysis and to develop a feasible and visionary roadmap for advancing CNVs
vision and mandate within this new landscape. The new framework should be
accompanied by a theory of change document.

The scope and focus of the consultancy are to provide technical, strategic and
facilitation support to enable the development of a renewed strategic plan for the
National Volunteer Corps for the 2015 -2020 period.
Under overall supervision of the local UNV Field Unit and guidance of the CNV
Coordinator, the local consultant will be tasked to
Assess and analyse CNVs internal environment providing an idea of the
needs and gaps in delivering on its strategy
Assess and analyse CNVs environment and stakeholders
Synthesis of results and identify strategic opportunities
Plan and facilitate a workshop with Board members, staff and others to
prioritize strategic directions
Support the President and Board in designing appropriate metrics using the
Theory of Change model and/or an organizational balanced scorecard to best
align with identified strategic priorities
Draft and finalize CNVs strategic plan
After an initial review of organizational documents, relating to structure,
finances, staff, management, history, activities, projects and policies, aimed
at identifying the current status of the organization, the consultant will
develop an analysis framework and work plan to guide the assessment.
S/he will conduct a thorough, but focused assessment of CNVs strengths and
weaknesses, as well as external opportunities and threats, with a view to
identifying appropriate strategic options for the 2015-2020 operational
period. The assessment will include review of relevant documents, in
particular CNVs vision and mission statements, existing strategic plan(s) and
key project documents, strategic plans of key partner agencies, donor
organizations, and related reports.
Based on the analysis of CNVs internal environment, s/he will provide a needs
assessment, a capacity gap analysis and recommendations for the
strengthening of the institution.
The consultant will also 1) conduct individual interviews with key informants,
and 2) facilitate in-depth focus group/facilitated discussions among
stakeholders and beneficiaries in person or using web-based technologies
and/or teleconferencing, to identify the current status, future challenges and
individual recommendations
The use of participatory processes is expected. Critical reflection by staff,
Board members and stakeholders is integral to this strategic planning
initiative. As such, the Consultant will be expected to provide for active and
meaningful engagement of CNV staff members, partners, donors, and other
stakeholders, including other relevant government representatives.
It is expected that data will be analysed using a rigorous and transparent
analysis framework, summarized and presented back to CNV to aid in
prioritization of strategic directions. A key aspect of the consultancy is
preparation for and facilitation of strategic planning workshop with CNVs
Board members and staff.
All data and the results of the workshop will be consolidated into a draft and
finalized strategic document, including analysis and the presentation of
metrics using a Theory of Change model and/or a balanced scorecard
The strategic plan will:
o -define/clarify mission, vision, values, objectives and strategy
o -define strategic priorities and action plans
o -develop more effective communication and collaboration
o -develop an effective internal evaluation mechanism
o -propose a financial reporting system
o -develop a sustainable fundraising strategy
-propose improvements to organizational structure
UNV Field Unit and the National Volunteer Corps Coordination and will be
responsible for:
Preparing the Terms of Reference
Selecting, contracting and managing the Consultant
Covering the costs of and managing communications and logistics associated
with the assessment
Actively engaging with the Consultant during the assessment
Identifying stakeholders and relevant documents as needed
The Consultant will be responsible for:
1. Preparation of a work plan and an appropriate Assessment Framework
2. Actively engaging with staff, Board members and other stakeholders through
the use of participatory processes
3. Regular progress reporting to UNV and CNV
4. Production of deliverables in accordance with the requirements and
timeframes of the Terms of Reference.

The consultant will provide the following deliverables:
An Analysis Framework based on these Terms of Reference
A strategic planning workshop
A strategic plan document including:
o Executive summary
o Background
o Internal and External analysis
o Strategic priorities
o Metrics to assess progress made in the attainment of these strategic
priorities (using Theory of Change and/or Organizational Balanced
Scorecard and/or similar methodology)
o Strategic plan


5. Duration of the Assignment
20 working days starting on February 2, 2015 and ending no later than March 15,
Minimum Masters degree in social science, administration or relevant area.
Minimum 5 years of experience in design and/or monitoring & evaluation of
development projects (voluntary sector related will be an asset).
Excellent knowledge and understanding of socio-economic and political
context of the country.
Excellent written and spoken skills in Portuguese and good English reading
Excellent research, analytical and communication skills, both oral and written
Understanding of volunteerism/voluntary sector would be a definite asset

The ideal Consultant will have knowledge of and/or proven expertise in:
Participatory approaches in conducting assessments and facilitating strategic
planning processes
Familiarity with the Theory of Change approach and building organizational
balanced scorecards
Strategic planning document preparation
All applications should be submitted to the email address, indicating the
following reference Consultant for Strategic Planning for National Volunteer
Corps in Cabo Verde by 5 February, 2015 COB, and should include the following documents:
Letter of confirmation of interest and submission of financial proposal (template annex)
Consultant CV and P11 form
Technical proposal, comprising proposed methodology and work plan;
Financial proposal, including proposed fee (lump sum)

Incomplete applications will be excluded from further consideration.

Criteria for Evaluation of Proposal: The selection will be made based on the educational background and
experience on similar assignments. The financial proposal will weigh as 30% of the total scoring


The evaluation consultant will produce the following deliverables:

Deliverab Responsibiliti t
Content Timing
le es Schedul
Contract signing 10%
Analysis Consultant clarifies timing and No later than 1 Consultant 10%
Framework methods week before the submits to CNV
workshop and UNV Field
Strategic Consultant in
planning coordination
workshop with National
Draft Consultant 30%
Strategic submits to CNV
plan and UNV Field
document Unit

Strategic Revised document including: Within 1 week of Consultant 50%

plan final receiving CNV /UNV submits to CNV
Executive summary
document Field Unit comments and UNV Field
on draft Unit
Internal and External
Strategic priorities
Metrics to assess progress
made in the attainment of
these strategic priorities
(using Theory of Change
and/or Organizational
Balanced Scorecard
and/or similar
Strategic plan

The report together with the annexes shall be written in Portuguese and shall be
presented in electronic form in MS Word format to facilitate comments and PDF

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